HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-03-21, Page 2-I-,---...nom-•- .. ,. ...-.....- -- -. .. - - - •�. n..., -. . _ ...-.�...� Y .-* , Y- Z^ (, '�:�� ••+..,�- - I , Y 1 1 ,. , r�r ,.. �.�3, 1 .,,�,'.MJ,1.0 „4�4:;. .. 1� - t -Roll 21•, It3tfG. ill the sun and `}C,u ready for march- played for stlrall stakes %slid lot cls. s ealtin I ,.flu t' � r�°i.8latat 4014" "ust'Ico o 11i 04. � ��'�l�"k J, f •,-�--* - �!-',-•^11 -•,••s••-- - iu'r' ill tivcl tuinl:te{. Lut aAton + ' Dr. Itcovv IpoxaxrpmtprCotlnty ()k kitaro21.' Ir .. �t�T o iiia mattress little Os they worn, San Ids answer but JohnB livavy nations. ZLertt'ia np duDyiug t>aat Dr.Turubull,(rxaflu(xto oYTororttamad Yic- 'ii.i 'tl� � ' ' �(� .It. boule had to be of a paitieularly Outwardly rebl,eetable thus. There; anOres. (she got duwuon thegravEl) Push was Il, very attraotivt• fellow. tarts Ilniversitl:ea; xuewbor of Uoilu(;e of mzwkk�, list+w AL D i N e Phkk'siciaua and Staragoout}of prtaxio, koltoN �s laden quality tit toned hail•, and was a little Club of six, of whom 1 and hold his Lead in bet, hal), and tie was a gentleman by birtl, a11d of p,ician1ca11�ou1nEy of .ofEdinburgh;tarsolate of M --- -- the spsiu�;a u( lLc very teat steel, JuLu liullstuue was the youngest tried every pinups in het power t fust}Oct; be was bright, and could Loudon. E,,,(., bad Edinburgh Hospitals. U. V I" Utllet"-3lurr,gv Block, Rattuubury tit., ell,, A,,. I'f 1�Y UL' .\ TUl'\ ; Jt)l itN I or Ile eon li -nncdt sleep. In the army (and tbu sharpest), wliu wet on eer- %valte hue, but he Slept on.. She be very amusing. lie was so couch tun. til illi ertlla auawnrud at llr. It,•,tv,rs 69p I,.• could loll Linl."Of till ill It 1,Llnkrt taiu ni rhts in a n i\aw iuuiu ill the g uuu'er the lleleu that Aunt lto_ re,WW ,:g, liurou 5t., ur at orauri Union 0D 6 I thought Le must Lo dyiva, and hnr y a lila. ! Av hums. /)L1ST'9 EXi'L121L'Nl'L 1NUnion Louse. and ,:aced hi,+b till p i�•1i lit+ ill the muni duru.g :( pelting d a hot tears rained uponhis face. Still beru,t, legaldca Lila us "perfectly „ ..�k ca NEW YUlili ('1"I'T, I ­-­----- -. sal rlu Inial elm+) as )1 aaellnll as a the gray light of Lite dam a crept ill P y � S"" OW?,EY I P. -OxL EY I SIGN :Y C , I t ° Y b' Y l she t. ]'lie gray dawn wills },1. rr sine a►iii ]!glen uev�r thou ' 41f � - .._ t.hild, JuLn Ilullstone was wade tbruuoh thechxuks in the window over the Wooded east. Streaks of h,maskillVd,i,g«,ore.thailuuagree- wecunmakearuw(;nudl,ninat,Owvrltate e up of contradictions, stutters, and warned thoLli that silver and gold Shot through the able buy- -enthusiastic, and euuugb YuudaTermsmade ill,Ikilflow rkLte8 anti l o�iuw-rm. use. � � l%fdl Irff6BlY1 3u,i LIN. , I pine tret.s. In a b..ott time the of a musician 0 be sympathetic— _ C3 lie loved his mutLt-r ho tt'uaedy some busy housewife, up etlme MANN tNU a+r st'v rT etlucun t•owriNt'ED. that ha was cuwplutely unnerved if would see them Shaking Luwe in family would be up, or a neighbor His ©ar fut music: was quite remark- I U lie did not stop to til}ak that un. ate w, s 111, and maltul span her the small hauls, unless they stale hilFsing u) would stop to ask what ab•1N. Of Octel ho kuaw littlt), but j � .-- r with the gentle devutiuu of a dauoht- away at once. I ryas the platter. 5Lo must of Lim he euult] catch an air sill ,la It on I 1,I)W' RD 11AItIaly, M a = Sister of his would Le likely to ask into the Louse, into his own room, the piano after u few Ihea,iaob. liceurEstate 113roker,Flukaticial ` , et ;yet hu (till nut hesitate to du What c0rsteruatiun tl.el a v. oula Isis permission. Itis ey'ta wale bent ihih„s th,t Le line%% would break have beeuin Farwstea if the know ., r lfiues and 1 utiltry Wt>ixted 11pou the ground as tlp'se thoughtE and try to revive him. Helen Knowlton, whoso Outward Agent, cflc., 123 ruruutu bet, bolut, .shnplratif y to gy his uwu Itago of this little card party Lad , usas she was about to exe-•t all e was secwsartl wore or less ar• Street ,roruntu I An unlimited number of Dressed Hogs and #hew through Ills br.Uu. h faint Jt hblife Y i Puultr • of all kinds for a foreign market for Ordor of wiono«c•tte rr.at Led Lim. pleasure. He would Lttv'e given come to tLd oats of the guasiC�s of her strength to lift him, she heard tificiul and constrained, found this _ _ __ whichihe highest market Prl will be paid. He ]onkel uC, ju.,t as 1la,lings and his l ist crust to Inii uluther autl Sid- that quiet town. for thtse wt,u et e I foutstt+ps on the gravel, and saw• old young fellow a pleasant change front I %%'Al, KEYS, uuxt to Nsw El(A Office_ '”' ,, tel F, Vt t Le wuulil not do at, haul st the solid men of the place the Pete, the colo)ed man of all work, the men t.f fdshiva and of the Mage, Particulars of Faru,s, Reside Ices, I1Sa 1111Uwltu« welt- huIng Cluat• Busitleuh i ro )erties,t '., C®� BOOK, "Here 1 uw tit l:.,c, told man," .Itle'N murk to sxVe thcin from want. wealthy merchants, lawyers and uo«,inl; around a corner of the Louse. by whom bite wus nhu Illy sur- : 1 tt fur intens• tie dill not SIv that Le would not; baukets; and one of the number (I O;(l I'etn wus an eiul tiler, and ruund(tl, edsmle,cau buseuttuthuubove .REE issid 9t'chie, at Lis alt: Il,;er- "just Y .-. I addrusa, ur given to hesiil, ,lV ,till nut, aur! that wha the regret to betra wtis a %esti. n)dli n Byma!ltoany lady sending us her post of}Ic) ready for al' ev%•lliaga till. AIV I I Y) y liked to I,:tve leis chores Jong „O. end tit tilt- uratt•r. ;lis «tuther and of St. A11u's at d touk n!) the collet- fore the da + lIt)11A'l'!O IIALt; adwe 1. vJe:Is,Hichareson& Cu:Mlonrreal- flays mull: 1S ,1"Le, :ud 1'nI ill y but ahead of him,' so )',+ til: t'"NrINt.Eu. L'%+1•:l:n, ,v,'., - - - CI.IvrOx ni.+h t.; 4%rIr• •!,'c"led to lliul. They lion evU)y' Suu(lay. This mw'[Ly j,e data. The. Old wan >tOUet lu. it r.•, CLLNTOE DLECHANIC'S INSTITUTE, prime c•uullili, « f, I, o..nc«:Sect, like. 1',•�!I. kii e. 1 e w:,. tLcluu�W s( I�isI hilt conn was indignant that Juhu Burt_ Iddown and Heading Rooms, Town Y h nlumet�t and Surveyed the scene, - i LUIOlUbr rya and I the `Lath Yohimex the Iiuomlt.n,l \1, I!-, e ,1., sues Ill- w,•, ,;) ,o,rt :u:,l kind at h„nw :;tune should be )ayit'+ const to tilt: Y 1livard's Linin) u[ ('a:,, U.ut,lrull', i _ ._- i 1theLlbraryaud all the LeadlugNewr 1 I I, took in tilO situation at glance, 'LL1Cky Lel;•;urn ,,: l ,,. ,'.1 'l'h^%) g , papers and Periodicals of the day on the 11 %sue eu;,;o,:. } „ i, .,, 1., 1 4„ui lilt+. ' r tilt L, r i r htln t, %'tl lung 1 „'•4t- et-• I - r•^ r \ - •t 1 ;, enact al% els likt l I:tu , nut n - J0 (111, ; U h au bier•. lh rtct t a , unci f1 n, his uuu 1 •s 'u , n t I u h ea I tl e 1 titer ,,, •e muttered b(Lula Iii h': ,e"I ril Ile t ti _. nue might L,,vO inferred that it was -�. 1. i , ""'Sol"'; 11 Il l l'hcrr ' relieves rou�l,a A general Banking Business transactea Come, let's h-,-, , a gla( , t ,;i/, 1' ucl( h(> is l,tuu:un („r i,i, %+;oe,, 1 I that i <, th. „•1 it nS ininded --n garde 16 sanctin,cnious, smooth shaven lip; 1 not the first time that he hall seen and C )'('S at Vtic•e, al,•t cnrei quit kl . I 1 ) i chr( iliiV, Ili:, l. - It ni,vitly. :kwon,-( the should like to tv!1 Dr. Baylis, tit his his %11nn(; master in this condition. 'I'o - '•'-- -- - _ _ call prunlist, yt,. >:,,uII•t ,,nod.' -No thm,k i. ,kali, . 1 think y rl:,-:<I u; IILuly kuo%vn as 'illi boys' wick('dunSs, lint, much ash ; would "(lh, P •to, Pete, wLat %,hall we 0ill•:;tloscriber.s. RICHLY Rewarded are those who read this , I'll t:,, hklily. Fill pit -t!% tilt,!. I„ %4 as :I 1 in:e f.tvurite. They ,ill- I' Y have liked to excuse tlfe you„g wan , ” I i dl.? \]r ,lube id very ill, and 1 Call 1'I,O,PL,,v. ANNor%,'VIIENr which ap- r P.M. ,; -yun 1:l.ow tilt, s,cial wh;;I :, ('I is lltIII d Lin ch,%urnehs, ball hu was ],e hesitated, fat• regat tl;o young 1 nut wi,ke ilial," s)bbed 911', IIw'1• peared ill ourcglunni8 suule tile. si,,ce profits are large and sure for every industri- 1)t- %6 tU 111!'. � Ull t1t 111'% Inlllll, ,i„ \, ill! I Ir•:Is, ,] Lv t heti Luuia c. .l le \roul(1 f,t holo ata tiuic talking urni mi ,hti 111 tort] ex nae bun. �' 1'LemoreJohAlfurlatoputhougLt, titonf.. r.les' announcing a special arranginvia with Dr. B. J. liENl,:v.L Co., of l:uoshur'h P.M. 7,00 4.1b . 111 punkt- Inv linin a to . Ir sill \Iia AtcL#'r at't vc.ur rhalu,in•+ cunsilr, ,it :nl lAith gig SmAy t1w village Lhtek- cf marrying Amy Dayli5a, the inure you o i« rho house dna I g leave hifu to tile, Miss Kitty; I'll halls, �'t., publishers of -A Treatise on o the Iioranand his Diseases," whereby I and upwards,who is willing to work. Eithe sox,young r old; capital tint needed,westar au<1 still off ' virt«ous c( Itch. p sloth' a wiserablc, dr«nkcn fellow his consciouce,pricked hill;, not only I soon. btiug Lim to," s+iia Yeto, set- Our Subscribers were enabled to obtain 0.30 0,15 ,• I Y 1s \o,, ]•;tat' dt•ar Inti 1 {' 1 bl'um st•, L'• said, "Sandy is so fond - on. ate )out of the error of his )les,:nt 1 I tial, clown the bucket he was carry- it copy of thatt valuable work Falx by 60«ding tbeir one. M'rite to ns at onto for full particulars nP.1'el' II!:(• t„ i" ,'t'.Il 1t'llo'.4' ar,illl,Rr 01' tile." I:e'•, Iii kir ,ct i❑ thr; I 4vav, but also on account of the past. i '1'u I ung to ale well. a, addrOSH to 13. J. KENIIALL CU. laud enolUslt", a tU'u•Ct•llt stamp for i.:� .,•... his Ill 16; io I.. kivilie III:S%4(•t(-( to%%n nod cit -ri hi:ager un tit` the r i b'nnt tile t'uln-s that a•lc,ea, I.0 I ; \What are you going to do to `' going mailing ;�aanit•lla rffi1Cw'Ctl for a 111111tL'tl I - - but 1L ', s :u:,l `°`i,,,ms Shout( Ilion h%• the hand and hall 1ecolirse'to Lis favorite hilnur, ; hinh]"anxiously inquired the mother, period. We trust all w'itl a%ail them- r ...30p.m.� ,I-. .,% ,,i ,; :nhu"\ail disaCtp, it t,••.. cw, re Iha1. ' , "ll lack" %vas it ,l R-,'- I I but kc It the knowlodge a£ his did- 1 a I kissing her son's dant , furellead. �' 1 selvca of the oppurtuuity of Obtaining c this I j Planing Mill ! . I hit (:; i,. .. . (: Il; n.4 l'lli«,,, ft -c' t;t-wne•n." Tilt attcuti(.n, ('f sipation from his family, for the • y r. ' 1 h,9 ain't no place fur you, 1liss valuable work. Tu every lover of the Iforse it is iudispensable,us it treats —AND— _, t ,. ,.;, $ I f,'ilo%\'. I Archie. (;:,, ,I :: til. 1 ,milt of Wales are no sw'ecter never asked when he name Luwe. i Hitt,': V0i go insillo out Of the cull. i« a sign,le nuinuer all the disem,es - _ will II II I;% a inn'+ to u,ot- to the IllOf(• ,i:,nal 1)'rluty than WVI(: [Iia 11C(IrOOI,I wits On the gt•ouatl I I.o;lve 'Ilimato rue. I'll rub his which aillict this toblu allivad. Its i T R. ll.,tc'r%\1,1, %Irrtatl :.\Irl st x- eJ . or ,,N, Honorer% (;rndun.tr•nf the Onh)rin ,, .•, these %+urdS u. e,,ulpliuu,nt t„ l'upt, flour, told ho euttl(d admit himself I vela:; tltlt'll LriuC, Lim round. - - 15tittes 1 )heuontitial sale thru(tghout the l;uitell , row. :ill this.,, !. , , , '-oud 11i;;ht Jahn llurlstone. through tLc) ]'reach winnow if throe a I �> nil he suited the action 4.o the alld Canada, ,Hake it standard authority. Mention this palu•l• whoa ;lash in nil (•IIIc Igl'lll• 1t illi fll l' n %`. , to his ilia, rt;:u. , ., ;,hili went enc •lulu rrl•ci%(.Il tilt, atteutio,s of was a11v reason to suppose his ell- I word, rubbing the young; «11u1's ('111.8 sondin for .-Treati,"O." 1- I Ill. t l:ad h:u•dly till, Lulics «,(tr luodestly. lit 1 thnuc: by the door would at- hears. ' with bin horn )alms till the 1110• I Y I !1. 1'„'4. 1:;t. ntelvwestnrn,e R„ynt H"rel. r,,'aien`'`' St., 1'liotmi ('¢Illi unser. Stl, .. „• reaCht•d LII'.• hl fr,t a!1: !,t full, lot' t',•- ale\'1'I' Loa)'t ell Vf 111s CUflglll.'ata; 111- l)ae lllgllt till: tiara party held a thCl• hilt-,'E'a }llrll t0 h"top. 'kit Pete .. , slip stooped down to put her hands pentad bis .I, %Nhat int iil.ut to , lined, lie til,; Lt,t Sevin to think that Very late session, and the vestry knew what he cons about, fw' ill a leave the ' , , ,t 1,;1 e 1 lrl: « %• . , I- hail ninde any. Ile never tired man, who had Lad an unmu.11 run c i ininute or two Juhn opened his eyes . Rut he could•u.,f. ,I-m,I til,• tortI:It' - t iii« Law food lie wus of the loch insisted u on "whooping it till , P ! wt aged at his 111 a dull, listless way, St 1 KS)1)• I of set-in" 1ic1 Iht.:ce „itis I1:tStiu' `` `,• indi%iduslly aux collectively, anti letting the devil take the consu- mother and closed tllcul again- ill -• q tr People. ��il' �)`.' A �(Itlll,I" ^ He wou d rath, r Le ,jilt ill the ,:t(•1 1 Int„ li",: tLr were, fond of him Lc y r 1'(W('sI y t'euiea. "They know r ueuceS." This thorough- 1 G ly harmonized with Johns mood, , rhea Pete resumed ilia lu )Ling, I his AN 11,Li'S'1'It.1'1'1:P 1'. EEli Ly. l 1. night sit; bi' ,1'a• (null lint L( lit- binhself a fro ,, tl:;, place. l,il,ht- 1 I lo%I• lot Ill all and they fee and he brewed a bowl Of punch that and he o )encd eyes wider and C Y tried to et u , g' t The Eleventh Volume of IIA]:PFa:sI t fay 1A a rya% lU• ;,c•r,1 lilt: fell'+lI UI "U t y I 1. Inn ,' lie used to say', was as Feductive as It was treacher•- "Go into the house,, please, Alias Zol-N„ PEOPLE, which beg1114 \yith the s4`i'; .Cl 1 g '' 1 a ' alwa%_..%ith the house in L•u::'I,lurly. John IIurlstone was ous. The vestryman Smacked ;lis Kitt ; this ain't no sight for ou to a Number for November O, 1tiSJ, presents an attractive .)e'purk, view, and by tilt, rule Le had fin- { 11"' n;OSt dangcruus kind of a flirt, ba'3k lips dna slapped John on the ba.k ll see. Leave him to me. I11 et g programme, It will offer to its readers at least four serials of the isbed it he saw the door open and lar !le lir: was .eall in love for the Y with brother; affection. Never Y „ him to Loa, and be gently pushed usual length, and others in two of three �X Helen and her and Uncle 1 tithe living with each of the girls he tasted anything Sho good in m life. his mistress inside the door, and Parts, namely, The Red Mustang," by " ,;? ' 'runt Lightfoot and West lIastings collie Ire fli'tod with. When lie trans- 9� hat d yer call it, Jack, old fellow] then he het ed his master to his P \Vn.LL%�I O. SroDDARD: "Phill and the Baby,' by Lucy C. LILLIE; "Prince sj'i: 011 t. I ft•rl C•J his Vf•1'y' Special attention 110 said, 1101111118 hlroa0lf t0 a fifth feet. Tommy," by JOAN RUSSELL GORTELL; - il' The gentlemen put the Iadies 111 fi oil one to nnother he did ho in the ladleful. "What's the matter, Pete?" said and " "her's Way," by IViAROARET E. carriage and closing the door,liindlitest mariner, and seemed al- "I don't know what the right John, rubbing his eyes. SANGSTER; two short serials by HJALNTAR , - _#,heir upon them bowed them off. ']'hank p ways to have a warm place in hie u,mle is," answered Jack, "but in „ "Notbin' oucommon,�, ,Q rel HJORTH BOYESEN. Two series of fairy Tales will attract the attention lovers 'i' heaven he was not going borne with I heart for the old love. A the time tho'Rnuy they called ithell broth. pete,�laconically. ``Take my of of the wonder -world, namely, the quaint rhr her' I of which I aw flow writing he was The devil they did ." exclaimed and I'll help yer to bed.' tales told by HOWARD PILE, and so t?; • The carriage started down Twen- uayinn, marked attention even for the vestrymen; "they're a wicked John took the arm of his faith admirably illustrated by him, and an- tieth street but it had not reached I giro to Amy Laylis, the pretty r lot ill the army. „ negro, and staggering slightly, got other in a different vein b FRANK M. Y BICKNELL. '.1.., I Fourth avenue when Rust started little simple winded daughter of Finally, it was proposed that the to his room where the old man un- , There will be Short stories by W. D. HOWELLS, TH011Aa Ni':L.SnN ?r.:. after it. The horses trotted briskly, I the Rev Dr Bayliss, rector of St. I party should break up, and, as the dressed him and tit Lim in his soft P PAOE, MARL E. WmrtlNs, NmrA PERRY, ,., 1`'` and so did Rush. It was not far Ann's church, in the village. night was breaking up too, and the white bed. '.there he soon fell fast HARRIET PRESCOTT SroFFoRD,DAxx Iii:,1, ' 'H house, so that he arrived ' it was more than ivblgpered that I Punch was all drunk, the motion slice) but not so heavily this time. asleep, y HE'6ERIAII BrTTE,:\PORT}[, SUYIII h: ri w't:1"I, RI('IiAP.I, iilAf.COL\I JOn NBTUN, EtC. ,�.�tgg-J~Ielen's ' - - •-'[here just as the carriage Grew up , r..• Jubu E'urlstone was engaged to was adopted, and the vestryman While the son was sleeping in his —_ ' " at the curb. Before lie had time `� lily I3ayliSS hit nothing authori- acid the lawyM-, the hanker and the , room, rho mother was lying On Ler ' A subabriptiou to ,ILu1P,:1:'s YurNr, 1,' to think what he was doing the I talice wits known Itpon the stlbiect. merchants, linked til'ms and took ; COIICh 11 )etall'5 racked b rCle[ t00 1 ' Y b 1 F:oi,m: secures a juvenile hbl'!t l'y. +'. ,t„ I handle of the carriage door' was in I Bot the dashing be:lut Emil Bar- Y, Y the tniddle, of the road until their . deep for tears. ]hot she knew that There is useful knowledge, also plenty .. I ('f nmusumeut.—Bolton Advertiser ;lis hand and h6 wxs making his I S for(], scut('d file ruwoh flatly, dna paths diverse 1. Thin they parted, sho wast get til, buil put nn R r:heel_ bI.est bow to the ladies. They were I said that John Hurlsiono wits not after oft reheated vow•, of undy* +' Cnl face hefur(• h('r children and he ' 1'1:1:11, L'o.;ta•,c 1'rg )sit . Inn ' • ' l d Per Year `-, atartlfJd at first, but were- reassured the mrm to be caught by a Lnhy face; friondaLit)• ready to tul4wer nuc question 1'"1..1.1. he" i„v .k'r„,•„rho; s, %titin, . )''• wh('n they recognized hush. that L#'�was auulfling himself with John had the fiuthrSt to go, til d • down it, they might ask her ;Ib mt .Toho. ; ,,,, ('„ /' ' r Coil",/ .; ,,, u,l r„,; .r of n nor,. r`IIow very odd that you sLonC(l An)y I,aylisS because he saw•, its pretty well the ,inch was nett 1+'UI'tt111'tt Cly', eIUII:I w'aS 11(',Vf!1' 8P H! .,'/n,nlr. '' have happened by just at, this nlo- "very one colli(] see, that she %vas his legs before he gut half way eal ly r�SPI% SO their suspiciouS were SINGLE Nrintlat,, Fier ('eats etu•11. . nlent' said IIelon• ,lead in luxe with hint. Emily home. His head swN,,l, and lie put ,lot very much excited. They ask- llelnittanc(a should be uratic by Post- :. `'Chance has been kind to ate ” 113ar(ord, like many a clever �i1.1 be- up, his listless Lands to wipe the 1 ed why ho didn't tomo to breakfast, office Mone Order or Lraft, to avoid Y answered Rush, riving to speak 1 fore ber, did not undolstand men cobwebs awav frons his face. Ilow i ;,nd their Mother repli,id that he I Addres :fill°SPERA-Biarri :Rs, New York wittlont showing Low blown he I as well as she thought she dill, and s]e('py Le felt, ]Ir, wanted to lie I lead a bad heiduche—porhaps a I ----- ­­ _._---_--. — was. "I'm on my way home. I 'p the cage Of .Toho 11 nrlstone \vas do%Vu along the road; •but SO rnethln. ; tl uer statenleLt than she had thought ' ' 4) , i• ,: l o, r5 Jtoititl anti ot'llcr hurls ' ', �11'kt' don't dive far, flow here.” entirely mistaken. Ile w;Is just ialpelled Lim to keep on, and on he ' About 11 o'clock John appeared np- -He did noit say it was a ve:'v t}1E);Ilan t0 L0 Call1)llt 'La .l "baby went, his uncertain footsteps takiun on the Scene, and except for a slight MANNING ,%z tiCO1'1' 'ic lroundabollt way of getting to ]tis , fuer dna when Amy Ila%liss roiled ,him within a.n inch of ditches,henl'r; I allor in his cllcelts and a faint tinge ' ]lodgings, Hol ;lid llclen bus )ect it. ;Ler a g'' i bio blue ryes tit, toaulds bis of stone, dna the gems of trce5 that of gray under his eyes, 110 look- Barristers, Solicitol-S, He handed the ladies to the dour :t11<1 S:retehed her };tile Inelit.h \%ill I 11aRkcd the ,arils. At last he 1 . ca as flesh as a rose. He had had I and base thein gaud night. it Si«ile. that sbuw,ed two rows of the ! 1•( ached the homestead gate. 7\'hat It cold bath, a :rooil rubbing (town, 1 ''"NVEYANI'Elt1, &c. '>i' "Do not furgcL that you arc to `%'LiteSt teeth, til(, .n� hrart of (.'silt. I .lofu, Swilled to L«rati« he tins tLr: matter with tL0 int(h. It .ennu•d possessedof a devil. (.John ita cup o(' loot cotlee, and hO felt ! bli,At.. Ifis hands trembles 1 „•n n:..,•, I •,, f,,, I�„r.Iri,,:,;l,l ,r tnlr,:h•, t>,'lr,:: S yr I,.,,>'( r,) Ni•:w• 1•:,t%, (•L1Nr„v come and play the banjo with tile,” Helen. ,dna swore to himself that Le \vas at' ,•ever fur a tu0went suspected that pretty , a little as he held his rnu1.ning paper said . , so luau t- Forget' Itush last madly and seriously ill love. I he wxs the o,:n so Iws]essed.) tut ' n i tO Ieua icutl hO ha,] no a , ,O�ilo , I I ' I l OVEY To LOAN. NORT(,AG11S �+1 Bought. Pri,',tte i uu,ia. c' t(rDuUT, '' get' .,tng'Lca ! ily Int t1FI• tIIl1I1-ht ;IS 1 0 till neCl rho John linrlstone hall he;m a hard t finally it yielded to his fun, din„ fel the nice little breakfast hi8,muth OIUet• o%er.i Jaek4on'a Store <.'liuton. Itt corn(': ufTwrutil til strcut into tiixth 1 drinker, at different times in his lif^ I , lull swung L Iclt with a ban against a S e ry Or brought Lim; otherwise he was e A RR(AGE Lit:ENSES. - APPLY TU z,.•. aventie.tbat ,t Sleepless invalid toss. but the folks at home had neve,' the fence. i in fine condition. Ile, had forgotten a MMES ',COT, Clinton.ttttkeLibraryRornna, JAb[7:S SCOTT, Cli 1. 1. ing Ori his cotich listened with envy seen him under the influence of His mother, ulway's a hgut site,) :111 about the night before and lie. a , - r- ,,: �1 Attt{IA(iR LIUENSI,S iS5U1•.D f1i"I'Hh: to a man %%'hu was well and happy Pl Y liquor. Ile either ivent without cr, heard the unusual noisy, and wondered i'_' ,it infill have been a 1 nlirIersiggnod, at residence or drug stor,;. SIRS %volvrHINGTON. ',: `' enough O iHLll�h a0 ;Ong slid loud, drink altogether or lie gave himself carne to the window to see what ",')onto tear he saw in his mother's e e when Y A, ONLY TO LEND IN LARGE OR up to it. They use(] to say in the wits filo matter. home stray horse she Kissed him good morning. TLe l� Small9umsongood mortgage security, y": C1IAPTEIt VII. army that he could drink the entire or cow• must ]iR%c pusbed the gate mail had just been fetched up from moderaterateorintereat. If IiALE,CWtton lu the meantime, everything at I the t$Lle met under e I3e didn't t n rr thought. 1 N open, She rho I nn t deo the ustolTice and 9'Ls Hurlstone P AP1'LF:TD - D N oi'FICI:-AT RESI- nF:Nci•: tit, outing Htregt, Clinton, np- 1. the old home at Farmsted' was not care much for clam )a nP thou h 'that [ S , n I $Letter latch is nut on." 1 handed John a large, business like I posite English Church. Lutrancoby side t as Rush would have wished it to be. when he wits thirsty he would fill Thus musing, she looked down envelope, addressed to him in a gate. John Hurlst)lie, Sts I have intimat(d, a celery glass and drain it to the I1poa the path, and Saw the figure � trough hand. An elaborate Stamp J. %VA1,K6'R, VHTERINARY SURGEON J Grarlunteof theontitrio veterinary Col- wsa a young inan fund of las pleas- bottom. But this was done rather of a man Staggering up the walk. on sho outside bore the nam(] of lege. Tolesraphic 1»essagOs promptly at ,I;, urea—so fond, indeed, that the pain I to amuse or astonish his companions What is it that puts so fine an 'The Grand Mutual Dividened aeudod t_,, Office-Londosborough,0- 'I•' (frx. they caused to Uthels, an those, too, that; t0 slake his thirst. "Hard” edge on a mother's intuitions? Mra S company.” ]linin COm an " R R'PANIsURY, GRADUATE OF THE D �' whom lie held most des , did not hipiols were his Choice, and when Hurlstione had never seen a son of John ripped open the envelope Medical Department of Victoria Uni- velafry,Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals '', prevent his enjoying thein to ale 1 l Y a lie once began On them lie kept it a 1 hers intoxicated, yet her heart sank nervous; and his eyes glistened as y y a ""(1 Dispensaries, Now York, Coroner for the County of Huroi, Rayfield, Ont. 4; • full. Apparentiy, lir, was the kind- up ill a way that would have killed within her, and she knew in a mo- they ran down the page. - - jr est Of sons Pllil nlOgt affectionate Of most men. EIe was a Conlvival Ment whose figure that was, and the " Mother this is from COI. 91Ur- , W. WILhIA:vIB, I3. A., M. D„ ORADU- �';, ATRoPTorontoUnhoreity; r ,% brothers. Ile was 110%el' known t0 thinker, and seldom, Unless to wipe cause Of its unsteadiness. Ilastily timer, Of Ours; lie has organized a metanerof the College of Phyafclaua and Surgeons, i°,� give hla mother >+. crOFs ur ,mpatlent oat the memory of Something un- thrusting ]let feet Into her slippers minion company on a now plan and Ont. Orr'ler, U p ler, aft REa1DE NCE the e RHA POr- merlyoccupied by Ur Reeve, AlberlStreet :'' word in his life, and his attentions' Crleagant, took a drink alone. When and wrapping her dressing gown he want8 mo for secretary. He of. Clinton.f': i,, to iris fluters worn ;.11 thev could ask he bud money, lie tre'tted the crowd; abcut her, she ran noiselessly down fern a good salary and little work ' Y _ ---- - C. nRuc1•:, I,.Ds., DENTIST, ", and more than the coil ex ect Y P , when he had none 1110 C,'ON(1 tl'eRt- , 9lalrfl fearful lest sho should be and I ant to go to Now York at radu- T• ate Royal College of Dontal Surgeons €i judging front til('. relations of other' ed him. heard and John's disgrace made Once. I'll; sorry t0 leave you mo- `istry irefullvliwrformedls of inodertiden- An,esuiieties ws young men in their circle to their When lie had the money: There known to theTamily. With tremb- Cher Geary, but this is an opportuni- ad nlinliiered for the i mules. extraction or "" sisters. was a mystery abort John's money. ling fingers title turned the heavy ty not t0 be lost. Mortimer has a' tenth. �i, cioffice n vii via�tiiiytii I,rrofossi�m- He was very popular in the vii• Sometimes be was AbSOlutely penni- key in the lock, and stepped ont great head for Schemes. If he goes ally every Monday, at Mason 8 Hotel. ]age for he was not only the most less again he would be, quito flash upon the, wide piazza. • t b t1­..,.R� WORTIJINf n- \ 8 I• Rill) Braze M011OBi1t CO�pp I1 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. \vI• !lace the only factory ill the Do- miuion. Our material is pure and fine, affil is entlor.ed by leading scientists as being practically iulperislhable. Itcan- nut absorb «nuisture and consequently ,s not affected by the frust. J. Baker Edwards, I'll. D., 1). C. L., F. C. S., of 1ltontreal, 1'. (Z., says its great d ra- bility untter all exposure to weather and storm is fully assured by its high quality. It is more durable than stone and will nut loose its handsome appeal duce from generation to generation. Know of no other material %vllich uqu:dly callable of Combining elegant A fort,, beauty of surface and indetini durability. ]'len,,• call on. or write to our agont t Clinton ruin see designs x11,1 prices b fore placing your Order. \\'. lf. GIFL'IN, AGENT CLINTON rug: S -r. '1'rlt:%t%, \Curry: IicoNri: 1Iw\c- MEN, (:1111'%NY, 5r. T110I.A,1, ONI b'.7f. H. COOKI table, blowberah,p ticket $1 per annual O con front 2 to b , ill., mud frau, 7 U, 0 p. l 1 ' berahl , t•t+rnlved w. Applications Pur uu w l u theLibrarianalu the ruuw. Y 11E.NXILLER NURSERY F1tU1T ANu ORNAMENTAL THEE: NORWAY SPRUCk,, SCOTUH AND A>iT1tAUHAN PINE• 'rIM LATTER OF WHICH WE MAKE A SPECIALTY I.Al"OE STOCK. ON HAND The abuvu ore ata total trues Olin +hrubbery w13` tie coda at ver)- lu%% prices, And thou waetn au)lilm, in thi., o'liuectiuu will .Ove w•.I.,- lna•eha,ing here. Ord,-rx by Mail will by promptly attend "I to. .el,l,br vi, JOIN STEIU T, 89ninillar. ]McKillop MNiml Insiirna CO. R . Y F& E I IL 1,-4 [ tlt w�"'.,), H ,F•0, �i L L,'10 K !1 GENERAL AG 1, NT, L+nLtted town it Vilh,ge l r tt, L•- w't-1 ,io •„tintt• of D,•u,al sim,,vey, if„ui,r (,:n.lu as fsrn, l,uil,hu;;+itild�ti k t -un. 1 ,sur- atu of the Tvruutuarlu)ui of Dcutiitr3-. duos e:fecWd a,1t:lu.t tarn I. 11,•.1. t.,n% 1?ti� Itillud by lighti,itig, It % -t wan: ,,.-urauce Nftruus Oxidl• Gus a,IIeinlstere,l i(,r the drop amu•d tt' 0- ,d,0\.,. wil4r"++. miulessextractot of tooth. Onleo ,,AQver Jacksoll's Clothing seoro, next 1"A1 -X'1'1 _ti (;. P:0 I NTI N CI. o Post Office, Cliutou. UrNight bell au,wermt ly Tho un,h•r;i; Intl dosire. to iutinlnto to the People of Ciint ill a.n'1 %icillm, t1lia he has -- - - -- --'- --------- returned to t,%vn, and intends to rotnaf t J. T. \V1LK1E SURGEON, DENTIST burn po notuonLly, and is botol• prepared than ever to do a,lythinl; NOintevar in the painting or paper hatlging line. All orders Hulds the exclusive right for the coun I r -or entrusted to hie, will receive I,rompt and the Hurd process of adininisterng ehetnf- careful attention. oally pure Nitrogen Monoxide, which is the GEORGE POTTS, Kirit St., Clinton. safest and beat system yet discovered for •he painless extraction of teeth. Charges moderate, satisfaction gu arae tee d. O tti ce, ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, over Range's Tailor Shop, Huron Street 'Tinton. EXHAUSTED - VITALITY. THE SCIENCE of Life THE gren.t Dfedical Work of rho age on Blan- hood, Nervous and P,tysi- cal Debility, Preniature Decline bh•rors of Youth ,tad the untold miseries cunseQuent thereon, 1100 pages s vol., 165 proscrip. • tions for all diseasys,- Clotia, full gilt,ouly Sl,by mail, sealed. Il- lustrated sample free to all young and mid- Ileaged nigra. Send now. The Gold and dewellyd Medal awarded to the author by the National Medical Associatiou. Address 1'. O. Box 114`,1.;, Boston, AIass., or Dr. W. It. PARKF.R,gracluatuof Harvard Medical Col- logo, 25 years practice iii Roston, who may bo eousi lted confidentially. Specialty, Dis- r,tse of Algin. 011ice, No. 4-Rnitiuch St. Icicorporatrd h1 Act of I'mhatueut, 1855, i,APITAL, t,'3,000,OOU. F: EST FUND, - $1,000,000 ):1F,AD OFFICE, (MONTREAL. J. it- It. Alol.SuN . ....1'rv<. te. WULFERSTAN TIIUA( %o, kin era; %otaaer ]'vier rttsr-'ourit',I,(,'ollr,-nu,ix viade,Dra•)tx i,:,v-J, 81erliuq and American ex - '•4 r ty, ho,ight• slid .sold tit lorne8r " curre,it rates. loten-1 at 4 per cent allowed ,,•.4t.t,C.Ot.. b' � fft1Vd int.1t t i. . )f-aley:uiva reed to farruers look their nyvb „titan with one or more oud'n•.-ern. N„ n,,,rr,_a¢e re- quired as security. H. C. nREWElt, Atnunger, .1.113";.1"i 1HN7. ,'lintnu �1®Im®i J, (. ffff%6 T Ili �, 4 —THF LEADING— TT1eTI?ER,TAKER, -_ANI— I Ei MBALMEU ). A FULL LINE OF GODDS KET iD STflvK The be�tEniballning Fluid used �` phoolldiftl Ift-anse. V 1, B I:RT Sq'., CLI N TO -N, Residence over store. OPPOSITE, TOWN HALL MW&M tidGl ->R(+= FARI AN#&`I`ISDALL (3 ,il'Y .tl-'YJ.t'•. i.�+,n'j'y, Clinton Post Office Time iabi9 I Advances trade to farmers on their own and his pocket book would be stuff' notes, at low rates,of interest. Alai Is are due f�)r deliver• and clone fur de+Patel' at tlto Clinton Po,t Office as flouuw.:- A general Banking Business transactea i Interest allowed on deposits. - -� oi:a" Sale Notes bought i clmsr. ltamiltoit, Toronto, Strat-1 I - . . i for d . en 9 forth Grand College of Plryaturana, and Surgeons. of Lower Canads, and Frovinclal Licentiate and Coroner for tile County .f. P. TI5 DALI) Manager. Trunk asci and intense. � -- - _ _ dlate ofAces ......... Toronto, Stratford, 7.00 a.tn. i 1.50p.n1 . . , - Sea- forth, •r. and S. east.... I 1. S., RICHLY Rewarded are those who read this Goderich! Hohnesville and Grand trunk p. m,: 8 n.m -, and then act; they will find honorable employment that will not tate west .., Goderich, r P.M. 8.1oa.nk thea) from their homes and families. The . 8,45 p.m, 2.40 p.m profits are large and sure for every industri- Itamtltun Toronto, ..-� London, f,.,H & I3. Routh 4,15 p.m. a.m, 10.25 a,m One pp01.8011, wally have made and are now waking several hm,dreddollars . and Intermediate offices Blyth, Wingham, P.M. 7,00 4.1b a.m. p,ni 10.257.00 a month, I• , is easy for r.ny person to make $$ per day Hinear• dine, Lucknow, L.,II.&B. -- --_.. Farm Servrity at fn1nrxt 11vt„z p% 1» trrrat, I and upwards,who is willing to work. Eithe sox,young r old; capital tint needed,westar north and intermediate a nn, p m. .In. p.m I you. Everything now. No special ability Offices ....... 0.30 0,15 8. to 5,00 l required; yon, reader.can do it as well as any British mails, litonday,%ved• 111'i(\•r Il lind dcvotion t0 (hut Y Y-' ell ber in his Most in CnllO«9 ma- r�i one. M'rite to ns at onto for full particulars nesday, Tllursdav . 7.1)11 It,,n. 1l,q MORTGAt; la - > - CI;CIIA61,:1 I wll tell we mail free. Address Stinson tt' Co I Ba fi Id e Varna I , ., y lett 1s n, Funder of luxr,ry than ally man I , nor, sealing tltr, statemont with a 11)rohtIts. I'orLland Alaiue daily . 2.30 p.in. I 92.45P.m. I - - Summerhill, Tuesday sad over met, Le fainly revelled in hard- kiss. "Tile government owes nle I - -.. Fridn • ). ................ r ...30p.m.� b.30p,m ULi)aT'rUN Mnney orders Issued and Deposit-mceived Prom Ship W110n It 118'1 LO hr. OndIlrP.d.- - one dollar upwards- Office hours front 8 a.m. to 7 p,m, Savings Bank And Money Order Olfice clove I j Planing Mill at 6.30 p.m. THOMAS FAIR,rostmaster, I Clinton, Aprfl29, 1851). I ---- ---'---- —AND— q, a, amiable but the gayest and hand- and his pocket book would be stuff' Where wRs .John? In O ono yon may a sure mono in It --at ]east fer him ” ad- D ,- PHYSICIAN, surgeon, Aee,uuehnr, Licentiate of the i ID R Y R I L N ! BOnle9t y'011ltg fellow ]n Atl those ed out with nreec-backs of largo Rs ,There—that limp anti lifeless Y ) dol .John, With R laugh. College of Plryaturana, and Surgeons. of Lower Canads, and Frovinclal Licentiate and Coroner for tile County HURON ,48i� D BR11, CF r r11HE SUBSCRIBER HAVING JUST Coil ',. ,,1, P arts; anti then, wits a dash of the well as small denominations, Ilis bol lying attilefoot of the steps-- Y Y P' Mrs llurlatone (]ill not join. in of Huron. of- floe andresidonco,-The building formerly QQ LtDiT1C1 11 1110'CyLlllf.IOY (tJ' ' , 1 P)•Rrsr anIfuravhcdMR new Plaiting At improved s; hero abort him, too, for' he }lad mother was the most unsusp1C10119 I that wag John ---her firtst born, her the laugh: if there was a than in I oceupiedby MrThwaltes, tluronstreet.. -- wlthmachiner%of the latest patter Ss how pr0pared to attend to sit orders in hi 11 served with distinction in the army, i of women, Rnd when she said to beautiful boy, covered with mud, th-3 world whom sho feared and dis Clinton, Clinton,Jau.111,1811• Thic Coin nay ix Loani„ Atour'/ p / 3 / o, satin title Intht cost ,rnn, P r ptnnd. actManretur having in RS a pt1VR1C and him one day, "John, dear, whore dol his hair tumhlrn! Rl>out and matted 111tcd It was Col. Andrew )f]OrI1meP. -- --_.. Farm Servrity at fn1nrxt 11vt„z p% 1» trrrat, nnrint ro,all %Lt.1p lints, ire wile o nlanretur thankv to ill cob , pntrnniaod the old m before 1.gong, won hl3 Cliitaln'9 4t1'a)9 I) Shef!r 1 1 Y 0« Pt 40n1i1C11n:011eyT'11U11119wCr- Y Ii' I 01111]9 fol'rhtal, 11iS face 1x10 and 1 HC was it brave Seidler, hilt R Cel'- !\11.\Itl.i•:9h.\i. 1Ir(;Itl$(:OIt, VIeTr:R- lJ I�Anv Yh ysioia,n and Son genu. Ilonr»- _— theywerebnrned"ut,andrOwbeinginnbot• ter position to exe,•ute 111'i(\•r Il lind dcvotion t0 (hut Y Y-' ell ber in his Most in CnllO«9 ma- r�i bloated br, atlnng long heat/ ) » a1 Y rapt slid ilardoned man, anti she dry Meu,hcr of Onti rin Vet„rinary lltodleal Tronisalldisertsrvof 1l,q MORTGAt; la - > - CI;CIIA61,:1 I orders expeditiously f0eiseenadetlt he r:tn •,i,•r sAtisfartion to) all. Funder of luxr,ry than ally man I , nor, sealing tltr, statemont with a 11)rohtIts. that was .Toho. knew that his in(lueucO over .John Soeitoty. (loin estirated aniw+loin. V,- -- FACTORY—AV,or the Grand Trull `• over met, Le fainly revelled in hard- kiss. "Tile government owes nle I Once, years ago, slit% had Soon )1' wits Rn 'thing but geed. chnrgea ikm.Ilrntr•. O1Tiae,nee deroaat-af Chr News -H. -ol"I 'riot ir,;; ofl m” Clillt„l, SAVINf.S JIANK 1;RANC11. I Railway, Clinton. I i RO.1rA9 M,:EEN'l.I F• Ship W110n It 118'1 LO hr. OndIlrP.d.- - aiUt cf back pay, mother. tnul OVery IIh19C1 )thin t1'a r111, 11'1118 drli ilii 111 the <I }'0U don't COngl'at«hl ilii IUf' IltOlh• ' a + 4, /� n)id 6 Orr Cont. 1R!rrrx! Adluirr r/ on Drpnsils,rrrrorrdi»!) ton,nnv7lt ' 1',a4y g011ln I,K ]ii• \%:.4 by nattire, once in :1 while ,t pays ill), tion -.o glitter, alit] hall pitied 111th that he rl', salt; Johlt; gayly, plitrllln his awl tinle lrf!, - e' . and slow to set, n,ndt'r (rrdinitry ctrl day it wilt hr; a;l paid; then I'll I could br.s0 bow a thing. And there n Sol ill it-oun, g 1 Lor waist. an'i k* sing i T R. ll.,tc'r%\1,1, %Irrtatl :.\Irl st x- eJ . or ,,N, Honorer% (;rndun.tr•nf the Onh)rin _ Cunistances, i:e was :14 ,11 APR I f1 have. t0 U 'n ovni ( like. Itush Sind ( -y•,” wits ;let• own SOIL In the some con- hr r. In lrrd Sh#' rlul flat. }low %-V11111wiry 11olh,gi-, '1'rrats nil divrnsrc of ,,ntura,irnlril n.nilnnle on. thentnatulorlrt•tt I OFF'ICF.-C'urnrr,.f ATarkrt 9'Innr,•and N,.r•I, 9 UOB•u'F: HURTuN. I / \ r 2 T ROBER 1, DO�'� �I ;lash in nil (•IIIc Igl'lll• 1t illi fll l' n %`. , , tllr' 1'rPt of till' hr) C r clition. tike knew at R glance what 1 " 111.1 ,iI", kI1gW111� RiI .-ll" 1(11„w. an,lnrirdti;}r l,rinriplr�. 011h•r - iuunt•di- AIANAnr 1- r° , ho was nc.crr on time, ;.n nutttra'; titer cons C,ctfectlV sntrSli('d l,lrrl wR9 rho nl:,ttrr witllhini,and when ntelvwestnrn,e R„ynt H"rel. r,,'aien`'`' St., 1'liotmi ('¢Illi IGnderieh,n i.a,t bah 1N,7 I I CLINTON,iUheft .. what the Urgency of thn case; in tf„• . ,vonlatl. I In\v little she kn •w• . It , slip stooped down to put her hands ('11.11' 1'1:I; VI l 1. eight orday- rat- tendrdloipnmll,u' I At t •, a1 my ho WR9 ptlll('tIL'illty lt9(-if. 1S 1119% 11 - well that She didn't ---that I1p011 Ili% Inow' She .inl(•lt the state, � 1•oil it Ill ylie Sir re tliat Rush Ilurl- , E:,, The most datl%lified Rl,nut. lois toilet there weir Its hard told (1,11in,g foul liquor that, ])It 11,0d nil florn his ', j arrangements, and tnkin;,* )ns nnlrll i (rafltl,,('r9 in that. lilt,#' tnw',t (if I half open mouth. Stono ala:; tint .Slow to arco )t tho in- w ; r 1) 1-1 �.i.rAOT tC (1'r )NN. Lr;,t time to nrray himself ,tS the vainest. I Va rmsivil Its the nirtlopolis itself; ".John!" she C' -i( -fl out in nn itnuny, %itno of Hr 1#'11 linowlton tu' sho i 1 -- -__.. _- hello, ho would tPk( R snow hath if I could LOast, not Only ,cr,,ong the ``wake up, my Sen; colon into fir in Son,r' evVilil'g.” As Sir• Ind re- If 1:. Elliot. M. n., I W. (1117111, M.D., L. R. ''', , i Jle could get no other, (dry hinlso:f low fellows in the barroont9, who house Rn(1 lit rue put yoc to bed. quested, lie cook his L mio with him I I, 1Cr,P., hd,nhnrgh, (' 1'„ Fdinbnrgh;L.R. i,,R.c.s.. umiul,urgh, I (I. S., Edinburgh, Lt- - -- - -,-. . . _- I t is voter mother, John. who iS - - - —.. __-- and to Say that he enjoyed IliS privi- - Licentiate oft ATWO- centiate of the Mid- wdrr%, Ildlnburgh. I wifery.Rdin.OtBce,on n ani met urrrand Propriptorforlhr, bust Anp Mil/ Dog in ave. Agent for the sale and I application of the &JrrIRIIRR PATRRT AVTOMATiQ BoILRROLRAVRR. STEAM FiTTIN(ISfurnished BIBLES & TESTA11I ENTS AT COST anti applied nn nil,rt notfcn. rhs Clinton Rraneh Rtble so cirty nuc,• for Rollerq F. nAinem. and all kllndn of talo ail DR Wo Lr DItUf+ Maonini•rYrr"'atrtrd At STORE, AlbertStreet.,a title aRanrtment oP slid in'a walttsfne'tor9rml.nner io 1� Ribles and Testaments. TRBTAMF1NTa FAON Bets. UPWARna O'llrn�nt Rrucothdd, enrugroiOnt.nrfoaltd BIBLES FROAf sacra UPwARna Farn. imploments manufnetarod andropat • • 1COURANDSER. DR WORTHINGTON, De- atoam and Water Pipes furnJRlle 15 'Children Cry for Pitchers Castorlas t'rhildren Cry for ' Pitcher's Castoria. t william Sts..Ctinton posttery. poRRlnn. Dry Rllna float! Charep Rmelter1tC P 1. • > ,- ., , �I. . . Y ; .. , .. AWA - • r w M RM