The Clinton New Era, 1890-03-21, Page 51 COLDWARE, SPECTACLES, WATC HES, CLOCKS JEWELLERY And Fine Watch Repairinsz at Rock Bottom Prices. J. B. RUMBALL & GO JEWELLERS & ENGRAVERS,CLINTON. WA rr L - PAPER Our new spring styles will far surpass anything we have yet shown and our prices are very low. WINDOW SHADES We have a large stock of the est Shades and Artistic Complete Blind, Roller and Pull, from Don't forget the spot. COOPER'S BOOK STORE, Patterns. 75c. to $1.75 CLINTON SALE REGISTER. House, lot and furniture of Mrs Cars- 1ake, Victoria Street, Clinton, on Sat- urday, March 22nd. J. Howson, Anat. Farm gates, rollers, churns, etc., pro- perty of W. Smithson, Clinton, on Sat- urday, March 22nd. D. Dickinson, Anet. Farm of 100 acres, lot 18, con. 4 of Hnllett,at the Rattenbury House,Clin- ton, on April 19, D. Dickinson, Anat., Manning es Scott, Vendors Solicitors. Judge Drew,of the -County of Well- ington, is lying dangerously ill at his home in Elora, from pneumonia, com- bined with an affection of the heart.— On Saturday forenoon he was in Galt, and returned home in the best of spirits and health. About two o'clock on Sun- day he was suddenly stricken down,and the symptoms were of such a serious nature that four doctors were summon- ed. There is slight hope of his recov- ery. The Toronto City Council has pass- ed a bread by law providing that all bread offered for sale must be in loaves of one, one and a half, two and four pounds, and that every vendor shall, if requested, weigh the bread offered for sale. MRS. WHITT. M:C.S.M: TEACHER OF MUSIC. Plano, Organ and Teohnioon, or Muscle -developer. for use of pupils. Rooms at Mr. S. Hartt'e, opposite Mr. Whiteheads. Notice to Debtors, All parties indebted to Reith Bros., late of the Town of Clinton, are notified that their -accounts must be paid at once or they will be placed in court for collection. Mr. E. Reith will be found at the old stand for a few days to grant receipts. BULL FOR SERVICE. The undersigned keeps for service at his premises llth con., Goderich Township, a thoro'bred Durham Bull, of first-class pedi- gree. Terme, $1 at time of service with privilege of returning if necessary. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Also athoro'bredBerkshire Boar. Terms, .$1 at time of service, with privilege of re- turning if necessary. W. WISE. DRESSMAKING- -- Miss RESSMAKINGMiss Trewartha desires to intimate to her many customers that she has returned to town and is now prepared to fill all orders in the DRESS and MANTLE MAKING line on short notice, and with perfect satisfac- tion Orders respectfully solicited. M. TREWARTHA The be e occupied by her is for sale on very reaso able terms. Particulars on ap- plication W1\01\6. LP SALE. We close our business next month, and from now till then we offer our entire stock at prices that must effect a ready sale. Come and see the Wonder- ful Bargains. SEE • OUR LACE CURTAINS From 60 ; cents a pair up. Remember we leave in Apl. All accounts must be paid this month. C, DETLOR & CO., FOR.SALE OR TO RENT. HOUSE TO RENT—Residence lately oc- cupied by Mr James Thompson, corner of William and Princess Streete. , Apply to MANNING & SCOTT OOD HOUSE TO RENT—ON RATTEN- lir BURY Street; only one minute's walk from Albert St., lately occupied by the un- dersigned. R. HOLMES, NEW ERA Office T0 LET.—THAT DESIRABLE DWELL - neo house on Rattenbury street lately occupied by Mrs S. H. Rance. The house contains 9 rooms with good cellar and hard and soft.water, small stable and good gar- den: Immediate possession. Apply to R. RANSFORD. Clinton. HOUSE AND FOUR LOTS IN BOLMES- VILr,E for sale. The house is a two-storey frame, consisting of four rooms down stairs and three up. Frst-class stone cellar, hard and soft water and usual conveniences. Good stable and hay shed. The lot is a block of one acre with street on each side. Will be sold for $525. For information apply to T. C. PICKARD, Holmesville. FOR SALE OR TO RENT—HOUSE AND ILot for sale or to rent, on Townsend St., The house, which is new, contains fourteen rooms, and is heated with hot air. There is also a good stone cellar, good lawn, hard and soft water in abundance. The lot contains } of an acre. Terms reasonable. A ply on the premises or to MRS C. CARVER, Clinton. tf FARM FOR SALE.—SUBSCRIBER OF- FERS for salethe farm of 112 acres, being part of lot 20, on the Bayfleld line, Goderich township. About 90 acres cleared, the rest hard wood and cedar and in good state of cultivation. On the farm is a new brick house and wood shed, hard and soft water, also never -failing spring, close to school anri church and is well watered. Also good bank barn with stone foundation and drive shed. Address, THOS. H. COLE. Clinton, Ont, FARM FOR SALE.—SITUATED IN THE Township of Glenelg, County of Grey, one hundred and fifty acres, situated on the banks of a beautiful little lake ; 100 acres cleared and in a good state of cultivation; can run machinery on it all; well fenced and a first-class well, good bearing orchard good bank barn 60x40, straw house 60x30 all with stone basement; also a good cottage 20x24, with kitchen 16x20 stone, summer kitchen 16x18. All well finished and the farm is in good shape throughout. Will be sold cheap. Terms to suit purchaser. For further par- ticulart apply to THOMAS TOWNSEND, Glascott, Ont. 2mi Blacksmith Shop and land for sale. Subscriber offers for sale the property owned by him at Gowrie, in the county of Perth. It consists of a blacksmith shop do- ing a good business, with dwelling house, sta ble and half -acre of land attached. Is in a splendid farming section, with no o position Will be sold with or without tools. Satis- factory reason for selling. For particulars apply to THOS. LOBB, Holmesville, or JOS LOBB, Gowrie. t f Good House & Lot & Planing Mill for Sale. The subscriber offers for sale his house and lots on Albert Street„ This property is very eligibly situated. The house is a good storey 'nd a half, frame, with all conveniences, ,cud contains 11 rooms. The lot is one-half an acre, but will be sold with or without the rear quarter. On the back part is a planing mill, with 15 horse -power engine, with 1 surface Poney Planer, 1 first-class double Cape Tenanting Machine 1 Moulding Machine, 1 Jig and Rip Saw, with shafting, belting, &c. This will be sold entire or to suit purchaser. Terms reasonable, D. IIUCHANAN,. Clinton Manitoba Lands for Sale. 3,000 Acres of Choice Lands near the rising towns of Moreton, Morris, Rapid City and Minnedosa. Full particulars given. Address F. G. MCINTOSII, Listowel, Ont. SAW MILL FOR SALE. Ono of the best steam sawmills in Huron County, oapasity 10,000 per day,lin first class running order and furnished with shingle and heading machinery. Also about 5 acres of land and house, plenty of timber near. Last year's custom sawing was over 400,000 (and over 15,000 sill heading.) Near ship ping point and thriving town. A first-class business cheap For particulars address, NEW ERA OFFICE, Clinton. Immediate possession if required, tf Good Farrel to Rent. A good farm to rent adjoining the village of Blyth, alth or without a house, to suit tenant. Good buildings on premises, farm well watered. For further particulars ap- ply to TIHOS. F. COLLES, Agent, Blyth. f iIiACHEYI WANTED F012 8. S. NO. 8 -L Colborne, male or .female holding Sec and or Third Class Certificate, duties to commence at Raster. State experience and salary required from Easter to the end of the year. Applications received up to April lith. Address, ANDREW MILLIAN, Seoy, Auburn P. 0. • 31 .UMBER AND SAWING,—SUBSCRIBER now has his saw mill thoroughly equip- ped and in first-class running order ,and is proffered to do custom sawing ot'ali"kinds having engaged Mr W. Dodds, a prootieol 5awyor, to take charge of the same. Will buy good sound henlloelt togs. Orders ro- spoottully solicited, Good Cedar Poste for sato. We are paying 83 pot 1000 for loge, THOS 'SEIM ' Gadorieh township, Dee. 09, s WANTON 41 I $ Cerreatedlivery Thursday altertwea,' Titoradayy, MARCH, 21 1880, Wheat, Ial1, standard. , . , 0 80 0' 80 035 a 040 062a052 Pious per hal 4 50 a 500 Butter; 0 15 a 0 10 Eggs 0 X2 a 12 Pork 5 00 a 5'00 Ha 6 00 a 25 Hies 3 25 a 3 05 050 a 072 Barley Peas Sheep Skins MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKET There were about 150 head of but- chers' cattle, 50 sheep and lambs, and 150 calves offered at the East End abat- toir. The price of cattle are still ad- vancing, but the butchers were buying rather sparingly in hopes of more liber! al supplies coming in' shortly. None of the cattle offered to -day were very ohoioe, and the highest price paid here to -day was 4o per lb. Pretty good cattle sold at from 4c to 4io per Ib ; should inspect the stock of new spring goods at the Dry Goods Palace rough atcers, oxen and bulls at 3} to 4o; common dry cows and milkmen's strip- pers at from 3o to 3o per lb. There was a brisk demand for tho best calves, and prices are from $3 to $12 each. Mutton critters are in active demand at advancing rates, and a good many of them are bought up before reaching the market ; 45 sheep to day were Bold at $6.50 each ; spring lambs are declining in price, or from $3.50 to $5 each ; very few are going at more than $4.25. The prices of fat hogs are looking up, and they bring rather more than 5c per lb. • -ser -v - --a Cottons, Cottonades,.... ,...... Shirtings, 'Prints, • Millinery, Dress Goods, Carpets, Tweed Embroideries, Mantle Cloths, Lace Curtain Gents Furnishings, Dress Trimmings, o , Arriving ih endless variety and are now being passed into stock. Careful buyer" WHEAT IN THE WEST. Never is the history of wheat -raising in Illinois has the prospect for a good crop changed more materially than within the past ten days. Up to March 5th winter had been mild and the wheat plant was never in a more healthy and apparently prosperous condition. The freeze of a week or more ago was more fatal than at the time supposed. Samples were presented at the meeting of the State Board of Agriculture on the llth inst. from seven counties in Central and Southern Illinois. In these samples, which were taken up by the root, it was found that the bulb of the root at the top of the ground was a mass of gum or jelly, showing conclusively that the germ of the plant had been killed. The freeze of Friday and Sat- urday nights has been even more severe on the crops than that of the previous week and the damage is very great. _ —_...---_ THE U. S. TARIFF, The Republican members of the House Ways and Means Committee have practically agreed upon every point of division on the tariff schedules and the reductions to be made from internal revenue, and will present their Bill to the full committee this week. There is a special provision that if Canada lays an export duty upon lum- ber duties shall be collected according to existing rates. There is an increase generally along the entice list in the duties upon agricultural products. The duty on barley is raised to30o a bushel, hops to 15c a pound; buckwheat to 150 a bushel; oats, 100 a bushel. The duty on agricultural seeds is increased. But- ter and substitutes therefor have the duty increased to six cents a pound. The duty on eggs is made five cents a dozen. Potatoes will pay 250 a bushel. Hides, now on the free list, are made dutiable at 1}a a pound. There is a small increase in the duties upon fruits. BORN MCMATH.—In Clinton, onathe 19th inst., the wife of Mr James McMath, of a son. HARDY.—In Goderich township, base line, on the 14th inst., the wife of Mr W. J. Hardy, of a daughter. FARQUHAR.—In Clinton, on the 18th inst, the wife of Mr Geo. Farquhar of a eon. MARRIED WARD—DAW5ON.—In Wingham, on the 10th inst.,by the Rev H MaQuarrie, Mr John Ward,to Miss Amelia Dawson, daughter of Mr A. Dawson, all of Wing - ham. DIED McMATH.—ln Clinton, on 20th inst, the infant son of Mr Jas. McMath. MCALLISTER—In Dunlop, on Sunday, March 9th. Catherine Jane, wife of John McAllister, aged 21 years and 9 months. SWIFT—In Goderich. on Tuesday, March llth, Dean Swift, aged 69 years and 11 months. RUTLEDGE—In Goderich township, on Monday, March 10th, Mary Rutledge, wife of Jas. Rutledge, aged 80 years and 10 months. ' McDoNAon—At Smith's Hill, Col- borne township, on Thursday, March 13th, Anne McDonagh, wife of Jamos McDonagh, aged 78 years and 6 months. NEWS NOTES Live stock in Texas are suffering greatly from the long drought, and there are fears of very heavy losses. The Directors of the Western Fair have decided to bold the Exhibition of 1890 from the 18th to the 27th of Sep- tember. The live stock exhibit will be from the 22nd to the 27th. The peach and apple crops of West- ern North Carolina aro almost wholly destroyed. The mercury stood at 10 above zero Sunday morning. One- third of the tobacco plants are killed. Burglars called at four places in Bradford on Monday night. Business WAS bad, as they only secured about a dollar in coppers, a revolver, a gun and some goods. They made use of a horse to ride out of town. Attorney -General Martin has given notice in the Manitoba .Legislature of a resolution to petition the Dominion Parliament, praying that steps be taken to secure unrestricted reciprocity in trade with the United States. Rev. Dr. Reid, treasurer of the Pres! byterian Church, has received from Miss Mary McEwen, executrix of the will of the late Mrs Catherine McEwen, of Ex- eter, the sum of $7,218, to bo devoted to the foreign mission fund, less $500, which goes to French evangelization. Tracy Ludington, a farmer formerly living near Woodstock, but who has been in Dakota for three years, has come back to settle down again at his old home. He says the distress is awful. Tnere is not a farm but what is mortgaged. The State fixes the uato of interest at 12 per cent. but in many oases, in fact in nearly all, 22 per cent. is charged. Mr Dryden's dog bill has got through committee, in the Local House, and a pretty drastic n-easure it is. Under it a dog found worrying or wounding sheep may be killed by any person. More than that; any dog straying on any farm, untess muzzled or aceom. panied by the owner or someone in charge, may be done to death likewise. Still further, the dog which is found molesting or attacking any conveyance on the public, highway is liable to meet a like fate. The new law would not COMO into forte until the beginning of next you, I�- per c. off for cash. before making their purchases. ESTATE =EN noncENs, A Iaaager Signal New - Grocery -Store. MESSRS COOPER & LOGAN beg to announce that they balm opened out in the store next to Couch's butcher shop, a new and firats class stock of A Cold in the Head may bo aptly termed a danger signal warning you that If neglected that danger- 1 ous and disagreeable disease, Catarrh, is sure to follow, perhaps loading to Consumption and the grave. At no season of the year is Cold in the Head more prevalent than during the Spring months, 1 Groceries and at no other season do the people of this country suffer more generally from Catarrh,with all its disagreeable and annoying effects. Do not for an instant neglect either of these troubles, but apply NASAL BALM. the only remedy that will give tnstact relief and effect a thorough cure. he follow- ing testimonials from among thousands In our possession boa; witness to its sterling merit. Alex. Burns, Sudbury, Ont., says: I may state that I have been affected with Catarrh seven or eight years, and it was attended by consequent symptoms such as foul breath, constant dropping into the throat, hawking and spitting. partial deafness, ringing in the ears and sickening pains in the head directly over either eye. I have us- ed powders and douches, but all to no effect, the only result arising from the use of such was tem. porany relief, followed by the usual symptoms in a more aggravated form. The results arising from the use of Nasal Balm: Sweet breath, stop- page of the droppings into the throat (consequ- ently less hawking and spitting), clearness of hearing, and not once sine I began its use have I had pain in the head. In fact, it 1s my opinion that a carefu and persistent use of thelBalm will effect a cure in the worst case Of catarrh. Nasal Balm Instantly Relieves Oold in Head, A. W. Mallory, Mallorytown, Ont., says: My daughter suffered for years from a most distress- ing and annoying Cater, h. Her cneo was under the treatment of eminent physicians in the Unit- ed States and Canada. Two months/use of Nasal Balm has had more beneficial effects than all for- mer treatments combined. L. D. Dion, Dept. Railways and Canals, Ot- tawa, says: I am very glad to give you to -day the testimony that Nasal Balm has completely cured my catarrh, from which I suffered for nearly three years. Crockery, Glassware And invite the public to Inspect the same. Our 1n c T. D. D. Loyd, 8 Clarence street. Toronto Teas Coffees Fruits,Canned, says; I wish here to testify to tho unequalled healing powers of Y ur Nasal Balm. I have been I G -o o .-.l s, Etc. c troubled for three ears bywhat the doctors call <JI C 1 L'J post nasal catarrh and have tried everything in the city that could be obtained, in the shape of catarrh cures, and found no permanent relief from any of them, till a friend one day advised me to try your Nasal Balm, and I find that even one bottle has done me more good than all the medicines put together that I have persecuted myself with before. I was very much troubled with spitting and hawking, especially in the morning so much so that my throat was con- tinually in a raw condition, but I am now be- ginning to know what it is to be able to speak freely. I shall not fall to recommend it to any of my friends suffering from the like disease. Nasal Balm Positively Cures Catarrh. D. vcrbyshire, Mayor of Brockville and Pre- sident of the Ontario Creamery Association says: Nasal Balm beats the world for Catarrh and Cold in the Head. In my own case ft effected relief from the first application. Isaac Waterman Imperial Oil Co'y, Petrolia, Ont., says Nasal Balm gave me the most per- fe et satisfaction of any medicine I ever used for Cold in the Head. I found it easy to use, quick in giving relief and effect a complete cure in a couple of hours. If Nasal Balm is not kept 'in stock by your denial. 1t will be sent post paid on receipt of price (5 Cents for small and $1 for large size bottles) by addressing FLJLFORD BG GO. BROCIIVu.I.E, ONT. THE POPULAR �RY 0000s HO USE LON DESBORO lOOK, AND LEARN, LOOK. ON THIS SUIT, Which we offered you for $10. LOOK ON ITS STYLE. It's stylish enough for the most fastidious. LOOK on ITS FINISH. Could anything be finer ? LOOK on its PRICE It saves •you one-sixth in cash. Will You Buy OF US THIS SEASON? LOOK ON THAT OLD SUITE You paid $12 for. LOOK HOW IT'S WORN: Shiny, threadbare and shabby LOOK at ITS SEAMS ee how they have ripped. Vaal LOOK at the LININGS See how tattered and ragged Aro of this growth, and our CROCKERY and ,GLASS'. WARE are of the latest design. Everything is fresh and will be sold. at the lowest prices. SAUSAGE season's HAMS, BACON, &c., HADDIE SISCOES, ORANGES, LEMONS, &c, always on hand„ FINE TEAS a specialty. Farm produce taken in exchange. A trial order solicited. COOPER & LOGAN, — Clinton;; 14, SUB GROCERY! LOOK lLOOK ! We want your money or BUTTER and EGGS, but will give yon in exchange goods cheap. We are going to make a SPECIAL REDUCTION in Brooms. Wa tubs, Brushes, Washboards, &c. All first-class GROCERIES and SPICES kept in stock. E -E0 w A L. 1[A W, 401_41rv9r The People's C~rocery k Business change.. The undersigned desires to intimate to his former patrons and frien that he has repurchased his former business, and will continue it the old stand, Corner of Albert and Ontario Streets He intends to go out of the Crockery and Glassware line entirely, `.•'; balance of which will be sold cheap, and will devote himself exclu— sively to GROCERIES, Fine Fruits, Confectionary &c. 5^ Of which he will keep nothing but first-class goods. The business. will be conducted on a strictly cash basis, and prices will be fixed ac- cordingly. By giving close personal attention to the business he hopes to merit and receive the same liberal patronage that he enjoyed''' hitherto. JOHN CUNINGHAME. - - CLINTON SPRING SALE OF BOOTS and SHOES In order to reduce -my stock to make room for Spring Goods, I will sell for the next thirty days, my entire stock of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers & Overshoes AT COST FOR CASH. Call early and get Bargains. Ten per cent Discount for Cash. Eggs taken in exchange CIIAS CRUICKSHANK 1 You Didn'tBui BOOTS � y OOTSSHOES THAT SUIT I FROM US you know Out stock of Readymade Clothing for spring is now complete. We can fit all comers from a child five year's old, to a man whose chest measure is 45 inches. Mothers, examine our child's suits, they are elegant goods, quality A 1, style and melte up first class. You will be tempted to buy when you see what excellent value we are showing. We have a very complete range of Tweeds and Worsteds from which we make suits to order at very reasonable prices. We u6 nothing but first-class linings, and guarantee satisfaction in every garment we turn out, Buy your spring snit from us and you will be pleased with your purchase. W. L. OUIMETTE, LON DE BOF O SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR BALANCE OF WINTER STOCK. Eggs Taken in Exchange TAYLOR & Sons GNU NTON AND BLVTH 1