HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-03-07, Page 5t`r> zi • I Li... WARE, 'SPECTACLES, VATG H ES, CLOCKS JEWELLERY And Fine Watch Repairing 'at Rock Bottom Prices. J. B. RUM BALL & CO JEWELLERS & ENGRAVERS,CLINTON. The ROSE LIBRARY $ Books, Name and Author. Under One Roof. By James Payn. The Vicar's Daughter. By George Forrest House. By Mrs M. J. Holmes. Macdonald, Lest for a Woman. By M.A. Fleming. The Spy of the Rebellion. By Allan My Wayward Pardner. By Josiah Pinkerton. (Illustrated) Allan's Wife. Kate Denton. ByM. A A Wife'e'Tragedy. By Pd. A. Fleming. Bessie's Fortune, By MrsM.J,Ha1gnes meB Pride and Paseion. By M. A. Fleming. Claude Melnotte and other Detective The Detective and the Somnambulist. Stories. By Allan Pinkerton. By Allan Pinkerton. The Barl's Attonement. By B.M.Clay Without a Home. By E.' P. Roe. A Young Girl's Wooing. By E.P. Roe. Gabriel Conroy. By Bret Harte. A Double Life. By Allan Pinkerton. .'The Grocery Man and Peck's Bad Boy. His Promised Bride. By BerthaM.Clay +' By Geo. W. Peck. Tracy Park. 13y Mrs Mary J. Holmes IOc. Each. 3 for 25c. Marvel of Cheapness .''COOPERS BOOK STORE, MP G. CLINTON FOR SALE OR TO RENT. ROUSE To RENT—Residence lately oe- oupied by Mr James Thompson, corner MANNING} Of William anSOOTT d Princess Streets.. Apply to & ;4 ,drAOOD HOUSE TO RENT—ON BATTEN- B�`ute's alk fr..00�m Albertt St., lately occupiR Street; ordoeieed by the un- dersigned. R. HOLMES, NEW Hue. Office ry: T o LET.—THAT DESIRABLE DWELL- .b"a000pied by Mctio house rs. g age R nice street house t.:contains 9 remise with good cellar and bard and soft water, small stable and good gar- den: Immediate possession. Apply to R. RANSFORD, Clinton. la -OUSE AND FOUR LOTS IN HOLMES- vmnedsThe rose sntrs frame, ooitingof four rooms two-storey and three up. Fret -class stone cellar, hard .and soft water and usual conveniences. Good .stable and hay shed. The lot is a block of one afire with street on each side. Will be .,-sold for $525. For information apply to T. C. PICKARD, Holmesville, -GURU FOR SALE.SUBSCRIBER OF - +„1; stns for salethe farm of 112 acres, being part of lot 20, on the Bayfield line, Goderich 'township. bout 90 acres cleared, the rest lard wood and cedar and in good state of tiultivation. On the farm is a new brink house and wood shed, hard and soft water, also never -failing spring, close to school and sbhnroh and is well watered. Also good bank barn with stone foundation and drive shed. Address, THOS. H. COLE. Clinton, Ont, M FOR SALE, --SITUATED IN THE d d atn County fo hundred fiftyituaedon thenks ofa leantiful little lake • 100 ti 'gleaned and I acres ;,0 tan n a good state e l fen cultivation; f; ban run machinery on it all; well fenced and A first-class well, good bearing orchard, good t(S bank barn 60x40, straw house 60x30 all with .stone basement; also a good cottage 20x24, with kitchen 16x2° atone, summer kitchen 16x18. All well finished and the farm is in 6, $4od shape throughout. Will be sold cheap. Terms to snit purchaser. For further par- tiepulars apply to THOMAS TOWNSEND, Glasoott, Ont. 2m1 `',''Good House & Lot & Planing Mill for Sale. The subscriber offers for sale his house and 1 ante on Albert Street. This property is very yeliibly situated. The house is a good storey and a s. art, :and contains 11 rooms,frame, ] Thelot ih all s Done -half g: an acre, but will be sold with or without the rear quarter. On the back part is a planing mill, with 15 horse -power engine, with 1 surface Poney ':Planer, 1 first-class double Cape Tenanting Macand Rip Sawh1 Mouldinwithhaft ng,belting,e&o.. This will , be sold entire or to suit purchaser. Terms :reasonable, D. BUCHANAN, Clinton Notice to Debtors. persons indebted ined ereby notified thatto 11 b o sameisnot ot d `y.thelstof March, the account will planed in court for collection. J. A. KING, Balser NOTICE TO DEBTORS. All parties indebted to the undertigned, .and whose accounts have been rendered, are hereby notified that the same must be paid 'before the 20th inst., or they will be placed in court for collection. This is imperative 3a'view of possible changes in the business. ARTHUR COUCH. ¶[ HACHER WANTED FOR 8. 8 JL Colborne, male or Flemale holding Sec and or Third Class Certificate, duties to commence at Easter. State experience and Salary required from Easter to the end of the year. Applications received up to April Bah, Address, ANDREW MILLIAN, Seey, auburn P. O. • 3i SAWING.—SUB RB BE FI R w mill thoroughly equip - es running order and is stom sawing of all kinds, i/rrbg engaged Mr W. Dodds, a practical awyer, to take charge of the same. Will uy good sound hemlock loge. Orders re- poctinlly solicited. Good Cedar Posts for Buy ale. We are paying 85 per 1000 for logs, HOS. TRICK, Godorioh township,Doo. 89. tf UMBER. A I�(now has h nd in fl 5 PROPERTIES tor SALE • The various properties re- maining undisposed of belong - [ng to the estate of the late Ch.are arles now offered for sale. In order to close up the estate these properties must be sold. Full particulars and terms will/ be made known on appli- cation to the undersigned. MANNING & SCOTT, Clinton. Blacksmith Shop and land for sale. Sub scriber ty own dbvhimoatoGowrie, 10 the rs for sale ecountyrof Perth. It consists of a blacksmith shop do- ing a good business, with dwelling house, eta ble and half -acre of land attached. Is in a splendid farming section, with no opposition Will be sold with or without tools. Satis- factory reason for selling. For particulars apply to THOS. LOBB, Holmesville, or JOS LOBB, Gowrie. t f AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE — PROPERTY Under and by virtue of power' of sale con- tained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be sold on TUESDAY, Y Mar. 11 th At Two o'clock in the afternoon, 1890, at the Rattenbury House, CLINTON The following valuable property:—All those certain parcels of land situate in the Town - of Mullett, in tecomposed of Lots Nos. 9tyand 21,ofr innthee5tinh concession, and the North Half of Lot No. 19 in the 9th concession, :containing in a11250 TERMS—One-tenth-of less.es. more or enth of the money to be paid down at the time oo f sale. terms for balance will be made known at time of sale. For further ly to ROBINSON, O'BRIEN particulars GIBSON ,Ven- dors' Solicitors, 74, Cborch St., Toronto, or to CHAS RIDOUT, C. E., Clinton. MORTGAGE SALE —OF— PARM : PROPERTY —IN THE -- TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in two several mortgages, which will be produced on day of sale, there will be sold by public auction, at Swarts' Hotel, BAYFIFLD, Ey David Dickinson, Auctioneer, on WEDNESDAY, March 12th, At the hour of 11 o'clock the two parcels oflanddescribed as forenoon 1st, The North Half of Lot Number Nineteen, in the Lake Road West Concession, in the Township of Stanley, containing 3n acres, more or less. The South Half of Lot Number Seventeen, in the Lake Road East ' ontaining667ithe of Stanley, acres, more or f ss Thes arTIRth desirable farm MS._10per cent down ondayof sale, balance in thirty days thereafter. Part of moneys oan remain on mortgage at 6 per cent. Further conditions made known on day of sale or can be had on application to D. DICKINSON, MANNINO & SCOTT, Auctioneer Vendor's Solicitors PMEE for MLK DRESSMAKING -- Mae Trewartha desires to Intimate to her Neretuned to n and customers isnow preparedc all allr rorders the DRESS and MANTLE MAKING line '06: short notice, and with perfect satisfac- ' ` Orders respectfully solicited. M. TREWARTHA f" !the house occupied by her ie for sale on qarp reasonable arms. Particulars on ap- ' lilibation SAW MILL FOR SALE. One of the best steam sawmills in Huron (ionnty, capasity 10,000 per day,dn first class running order and furnished with shingle iad headiug machinery. Also about 6 acres '2 land and house, plenty of timber near. dE it year's custom sawing was over 400,000 ltd over 15,000 5111 heading.) Near ship Y}ltcif paint and thriving town. A first-class k Mess oheap.For particulars address, i1W ERA OFFICE, Clinton. Immediate .tpolfsion If required, tf NOTICE. I -persons indebted to the firm of £Iffy E. Pay & Co., are requested .eal1 at Mr J. Cuningliame's r rOeery and settle before the let of After that date all accounts llhbe placed with Mr Farran. tplp3 House and Lot now occupied by r ?`'ay is for sale or to rent. R$. *HITT. rvl.c.16.1vi. TEACHER OF MUSIC. .f o, Organ and Toohnieon, or Muscle Eloper. for use of pupils. Roome at ilsrtt'e, opposite Mr. Whitehead'e. now. your GREY COT PONS Buy your EMBROI- DERIES now. See the value we are offering. We have just what you want in COR- SETS-; the price sells them rapidly; it will pay you to see them. The rush now is for those W11ITE COTTON REMNANTS at so much a pound. Remember we now ,.are - continuing our Special Bar gain days on Friday. J. C. DETLOR, & CO., CLINTON. '' ,tmrsToti zitatuTri Cornoptt+d iwarr ItutrtOtqr aft rlicem. Tharoiwy, 4A1 oK, 6 1890. WheAt, tall stand+rd,. •, Q eQ 080 0013..,,,..,a4,.....n.. 75. R 095 Barley.....,.. •.. 0 85 a 0 dQ Pens.,, Q 68 a 0 6$ Flour per bgl.. 4 5Q r► 5 00 Batter............. 0 18 a 0 16 Eger x2 s 19i Pork"... , 5004.5 60 Ray 600 a 25 Rides s 25.8 05 Sheep Skin i A 50 a 0 72 . SALE REGISTER. ea March Ze w no Stanley, at Swart a#Hots , Bsyil e d n Wednesday, March 12. D. Diokin n, Auot. Farm stook o1 Mx^ W Moffat, lot 23, Con. 3, Stanley, on Thursday Ma h 19tlLJ. Howson, Auot. lot a70 stook, of James $o n- ship, on March 11. J. Howson, A I. THEY ARE THE BEST CHILDREN'S WAISTS, CORSET CLASPS•and DRESS per c. o for cash. The FLORA - 50 cents. The Best 50c. Corset .tirade. The 21 - - 75 cents. Equal to $1 corsets of other ThQ.,.CORALINE $1. The Greatest of $1 Corsets. makes, The YATISI $1.25. The easiest anci 'most perfect fitting The FAIRY 50 cents. The best Corset for Misses and Child en's n thewear. CHILDREN'S WAISTS, CORSET a and s , per c. o$' for cash, 0 NORTH AMERICANi5 TAYS. ESTATE JOgrT' E0aCENS. LIFE ASSURANCE ASSURANCE COMPANY. The annual meeting of this Company way held at its head office, Toronto, on Tuesday the 28th of January, 1890. There was a large attendance of those interested in the institn- tion. new business D rect0 ' Teport showed that the in the past year was the largest lar history of the Company; alvo ttha ge increases had been made in every branch of the Company's business, tending to its con- tinued progress and prosperity. It was also pointed out that the greater part of the Com- pany's business was on the Semi Tontine in- vestment plan and further that nearly all the Home companies were now issuing poli- cies on this plan under one name g public clearly indicating that the insuring pubblic prefer this form of insurance. The Fin- ancial Statement together with the auditors' report thereon, was duly submitted to the meeting. Abstract of Financial Statement for the year ending December 31, 1889. Cash income for -year 1889...... $ 802,680 53 Expenditure (including payments to policy holders of $59,- 906 94.) ..................... 161,687 23 Assets (including uncalled guar- antee fund),........... 1,063,250 49 Reserve fund (including clnims under policies awaiting proofs $5500.) ...................... 682,870 00 Surplus for security of policy holders..,,, WILLIAM MCCABE, Ma.nai • ' . �,tFrirectorr 4B We have examined the booksdog D. urnents and vouchers representing the foregoing revenue account, and also each of the securities for the property in the Balance Sheet and certify to their correctness. JAMES CARLYLE, M. D., W. G. CASSELS, ) Auditors. TORONTO January 14, 1890. We concur in the foregoing Certificate and have personally made an independent ex- amination of said books, quarterly, and also of each of the securities representing said Property. E. A. MEREDITH�i LL.D., ( Auditing Commit - B. B. HUGHES, } tee of the Board. Mr. John L. Blackie, Vice -President Company took the chair in the absence President, Hon. A Mackenzie, M. P. was attending to his duties at Ottawa. hon. gentleman, however, did not forg company with which he hies been co ed since its inception, and addressed a to the Polis _Fielders dery and Guarantors, was read at the meeting. gepresed regret at not being present and especial] as the year 1889 was the most successful the history of the Company, and the ment showed the greatest advance of year. He also dwelt on the fact that the sets had in every instance been br down to a cash basis thereby continuin the same course that had been adopted outset, viz. ; to build the Company up solid foundation. ° Tho letter from the President was with Loud applause. Mr. Blackie, the Vice -President, then dressed the meeting and dealt very fully the main features of the report. also referred in feeling terms to the sustained by the death of the late President, Hon. Alex. Morris, which occurred since the last annual meetin the Company. By comparisons with o leading companies, he demonstrated to satisfaction of all present that the se ity offered to policy holders by tho Nort American can truly be said to be "Una passed on this Continent" In referring to the competition experien from the largo American companies, showed in a very clear manner, tak the figures from an official statement p lishod in the United States. that the, per .tentage of surplus to assets, of the lar companies, was much loss than that of ma of the smaller companies. Dwelling on t point, and also on the low mortality that companies doing business in Canada had far experienced, and further on the high rate of interest terest obtainable ' am abl o in Canada compared with other countries, for safe vestments, he showed very clearly that certainly to the advantage of Canada rs to patronize their own compani ted that the Company's solid inves in mortgages and debentures cons a relative security for policy holde before attained by any Canadian Li nee Compauy, at thosamo period of i of the of the , who The et the nnect- letter which his y so, in state - any as - ought g in at the On a received ad - with He loss Vice - had g of ther cur_the -Nasal Bala h nr• Instantly Relieves 0 T 1 C!New - Grocery -� Store.., a MESSRS COOPER & LOGAN beg to announce that they have opened out in the store next to Couch's butcher shop, a new and first- class stock of Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, , Etc., .And invite the public to Inspect the same. Our - Teas, Coffees, bruits, Canned 4 G-oods,I Etc. kItzaatrbeis(,fsirtson's growth, and our CROCKERY and ;GLASS Boprikrupt e latest design. Everything is fresh and will be sold at the lowest prices. �o�, SAUSAGE HAMS BACON, &c., HADDIE, .. STSCOES, ORANGES, LEMONS, &c, always on hand. -". BOOTS, S ES, OVER- , FINE TEAS a specialty. Farm produce taken in exchange. ,j, V �� A trial order s:,iicited. HAVING 000 BOUGHT A -- SHOES & RUBBERS A -- At 57i Cents on the Dollar, and in order to clear them out before we get in our spring stock, we will sell this lot on a small advance on what they„cost us. Biggest Bargains ever offered in Boots and Shoes, for the Next two weeks. Come and see for yourselves. Plumsteel -& - Gibbillgs A nagger Signal A Cold in the Head may be aptly termed a danger sinal1 g warning nus and disagreeable disc g mug you that If neglected gr aserCntarrb is sure o follow, perhaps leading to Consumption and danger- 011E1 grave. At no season of the year is Cold in the Head more prevalent than dbring the Spring months, and at no other season do the people of this country suffer more generally from Catarrh,with all Its disagreeable and annoying effects. Do not for an instant neglect either of these troubles but apply NASAL BALM, the only remedy that will give instar. t relief and effect a thorough cure. ]Phe follow - in: testlmoniala from among thousands in our possession boar witness to its sterling merit. Alex. Burns, Sudbury, Ont., says: I may state that I have been affected with Catarrh seven or eight years, and it was attended by consequent symptoms such as foul breath, constant dropping into the throat, hawking and spitting, partial deafness ringing in the ears and sickening pains in the head directly over either eye. I have us- ed powders and douches, but all to no effect, the only result arising from the use of such was tem- porany relief, followed by the usual symptoms in a more aggravated form. The results arising from the use of Nasal Balm: Sweet breath, stop- page of the droppings into the throat (consequ- ently less hawking and spitting), clearness of hearing, and not once sin�-e I began its use have I had pain in the head. In fact, itis my opinion that a carefu and persistent use of thelBalm will effect a cure in the worst case of catarrh. red ingj Cold in tread, he gest ny his the so or L. D. Dion, Dept. t. Railways e Iia P And t 4WA y Canals, ()t- says: 1 nm very glad to give you to -day the In- testimony that Nasal Balm has completely cured d Y tit my catarrh, from which I suffered for nearly this was insure He sta meats tuted never Insure history. The with Prasad the go tratod many throug would work o Tbo onded pressed eplondi say the beat this the wor The The fol. rectors: Bleerie, donald, K. Kerr L. L. D., ney, Ho Edward Hughes, William .Jaffray, Smith, a to the D Hon, Ed Frank 5 M. P. P. Subseq imously i President G. W. Al standing Hon. Edw most im surance. J.L. ELM' HON. G. W Viee-P A. W. Mallory, Mallorytow6, Ont., says: My daughter suffered for year@ from a most distress- ing and annoying Cater, h. Her cane was under the treatment of eminent physicians In the Unit- ed States and Canada. Two months use of Nasal Balm has had more beneficial effects than all for- mer treatments combined, an a years. es. ti- re 1- re fe is �1s T. says; D. heretotestify to street. the unequalled healing powers of your Nasal Balm. I have been troubled for throe years by what the doctors call post nasal catarrh and have tried everything in the city that could be obtained, in the shape of catarrh cures, and found no permanent relief I from any of them, till a fr*nd one day advised me to try your Nasal Balm, and I find that even one bottle has done me more good than all the medicines put together that I have persecuted myself with before. I was very much troubled cooled with sdtti�� - - morning, so much so that m especially in the 1 tinually in n raw condition, butt Ir am now be - it is ak ginning to know I shall of fail tto roe to it to anbe able to y of my friends suffering from th Ike disease. Nasal Balm Positively Cures Catarrh, D. Derbyshire, Mayor of Brockville and Pr sident of the Ontario Creamery Association say Nasal Bairn .beats the world for Catarrh an Cold in the Head. In nay own case It effecto relief from the first application, Isaac Waterman, Imperial Oil Co'y, Petrolia, Ont., says : Nasal Balm gave me the most per- fo ct satisfaction of any medicine I ever used for Cold in the Head. I found it easy to use, quick in giving relief and effect a complete cure in a couple of hours. If Nasal Balm is not kept ;In stock by your dealer it will be sent post paid on receipt of price (5 Cents for small and Si for large slze.bottles) by addressing agents expresser) groat satisfaction the reference made to them by Vice - mit Blailkio, He commended them for od work they had been doing and illus - in glowing terms the advantage to widows and orphaus that had accrued h Life Insurance, which, however, never have reached them but for the f the agent. motion to adopt the report was sec - by the Hon. Frank Smith, who ex - his opinion that the report was a d one and further, that he should t it would be almost impossible to Company's record in any part of Id, usual votes of thanks were then passed, owing gentlemen were elected as di - Hon. Alex. Maclrenzie M. P., John L. Hon. G. W. Allan, Hon. D. A. Mac - Hugh McLennan, Dr. L. W. Smith, J. Q. C., John Morison, E. A. Meredith A. H. Campbell, D. Macrae, E. Gur- n. Edward Blake, John N. Lake, Galley, Hon. O. Mowat, B. B. Jamas Thorburn, M. D. James Scott, Gordon, H. H. Cook 111. P., Robert Edward F. Clarke, Hon. Frank nd William McCabe; the addition irectorate for this year being the ward Blake, Q. C., M. 1'., the Hon. mith and icon. Oliver Mowat Q. C., gently the new Board met and nnan- o-elected Hon. A. Mackenzie, M. P., , and John L. Blaikie and the Hon. Ian, Vice Presidents, and the usual committees with the addition of the and Blake, Q. C. to the Company's portant Committee, viz; that on In. Kl� HON. A. MACKENZIE M. P. .ALLAN President. residents. WM. MCCABE, , Managing Director. FULFORD & CO. B110ettVILLB, ONT. 0 R, Adam's Space, COOPER & LOGAN, Clinton HUB GROCERY LOOK ILOOK ! We want your money or BUTTER and EGGS, but will give you in exchange goods cheap. We are going to make a. SPECIAL REDUCTION in Brooms, Wash- tubs, Brushes, Washboards, Rte. All first-class GROCERIES and SPICES kept in stoek. VAC) W. CLIr rI1c N a The People's Gr 0 c e r V V Basiness Change. Tho undersigned desires to intimate to his former patrons and friend that he has repurchased his former business, and will continue it at the old stand, Corner .of Albert and Ontario Streets He intends to go out of the Crockery and Glasswareline entirely, balance of which will be sold cheap, and will devote himself exclu- sively to GROCERIES, Fine Fruits, Confectionary &c. Of which he will keep nothing but first-class goods. The business will be conducted on a strictly cash basis, and prices will be fixed ac- cordingly. By giving close personal attention to the business he hopes to merit and receive the same liberal patronage that ho enjoy ed hitherto. JOHN CUNINGHADIE, - - CLINTON SPRING SALE OF BOOTS and SHOES In order to reduce my stock to make' room for Spring Goods, I will sell for the next thirty days, my entire stock of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers & Overshoes AT COST FOR CASH. Call early and get Bargains. Ten per cent Discount for Cash. Eggs taken in exchange Look out for Aa.vertise-icIIAS. CRUICKSHANK went next week. BOUTS 6 HOES R. ADAMS. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKET Receipts at west end market for week were 611 head cattle. 178 sheep, 111 calves and 80 hogs. There has been little improvement in the cattle trade receipts being in excess of demand. A fair class of cattle was offered, highest price about 4o per lb. A large number of aheep received, the market continu- ing to hold good. Prices paid for live hogs rather higher, with a tendency to ri'ae, the warm weather of past week probably helping this. Pair receipts and demand for calves. Cattle -Butch- ers' good, 81 to 4c; do, medium, 81 to 3} do; culls, 21 to 80. Sheep -41 to Se. LONDESBORO Hoge—$4,65 to $4,75. Calves—$4 to $8. There were about 300 head of butchers' cattle and 20 calves offered at east and abattoir. Trade was fairly active at rates, prices of cattle being about arter of a cent per lb higher than on last Monday, while the beet were -not much higher. Common and inferior beasts wore considerably dearer, beet beeves selling at about 410 per lb. with pretty good stock at about 4c; rough steers and common dry cows 810, while leaner boasts sold at 8c. There was an active demand for calves, and prices of gocd vee is continue pretty high. Prices range from $4 to $18 each. There were no sheep or lambs on the market. Lat. est sale of fat hogs was made at $4.80. SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR BALANCE OF WINTER STOCK. Eggs Taken in Exchange TAYL0R & Sonc CLINTON AND BLXTM e .,.a