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PRXDA.X, A>t 311. 1&A L890.
A Story From Real Lite.
on it, with two or three bits of adv
or that had been brought from Italy
and were polished till they Shone
like mirrors in the light of the lamp.
The bottle of Obianti had a ribbon
tied around its neck, and there was
altogether an appearance of festivity
about the place, which the savory
odor of a choice minestra wafted
from the little kitchen did nothing
to dispal. Rush noticed that the
table was laid for four, and he pic-
tured in his mind the raven locks
CONTINUED. and black eyes of the favored son of
"Yes," said Hastings in a patro-' Italy, who was probably soon to
nixing tone; "he seems quite au ami- make his appearance as tht guest of
able young man. A reporter or the evening. "Leorti's color and the
something of that sort, isn't he?" unusual brightness of her eyes tell I'
"Well, yes, something of that tales that need no words," said
sort," said Helen, taking up the flush to himself "Well, some sil-
cudgels rather agatainst Hastings' veca.woiced tenor is going to win a
io na
tone than bis words.. All joule• prizr. L«oni is an exceptionally
alists, no matter how great they nice girl, and she is very beautiful."
may become, begin at the bottom of Leoni seemed a little embarrassed
the ladder and learn all the branch-' and the parents a little mysterious;
es of their work. Mr Ilutlstoue is . so between the two Rush thought it
devoted to his profession, Ho will ; hest to state his business and get
be editor of 'I'he Dawn some clay, away l,« fore the arrival of the lover.
you mark my words." Ile made known his business to the
"Indeed he will, if industry and ex-cannoat ball tosser, who was de -
ability go for anything," chimed in lighted with the idea of so pleasant
Aunt Rebecca. a pupil, and the time and terms
"Mr Hurlstone's success would were agreed upon at once. Rush
not surprise me," said Hastings, arose to go, but before he had made
with a slighifr sneer in his voice. his adieus tine door bell rang, and
"A man who an make such devot- l,uuni disappeared in the hall. It
ed friends of the ladies is bound to seemed as though alis would never
succeed. Women rule the world, come back. Rush did not want to
say what you will," go out and disturb her, nor did he
"The truth is well spoken," said want to stand in the middle of the
Uncle Lightfoot. "This young floor and twirl his hat until she re-
Hurlstone, however, strikes me as turned.
a go ahead, sensible young fellow, ' "'AL, these young people!" said
and I hope II-leti's predictions will Sienese ('ella,with an amused shake
prove true." of the head.
"I echo pair sentiments, Uncle
Lightfoot, and should be plersed to
see Virtue row:ueieel, replied llast-
Helen felt like saying soutetliilr_
sharp in reply, tint as ll,.stings was
her guest, she retrained. lieside,,
she thought perhaps it was a lire; . of
jealousy that affected his speech,
and she was too much of it woent,n
not/to forgive sarcasm that arose
,,-Exam such a source. She therefore
for said The oftener he saw it the
better ho was pleased, He was af-
fectionate, but there was nothing
sentiraental'about him.
Rusk tried to see bis brother the
day after the meeting at the Cellae',
but he couldn't find him. It must
have been a fortnight before he met
him, and in the meantime he had
taken his first Italian lesson from
the es -cannon ball tosser. Leoni
was not at home. She was attend-
ing a rehealsel at the Academy of
music, and Signora Cella was out in
Third avenue, marketing. Rush
tried to find out, without prying to
led the conversation around to the
European trip, and Rush Iluilstoue
and his aspirations were forgotten
Soule whispering was heard in
tete hall, and Leoni entered, followed
by a man. She was just about to
introduce the gentlemen, when they
both stepped forward and stared at
each other in aruazeulent.
"Why„John,. yon here!"
"Aiello mush, old man! glad to
sere on." And John shook his
brother affectionately by the hand.
Rush v...8 so astonished that he had
uothine to sav, but John was per-
fectly at his ease. Push remember-
ed the vdieintnce with which John
hail denied any acquaintance with
in the discussion of pleasant plans , Leoni, and his heart misgave him -
for the summer. not for John's sake, but fcr Leoni's
Poor Rush! ho could not to soon and for that of Arny Bayliss.
turn the current of his thoughts. `'So you know Mr Stone?" said
He began by wishing that he had Leoni. How very nice! I am so
never been born; but he thought- g :id you ale friends."
Rush saw that there was a mys-
tery about his acquaintanceship,
but this was not the ting or the
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.
He felt that he bad lost, and be
walked from Twentieth street to place to unravel it; so he bade them
Printing House square, thinking
good evening, and took his leave.
over his desperate case. The sight' What dig it mean? John was evi-
of The Dawn office recalled him to densly on terms of intimacy with
himself, and, having no occasion to the Collas household.
enter the building that night, he John was an attractive fellow,
turned around and walked back to and Leoni was, to say the least,
his lodgings. His ease was certain -
unich interested in him. 'There
ly a hard one. He, a penniless boy, would be no hal rn in this if John
loved with all the impetuosity of was not engaged to Amy Bayliss.
youth the most popular singer of Poor little Amy! Lush thought of
the day -a woman any man would ' her big blue eyes and baby face.
be proud to call his wife, whom all He would like to thrash John, if he
men loved, but to whose hand few ! was going to throw the confiding
aspired, owing to her position, and I little thing over after winning her
the careful manner in which she
was guarded, The wealthiest young
bachelor in New York was acknow-
ledged to be her slave. She could
marry him if she would, so every
-one said, but she would probably
marry a Russian prince or an Eng-
lish duke.
It was already said that two such
eligible suitors visiting this country
had expressed their willingness to
share the prima donna's ducats; and
be, Rush Hurlstone, a young coun-
try boy, with his fame and fortune
still to make, dared to love her !-
As he stood at his window that
night, looking out at tho moon,
which seemed to bo shining with
especial brilliance over the spot
where her house stood, he registered
a vow that be would not give him-
self up to repining, but would bide
his time.
"I cannot believe that I was put
in the world merely to be the shut-
• tlecock of fate. I'll be my own
battledoor," said he aloud, "and
knock myself into a position by her
Why don't you learn Italian?"
Helen asked Rush, one day. "It
would be a good thing for you in
your profession I should think, and
you know Latin so well it would
not be hard to learn. I might of-
ten want to say something to you
too, that I don't want anyone else
to understand," she added smilingly.
Rush thought the idea a good
One, and the last part of the argu-
inent carried conviction with it.
He determined to learn at once, and
in thinking about a teacher, he re-
member Leoni and her family.
There was the ex -Dannon ball toss-
er -not an unintelligent man -with
time banging heavy on his hands.
He would make a capital teacher.
At any rate, he could go over to the
little apartment and make the sug-
gestion. He owed the Cellae a vis-
it. They bad been very kind to Mm
when be was alone in New York,
and now that be bad found other
friends he had quite neglected them.
So on his way up town at about
6 o'clock one afternoon he stopped
at the Cella apartment. All the
family were at home and in the best
of spirits. Leoni never looked pret-
tier. She was dressed in gala day
attire, and so was the little room in
'which she lived. The curtains were
tied hack with gay ribbons, and
flowers stood in all sorts of recap- that his vis-a-vis was a lu+natie. But
facies about the apartment. Tne John enjoyed seeing Leltpi's photo.
Attble was sot for dinner, and looked "'graph's in `the shop windo`ttgs. She
• er'y attractive. The cloth was
snow white, and the beat china was
affections SO thoroughly. And Le-
oni-what would she say if she
knew of John's engagement? But
perhaps, after all, Rush was magni•
fying the affair.
Perhaps if Rush had seen Amy
Bayliss she might have told him
that there was no falling off in
John's attentions. His letters were
frequent, but short, and his flcwers
were regularly. Amy felt quite
happy, for John had named their
wedding day in one of his early let-
ters. To be sure, he had made no
allusion to it lately, but the thing
once settled, why harp upon it?
John had not faltered in his af-
fection for Amy, but a new affec-
tion had sprung up in his heart,
and he was madly in love with Leoni
Cella. He was one of those men
who are so constituted that they can
love two women at the same time,
but not alike. John was more in
rove, perhaps I should say more
wildly in love, with Leoni than he
was with Amy. Her dark Italian
eyes fascinated him, and there was
something in his nature that enjoy-
ed loving a woman who was before
the public. He liked to sit in the
theatre, and say to himself as she
came tripping down the stage, "that
is the girl I love; you may clap your
hands and shout yourselves hoarse,
gentlemen, but she doesn't care a
button for one of you. I am the
man of her choiceE"
Now Rush, on the contrary, was
not at all attracted by the profes-
gional life of the woman he loved.
He couldn't bear the idea of her be-
ing a "public character" -one whom
every one felt at liberty to speak of
with perfect freedom, and whose
photograph any man could buy, If
bo could have afforded it, he would
have bought every photograph of
Helen that had been taken, and
have bidden them away where no
one but he could see them. IIe
could hardly keep his hands off a
a man he met in a Nassau street
shop one day. The man was mak
ing a collection of stage favorites
and he had a lot of Helen's photo
graphs spread out on the counter
before him. These he picked up and
criticised in tern. Ile didn't mean
to say anything out of the way, but
Rush wondered, when ho thought it
over, why he itad not strangled him
on the spot. Instead of that, be
hurried out of the shop, after shoot-
ing glances at tho man that must
have left him with the impression
es tbbo door swung to on its well,
oiled h}nges,
Col, .5tortimer returned to his
desk, and, taking nine of the bills,
rolled them side by side in'his ea-
piacioue wallet. The tenth he took
in and handed to John.
"There, you lucky dog, that is
your share of the day's receipts. I
take as much myself; the rest goes
for office expenses." John was fool
enough to believe him; for, with all
his worldly mindedness, he was very
credulous. He thanked Mortimer,
folded the bill neat'y and put it in
his waistcoat pocket. There it be -
deeply into his brother's affairs, just gan burning a hole at once.
what John's pcsition in the house -1 "How long before you're going
hold was. He did not tell Signora up town, Colonel?"
Cella that Mr Stone, as he called "Not for some time yet. 1 have
him, was his brother, but he said some matters of importance to look
that he knew
, and he
soon over before r
e I go."
found that he was answering all Cul- "Then I won't wait for you. I
la's questions lather than Cella his. Lava an errand or two on my way
The old lean seemed very anxious up. I'll see you at the club this
to learn all he could about "Mr evening."
Stone." lie had been introduced to Closing his desk and throwing a
Signora Celle, and Leoni by a Col light spring topcoat over his arm, he
Mortimer, whom the ballet master put his hat rakishly onhis head and
at the Academy vouched for as be- stepped lightly out ot the office and
ing a `perfect gentleman." down the stairs into the street.
No sooner had Mr Stone LottThele Le hailtd a passing cab and
Leoni than he fell in love with her. springing In g Ivo the order "To Tif-
Leoni was used to love at first sight, fany's" and settled himself rack on
and she knew that it usually passed the seat to think what he should
away as suddenly as it came. But buy. He would get something for
in the case of John IIurlstone (or Leoni for love's sake and something
Mr Stone, as she believed him to be) for Amy for the sake of pity. Poor ject which was to take John to
it was different. He had not the Amy! He would get her some task for forgetfulness of his vow to
familiar assured -of success manner thing nice. The cab drew up at a
front a do en tot books," John re.j
plied lightly,
Bush tried to press the matter,
but his brother answered him with
"When are you to marry Amy
Bayliss, John? asked Rush.
An expression of annoyance pees -
ed over John's face, but he replied,
amiably enough:
"Some time in the fall,I believe."
"I thought it was to be in June,"
said Rush.
Something was said about June,
but Amy thought that we had bet-
ter wait," replied John carelessly,
beginning to dress for dinner.
"Delays are dangerous, John."
"And haste is often fatal."
After a pause bush resumed: "I
thought you told me you did not
know Leoni, John?"
"Did I? Than I suppose I didn't
when I told you. One makes ac-
quaintances on short notice in the
city. Nice little thing, isn't she?
The mother is a dear old body. I
quite like the athlete, too. It is he
I go to see you; he is very fond of
Thine was no use in trying to
talk seriously with John. He never
for a moment allowed himself to be
concerned, and, as Rush was going
to dine at the Archer's with Helen
and Archie 'Tillinghast, lie had to
leave without accomplishing his oli-
of the men she had been in the habit famous jeweller's and John entered
of meeting behind the scenes. Ile ' the place with the air of the bank
was gentle and deferential, and he i president. He went direct to the
showed her as much respect as he diamond counter, and asked the ob-
wou]d have shown any lady in her liging salesman to see some solitaire
drawing room. His manner to her rings. After looking over dozens
mother completely captivated that of them, of all sizes and all prices
excellent woman; and one rainy he selected a small white stone for
night, when he took her and her which ho paid three hundred dollars
daughter home in his carriage, she throwing his thousand dollar bill
invited him.in to get warm, and he carelessly on the counter. This was
accepted the invitation with alac- for Leoni; but she must not tell who
city. A few days later lie called to gave it to her - yet awhile. How
see if they bad suffered any incnu-
venience from the rain, and front
that time he had been a regular
visitor at the Cella's, where be won
all hearts by his amiability and
He was more desperately in love
with Leoni than he had ever been
with any other worsen; but I will
not say that he could not have
changed his affections with a change
of scene. He saw before he had
talked wth her many times that she
was as good a girl as had ever lived,
and that if he wanted to be her
friend he must treat her with pro-
per respect. She was a ballet
dancer, to be sure, hut she had been
well brought np. Although she
was deeply in love with him, she never without a fan."
gave Lim to understand, as Juliet So they walked over to the fan
assured Romeo, that he need pay no counter, and John bought a pearl
court to her unless the hent of his handled, feather trimmed, hand
love was honorable and his purpose painted absurdity for $200 (it was
was marriage. John accepted the one of the great "sacrifices") and
position of lover nn these tet ms, sent it off with the most affectionate
forgetting for the time being Amy little note to Amy.
Bayliss and the wedding day that It was her wedding present, every
was not far off. one in Fatensted said for they knew
He had fixed it to be the let of that a wedding day had been named,
June; but after a while he wrote and John certainly could not send
An old physican, retired from prac-
1:ee, having had placed in his hands by
an East India missionary the forunila
of a simple vegetable remedy for the
speedy and permanetitcure of consump-
tion. Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and
all throat and Lung Affections, also a
positive and radical cure for Nervous
Debility and Nervous«Complaints, after
having tested its wonderful curative
powers in thousands of cases, has felt
it his duty to make it known to his suf-
they would enjoy the secret togeth- fering fellows. Actuated by this mot -
erg ive and a desire to relieve human suf•
"Can I show you anything else?" I fering, I will send free of charge, to all
asked tho salesman.
"Yes if you would be so kind. I
want to send a present to a lady in
the country -some little trifle. 1
don't know ladies' tastes very well.
What would you suggest?"
"Really sir, I can hardly say; you
have shown such excellent taste in
the selection of that ring that I
think the lady will fare very well
at your hands. But, as you asked
me, what do you say to a fan? have
some beauties selling at a great
"Capital!" said John. The sum•
mer is coming on, and a lady is
her the /tenderest letter a mart ever
wrote to a woman, •l.ostponing it
till the fall. Amy was perfectly
satisfied with the reasons, and loved
him more than ever for them. S`e
did wish that he could get back to
Farmsted, if only for a day; but
dear John was working so hard, and
all for her! In the fall they would
be married, ar•d then she would go
with him to New York. They
would live at his- rooms the first
winter, and take their meals any
where they chose. That was the
way many young married couples
did. It was very Bshemain and
very jolly, and Amy, who had spent
all her`days in country rectory, look-
ed forward to it with the keenest
"Poor little Amy!" John said to
himself, as he sat in his private
room at the Mutual Dividend Min-
ing company's offices, smoking its
Vest cigars and sipping its special
brand of cognac. "Poor little girl!
She loves me so, and I love her; but
I love Lenoi more." And be shut
his eyes and gave himself up to
dreams of Leoni. Such beauty,
such grace, and a depth of love for
him that Amy could not know. "I
believe she would kill anyone who
came between us. I can see her
soft eyes grow hard and flash fire if
she heard of a rival. Women are
strange creatures; they never blame
the man; but Heaven help the wom-
an if they get hold of her! 'She led
him of,' they say. Ah, if they only
knew how willing he was to he led!"
John's reveries were brought to
an end by the entrance of Col. Mor-
timer, who name in with some cer-
tificates ot stock for him to sign as
secretary of the company. He had
just got hold of a guileless merchant
from a distant New England town,
and was going to give him ten beau-
tifully engraved certificates of stock
in the Mutual Dividend Mining
company for ten one thousand dol-
lar bills. John felt a slight twinge
of conscience as he signed the cer-
tificates; but a man must have mo-
ney to live! hush did not know all this, but
"You will get twenty per cent. he had his suspicions, and one ev-
on this investment in six months, ening lie found John at his rooms,
and twenty in six months more," and asked him what he was doing
John could hear Col. Mortimer tell at the Cella's. Before he answered,
his victim, as he bowed him to the .login as'ed Rush what lie was do -
front door. "I+arty per cent is bet- ing there.
ter than letting your money lie idle. "I have known them for some
You may conaider yourself fortu time, and was arranging to take
nate in having got any of this stock. I talian lessons," answered Bush -
I don't like to see it going out of "I, too, have known them for
my own hands; hat I have a very some time, and was arranging to
friendly feeling towards you, and take Italian lessons. There is noth-
am glad, after all, that you have ing like a pretty woman to teach a
those certificates." "And I these fellow a language. I can learn
m'eenbacks," be might have added, more Italian fluid Leoni's eyes than
o Lso uoatpl�lgO
was the favorite dancer
York; why shouldn't her pi
'n New
tura be
• Pitcher's Castoti'ia.
her anything handsomer. Ann -
knew Letter; but she was delighted
with the gift, and, kissing the fea-
ther tips, she put it back in its satin
box and laid it away in her bureau
drawer with the tortoise shell boxes
and other expensive knicknacks
that John had sent her.
Atter John had sent the fan to
Amy, be sat down at his writing
desk and wrote a most impassioned
letter to Leoni, telling her how he
loved her, and that he sent the ring
in proof of his intentions; "but, my
darling," be wrote, "wear this wnere
it won't be seen for the present. -
Cruel circumstances prevent me
coming out boldly and claiming you
as my love before all the world; but
have faith in me, darling, as I havo
in you. Don't even tell your good
father and mother too much; though
you may assure them of my honorable
intentions. Oh, Leoni, you don't
know what it is to be a creature of
fate! I must wait quietly for a
while, but 1 can go on loving you
and trusting in your love for me,
unworthy as I am; and you may
believe that, come what may, I am
and always will be your own John."
This and the ring be despatched
by bis trusty valet. The letter
puzzled Leoni a little, but the syn•
bol of the ring delighted her, and,
as she was an Italian, and mystery
in love affairs is not altogether un-
known in Italy, she quietly sewed
the ring on the inside of a bit of
velvet she wore around her neck.
There it lay concealed, but her
heart beat high with joy, whenever
the sharp atone scratched her deli-
cate throat.
John diced as usual at the club
that night with Mortimer and two or
three other gamblers. After dinner
they went to the gambling table,
where John lost his remaining $500.
When he went to bed that night he
cursed the expense of living in New
York, and determined to make the
colonei to raise his salary.
who desire it, this receipt, in German,
French or English, with full directions
for preparing and using. Sint by mail
by addressing with stamp, naming this
paper, W. A. NOYES, 820 Power's Block,
Rochester, N. Y. 1301.2-y.e.o.w.
The now White Star liner Ma-
jestic made her first trip from
Queenstown to New York in 6
days 10 hours and 30 minutes,
beating the maiden record.
MQNEX' 1 MUl�l'lY'1 MONEY l
We ogu tpalfh a few Mooil,loeI 1tromprivatte
undo at low votes god wo4erataexpense,
TINGG & SCOTT. cuff borrowing.
Real Estate Broker,Ftuancial
Agent, &e., 23 Toronto
Street, Toronto
Particulars of Farms, Residences,
Business Properties, &o., for intend-
ed sale, can be sent to the above
address, or given to
BANKER, &C., - -
Dec. 1889.
CLINTON Flogs and Poultry W a at 3
An unlimited number of DresaedRogs an
Poultry of all kinds for a foreign market for
which the highest market price will be paid.
WM. KEYS, next to NEW EaA Office.
The subscriber would intimate to
the public generally that he has
added to his business that of
And is prepared to supply all fun-
eral necessaries at short notice
and in a satisfactory manner.
ilof11', Caskets,
ShroutIS, &e ,
By mail to any lady sending us her post ot?To)
address. W alis, Richardson & Co.i Mentreai-
Library and Reading Rooms, Town
Hall. down stairs. About 2,000 Yolumei
the Library and all the Leading News
papers and Periodicals of the day on the
table. Membership ticket 81 per annum
Open from 2 to 6 p m., and trona 7 to 9 p.
M. Applications for membership received
oy the Librarian In the room.
etanlErr IN S:o,'K.
He has also purchased a first-class
Hcarse, and can therefore meet all
roinirements in this line. Night
calls answered at residence, Isaac
Street, Clinton.
Undertaker an(l dealer in
Furniture, Clinton.
.ten. .>®®
The above ornamental trees and shrubbery wi
be 80111 at very low prices, and those wantin-
anything in tali connection will save mune'
purchasing here.
Orders by Mail will be promptly attend
ed to. Address,
M Killop I1ataal IasTraaco Co.
Licentiate of Dental Surgery, honor Gradu
ate of the Toronto School of Dentistry.
Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the
painless extraction of teeth.
Office over Jacksou's Clothing Store, next
to Post Office, Clinton.
VT Night bell answered 13,
Hulde the exclusive right for the county for
the Hurd process of administering chemi-
cally pure Nitrogen Monoxide, which is the
safest and beat system yet discovered for
the painless extraction of teeth. Charges
moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. Office,
ELLIOTT'S BLOCK. over Rauce's Tailor
Shop, Huron Street.^Linton.
Isolated town and village property, as wet
as farut buildings and stock, insured. 1 usur-
ances effected against stock that may be
killed by lightning, If you want insurance
drop a card cd the above address.
The undersigned desires to intimate to the
people of Clinton and vicinity that he has
returned to town, and intends to remain
here pe maneutly, and Is better prepared
than ever to do anything whatever lu the
painting or paper hangiug line. All orders
eutrusted to him will receive prompt and
careful attentiou.
GEORGE POTTS, Kirk St., Clinton.
To Our Subscribers.
peared in our columns some time since
announcing a special arrangment with
Dr. B. J. KENDALL Co., of Enosburgh
Falls, Vt., publishers of "A Treatise on
the Horse and his Diseases," whereby
our subscribers were enabled to obtain
a copy of that valuable work FREE by
sending their address to B. J. KENDALL
co. (and enclosing a two -cent stamp for
mailing same)is renewed for a limited
period. We trust all will avail them-
selves of the opportunity of obtaining
this valuable work. To every lover of
the Horse it is indispensable,as it treats
in a simple manner all the diseases
which afflict this noble animal. Its
phenominal sale throughout the United
States and Canada, make it standard
authority. Mention this paper when
sending for "Treatise."
9. 1888, 13t.
froieootonaIand outer Out;
Barristers, Solicitors,
oinmiss! one rs for Ontario an lia11ltoba
L�1 Bought. Private Funds. C RIDOUT,
Office over ,I Jackson's Store, Clinton.
dal. the undersigned - at the Library Rooms,
undersigned, at residence or drug store.
171 Small sums on good mortgage security,
moderate rate of interest. H HALE,Clinton
DENCE on Ontario street, Clinton, op-
posite English Church. Entrance by side
Gradumte of the Ontario Veterinary Col-
lege. Telegraphic messages promptly at
fended to. Office -Londesborough, Ont.
Medical Department of Victoria Cal-
vet sty, Toronto, tonearly ot the Hospitals
and Dispensaries, New York, Coroner for
the County of Huron, Bayfield, Ont.
ATE of Toronto University ; member of
the College of Physicians and Surgeons,
Ont. OFFICE & RESIDENCE the house for-
merly occupied by Dr Reeve, Albert Street
Clinton. .
nil C. BRUCE, L.D.S., DENTIST, gradu-
• ate Royal College of Dental Surgeons
of Ontario. All operations of modern den-
tistry carefully performed. Anaesthetics ad
ministered for the painless extraction of
teeth. Office - Keefer's old stand, Coats'
Block, Clinton. Will visit Blyth profession-
ally every Monday, at Mason's Hotel.
Surgeon, Acoouoher, Licentiate of the
College of Physicians, and Surgeons of
Lower Canada. and Provincial Licentiate
and Ooroner for the County of Huron. Of-
fice and resldonoo,-The building formerly
000upied by IdrThwaltes, Huron Street.
Clinton, Jan.10,18T1.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Casteria,
the great Medical
Work of the age on Man-
hood Nervous and Phys
ea] Debility, Premature
Decline, Error» of Youth
and the untold miseries
consequent thereon, 300
pages 8 vol., 12.5 prescrip-
tions for all diseases. -
Cloth, full gilt. only 81, by mail, sealed. Il-
lustrated sample free to all young and mid-
Sle aged men. Send now. The Gold and
Jewelled Medal awarded to the author by
the National Medical Association. Address
P. O. Box 1895, Boston, Mass., or Dr. W. H.
PARKER, graduate of Harvard Medical Col -
loge, 25 years practice in Boston, who may
be consulted Confidentially. Specialty, Dis-
ease of Man. Office, No. 4 Bultinch St.
alf . aitoa, Honorary Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College. Treats all diseases of
domoetioated animals on the most modern
and scientific principles. Office - immedi-
ately west of the Royal Hotel. Residence -
Albert St., Clinton. Calle night or day at-
tended to promptly.
H. R. Elliot, M. D., 1 W. Ginin, M.D., L. R.
L. R.C.P., Edinburgh, C.P„ Edinhurgb, L.R.
1,,R.C.S.. Edinburgh, C. 8., Edinburgh, Li -
Licentiate oftheMid- centiate of the Mid-
wifery, Edinburgh.I wifery,Edin, Otnee,on
Office at Hruoof eld. corner of Ontario and
1 William Sts„ Clinton
The Wilsons Bank.
ln,corporated by Act of Parliament, 1865.
The bestEmbalming Fluid used
CAPITAL, - $2,000,000.
REST FUND, - $1,000,000
J. H. R. AIOLSON..-. .. ...Pres.
Notes divcoUnted,Collcctions made, Drafts
is,,tced, Sterling and American ex-
.fdizagf bought and sold at lowest
current rales.
[nterest at 4 per cost allowed en deposits.
FA.R AlE Ft,P4.
Moneyadvanced to farriers on their own notes
with one or more endorsers. No mortgage re-
quired as security.
IL C. BREWER, Manager,
January 1887. C!intou
Winton Post Office Time Table
Mails are due for delivery and dose for despatek
at the Clinton Post Office as follows:-
_ _ l cLO9e l 'nue
Hamilton, Toronto, Strat-
ford, Seaforth, Grand
Trunk east and interme-
diate offices . 7.00 a.m. 1.50 p.m
Toronto, Stratford„ Sea -
forth. T. and S. east.... 1.65 p.m.
Ooderlch Holmeevtltn and
Grand frrunk west
Hamilton, Toronto,
London, L., H, & 13, south
and Intermediate offices
Blyth. Wingham, Kincar-
dine, Luoknow, L.,H,&B.
north and intermediate
British mails, Monday, Wed-
nesday, Thursday
Bayfield; Varna, Herbison,
Summerhill, Tuesday an
1 p.m.
8.45 p.m.
4.15 p.m.
a,m. p.m.
7.00 4.15
a.m. p re,
9.30 0.15
7.00 a.m.
2.30 p.m.
splendid Hearse.
Residence over store.
8.10 a.m
2.40p -m
1Ot25 a,m
n.m. p.m
10.95 7.00
9.10 5.00
5.30 p.m. 15.30 p.m
Money Orders Issued and Deposits received from
one dollar upwards.
Office hears from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
savings Bank and Money Order Office close
at 6.80 p.m.
THOMAS FAIR, Postmaster.
Clinton, Agei120, 1889.
Advances made to farmers on their own
notes, at low rates of .interest.
A general Banking Business transacted
Interest allowed on deposits.
Sale Notes bought
J. P. TISDALL, Manager.
RICHLYwthis arded
andthearenact;they wthose whoillfinreadd
honorable employment that will not take
them from their homes and fatnii[es. The
profits are large and sure for every industri-
ous person.many have made and are now
making several hundred dollars a month, I#
is easy for any person to make $$ per day
and upwaeds,who is willing to work. Sithe
sex,young or old; capital not needed westar
you. Everything new. No special ability
required; you, reader.oan do it as well as any
one. Wilts to us itt once for full particulars
which wsnail free. Address Stinson & Co
Portland, Maine- _
Planing Mill
Dr. Reeve, Coroner for County of Huron.
Dr. Turnbull, Graduate of Toronto and Vic-
torla Universities; mango! of College of
Phyelolano and Surgeons'bf Ontario; Fellow
of Obstetrical Society of Edinburgh; late of
London, Eng., and EdinburgRh Hospitals.
Off[oe:-Murray Block, Rattenbnryclin-
on. Night oayla answered at Dr. Reeve's
etdonee, Huron Rt;, or at Grand Union
• T41gh>onb. ,
Loan & Investment Co'y
This Company is Loaning Money oa
Farm Security at Lowest Rates of
8, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed
on Deposits,acrording to amount
and time lift.
OFFICE--(7erner of Market fignarr-and North 8
Goderlch, August 6th 1881
The Clinton Brannh Bible Society nave for
STORE, AlbertBIbleS $trand eet..a 800Testaments. assortment Of
B/BLEe'rItoM 260th Urwtans.
(l05130ANnsEb. DU WORTHINGTON, Do.pbbtt0tt.
PLEraD and furnished his new Planing M
with machinery of the latest improved patter
is now prepared to attend to all orders in hi
lino in the .nost prompt and eatlsfactorymanner
and at reel enable rates. He would also retur
thanks to all who patronized the old tri before
they wore burned out, and now being in a bet•
ter position to execute orders eXpedltiously
feels confident he can give satisfaction to all.
FACTORY -Near the Grand Trun
Railway, Clinton,
i 110yf A9 Mat; tNZIE
Mnnt.tooturcr and Proprietor for the host Saw
111171 Dog In nee. Agent for the sale end
application of the AFranRR PATENT Amror1ATro
and applied on shirt notice.
Hollers, Enxlnes. and all kinds of
Machinery repaired espeditIonely
and In a eatlef'aetOry manner.
Fath. implements manufaotdred andropat
Stearn and' Water PIN'S fuenlidio
ptttioii, Dry Elias 81(44d 1117!
Orittt` Painii;ietate