HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-03-07, Page 4_ rI ^ ,. - • tib hip 7ralii•" # , .. Lift�"li 1>auw�Ad 19awu�r Baa ,IF. ' 't%' 1,, tdilrbta >1►ta,�, A. dCsrlla law, F W l TG wall lull s dsaow tx tiu'al .son ' (MR1, Syas;al� and * 00 va13r little dlffovugloQ au fill' ! 4nd, Uu ;..A Plans amoiagtha raiigrayia,wn and isarai, UrRobli. Johgstou,Mof oropto,foti i.' «.«,,• gelat!a .end, slid Aftor 14 ob onxtWrtio. hlt7sa+tnitgbl►, itlltitur i oat.-»- rt,0 40 I -Goepex tk erly gaff tliilt leo • fa vial ' . x .l t' >? al alE v4k 10 't3litltait ii Qf 1}t • i Go abol 4 o hwl 4 , M. tl4 rv, a �W, dsckNazt a 6osl4t6t+ sffca :Qf111CQrll « l}gre. i' 9l�ug a a lyes aturit .bY ttA a>dgeilil Pre+laxFt, tlliti _ . b ish aica»t►kl101in« f llr`.a!!t1gl•., t o. ?tilnl The Mesongn�dvsttl$04•by,W,.J'ac on interestin ; Meeting ,d. �`� GIA �` c .C.oA r'p - ed1 bl�l* will irenaclQo tY . G. ilf> an 4«" , It« Ta ill . , �i li . iNPer dr #R4vin tMlf ha.R detltxo ed, i p#+ --Awl[ V . l►irs J� . litoneman w Ol t . genb, wal lie i food for ti+oo ?it, en g• oro . iu Y the eArly fruit t .t trwa•, 1r, R ea t phew �Jaokson ?troy« h• , ,o cguupil m ld a the t d a sRblect to tal>S p... the ne$g>abor l>: X4th t?f Fab„ t t kava e14,Aisiting irrond a o :...her: oa'Thursda ; oven by teri as a d t to hood 4f 1?eusrk+rola •., . ha. t -r icw , oi36.o4 lube! ko been !'agaldgd by he' .- � �� � .��t�a, otherp eta ,aaotic 3 Among da li . n_ p .>aat� fur mala � iiid»i, � Glallli�be;it tormael of ' Manitoba, d9-', Ct. Else rflpatew hots., ed the fpllon;ng repre. a Y to corse, yenrY« eo>a. 11 - yiRt16ll, etf a ointcsh as a grievance, and lealrp no x.Qotu �r pied in FeAtlltives of railwaYa ,)?.resent. T'oUpg, niagpre Brea e ' cull ful,�.eervioe•-W, Wise ¢ntltn, at+d w:fe, and his 7Jaylort China o,tl ,T ;Rut:, died Frida pu n h let, Fart».,. Yn " '_ Go eomnlain that they are noG on bratb4r Tell, lefts here for British co.A• J, Riohardq n• weakae & at, Pauli �jp�pp I fp p nn�j mj,p nn rlinesa, Y or intlafter'- week s Clinton,. on '00 . lnaphio, on arida , the Wabash; J. Sim , Jl1U11.11 #.10tU$ A ol4U 1h (� p11 It i4 a d4u the wile pi 'jd,'« r N An equal footing with other so- Y niorni40 last, sou, the Burlin otic d, N, Bastedo, the ++� -4 • o rtaiialy a sign o[ hard t 14. Q''t Dura B. C Santa Fe,. J, .,,'e> ahln j�} daughter '� fh »!'�F'�! sad has returned fro . BRoki g when a farmer, Qomipd to toylh onus reR$Ii cte6les. Win ham, where she has been Waitin $rein,* Northeiij;; J R, V. u °foe@t I re&ligiga mesa brings' al0 a ranter o °' Q , Wing g leyNse11, the ( our Qauu; .* Exnhanges. Y for #tis dq cord of M A&-�-Q*XT,>ca.,.- ,&,A' t1le :. , A , -�- -- an her elate;, who has brae serioasly ill; ley, t7hioago and Northwestern; W. T. , _ W00d't0 inner; i" #laal FRIDAY, DxAIiCg 7, 188Q, Rev. J. Q. Tibb will leg the Fo4kne11, l7, P. g,; J, Ford G. T, i .; ' The Nor . w This oa age Clinton, Qa the bxlx 'itldta bl! tliitlr W0 agree with the Signal as to th astern exhibition, will be onrred ui Flesh lrton• 11446 weak. ilev J. �,ivin stone, Axr #Tabu .K .: auspices a! the Y. P, M, I, Soofety; an Hsnsga OIrrn' Ch>;oago, st. Peal ,k bald this year at Goderioh on ae t 1 The body of the to Mian Anne annual", bath e'rr AdVAuged Temperance ytegly the advisability of oallip a COD, Monday evening, in the Presb farina , and John 9, Taylor, C.P., 16 and 17. ' P �, Princeton has man murdered at J of (llfutifal'A, ;lotion. vention for the WestRidin At an ghuro t E.Rbjeat, "Four months in G ar- g� aspen er A ant Owen Bound. Illy I been positivelq ident3fi• a e°D10E� ams ,,, Alt The." , " R. P ed es that,pfF.0 age, Q ton on the dth aunt„ :by g many. pn vis, Laud Aggant Tit, P.sal ; Messrs R. Bectu and F. W. prich of " - • �4weilran runalish Tile gtl6erpm nt of Mr Mowat early day, though there is ilooauee Mr David Thomson, who for the past aAitlIf And Mani be Railway; mr Mo �o orth.lttive formed a partnership in i buy s fameaan Who came to Caner,, to o wABstonQ, �e�. D' ]Mi Mo- v J, zi [ew ease has a tlovorniv,an,b Immi. the business. TM d settle. f East W anosh tlA > " a i w has always sbows itself to be in' far an$inty, in ease the Flop Mr • y been Patu>rhr in the oar. Blanshord o Win h'a a ;rage works o! Messrs Blatchford and $ration Commissioner, and Mr Fitz- A Mrs Donlan, of Iriehtown, was arab Sir M°roll Maakenzie's Daae against ' g m . sympathy with temperance prin- Ftosss is a candidate, for he can Brown, has gone to Toronto to soak his pie ant of Calgary, N,W.T,, were also to Goderioh jail,beingdangerous to her. the St• James Gazette for alleged libel 1AW1N-Wnre$,_.0U TuoWs , 25* carry the Riding with ease against fortune in that city, self and relatives, in connection with the ppabhootion o! Feb. at the residence o! the elple8, Though the Opposition Mr White, ere was a inted I The municipal ea nditares of Tnrn. the late Emperor Froderiok'a memoirs Wi e y the Rev.Geo W. Ra by Rim pP0 all ef,mers, We suggest that the g A very interestingg song service was obairman.a There was a Appointed p wag ,"decided Monday i n Loudon. i e i elate `Akpl it' 4 have attacked the License COM- given in the Methodist church on Sun. once o! farmers from the earronnding ted to S34$,8p, pe m, eldest son of good attend- , here townshf , for the year 188p, amoan- I Morelia wail awarded.41. 00. damages , Irwin, to Alice Henrietta, eldest cit miesiogers as partizans appointed t11lle be filed $s soon after the fly evening last, Subject, "Heaven."' country. Both sermon and sin is were interest• Atter a canvas had been made there as gone to hundreds of fro malloorthernch haves been Wawanorhter of Mt smes Walsh, both of jp House rises as Desi ing, entertainin g g 1. Dr Hanover. of Boaforth b I 11 for the purpose of helping the gov. possible. We do g sad inetraotjug. was found to be 14 cars of etoolt and 25 settle fn St, Peal, whose citizens will frozen to death during the resent cold IIOt know spy more about ]l2r Mr Henry E re, who hoe been anasi- fittd him to be a anis! a Aurae---•T$avrrT,--IUEestW c , erIImept, this Charge hoe beep y paeaengers, who decided to start for 8 g ntleman and I spell and unless the weather speedily p dent of our village for the past four Manitoba by special train, on the 18th enaaeasfnl physician, h on the 26th Feb. at the residence of t4a.' over and over again shown to be Roes' intention tha�i the Signal Yeara,haesold.his borer to his sett John, °! March. Afrea Colonist Sleeper is to , of the pith eon,, of moderates ble088 will be very severe; OfIthe W��gtarl Ademe Mr Jae Fisher, y bride's arcate b the Rev Mr Short[, ILIuntrue, and the system has proved and removed to Chirelharst. Mr Wesa• attached, and bertha in this sleeper Taokeramith, has rented his !arm to older. and moss Pickard, °Methodist , of Lower Winghgm does, but we think he should be Job will occupy the house vacated by can be secured by applying to W. Jack- Mr Hindsmen for a ternh of five years preachers of Nova Scotia, the fret er• to Hate, daughter to be consistent with tem- regarded as the candidate until y son, the G.T.R. ageer. - George Tmito, Mr Eyre. at an nnual rental of $500 per year. igen. o! Mount Allison College, and BrexeseRn- Mitolrell petttnce principles. Gradual re• he has signified his intention to the butoMr George Weston, who has carried Mr McMinn addreaeed the meeting Mr Lindsay Elwood, of Goderioh, later editor of the Wesleyan at Halifax, On theageh, F wby Rev John Mills-, ,'At, ., T striction and cltl•tallmeut of the the contrary, and if be has any Year, has sold out and goneering business ior the to London[ on behalf arrangement Manitoba b thesplaiaed left for f qpp qn 0 00-st, with the in- is dead; aged 77, n' Sophia J. Campbell, oflMah to Miss the arran o. .cation of o hh p _."?,P ti'af)io has been the line upon potion of witltdrawjng from the s goodwhere h will havedmorewe ascope. he ie conveyance o! assengerr r 13e p Washington Territory. in The Eases Centre Village Conn°il COB-Joaxsxox:-In Goderloh town. is a&foid r the cense kpp some art of Waehnn ry have reduced the number of hotel He. Ship, at the residence of the bride's which the Go¢ernment has gone, Cabtnot thio Certainly will not be leaving, but trust he will have prosper- P�'orpees sad the Hatt! rbwe eeretfa substantial Geo. pStrong, Township Treasurer, eneee to four, lowering the fee from 6260 p g Mol3fllo has pnrohased Joseph Aetle- to 6220, and made an order that no father, ou the 26th Feb. he towaRalu Dr I every piece of new Jegislation made public, until after the brei- ity in London. good buildings -an evidence o! pros- !orfs 50 sore farm int 11, on the 10th shop licenses be granted, A b -law UreyMrNaemehal0 at p of in this respect leas been an advance. Rev. J. $, Cook gave a ver interest- Chert r Last year,owing to the dorath, lain °II, a,U.B., to Martha, the crops were poor, but for five or six O°Mr John MDG egor & Sonslof Tuoker- Par pssaed flyitside ng a charge Qf 615 on all ston.gest daughter of Mr John John peas o the House is completed, ing lecture is the Methodist church 11 A bill has been i ntroduoed tato the here on Thareday evening of !art week, years the wheat Drop had averaged a Smith, have traded their imported 1Thereaces uhas beenhttele tea sold cigars. Hoo on Wesley and his Times. Illustrated. fraction over twenty bushels per sore- Clydesdale mare for Mr C. E. Maeon'e parte of Medoc countring in v$s-Grreox.-In Morrie, on the t Hous i by the 11, n. Mr Gibson, and Addlflonal Local News. This is a ver a remarkably fair showing. There threeth Feb. by Rev I. B. orris, o Mr y popular athat nd instructive were some 800,000 sores ander oro yOHr old stallion "$pxingfield where Snuw hoe fallen Eo a $;esti California,depthRobert Hoover, of Wawanoeh to + lecturewill %atone inw, that ,gives to Miss Lane, late of Tara, is visit not avail themselves of twe are he oppor6iienitd � acreage would D"arnely.' here oche g ear, but this reason the sores Aman named Best, living in Squaw Mary Gibson, o! Morris. Mica every municipality the power to gree to Glencoe shortly, .of hearing it. Y much larger. There was no boom, Among the many who are siokin Valley, became out off from oommnn- t '` adopt virtual prohibition if it i6 where she has a good eituotion, . Ther meeting of the Hensall Branch Tbebut tcouhe t rghad was steady and sure, Goderioh township, is miss Emmetta ioation with the outside world and F b atTth 1''nR°IIfiUx.-On the 19th There have not been man Bible $celery will be held in the Me- and he did not wish to see Pickard, of Portare Hill, who ie enffer• was obliged to kill and est hie team of lather, 803 Fonre iteie)nth fof the bride's `'' Bo disposed. Hare is the proyi- loge brought into town se yet, h t offered by the boom, ing from congestion of the !nage, but thodist Charah, on the avenin of the The people were going more into m seed horeea to avoid etarvatton.N. street, Buffalo, the little Sleighing there ie, is being g we hope soon to see her well again. At Peterboro, Jrwu a peacock was sen- Hamil un of Scott a Bank miUr T' L.. Bion of the hew act dealing with 14th inst.,commencin at 7.30;addresses farming than heretofor and dein yth has ' put to the best use now b those who will be given by the agent of the society better. He would advise people going Aman from Bl former! occupied tenoed for oattleseatw3g, In his oper- Nellie, only daughter of Mir Robt er� ,. this point;- have loge to haul. y g pnrohased Rev. $.C}.Livin9804e, of South Woods• there to rent a farm, while they were b e blacksmith shop, and the P o- atione he as batoheassociated iaT a withThomas Banner.ormerly editor of the Listowel "Tho (:ouncil of every (own- UNDESERVED CHARITY. -We have lee, and the resident -ministers. preparing new land, and in that way y Mulhollan Mulholland,Walton th it, from Mrs Bowan y d the 'y,,)t A meetin perty which market on the local butchers by selling DIED i ship, City, town tied incorporated heard complaints because the council .nal I eeting mente Young were le,sM n begin to earn money at once. y Shiel of Brussels at ver low rices until it was discover. village may pa -a by •laws for pro- en it is alleged, gives charity to some Monday evening last, when a debate of ,Paying therefor 6400. y P TEWSLEY.-In Clinton, on the 5th +. 11,IMr Purvis spoke on behalf of Minae- Alexander Swan and David Coach, ed that they pnrened a system of cattle lust., Henry Tewale aged 82 hibiting the halo by retail of s Pint- il- few families in town,_ the head of the sub'ea,,Be Bota and other Western States. He of the 12th concession, of Taokeramith, liftingg from the farmers. Peaopek con- mon y g years, 2 nous, fermented Or other• manufaC- which may be addicted to liquor, and preferrable t country' life," wahat s liiv i, pariie ns are said it was an old saying that "com_ who went to California last fall to fessed, and Thos. Bowan was Som the and 15 days. Funeral at 4 ' thi+, in the opinion of the complain- and proved to be very interesting.$ The pPnvidious, but that adage .herr fortunes, have returned to Mani h ed and remanded. There arealeoohargos p' m'+ eta Friday, March 7, tared liquors, in any tavern, inn ants, are not entitled to receive char- affirmative was upheld by Masers Gil- of railwaymen, who represent. m or Other house ot• place of enter- ity. There may be some truth in captain, W. Elder, J. A. Bell, was nota linable to that friendly obs. The boys, after spending a few °f grain stealing to be investigated Christ, ca meetin p sent oaths in the Golden State, base de- against the same parties. News From Pickford, Michi- ed localities widely separated, and name oided that the East is still the best. y years ago einoe the an, 11, tinwent, and fou prohibiting alto- these ohjectione, but just how to avoid negative b D. Itie,not eo man ,` and the ne a ' y M. Burns, sap- here to enlighten the public, and com- - Guelph Model Farm was the best abns• g 1 getber the sale thereof in shops the difficulty is what puzzles the taint H. Reynolds, and J. C. Stoneman, pare notes as to the merits of their re- Mr Wm. Dickson, count soler, ie ��` and places other titan houses of charity committee, It is one of the The deoieion was given in favor of the cul otive distriote, and it would be difii- the proud possessor of a brood of chick- ed institution in Qntario. Mr Mere- (written specially for the NEW Public entertainment ; provided hardest [sake connected with council negative. t to show the special advantages of ena which were hatched on Monday of ogp and his supporters never lost as EanJ ; work, to Say who shall receive aid. g last week, the 24th of February. The epportnnitq to decry it and all connect- Our gristmill, which was burned that the by-law has been duly ap- We believe that the committee dia- ---^� any Particular region, from n a ;Teal- dowever, last fall is being replaced by anew prayed of by the municipality in likes to give aeaiHtance to men who Leeburn Mr and rural �tandpoint,pwn DuresaIt g into brood numbered nine, of which seven farm ihas demo etrmt d iia va n°e and DEATH nxn FuxEiteL. MTa details, and nom ar g g are still living, The young ohioke evi- one, and t�ey aspect to have it run- « ' 1':' rho manner provided by the sec- are their own worst enemy, but when s with dently believe there is a bright side to nsefnlneas as an educator of the young 01Og by spt1Og The caw mill has R. SaDonald, of Detroit, arrived here those of other countries. It mi bt agriouiltnrist, and has been of incalonl• g°t started at work again and are do - tion in that behalf Of the Muni- families are left Buffering for the O° Saturday, with the corpse of their fairly be stated, however, that Minna- prison life. ' tips! Act ; provided further, that necees-aries of life, Home hia moat ba little son, Roes, to be buried in the Col. sots s ena proaohable record as a pro. Miss Annie Wade, who left Tnrnberry ablereaaon of ood to the farming community 106, ;rood work ; the farmers In- the l nothing in this section contained g borne Demeter duce; of of grain, live stock, and other near! six g many experiments vtcuiity are buoy hauling logs to the , done for them. There cannot be place from the residence of ABrC. 1l10 y years ago with her anole carried out for their benefit, the song g shall b11 e Construed into an ex- farm products, uplifts the $tate far Thos $ally, and hoe since resided in of the Opposition hoe been ohan ed Beacom, has Beacom, Son of Mr Jas. many caeca of the nature alluded to, Donald, on Sunday afternoon, and was beyond all comparison with any other California, has lately married, sad with and they have been compelled to aoknnw large bar be timber all out for a ereise of jurisdiction by the Le js_ because, in the majority of cases largely attended. The bereavedparente to the Of the new country. No efforts had hereto- her husband, Mr Marlotb, a former ledge its importance as an educational in gen b a farich he purposes erect. .i !stare of the Province of Untari0 are de dwhere eserving Parties, is butif thereare thischain$ the second child neighborhood fore been made to settle Minnesota- C®angina, Bailed from the land of flow- factor. g m neat summer, We ti beyond the revival of the proyi- others, they should be put at some during their short married life, buried here the ooantry had been self-attraotive. era and now resides in $cattle, Wash- are pleased to learn that Hr Win. 1 Bions Of his seC`ion, which were kind of work and others compelled to ACCIDENT. -Mr Percy Stewart Large .;note of railway lands had lain inguen Territory. A very peculiar result arieia prom drieh re recover from hie recent » Al- ,' in force at the date of the passing help themselves. met abler. them had grown up all around amongst flonrishind ooOlock,W ed esday morning, about g I1eeThe Hon. C.of a bee iW BliaseawelHl well-known former! g P 1 severe illness. Dir John Wallis, with an accident last week which oe- settlements and thriving ommnnities O'th con., was discovered to be on fire Dere was y ui Goderioh Township, Of the British North America Act, casioned his laying up for a few days. Great cities had arisen on the banks of and althea h ev o of Hugh Porter, tune,wsDemocratic candidate for the Legiela- purposes building a new house this and which subsequent legislation Blyth. He was trying to fasten a binding re s conversingon the street when spring, and dame rumor Bags he is 'i of this Province purported to r o- on a load of ha P g Pole the Mississippi, and proeperons towns done, the bnildingywae everything ;ulnae h nd.a bee eDThe hioi on the finger of hie left likely to take a tri back to 117; E. Sherritt bas lett for British giving him a ng$twhen the ole broke and villages among the hills of the Min• The fire originated at the chimney. and in a few saccade was so serious P Canada, yf „��ieal, Colombia. P ant to his heart, and chat he will not return alone-, y pitch Ott the frozen neeota river, and in the wide valley of ellmflst all the furniture and goods to create considerable alarm and require ground. We are pleased to see he is the Red River. Only p few years ago were got out. The proper.y was in- medical attendan ;lore as that's right John, One of Mr RObt. y, Another Tuner rant featut sof the Revival Hervices are in progress in around again, the region named had been a vast soli- eared for $300 T the roper k Mntn n. act ie that liquor Can not be Bold the Dlethodist church. Slcs.-We regret to say that Mr John rude of woodland and been a ire chief lance. He was conveyed Beacom s horses has been sick for to the drag store of Dr. E. Douglas, about a month; be had to telephone 9 McAllister, who has been very ill dur. inhabitants the 'wild denizens of the %' t0 boys. The years Of minority The business meeting of Trinity in t On Wednesday, of last week WIn, where a sting antidote was administer- to the Sault for V.S, McDonald, who Y Church on Friday night. g . he past week, is still very low. plains, which fonnd-among the beauti- Shannon, of Elma township, took a ed. II} an incredibly short time the le bringing it round again.. Mr Jas, _ ' IIndel the Old law wet'0 Sixteen ; A Sleigh load of Blyth Good Temp- grist to Milne's mill at Ethel. On his Poison, after leaving the heart, settled Stirling had to give u work ' NOTES -Mr and Mrs P. potter, of fel park openings of Minnesota a safe p rn the `°' 1 41.ilndeI the new law AO liquor Can lets .visited Londeeboro lodge on Tues- Portiere Hill, was visiting friends iI, retreat, where there was none to molest way home he called at John Fisher's 1n the left eye,and aewellmgtook place camp, by having one of his horses q day evening, this neighborhood last g fri Mise or disturb him. He enlarged on the mud while away from the team they which nearly destroyed that optic. kicked by its mate and has been laud x10 bold to a per son rugal oighte0n, Blyth Loyal Orange Lodge held its Institute, was the rest comtherce of thegreat cities of nit. Paul ran away. One of the horses fell and Whiles telegraph operator at Meriden pP for three weeks; he had Hume,who teaches in Clinton Collegiate r while nn re ular month! g of b* aunt, and Minneapolis, and the wonderful was dragged over a stump which cut a Ks•, was recervin a mases a Saturday a pl Me- y patent, guardian Or g y meeting Oa Monday Mra Wm. Clutton, last $atnrda and Progress of Duluth as a ahippin large gash in such a manner a to al- night from Valle g a mells sagedescSa y Donald Rid in to See it and wu�8I pleased ,J, ' master can raise thea a Of minor night last, They had Some inns- Sunday, We know of $ease and ducks g p°rt low the entrails to protrude. The ni- man who had robbed Hicks & Ce Fred R to b it ie getting better. Mr f' tions on hand. He described the many railway entetof mal had to be killed. It will be a seri- Bank of $3,000, he was interru ted b all wi .41 ity to twenty-one by giving notice Blyth'a first monthly fair on Tue1 B- laying in this neighborhood, but hear °entering in Minnesota, an evidence of P Y aS been busy preasrng'hay 111;.f, 'nothing of those wonderful geese our the rare fertility of the region. He ad- ena lose to Mr Shannon as it ie said he a stranger who wanted to find ac pted b through. Ila t has he will Boon be t,.;• to the hotel -keepers. This ie a day lastas we, despite the rough weather, Dunlop totem so often blows about. vfsed intending emigrants not to take a refaced $160 for it recently. dation for the night. The operator fn• thr u 11 per as been selling from point the importance of which can of horses11ac ended,andanged a large number' IasNEw LODGE,- l 1. eap in the dark, but to qo np and see Mr Reilly one of the oldest residents atantaneonaly recognized the stranger's P ton rn the camps, and Ort' friday evening the lands. He spoke at considerable of East Wawanosh,l7aving been in that looks as tallying with the description they are offering as high as 40 cerate a onl bel•ealized b those who have cattle. Some aboutlfifteen members of Leeburn length of the general characteristics of township for about thirty years, leaves just telegraphed from Valley Falls and bushel for oats. Miss E: Beleber has y Y I O G T drove to the Union church for Manitoba this month. Mr Reilly been the guest of Mrs W. Wise for u, had a somewhat close acquaintance Minnesota, ire healthy climate, the directed him to a hotel, where the etran- T,jre Council met on Monday night, near Port Albert, acid after ;angering' temperature in December, January and will be greatly missed in East Wawa- ger took a room. Police officers were the pact week. ^lhe congregation of ",<`�--with the possible abuses Of the NO uSineBB of much im ortance u a pr°germ of ringing, recitatiotis and February, as shown. by the meteorolo i- nosh, having been deputy -reeve or noun- notified and the man was arrested, ge the Presbyterian church purpose They talked on railroad but count 1 readinge, succeeded in Organizing, a cal reports. He made some 3ood pointe cillo; for a number of years and he al- attempted to get at his weapons, but holding an entertainment in the P 4 present system, Another• clause for McGee thought it too earl " lodge there consisting o g fourteen in favor of Dakota, showing the enor- 8o took a the officers were too nick, and he was a town ,11.1 ;,, y, better great interest in the ahrical- hall some time in March, and a good bf'the act is that bat- rooms shall wait till just before the next election" members. The following Officers mous crop of wheat raised there during tural society as well as being amongst shotdead. Thestolen mono time is anticipated. Mr B. Nettle- ' Mr Reeve, were effected and installed by er an alleged g the leadin embers of the Belgrave on him. Ywaefoand .,hot be allowed upon steam -boats. t; year of famine. Years ago, ggy�mm ton's children have all been down t` Cumming, L. D , of Leeburn when the British Northwest was sup. Methodist ch$rch., Toronto Telegram: In one respect at with diptheria, but we are pleased to %'s�, The debate in Maple Leaf, on Fri- i C• T., posed to be a paradise, Canadian states- pendent sande ue the follow- urther than this, he bill gives day night was an exciting affair, and A Gordon ; V. T. Sie. A. Burrows; men allowed their imagination to run cornea all events Mowat well repays the confi- hear they are mending; Mrs Nettleton K lasted about a° hour, Sec., $, Mcl3aff 1 g' lc Rev G. J. Powell, pastor of the dance of his granger... friends from the has got the Grippe. ""Ahem a most important concession Subject,- y, Fin, Sec. N. Gar• loose, over the imaginary possibilities Congregational Church at Caldron, townships. His is not wild! e _ has been ver Mrs W.Rutledge -` "Resolved that rho diner; Tress., Jas Quaid- Mass., Win, of ire future, but in their,•flighte of Nebraska, well known to many Turn- $ant Government: A Y s y ill with the Grippe; 5D requiring the applicant for a Pulpit has done Quaid; I. G. Alias Bennett; Q, G J fancy hey never pictured that the Y people fifteen ears ago as ^Gri Drava ppe; we t _ more for the benefit of man than the herr a Ontario Mr Mowat receives exactly the teierof e plMr J. R Rutlhe is Home bet- _;stew license, or the transfer Of an Printing press." The affirmative way Benneh, Chap., Mr Yellow; P. Q, y- whole Canadian northwest would, for edge is under the g Mr Cathcart. This lode fift ears to come, raise a crop as Powell," has been$ eggaational hunches ce pe of as cit Sclicit m - ti `old one to championed by W. Taman, W H R will likely Y Y p law is in re- weather ; he had to leave the.camp tentlent of the Con r cel t y or of Toronto. and came home to recruit, up for a �,t. , support his ap- Stewart, and A. M. Mnflat. The Be- be, known as Albert lodge, had much -abused Dakota, during thio °f the Black Hills and Northern Wyoin- y' gittive by F. Bryant, J. Hamilton, R. alleged year of destitution. ing• Chadron is nearly 1000 miles west Treasurer Coad s salaryequale that of 11 �plicatio❑ with a petition from the He read Provincial Treasurer, and the Minister while.-HURONITE. • 'resjdOnts Of the l0calit Walden, W, J, Sims, and Ella A.Mc- from an Exeter newspaper a letter from of Chicago." The many friends of the of Public Works is padd 61,000 a year [As Pickford is made up largely of a, - Y This of Kinnon; judgment was rendered in a Huron county farmer, defending Da- Rev Mr Powell will be glad to learn of less -aside from hie sessional former Huronitea, we will be glad to i°�� self would be a barrier to many favor of the negative. There was one s Brucefiela kota from false reports. He spoke of his appointment. -than the City Engineer of Toronto. Pultlish any Trane of Wawa that are fur - initiation. Mr Alexander Torr the prosperity of Montana, and" the The farmera can go to bed in peace. nished us from this quarter from .` tt�plieatiOnP, but put s a Power- y, while outing progress of Great Falls, and read the NEWS NOTES The $5:000,000 surplus will not melt q om time --_�._*� _ wood lost week for Air Hart, he had °rbp statistics for ha year, comparing to time. ED NEW EeA•� • ,itil weapon . in the hands Of the the misfortune to cut quite a dash in the crop of Mnitoba with that of Min• Young Abraham Lincoln died at away in official salaries while the 4. %emperanco workers, who will Paramount. bis foot. Little in keeps the keys under his In spite of the $ hard winter, cattle in 11; neeota and Dakota, and dwelt at some London on Wednesday, pillow. robably use it. This wen on iS NGTEs.- 188 Diary Murdoch, °( What is the matter with those length on the comparative increase of the Alberta, N. W. T., stock districts p Afton Lodge, is vipiting among ber y°ung men from Seaforth the population in laces named. On The Manitoba Legislature by a vote A special from Waterloo N. Y. says; have done nicely.1 ;, 5i 11 'iljiubljCity. Tho Signers of peti- friends here. Miss Mary Davis to call weekly, Upon some ofourthe acreage statedbyMr McMillan, of 23 to 7 has re -affirmed that church Wilfred Sykes, a boas in the finishing Dr. Montague, M.P. for Haldimend - arrived home oU Thursday from De- you°$ ladies. viz., 800,000 acres, the Manitoba crop Property must be taxed. department of the Waterloo woollen took hia seat in the House of Commons ,a, ' "ions for a license Cannot keep Droit after Spending three only averaged nine bnehels to the acre Evangeliete Crossleq and Hunter be- preparatory cleaning his un last night, on Tuesday, amid great ministerial an - x ' years in Rev. J. $, Simpson is Spending a instead of 20 ninelb as published. gg themselves out of public view, that city, she iB in excellent health ye in and around Hagersville Mr Fitzgerald said he had not much y venin next. P y h18 usualbaturday hunt. thusiasm. " few da gin a aeries of meetings in Brantford Hie only child, a little irl 4 „ end the polieq of the tomperonce sed giveB a . gond account of the visiting old friends, the anniversary to say; be was not an experienced Horse thieves are re fat Years old, on Sunda evening was playing about the room near the place. Mre'Murchison is having a ¢1v duBlvtf$CIiKCllfZ1, # rr : �iople will be to drag them more Severe attack of la grippe, yervicee in connection with the PreH- speaker, but rho people in hie district the vicinity of Kingston stealing hors a hergwho playfully pointed the gen I 4 1.g ppe, we hope to byterian church there. were doing well. Mr Purvis had elo- to take to the United States. g at the girl; sheat once cried out, Don't DOD WANTED. -ABOUT TWENTY grid mote into it. The names may 8' a her around again Shortly. Dix M1Bs Bella Jamieson left last Mon- greatly depicted a possible great future shoot me, papa." He supposed the gun Wcorae otgooa, socia, tong green woo nd Mra Ro r Murdoch, in Dungan. day morning for Toronto, where she The Grand Trunk Railway iscontest- was empty and pulled the trigger. It `va°ted for the Collegiate fnatltute, moat be ' `s b0 pnblishod in tbo papers, And a non, paid our burgh c flying visiting hay gone to select goods for the re,hfor the whole northwest, soin thin for , ) g ing seven sorts in Cook County, III., for was loaded. The whole oontente etrnek good, body wood and free from limbs, etc. t 11LL10 Of this kind Of treatment this week. Mr John Taylor, of Galt, y trade,-ahe will spend a few their but bee could tel en to look forward damages arising out of the Junction ac- g out vV E nINE,secy. millinerspring to, but he could tell him the people the little one, completely rennin is at present enjoying a visit am days visiting friends before going to were doing well there now. P p olden. near Hamilton. the left Hide of the head. Her death Manitoba Lands f'or Sale. l iV'll g0 4long way in deterring ue. Mias Maggie Murray,ake charge of her position fn Park- He would ie g was instantaneous. The father is com- '' ywho hoe be glad t, give any information to an Dick Regan, nephew of Senator Re an • L".'. from affixing their names to been so seriously ill, we are 1 d hill one wanti t y g pletely cost t d t Villainous_- 1y Untrue. e liquor dealers of the Pro ) must be other than pleased e way in which the Empire nur111y alludes to their sub- ency to the Ontario Govern- . Here is its latest state- `�A liquor seller is made to vote, iii+k and subscribe for he Grits, 'tier penalty of ruin, and he has f 'gubmit. If he resist he is ►ailed -if he complains he is ruin - 1 Thele is not a liquor-dealor in i6''eounty that does not know 1iq'etatement to be untrue. Tho gj4rity of liquor -dealers in t.hiy fluty, as in any other, aro Con- t`#Atives, and the I:mpiro has a '= low estimate of their inde- lideneewhen it alleges that they !Ste, Subscribe and work for rho ti'.., ,f 5. to ng i , says a MacLeod, Alberta, despatch, was upon a sick bed with is wife has for Mloonodoea Acres Fullof hoiae Londa Hoar the ricin report b out of gager and improving Our quiet village -was disturbed by in making these comparisons, had o e towns of Morden, Morrie, Rapid City an Mr McMillan said that M'r Purvis, so badly frozen that hie Peet mud the the past four months. It ie doubtful F. G. McINTOSff, Listowel, Ont. The debate on the 21st inHt. between sig of Clinton's dudes, Who had iadu!- fingers from both hands were ampatat- now as to her recover Particulars given, Address .4;; .; Paramount and St Helene resulted in gad in a little too much liquid stupid• cut of hia way to attack Manitoba and ed' Y• [What awful - - - an ears victory for the former, Our ity: it would be well for en of newspaper re errs about destitution age, at rman s ho in ocher, fools some men can be.] BULL FOR SE '°} he Qvonld retaliate. He read a nnmbe A German school teacher, GO years of ItVICE. orators expect St Helena to renew to stay at home until! they know bow P prices for wheat a e Hon. Mr Gibson presented to the The undersigned keeps for service at his the attack in the future when we t° conduct oma u lies in public. fn Dakota. He read Renfrew County, $ease the other da thewas arrested for outraging pupils, and y the 22nd annual Premises rich con., 6oderich Township, a hope Paramount will be able to re- While three isour ladles were out paid in Maniitoba, to show that bet poisoned himself while being takes to report of the inspector of prisons and thoro'bred Durham Burl, of first-class pedi. 7' peat the dose. On Tuesday, the 18th driving i❑ the country, and in turn- rices were aid there this a public charities. In in the pee. Terms, r Tarr nat ti necessary. with in Dakota and Minnesota, and state. An almost fatal error was committed to observe that while there has been a , + inst., at the residence of the bride's ing up a lane, then had the miHfor•eport the inspector says he is gratified DOAK FOA SERVICE. in published early in 18A8, predict- by S. Violet, of Be,Blleville, Monday slight increase in the total numb father, Alex Murdoch, a number tune to be upset; we are glad to report M9 a failure oleo the cropstatt en ing a failure of the Drop that year in morninq.�lA battle of nininelbittere was commitments to jail of ed Alsoothoro'bredDerkshireBoar. Terms, gathered together to witness the mar- none received serious .inlurs beyond Hon. Ben. Butler, that Canada h q er of t of the on a shelf with a bottle of carbolic acid. there has been a marked decrease in 91 at time of service, with rivilege of re - ridge of their daughter, Marian, to a few bruises; use more caro neat time more wheat land thn the whole of the month, but lie di alt males turning it necessary. w- SE. .I ;, Michael Robinson, of Win few girls, had He put a spoonful of the latter into his the number of females and boys. The They left that evening e for Wffor the Although our Skating has on far United Pury s, in reply, said that Mr Mc- month was l horribly burned. GrandTrunkRailway I before swallowing the fiery hismistake were, respectively: lover 16 yea8e where they purpose residing for the been a thing of the future, still our present. Millan had been most unfortunate in t �" - v rued. 10,060 and 10,349; boys, under 16, 661 ur Young folks have not been entirely his deductions, The Ogilvie Millin Al s -dear-old son of Abram Patter- and 461; women, over 16, 1,778 and 1,- . DEATH. -On Sunday, March 2nd disappointed. The good ice on the g ,on, at Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, threw a girls, under 16 65 and 46; total 12, - Mr Thos Davis, an old and respected Pond i8 being taken advantage of he Co. had cornered the whole wheat oro 6A6; Irl in Manitoba, and millers in country atone at a boy named Porter. The 464 and 12,691; showing an increase in SPECIAL COLONIST TRAIN TO fesident of this place, died at hia a °ember of Dun Y missile missed its mark, hitting and Winnipeg and Points West, Y g people, mans of districts were obliged to paybigh rices the total of 77 commitments, as coal. _ home in Paramount. About flue wh„m were So full of joy hat the to get says. all. That was no evidence killing a little child who was standing Pared with the year leAB. The oom1. - weeks n ° be bad an attack of the j TUESIDAY, March 18, 4890, ,, " g did not know which end was u y of prosperity, but the reverse, and near. Young Patterson is in ail, mitments for the crime murder were Prevalent epidemic, from which be Practise makes perfect. p showed a failure in the crop. In a gen• Some six hundred spectgtore athered only 31, ae compared with 37 in the aSpecial rai on Cel Diet sleeper attach- recovered So se to be thought out oral was, Duluth controlled the price of at the river near Clark's bride foot of previous year; and for being drunk and the undersigned lean non above a . de li onto t �11 of danger, but being a man over SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT,- An wheat in Manitoba, as well as Dakota Wellington street, London, on Sunda disorderly 4777 as compared with 4, - eighty years of age, and havingbeen entertainment in connection with and Minnesota. He read from the sta- y 361 in 1888, being an increase of 326. berths. $. S.No 10, Stanley, will be held in l Y grionitural towibness thy RevnMr DuerjByDism ad- Of the total commitments 2,908 were W. JAGKSOIOIt troubled for a number Ofyears with , tistica est issued b the A ministered b asthma and a weaknesB of the heart icon 8 hall, here, On thee venin of Department at Washington, showing ,pastor aogaitted, and 1,066 dieoharged, by or- - _ G -- R. AGENT. g that Minnesota's crop in lAAB was 86 of the !Torten Street colored Ba Diet ___ _ __ ueaea dings, h 11th, It will consi8t Church. The river being frozen a hole der of the judges or magistrates. Of CANADIAN NORTH WEST a second attack proved fatal. De•• of readings, recitations, dialogues, that during the only year in whish it Vern man, ceased was a native of Carlow count compared to 93 in 1389, wltioli proved had to be out in the ice. The candid. the total commitments 6,270 ave '� y pantbmimee, etc. Mr Geo. 0$kee, has been stated that Minnesota hada atTwo young farmers near E g BRITISH COLUMBIA r 7re1,1nd. He imigrated to the state their nationality as Canadian, 2,142 as Df Neto York early in life, and re- of Clinton and Mr A. Grant, of the crop failure, the state, that year, pia fully levelled revolvers at each other ioEnglns 4 644 0 as Irish. 644 as Scotch, `l ))i Home place, will furnish inetruroental c AAA) 11lu a splendid oro Edmonton 840 as Americana, and ae rogarde re- moved from that State to this neigh- ureic, andMeaerBJnmieaon and Oakes y boyhood 83 ears ago. p• fie and one of themgp{rnoved to be loaded, The Protestant crimire nal. Were under y g C. cemetery will render a number of vocal eeleci- claimed oveBen Bu ley had tbeenn wound the [If the fools whoa were interred in the R. C. camera; sent fldie of hie the denominations: Uhurtii of England C P. R. Special Colonist Train every Itingebridge, Wednesday, and leaves ions, a good entertainment will be Pulman car, and had been dined and it -is -loaded would only killythemsnow-elves Methodist church i,8h total Tuesda during March andA don't know- 8,876. Presbyterian church 1 810 and y g April. in n wife and family to mourn his �ose. Provided nd a large crowd is expect- wined out of his bead, just as had been no one will be sorry, but when they The odist chur h 1,6 2- toeetin and CQQp ed• the wise men of the Brit%•h Association, (happen to kill some one else, a where valuable ' Dal 76, an For full particulars call at who wrote and published most evident the regret comes in.] information regarding all the ER & 0003 BOOK STORE '"'' . charitable institutions. ---NOW AGRNT F08-:.., . ' CLINTON) • , + 'A 11 hft - , u. ,a_ . , �'.m...__ _ _ 1 , Y - _, w_,i e. Ak.