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The Clinton New Era, 1890-04-18, Page 7
messessommenormsemmementAnnionemenessammeasew CATARRH, tr*TAftsti.A}. RCA.1rJN:fr.3 HAY ring's A NCW. Hour viiskrMCNT. (? Oereltl. are not generally aware that tharkelliSONtell are contriVaiatpt that they art due tit the presnnc6 of 1iv11n r, palisitps in the fining membrane of the nose and " etzaf dbiinlp tubes. Microscopic research, 110eever, has proved thin to be a fact, and. the result or this discovery is that a simple remedy bas been formulated where- by Catarrh, catarrhal deafness and hay fever are permanently cured in from one to three simple applications made at home by the patient once in two weeks. l'j ld =This treatment is not a snuff or an ointment ; both have been discarded by reputable pharsiciana as injurious. A • pamphlet explaining this new treatment is, sent on receipt of ten cents by A. H. I?axox 4C Boa, 3.03 West King Street, Toronto,Canada.—Toronto Globe. 11 StiVerers from Catarrhal troubles should r„,,: study read the above. ,76” h Bruises OR Sore Eyes Catarrh Lameness Female Complaints Sunburn S0r ness S rains Bruises AVOID ALL ':.IITA- TIONS. THEY MAY BE DANGEROUS. Santa Gatiiiue Island To the ,Editor of the Cl(nton New Jlra. I?s d# Birt. —I inteltd to write a brief sketch of this islaud with the one so eruia.thought that I shall not be able to ?Rat justice, . The island is situated ab ut 20 miles from the mainland, and =RUTTING' FOR TUR TIAREAIS. The Rayne Britanniquo con- tains an article descriptive of the trainin., '4 girls for harems. beiv 'Prvn is begun at a very is 5 miles longand 9 broad. Abort rly - , hildren from seven to 18 miles north f Avalon (where I es- ten being usually chosen for file hibit my shingle) is a town site, to wit, i purpose. The girls are then sent Johnson's and here a $250,000 hotel is to a regular harem school, where to be erected this summer by the Eng-' they aro educated and taught var- lish syndicate who own the island, and ' ions accomplishments. Those in - whose capital is estimated at $5,000,- 000; they will in all probability build! tended for the Sttltar_'R harem are and run their own steamer to the chief I taught music and Pre: -.011. (f, resort, Avalon. Messrs Bannings & however, as they grow older, they Co. will (run two steamers from San are found to be stupid or wanting, Pedro as heretofore,for the express per- in good looks, they tire hold as pose of bringing over the thousands of overworked Easterners who make this slaves' to the lower Mobility. The island their haven of rest for some six girls from Persia tend Afganistun or eight months of the year iu order rice in great demand, particularly to recuperate. To the invalid it is a from the latter country. Circas health restorative,for here he can drink mineral water without leaving his house slags generally supply the Turk- to but of course a certain amount of the ish slave market, not u1,1v with efficacy is lust in the water by being their own children, but wi th gi cis piped down the the ravines, those to w•l,o hive been stolen in their in - whom walking might prove a boon l'ancv front t Hussi in toll the row - ted.. m,,ela,:ta FtC-SIMILE OF BOTTLE WITH BUFF WRAPPER. Chafing USE Scalds POND'S piles P� Burns -Wnunds �T CT insect Bites Stings Sore Feet INFLAMMATIONS and HEMORRHAGES ALL QAIN DEMAND POND'S EX- TRACT. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE FOR IT THIS IS THE ONLY RIGHT KIND. DONOT TAKE ANY OTHER. and blessing can in a few min .t s reach the springs and drink and live. The island is mountainous, rugged, but well watered, there are numerous canons and plenty of harbors, some of them large, others small, but they all contain the same grand romantic scen- ery so refreshing to the tired brain or over-worked system. The principal and the most popular harbor is Avalon, and this name im- plies, a gear in the ocean ; the harbor is deep, safe and sheltered ; the sea so calor a child can safely row a boat; the water clear fish can be seen gambolling 40 feet beneath the service- surely here is a heaven nn earth, if such a name might be use d for an earthly pertedise. Avalon is I believe, the only one on the Pacific coast with an eastern exposure, here every rough wind is tempered; so nought but gentle zephyrs stir the broad leaves of the stately palm ; those with weak lungs suffer no cold blasts, the foga seem to slight this spot and Avalon is free from till such annoyance s. Tho beach is full of entere•st, and the bay of enjoyment ; fishing, bathing, boating, shell -hunting; retie soar.;hiug, exploring the mountains, and then a ride over the trails with just enough danger thrown in to make it the more exhilarating and keeping the rider more than einployed, anal yet ahoy all, the charm of hunting wild goats, with camp fires in the mountains. Look where ye will is there aught to sadden ye among the scenes, look to the East, across the ocean of glass and see mountains lowering one over thelother mantled with snow—ah! what pen, what painter can tell of this picture at the raising of the sun ? See yon battle- ments and towers decked with crimson and gold, and the sun rises higher and the rays leap from crag to crag lighting nature'clamps that burn till the going down of the sun ; and the crimson on mountains darken, even darkening, dying slowly out in the solemn stillness of the twilight and it is gone like a breath. Look to the north, the south, the west, the hills covered with living verdure picturesqnely dotted with the spotless white canvas tents of the campers, listen to the song coming across the water, hear the merry laughter of the children, it is then that one can with Charles Dickens know "how Christ could liken the kingdom df God to a child," surely here:— Every prospect pleases And only man is vile and then to know you will have a sweet rest at uight, for night is always cool,no matter how hot the day is, and you may sleep under blankets and un- der the stars if you will, there being few or no mosquitos. What can be said of Santa Catalina, it is a charming spot. There is no place like it, and never can be. Yet now I come to find out this is- land has an additional interest for me would ye ken, the noble red man flourished here, and his looked upon the sights that I see, and has climbed the mounts that I climb ; I am an ad- mirer of the ruthless savage in his un- civilized state,then he was ambitious proud, honorable and honest, i.e. to a certain degree; but see what civilization and fire water or aquadiente has done for him, now he is the most despicable creature that treads God's footstool. The race of Indians that peopled this island were of fine physique and there is no doubt of there Being intellectually better than their red skinned brothers of the mainland, when the island was first discovered in 1542 the Indians were noted for their prowess in battle and their superiority over other races of a like color. Ah! well our copper skinned brethren have shuffled off this me rtal coil and handed in their checks; their disappearance is accounted for by an epidemic probably, I think Los Gripos, but that the whole race died as it were in a day and left no trace be- hind to tell what tribe they belonged there is no doubt, years ago an Indian woman was taken from the neighbor- ing island San Clementi to the San Gabriel Mission where she shortly died, there were none anomg the Indians at the mission, (and they represented al- most every tribe) who could converse with the Clementi squaw, so she died and with her was,buried the secret of a whole .nation—think of it—a relict— the last of a race that man will never kcow anything about. Indian relics are being constantly found, arrow heads, stone pipes, stone pestles and mortars in which they ground their corn, stone rings, wam- pum ; there are many mounds on the moissourniossmasot CASTOR IA for infants end Children. e."1►-��►. e'Oastortsfesowefladaptedtocbfldrentbst Os er is cures Jolie, constipation, 1 recommend it as uuppertor toany prescaiptton Sour stomach, Diarrhma, Eructation' karma to me." a A. Aacaaa, N.D., �egw�°rmo, Clues i1i ep. sad pronsote di. 11180. Oxford 8t.. i111ookgta, N. T. Wiibottt,°laimioae medication. Tan cm -maim COMPANY, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. Is the time to buy Rost Bushes, Evergreens, Or namental and Fruit Trees 01011 :tn 'troy i neer, of Hungary. The :;vp•i,•-, it i., stated, up to the pr. -scot ting', t•:.tice young chil- dren away from their homes, and travel with tlleni to the market of Top -Maur, where 'het e i.: a con- struct demal.c1 for ,good- looking girls, Soule few years ago these thefts became so common, that the Iluil;,;ariun Government in- stituted an inquiry into the sub- ject, and since then trade has de- creased ; but it is still cam ied on secretly to :e certain extent. One of the rules of the Summit: harem is that when a slave has reached the Rae (Al °5, and does not meet with the approVal r'f' the Sultan, she is immediately removed tend married t., one of the court otli- I • consulted , Its i Clap, `,, ..�, •.' t:.ste is n0. .�n�L upon the subject, but who acqui- esces in the inevitable, with true Oriental indifference. B. L.AURANCE'S Spectacles. • Send for Prices. Th coIch1•atoil Spectacles are fitted in every instance with B. Lau. ran, a a est, and a certainty of being suited is gimennteed. You can depeL'. '_etting the GENUINE B. LAURAN '!: SPEC"EACLES t{t, by calling and examining the i -tock at IC) 1`� rftf LAIN -7r CI)I . E. T. HOLMES, New Era Office, Clinton Ert;it,I 'r12 THOUSANDS OF BOTTLES COVEN AWAY YEARLY. When 1 sayCure 1 do not mean we merely to stop them for a time, and flom have them return again. 1 MEAN AaSDICALCURE. I have made the disease. of Fits, Epilepsy or Falling; Sickness a llf--long study. 1 warrant my remedy to Cure the worst cases. Because others lw.ve failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Gree Bottle of my Infallible Rem©dy. Give Express and Post Officeit costs you nothing for a trial, and it will cure you. Address: 19. G. ROO'r, Branch Office, 186 WEST AID-t.AI.CE STREET, TORONTO. - THE CLINTON HECLINTON 1vEW ERA R. HOLMES, - - Publisher, CLINTO , a - O ti T. • R OUNEW Onos UR E ■ owe Watch Worth 8100. iii►►►. Best V86 watch 1n the world. Perfect timekeeper. Warranted heavy, SOLID GOLD bunting caeca Both ladies' and gents size., with works and cage. of qual value. ONS PARSON In act locality can secure one ree, together with our large and valuable line ofaousehold . ambles. These eamplea, as well as the watchh are free. All the work you need do is to show what w. send you to those who call—your friends and neighbor. and those about you—that always result. in valuable trade torus, which holds for years when once started, and thus we aro repaid. We pay all express, freight; etc. After . you know all, If you would hko to gn to work for us. you can elerix from S20 to SOO er week and uwards. Addreas Stinfign CopBox p512, Portland, Maine. V. rHE BEST - KINGI PO 1DER -4- NfcLdRE:I'S GENUINE C0011 Fla No Alum. Notin:; in uriou3. GARTH &Cil. FACTOI'lY Si:?I?L!ES Valves, Iron & Lead Pipe Loose Pulley O':rrs, Steam Jet Plmns, Farm Pumas. \nevi 'r Cream Secsrst:n, C try and Lai r. c ry is s' i 533 CRAIG A NEW DRESS 1'Olt TEN CENTS This seeming impossibility was ac- complished by a young lady who lives on Mountain street. Like other women she wanted a new dress. But slie did not feel that slie could afford one. Af- ter some time spent in examining her old clothes. which had already done her good service but were now faded or unfashionable, she selected a gray wool Henriette for the basis of her experi- menting. After ripping the dress, and taking out a paint spot by rubbing with a pre. paration which she had made by shak- ing together in a bottle one-fourth pint of benzine, one-fourth of water, four ounces of ammonia, and four ounces of sal -soda, she washed the goods thor- oughly. Then with a ten cent package of Diamond Dye Navy Blue, she changed. her gray dress to a handsome and fashionable color. As the directions for using this dye were plainly given on the envelope although this was the young lady's first experience in dyeing she had no trouble in getting perfectly satisfactory results. Of course her ! A success in this instance has led to other experiments among her friends and so far as learned all of them have found that Diamond Dyes are just as recommended, easy to use, true to name and give fast and beautiful colors. Doesn't this solve the problem of how to dress well with little expense. we give it to our readers as a suggestion, and we hype they may profit by it. The proprietors of Diamond Dyes offer to give a thirty two page book, containing full directions for home dyeing dresses, hats, feathers, hid gloves, etc., to any lady reader' of this paper. If you keep house, mention that fact to them, and you will also C IADWICK'S SPOOLt COTTON ?or JTanti and Machine Use. NA: 10 SUPERIOR. ASIC FOR IT. -�1 LEAI{E1QRgL STEEL -LINE) 'RINKS In Sample, Ladles' ar d all other kinds. 11E1itest and Strongest TRUNKS In the World. J. EVELEIGH &•CO MO'NTR'EAL, Sole Ds. for the Dazin'n aOTIUBAIM ORAL MONTREAL. Notre Elame Rt., onset the moat central and elegantly furnished Hotels in the CLi A000mmodatloa for .too guests. 00 'RUFF, e ammo DOMINION ■ Ptato o tl se to $3 per dap. A7 PEARS' Sell Ai'tS for Canada, #. PALMER&SON Nholesale Imp'trs of !MISTS' SUNDRIES 1743 NOTRE DAME 51., MONTREAL. SOAP. LEATHER BOARD COMPANY. Manufacturers of ASBESTOS MILLBOARD Steam, Pecking, FRICTION PULLEY BOARD, This dna ParfeotFrietion RECKITT'S BLUE. T14E BEST FOR LAUNDRY USE, PAPERS Wrapping, ((anills, US. 0. Co ALL SIZES Cp AND WEIGHTS To ORDER 21 DeBfea01eslt, oHNS anis W' LUIDbEEF � . o rJ1E OREAT STR6't�G-TH GIVER APERFEOT FOQn toivOR THE si AraaiNG tk NutorriousoarERAOE GENTSF NMIrrc iGS X x We have just received a large and attractive assortment of the latest styles for spring and summer weal. \Ve bought an immense stock at close cut prices, and are offering to the public good goods at prices that were never before heard of in this section. Conte and see the goods. Nobby HATS, Dandy CAPS, Beautiful TIES, Pretty SHIRTS, Nice Colored GLOVES. 6. GLASGOW receive a copy of the Diamond Dye Address, Wella, Itschardson & Co., Montreal, P. Q. NEXT DOOR NORTH To DIiY (GOODS PALACE. X x TIIE NEW ERA is published every Friday ; it gives about Thirty-two Columns of Fresh Reading Matter Every Week ; Correct Market Reports from Toronto and in this neighborhood ; has a Large Circulation and is Unsurpassed as an Ad- vertising Medium. Will be sent to any address for $1.50 a year, in advance. JOB DEPARTMENT 1i;iti t,1IW lrldi ix�vi3t Y aid• . STEEL ROOS-IRON r-OUNOATI .' BUILDERS' IRON WORK, Office Railings, lawn Furnidim. AND FOUNTAINS, ETC. Barn ?Aro R&BIron Works WALKERVILLE, ONTARIO. We have all the latest styles of type for Circulars, Jale Bills, and any kind of printing that can be desired. Prices the Lowes, Work the Finest and satis- faction guaranteed. One trial is certain to bring another. R. HOLMES, BOX 74. CLINTON. island that mark the sleeping pla.e of some sooty visaged warrior, and these are being opened for the curiosities therein contained. I wasexamining a skull recently, the forehead was broad and intellectual, the cheek bones were not prominent, and the teeth white and regular, and altogether I should say a very superior sort of skull ; world that I could only have pierced the past and give to the world the history of a lost and forgotten race. For the sportsmen there is a great quantity of small game. I have seen quail running like chickens in the barn yard, and have known 90 to have been shot in two days. Our trees are alive with song birds and notably among these is the "mocking bird" whose note I think varies more by one half than other feathered songsters and puts that household abomination, the tame canary completely in the shade. The climate and enrreundinge of this eden would force genius into anyone, it will into me, when i have been here long enough, we have poets blossom- ing day by day who write innumerable canton and waste folios and foolscap, use an unabridged dictionary of an evening, read it ever in the morning, light their pipes with it at noon and at night start all over again. When I have poetacy thrust on me I will write A POWERFUL INWGdRATOA •t trSridxi+atutixt ORIGIN OF QUININE. Of the thousands who say qui- nine is "good for everything," few are aware that its introduction in- to the pharmacopoeia is of com- paratively recent date. Quinine is one of the most common of home opathic drugs and is used for all ailments. It is an alkaloid obtained from the cinchona bark, whose powerful properties as a tonic became known about 1637. At that time the Countess of Cin- ohon, vice -queen of Peru, was very ill with a Iingering fever, and the best, medical men of South America were in attendance and had almost despaired of the coun- tess' recovery. One day a wash- erwoman appeared at the palace and gave the countess' maid a bark which she directed to be given to het- mistress. The countess ral- lied, and in a short time recover- ed. The strange bark was then called cinchona bark, whose prais- es the vice -queen was always singing.—Chicago Times. The rose of the June time Are Ol so fair to see, But fairer than these flowers are Is the rose that blooms for me On the cheeks once pale and hollow, And God be thanked, I say, That the rose of health and happiness Blooms out again to day. That is what many a man feels like saying when he sees some member of his family restored to health after a long and wasting illness. In many households there are persons who seem to be fading out of life slowly. There is a general debility that indicates a lack of' vital force. The blood 1 color. blood 1 in t be le od On seems O y There is often a dry, hard cough. Night brings no refreshing sleep. The cheek glows thin and pale. What shall be done to ward off disease which is making sle v but sure efforts to secure another and without reading it over fire it off on victim ? Let mo tell you : Get the public as I do this. G. A. SANDP.RRON. Dr. Pierce's (olden Medical Die - Avalon, California. covery, and fight the enemy with C. C. BICRAsne & Co. it. There is nothing like it to Gents.—I was cured of a severe at. build up a weakened system, an(t tack of rheumatism by using MIN- sel•esetOre 10et vitality. Itis a most ARD'S LINIMENT, after trying all wonderful tonic, nutritive and a!- other remedies for 2 years. terative, Or blood -purifier. Co., N. 13. Gaonoii TINOLInt. RENTING A DRESS SUIT. 'What (toes it cost to rent a dress suit?' The question came from a shab- by genteel young man who drop- ned in on a prominent costumer of Detroit. 'What do you want to use it for, sir, ?' queried the dealer, blandly - 'Party.' 'Dancing patty ?' 'Yes, sir.' 'For one night, $2. That is the price of a full suit,—trousers, coat and vest. Without the trousers I will knock off $1. Do you want suit now, sir li 'Want it next week.' 'Well, that's lucky. All orders for this week are gone-' 'Does anything go with the strit4' queried the young man, softly? 'In what way ?' 'Shoes, collar, shirt, necktie?' 'No, sir.' 'Can you furnish the whole com- plete ?' 'For double the price, yes, sir; patent leathers and all for double the pried:' 'Diamonds.' 'A large sparkte.for your shist 50 cents extra. There, that's just right, $6.50. Thank you sir, I'll have a firstclass outfit ready the day you mention.' 'Big trade?' queried the report- er as the customer disappeared. 'Well, rather,' said the dealer smiling. Thirty suits let out for that same affair already. His or- der makes thirty-one.—Detroit Free Press. Minard's Liniment cures Diphtheria. The Manitoba Legislature has passed a bill wiping out all church and college tax exemptions, the law to go into force next year. Have you a Cough ? Take Wilson's Wild Cherry Have you a Cold? Take Wilsons Wild Cherry, Have you Bronchitis? Take Wilson's Wild Cherry. Have your lost your Voice? Take Wilson's Wild Cherry. Have you Asthma? Take Wilson's Wild Cherry Have you a Cold in the Head? Take Wilson s Wile Cherry. The OLD RELIABLE CURE for all diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs. Sold by druggists The Safest AND most powerful alterative is Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Young and old are alike benefited by its use. For / the eruptive dis- ease.; peculiar to children nothing else is so effective as this medicine, while its agreea- ble flavor makes it easy to admin- ister. " My little boy haul large scrofu- lous ulcera on his neck and throat from which he suffered terribly. Two physicians attended him, hut he grew continually worse under their care, and everybody expected he would die. I had heard of the remarkable cures effected by Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and decided to have my boy try tr. Shortly after he began to take this medicine, the ulcers com- mene•ed healing, and, after using several beetles, he was entirely cured. Ho is now t:.. healthy and strong as any boy of Lis Willium F. Dougherty, I1:11a• ' ell, Va. ' In `day last, my youngest child, foarteen hent lis old, began to have sores gather on its head and body. We ap- pliea various simple remedies without avail. The sores increased in number enol •1!:.eilnrge,t copiously. A physician v.:ri ...died, but the soros continued to I nl!Hply until in a few months they Henriy covered the child's head and body. :•.t I fit WV began the use of Ayer's Sar - Ha. in a few days a marked o;uur_ ;.n• the tier was manifest. The t r . ,1.tee cl a More healthy condition, ,li.;rl:orfv s were gradually dimin- ' i e,1 andLd 1 trolly ceased altogether. •'1i:.1 ft line il. r, it skin is fresher. irs appeli'e better 11lan we lint e ob- i • r tn,•.11'o: "—Fraul: 1. i;rtttln, • f. •m•:' • c , : is Parvnpnrilla r: rc Wsl'ate0 of R1n1O?t. 1. 1,1 112,2 nest remedy known to 'rue. ,sal•:arid."-1). Di. Wilson, I . .. ', i: ;s.'. \r'cansas. A FAVORABLE VERDICT. Mr J. S. Goorgc, Tottenham, Ont. writes :—I have been trou- bled with catarrh for five years. Seeing Nasal Balm advertised I procured a bottle, and although I have only used part of it. 1 do not hesitate to pronounce it the best remedy in the world for catarrh. It 1 :asy and pleasant,to. use, instant in giving relief, ships the droppings from head into the throat and removes all the symp- toms of catarrh and cold in the head. In fact if the directions are faithfully followed nothing but a sure and permanent cure can be the result. ;q � Rrsaarida p 9 Dr. J. C. ".:cr :. Ce. Lowell, Mass. Prise ; ' . , r h (i n bottle. CHRISTMAS GOODS New and carefully selected and bought, come and see, Albums, Mirrors, Booklets, Cards, Childrens Picture Books, Toys and Novelties, all kinds. Xmas PLATES, CUPS and LAUCERS; good and cheap. TICKETS and CARDS for Sunday School classes—a good assortment, p:ices greatly reduced. WORTB.INGTON'S BOOK and DRUG STORE' To make room for New Importations, we will,'until Dee. let.IGIVE TEN PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH on our large stook of CROCKERY, 01L1N.N--4 : AND GLASSWARE. DECORATED DINNER, AND TEA SETS 10 PIECE TOILET SETS. Parties in need of anything in this line should not miss the opportunity of se curing cheap bargains, as we are bound to reduce our stook. We Offer NEW S/4m 4IAPAN TEA at 40 cents, worth 0 We Offer NEW SEASON BLACK TEA at 25 cents, worth 40. We Offer NEW SEASON MEN TEA at 25 cents, worth 35, NEW CURRANTS and RAISINS, cheap, 2 BROOMS for 25c. FRESH FINAN HADDIE, SISCOS, HERRING, BLOATERS,' &c. Goods promptly delivered to any part of the town. Give us a call. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. N. ROBSON, CHINA HALL. TVel'cople'sHaroess &Gpactry140, LdesIio' We have just received a full stock of CHRISTMAS and NEW 'YEARS PBBESe'' ENTS for young and old consisting of Chlldrene CUPS, SAUCERS, MUGS* (S, MOUSTACHE CUPS, TEA SETS, EGG CUPS, &c. SILVER\VARE .,,';( CASTORS, CRUETS, PICKLE DISHES, KNIVES, FORKS, SP001�6'r.� , BUTTER KNIVES, WATCHES, GOL1) \WATCHES, BROOCHE CUA BUTTONS, CHAINS, CHARMS, I'INS, COLLAR BUTTONS. A large sortment of Vases, all kinds. Santaclaus head quarters for Toys of every des scription, such as Horns, Bugles, Animals, Music Boxes, Work Boxes Dark gat,' Magid Lanterns, Guns, Whistles, Books, False Faces. Dominoes, Tops, Pietol*,, ,, Swiss Magic Houses, Purses, Whips, childrens Tea Sets, Fancy Candy, &c. All the above articles will be sold cheap for cash. Drop in and gee Eheatl before they are all gone. My stock of Xmas Groceries is complete and at leWeittt current prices. Other lines of goods also complete, Harness, Whips al,nh' Blankets, Belts and all goods found in a harness shop. Tinware, Hardwfsre5' Crockery, Glassware, Flower, Feed Jewellery, &c. The highest price para in cash for all kinds of Fnre or 10 per cent advance if taken in trade. All kiutis;s Produce taken the seine as cash. After thanking you for past ovatom and ItOua lioiting a continuance. I wish you a merry Xmas and it happy New "Item„ GEO. NEWTON - - LOlyP `*.Y