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ur Weekly Budget
From all parts of the County—by wide-awake
and lively Correspondents
• EE SOON WEARIED —Coutrary to
our expectations, Mr Patterson, who
bought the butchering business at one
gime carried on by G. Shaw, soon be-
came tired of Wingham, as he closed
up bis shop and returned to Bluevale.
ANNIVEksARY—A week from next
Sunday the Rev. Jame. Livingstone,
of ' Clinton, will preach anniversary
sermons in the Wingbam Methodist
Church. We have heard much of
is' gentleman's elocutionary talents,
erefore anticipate with pleasure his
isit to our town.
egraph and express office, which h as
recently been conducted by Mr Re ad-
ing, will hencefurward be conduc ted
by Mr Alex Roes, the reason of the
change being that Mr Graham who
bought out Mr Reading, is about to
remove the stock to a store oppos ite
the market square.
LEAVING --Mr Robt Young, who
for a long time has been clerking in
Hanna's store, left this week forHen-
sall, where he has bought a partner's
TRUE SYMPHONY — The }2ev. share in ope of the merchant estab-
A111r Scott used the followingex res- slojourn s
of that town. Duringy his
,glen in his sermon on Sundayexpres-
sojourn in Wingham he has, ie his
SOW an act, res a habit; sow habit genial manner, gained many friends,
p . , and will be missed by the same, but
xeapacharacter; sows character, reap yet he leaves our town with th
a destiny. We thought how true it
was, religiously, socially, and we
>•' might add, politically.
• How IT Is—How is it that in Clin-
ton one can get 13 lbs. granulated and
t.lbs, beat coffee sugar for $1 (that is
•�y''Your choice of the two) In Wingham
you get but 11 or 13 lbs. of the same
kinds. With our extra good shipping
< facilities one woildbe led to expect
vice versa, ,,,rather than not. [The
Hub iiaalways ahead)
elbfaIENEAL,—One very interesting
"event took place in Wingham last
week, although we heard it too late
for oar -budget, viz., the marriage of
a very favorably known young lady,
Miss Millie Dowson, to Mr Ward;
both are great workers in the Presby-
terian church and school. We offer
them our eongratulatiente may they
long remain in our Midst and ever
enjoy the esteem they are held in by
Wingham citizens.
the familiar face of Mr J. D. Steward
on our streets the other day, reminded
as that should our citizens celebrate
the 24th with any Scotch games, it
would be well to try and enlist the
services of this very efficient profes-
sional in those sports. At the last
Caledonian games held iu Goderich,
Mr Steward was presented with a
gold ring, tor the kindly aid he ren-
SOME 50 YEARS AGO—An old Set-
tler told us the et/Ala evening, that in -
Canada's pioneer days one couldeasily
get 100 per cent for their money, but
yet, withal, that was the time when
money ,was made, •trot only to she
lender, but also to the borrower. The
tercet had to be paid in advance in
any cased, One would borrow $100
and give his note for $200. To -day
what a change? money is eo very plen-
tiful, but again, alas, how scarce.—
Would not the money lenders of to-
day rejoice, could they get but one-
fourth of the interest that was obtain-
ed in those days,
FINE TIMES.—A young lad last
week helped himself to a nice little
sum out of a certain till. He then,
in company with a companion, hired
a. livery turnout aucr. took a quiet
drive to Blyth. One of the fat:.ers,
hearing of the proceedings, followed
them, and when he arrived in the
said town, there they were, quietly
enjoying their dinner at one of the
hotels. -Of course the ride home was
not as enjoyable as the one of the
morning had been. Real chums are
;hese two boys; on Wednesday last
they pla9ed truant from school, tak-
ing a day for Wingham sight seeing,
instead of studying their grammar
and arithmetic.
DoTs.—New maple syrup IOc. per
pound. Owing to so much ice being
shipped from this vicinity, our manu-
facturers find it difficult to get cars;
for instance, Mr Thos. Bell has bad
three cars ordered for several weeks,
but at present they have not made
their appearance. Owing to the rail-
way accident at Listowel, on Satur-
day, the Daily Globe did not arrive
in town until late at night. Some
young lads were called to order in
one of Wingham'e churches, on Sun-
day evening; the way the minister
rebuked them was by asking should
they ever become preachers, would
they like to be disturbed while
preacbingf One good old Christian,
on Sunday, while speaking about the
ime when Satan should be cast
u`sd into the bottomless pit, re-
• ed that he hoped to be present
�funeral, and rejoice over his
•fall. The Electric Light Co.
e put up another street light, at
hisholm"s corner. The new bridge
that is being erected near Hutton's
mill has to be completed by the 12th
of April. Mr Bickle has been sup-
plying fresh hot -house lettuce to
Wingham citizens, for the past two
weeks. Mr John err has received
a shipment of tomatoes from Florida.
A Special meeting was called in the
Orange hall, Wednesday, in order to
initiate a number of new members.
,, Miss Vienie Nelson, one who has
hitherto been favorably known in
Wingham, left teat week for Brandon,
and carried with her the best wishes
•f all by whore she was known. Mrs
• R. Mitchell and children, of Gerrie,
fire this week visiting her husband's
• Parents, Mr and Mrs A. Mitchell, of
• town. Mrs M. Beckwith is visiting
Mends in Dungannon, Goderich and
' j4= !Clinton. Mr T. Hesston has been
tffering with a second attack of the
grippe, but is again able to attend to
• Ii`ftsiness. Mr W. Yates received a
• bleneter consignment of fancy china
' > Ware this week, and bas a splendid
cliftplay. Spring has made Its ap.
. pesrance in the windows of our dry
'goods stores, The first excrsioa
,, Wain was on Tuesday last, via the G.
best wishes of its burghers. C very
The scholars of one class in our school,
although they both respect and ad-
mire their teacher, complain of hav-
ing too much home study in fact more
than time•will allow them to manage;
they have drawn up a petition, caking
this; to be somewhat changed, al-
though the said young lady is held
high in the esteem of the pupils in
this section, they think she should
show a little more leniency.
Mr Gearge Gilmour has returned
from Michigan, where he has been
working at timber. He purposes go-
ing to Manitoba next week.
Mr Frank Scott, son of Mr Win. H
of the 2nd has
from Stratford, where returned
hebas beenat-
tending the Central Commercial Col-
HORSE SOLD..—That well-known
stock raiser, Mr James McFarlane,
has just sold his imported entire colt
Glenattau, to Mr Agareof Belfast, for
the sur, of $1500
GOOD SALE.—Therwas a large at-
tendance and good -4 .ces were real-
ised at the sale of"ii'r Moffat's farm
stock, last week, conducted by Mr
James Howson, Ows brin tg $50,
2 year of steers $100 per pa.r, year-
ling eteert 460 per pair, Calves $30
per j air ,id sheep $22 per pair.
CoUxcIL.—The Council met on the
15th according to notice. All tbe
members present. Minutes of pre-
vious meeting read and passed.
The tender of the •Seaforth Sun for
T'p printing was accepted. The audi-
tor's report was laid before the coun-
cil and accepted and clerk instructed
to get 50 copies printed for distribu
tion;an order was drawn on the treas-
urer for $10 to pay auditors and $7
to pay tp engineer for work done on
the Goshen line ditch, and a motion
was passed that unless the persons
interested in said ditch pay the
amount allotted to each to the clerk
before the 15th day of April next,
interest will be charged until paid.
A motion was passed granting Wm
Scott $35 and the unused road allow-
ance in lieu of a road way 4 rods wide.
through his farm. Chas. Stalker
was paid $2.30 for tin box and strap
for assessor. Simon McKenzie acc
of $6.40 for gravel was ordered to be
paid. The treasurer's bond was laid
before the council and accepted. The
council then adjourned to meet again
on Tuesday May 27th, at ten o'clock
a. m, as a Court of Revision and for
other general business.---GEo, STEW -
ART, Clerk.
hn Scar
lett, son of the late Samuel b
m er lcScarlett,
has been sadly afflicted in the death
of his estimable wife, who died
on Tuesday llth inst., of inflamma-
tion. The trial will be severe to Mr
Scarlett, as he is left with a family of
five small children who so greatly
need the elevating influence of a
mother's training.
Mr S. Dickson, postmaster, Sea -
forth, has purchased the farm of Mr
Jacob Stewart, twelfth, concession
McKillop. Mr Dickson is fast be-
coming one of the large land -owners
of the county, owning a large farm in
Grey townehip and several farms in
fashionableof late throughoquite
throughout the
township, and the young folk appear
anxious to attend them, as the work
of the day is usually succeeded by
the and thlesure ofea"trippiugsoftthe ml ocal ghtt f n -
mastic toe," at night.
The o. 4.
:still in
existence ; the Literarylast subject Society
being "resolved that the professional
man is more beneficial to the country
than the mechanic." Mho question
was left undecided.
NOTES.—MT GeoChristopher wood bee on Friday of last as
had also Mr Nelson Bingham on
Tuesday sof this week. The entertain-
tnent The spat have already turnedaffair.tomisea to be a grand their
attention to the ducks on the river.
ACCIDENT,—A serious accident
happened here on Monday. Mr Jno.
McLaughlin was hauling sawlogs
and when
approach to the bbridge, one of his
horses choked and !
railing, wh oh gate wayands let the
horses down the embankment, They
were, however, prevented going
headlong by the load hanging on to
the post of the railing.° With some
difilcuity they were extricated from
their perilous position very little the
worse for their adventure.
NorioE,.—A special meeting will
held in No 4 school house on Satur-
day, 22nd day of March, 1890, at 10
o'clock a. m., for the trausactiou of
special business.
ton's dudes paid a visit to this vicin-
Ity one evening last week and put-up
his rig at a certain place iu good
style, but lo and behold when he
come to get his horse to go home, the
wheels of his buggy had in some un-
accountable manner got vice versa,
but the young Man was so elated we
presume after seeing his best girl, he
didn't know the difference, wonder
how he got home.
NOTES.—Miss Selena Nott has v
gone to Clinton, to learn the dress- r
making. Mr Eli Crich, who was
back to his brother's near Walton fur
a few days, has returned home. Miss M
Edith Walters of Exeter, is at ores- o
ent vis iting her sister, Mrs W. G. se
Plewes . Mr George Turnbull and
family left on Tuesday last for Exe- I la
ter. Mr Turnbull intends goints to r
Manitoba abortly. Alt George Fain- I dr
toff, of Wawanosb, and formerly of
Hullett, has moved down to this sec-
tion. It is rumored one of our enter-
prising young farmers will shortly
take to himself one of Tuckersmith's
fair daughters. Not a bad idea.
Holmesville. Bayfield.
I RORER HOLMES, Pulllieleet'
et.SO a year in advance
Lewis are v
Proctor improving lad to am that Mr Edward Rutledge left on Tues.
Miff 0 Disney, who has been ill for day for Hamilton.
several days, is now somewhat better. Miss Annie Elliott has returned
Mr Gravel and herniae have moved tMiss Archer
a visit to Leas vis
into the house lately occupied'by her wasvisiting at Mr
John Jordan.Charles Symon's hart week.
Miss Regina Yeo, of Bayfield, has There are several from here intend
i going out to Manitoba next week,
been spending a few days at her
It is reported that there will be a
uncle's, Mr R. Docking
Mr Robert couple of weddings in town soon.
We regret to learn that
We understand that Rev Mr New•
Proctor, of the cut line, is ill wit},
congestion of the lungs -ton, of Bervie, assumes the charge of
Our saw mill is running with full Trinity church after Easter.
force. Mr Forster evidently knows A doung studentfrom London.
earned Brownlee, ooccupied the pulpit
of the 'Trinity church last Sabbath,
Mr e
Hodgs being in Seaforth.
Mr Ed.. Rutledge is having hie
store refloored and generally refitted,
preparing for Mr G, 11. Hudson to
move his drug business into it.
Mr Symons bold it mars to Mr
Chs Dewar lust week for the neat
sum 0E8150. This is not a bad figure
how to boom the business -
Mr James Phipps, who bas been
'siting down east for some months,
eturued to this burgh, ou Saturday
Mr J. Holmes intends to leave for
anitoba next week, with a car load
f chattels. He will probably be a,.-
ut for some time.
Mr W Mulholland left on Saturday
st for Mitchell, to attend the rune -
1 of one of his relations, who was
COUNCIL.—The council met March
14th, at Kyles hotel, at the call of the
reeve. Tenders for the supply of
cedar and rock elm for township pur-
poses delivered at the residences of
members of council, were opened and
examined. There were four
the lowest tender proved to bethat o
rock elm at $Paul D. 9.70 per thousand, offered who supply
cedar at $10.70 per thousand, was
accepted. Two dollars were allowed
the trustees of schools No 2, 6, 8 and
9 as compensation for outlay cleaning
ti•e school houses used for election.
The council voted $$,, liberal sum as
relief to N. Price, T. Miller, E. Com-
ber and Mrs Call •-han. After com-
paring views o o manner in which
the income from the educational fund
should be divided among thesections,
the council adjourned to meet at
Daly's Hotel,on Tuesday, the 22nd of
Ap! 1, for the appointment of path -
ms -s, s, etc. SAM, SHILL E, Clerk.
•joCIAL.--One-of the most fash-
ic ole dancing nettles that has been
le 1 In this vici ry'took place on the
e fug of Thursday last, at the resi-
der. :e ,if Mr John McGregor, of this
township, when in response to invi-
tations scattered almost broadcast
over the surrounding country, Mr
McGregor's spacious dwelling at, an
early hour, encompassed upwards of
one hundred couple. The music was
furnished by Mr Satn Horton, the
veteran violinist, accompanied on the
organ by Miss Bell and Dayman and
Mrs H. McGregor,to which the young
people gracefully maneeuvered accor.
ding to the latest styles until inter-
rupted by the supper gong, and an
army of waiters, who supplied the
company with the good things which
the Misses McGregor had prepared
fbr this very important part of the
program, and to which it is needlesss
to add all did ample justice. This
being over the chord was again re-
gained and away went the maisy
whirl which continued with little in•
terruption until the orb of day was
peering towards the eastern horizon,
when the huge company began to
disperse, and the writer thinks that
the sentiments of all are expressed
..ben they thank the Misses Mc-
Gregor for one of the pleasant even-
ings of a lifetime. VISITOR.
Mr .4. H. Pope, tailor, bee moved
into the house lately vacated by Mr
Mr Kydd moves into the house va-
cated by Mr Coxwortlt, who has
moved into the Centennial hotel.
Rev Jas Livingstone, of Ratten-
bury St Methodist church, Clinton,
will preach the educational sermon in
the Metbodiet church on Sunday
Mr Richard Turner left this station
on Monday for Manitoba, taking
with him a car load of stock, and on
Tuesday Mr A. McDonell and Mr
Boutkson and sister started for Da -
The meeting of the Hensall branch
of the British and Foreign Bible so-
ciety was held in theMethodist church
addresses were given by Rev S. G.
Livingstone, B. A., agent for the so-
ciety, and resident ministers, music
was furnished by a union choir.
An association meetingen of
was helinthe Presbyte-
rian church on Monday evening last,
the chief feature of which was a
lecture on Four Months in Germany,
by Rev T. C. Tebb, of Sarnia. The
lecturer gage an account of the coun-
try and its customs as he saw them in
that time. The church was crowded
and all seemed to be interested in the
NOTES.—Dr. St Strongman, man
the Ashfield circuit, gave aninterest-
ing r
lecture on"The man of the 20th
Mr Tom, visited week. schoolh No.e Inspector,,las
Thursday, and expressed himselgwell
pleased with the discipline and pro-
ficiency of the pupils. The promotion
examination of the County of Huron
will be held on Friday,
teachers and pupils will will them-
selves accordingly. The Literary so-
ciety gave a very interesting pro-
gram last Friday night, which will
be continued this Friday evening,
the attendance last night was about
the iss E.
Ritchie eleft last week for a st of the season. Dvi it to
friends in Guelph and Norval ; we
miss her very much in our literary.
Minard's Liniment Cures Barns, eto-
Minard's Liniment for salon erywbere
Mr Robt Twist, we understand. was
not so taken up with Sarnia and hit
tunnel as he expected, but is back
again, and is working with Mr Jos.
Proctor, of the cut line.
Our shoemaker, Mr Scott, is get-
ting more than work enough to keep
him busy, -which, however cannot be
wondered at. as he is a very social,
jolly and honest gentleman.
At 2,80 p.m., on Tuesday of this
week, W. Docking took the train at
Clinton for Manitoba. The evening
prior to hie departure an oyster sup-
per was given in his honor, at the
house of Mr H. Elford. Owing to
the short notice, not many had the
prlyilege of being present, but the
number who did attend enjoyed them-
selves to the fullest extent possible.
When parting time came they all
sang heartily, "God be with you till
we meet again." We hear that it Will
likes the country the family will
move there next spring.
Campbell called a r- ing for Mon-
day evening, to ' er the advisa-
bility of form' ,worth League
j; .: • e fie Methodist
r •-nrdefinite being
,.ter W-esia,d over until
,sday, which meeting resulted
In tonne'
the me as the former, and it was
again postponed for Wednesday week.
We think the League is just what
our young people nc P, and if they
would only lend their assistance, it
would be made a source of great im•
Mr William Pollick returned
home from Michigan last week ; he
reprrts three feet of snow there, when
he left.
FOOTBALL —A football match was
played on Saturday, the 15th,between
the pupils of schools Nos. 4 and 5
and the game resulted in favor of No.
5. The score was 2 to 1.
Mr Benjamin Lyon and family,
have said "farewell" to their many
friends in Ontario, and left for the
chilly regions of the far Northwest,
where they intend making their
future home.
Quite a number of our friends, have
been attending the revival meetings
held in the Methodist church, Blyth,
under the auspices of the Misses Hall.
We are given to understand that the
meetings will continue during, and
probably next week as well.
FIRE,—The fire department was
called out on Tuesday night by a fire
that was located in the frame block
on the east side of the Square. It was
confined to a room immediately over
Cameron & Holt's law office, and was
put out before much injury had been
done, further than the flooding of the
office, and the consequent damage to
law books, etc.
Sr. PATRICR's.DAY,—.St. Patrick's
Day was celebrated by the Rornan
Catholics attending mass fn St. Pe
ter'sChurch at 9 a. m. the chief at-
traction being a young lady playing
St. Patrick's day on a violin. At
night one of the largest and most in-
telligent audiences of influential ladies
and gentlemen assembled ao do honor
to Irelands Patron Saint and listen
to that sweet, accomplished singer
Miss Hearn, of Clinton, Rev. T.
West deserves great credit for the
treat afforded by Miss Hearn. Mr
Chilton, American Consul, ocertpied
the chair. Me'srs. Belcher, Porter
and Cameron gave several beautiful
selections of instrumental music, Mr
Shane, of Blyth, gave several charac-
ter songs and was repeatedly encored.
Mrs Brayley gave "The last rose of
summer" in splendid style, but Miss
Hearn captivated all hearts with her
wonderful vocal powers, her grace,
and refinements em
eels combined,
Mr DanielMcGillicuddy, of the Sig-
nal, lectured on "The dawn of Home
Rule," and knocked O'Connell, Em-
met, Burke, Mayher, McGee, Butt
and Parnell into a cockeave a yd hat ; the
during the laifted orator st 90 years of union wof ith
England, showing the impossibility
of six hundred English members leg-
islating for Ireland ; the tyranny of
Coercian Acts, the PIgott and the Timesperfidy
oruin Paf rnell
and Irish interests, The speaker
scouted the idea that the Protestant
minority in the north of Ireland
would not be protected as well as the
Protestant minority in Quebec. He
was not for separation of Ireland from
England but give her Parliament in
College Green as we have in Canada.
Mr McGilicuddy was loudly applaud-
ed, and in concluding, Judge Doyle,
in a neat speech, moved a vote of
thanks to the speaker for his able,
earnest and patriotic addrese, and was
ably seconded by MrJoseph Williams.
The celebration was socially, Intel-
lectaily and finan,,Ially a grand sue -
NOTES —Mr Sam Su ,t, •
resines at B:uevale, was d.
the old homestead last
looks hale and strong. 11
ter has returned from the
lumber wood. Mr. A. K
rented hie new house, whie
last summer, to Mr D. E.
3 years and intends going
this siring. Mr Geo. Pe
who went to England last fal
a few days ago and thinks h
main in Canada. Mr Jos
and Mr Frank Farrow 1
Thursday to try their fortun
Northwest. Mr Wm. Do
rented his commodious store
from Milverton and expects
in a short time. The abaen
H. Mailey from his shoo
Wednesday of last week, can
a commotion in our village,ti
tors are left to mourn his dep
since horse flesh is cheap his year. lthe extent of some hundreds of dol-
the Goderich Township items fare. andMJha Sprung has rented his
we would judge that the youth of his
had au auction sate s -
that township must have fate against dayatock and implements on Mors-
in thier attempts at pleasure -
driving. Boys, you cannot do two things at once. KIPPCnt,
Irnpefdlu,; Danger.
"h' ° itv !'hu 1)Jtirini Government
,we to Fre l tit , 0,
weal: au,l repeatedly .
.f. C„e�. I J been asked to sec�fiq..,;
Commercial Union, or take steps
night hay P'iintiug in that direction, hu
h he built have.por•sie.teetly refused to do ,
M out efor They have even gen further b,
ave, who thrcateningtoincrease duties. Tile°
!,returned United Stotes Government has
e will re not been asleep, while these
eave this threat. were made, and the Ways
ea to the and Means Committee have intro-
wns has
to a man cooed a new retaliatory tariff in
oto lea1ve Co congress that will have a very
chop on demoralizing effect upon Canad•
sed quite 100 produce. On every article
is credi- that we shipto tho States, they
arture to
propose to increase tho duty.
Elsewhere will be fnind a short
summary of the proposed increases
some of which in particular will
tell heavily on Canadian farmers
as for instance, barley, 30 cents
per bushel. eggs 5 cents per dozen
cattle $10 per head, horses $30
per head, hay $4 per ton, potatoes
20 cents per bushel, live poultry
3 cents per Ib. dressed, 5 cents
per lb,
It is all very well for some
people to say that we can get
along without trading' with the
Uniteb States, but that is almost
an impossibility, and• the threat-
ened retaliatory meas,.'�e of the
United States means embtst•r:ass-
ment for industries that are rsl�,
ready suffering to a considerable
Last Sunday evening a large con -To itupply. the demand for flour at
gregation listened to a very impres- the grist milf,it has now to be run day
sive sermon from Rev Mr Hill, on jus- and night.
tice. Weare sorry Mr Hill will have MrMaloney,Deputy P.O.Iuspector,
to leave us so soon, as we:always en- of Stratford, paid an official visit to
joy hie lively discourses. this office this week, and found every -
We can readily sympathize with thing:in connection therewith satis-
our Wingham brother in the mean factory.
way his items have been spoken of by On Sabbath evening next Rev E
the Advance editor, as we have in A. Fear, will take for his subject.'
our time been so attacked by such "The spoiled young Man,” Service
worthless caitiffs. to begin at 6.30, we hope to see ae
Miss Tilly Calliday entertained a good attendance of the young men.
large circle of friends and acquaint- THE LITERARY— A meeting of liter-
ances last Thursday evening. After ary and debating society was held ou
spending a most enjoyable time in Friday evening last. The principal
dancing:and games, the party diapers- feature of the evening's entertain-
ed with many praises of kindness of ment was a debate on the subject
their hostess, "Resolved that the execution ofChas.
Everything Is beginning to look I of England. was justifiable." The
like spring now. The stores have affirmative was maintained by Mr
their spring garments and J. Thompson, as captain assisted by
everybody preparing to let this Mr Wm Thompson, while the nega-
weary winter go. Miss M. J. Mar- tive was held by Mr. Alex Smillie as
tin has the windows of her store captain, assisted by Mr J. Rose. The
beautifully decorated with samples of lack of a reporter alone prevented us
some 2000 rolls of wall paper of var- from sending you a summary or some
legated colors. and quality, which of the speeches, the eloquence of
makes people look forward with which we are certain would elevate
dread to that temper trying time of your own popnlar journal and al-
ing. �
houae-cleans, though the boys did well all round
QUAs$EnD 'rite; Gr t,AW.—At Os- it was found upon weighing the poll-
goode Hall, Toronto, .,n Friday, re derous arguments that the negative
Thompson and the village of Bay- bad gained the victory by some
field, D. Armour moved to quash a ounces. It was decided to close the
by-law of the village of Bayfield, in seasons meeting on the next meeting
the county of Huron, passed for the and accordingly arrangements were
purpose of aiding a flour mill by way completed for the bolding of a grand
of bonus. M. G. Cameron, for the concert in the shape of a Literary
village of Bayfield, contra. There competition, two separate committees
were some fifteen grounds alleged in were chosen which vie with each
support of the motion. Order made other as to who can get up the most
quashing the by-law, with costs, on complete program. The captains
the ground that the granting of the chosen are Miss A Thompson and A.
bonus required for its payment an McMordie. ',We predict an over -
annual levy for principal and interest flowing house.
exceeding 10 per icent. of the total
amount of municipal taxation, con- Leeburn
trary to the Municipal Act of 1888.
sec. 16, sub -sec. 4.
Mr A Brownlee spent Sunday in
Miss Baker, of Clinton,was in town
over Sunday.
Service was held in Trinity church,
on Wednesday,
Mr C. Ilatniltou has gone into the
pateut churn business.
Mr Oakes organized a singing class
in Industry L,iall last weep.
Mr and MK R H Chowen, of Clint
ton, visited their brother in -kw Mr
F. Metcalf this week.
Rev Mr Henderson Is visiting in
town. Mr Henderson was at nue
time principal of the Blyth school,
Mr J P Fisher, late of Auburn,
has bought Scott's hotel here; it is
rumored that Scott will try and se-
cure the place known as Kelly's, but
of this we will not be certain.
Tbe special services in the Metho-
dist church are being conducted right
along every night, and with good
success, Editor Holmes, of the NEw
ERA, took the pulpit on Sunday, and
preached good sermons. Rev Mr Ir-
vine, of the Nile, took charge on
Tuesday night; he is a favorite with
Blyth audiences.
The Fri-
day evening, in the Temperance hall.
They closed the Lodge early, and
some of the members brought in a
few friends to bear the debate. The
subject was "Resolved that England
is destined to decline." The affirma-
tive was championed by Messrs J 5
McKinnon and W W Sloan, and the
negative was taken by Messrs S.
Mathers and M McMillan. Tbe
committee, whose duty it was to de-
cide the debate, consisted of Messrs
Forsyth, Douglass and Pollock. Tbe
chair was taken by Mr Fred Bryant.
The debate lasted an hour, and was
listened to with good attention. At
the conclusion the committee decided
in favor of the negative.
Miss Mary Relton is at present
visiting friends,in Goderich Town•
Mr Hillary and Henry A. Horton
and Edie Horton visited friends in
flullett and Clinton last week.
HOME AGAIN.—Mrs Jos. Cook re-
turned home on Tuesday last after
spending a plesant week with friends
in Holmesvillp,
:`•ICrcNEss.—Tbe eldest daughter of
Mr E. Shaw bas been very ill with
Bright,s disease but is slowly improv-
Mr n who
granddaughter, Mrs Jos. Cook, is
again confined to his bed.
Two of our popular young men
quietly slipped away not long ago and
on enquiry being made it was found
they had gone in the direction of
Brucefield. This ihforma fon makes
the fair ones put on a solumn look
for they say it is not the first time
Alex. has strayed that way. But a
little bird whispers we had better not
go any Fartherin(g)hame matters
this time.
ATEL—The funeral of
D McAllister which took place from her
father, Mr Cumming's residence on
the llth, was very largely attended
there being oyer 60 vehicles in the
procession which proceeded to the
Maitland cemetery, Rev. Mr Ander-
son conducted the services. The
young husband and parents have the
full sympathy of the whole neighbor-
NOTES. -MT Jno. r F.
changing his resideresidenceand esun-
derstaud is about opening a store in
the east end of tbe village. Doctor
Cooper is kept as busy as it is possible
for him to be, "green winter makes a
fat doctor,"so says the adage. A live-
ly "hop" took place in Mr Cook's
hall oa Friday evening last. Mr A.
I. Stewart has the corner store filled
up again and is doing a brisk business
East Wawanoslt. in the merehantile line, The Good
NoTEi.—David Dunbar last woek shortly.eiars intend holding a social
sofd a colt rising one year old to Mr beingebuilt. Kinword yet of the betel
Jas. England, Michigan for $60, it is baly off for some bsort of urn at present
was very cheap, if sound, as it was a modation for the travelling public.
fine looking one and one eligible for
registaration in the horse breeders
society books. Mr Seilly held an
auction sale the other day prior to
his sold realized wfor ell.
Manitoba,hwasseseoen rr for
this township is again on his rounds
and dogs are suffering very much in
consequence thereof, he says some ExornsroN,
people would put a dog between agent G. T. R. w' Jaehe following Town
themselves and heaven. Miss Helen asses era to the
the fTl esday
MoGowen, who has been visiting Feat, g Fest on Hill and
at her sister's Mrs G. L. Messrs W. dole, T. and J.
Denfield returned home on Friday Col. MounSam of
and J.Marahall,
leaf. Mr R, R. Summer, of London, to Vancouper, B.C, J,MoLennan to
is spending a few days visiting among l Lisbon, Dak, Jas, Blackbarough to
friends here. D. S. Scott, of the j Helena, Mon., and W. Docking to
collegeate, Clinton, was home onCyprtss River. Mr Jackson accom-
Sunday, Mrs D. and Master Cyrus I panied the party to London, and had
Scott have returned home after at their baggage bonded through, thus
month's visit among Mende in Hall savithe ling them considerable trouble et
To take the advertisement out of
the the so called dull
season, says an a er perienced advertiser
is about as bad as to stop feeding the
horse because the weather is unsuit-
able for using him.
The Clinton Mechanics Institute
have, through W. Cooper & Co, im-
ported the following new Books:—
Political Economy—Laveleye
Maintenance of Health—Fathergill
Story of the Nations -27 Vols.
The story of Greece
The story of Rome
The story of the Jews
The story of Chaldea
The story of Norway
The story of Germany
The story of Spain
The story of Hungary
The story of Carthage
The story of the Saracens
The story of the Moors in Spain
The story of the Normans
The story of Persia
The story of Ancient Egypt
The story of Alexander's Empire
The story of Assyria
The story of Ireland
The story of the Goths
The story of Turkey
The story of Media, Babylon, & Persia
The story of Mediieyal France
The story of holland
The story of Mexico
The story of Phoenicia
Tt.e story of the Hansa Towns
The story of Vedic India
The story of Modern France
Blue Lights—Kingston
A. B. C. of Electricity—
Naquet Legal Chemistry-
Electricity in our houses and work-
Experimental Science—Hopkins
Life of Christ—Farrar
Looking Backward—Bellamy
Guy Mannering—Scott
Qnentine Darward—Scott
Schweglers Philosophy-
5000 mikes in a Sledge—Gowing
Recent Ecomic Changes --Weals
Man and his Maladies—Bridger
Etnins Rescue—.
A Tramp Trip—
Tropical Africa—Drummond
The Conscript—Cbatr tan
Friend Fritz—
LeatherStockingRatas,6Vols••Coo er
Life of Napole�tl, 4.Vols—Lanfray
Elementary Astronomy
Ye3ology—Claus and Sidgwick's
Problems of Great Britain—D1lke
Greater Britain—Dilke
Yankee inKingArtbur s court—Twain
Tower of London—Dixon
History of Canada 2 vola—Dent
Around the world—Kingston
The lamplighter—Cummings
The Hunchback of Notre Dame—Vic-
tor Hugo
Lenobia— Ware
Jas. Hoggs Poems—
Madame Therese—Chatrian
Great Cities of the ;Middle Ages --
Keats Poetical Works—
Moors Poetical Works—
John Halifax Gentleman—Miss Mul•
Count of Monte Christo—Dumas
Taking of the Bastile—Dumas
Two years before the mast—Dana
Life of Sir Wm, Waliace—
The Kings Own—Marryat
Midshipmen Easy—Marryat
Inglosby Legends—Barham
Spanish Ballads—Lockhart
Constitution of Canada—Hallam
Some Eminent Women—
Elementary Lessons in Anatomy—
A guide to district Muses—Craven
Historical Geography—
Constitution Of Canada—Munroe
English men of action, 9 Vole—
English Statesmen, 7 Vols—
Anatomy of Vertibrated Animals—
Tbe Oat—St. George
Canadian Birds—Chamberlain
Constitution of Canada---Bominot
A ie ova ed an erear old ror! of $100 Wiscon-
$103 ine
footing of a column of figures, wages
paid to his father's employees, and a
search revealed that the book-keeper
bad systematically added thatQm�ount
every week for heron gelds. This is
another proof th,% milting 19 in the
main a howling i arse.