HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-02-21, Page 8C It1170til MAO, FEBRUARY 21, i800, LOCAL. NOTICES. 200 cords of wood wanted in trade At a. Twitoliell's. Qpious.--A quantity of splendid table onions fcr sale at 50cts per bash. H, R. Walker, Gregor. Go to JOHNSTON & ARMOUR, - Hamm Makers, Clinton, if you want good cheap Robes, Horse Mothing and anything in the harness line. Railway Tickets.—If you are going to Toronto, Detroit London, or any local point, get your tickets at the Eh T. R. town office and save time and irqul?le at the depot. If tickets not nsed, money refunded. Owing to ill health I am enable to took after the golleetion of my accounts 'myself, and have placed them with W. W. Ferran, for collection: Parties re- ceiving their accounts from him will please settle at his office. CHRIS. DICKSON, Clinton. Accidents. -If you are going away from home in any direction, take out an accident policy in the North Ameri- can Insurance Co., and do the same if you are staying at borne. Claims promptly paid. A. O. PATTISON, Agent G. T. It., Clinton. Passengers for Manitoba points can secure free berths from Tbronto to des- tination by applyin to A. O. Pattison, station agent, or . Jackson, town agent. Make ap ation in good time. Coupon tickets issued and baggage checked through to destination. train i!1} piro. SOUTH HURON FARMERS INSTI- TUTE.—A meeting of this Institute will be held in the tovinship hall, Varna, on the 7th and 8th March, commencing at 10 a. m. Several ex- cellent papers will be read, and ad- dresses delivered by prominent farm- ers, and the meeting should be largely atteg.' d by the farmers. °HARD TIMES.—Mr Robt. Sturgeon, of Mugford, Dak., formerly or Clin- ton, remitting to this' of lee, says :— "I hoped to send more, but crops have been a failure liere for ,the past two years, and money is sears'." Mr Thos. Morrigh, late of Colborne, writes :—"I bad no crops this year ; I put in 125 acres of crop, and it fail- ed on account of the drouth." ,WE CANNOT Go.—The NEW ERA acknowledges an invitation to attend ' the wedding of Mr Jas. Irving, of Los Angelos, Cal., (son of Mr John Irving town) which takes place at Ventura, -Cal,, on the 26th inst. We are sorry that we cannot attend, but Jim's old aequai .tances join us in wishing him abundance of prosperity and happi- ness. . ATHLETIC CONCERT.—The concert in Cooper's Hall, on Thursday even- --ing last, by the Athletic- Ates, efktiettr Wes a success in every way, and a / splendid program was rendered. The is::. - Association •has visored to its new building, where they have more room, and are prep red to take 20 more members. That Association will dis- cuss at its next meeting about getting up the sports for the 24% of May. BOOMERS—Jackson Bros., Clothiers, of this town, who do li large and suc- cessful outside trade, now find it ne- cessary to send a representative to Toronto once a month to take orders, and are doing a big trade in that city. Cheaper labor and living here give them a chance to work up a big trade there, besides they are widely known as hi b class Merchant Tailors. They ke larger staff of employers than any place in the city. THANKS, ALL THE .SAME.—A sub- scriber in Elgin county• heaps it on. in this fashion :—"I wish I could tell you how much we appreciate the NEW ERA; we look for it every week as we would for an old friend, tried and true. You have certainly made it a great success, notwithstanding the vigorous competition on every hand. These are only kind words, and they are well deserved." UNDER TREATMENT. — Mr Mus- grove, the Conservative candidate for - the East Riding of Huron, is now in Toronto, where he is undergoing treatment for an affection of the throat that threatens to result seriously. It is not only feared by his friends that he will be unable to make the cam- paign, put they are somewhat afraid of the ultimate result of his; ailment. We are sure that even his opponents will be sorry to hear of his sufferings and hope fcr his recovery. NOT SO BAD YET. —From a former Huronite, W. H. Wallace, at Biiton, Dak., we have received a printed report showing that the destitution and suffering in parts of Dakota is not as bad as represented. The report admits that there is des- titution and that some people require assistance, but claims that the eastern press has exaggerated the true state of affairs. None will be more pleased to know this than the many Cana- dians who have friends in the suffer- ing State. HEAVY DAMAGES.—A case that has not yet been made public, but which is expected to come up at the Spring Assizes, is that of Dancey vs the Grand Trunk Railway. He was travelling from Point Edward to Goderich. The conductor claims to have twice notified him to change cars at Lucan crossing and come up the L. H. & B., but Dancey insisted on going around by Stratford. This being a longer route than bis ticket called for he was notified that he 'must pay the extra fare or be put A . /' off. He got off, but subsequently got on again and paid the difference in the fare, He nows claims $10,000 damages. CHARITY CONCERT.—A monster r local concert will be given, in the Town Hall, on the 25th inst., at which all our local performers have kindly consented to give their ser- vices and do their utmost to make it the biggest local concert yet given in Clinton. The newest and latest mu- sic will be rendered, and special mu- sic is now being rehearsed for the occasion. The proceeds will be de- voted, by a special committee ap- pointed on that evening, to charity purposes of our town. The expenses are very light, so that besides getting full valuetor the price of admission, every ce given goes for a grand object. See programs for full par - titulars. Everybody come and hell, to snake this concert a big success. ;,(Mliiilssron only 15 cents. 60, 1Goeai idle relit Ghllmtep, 1 100148,--•QountyTreaaprer Xobuei ,......_..,.... was In taWn on Z4foitda ; NEW RISA. Rev; J. Liviugstono lectured in repreeentattTe is often asked, wheat ,re- inrratdlne to rght lotion he is to the Treasurer„because; The regifilor montbiy meeting of the they axe said to resemble each other; W. 0. T. U. will lie held next Thurs., well, lie is ngpe,bu.t both argsald to be day afternoon at the house of Mrs good-looking men. t r W. Maliacb, Biddlecomb at &o'clock. son of Inspector . Malloch,, was,. we The contest for the . residenc of are informed, a severe loser by the the (aueiph Conterence of the Me ha- fire at TOriOnwt University last Friday night. b1r W W. Cooper ha$ entirely dist church is said to rest between recovered from his late illness. Mr Reva. Drel,Griffin, of Stratford, and T. •1lurnsteel is able to be out. Reeve Al. Campbell, of St. Marys. M'eMurchie has also weathered the While Rev Mr Craig woks o$iciatitig stoma and is wound again;the friends in his own church, on Sunday, an of these 'gentleman are glad to see attack of sciatica in his log, al:uost them out once more. Miss Mable compelled him to discontinue the Harland is just recovering from a service, but by a strong effog he severe attack of inflammation of the managed to finish. bowels. Mr T. 0. Cooper is confued Rev Dr Grant, principal of Queen's to the house by illness; we hope soon University, Kingston, will preach in 't to see him around again. uite a Willie church, Clinton, on Sunday number of people who went to the next. morning and evening. He is Station Monday morning expecting well known as one of the most emi- to see a former resident come back nent and devoted men of the age. from the States in charge of a Rev. A. Stewart received the un- constable, were, as the boys say, pleasant intelligence this week that "badly left,” for they came not. one of hie brothers, who has for some There is more snow on the streets of time held a responsible official poli- Toronto than there is on those of tion on a line of steamers running be. Clinton. Mrs Watt, of this place, tween New York and some point in has been visiting at. Ethel. Wood South America, bad died in New and hay have been the chief articles York. marketed lately, although there has The sermons of Rev Dr. Searle, of been some grain coming in. Mr. W. Auburn, N. Y., last Sabbath, were H. Ketr,t,he fairly good-looking edi- such as only a man of wide experience tor of the Brusselb Post, paid the extended observation, deep thought NEW ERA a short visit on Monday and practical piety cold give, Tbeyr while on his way to Goderich; it was, were a literal demonstration of the not a compulsory trip to the county power of the gospel, as exemplified town. It was noticed on Tuesday in life, and could not possibly fail to morning that not even did "the be productive of good. wicked stand in slippery places" for Rev B. L. Hutton, of Goderich, was several of them were Been sprawling listened to with considerable interest on the glass -like streets. Mr. Cal-. in his sermons here on Sunday last hick, of Brussels, was here the other on behalf of missions. He is a day on a visit to bis parents and stranger toClinton audiences,but will other friends, prior to his departure at any time meet with a cordial wel- for British Columbia, where be goes come. He had asked his own con- for his health. Mr E. Corbett com- gregation to raise on Sunday last a menced the duties of assessor on special cash collection of $90 to meet Saturday, and Mr. Joseph Wheatly obligations, and Mr. James Young, those of town constable. Parties who supplied for Rev Mr Hutton, had going west should remember the the satisfaction of seeing the full meeting to be held in the Council amount raised and $10 over. chamber, next Thursday afternoon, MISSIONARY GIVINcs.—The Mis- 27th inst. Mrs Tuffs left on Monday sionary report of the past year, for the for Hemmingford, Que., taking re - Canada Methodist Church, shows turn ticket of W. Jackson, her that the following amounts contribut- brother, residing at that place, being ed towards this fund were as follows • at the point of death. Mr Forester Goderich, North St.,$389 ; Goderich, shipped a quantity of tow to Patter - Victoria St., $78 ; Clinton, Ratten- son, N. J. the other day. Doc. bury St., $451 ; Clinton, Ontario St., Blackall, veterinary examiner'for the $230 : Seaforth, $282 ; Homesvitle Live stock Insurance Campany, has Circuit, $205; Bayfield Circuit, $69; already made -a number of examine - Varna Circuit, $100 ; Hensall Circuit, tions. Isn't this the kind of weather $77 ; Hensall North Circuit. $141; that goes before a cold spring ? Mr. Dungannon, $215 ; Nile, $117; Ben- Thee Graham, of Inglewood, formerly miller, $132; Wingham, $144; Wrox- of Clinton, has become a partner in eter Circuit, $120 ; Brussels, $92 ; the business carried on by his father, Walton Circuit, $131: Londeaboro which will hereafter go under the Circuit, $168; Blyth Circuit, $146 ; title of D. Graham & Co. A Van - 'Auburn Circuit, $:93.; Belgrave Cir- cover (B. C.) paper thus alludes to a ct, .$72 ; Bl'uevalerelative of the editor of this paper:— lathes $76 ; Exeter,mes St., $368 Exeter, Main St., "Lieut -Colonel Holmes, commandant $211. The amount given by the Rat- of "C" Battery, arrived on the Is- tenbury-_Street Qiutrch, Clinton, ie. _ lander Thursday. and left for Toronto surpassed by only four churches in and other paints in the eas-i. He -will the Guelph Conference, viz., two in be absent two or three months, the Guelph, St Marys, and Owen Sound, change having been insisted upon by all much larger places, while the am- his physicians, Col. Holmes not hay ount contributed by both Methodist ing fully recovered from his recent Churches in Clinton is considerably illness." Misa Trewartha, who has over the amount given by any one been away visiting, has returned place, Guelph alone excepted. to town, accompanied by her niece, Miss Currie. A tramp was accommodat ed with quarters in the town premises provided for such emergencies, nn Saturday night. Master Fred Davis returns to his farm in Manitoba on Monday. Mr Jas. Sheppard has , re- turned from the Northwest, where he has been visiting for several months. Mrs R. Callander returns to Manito• ba on Monday next. Mr Jos. Copp has sold his farm in Hullett, to Mr E. Brickenden, for the sum of $2,750; it contains 50 acres, and was bought by Mr Copp about a year ago. Mr Thos. Whaley died here on Wednes- day. The stage will be handsomely decorated for the charity concert, next Tuesday, and will be one of the attractions; the Misses Ferran, Douglass, McTaggart and Reeve have the matter in hand. Mrs Wm Mur- ray held an "at home" on Thursday of last week, from four to six, and many of her friends called and spent a very pleasant time. Dr J. Reeve, jr., (son of Dr Reeve, Clinton,) ex- pects to leave for San Francisco in a few days, where he goes into practise. Miss Minnie Couch bas returned from a visit to 'Mitchell. Mr R. Stoneham represents Clinton Lodge Ancient Order of United. Workmen, at the meeting cf the Grand Lodge, now in session in the city of Toronto. Ice is now being cut out at East's pond and elsewhere. Misa Nellie Hearn sings at the London Harmony Club concert to night. A young boy named Peter Glazier left his home here on the 14th, and has not since been beard from ; particluars of his whereabouts will gladly be received by his father, John Glazier. We were in error last week in stating that Mr Albert Holloway was going into the tailoring business; he is still, as he was then, in the employ of the Hodg- ens estate, and will continue to give his undivided attention to this branch of their business. Mists_Bessie Porter, of Clinton, is visitin at the Methodist Parsonage, Iona. She was bride's maid for Miss Susie Hiles, whose wedding todk. place there on the 18th inst. The "Musical Herald" is the name of a new musical journal .that comes to hand this week, published by Mr F. S. Coates, in Toronto. There is room for a good journal of this kfhd in Canada, and will no doubt receive a liberal support from musicians. Mr W. H. Hine, who for several years has occupied the position of ook'keeper for Mr S. Davis, -and - lately with Davis & Roland, has been compelled, ow ng to ill health, to give up his position, which will hereafter be filled by Master John Davis. The Chicago British - American thus refers to a former Clintonian :— Percy McKid, formerly of Brantford, Ont., was in the city this week. He left Wednesday to join a company in Wisconsin, in which be takes the leading part. Percy has become quite a "villain" in the play. On Sunday evening of last weak, Mrs J. J. Taylor, of Clinton, met with a serious accident at Blyth, when about to return home. When coming out of the house ahe slipped off the door steps and fractured the bone of one thigh which will confine the lady to the house for some time. To Sunscturnrns.—Liyes of poor men often remind us honest toil don't stand a chance; more we work we leave be- hind ns bigger patches on our pants. On our pants once new and glossy now ars patehoaof different hue; all because subsoribera linger and 'vv+on't pay up what is die. Then lot all be up and doing; send in your mite,bo it so email^, or' when the snow of }mettle' strike IA we shall ha'vonotparits,a.t ail. • ' n `' Annual Meeting of the Con- gregation of Willis Church The annual meeting of the congrega- tion of Willis Church, Clinton,washeld in the Lecture Room of the church, on Thursday evening, 13th inst. After de- votional exercises, conducted by the Rev. A. Stewart, Mr Turnbull was el- ected chairman, and Mr Coats, Secre- tary. Reports were then presented from the Trustees, the Session, Sab. School, Y.. P. C. Association, Women's For- eign Mission Society and Mission Band, from which we extract the following particulars that may be of interest to the public. The total receipts from all sources were 83720.87, the principal items of which were pew rent, $937; or- dinary collections, 8680.14; proceeds of anniversary, $254.98; missionary and benevolent purposes, 81123.89. The total expenditure was 83437.22, leaving a balance of 8283.65 The report from the session referred to the growing interest in the work of the church, and the large attendance upon the services, the large contribu- tions to missionary and other schemes, all which was taken to prove encourag- ing spiritual growth. The Sabbath School bad a most pros- perous year, as shown by an. increased average attendance of 50. the average being 350, that of the previous year 319. Seven of the scholars submit themselves for examination under the scheme for Higher Religious Instruction. There was an improvement on the part of many scholars in the particular of home preparation of the lesson, but there was ample room for more; the Sabbath School at Baird's School, Stanley, where a large number of per- sons belonging to the congregation at- tended, was also referred to. The Trustees, in their report, recom- mended that owing to the many ap- plications for additional seats, they be authorized to take the necessary steps to provide for the building of a gallery according to a draft plan submitted to the meeting. The authority asked was granted. Messrs. McMurchie, McKenzie and McEwen retiring trustees, were reap- pointed for another term. The resig- nation of Mr Menzies as trustee which • bad been handed in, was accepted and Mr Alex. Ewing was elected to serve for his unexpired term. Messrs. Mal- loch and J. Scott were re -appointed auditors for the ensuing year. We believe it is the intention of the trus- tees to take immediate Steps towards the proposed addition to the seating capacity of the church. ARRESTED—Mr R. M. Racey, late of this town, was last week arrested at Genera, Ohio, on a charge of for- gery, preferred by George Hanley, of Clinton, who claims that he forged the cancellation of la mortgage given March 4th 1881, to Hanley by George Thompson. The mortgage was for $3,000, and it was cancelled on March 21st, 1886. Racey was released on $1,000 bail and remanded till Thurs- day. A Cleveland paperspteaking of the arrest says;—"White waiting ft his bondsman, he denied in vigorous terms that he ivas guilty of the crime charged. He said the mortgage was paid to him, and he sent a check to Hen'ey for the full amount it call- ed tor and further, that he wrote no endorsement on the mortgage at all." What will be the result remains to be seen, but the general impression here is adverse. In this connection we might say, n'e are informed that Mrs Racey and family, who are still here, have been subject to persistent espion- age and annoyance since Mr Racey;s+ departure. If this be trite it is no credit to the parties concerned, and public opinion is decidedly against such a practice. 9', EIGHS! ERY CHEAP Clearing Having purchased the Stock of Messrs Geo. E. Pay & Co., at 66 cents on the Dollar, I will offer it on Wednesday, Feb. 26 At less , than wholesale cost, in order to clear it out before the 1st of April: JOHN tiVISEMAN THE LOW PRICED STORE, CLINTON X X X Great —Bargains In Odd Lines of Goods which were left over Brom the holiday:4 trade. NI IR% L•DAYS MORE4 TERMS CASH EGGS O R WOOD :1: AIICTION SALE Every night during that time at Angus old stand. Stuff must go, no reserve. The highest bidder carries off the parcel. Now is the time to get Cheap Goods. Don't miss the chance, Chris. Dickson,Clinton z ROBERTSON'S GREAT CASH STORE - - CLINTO FURNISHINGS THIS WEEK! We can show you the largest and most complete as- sortment of fine Furnishing Goods in the County. See our 25ct line of BRACES Spe our 25ct line of HOSIERY ' 'pa See` it 25ct line of NECKWEAR See ou2,5ct line of HANDKERCHIEFS We are showing a special line of Lads Wille Cctt New styles for spring in Bridal -Trousseau's, Night Dress-. es, Infant Robes, White Dresses and Aprons. Correct styles and better value than ever, at prices, t suit the times. NEW EMBROIDERIES, good goods , at the lowest prices. Call and enquire:. about our KNIT SHIRTS, FLANNEL SHIRTS, CAMBRIC SHIRTS, WHITE SHIRTS.,; Our stock of COLLARS, CUFFS, UNDERJOTHING, &c• We have t'.e goods. COJiSETS All our leading lines in stock, the Yatisi, Watchspring and Caraline, and full assortment of cheap lines. We are offering our stock of BLACK WOOL NOSE Cheap to clear. Liberal reductions in the prices of bur winter goods. Stock well assorted in all lines. Jackson Bro1ersd gat, 1,f,. ' 1 PIERS, CLINTON • +' eesley's Great Millinery Emporh1ft The Ladi Favorile EstahuishffiooC