HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-03-21, Page 64
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Jobbing. pattment is ndt, "I rpas$od in the.County -
. I I 4�10 � � � � , , - ` I 1 , - , . 11 � 1.�
flu I t6itniirtt oi,
. , , wv 'i'm Lk JJg v 1AND ROME adopt . .—
. 4X *94U 010141 labble eAnte�p ?"0009 4 Rennie ever PW 0 it-
, risos, is dishonorable "i'll" I" as most
I toolk sick, to true manhood and a Christian I - drain am, even by loving inothers-51laUetl or Mm Oliphant, the authoress, is 61 yeArs of d A
1, I glaltrw Or kilout Up in clogers. His mQuour age.
0, 11 X TOOK name. The real ne( ,, itiell of-lif, � WHAT ONE YOUNG WOMAN HAS TO had endless patience, with his occasional lite 30e. Rosa Boalleur has a tiny pet monkey, I I �74
of naughtin,
. . " mo lew. Any man worth a milt. SAYABOUT THE UICYCLE. .. or obstinacy. But neither did which Is her almost constant companion. I - . M
-S - his own way to save Amelia Edwards says the,wheA Egypti-v . , I
incl il"llul . hu,; ,,III income beyon,l She yield and give him . &
I 3ii-Q. 'OTT'S Ili- 21clual •personal wid (I, it Lit. tavuble, She made him do what was right; painting antedates the Christiall era by �t,000 I I
.11 - I Why Wontau Love Or Dress 1,ilell_paper in but she did it by methods of her own and al- ��l . 0
v What shall Le ,lol WAYS, whatever As did, he felt tllat�ho loved -"" . . I
ill) 0 Ile 11�,turally dv-i:.. life Itoolli—flelen 11141111 .Lick,40018 him best Of all W The Grand Duchess Sergins of Russia L — � I - ?02*)
.. .11 1,1111.1c lie !low' to) Keep 1111an1% During TO teach him to do right inhtead of wrong I- __ I '-- -.1.
(�Iilld�,11..2111d luxtiries, to %ohit )w writing the lives of the empresses of .....
..:.'E'N� "te"'I""lles' Russia:•- . -
.. _ .. his bald-val-lied fi)I-111110 elitiole, file '51knirr-A DoWhnotaw of his o%vu choice was her great desire. —
. ILSULT. ' = -F, I I
:X, tj��U r him. Ile wanisa b!)uiitiftilb)atd Soule tiinu a6l) there was a communication " If he is only good because I full the strong- Louise Chandler Moulton was an Only child, — . -11, r C� I
i Is, est. find he is ailaid pf me, what use will it be and amused herself in making ill) .Wrie,S alit] ==:z t� =
,551241=` I
. . to My Nea
els %%avdroho, ,I wilic-011 in your i.,snu from seine pri gu, e livrv.x- -
,. .. I take My lzpst, all t .11EV'sliewould say. -Some day he telling them to herself. ..
torl -11111, servillit, and hell), :11141 , perlence III hourching lot- it stwvi. 11 Of ill(, Will be itigger thall I am Wilt lit) louger Isabella of Alcautura, until lately priucesE ".
,kNp. I AM VIGOROUS ENOUGH TO TAKE . - . -Oblelil I,f llw'. I,) 'Pt. llt�,:�:,�,.Vv 'A' "t 1,0 Ill It -av 'y devo -ita, . , �
I -L pi aflail: then if only the fear of l,L,,,;;l:meat imperial of a Al, is vel Lit, chat .... A&INd
11 A$V-THING I CAN LAY MY HANDS ON; ("11%.el"cilees of eVV"Y Sol"' f'el � regularaild bul,,pml.[-Ot wav, I' .
". "' I !,lizi! -stiog has Stood ill his way, hu WEE go rIlra;"!;t to the ble, self-willed, eccentric and tuipopular.
'top't-thig Irat toG7 FOR Scott's him have them. What. tiWil? til�( bh') VIV Il'i It 111PA111 U� I It,- (,III;. NO; he Rose Hurtwick Thortio urote ti.e poem . "If a woman is pretty, 4;
. V11'011,�,'. 1111111t IVIII'll tO it'. - his OW11 To me 'tie no inatter,
, . 4A11sion of Pure Cod Liver Oil ]I1, %% V.11 tit keeps pilill", ull. ,Sllltl I , I ha%v corer 1,%,vii partioilarly Ili t�.trlivst will alid conscietl(v, anii not bvenit e I;L, is that watle, Im,r famous.--" Curiew Must Not !3e she bloode or brunettc- t_,�_
AndHypophosphitesof Limeand ill- lum,per his body. nillitiply his i Oil the 1) )ill: 11:11i; 1.:[,I.V, 11tit during tb.. . afraid -,f a whippiug.'� !ting To -night "-when only 17 3 eurh old. So she lets me look at her." I I
� MY Ille-lip- - - I I I tl� worl, hard au -1 filt the n- Bill;i( s thilik more -Tliiiii- gnwo:-Ilp pv�q)le -MaXin, Mayo, the leading I&IIe of Rich- An unhealthy woman Is rarely, if ever,
•SQda NOT ONLY CURED exir.ivoglinee, induipro hitn.,e'lfin I ... I -I,-. ��_�,
, 160t 40011181tlrilniptloll� 13UT BUILT - I L't 'MIful ,le(-1110..Slie,s �Illt 411'.A' quite Ivniiyv. e'er earl lktiv I.'!I.Ui0 be- it iond, \'a., had IOU suitors mid iiutied * t beautiful. The Peculiar dim-a6eta cc) whL-h so , a
. I I :'.1ts in a t : i
. , ME UP, AND IS NOW PUTTING ticedless oufla.vs for- "I`rk� I'elti`;h, worbeculd'.1orw till I was ill (1(.!,Iil.. Nly -all to rta;,on things out. , - .,oi as he nilIe of thelot before accepting -I. many of the sex ILI*(! subj,!t t. are I rultric
I - . SH ON MY BONES 91111tifiet'lion? 01. t-hallhe ttilce sortie PhYt-iv;ttri ;.,,A%v tile upiatos, and I v,',�s unable � ac ) g Ge 1 =,"-L causes of Palo callow facw, blotchol it io, 1.111- .
FLE could underi,tand, his mother wt herself to Scott. . sightly pilliples (till] lustrel'ss v� oq Itw! (ni'l-
,- . A- . r THE RATE OF A POUND A DAY. I thought for Others, help a wortliv: to w., lilly slit) at all witillitit flwul. Of , ,
explain him the reason of wings. .'*!is Mine. Modjeskol takes a cold bath in the clatedforlilp. kvolflensu:lfttl(.� ,
MttnQlltl%' ,ILI`0d hV L16il,jC bl'. Pi, I - ]":.O ', " r- I
I ." . .
, TAKE IT JUST AS EASILY family , lail'.", this ocui([ not last, and it wits through ;.L . �. I ..""'!"'I't"
. AS I DO MILK." y now and their, be*totv ai never said "You must duso still so because 1 'morning and a hot one before going to bed- Prescription; iinit with the rv-1toniti,,o of
, Scows Emulsion is put tip only In Salmon I * lIiS81I,;,vAi,)II that I call'o t" tile P"i"t of order it," but " becauso it is kind and brave one to make her bright, the other to make health co,ttos t:i.tt beauty wh!ch, combim-d
", I
`.color wrappers. soitt by all Druggists at ( lil)el.tl I offol ill- occa,ionall ' %, where. contemplut it, the wheel as a saviag agency. and unbelfish," kfte would Sometimes add, her sleep -and both for health. wilt, jz-ood (Infindes of heed and heart, IIIUkQ6 l -
J , 50c. and $1.00. 0, it will (to the m0st Volt ful' (4111 I went down aull bought a ticket soil took a " It would please Intil. -Ila very much if you wol"ell "I"JiLl,suf luvc....111oless.
, Mrs. Leland Stanford has give $-00 toavOnley
ritc Prewption "
--- th a the on r nivd4
, I SCOTT 6- DOWIVE, Relleville. 0, vatimi or religion, institute new le )it. I (lilt of think that could possibly dolt," but she llever coniniallaed. Ward the purchase and restoration 11 �) "
, " . .0 It of e lifir- women.
d One for 0
.it lth _ 6 by (11 Ilifirists,
— - — - - - - - - -- sviienies for- tho umeliol-atioll i I the loll, for c uld not (to tile any "It has cost him a hard struggle some- tunical Butter's in 0111- WARRANTE0. in under 'e"r a positive
- ___ -------
, Fort, which the cit a
' ,
bun an w,,esat d the relief of htim- unshed ... 41 the school, iguo- times," she told me,." not to do the pleasant ties of Sacramento threatened to destro_ -, - antee from the T
. 1. It ininiously L.-ld by a'lia die, and I never thing°which was selfish or greedy or mean, manufacturers, that!i-t will
mi di�lress. It is plain ill Whit. -I could inake the thing Aan till. I was very but never, not once, has he disappointed me Mrs. Gen. Booth, of the Salvation Army, in sorry case. or money will VeverelautlidteadotioInt
. .dirt-clion tine manhood woul(f and in the end!" whom n-ances Power Cobbs pronounced one Is a . oiolio,l)
.", . much we t house blue a P03alve Specific for all those painful dlsor.� ( "
. I proinlit hint in go. And tht-ii down -hearted w tell it other, who was This happy ehild, thus led, notdragged,in of the At preachers in England, is buffering dere, irregularities and weaknesses with which 1
, - glad of my (Hsi I i - 3o many women are afflicted. ^V,
-ourage 1 1 , as she was from cancer, and has had to give up preach � �.
eoi,eei ning his Jbi-tune when . in the right direction,
I I n he i, -and living on terms of -
I I I 11 I mortal terror of the tll�p killlig me. Next 9. Copyright, ISSS, by WORLD'S Dig. ]IIID. ASSIN.
. 11 I , I dono With it. Shall he leave it :ill . the closest intimacy with his mother, grew In Mrs. Pemberton-Hinkii is one of the few ploolli
.C. I morning, after a nig ilt of such length and into asuperb, manly boy, One ofthe hand- __
_'. to the children? In four- cases out horrible restlessness as onVillose call nuclei*- somestand dearest I have ever known. professional singers who prefer to go before
i�,., 111-11311
. --- -nVe ruinous. His stand who cannot Sleep, I came for another -a empty-handed. She hangs her
nffiVe it will pi am aufflenc
I I .
1, , "" boys will be spindthrifts, motive trial- Keepplux Plants In Winter. arms at her side, with her palms and her el- DR. PIERCE'S PELLETS Z
AVA less and useless. His girls Will This time I didbetterand spentthehour Doors opening into the room in which you bows out. -
there in buch hard work that 1 wait tired keep flowers should have strips of listhig Clara Morris owns a very pretty piece Of Purely Vegetable !
, I I
beet 117 the tacked about them in such a way as to close property n the which vide e city
I . . wo V'CtiMS Of f0l'tillie" when I had to go home. What do you think rit o a line hi divides the C
, �I nunters. Tbemoney he has piled I did when I got there 0 Laid down and went all cracks through which the wind can enter. of New York from Yonkers. The boundary PerfeCtily Hall-MICSS I
-igid to sleep I After that delicious nap nothing A strung wind will blow more cold into a divides her bed, and when she is asleep her Tm�_
up by hard knoeks and I earn in moderate weather than will be likely e e c are in UNEQUALED AS A LIVER FILL. I
, fl] bless none and could keep me from my wheel. I have leant r00nl m head rests in New York while her feet e
ecomony wit] -ide continually. t to penetrate in still nights when the ther- yonkers.
I .. -so many. He may have u to ride and i I am all righ Sultallest, CIbLeapes Easiest to take. I
(7 a: and sleep like a top, and if by tiny chance I mometer is down to zero, Therefore, be sure The Duchess of Sparta received as a wed- One tiny, Sugar-coated4rellet at close. Cured ,
montiment in the grroveyard, but am so busy for two or three days that I don't to fortify against the admission of air through ding present from her brother, the Emperor Sick Headache, Headache, Constipa- I
Z ' these inlets. It is a good plan to take a day Will tion, Indigestion,
0 , Bilious Attacks, and all de- ' CIO
..', x -.,s-- Bec none. in the esteem 'if Ilis country get out and begin to feel that horrid net- , a diadem and necklace of large t- rangements of the Stomach and Bowels I
� - , Lam
I . for doing this work. Begin at one corner of 26 cents a vial, by druggists.
- at the room and go over it * S
1 men. He may gratify his lona- vousness Contin over meltdoes not bother quoises, all selected stones, set in magnificent
me any more, for I know I have my cure thoroughly, finishing diamonds. I
, lied desire to "die rich" but up each part as you go along. By system-
- , 4tva ,safe to dye with "1,"I*"* , hand. ' Mrs. Kendal believes that soap and warm FALL GOODS 1 ,
, �".-� otice I lie bear t -strings are snapped The young lady who wrote that letter to allzing the work in this way you are sure to water debilitate, the follicles. Twice a week i
fi.';M�?" - Diamond Dyes
-it - his ,,ratification endst, you said every one would be an eathugiast if have it done well, but if you k
�. I.;_:, j here and there, and now and then, as it hap ! ^
"' ' always . -nudei 7 they once tried the wheel, and I indorse her stop a crack - her hair is washed in clear, cold, soft water.
,, 13ecause awl his name .-clon sinl,s into Ob- After the washing a crash towel is used to 1�w
pan, to be discovered, you will be pretty sure Just Arrived i
liviol). opinion and would say, in addition, just you rub the hair )sax dry.
try lying awake night after night till the wee to have a bad job of it, taken as a whole. -
%,;,�L� ' . . SOME NEW OF sma' hours, h hour after b If your plants should freeze, as soon as you SOME DEATH PORTENTS.
, - -
. . ear our strike and
DYEING. think the light is never coming, and be re- discover what has been done put them in a
!:-4 I W _A�"JV 40 ]A Iii
•, " ,,, ,*,, �,�,. - . __ duced to begging your friends and family to dark room or the cellar, where the tempera- To dream of a white horse is a sign of death 9
-:".. , stay up just a little longer, so as to make It lure is but little above freezing, and Sprinkle 1
-'21,,�-!,, '- With Diamomd Dyes Thirty years ago tile professional dyer he In England. 40 1-14011 40 W "'M ,.. I
I I - or rath& shower them with cold water. In"HappyS
, _1. night seem So much shorter, and then all of a
.. �.
I I knew of nothing but indigo, cochineal, A common saying in England is, "S4, il-veir-Nvn 1--r�.
., r'a 11 .
. I.,
_, 'g "I" I logw sudden have the power of sleep given back to most cases such plants as abutilions, 911- the corpse that the rain falls oil. 'I ►*-a
��,�,� , nod, madder. sumach, and other
. vegetable or wood dyes obtainable only, you, and if you don't get enthusiastic for the tuns and others s of similar character, can, if In Poland, Me., if a wbite horse draws the
, -"
�M' � do. 'cause of this blessecl change you are very dif- taken in time, before allowed to thaw, be helu-se another death will soon'follow. J. BIDDLECOMBE, I �L
' 1,l....'Jtvs -pleasant to dye ill the crudest forms. To -day the ferent from any one I ever knew. saved, and I have had quite tender plants CL11TON
1 mestic dyer has new dyestuffs which In Peabody, Mass., whoever counts the
,�7.qQl, -_
with produce better colors than the old .fash. If there are any nervous, overstrung teach- come through the ordeal with comparatively '_
carriages at a passing funeral will (lie within
.1� . "," Ip., ens, little injury. The frost must lie extracted BUSINESS CHAN'GE.
:�'j,'�`.". , Because they never Toned dye -woods, and with but a fraction s, let them try my cut-(,, and if their pupils the year. __ I =....1
, "
,� 't _ of the work needed for using the crude don't bless the wheel then I shall be very gradually and with the application of as lit- In Sussex, England, white anin Is I -IV
".. " 4-!% , fails lives. Inuch mistaken. -Another Convert Ili West,- tie heat as possible. Keep them away from ' s '
- The latest discoveries in * dyeing are jugt011 8t:1r. - the light and warmth for two or three days. teriously appearing at night aro �'l tur'i7- forela Balory, ad - Rosigoralt.
embodied in Diamond Dyes. Theirnew - It the tops wilt after the frost has been ex- death warnings. ^&)
Why Women Dress Well. . traf-ted .,, -it may feel quite sure that the wilt- In Baldwinsville, N. Y., the clock should Subi cribor desires to intimate to the people
Light to dye with Fast Stocking Blacking is a dye Which � i, :lieu ,-amiot he saved, so cut it off at be stopped at the time ofdeftth, as its running out
and vicinity that be haslinos
jet black that will not ',%1I,X Jelln('88 Miller's opinion on thosubje,-t I'll on . I L
makes a fagot t the Baking and Vestaurant business of ! Z,
crock or wash out. A ten cent package is that women are interested lit dret,s ver;v 110". 11110 Le %in-(- to cut below that part will bring ill -luck. - . Mr King. and will contlillic the Same tt the i
se -they are beste colors fi-.e pair" of stockings, and every 1111-gely from a desire to please, and with wb;, it appears affect,A by the frost. If spree In Switzerland, if a grave is left open over old stand, OPPOSITE THE PCST OF b ICE I
I . I time the stockings are washed the color -oluell fond of admiration it is undoubtedly Of the frosted Pil"t "; left oil, very often de- Sunday, It is said that within four weeks one Being a practical man his customers may i
. rely on getting a good article. - .
becomes brighter and handsomer true that they dt,sil'o t;o please men; but there cay set, Ili, -which to the stalks be- of the village will die.
ew book " Successful Home Dyeing " giving Ohl. after BREAD, BUNS, CAIKES, &c
vmg Ail Indigo Blue has recently been ad- are a larger class who dress for a desire to ex- low. ;-Louldthe whole top seem killed, it Ifany one comes to a funeral in �
. - ctions for all uses of Diamond Dy�_s, sent free ded to „the Diamond Dyes. This is a cite euvy alliong women: Women of vel- does nut follow that therootshave notvital- the processionstarts, another death will oc- always on hainill. Oysters, lee
- Ii on. Diamond Dyes are sold everywhere, tboroughly fast and most reliable color, sensitive refinement take ino' y I Cream, &c. in
I re p1d.Ahilore out of ity enough left to send up now shoots, w, dot, cur in the same house. seasolm. I .
71 color mailed on receipt of price, io cents, and is especially recommended for dye. nattiness next the skin than outside, while not throw them out till you have given them It is said in Boston that if rain falls at the 89cials sguglied on shortest notice.- WED- 1
IticnARDSoN & Co.. Montreal, Quc- ing clothes intended for bard wear. others, because of the admiration excited by a trial -Ladies' Rome Journal. time of the funeral it Is a sign that the dead G CAKES a specialty. I
I �
1111HATIS MUM h splay,prefvr the latter. , . man bag gone to heaven. .
di, W. H. B3YD. P
Y�:,�f-,L One Turkey Rod for Cottons and Brown for 0 A Doll's House. I
FOR MANY � 1133ps cottons are two new dyes which are es 1. do not I liffilc it is possible to state how
eop dn . It was erected by Thomas Lynch, Jr., for If the grave is left open over Sunday in
, 11 Lf Z, tri, Pedally designed for coloring cotton marriage alrecth women's love f dr . Cir- 1[3E0__K_,_A,M 'S �
MILES RED Ktrrel-FR g �=
�1;�.".", �, o ess C,
,,;��;, 111110.� V!l!: the world. .0-fadli es aro his little 4 -year-old daughter, ata cost of Boxford, Mass., another death will occur be -
R � , I ..equated, and to introduce our goods. They give beautiful colors and clunstunces generally co " I
1 11, I 'Up..., g..d� wewill.ando,tin "trolthat' If a great $3,500, and is as complete. as the wildest juve- fore the Sunday following. —ELECTRIC
t::"�ji jil � .. . —
0'' _41
,, to ONE PEIRSON I are not effected by washing with soap. many cares press upon a woman, she is allt,to nile dream could wish it to be. It is built of If rain falls oil a now made grave Ili Bald -
.1 '', , - `"h I".1ity. become careless for that reason alone, and I brick, with a tower and cupola like an an- whisville, N. Y., there will be another death
?.,�� � , _uabova. Only those who wd* It line always been thought impossible n
tow at c- - molk. .- .1
0. oha.w.. All you lt-� to do I. to obtain a pink that would not fade. the certainty that she is married and there- HAIR - RESTORER ! S
in the family within the year.
. 'A" fore placedbeyond the question of how to in
I., =to to show our good' ' But at last one has been discoverered- cient castle, and looks for all the world like a .
�IV0, EYE4�.. " wh. c,-ll-y.ur lghb.m w reproduction of the great modern residence In West New York if rain falls into an .
,p � ,1� pndth...."..ayou, Th. Diamond Pink. This name a husband by the coquetries of dress atld RESTORES GRAY HAIR *t
IV of � Al" a nin&o this vertiaemen, of some millionaire. It has a little flight of open grave another burial in the same ceme-
,ed to
_i��, I R . . 5toall eod'I of the ter.- re fectly describes it, for it is fast to other charms. TOO few women raw e .
I;,O, 71 i r' iz that a steps leading lip to the solid oak front door ter will occur within three dayg. --TO ITS--
. �J,A, " icope. The following out gives the appearance of it reduced to g t and washing. It is a very strong , -
,�N , . It busband's love is often easily lost by the . neg' and an eleq�rie push bell for the. convenience To keep the corpse in the house Over Sun-
dye, one package coloring from two to lett to be its attractive as before marriage. Original 0010r,Boauty anaSoftness *A9
I of the baby visitors of the happy mistress of day Ili South Framingham, Mass., will bring
-a - - ENEW six poands of goods, according to the There are, however, conspicuous exceptions the house. death in the family before the year is (jilt. Keeps the bead clean, cool and free from I
li-):,�- about the flftieth part of Its bulk. it is a grand, double sizetele- shade desired. �. of women ,.% )I,, dress more carefully than ever
1`q�" 4wopc;as largo as is easy to z Oni this door, which. by the way, is four dandruff. Cures irritation and itching I
��.i;11.1_ , ed rolke from �93 tosILCOMTayd'�IVO.t�l',"..'11,'=I'hy.O.L',",�,�Illhu The Diamond Dye Brownp�-Fast to please their husbands, but they are the wi,-,e
,,", . . � *_4 a
N. . feet high, is the name of the proprietor on a . . THE CARE OF CHILDREN. of the scalp. Giles a beautiful •- gloss
J V�,' , o-e,p.,.,, .. - .'go. heal Brown, Fast Brown and Fast Dark women of the world.
n, 'i B,,,f., write at once. We pay all expre '
;`-,,ItAddre LI,E7&CO_B@S0,P0R1L., ,,,Not.
Brown -are made from new dyesttiffs Very few women permit men to dictate I . silver slate, 11 Miss Leila Lynch," There is a and perfume to the hair, produces a I �Z
., � , . � I n hallway lighted by a miniature gas lamp I .growth, and
,� ',�.% Don't tell the faults or cute sayings of your new i will stop the falling
.�, entirely different from anything used matters of dress, whether husbands or lovers. suspended front the ceiling, and it is child in his presence. out in a few days. Will not soil the
, by other dye manufactures. They are I think shore are many women who in the choicest of hard w6ods. There are um- Don't deceive or frighten (by bugbears) I skin or the most delicate head-dress.
,.Z, 1W
� " nut only perfectly fast to light, but would desire tobedaintily dressedfrilo one brella, and hat racks of appropriate dimen
", .
1"Ii� - I - childien into obedience. . I Full directions with each bottle. A
�.�i��,��. , •
tl-cir rich beauty is increased when oversaw them, but toogreat trints", would sions. Elegant. draperies cover the parlor ' '
�,�P, ' Price 50c. per Bottle.
�,&%T:- . goods dyed with them are washed in fail into ca etc loess without the incentive Of doers, Don't manifest itspirit of partiality. Chil-
�."�-L�� and the parlor is fitted up in grand
I , �, , soapsuds. public opproval. And inregard to dress re- style. dren are sure to detect this. Try it and be Convinced I
l,�, -It is easy to dye" is true of Diamond form, wonit-ti eater upon it for the two rea- Don't encourage in a small child that for
.e. � . RE I - The furniture is all of white enameled
0,�;,- I Dyes only. Beware] of imitation that sons, to beatt nletive and to gain health -the wood, covered � with white brocaded silk.
jq`�N I
" .: which you will punish him when older. SOLE AGENT FOR CANADA.
� - When you promise a child something,
, ,-,,j,ii,, There is an elegant mantel filled with briers- don't H. SPENCER CASE.
, PAVIN CURE R 4,i,,,. poor, ,,.citing colors. numbers at,,, about equal for both, This �
rW-�� . �� work is growing tremendously, and it Is the brac of the choicest kind and little lamps,of forget to fulfill the promise to the lettek. .SPENCER
,�,;, � I � S
�.,:;, I . '', In I very ultra-fashionables th!tt are taking hold. -ample mercilessly under foot tho Chemist and Druggist, 50 King St.
T the rarest patterns. A beautiful chandelier Don't.ti
I 11 q, jc� -, ', of it. TIIPy are becoming convinced that the furnished with real gas brings from the con- wishes oi a child, but respect them as far as West, Hamilton, Out. I
;011�' - V 1. ,. I pLatumi
,'�,,,� , . . I 11 , � , t gram of the long lines, which suggest 'A'itll. ter of the room. Cellter tables, divans, easy possible. Sold by J. 11. COMBE, (4)
- 1 .
"'LA" ! I . I eople Wow.,_ Olit ('14-4Y defining the fig -tire, lend charms to ft 0
"A ___ - - chairs, softvK, etc., flIl lip the apartment. Don't ever let him see Ili you a trace of - __ - - ___ - _____
�. . - -
i. - - ___Z )"itioliold
1. � - _G;� �_.
I" � many unattractive women.
.� ,j.. z- - : Dolls front Paris occupy position.-; here and the 11 -l'in-bigger-tliftti-you-niikl-yotl'%,(-�()t-t(� -9
.. � - _- I TIEN they find ]low rapidl.. ',:. . - f .
.", W there, just like real people. mind" Spirit I �L --L:?, -M -Y-0 U I
- is restored by taking Ay,�k-'; !, z- Paper ill thrSlck lloolln.
t; I % -".',,, The Iffost Successful Remedy ever dis. 0-oli'l
Then there is a dining room furnii,died core- I)olllt pulli,,h a child Ili anger, but 1--t him
covered, ai it is certain in its effects, and does not snparilla. Tile rcm4on k t7i:i, t 1: .�; While oil the sul).jo-t or lvip,r. newspallvi,
11� " C, N FE 0`1110
a--` blister. Itasol proof below. preparation contains on',Y i4f, pilrt P'SpeCifilly, did it evvi. occulljo %'Ou wlla.t 8 pletely, with sideboards, china closets, etc., of know that yon dislike the ta-1c, but p110rul,. I
17 I'W , .
I i6i desigii. The bedroom is a marvel of �
'- � I 11108t powerful allvi-ativ(-;i :-- s!, I useful artivlv it is � It �011 es 8(; Many pur- it for his good. OF
� Office of Charles A. Snyder, and
beauty, and is replete with all conveniences.
'Y -, 1. tonirs. To thousandn yearly i, provv.,; it poses. I'Involl between the �hpvt, and.bed- Don"t (It) and awry things; for the ,ake of THEM
i The ceiling Ili every roorrf'is six feet two
i " 1 ErLrXDETi OF veritable elixir Of life. Spread or another sheet it; will
ill keei) out the � .. t mousing him to show nuger, and Ilivii scold 11118,90 . a
�,,i�� .
N��,,",,'. lza-rMand Day and TrottIng Ilred Horses. ;Nir.i. Jos. 1_11;p.. BI-o(-k,ovc,y (,1.Iltl,p. cold, thus, making a velly light rover for pa- inches high, and the upper - stories are Jas bechilse-he does mo. 160 free acres
, Mich., writer: !,iv, r ;!linplaha and Cents unnblo to- stand the weight or bell big enough for 4-yern-olds to move about t 7 fi;) floize -S 2 eke r ,',""'
ELMWOOD, It Don't say " Oil, (to hush ill)!" or "])oil' I the lanious Milk
, it -ta ly ltiv�r Valley of
1� "' indigestion in: ( my ,,ro r, 1-tirdin clothes and serving for a blankf-1, to those who 11 . bother the with so many questions," when a . Nfontaiia,- renched
", V� � -, Nov.20,18s8. , DR- 33.1 RZIMA LL CO. I ;" . etmifoi 1, .
's:, DetLrSlt,s:lhavoolwaYeptirchaqed.yoilrICen. al!'I'vallic) 11, •.11, vildill" 1.1y v'z': t, "I-0. cannot afford one. ()lie. groat 0 bj(,(-t * . "The only thing I have tolivo for, said
dell's stinvin Cure by the half dozen. bottl, loll to it (:bill] questions you. In, the MANITOBA
".'�. would lht . , I I j`� ii- Ilion! I I i -.-,21 fol I r ., ,vara I � 1. f: .r. ., I ,;n. in this capacity is the, m6v it is likely 'Mr. Lynch, " ii the happiness of my wife and feel it beneath your dignity to give a ItAILWAV
. . ko ric 8 In lar - -
t obestiP
in, gar quantity. I think I,' ,.,,(I n'-,ory. , lv�,.� rodil"od nill Z ; make, lryoii,,%,aiittA)k(-(�I)i(.e,j'( to , That is wily I built this house."-- (,
......'�- one of mentA on earth. I have u.e.1 , I children. Don't
pl, In my stable% for t A(�Rwo
,"' .(!I- had to n1li., I " , at)3 mgth.4 asoll fol. it I-vi'll,41 1, if prileticable
hires, I. �, I 1,•: o.:, I'. I 1. I 1,ul .. . :: ly, I ('hintgo Times. child the I I kes tile MAN 1P)DA
.1 11 Yours truly, CHAs. A. Syymn. (.. ''. I-1, 'If :0)."tt. �','i ,.;::'. , • . 'i Of time, fill it wine cooler Or all sinflinrly I The Keallh-Sadcrlft
. , 1, .�o to do ; if it is not, , y,mr fornur eonduet ,)",the lake. ,.i�d 0
, " -, ,'it i!, , - spa wrnp,,everal bj(-kIl(��.,(,;(,f1 I,, '190 theNo
.! (!;. ,� �wl ,lw : :1 � :: sh I t . rt i -
r I I - , I thog:1111 1111-111roona Etfoinetle. should linve ill�pirvd stivil coillidi'llov loward wfl�t, n0el...1 1[(�t
1: . (:'.', . '�11,1 ,.!�,�;. I ,'. ., lialwrclo�vnround it, stalldiligit on p:Ip(,1-,1 The etiolull to at halls is exceedingly sillll)l(', you that he will cheerfully ,ubnfl� tit, gI Sptotsr�
. . nwIllroa(l-
' . - 1 ;:!" \% i 1: I, 1;; ,,!vis. ..,� I-, , i. .. .. - it, arld vour io, will kvVII for twvko llour. 11' procv.,Slons in litts.i4a and dermany. Greater I-,ng1nnd 1,411.111er. . Amter Sanitariuni �-�
Dpar Sirs: I desire to give � -1 :,-, it- ;. I im)k n.Irw,l to .1�'.,;.W. . ,. . -_
I nil tentImnWal of , "' li"'i, ; , loll:.-I.I. I liberty I, pi,nuittvil to young people to walk )II ' � Thdortuiie-Seeker take" tbe1AlA,,IT0I1A
�, :. : ,; 11 U, I.Iii, ;! d ;.;1%" I I'll-. --� . - linving 11 bl"lliket Or soluothing Ihivk to VOV41:1 I Compared with h tho elaborate ceremonies and
DR003MYN, N. Y., November 1.1, r".. : be does not understand voill- lootives. --Nov,
I J; I ", )U. 13. T. KENDALL CO.
`1 for * wnwI; -'o(,d until 1 , f)!,14,11 \"o III". '.101'.1 oil to pour strolIA about al intorvals or sit, out (hiring daneps. TI-iE POPULAR WOMAN OF TO -DAY. to the glorious �,p-
-f., IM-] vultilonof your Xenda rs Rpavin (711-. I 1. - I lw,_,!In I , I � . :
".7',issed it, 11 �.menepls, Stiff J115111" " ... A''I". .`,;;x.,tal1;Iril1;1, Nvhi�-ll 1,-��!* ... Pour
of the
,�' 'Sp
.Pr1n,4.anr I bave round it a sure �U, "' -4- oitl't�(,l N�wldvrflll 1,,:�-1118. "', -11 I., ,; -l-ii,-tli(-in,,oi-,�twtll()t�,111:tlly ohm,xiou.- Thmigh it k not considerod vorrect to danco .--- I'nur new stntt-�
�`,f il!!, r--nmPneiRtoallhorsemen. , . iullellin P
. 1�1-1 A. 71. M i �, .i. - COMM. to ill., to lah'; 11:11 ,;;l1.;.:,-_ I . i Illtill i'llon 11:11-1-mv livelwil I,oLtl,.. A l4vve, f more than thl-pi, time. '11itheRameliartners sliv i., I ;w ,,uv 101".", uhi HrvI I are 1,111; '
"' roy L ....... lr,.�.. ,, _,,&i �ov I �1 , writ ill, inpl.l. VA i'll livOw all oxv.-Il'.11t. flume!, girls art- left (ill such inattmrs very much to u,)t lj�,. ,-,I� I
�:')ars tralykanager T . I Lake th.,NIA11T011A �r
, I!, Faswfactut,�,r to tile. Orem Fuji,
�i., Tho
Sp '
1,).:�i-,. 14 j 4),14- mon. Il'o fol-pallf'r. iloi I %, ill my no their own g-4.sonse. InGerinanythere are ,Sll(, i, t1l'-Ile wil" \V`lo's %%('It lit tile; 4'1001V: of the,Nh,s'mlrl
) .", �
' - , ��
V -62"i D A L L'S AWN GURHEO "; ,.tF.,-.t- I; 1 illol" "ll tlw.'IIb.iovt,. All 10 i i,!1%ivian Once several fancil it] (lances where the 1111liosselvet n1ld uov,�[- mind., Whiv, the 11111114, .,r I ,r tfl:P� f110.11 kNITIMA
,, 0 p:tn-ver,_ae,-�,�` I tjllj�flll !,w 1141W 1O 4o ter (.1m.,ill:. :111,1 [ 111141 flivir par ttier:4 for <)tie hirn round tho. romn, ( I I.e� - . 1
I 11 , SA.yr, wi",,m commy, Onto, Dec. 19, l-, 3. 1 � , ,;. V ( , ,, 1: I : f , I 1, 7 - [:. :1 I , I " - t; I , - I �; � - . . . . . slullk(.1 t ��
� - 1., - . Tho Toarlsi the. 110� thvwnaml-
DTL R. K.-c%I)ALL I!.. I . .
G('TLt.S: I 1001 It In( dutvi- imy -hat a ,ipve ti -o n t.11'ri ol.,; N. W1 ;I ! --,� Or. ,0.'!,! i � I I!. %I.(. +_1 ,:J'.ndi1l1.N% 1111,1 think it, (ITIPv tel ire- and if they lonve out any ons 1,, whoni they Slit, k the one %A bo is b)ynI tA, her I riends, "t '-wry ,4
,, . In Cur,-. I lir,vc ,-,tr,,l (,)--!t ;,,: ti:,, loud I;il, ". Ill\ :. 1'�. 7 - -,.t "n I'll'-swah, nlid Tht, pufling, and have bet. -I) jilt rodured, it is coll'i'lored it" ill- ignore., her onetoie,, no,t lovv.� lwr loi,lmud %it,, riva
With , ". R'nflal:'a Rl,&% .1 . I 1)710V� 11:1 � .
, . 1, "t.',',.-1;- llf,;sc4 tl,pi, had 1*oavItyt. t,,,i 4 . . ni"I , . : " " I hl'o'A - , o ...... . ��11-1. lo ,�Xtillgmi.,11 III,- 1111')I,� i 4111t. Exeel'i ing the (oval quadrille. which ,,till ch i Wrv; I. *WCI�Z,i
,f. , 11.1!.;'1111-11 ,',�iO .1i'v, , .
", I%R; It (,t,e, nole &�'.1,-,!(11I,vlth IlIq irend I'll , �,
., � , , 1110 Travvkop *:0- till! ,)IA\I-
- . 8h,c,-Th-Jia,Iot,,r 8- �� ; -,. 1111fort 11,1:0'.1 ; !',.I- uiu-,, � bill[, thore is no Ill 1::I,% 110.1"'., ])III
%. � 1. Fti'-" : r 31rr.11aw. Ir�;w1;--. �.i F�j',,(11'1 :.11.t0i,,1 '! .� , .!. 100'. I-: '11:111." "'I'l . I opens the AWt. P, e)
',, r b", , . ! � . She k lholow N%ho w -ver loah,,., N,,n eon- ,
.", " I 11 1,01ioNW-11 ..Io cinmetwas, I Ill -c 1:!. -- W-- - �: , � "; -,;.nd -, ,, 'I � end :.-ii1w, hll� lso,ql f.l-,��Ifl-:J. 1'1'01M?*�- � ,:1Ixla1l-I of th,, sint(I
�,, 1,.1; L. , -or oviv hen:. , [ , C., i I .), nionsures Of former .
IPI:"'.HT tCUIY, A-cmu T -n- Fn, , : �,,:: 'I. ;,hI-. " "I".116 "': ;I ? . lillioF. Dan,-ing i:; not. m) nitlob It RacialSCIOUS ,,f tile 11111('11111 . I In'w'.1v ,1;,. ]III or , ;,I. �-:,Id ��Yupulr
I, .. , - -it], ,,f ,olu-I-, 'll. -M pi-!;,�:11V �li,oat , 11cr Inch of it. ,1:,t.:t:- , "North fill.
J I 'I'l, ,., D'. i. I � i i"::� 1.,�k i;1 •, 1"1,4 'j, I I. . , R, N I r,): ,1.i,- t.,
, ' '
I�,;,,�� 11; I I . , , I •nil it-horan iw.1, toul :,Im Ir ,,,,III,-* '44*1111 1!�: . 11119"MI'. 111:Ll-�A hV all, 11:1(1 It RI)OMM-1c, bean- C.
, I ., . I I I'l hV, die, I 'it, a- -11.. � 1.11,- - 11,:0 I -i", 11:0S k , S "nth I)a
,. 411 ill, , 1 1 oilo'.",lier ;!:,( wl,m'�Il (" l"I110. I", . ., 11 v On
, . ,� . ".04 ` . !till ill .(P" m, ponsx.ual l4onsim, for tho�o . . �;,. )ho)tala am[
�., -�- ;.,& S 'i 1&: . .� �111;41k,4 , .. � - i
ii "' ' �! "' L 9 SP "� "' r - ` - ! A 7 " I . .:: t: �'. - t *1 A�f ;, I':, i7 I � , . it in mro!), 1. i.,iIA" '11, aod 11,1111)9 111-4-V 1.11-1) 'NhO t;ikV 1�:11'1 It 141 It \%VuI-iocN,4 to tllftNi� w1lo I wvro 10f"i.1"'I fat' ill,. .:[.,., , ;twi 1011�, Lon- I �, 1, o (,r en I,
111. lit
-.:, � Is f,�l 1,1'. til":11, cm",i
F11-' '1,-bnftIo,orAt-, iwoq for r',. %11T),, I - ..:. C..'Itre. :J10'.. ]:v,.,)!-, c, 1.111 ,pn-ptil-cd \(,Ill. ..jl41 1.10:111 will dr -v. (IT -"p 1"ok on. I sh" i4ll1(Ilf.-,%ll,) ., 11, I-— -A �- ( ;!- IIANIT11114
. �.J, ,,rc,uigc� It;', ...".. or it\�!J tar" :�.: - "if. ;t;)!�% 0;-t,.I1ww, I;wtl� IL-1 � tilP li"llt 0 11fli-1. ol 1111" oild io:ol� ll.tfi.ly III,- A holit kJ1 k 111,ap� Ilw pr.11; I exatl Iti. , \.-,jr,uo,�
Toru::." $ - I 1, I r' -, - I . ; -,- 1,y I).,. 1--: , ".
..". I , t"; ,�; ,,, I �,,!,,, I r�
I il,i::ii,, Or Th,� Tkul
" � ,ur, , * .
to, ?; ". k., J. 1. -,.; . , , . ,_; ., -1,1..,�;il,o.�, ". , . '..""., i.i I I 11v in , I cry lt.,l I wid"l, , ph' t.. 11'.. ,�,�,-, :..I p7w: T:,� fl -1,111. iv fit Id., of witi,ond tit ,� that 11 [*,.]-, i"o"I. "(1111:1 It 1'!I,Illlll .""Ing 1;::.,� ; 11-1 vilitmi:, %� 1,:!Il � ; , 1. h"ll 1'.
. am! , .. ; I d N, h:11 ( rv;l, I;, I. .- I). p. . iv" 4-X' higil I'll,- 1. awl i�,Jl 1:1r;1J.... trouldt, ,tv. A �wll lightt'l ,hir., 111111, i'ih) which felt 11, � (W., I-I.N. coll'it, 1.1!11 11 1,01.0. . ,, ': PIIOJ:�,
I -
; �, ,&,)/.,.!) il 7" , " " '. . ) t,'�','(;7Q 7',� vl� ; .: I— ,!,Ii;i, C. 10,7. W:11 -hr" C. 1. , oI I I . ... I. "'.--i'l" '1�
.. I , , (except, 11 hv.] rom,,% in I 11'. f-111), 0" not allow , I'vell ild rollov,..: 11��11,1111)- (,I,.i.-vfS 4 o'll - , �'ll i-.4 t1welic wll,,, o 111-11 r
1;'illi'- I J) `%,�, ' ;1" D!11.�Tl"I. ' ; "Il"' . . Y .V1111 Ili,- (I piste ; G�f ],.,) "'. \,_ S,
1. ; - I - '; i �' \ ( -', ( )V ['NUSE " " , .. I 1. 't lif r. , thp ,wrnl,fhm-nt lo; r t,. lit,..,, t!.(. i).,lj is 11,11w bil,�rt,.t it, it,, 1w;ot ,,I Eng!'.1illifol 1:1 In "(41 .. lmlk", N'';] h I Ilint Owhll� •! I I!.. 1: ...... .. �. 'I"
1 1 t'.11gimid, wns, fl)ll :I , savod., Allo Tlaill-I ."M".., �Onldv l000 w1itill", r"I. flik .q.1-111mitv to, ,. -I 1,.,T,. I I— *" 9
.1, I `1V Hl:k 1111111. In'!;' i,1.11 , 10MIlli'to ftifflull to 1IN 41", - O- . could (1, .it.( flowel", .11110-% f,,Xv,4* llvad,4 . - ' 'ed " " , .11,( '11 -
. I � .i.i . 1, I.- I : - When Vl!iolt, 1w 1.4-w4ou of :,ores oll Ilk foot. firlen .�?ufir, I,tilie r.t).$. �11111' I 1.1-101. '. %%il:i "Iller tr"141:1S Of ,1,.)I*I 6. 11ol 1,,. 11:141 Ilv, I t \-'l of" 0- 1111TIOl . ! ,:: 111,A1,1.-1,, O -Z
, Y. , , I . I , "', 11, l6r;i ,X�vr'-; Altimnar and the to- 1110's 41, fi:ting fraim- to ill," movie;; i,,rm.l,, 9111'�t.
. sco, ( h- t;1;I,,-.1i;d.; it (.1 111ahlod induced hill I to 811011 R P1111j;4 :W, -t! ' � -,,1!-l, it, �',- %%ik,, ,,r r.t�r rtw,d gh ls, bright ill. , I I'l., -11 fisdid"it 4 - '811v i, the„ul. %, ho do. - �,'l 1.,;i ],("I.).. mt- �%iil r,,-. •n,.,P. *
I � A v j'4 S.ni-.491) ' Ar,v�# e N-T;,: 1''i ,"'I'll,
.i , , I, ,I, tr nrilla. After' using it BRYs '411,011 C-1),dw- it, WkIv Awnk,�. No it, the 11,1,1, I,1..,-iz4.,l yOung ,,,, 1-11*41 11,1111ilig , plt�,I,Injj: Ilii ig,,, i,,,,I ir.,I,., I;., -it lo,l opinion I•f .I” r,-vivl�, MR111MI
I A,,)- n I 'i % ', I I , 11 CZ
' .1. . litile N%ldIv, liv iv;vA cured, nud IR nolv , one who lZilt-NN her lit bolt time lia, ovor fur re ill pill1k. 1' ill! here and tl,( ,I,*, triv mem- 1 of nut I. i1v sums It all by:�nyiyig: -- I do not, , 116�'., h, Thest.
Pittsiv]. . -.cd # - 11 . 1. I wilng Ill ;I F ".
I a well urian, N%( I i ,r mill I gotten the piri ure she made will, 1-1- Laky in I,,,,. or some tl(.i g1li,fil-i ng (.1111) OI_ Poul,
. " tin."-- 11111 , tili'l gists till ,,,,,%I ill lit nit"ll.
fill's 11- ' , -1 ' , - , .. ,' et, at Ilirk1wile, Qm,,and, An= in.ster Of 1 likehot,' , .,(,s no lactitol v;plallfltion. 't'.
" I . ivr weting Of ON and i - Bab Ili L,mi4villo Cmo`vi ---m-Oid. -
A. Attewell, Sbarbot La,
ontil0o. ' I '"'11". IT` "n'; `" ifill)"I't4l"i it P2111, it, harrivn; lit green. The 11 I I lt�lt NAP
ill di, r. " I her life tivill it wn, in, 1--iblo to tern!( ,,r on(, •vOung rl-om all I)Ill.t, . I %, 1 . h, %, rii ligr t,, *-_4
- co, ,- it 1 ;-. ,. ;I s -nti. X . ,)f Ill., (,)Ilntl.y iv n.,,.igllt ; 1'. 1. 11,111rilev, (;-
I Ini't1l. \%-Itioh melt f,l \, o; I I. i will not A
I without 111f, other. fin was 11 Imre, s1,1,-11.li(j i -lint. dov, the livart wed h, 4-v. and k very "Went. 151di. Virl." P. & T. A., 1, t '11,) l 1.
1 1 g(IT10111 I 1! v :� pp 4v::1 I " 11 lo did not III, wilo sevulvd Illwnys pf'rreelly gerf-110 t-liallaf-terihi jo a. A .%.)t�i;ll ,.11., I ,1111,_. IV,*)- ' The 1,al't phrrist, Veni, vidl. Vivi" wile , 11111r. L)OW
, .
I .
mein I m IsS arsapaFj�18, 1 child,
happy nq a litippy eMN Alwiil,l bo, an(I 111no" World fir4t .;p0hpu by CaiusJulhiii Ca,sar, w1i. •%% as ert-
I ilial Iijeiwt1,-ivg ,f'i%bigfhr- I tht, sat slnef;on he tonic Ill llf� 111of1wr and she I - � - . born Ill Home July 12, 102 B, C., n,..t was -- - --.-- __ -
. tune i.; qli_,1ft-fiIl. I'll. Gat tile PREPAnICT) DY . I INW 0
, � in blinwrisplotisrinttow.e. A Great Lake. killed by assassins March 15, 44 B. C. He 19
I . Dr. J. C. Ayer 4 Co., Lowell, Mass. I Children Cry for -
1. 0.1inging to it nn' it thfil") iliggliql-alp , I It, All tbu 911YPtinq find Pur�luffl rind int'..r. Lake Superior Is larger than any other in- Paid to have sent to the Senate, the goVe ng
Worth $5 a bottle. , rupflons of her busy life.. Rennie (her pet land im except the Caspian, which covers body of Rome, a message consisting of he
ltotl I ill.� wil.1i it, Price $1; sis battles, $5. A *Pitcher's Castorla.
:,.Recompli-illing, X N", Al 0
i I I
.0 0
. 'founding no 011tritic" 1.11dowint . , name (�r him) was always the centrel figure, 176,000 square miles and has lit depth of but I three words (whieli Merin "I came, I saw, I . . 0
founding I Nothing Interfered with her devotion to him. 260 feet. Lake Superior has an and of 32,000 conqueretill, to announce his victory over. .
I I I * Vuven Ito early, her theories as to the proper equare Utiles and a depth of 1,000 foot, Phairriam, king of, PORI @, at ZWA 47 Ph 0. �Z
"I 1) _ I I . .1 I I . . . . ... . , i . �
. I I
, - I