HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-03-21, Page 3. A :.\ p AT t
r TALMAG i'• Al.l ZEN), ( uu�t waq+�,c+awu 4' a:ma°aa - - w,<.wi.i vrw,aw>cwi. u"w.wa.,,ai� �.`m"".,.'u.uc-.e..»n - m.,.: aa•�,F'^'�'"'
$600 RE, WARD. 1 Stix should be ul eery house. Il
vi rt -
saves tweuty times its co-it. Sold by ;
SocouJi-lent"are the maaufact- A tecuut i,: pub,i.hed it, drat gats, °
` )f I►) :�a'=e'd l.atat, h Rem- the New �iurl•. uu suvs : The
'11,1 ol•d (. t �TA
� p .,.�-••-;,,t� , u WJE aR "
e(Iy in itwir Mliiity to cure chronic most pro►nillcl ti ;urs it, 1 %I I0 It 1'ANT I N 8 1 : U.I NCh:
I'lasal catltrrh, no matter how bad American ptt:I .. IIuy in 'r. De
pr of hoot iotig, dLauding,that they Whitt Tulin" ,u, No nlhui Ildlt.g - --
R�,"u• �s' ''14 �'ll
offer, in good faith, the above ru- mar: speaks ++tth lnu� uc ut,d lieu 'fill: 7'm mtl, Bu,lgi-t 1t p„11, 1Lt•
ward for a rade shies they (.ut to nu ()luny li,tuners. llt� ,teat d61111sal nI all iull,t,l talll .1,11,11,1411M
?. not cure. Remedy bold by t'iit euugee;.;utty+l In IjiUok Ju ib but suit which l.an atllUeLud It good
gists at 50 cents. un indigniticuut hautiau of his deal of>~tloutiuu in legal and in.,
whole audience. !lis voicb• is suranea circles. It shows that �” ltd �1 A ��
UNT- heard weekly in two wltiuents, Hon ]lir Alowat hub been once; THE dd'((
EIiS. and millions arc in the vast rime victorious in the courts, and ` sH E A LTH
r throng that listen to ills wol•ds. that a large atnouut of money is ---- �� ��'
The Arab - ,tem ut coding i,
lit many respeeth Talmage may , saved to the Province. Will absolutely and per. � �4'
J' Il?aner.tl cure the Ir^;f3
' unique. About fifty years ugO be deseribc,l as nue of tho most Tho Altoruey-General of Onta• ® y � 1
they nubduod the extensive Hall- rernarkablu .°tld ]nubt puzzlin),r (ria v. thc,l:tilt l t ul,'_)1 iunurullcu t;ravatedcaseof
{ com wies in file matter A t' the N
yens country, of Which Nyall-wo prudLICU ut' civ ilizutiu11. t.onlpar-i P G �! ' �_ ,ATA R R H, 3
I ansongu at now well. ' la()11, With illlfl Ill•e inlpusbible. { IDnurallco oil tilt-, Ahylum lot- till , 1 •� S r,,,, ® W-* „ I
and a c _ IV Mill rf t eatA all
cuutt•es. Thu IilanJ•eutus, offer bc- � flu. luso` ray :; at uuce As of' u now i inbuue, I,uuduu, Uut, dc,trut•I iln, �3� Feel Ol? �l(I�3ri'h.l L'�i(�.L11UJw
i ----- fl°+attble.� of til®
ing tl�us di-baudcd, gradually al- i specie, of ti.e genus 110111(). If' Ile' in alletelatbe;i tile,
b1lildillll This id Lit,•, a,;:,ai( oc oint'i Lint, both of m
lied thelll-iolve's with the Arabs, Ile [)tit l:lcntlt, led %%-ill' the "I' 'I , I shies arc cl.' uld,l byt_pttablu physi• ��s��� � �� ����if
acd eventually have bpread their urutut•s ur the+ giant intellect ()f \viii wll;,t;';.).).! divided 1.1!11,111} cians as lull ly worthless and l,,.uerally
of the ago Ile nilly,. into all inbi r Wilting the :1 coil ):ilio,, _1t iujunous. �\sic for hospital Remedy 9
operations throughout the conn-� +b h' '' i #'ar Catarrh. g`11a1jerlranentllrcure Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Com=
uitic'allcu that is litial'Ie, uud et. the tt'i:tl bulore tile. annizu udgcs
try to an unuruunl� extcut. Thu I J" J 1 lust.--This isthoonly Cataxth stipatlon, Bright's Disease of the Kidneys, Catarrh
Arabs an their cxpediLiul:, i() for years inure ,leu :111'1 \voulell i:� Toronto, a jury \ras dib le()sed i 8 rwaivid on the ii.arket which ��ICx� r
1 y e t za Stomach and Bladder. This is a marvellous
search ofnluve., and ivurJ',guuur have e:t_crIN, ,uuglil hi, words with bJ• cousetll 111' both partied, i E111911t1t06f1�ilCeiL'ntlllCraUltrGtla. I 1°gyp, e
I'1'hc ud'rntenL 1\•:1s ;;i\�en li,r the medicine. It rapidly makes
ally surround the native villa`s than have paid hued to lu)y pub- J h og
�>OO Bi�®®® AN® LO TS OF IT
lit: teacher ut till, ur n other Attoriivv-l;cucial with costs. It "-
. early iu the nun l.iu :1t a'rivcn J'
h1g11 :1I they I'llnh 11unI all point., gunw alien, w•as thea tut�eu ill lire Court ul'
!B:X�r_Et7ElEIrT Ei LEP. ,'Sere is not a blood meth.
fil'Itl� I'I 11L And left and e.l),llll'111': •\ c;YV -DTIC 1'ttE.1('IIEIt, •\Ilpeul by the defendant com- gym• _9 0- cin.Ain the market as good as this. it Is poerloos. ,
All 1110 VCOlIl01t. !f the Illell Utl'la•I Ile,eems to huNc deli bl'1•ately pallies, illlfl rely the ukpinitno s 4 - �•"""�'•� St is used in the nospitalsofmurope,and pre-
g, This in an Ineci spar• scribed by the most eminent Physicians in
de;conlined to reach fume b the Judgment ol'tLe Court uC Appe:ll � ® able
rehibtunee they' are phut; ulhet- J tier the world. Suitable for old or Young. i
ladder of notoriety. III, made of has been rendered affirming, with
wise they uro allowed to escape. J' p�f ° AzX i'OEC YSOEfYiTBL Yt1t1p,TFlD� g'OEt
himsclfa pulpit wou:ltebauk. No l cunt`, the (Iceibioll uflhe Court 1)t1- V1II Gueral & Nervous •)r'`jlr�� LIVEltJLNI) kEDNETS.
i'hc mtua+•oder, tlleu pilla(re all P L JJ
" clown ill the circus rill could ` low•,!h11s Icaviug the vivturF' with (��1�l'`°•QQ•p—{� r,
the IIUtS ]iI the V01:1-1c, ,..,which Llivy I"" is len:vlife ,ts,:(t. r'eo is an;t live ¢vain. Ask fox P�I1lG lQ'�eL�,
halve been 11101•e illgerliou,i than the Attorney-Goneral, iuld coh. i1dSPt7ALlfdA1'cCYforQEtgRALQE31LIl'Y.PRICES1.00.
afterward fire. It', however, the r
S ' Taltl,a r0 lIl tl'eat1111r Ills Audience fll•lIllrlg the V i0%v 11-lerally Ill - -�
place happens t0 be extenhlve, t I� h
the .1rAbs adopt different tactics. to fresh ucrubatic surpriscs. Of authorities on inburancu law. ,+ i.
They i'nrn) A stockade or zareba. late years lie has almost aban- ''.
Jil dolled the gymnastic feats ofthose That tired, debilitated fi'elin r m® 'e'""'� 1)3iS d313rt f1'fllli the SEi� 1c a l8rs Of Great BTitalll and EIII"IIp9 : ' �`I
Tin::, fortified they establish them- Z,J' g' c;
earl s Ile was ridiculed so i)eculiar to Spring, indicates hau@ /
soh 1 s, nl:,intuiniug u strict watch J' da 3' rhe four grocrtest wedical centres of the world are London, Paris. Berlin and Vienne. These cities tfttYlBhse
at night. During the whole of mercilessly front one end of the depraved blood. Now is the time hospitals teeming with suffering humanity. Crowdsofstudents throng the wards studying under the Professors in
their Lit:l v' they keep this attitubo land to the other. So long as the to prove the beneficial etjucts of charge. The most renowned physicians gthe world teach and practice here, and the institutions are storehouses of
Ay cg's Sarsaparilla. It cleanses medical knowledge ana experience. With n view of making this experience available to the public the Hospital
_ of defewm). :after the lapse of Papers printed stories about htrn p
P' Remedy Co. at great expense secured the p, ascriptions of these hospitals, prepared the speoijlcs, and although it
devclai ,lays they release two o, it in, little difference to Lim file system, . restores physical
whether the were compliment- hi - the ,anti infui:es .new lila and would cost from $25 to $100 to secure thy attention of their distinguished originators, yet in this way their pre-
three of the women prisoners, who y P pared specifics are offered at the price of the quack patent medicines that flood the market and absurdly claim to cure
are instructHd to deliver a message ary or otherwise. He titled his vigor into every tibre of the body, every 111from a single bottle. EEE
to the men—in hidin- far away church And 6e gained A national
in the forest—to the effect that if t•eputation, such as it was.
• Iv
they want their women back they It is a significant fact thaLin C. C, RICnARI,a & CU.
must come and rclicem them with all his devices to attract popular Gents.- My horse was so afflicted ® �l
/ Attention Talmage has Confined with distemper that he could not drink Q�
lttShs Ofivory—such wotuau being for four days and refused all food. 0AI L1,d'�"ii ,SACH.
his sensationalism to words and 4I
valh'ed at filo rate r f' one large t Simply applying MINARD'S LINI•
tusk. Then s(:v-erul days pass, 1 methods. He has left new thoo. MENT outwardly cured him. tt
illlfl) perhaps ()111: rllr,l'llll,g curl J- logical fields unexplored and has Feb. CAP. HERBERT CANN TO HE, UAD OF ALT, Dr-7: cG'-IS'L'S OB. OF THE
a grub' voice is heard in the dis- Stuck close to old-fashioned ortho-
rtho- C, C. RICHARDi &C0. fgt q ��p� �r n� g r' 1 l l;
t.a, P dux . Indeed ho doesn't inflict ROSPIT ilLflMEDY COMPUY oiei Prt�Jllietors - U TORONTO CAN DAN s'
tutee hailing the enuum mint. J Y"' 1
He inquires as u, Lhe truth Of the, itltich theology of any sort on bi- A three-year-old child, whose par.
F_ 1 % g g f
statement brought by the woc,ten hearct's, do reversion of ereedb rn's where asleep in a coach of the C)T.,.CVrLanl& DESCRInY.NG `TOMS RE:Zq�D7 s3 ul:ern CIN
it parley. Dur, Over trouble him or his church. Lake Shore and Michigan Snatllern , -.^.T • ;;
and then follow; :::.__.._,.�..,... ,M.,,,. _........ ,.. ,,. ..°
in r the bub..<c uwtL Ila}n the )e,,. He preachQ, the hell fire of Cul. Paisengertrain No. 9, near Elkhart - =•- - _ a n.. _,�_.,,�� ____, .-.. __._' ... W
q l V'ill, bill lie never speculates about Ind., walked down the aisle, and fell o..,.�,.
. seruted u:uivl:, cr,nu: with ivc'1'Y i ofl'the platform v. lien the train was
to redeem lhcit• n:otlier,, sisters Lhc lute ul' unrclrenorato infante rennin ata high rate of speed. Itkill ;
or Wives. l:vcntn;lll�' thug Inul.e or \vin 1 ic•s over filo Issues which was supposed that the child had been �� ���� �on .".":
fricadniviLll theircooquoruls, \\ix, llneatet, to disrupt the American instantly killed, but upon stopping HOUS0,
then use thetaa, guides to the Ilmird. Itis severest critics never the train and going back. the little.ty w •'
next one:unpnu'ui, whsle •the huve bion hl. any iu)pnlatioll rpf one was found standing in the middle \ g
hrreS) :l�.linst him neither i1:'•, of the track uninjured, aside from a+
namt' ttcnt()uul i- :c,c:ucd a ,un 1 ------
f 1 "light scra.ch on one ear. F.ailwnv
#: ilia a ivutc cn:trucLrr Lccu ;I, h0ot
the nci.,i Girit u!' (h(i v rcceial T
P d ill (111 `ay that they never heard of Hoch OUSE ("`"'�lu\enitl sailed. �a S u nlirnculons eSCa e. r ,i
py .. that Pht' �nilll , l'o^rl+h ft'ntll tilt, I, r. t Bl "(', ur' C'I I:1Knt'rEl:. y,. '-�
AtaL, in tilt ti.',h of tLc pees dt Int the ill:11i'S LrIp,! MOTHERS? ��� a�r�ar�tmn'a � arntarc �.^tv5� � �•� �� �
t ;,Lid thtal t,
a� f• 1 •! CUT
(';tsenri,t is recommended by physic
Nvl," :uc rf:ot in 111c ncxl attack, wo:tknc,s a, a pnh He to-whcr Ita, iansforchildrenteething. Itis, ure- I ��j ��gp��'��aa g7 �y �1 SOAPS �( ��
.If been ,(eotesot'Litnes laid bare, ,Lilt 1 vegetable preparation, its ingredients �� ���®lf�p:911 0, BRUSHES ES C?nd t,�41'1"�.PS S�L��- �r
:' rl l.,c, t 1Cr•1 o iu Scril ucr• Y preparation, g
never in a inure l:uucnt;tlple sjxc ars published around enol: bottle. It is 1 O N1 I)E S � 0 n
tack than ile has tna(Io (Ili- Pleasant to the taste and absolutely 1 `V j CROCKERY
�•e�T �;t�-g g q��
GR1:.LT SiOU1 Rf:Sl:l N%VI'ION harmless. It relieves constipation, re. 'ROOM SETS)
!1�VkJd1d�L�,� & GLASSWARE.,
NOW U1'E�I. lug lite past lhtvo tnottth 1'uc r,ulates the b:>tvrls. quiets-linin; cures �" ) r
_--- defect in Itis character was lbrin diarrhrra and wind colic, a.iaysfever.
Tho i.:aile lands in the (creat Sioux itit ex x)I ed curd at�u but�)ru alt issues`, drstrms Rorms, sad reverts A little earl Perhaps )S tO 1)( �p'lil tAll ln(r
J' 1 J' P Y P 1 7.
4udiau Reservatiou,west of theblissouri eccle,iustical tribunal, which trioti convulsions, soothes the child and lives y, l
river, :.r,` ttuw open for settlement. The it rcfreshilt ' and natural ice ). Cab- J. IRWIN, The 3'l%ffies ea Warehouse 1°
YresidellC s proclamation was issued on Ilial nn charge of "falsehood and h a 1 - t j
I tuna is file ^hilciren's ntinacca- filo c
February lOth,1S:11). The natural gate- deceit," Ill was )rut finultf guilty mother's friend. 35 doses, SJ cents. -� r� CA N 1 l 11 t t'of1pol's C)1(1 hand, Gu). Scut IC's Rl(,'k• fa.TN'iUirT .,ry
way to the Southern part of the reser- bn; the stigma of insincerity twit lark. 10, to char. 28. C%
vation is via Chamberlain, South Dako- sellishuu,s a )laced lull hint hJ
to, the peat. western treminus of the 1 I
the evidence thet) produced h;+, DRESS GOODS
Chicago, Milwaukee d' St Paul Railway. 1 Mr Peter McLaren has been w �p•� t t:
From that !point to the lands beyond, beer) pernl:n)t)ntly lastcned to Itch appointed a Senator. No doubt�( 2M spyIV °) 7 it's � ^
bomeseekers must proceed by team, by his recent history. His oL- he is just :t, L,o')d a lliall for the
All necessary outfits can be secured at et_t in lift) has beet, mune r r Still 111 oI'tler to secure what Will please )'Oil and com-
reasonable prices at Chamberliau. 1 } ' pnnil ion us any O is clic, but why
a ting and the achievement ()I' )c r- , .
s For the convenience of persons +vile � 1 file pcuh�lc uT Canada nhuuld be mail(] a f1UICli Side, S e h1t.1"f' to 1)(' 1t1 the 11-lfll'lCetS CarlyR I N GOODS
maydesireto inspect the new country conal fame, unci the means be eompciwo to pw, pini and it good /
': and cet the Lest of what. is shown. �� e, think \rciillave �.
first-class reduced r%te excursion tickets has atlolpted to Fain his ends sine miopi) none, X1000 a yu:u fin sir-
to Chamberlain and return, will bo sold been the most extraoriin:+r this season a more attractive lot of prints than Ave !lave
t` J' ,uall doing nothizw, i.i som'i:thlncr
i from Chicago, Mitwankee and other r e Last week vo r, ct'ivrd t+ell upPnod till n iniac t!u tnlitp of new ;cods for _?
P " that a minister of the Gospel who a'roc d iuu cannot, underst; ild. shown for flan ears. It would be useless attempting the spring crad0. Lovely i,Li V'l':s, 1''inu 1)Ili?S,+ (,-oo[)S, Extra r
i ., points on the Chica„o, Milwaukee & St, n y Y Y p
sou'rht to renin an honeit nrime - �•.--- ,
Pail Railway, good to return until Ua � t0 describe them, as we Coul(1 1''1\'e �'O11 1)Ilt flu imperfect f,llr`sl TWEEDS, EI':US, and chra!,. (: c�Y�YET:i in 'I':iprs;try, 1tc'ml, ,mel Oil.
tober 31st, 11+:)0. ever resorted to. WHAT IS IT? ' t' TICNI�ii:S, SHIRTINGS and BUTCHER-S I,lN1;e, NENTUCKY t;
F or males and circulars, containing A Point PAS7`01t. To those whohad never used Wilson's idea of their beauty; they illlist be Seell before you call- 1I.
general cold detailed inforinatimt,please Wild Cheer we be to explain that it r i1N, something new in dress lining. Full supply of small wares.
apply tc the nearest ticket agent, Tultnu'e is a past,)r Only in is reparation for the cure of Coughs, appreciate their COIllbit]1Lti011 Of' quality, C010Pan(l(.1e51�,11' MILLINERY, as 11x11::1 tho veru best;. (;FiO('I2"R1Efi of Les: quality.
PP Y K preparation g q y` f
address A. V. 1I. CARPRN'1'F:R, General name. His neglect Of PflstOral Colds, Croup, Bronchitis Whooping PPALI. PAPE(. &r. II'ielcl and Garden SEP:L>�+. :111 are cordially in-
Passenger Agent, lIilwankee, wis, duties is noturions in Bi•oolclyr), Lose of Voice, and kindred diseases, GINGHAM&
y :intMay :,o. and many instances might beeited Rhicit spas bean in aucceasful use for aLJ.d vrJeertVuc�iersVit,rl to see L1lIJ'Ip•; l ) he con+incrd that t1,i5i,� the right pl lel'twenty�int It is purely ve casae T' , R.
� .
wherein his wilful and often erne! I
i 1111reS t0 Ol'f01'm LLC silt )p. rnedicnu' in Clic form of syrup, peasant
- p P to the taste, and gives immediate re- Y �lV L�S��^� o ,!
al dories which every Clergyman lief to nA W-34
Ufferers from diseases of the Are a1S0 very 11101. �� L are. confident 011l' St l(,Gt1011 OI S jL
Witenbaby ,fasMA, wwgave herCastoria, iecognizes as due to the J1Umblesl Throat. Chest and Lungs. 1Vilson's Dress Goods will please you; we show several qualities
t, when oho was a Child, she cried for Castoria, Wild Cherry never disappoint. point. TI it ' ,
n embers of his fleet(: have lauded y 2 t y ' r
When she bocameMiss, she clang toCar,toria, , for yourrelf alld famil_. Sold by all ill the lea( hi- Slla(leS In Iilaeti f�OQ(lS R'(l tllll"11C �'/�f0'�1�'�la9�J� o� °k"s�$�li �� ��T➢��.��®��.�;lSe�
poignant. i,riefand anxiety. It is druggists.
p tYhonrhohadChildran,ehaga�ethomCastoriit THE NE
no uncommon thing for Ilim t()
i I at au appointment c d Lusters f ohalirs and Alpacas Softens theslain, removes roughness, eruptions and irritation froruUte fart• andviceddulr at which he is expectus ., �+ 1MANY A ' hands, and givtetuas freshness and tone to the cnmple.�ion.THE ®BEAT ENGt11AN REE�ED�i to otliciate i F Eft is an invaluable nplilicaiiovi after shaving. 1)on•t mistirl=r this=superior pre- ={
` But it is not trite that Talmage . , ,' pa.tation for any paints, enn)nels or inviriuus cows(-tivs Lir inferior cortlplexion
Are boil r to be the leading .ithries, lino-1 Show thell) Ill otinna. It prevents cell ptions, ahrusions, roe chic`s, rrlinrss, distilling, ool-
sl is utter! selfish and only iI fitil` i AS been saved b the prompt use of Plain, , I ! f
A�'D WITHOUT MERCURY, .'SED n'i J J Y 1 P StT'll)eS and �)i'OCilf3('S, Full I'a11�C Oi sores, and pain resnitin„ to sensitive skin from ex)•„�.ur„ :., +wind and cold. In
i'- weatll'1 friend 10 , ever bod A er's, Pills. Travelers b land or r short ll'Av1nNON's ('1:4:A>r rpF 1ti rrl'IT•IL\%F'i.lY Litonc•c a rrn•rlly and n llrrl•rntativo
OVER YEARS, Is Ile i; :1 )t•omincnt, men)bcr ()f a sea are liable to constipation or other •>;
( 720 l for every form of snrf,v;r intlnnnniltinn Lir in•itntinn, I'r„ r _ rt Lit. per bottle.
-+•: social circic of, his own choosing derangements of the stomach and bowels ('! �{� �4 j� 7� �f a�g fgVgy�� �+t 7 y � j�� dlnnnl'actnred b •
al' 1, which, if neglected lead to serious and
COT j• O” j•6DES and SHER 1 iJ.V GAS LI E S I y
Mill ill that circle he k highly s
x often fatal consequences. The mostsure e.J� ���� I+ � 1 4 (t' J A -(Qy'� I t I :
9 csteened :1 e1'ns;deratll relent �'OTELII0TG�, Grey and White COTTONS "
means of correcting these evils i9 the use a
and most entertaining companion. of Ayees Cathartic P➢ns. The pro- 0HEMIST AND DRUGGIST, C;.INTO". ONT
Thore to lvhoni lit, tnkcn a Taney dent sailing-master wonlcl as soongo Liberal Di
to Libseo>Lant on OVERCOATS, ,C�1�'P �
nl C:.tt Lc oL
f service , him, lie sea Without his cl,ronomcter as w•ithont S, ��� f • --t ,,
1� a supply of thevn Pills. Thou li from pt
r trl':u' with a start c•()rdialit f i t e e � e
QO>yiPOVND that is irresistible. It is donLtful and cnergrticinopi,ratiou, A,yer's fills BLANKETS
�S L �� 7 s ��� � �t!�� �� ® V)C
ANTIBIISSVS ]rave no ill eftect:p; they aro purely
' if Ile dolibera'vi}' outrahes the v-c otablo Ipntl sn tie-coated ; file sntrst f )tit' rtOi'1 of
I;' And all heavy Winter Good.
fCC1i11Ls O(' an}'1)Ody. IIs is 1 inedic•ine for old and young, Qt home or . r 'cf * =1 r (ter:
These Pills consist of n eareful and peculiar erlmlrc- ` i a a. n h ..°t a i, �r
tureof the best and mildest veg(etableapern lb; At I sl:(\ o to ilii in,pidl,os ami Intul('1' r abrnwl,
thepnrsextrnetof lilowersofeltammn;le. TlwywilV ;1111 ufrullh'++1. \!! tt'IUthaCc t)eell "Foreign' ynar.9I was afflicted with ` SHOES b + \lr,�'1' i)IH111 •I'!) Ni I.: Cl 1'1 llul8..
be found Xi" . efllrartrms remedy for drranr•rulei1ts I rOttstipalion, tvhtch at last 1MPQ1t1C ao an(-
'':i of the digestive-furans, atld fir obstruet!ons ilml tnr. al" wia I cd Il• I r ll hits i tl i lle 111:111- bad tll.'Lt the dUl't(pra COII](1 d0 no more �w PARLOR
� ' '
art,nn of the ]her end bowels tehieh , I I fir mo. Tlu`It I hrnark t0 talon A r '�yr'�.:}p (�.r� $��`{�I�}0�j`• •Qp�'q[ r��r�I`'�I-(II�' �•g/`�g, T$¢y1p q�'(t;Qq
rlipstinn end the sevend r:lrimiea of billoinx.aii,t;jvtrrl. Ill I, r',II'1(h ilii\'C: trllil.11i yr'ABEDROOMS�.I�tW��6.fbtl.WdL�.i1.,1, Sill li t�fUV .lAtl GJ,.aM
41;,. 4ompin:nis. B„Ull,gall el't-1111ete, (itis "I�i „tl, 11, tar:r Ott•:t Ili'!„- Pill,, and soon the bowels reenverrlll 'g'�'�'e�1 ^��r CHAIRS, q•g�
wnnIANArr.Aarr-rs: tItOrnattn:(I:u«lrchularaetion,sothat For the ti rili'' l.l'mh. 111(' l \tl':L t'i)i)11 \'illlt('. �� 1' 11 �SI.&1.1.(,t$8'O�•R•R, S l,!$ILR�.E..� S
t ;- I�l�r. tirlR' 111r11 la l n ,l 9 , • `1
�. IVANS AND SONS,,Yr}4XITED, \tali\ flirt i,at1 lilt- Llan, of sbu\Villg ;t slicl i111 title tit' 1.1111ir, fligt► ('n*. l,nfl' L'uluil)1
y. IVIOPlTf?6AL. raIruStc,- i'rrn Lip-c1 IN a,Il,l- Excellent inti ill `+l. ll), 'ld,f!('illill111- 1111 lltl\'itn('l) 111 �11`.;'R1'S, l'.1 i
den vicerin- ill Ill, dictaln:'i;,! hr tlt.h."-11 rs. C. F. Clark. Tcn'l;ibnry, ( 11 \'' tI)I1 ti, I \
1\L•Issarinlsotis, till\',` si'vill-ed it li.t o 011 l rill lit in it ) .'lip 1
„Y !,rl! p ,-v. Till ; i� l''':1 It
l rrrard A}'nr's I`ll}. Liv nnr of tbn 1 ! + )
R ti F p r.
to j,rt)t('rl rine illt('rt'::{ .lit tlli� lila'. 1 1N ll A
tli • !r1 e; toil 1, t l l t- e l l l) , III n l a l I, I” 1' - I ,vn•-•..r.+,..nsnv.axm+vvw,�n..x+r,+r++r'•. +....° .+�� i'
rad I ' - mist rt list ,lr grnr'rat rtna,•Ities of oar
I y�fiYt r �+l l „\ cr wL ell ho (Im., L,)I ,•In,ILi 'nnr•`. I hr e 1'acr• Bron iu iso in my
' l i . f Irull� fu1 l Y.•r'ri 'Liv rertnirir r n
it ,re•;t_ i
r^r- , C -tl rl'rr„• r,l,ri•.I. IiI• (•,tlt•I•I :1
d 1 , til ^, n) 1 Ir t,•,_t\ on nnvarvnti; n l i f u•- t I
:• i4 • + 111, all„ I II li,clillnl fII1�!r,••. toil.'\, Il.lcrI'nun,lflwinnnoV. Il id.it
7r^ ! ! c flit, i,1 ,f,•]n:onl,ll ail I., ;\tm.,} fir r',I,l>: ;nil I"Ii ,rest,•, ... T 5 -� tri !tl Ill !i� r t l �� ij �!; 1 ��l r�t� l'�!��� l\.!'i�U
,• I a . IL 1\'„ 111 `n:, , I \V'ot t ii, 'r,• ens.v-11� f
t ,�, '„I,,,. ,• t ir' :11'\” 11,.,11 /,l )111) , 1• i i Marr r, I! L. �J 1 LJ
• 1 , .!'? 1' I1, •,;! , clic I n:c{1 tta•. i';1 :; A:. r'4 !'ifl, tictn nlvm nnctbu:q
s 1. l; �.:.\il! 't„ , I, ctrl ' ,I , 1 n-!,Ili_, 'li•L, , I. .n ILr nn.li, ilw r-Lr .t. in t•r;:ntail) , ' I i , „ I:�;s;
�, v .! n•. 11„rr,•!s nail Iln'•;r of til,• eLil,'v rr„e.. � _� ,
r. (i ,•.i.it, nil i1i- n;don;l,lf 4'l,ls ),r• nn: Ne r L
+• re in 16eir Lir- •v ,
„ r, It ..r rt, .t• ieuln ll., '•,. 1•tl (ir, fhr;r w,,rk Ili.n'nngllly. i 1 \• 1,:,'• t 1 ( 1 1 !,\1' t I 1)�
I, ,1 tL,'m Willi j.•nnd eller l for PF
of 1lhrnl11:11i ll. ki,lary troll- �. _ 1,,1,1 , I ; t, ns
til,' ati,l lilslu`,�in. t'n d, till rl V I:r 'I'ftp\: i{ \ t'{111: I'
1 t lees ,
:Irl„Jri l A-livio, .,.etc i nr1C ('ll}'. ix4"!', v.¢�.,x�arv,m.Lir✓vmga+,rt.e•ver.Nsona•.-•Tse-,S,IIr;,'.VRm•9,1tm'rcGr: l^N�.aetrn „. r 1 • 1-, �l 4,1, 1 ,• , , - i , ,I , „', dC-
3 1 1 • : >'
1 have found .%:v(-l's Cathartic rills I tit':; 'p. • 1, L 'r : I I rt I;•r! \ ' ' I' t : I `)1 k null
„f,ll.l nu1n: -ilio:; a. 'hal- to lir n better family tnr'rlicinr for roar \in; i( l,:+Lit, r, (Lit, 1, h, f 'r l•.I. 1',r p, I'• 1' . 1'ia l: , ce
lltlln tri/' thrall any other pills within m,y ! pit iyp flit is l Iv. I u' \\ I„i l.il,L, n� I I t
�, t I c norlt ill nrta, ` 4
t,. ; (,. L .,,• til \'li•I• t\ I,. I, i ),' '1'.d url-;1, h u)a•Irvl}cr. They are not only vlpry q� ,
” rfli-clivo, bill snfo and pleasant to t.alce rR < pip ®1111 ! ,C•c. Al)Ihr nLmr ft 111 s till hr -„'),I ch, nil fir I n,h 11r, •, r„ ilii,! their
1 nnr ,t, hof \m:ps(:rn,•<' tuvl G+wrist
•rlrtl`!'• 1„1LI`'I'aln`1'1171 f.t1'(,tiltl'rh 1 Ji „ ri.4 ,
ten• ,• 1 , - rynalitirs tl•liich mist make thr.m hrforc they nrr all (;
ball, t',n ,,41•• (if 11ho Iar;;rsl t'01-1 by the prkblir.”-Jules Hane), I f eurrent 1f1'lt•rR. (inlet' line cif t•,,,ls nl+o ,cupl,lrt,•, Ile n, ss, \1!ul ::nI)M,
1'rou l Yl❑tumor, 1'ltiladelplda, iia. ISlankrts, balls nod sill gef),1,4 Gen 1 in ,1 linen,••",,Lill) Tilmrpr, 11n+rlware,
--_iGt+r ',I r ,., �h 1.11'lr•V lrl)d to :111\' )lrPal` 11'1' 1`t to .,pd®
h 1^' • placiic:1111' Innitc,{ to n lira h`rar• °I • � `�9r,hfl9MMUUU ('rorket•y, GlnnsRnrr, 1'lowrr, 1'rr,i .1rwr11r,ry,Ar. 'filo lul,hr.•t 1,i,G•haid in
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