HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-04-04, Page 7c 'Spt., ?r' "r t� A .. ' rain and speedy cure for �.,, • ..atri Cold in the Head and Catarrh QLt)14, 1- „i: 4EAg41 L+ all its stages. SOOTHING, CLEANSING, HEALING. ik.':£ , Instant Relief, Permanent Cure, ctP•,,;, i, Failure impossible. Many a en .,! thseases are simpl symptoms of Catarrh ..a]l1 as headache, partial deafness, losing sense cf smell, foul breath, hawking and spitting, nausea, general feel::tg of debility, etc. If you are troubled with any of these or kindred symptoms, you have Cata• rh, and s n dd lose no time in procuring a bottle •-f Nasa,. , ALM. Be warned in time neglected .:•Id in 1... 1 results in Catarrh, followeJ by corium, , man { eath. NASAL BALM is sold by allldruggist, , ,v.'I t.e sent, post paid, on receipt of Price (5o cel .: ,,d 31.00) by addressing 1 J;.FORO & CO., BROOKVILLE, ONT. . M. Eew' • _i imitations similar in name. "AL BALM. o FREE ♦ OUR NEW �r 885 Solla Giold Watch Worth 81oa,aa,'est watch in the world. Parr timekeeper. Warranted heavy, • SOLID GOLD hunting cases. Both ladle,' and gents alms with works and 04200 of ynal value. ONs moon in each Locality can secure one free, together with our largo and valuable lino ofifousehold ampules. Theo samples, i. welt seed do L to show what we send you to those lwhoomll—y o0, Asad. and neighbors and those about you -that always results lu valuable Dads forts which holds for years when once started, sad thuswe an repaid. We pay a» eapren, freight, eta. After you know all if you would 1pilts to go to work for ua. n can tom Wason a >., Sox tle1. R. Pweek olrtland, Address, FOR. Sore Eyes (Catarrh Larneness Female Complaints Sunburn Soreness Strains AVOID ALL :MITA- TIONS. THEY MAY BE DANGEROUS. • FAC -SIMILE OF BOTTLE WITH BUFF WRAPPER. Chasing Bruises USE Scalds Piles PONDS Burns Wn ods EXTRACT Bites DEMAND POND'S EX- TRACT. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE FOR IT OMR CURRESPQNDENCE st itq loot the seething, tc�Qing drift of iRaln dazzling in tkte sunshine fox we are having fine weatherh er (By a Huron/ten)I As a centre for the development of 1 manufactures, trade and iuteelectual life, no other town in Canada, can compare favorably with Ottawa. Situ- ated on the Ottawa river it commands as it were, a view of the two most • im- portant proviuctts in the Dominion and unites in itself the Lwu nationalities whioh just now are Striving so hard for heir political rights. its natural situation ib one of the happiest that could be selected. The emiue.ioe in the rear, so interesting to atudenLS. of the geological past, c.)utrtbutes iu no emelt degree to its natural beauties and presente a commanding view of a tract of country which for its varied charms has few equals on the continent. Its public building, banks, churches, schools, and charitable institutions are worthy of heir location. The parka. meet buildings are situated on Welling ton street upon a high elevation, pre- senting a bold front to the Ottawa river, they consist of four blocks, three on Coe, ha v ng had placedt in hiered handsby the north side Each building is an marvel oft arch tehe h- of a s. an imple Indiat vegetable remedy fora the tural skill. From the outside the speedy and permanent cure of consump- stranger beholds in each a huge pile tion. Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and from the top of which rise spires, pin- all throat and Lung insoles and houses each adding beauty positive and radicl curetfor sNervous and variety to what would otherwise Debility and Nervous Complaints, after be a bare mass. Entering you are having tested its wonderful curative compelled at once to notice the mas- powers in thousands of oases, has felt sive pillars, the 'marvellous carvings, it hie duty to make it known to his suf- the broad airy walls and winding etatr- faring fellows. Actuated by this mot. ways with men stand ug at every ive and a desire to relieve human suf. turning ready to answer to the slighest ferng, I will send free of charge, to all bidding, but we pay for them all. The who desire it, this receipt, in German, Bret operation in inspecting the build- French or English, with full directions Lugs is to climb the winding stairway for preparing and using. Sant by mail of the main tower of the central build- by addressing with stamp, naming this ing, and truly you oan say of it as of paper, W. A. NOYES, 820 Power's Block, 1 the search for knowledge "It's a long. Rochester, N. Y. 13012-y.e.o.w. long way, but glory is at the top." Having gained the summit you behold before you the capital of Canada, a city laid out in regular order with lino streets anti grand buildings. Turning OU • we see on the opposite side of the river the city of Hull, with its large menafeoturing establishments, and ine. menet, lumber piles from twenty to thirty feet high coveting an area of several square miles on each side of the river, while , far beyond lie the Hull mountains, and in the opposite direo. tion rolls the Ottawa on iso course to join the St Lawrence. Descending we enter the Green Gallery where sits the " wise men " discussing and making the laws. The seats are arranged on both sides of the house sloping down tc the centre, where at one sine sits the Speaker in a finely cushioned ohair1on a beautifully carpeted platform ; he wears white kid gloves and a peculiar kind of blank gown which nearly falls off every time he rises to speak. In front of him is a table on which lies the mace, the symbol of authority, and near it sits a Iran whose only duty it is to lift this mace off the table every time the house adjourns. Running here and there all round are the page boys carrying letters and cards of every hind to and from the members, and smart little fellows they are. The members sit two at a seat some with their hate on, some with them off, some talking, e nearly sleeping, very tired and ess unless some important subject eine presented by an eloquent fhb distance beyond our clee now. ar northern atmosphere presents to us the Hull mountains n the still 'fairer beauty of the'r pale undulations. The sky is dark blue faintly suffused witl], earthly shadows. The eye lingers • on it with undisturbed content and feels better prepared for the nebsoule itableleaps into the pure mysterious blue beyond. When at length our view comes down to the earth the long peacefulFioountry roads stretching in from the shore past farm -house and cottage lead us gently back to every day life. Here by the way of variety is the trapper conning in from a stroll into the country his dark stern disciplined features and comely form looking the grander and more melancholy from under the heavy folds of his aerate gar. menta. CONSUMPTION CURED. som StingS is istl a b L, Scre Feet INFLAMMATIONS HEMORRHAGES and Lm L_ '.4 I N 7,r),11 i; THIS IS THE ONLY RIGHT KIND. DONOT TAKE ANY OTHER. tHEREST REST 'AKIN POWDER fIS4- MCLAREN'S GENUINE Cook's FI'iOHd No .Alum. Nothing Injurious. RETAILER EYENYINNENE, GARTH SCO. FACTORY SJr FLIES Valves, Iron & Lead Pips Loose Pulley el:ors, Steam let Pampa, Firm Pumps, Wind Milt, Cream Separators, Dsiry and Laundry Uionsl1. 536 CRAIG ',if ()NTH f�dt°Yi•r7p:lry �}7r� i+I1Xll'riillisnlit2W �77AlAt.li�CtjiJJ -- SPOOL COTTON For Hand and Machine Use. HAS 910 SUPERIOR. ASK FO IT. STEEL -LINED Trs'1JNISS In Sample, Ladtes'and all other kin Lightest and Strongest TRUNKS In the World. J. EYELEIGH & CO MONTREAL, Sole Mfrs, for Mho llor ta'a 110TE BALMORAL -MONTREAL. Liebe Dame 8t:, one of the most eentral and elegantly furnished Hotels in the Clty Accommodation gnuepaeta. 'aft to per day. So V r T V OO Manager DOMINION . EAI$' Sole Ag'ts for �il�ade , ,a gEfi SON '.1Vho Itis a Imp'trs of AIGGISTS' SUNDRIES 1743 NOTRE DAME 3T,, MONTREAL /SOAP. LEATHER BOARD COMPANY. Manufacturers of ASBESTOS MiLLBOARD Steam Peellting, FRICTION PULLEY BOARD, This iouPerjeeePriefioa 1ECKITT'S BLUE VIM BEST FOR LAUNDRY USE. PAPERS. rkpp r tIlyli%1lI, , ei IN 44 ALL SIZES AND WEIGIHTS o ifRDEa D1,,,1lesst, brinou t E4' yA i r r`, OHJ's1TL,pNS ! �HE GREAT STRENGTH GIVER 9PERF OT FOOD ,.A Fan Twp stele •T1 WARMING Et rIUtr noUS t IMAM J A POWERFUL , INVIGORAtest r OUR LETTER BOX [ We wish it distinctly understood that we are not, directly or indirectly, re- sponsible, for any opinions expressed under this head.] OH ! THOSE LIES. A respectable fie, sir 1 pray, what do you mean? Why, the term itself is a plain contra- diction. A lie is a LIE, and deserves no respect, But merciless judgment and speedy conviction. It springs from corruption, is servile and mean, An evil conception, a coward's invention, And whether exphessed or but simply implied, [intention. Has naught but deceit for its end and There are popular lies, and political lies, And lies that stick fast between buying and selling, And lies of politeness—conventional lies, (Which:scarcely are reckoned as suchlin the telling) [derous lies, There are lies of sheer malice, and elan - From those who delight to peck filth like a pigeon• [ible lies, But the meanest and far most contempt - Are those that are told as a cloak for religion. 7'o the Editor of the Clinton New Ara. MR EDITOR,—Have you ever noticed a pigeon strutting about the stteets, and speaker, when all are Interest and en- Phe e? ionng filth droppings course you have; butth from the foul thusiasm. We recognize the familiar faces of Sir John A. McDonald, Ed. iti simverilarity occurred innrto you that there is a Blake, Alex McKenzie, Wilfred Laur- displayedimilaity the habits of a bird thus ier and last but not least our own mem- looking and a Tory of his while co- ber, Jno Mclfillan,who I may here state over the issues his Grit me I had the pleasure of hearing address tomt., anxiously expecting to find some the house on the tariff question, and lent ie the harness where he can ler by the way in which he stood up for sert the point of his javelin, just under the interests of the farmers hs showed the fifth rib? No, you never thought of it in that light, neither would I, had that;he was the right kind of a man to represent S. Huron. There are al, not our little poetess, Miss Lizzie Doten leries all around the house, these are sized it up as above quoted; and if you divided into parts, one of these parts towish an illustration of it, I have only being reserved for the senators, but be- of refer your to 19the issuesd6 of your ch we fore a visitor is allowed to remain com- of February and 26, in which we fortl in these allerieshe must be care- find columns of inuendos, with "naught y �g but deceit for their end and intention," fol that he has his hat off and that he does not stand up to stare at the and I have no doubt but you find your- self completely squelched by seeing in Speaker. Having seen all that is to be the articles referred to that the editor seen here we proceed to the red galleiy even goes so far as to call you "Anani- to see the actions of those who "have as," and of course that settles the whole been pensioned," and "gone up higher," question. It is just as it is when a wo- -the Senate. By the merest chance man says "Fiddlesticks," that puts an we find them at work, for having ex- end to airr discussion, and so it is when hausted themselves in the Commons a Tory calls you Ananias, there's no they are not able now to work more room for argument after that. Not than fifteen minutes a day. There is contented with calling you Ananias, he however,nothing interesting going on,so goes on to say that he does not believe we leave and go to the library where a those who say that Mr McDonagh said sight meets us in which the lover of that "He was an Orangeman before he knowledge and books would revel, and was born, and a Conservative as well;" in hich rooe m is owould surelyr eoibe satisfied.risisand adduces as a reason for so saying, the top into an immense dome. In the that hn has seenfriea good many of D•ci centre there is a marble statue of Queen himMcsa s .s Such a who never about Victoria, and around this are the ohim say se. with th argument is Oban officers of the clerks who are kept busywho a parssthat of ahs Irishman,h who are continually -orderingp theand, uveae stoutlyufor stealing a charge,, Around the sides are three galleries with and, olwd tle denying the shelves and on these shelves are mil- was told that there was a witness who lions of books. We spend some time saw him take it, replied, "That's who o did examining these and some curiosities in Ing; I can bring fifty witnesses did the shape of foreign post cards, stamps, not see me take ." personsSuch a the etc., and then leaving the build- to that may satisfythe eth of the but few ing we proceed to O'Connor street to i tel calibre of t sheep thief, N News - see see the Government fish exhibit and Recorwho rdad ll l either the NEW FGA or Net aside t h- art exhibition. Just inside the door j testimony llofbonee llorn more o erespectable of the building is a large book, and in this all visitors, no matter how many times a day they come in,must register their names. We put down our names and pass on. On the first and second floors are to be seen all kind of Cana- dian fish, fishing tackle, fish birds etc. Ascending the broad stair we find our- selves in the Art Gallery. Here are to be found some gems of thepainter's art. The first which particularily attracts our attention is a representation of the scene at the death of Gen. Wolfe. The "Hero of Quebec" in a reclining pos- ture being supported by the surgeon on the left and by his aide -decamp, Capt. Henry Smith on the right. Near him supported by other officers stands an- other wounded officer, Gen. Monokton, while away in the back ground the battle is still raging. There is such an air of sweet resignation on the face of the hero and such an air of reality about the whole scene, that standing before the picture one imagines him - Bell transported to Quebec on that fatal day in 1759—fatal to French power in Canada but glorious for the success of British valor and carnage. Another pictura,thellargest inithe room, ie a representation of the Fathers of Confederation. It too is finely execu- ted and as we passed out we came to another particularily interesting one but it is so mysterious and awful that I cannot well describe it. It is entitled "Time, Death and the Judgment." Time is represented as a strong able- boided monarch striding along and holding in his hand a scythe. A sickly looking lady dressed' in pale garment and holding in her hand a bunch of withered flowers represents Death, whfie above them out of the red cloudy gar- ments which so completely enfold him that nothing can be seen but his ou•t- strerched arm in which be holds a balance hangs a creature drawn to represent the judgment. Then to the banks of the renowned Ottawa we go to enjoy some of the be silty of its far-famed scenery. On the road we pass the R. C. Basilica, the largest and most magnificent church in the city. Reaching the shore we find steep banks and before us the cascade 'Orth its smooth and glassy descent and b earwitnesses, merely because eight hu dred millions of he earth's inbabitan did not hear it. But it is only the 1 part of the sentence that your cote denies, and admits having heard t Rev Mr McDonagh say that "He w an Orangeman before he was born and the News -Record justifies the r mark by saying that his father $a grandfather had been Orangemen. Here we find Mr McDonagh, a minist of the gospel, bemeaning his high an holy calling by making use of an e pression that "springs from corruptio is servile and mean," and I may ad untruthful as well. No person know better than Mr McDonagh and th News -Record editor,that it matters no if all his forefathers back to Adam we Orangemen, no man can properly b called an Orangeman till he has bee initiated, and subscribed to the oblige tions of the order. Thia, of course, i not a "lie of sheer malice," it was no uttered for the purpose of doing an person an injury, but it was a lie, al the same, and the legitimate influence of it can only be to lessen that love of truth that ought to be firmly rooted and grounded in every human breast. Personally, I have no hard feelings to- ward either Mr McDonagh or the editor of the News -Record, each have redeem- ing features to their characters, and those of a nature that I can admire, but when I see an unmitigated false- hood let loose for no higher g purpose than just for.the fun of telling it, then I feel like quoting the memorable words of the immortal Shakespeare, and say- ing, "If there is no othername by whichthou canst be known, let me call thee Devil." n- ts ast m he as e- nd er d x- n, s e t re e n a t But perhaps the funniest part of the whole diatribe is the labored effort to make it appear that because Mr Mc- Donagh is an Orangeman, be in ,et of necessity be a Liberal in politics, and that right in the face of the well le• own fact that the Orange institution is the back bone of the Tory party in Canada to -day. And when I read that tissue of statements "expressed or but simply implied, with naught but deceit for their end and intention," I feel like making nse of a slang phrase, and saying, "Oh, Johnny got your gun." 'But mark f°r Enfants and Children. "Castoriala so well adapted I11 gapes-ma adsi tocLQdtbuthat aacures C aresOoie, C onstipation, o$A �'r Many pLrescri D.,ption Sour Stomach, Diarrhea, Eru tation, Els. Oxford 81., Dreukay , N. Y. �R11aWoDlrms. nurlgonaivesluedlaoeeaEjpn,p, and promo tett di - Toa Ceaeran a Coarct sv, T! Murray Street, N. Y. B. LAURANCE'S Spectacles. Is the time to buy Rom Bushes, Evergreens �'�i#�� ! O.�ir narn.ental and Fruit Tree „•� Send for Prices. These celebrated Spectacles are fitted in every instance with B. Lau- rance's test, and a certaintg of being suited is guaranteed. You can depend on getting the GENUINE B. LAURA.NCE SPECTACLES by calling and examining the stock at T r-1401vg21! JAKS0N' t, *.41Et,. cLINI�'oN, 1 CUBE FI ITHOUSANDS OF BATTLES MEN AWAY YEARLY. v •When 1 say Cure 1 do not mean hEpilepsy ave them return again. i MEAN A R A D I C A LC U R Ey tI havo e stomade the disease, ihem for a s as'e of Fite, worst ccasesrB Falling- othecrs have failed is nostudy, reason fora not now receivingarrant ya cto ure C Send at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my Infallible Remedyy. Post Office. It costs you nothing for a trial, and it will cure you. Address s-- H' O RExpress. ta.Rand M.O., Branch Office, IWEST ADELAIDE STREET, TORONTO. OOT. UM E. T. HOLMES, New Era Office, Clinto' THE CLINTONNwSRA R. HOLMES, - - Publisher, CLINTON, - - ON T. BENTS FURNISHINGS We have just received a large and attractive assortment of the latest styles for spring and summer wear. We bought an immense stock at close cut prices, and are offering to the public good goods at prices that were never before heard of fn this section. Come and see the goods. Nobby HATS, Dandy CAPS, Beautiful TIES, Pretty SHIRTS, Nice Colored GLOVES. G. GLASCOW, TO DRY GNEXT DOOROODS NORTH PALACE. THE NEW IRA is published every Friday ; it gives about Thirty-two Columns of Fresh Reading Natter Every Week ; Correct Market Reports from Toronto and in this neighborhood ; has a Large Circulation and is Unsurpassed as an Ad- vertising Medium. Will be sent to' any address for $1.50 a year, in advance. Best and Cheapest Fence STEEL RODS—IRON FOUNDATION. BUILDERS' IRON WORK, Office • Railings, Lawn FurniturE AND FOUNTAINS, ETC. Bare Wilno a& .Iron Works WALKERVILLE. ONTARIO. JOB DEPARTMENT We have all the latest styles of type for Circulars, dale Bilis, and any kind of printing that can be desired. Prices the Lowes, Work the Finest and satis- faction guaranteed. One trial is certain to bring another. you, the day star is rising on high, and truth marches on with her conquering legion, and alt•who delight in unscrupu- lous lies, must hie them away to the sulphurous region." "And yet my story's to be told," but for the present we will adjourn sine die. OBSERVER. A PAPER WORTH READING. Arepresentative of the well known firm of Fulford & Co., Brockville, Ont., proprietors of Nasal Balm, is in town this week in the interest of his firm, and among other advertising matter is distributing a paper which may be re, garded as somewhat of a curiosity. It is called The Golden Age, and purports to be printed in the year 1999, and is filled with items and paragraphs of events that may ressonably be expected to occur at that date. It deals also with the transition of Canada from its pre- sent condition to an independent re- public and its gradual absorption of the United States,,and this article, to say the least, is ingenious. All the matter is breezy, spicy and readable, and much of it decidedly novel. We would advise our readers to get a copy of The Gold- en Age and give it a careful perusal. Any of out readers who have not re- ceived a oopy of this paper can do so by sending their address on a postal card c Messrs Fulford & Co. A four.year-old girl at Wardsville, in a game of hide-and-seek, was put in a churn,and her mother ignorantly pour- ed scalding water in the churn, killing the ohild. Minard's Liniment is the Best. The barns at the Ontario Agrioultur- al College, Guelph, narrowly escaped destruction by fire for the second time on Thursday night. One of the men going the last round for the night dia. covered fire in the shute containing out feed. It' was speedily extinguished by a few pails of water. It is supposed to have been caused by a nail striking the knives in cutting feed. "GIVE HIM $2, AND LET HIM GUESS." We once heard a man complain of feeling badly, and wondered what aile't him. A humorous friend said, 'Give a doctor $2, and let him gness.' It was a cutting satire on some doctors, who don't always guess right. You nood not guess what ails you when f)od don't digest, when your bowels and stomach are inactive, and when your head aches everyday, and you are languid and easily fa- tigued. You are billions, and Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pel— lets will bring yon out all right. Small, sugar coated, easy to take. Of druggists. Do not make amusement the end of life, but be always ready to be amused. The least thing has play in it, the slightest word wit, when your hands are busy and your heart is free. But, if you make tbo aim of your life amuse- ment, the day will come when all the agonies of a pantomime will not bring you an honest laugh. The Grangers, according to the state. went of their manager, have lost $1,500 per year in the Kincardine salt works, purchased by them a few years ago.— For five years the property is to be as- sessed at $4.000. Peopleolldor (J� JHEN they find how rapidly Ilea V is restored by taking Ayer's S sparilla. The reason is that t preparation contains only the pur and most powerful alterative a tonics. To thousands yearly it prove veritable elixir of life. Mrs. Jos. Lake, Brockway Cent. Mich., writes : "Liver complaint at indigestion made sly life a burd and camp near ending rig existenc For more than four years 1 suffered u told agony. I was reduced almost a skeleton, and hardly had strength drag myself about. All kinds of foo distressed could be digested and atliall. o ost del cateSVithi the time mentioned several physician treated Inc without giving relief. Not} Ing that I took seemed tothe do any pe manent goodbegan Sarsaparilla, which ham pro Ayer' dnced wonderful results. Soon afte commencing to take the Sarsaparilla could see an Improvement my condition, my appetite began to turn and with it came the ability to gest all the food taken, my strentgth mproved. each day, and after a few °utile of faithful attention to your rections I found myself a well oman, able to attend to till household tie;. The medicine has given me a w lease of life, and I cannot thank 11 too much," `Wo, the undersigned, citizens of at k they above statement, emadce sify hy Mr Lake, fa true in every particular d entitled to full credence."—O, R amberlain, G. W. Waring, C. A. 11s, Druggist. My brother, in England, was, for a g time, unable to attend to his °esti- ion, liv reason of sores on his foot. nt him nd the tea- onials it eontainedai dnac u ed him to Aver's Sarsaparilla. After using it ttle while, he was curers, and is now ell man, working in a sugar mill risbane, Qneensland, Anstifalla."— Attewell, Sherbet Lake, Ontario. lth ar- }lis est ud sa re, Id en e. in- to to n s r - f r I in re di i m di w do rte yo Br tb M an Ch We ion pat i 5P. tiro try a 11 a w at B A. Ayer's Sarsaparilia, plutpAnittb it DP. J. 0, Ayer de Co., Lowell, Mau, 1'tlse$1i , a beta e,4St. rib *1IC liba iii,, R. HOLMES, BOX 74, CLINTON. CHRISTMAS GOODS. New and carefully selected and bought, come and see, Albums, Mirrors, Booklets, Cards, Childrens Picture Books, Toys and Novelties, all kinds. Xmas PLATES, CUPS and LAUCERS; good and cheap. TICKETS - and CARDS for Sunday School classes—a good assortment, prices d. WORTHINGTON'S greatly DRUG STORE INA HALL To make room for New Importations, we will, until Dee. Ist.TGIVE TEN PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH on our large stock of CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE. DECORATED DINNER AND TEA SETS 10 PIECE TOILET SETS. Parties in need of anything in this line should not miss the opportunity of se- curing cheap bargains, as we are bound to reduce our stock. We Offer NEW SEASON JAPAN TEA at 40 cents, worth 0 We Offer NEW SEASON BLACE TEA at 25 cents, worth 40, We Offer NEW SEASON GREEN TEA at 26 cents worth 36, NEW CURRANTS and RAISINS, cheap, 2 BROOMS for 26c. PRESS PINAN HADDIE, SISCOS, IIERRING, BLOATERS,&c, Goode promptly delivered to any part of the town. Give ua a call. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. N1 RODSON. CHINA HALL. Thhopio'slianiess &GrocayDepoi, Leksboro We have just received a full stook of CHRISTMAS and NEW YEARS PRES- ENTS for young and old consisting of Childrens CUPS, SAUCERS, MUCHA. MOUSTACHE CUPS, TEA SETS, EGG CUPS, &o. SILVERWARE -- CASTORS, CRUETS, PICKLE DISHES, KNIVES, FORKS, SPOONS. BUTTER KNIVES, WATCHES, GOLD WATCHES, DROOCHE CUFF BUTTONS, CHAINS, CHARMS, PINS, COLLAR BUTTONS. A large aft,.. sortment of Vases, al] kinds. Santaolana head quarters for Toys of every de- Boription, snob as Horne, Bugles, Animals, Music Boxes, Work Boxes Dark and Magio Lanterns, Guns, Whistles, Books, FalseFacea, Dominoes, Tope, Pistols. Swiss Magic Houses, Purses, Whips, children. Tea Sets, Fancy Candy, Hearts. &o. AU the above articles will be sold oheap for Dash. Drop in and see *httel,l before they are all gone. My stook of Xmas Groceries is complete and at lowest currant prices. Other lines of goods also complete, Harness, Whips Blankets, Belts and all goods found in a harness shop. Tinware, Fitirdwark Crockery, Glassware, Flower, Feed Jewellery, &o. The highest prioe paid 11a cash for ail kinds of Furs or 10 per cent advance if taken in trade. Aldi kinds of Produce taken the sante as cash, After thanking you for pent custom end ,o. lieitiitg a continuance. I wish you a merry Xmas and a happy Now Ya 11 e NE El ' '1 . le e' , LONWORDORO