HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-04-04, Page 5i•p. ; F§' rt - a ti L I cup TON MAIMETO Oartlletetlaver, Thursday tiitarneen. Wheat, Thursday, Urtledtayndard,... 0 80 s 0. 80 Bare III Barley $10 Violins for $5. $6,50 Violins for $8. Violin and Guitar Strings, all Musical Instrument Fixtures, ,Mouth Organs, Ladies Hair Pins. x Peas 26a026 085a040 ilorpar ba! 0 6 a 0 62 atter 4 60 a 6 00 015a016 Polk 0 10 a 10 Hay 6 00 a 6 60 Hides 6 oo a 26 sheep Skins8 25 a 3 05 0 60 a 0 72 MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKET There were about 650 head of butoh- er'e cattle, 200 calves, 160 sheep and 60 siLvERwARE. spring lambs offered at the East End Abattoir to -day. Trade was active and the prices _e sup cattle unusually high. There were some very fine beeves At Rock Bottom Prices. Beautiful W were bought bbut the best of them Quebec butchers. Good adding beeves which could be bought here three or foffered to-day,our weeks ago for 410p ar Ib brought Presents. Watches Clocks, & Jewelery 1 5fe readily to -day and all other fair conditioned to prime stockbrought considerably higher prices than similar away down cattle brought last year at Easter market. There were no really good calves offered ere to -day as the extra hveals had been brought up before reach- ing the market. Some of the veale of- fered to -day mightbeclasaed as "bobs," and were scarcely fit for human food. Prices were from $2.50 to $8 each Good J. B. RUMBALL & CO JEWELLERS & ENGRAVERS.CLINTON. BORN SLEETH—InToronto, on the 26th of Feb., the wife of R. Bleeth,(son-in-law of Mrs Gooderich, Clinton,) of a son. MORROW—In Clinton, on the 30th of March, the wife of Mr Morrow, of the Collegiate Institute, of a son. MANAGHAN.—In Clinton, on the 20th March, the wife of Mr Thos. Monaghan, of a daughter. SWARTS.—In Holmesville, on the 31st March, the wife of Mr E. Swarts, of a eon. HAGGIT.—In Blytb,on the 28th March the wife of Mr E. Ilaggit, of a son. March,th, on 28th thewifeoflMr A.n yWhettlaufer, -off-a son. THoursos.—In Blyth, on the 26th March, the wife of Mr J. Thompson of a son. Co>;cn—In Mitchell, on the 26th of March, the wife of Mr Thomas Couch, of a son. - Ross—In Blyth, on the 20th of March, the wife of Mr J. M. Roes, of a son. COWAN—In Blyth, on the 18th March, the wife of David Cowan, of a eon. CALDER—In Blyth, on the 21st of March, the wife of James Calder, of a daughter. McLEAN—In Tuckersmith, on the 24th of March, the wife of Mr John McLean, Mill Road, of a daughter. MARRIED CARTER—CONNELL: At the residence of the bride's mother, Clinton, on the 2nd inst., by the Rev. J. Edge,Mr Wm. Carter, of Hallett, to Lizzie, daughter of Mrs Geo. Connell HEARD—EAGEL8ON—On the 26th of March, by the Rev. H. E..Hill, at the residence of the brides father, Mr John Henry Heard, to Miss Jane Eageleon, both of Bayfield. FORSYTHE—HULLTSTON—At the resi- dence of the bride's mother, on the 26th of March, by the Rev. Wm. Graham, Mr Henry Forsythe, to Miss Elizabeth Hulliston, eldest daughter of the late Mr Robert Hulliston, all of Tucker. smith. CRErGHTON—MACHAN—At Clinton, on Wednesday, March 19, by the Rev. A. Stewart, Wm. Creighton, of Blyth, to Martha Machan, of Mitchell. STAMP—KNraHT—At the residence of the bride's father, Morris, on the 19th of March, by the Rev. D. Forrest, Mr Wm. Stamp, of Marqette, Michigan, to Miss Jennie, eldest daughter of Mr D. Knight. DIED - ROBERTS—In Brussels, on the 20th of March, Florence Elva, infant daughter of D. Roberts, formerly of_Londesboro, aged 7 weeks and 2 days. ASHTON—In Morris, on the 14th of March, Marion Ashton, aged 26 years, 4 months and 9 days. HINDSON_At Watford, in great peace, -on March 18th, Nellie, beloved wife of Mr Wm, Hindson,. and sister to Mrs (Rev.) J. Philp, of Watford, formerly of Holmesville. LAWRENCE._In Clinton, on the 30th March, Charlie Lawrence, son of Mr W. S. Lawrence, aged 10 years, 4 months and 3 days. SHODLIC.AR.—In Morris, on the 21st March, Robert rt Sholdica r agded 19 years. HALL/DAY.—At Lakelet, on Sunday, March 30th, in her 45th year, Mary A. Halliday, wife of Mr W. Halliday, and sister of Messrs, N. H. and M. Young of Blyth. DONBAR.—In East Wawanoeh on 31st March Jos. Dunbar, aged 74 years. MoR 2nd inst. Ewart Dusfield, infant son ofeMr A. E. Morrow, of the Collegiate Institute. SA LE REGISTER. Farm lands, Lot No. 10, 6th con., Stan- ley, on April 26th,at Cook's. Hotel, Var- na. D. Dickinson, Auct. Farm lands, Lot 22, 3rd Con., Hui. lett, on Thursday May 1st., at the Rat- tenbury Hotel. D. Dickinson, Auct. Farm stock, &o., at lot 14, Maitland Con., Colborne, on Monday, April 14th. D. Dickinson, Anat. Farm lands Lot No. 14, Maitland Con., Colborne, on Monday, May 5th, Rattenbury House, Clinton. D. Dick- inson, aunt. Farm lands, Lot No. 23, Maitland Con., Colborne, on Monday, May 5th, Rattenbury House, Clinton. D. Dick, inson, anot. - Farm stook, etc., of Mr C. Disney, a Holmesville, on Friday, April 11th. D Dickinson, anat. SPRING SHOWS. Listowel, at Listowel, April 16. East Wawanosh, at Belgrave, April 17. East Huron, at Brussels, April 18. Mitchell, Wednesday, April 9th. Fullerton, Friday April 4th. Stratford, Tuesday, April 15th. Elma, at Atwood,Tuesday April 15th. Exeter, Tuesday, April 8th. ac Milyerton, Friday, 1lth. South Huron, 1Brncefield, Wednesday April 16th. GO WEST . G.P.R.To MANITOBA, NORTH - v 1 WEST or BRITISH COLUMBIA. Buy your tickets and get full information from the authorized agent, COOPER & CO'S BOOK STORE �----NOW AGENT FOR--- CLINTON; F`ORJSALE OR TO RENT. OR SALE OR TO RENT—HOUSE AND The house, Lot forwhich is new, ale or to tcontainon snfourteen rooms, and is heated with hot air. There is also a good stone cellar, good lawn, hard and soft water in abundance. The lot contains } of an acre. Terms reasonable. Apply on the premises or to MRS C. CARTER, Clinton. tf COMFORTABLE HOUSE TO RENT. south, atThat presentfoccupied bye house on lM Mrs Archi- bald, ie offered to rent. It contains 3 bed- rooms and closets upstairs, and good ac- commodation clown, with stone cellar, and bard and soft water. hent reasonable. Apt - ply to MRS. MCCORVIE or to DONALD JUNOR. mo LET.—AT A LOW RENTAL, THAT 1 large and well fitted brick store with cel- lar beneath and comfortable dwelling above, recently occupied by A. Angus, Grocer, situ- ate on the east side of Albert street, next door to Robertson's Dry Goods store. For terms or to view the promises, apply to HARLAND BROS., Hardware Merchauts. Clinton, March 21, 2m. Blacksmith Shop and Iand for sale. Subscriber offers for sale the property owned by him at Gowrie, in the county of Perth. g ahgood business wiithf a iacksmith dwelling house, sta ble and half -acre of laud attached. Is in a splendid farming section, with no opposition Will be sold with or without tools. Satis- factory reason for selling. For particulars applyto THOS. LOBB, Holmesville, or JOS LOBB, Gowrie. tf Manitoba Lands for Sale.s 3towns ofres of Morden01M Lands Ranpidr the Cltyand Minnedosa. Full particulars given. Address F. G. MCINTOSH, Listowel, Out. SAW MILL FOR SALE. One of the best steam sawmills in Huron County, eapasity 10,000 per day, in first plass running order and furnished with shingle and beading machinery. Also about 5 acres of land and house, plenty of timber near. Last year's custom sawing was over 400,000 (and over 15,000 sill heading ) Near ship ping point and thriving t tw •t. A first-class business OFFICE p. For Clit .ar sdars Immediate possession if required. Good Farm tent. A good farm to rent adjoin- t avillage of Blyth, n ith or without a 1 6a • ( suit tenant. Good buildings on p emises,farm well watered. For further particulars ap- ply to THOS. F. COLLES, Agent, Blyth. SUNDRIES Notice to Debtors. All parties indebted to Reith Bros., late of the Town of Clinton, are notified that their accounts must be paid at once or theywill he Reithiwllbe fin ound forrt theloldistandfor a few days to grant receipts. BULL FOR SERVICE. The undersigned keeps for service at his premises 11th con., Godericli Township, a thoro'bred Durham Bull, of first-class pedi- gree. Terms, $1 at time of service with privilege of returning if necessary. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Also a thora area Berkshire Boar. Terms, $1 at time of service, with privilege of re- turning if necessary. W. SE LUMBER AND SAWING.—SUBSCRIBER now has his saw mill thoroughly equip- ped and in first-class running order, and is prepared to do custom sawing of all kinds, a practical having engaged togtake charge of the s's roe. Will buy good sound hemlock logs. g Orders re- spectfullysolicited. Good Cedar Poste for sale. We are paying S.5 per 1000 for Ioge, THOS. TRICK, Goderich township, Dec. 89. tf DRESSMAI.IJ NG • Mi»ate to her many cuistginers that she has `returned to town prepared in the DRL•"S€] and MNTLEoMAKfill INGl rline on short notice, and with perfect satisfac- tion. Orders respectfully solicited. Tne house yyM. TREWARTHA very reasonable terms. bParticulars her is for oneap- plication p - plication Tenders For Caretaker caretak- erSealed of the Rattenburs ry stree position t Methodist church will be received by the undersigned up to the 21st of April next. Duties to commence on tte: der noe 1st tonecesf sarily accepted. 1890. The osPo¢rtii nt or y lays as to duties can be obtained on aliplica- tion, J. C. STEVENSON, Chappel Steward - MRS. WHITT. M;C.S:M: TEACHER OF MUSIC. Piano, Organ and Technioon, or Muscle developer. for use of pupils. Rooms at Mr. 8. Hartt's, opposite Mr. Whitehead's. a few weeks Longer J. C OZT&O9 & Will continue their Slaughter muttons critters were in active d• emand and prices were from 5o to 6c per lb. Lambs sold at from $3 to 45 each. Fat hogs sell at from 5c to 5}o per ib. "SPRING WHEAT SEED. 11 The subscriber has on hand a limited quantity of the following varieties of Spring Wheat suitable for seed:— WHITE RUSSIAN, LOST NATION , Price Reasonable. WHITE FIFE. JAS. FAIR. Clinton SEEDS! STEEP'S Seed Store. Subscriber has on ]land a quantity of fresh and choice seeds, such as Ciover,Tinaothy, Field and Garden Seeds. Theile seeds were purchased before the rise in price,and will be sold accordingly Turnip and Mangold Seeds at 15 cts. per Ib. Also Oatmeal, Cornmeal; Cured Meats, &c. Try a sample. JAS. STEEP, Pork Packer, Seed and Feed dealer. Reith's Old Stand, Albert St., Clinton • NEWS NOTES. Farmers in repneor fall wheatin a bad condi condition, Cot unty seeded clover heaved. HaggardRider h s offeredbeenfamous 31 000a week for a 40 weeks lecture tour in this country. Miss Fannie on the banks of the Thamesn betweenan, and Springbank, was drowned. last evening. John nearDelorazine, Man , wasfarm instantler y killed by a C. P. R. train while cross- ing the track. W. G. Perley, who was one of the re- presentatives of Ottawa in the Domin- ion Parliament, died at his residence Wednesday morning. The trouble was blood -poisoning. The eral Martin, of resignation creates non sur. prise here among the well informed. It was expected by many before the Legislature met. Mr Isaac Campbell, who is expected to succeed him, is a former Toronto lawyer. Neville H. Pickthall, whose recent mysterious disappearance excited so much comment owing to his having been connected with Birchail, now awaiting trial on the charge of murder- ing F. C. Benwell, arrived at Wood- stock, on Tuesday and is stopping at the O'Neill House. At the sitting of the Bremner Fur Committee to e Gen. Middleton dleto n acknow- ledged that he had ordered the division of the furs between himself, Warden i g that on p e Hayter t confiscatedthemI as rebel property. Mr Reed gave similar evidence, showing that Mr Lister's charges were well founded. On Wednesday evening last a danc- ing party met at the residence of Mr Arch. McDonald, 5th con., Dawn, to have a good time. Some of them in having horses with them, put them in Mr Henry Blakey's barn, went to their amusements, and soon after noticed the barn in flames. A rush was made to get out the horses, which were all got out but one belonging to Mr Pat. Burns, which tell a victim to the fire, and a very valuable one, which the hired man took with him. Strange to relate, that after the loss of so much property the dancing had to be attend- ed to. The Rev. Dr. Stone made a statement to his congregation at the close of the service in the Parkdale Methodist Church last Sunday evening. He gave an unegnalified denial to the state- ment made by Mr W. J. Jods merchant,formlJyennings, the dr -but now ofSimooe,to the effect hatkdalewhilof e COin the house of that gentleman and dur- ing his absence he had toted in an imprgt wanted an inveestigat on by the Charch authorities but he demanded one. He asked members of his congregation to suspend judgment in the matter until the affair has been fully and freely in- vestigated. Dr. Stone will take civil proceedings against Mr Jennings for slander. SALE They leave for ,North Bay in April Buy your GLOVES now, Buy your HOSIERY now, Buy your DRESS GOODS now Buy your Ladies and Childrena Bats now A PIANO for Rent or Sale cheap. J. C. DETLOR & CO., The disaster caused by the cyclone which struck Louisville, Kentucky, on Thursday evening, was second only to the frightful Johnstown flood of last summer. Canadians can have nolcon- caption of the power of a wind storm which outs diagona]ty through a large city a swath four hundred yards wide, levelling and crushing everything in its wafiveu hundred people were killed iThe latest accounts n Louiste - ville and several thousands injured. Immense buildings of brick and stone were crushdand levelled to the );round burying the inmates in the ruins. The track of the tornado was abort four hundred yards wide and three miles in length. Several other towns in Ken- tucky and Indiana were struck by the same tornado that devastated Louis- ville and the aggregate toss of life will be enormous. Loutsv:iie is a city of 150,000 inhabitants, on the south or Kentucky side of the Ohio river, about fifty miles south west of Cincinnati. aCROOKEte 10i3 e -Dry : Uoods - Paiw' SEO ROOM OPENMCI SATURDAY APRIL 5TE[. Call and see our immens tiles L e display of Millin T ase Oilrtains and General ®r� ,Mau Dry 'roods 5 p61' o. off for cash. ESTATE CHE If you want to buy a Dinner,Tea and Chamber Set, don't invest until you have seen our'new stock. We offer new patterns in 100 pieces DINNER SETS FOR $8 These sets are the best value in the market, ;several different shades and colors to choose from. Also extra fine TEN PIECE CHAMBER SETS FOR $3.50 With extra large lire and Basin. These sets are positively the best value in town. Other colored 10 piece sets from $3 up, White Granite ware • equally as cheap. Fine Colored TE A SETS,44 pieces for $3.25, several different styles and colors. These goods a printed on extra heavy ware, and are, without doubt, the cheapest ever shown in Clin+cn. See then before purchasing. TEAS, SUGARS, COFFEES, SPICE &c., at lowest prices. In a few days we will announce the winner of the Sewing Machine given away with our Baking COOPER & N NEXT TO COUCH'S.Clinton SPRING SALE OF BOOTS and SHOES In order to reduce my stock to make room for Spring Goods, I will sell for the next thirty days, my entire Boots, Shoes, of s, Rubbers & Overshoes AT COST FOR CASH. Call early and get Bargains. Ten per cent Discount for C., qh. Eggs taken in exchange C -- 1 r. �J 1 KSHr K And Spring Caps in GLASSWARE. great variety. Full lines of SSWARE. See our White CROCKERY and ' pieces, No '1 • cover, silver plated handle for 75c, worth $11.50glass base and THE POPULAR R�' �OODS HOUSE LONDESBORO We are every week talking about ry yetisk' \• of ,lothin And claim to sell those lines of merchandise as cheat, as they can be.; bought outside the cities. But we would not have you forget that we, handle other lines of goods as well. BOOTS AND SHOES S:� We sell McPherson's goods—no need to say anything about them yge have heard of them ever since you were little children, they are noted" 01" their Wearing qualities. We sell cheap Eastern lines also, but always re-. commend McPherson's. Our special lines are a man's Heavy Buckle ' Plow Boot at $1; a man's Plow Boot, Iland-made, Bellows tongue, $2; •-0!j a Ladies High Cut Buff Balmoral, $1.40. You can save money by buy- ing these lines. The celebrated Goodyear and Camdee Rubbers, much superior to the Canadian goods, and we sell them at the same. hard &Soft Rats- HOIJSE and SIGN PAINTING of all descriptions. KALSO- MININ6, CEILING DECORATIONS, PAPER NG, &c HANG- ING, too' SHOP ON RATTENBURY ST., AT RESIDENCE, oor o St. bath School. Orders Solicited. ,Sa isfacti nlGoara teed aateed Good House & Lot & Planing Mill If or Sale. The subscriber offers for sale his house and lots on Albert Street. This property is very eligibly situated. The house isagood storey and a half, frame, with all conveniences, and contains 11 rooms. The lot is one-half an acro, but will be sold with or without the On the back part era plraning mill, with 15 horse -power engine, with 1 surface Poney Planer, 1 first-class double Cape Tenenting Machine,1 Moulding Machine, 1 Jig and Rip Saw, with shafting, belting, &e. This will be sold entire or to suit purchaser. Terms reasonable, D. BUCHANAN, Clinton LIVERY. The Liv- ery business lately ly owned bned have y R. outthe n d desire to nform the public that they will carry on the same in the old premises, Next COMMERCIAL . Hotel. Several new and good driving horses, and the most stylish carrages have been added to the business, and will be hired at reasonable prices. Satisfaction guaranteed, R. REYNOLDS & SJv MORTGAGE SALE —OF— REAL ESTATE. Under contained d in nba certain ofthe er of madee by John Johnston teamster, and Eliza Jane Johnson, his wife, to Edward Taylor Dart- nell, the undersigned are authorized to offer for sale the following property firposed of thetown of number 977 in the said town ofClintoscomt mencing on Albert Street, at a point sixty. four feet six inches north of the south-east angle of said lot; thence north along the limit of the geld lot, I8 feet six inches, to the north-east angle of the said lot ; thence due west 132 feet, to the north-west angle of the said lot; thence due south 18 feet 6 inches tee west boundary of said lot, and from thence due east 182 feet to place of beginn- ing, containing by admeasurement 2376 e rare feet more or less, subject to a right of way twelve feet in width across the west- erly limit of part of said lot, and together with a right of way 12 feet wide along the westerly limit of the adjoining lot No. 37H extending to Princess Street, which right of way has been reserved for the time being for the use of owners of said two 1055377 and 378, which mortgaged premises are now in the ocenpation of the said mortgagor, end are favorably situate in the business part of Al - bort Street. For further information apply to the undersigned. MANNINO & SCOTT, SClinton, March 20th, 189pitcitore for Vendor above Lands wit be received bENDEAS for y the underurchase - sl ned up to and inclusive of tbo 25th DAY OF APRIL next. Tonna and conditions mado known upon application to them, Clinton, March 20th 1890. MANNING & SCOTT, 41 Solicitors for Vendor. To Tavern & Shop Keepers. NOTICE is hereby given tbatApplications for Licenses for the sale t o be r Lc Li en u License f or ' Dis q in tri c t 1 License year 1890-91 will besrec$eived for the undersigned up•to Tuesday, April 1, inclusive. Applicants must furnish the names of two good sufficient sureties as bondsmen at the of making the application. Any cert` atefsign d by a or a now majornse ity off the elec- tors entitled to vote at eleetioils for the Legislative Assembly in the Polling Sub- division in which the premises sought to be licensed are situated, and the said majority must include at least electors, who are at the time of such apof the spaid cation, residents within the said Polling Sub-diision. W. J. Paisley, Inspector, Clinton. Adininistrator's Notice. Pura ant to notice its hereby see.36, that all creditors and late of the Town of C/in others having claims against Henry Tau sley, Huron, butcher, who departed this life on of or about the 5th day of March, 1890, are request- ed to send by post prepaid addressed to the undersigned at Clinton, Ontario, on or be- fore the 19th day of April, 1890, a statement of their names and oddreeaes, with full par - ti any,lpar- ticulars heir claims and the securities, after the day last aforesaid, the adminem; and ` ttator of the estate of the said Henry Tewsley will pro- need to distribute the assets of the said de- 1 n ceased among the parties entitled thereto regard being had only to the claims of which notice shall have been given as above re- quired, and the said administrator will not be liable for the tweets or any part throof, to any person orpersone of whose claim or claims notice shall not h English ware, for $2.2 1 e Granite Tea Sets, 44 5. See our square Pickle Dishwith The Celebrated B. Laurance Spectacles in all numbers. Tinware, Milk Pans, :Pudding Pans, Pie Tins, Dippers;`' Steamers, Water Pails, Strainer Pails, Tea Pots, Tea Kettles, Skimmers, &c., also several lines of Granite I Ware, Saucepans, Preserving Kettles, Pudding &c. Hardware --Nails and Shelf Hardware at bottom prices. Groceries --We aim to keep the best and sell them at close prices. We buy Field and Garden Seeds from D.W. Ferry & Co., of Detroit and Windsor, and Steele Bros, of Toronto, and having dealt with these firms for some years, can with confidence recommend their goods. First-class Clover and Timothy Seeds at low prices. We handle Flour from Londesboro Roller Mills, and from the Clinton Roller Mills, The latest addition to our stock is a full supply of the celebrated St Leon Mineral Water in bulk. We solicit your patronage. . W. L. OUIMETT E, LONDESBDRO HUB GROCERY TTTTTTTTTTT We of y him at the time of such distribution. received Dated at Clinton, this 18th dayigof March, 1893. ROUT. FITZSIMONS, Administrator. MORTGAGE SALE OF FARM 'PROPERTY. IN THE j•j TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT. Under abynd Ce virtue of power h Salo o,-con- tain(d in a certain mortgage (which mort- gage will e llsbe produced on day of stale) there Y Public Auction. by David Dickinson, Auctioneer, at the Rattenbury House, Clinton -,- A t the hour of Two o'clock, p. m., on SATURDAY, APRIL 19th, 1890, The following lands and premises, vis:—Lot ofnhe Township ofntheWillett, inthe ourtt Coneeesion of Huron, containing one hundred acres, more or logs. This property is situate about 3i miles from Clinton. There is erected on it a good bank barn. There are 22 acres sown with fell wheat. The other land suit- able for cropping has been fall plowed. Im- mediate possession Dan be given. TERMS.—Ten per cent of the purchase money on tho day of sale, and the balance in 30 days thereafter, without interest. The purchaser will bo required, on day of sale, to sign an agreement for completion of pur- ohase. Further terms and oonditione made known on day of sale, or upon application to the undersigned. D. DICHINSON, MANNING & SCOTT, Auctioneer Vendor's Solicitors have a new lot of Uncolored Japans, Congou and Young Hylon. Do be deceived by tea peddlers; you can get better value at home. We guarantee satisfaction. SEEDS—Timothy, Red Clover, Flower and Garden. 431 -Eo, AM, ALL€ W. 401..1ENTON BOOTS SH0ES SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR BALANCE 0P WINTER STOCK. Eggs Taken in Exchange AYLOR & ions CLINTON AND BLVTH