HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-02-21, Page 7$pa,, Dromit**-,HAy rgvpi A OW SOIACTAVVrtielytt Va. net gensme4y wars tua* are W4404% Qr that tho7 440 vresertee ot.vn patasito ombrauu gt tie nose and esertachian Inbeo. Microaeopie research, eribte*pretradthis to be bet, aud , !eettlto&We diaeovery la that a lanspis temady /384 been !annulated whereOaeh4 ,aatarrhal, deafness and hay Iwo Pe Pe.174101eVir OW4'4 n Irma one thoid, re.hePle appiiealkna made at home bl the •retreat onee in two weeks. txeatmeneis not a snuff or ointment ; 'both have been discarded zerkuttahleltiolana as injurious. A phlet explai g this new treatment Seat -On retleiPt of ten cents by A. If. 17.014, Ekoz,, 303 West King Street, Or94* PArlada.-Toronto Globe. f$11ffeTerS fr0131 Catarrhal troubles should )1,2 ofullv ;read tne above. re Eyes Catarrh. Lameness male omplaints qnburn orepess prams hang imp Bruises U0E4 AVOID ALL IMITA- TIONS. THEY MAY BE DANGEROUS. Scalds po 1.s Piles 1 18/Vuo nnsd EXTRACT s Insect Bites tngs ore Feet INFLAMMATIONS and HEMORRHAGES ALL FM I N DEMAND POND'S EX- TRACI% ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE FOR IT - THIS IS THE ONLY RIGHT KIND. DONOT TAKE ANY OTHER.' aia,1 el; t -4.g i FRI FIN 1 ii ...WO:RE-2 ti2I''0,41 mme gall 11.16065'1.18rEtligl 1 -0.4t-Bul; irt.'-ts.,1 a KM -0484-01.s .,*r e., plugs a 4.37:0214"- SI P'S t AllaJ*i3 111.9„,41;1,1 oso !:, , N4 foileivo. Inviii 4,0§ Ig `4S.5.11fAm .0 • 0. rHEBESTI GARTH & CO. `111.1CING POWDER FACTORY SUPPLIES Valves, Iron & Lead Plpe Costs Pulley Oilers, Steam Jet Pumps, Farm Pumps, Wad Mills, Cream Separators, Dairy and_Laundry Utensils. 538 RAIG STREET, MONTREAL. TftLARETS GENUINE COOk'S FNMA No Alum'. Nothing Injurious. MAILED DERMIEfil",1 .tp4,FINE EJar.qilaF ta CPJAGE NISHES-k.OAPANS orRimEpAtsAwARDEp. t., CHADWICK'S SPOOLt COTTON For Hand and Machine Use. HAS NO SUPERIOR. ASK FOR IT. LEATHEROID STEEL -LINED TRUNKS In Sample, Ladi es' and all other kinds. Lightest Onit Strongest TRUNKS In the World. , EVELEIGH &CO MONTREAL, 30113 111/1.101 the DOM11111 HOTEL BALMORAL. movnivix. - No a Dame St., one of the 'moist central a d elegantly furnished Hotels in the Oltv Accommodation for 400 guests. Rates, t2 to $8 per "ay. Ss Vs W° 0 raleat;tr PEARS' Ve'liViTcar" J.PALMER&SON Wholesale Impitra of DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES 1743 NOTRE DOA ST., MONTREAL. SOAP. DOMINION LEATHER BOARD COMPANY. Manufacturers of ASBESTOS MILLBOARD Steanni Packing, FRICTION PULLEY BOARD, TAO isa PerldotFriesion REMIT'S BLUE, THE BEST FOR LAUNDRY USE. PAPERS 9/rapping, Willa, OB. 4Z1 SIZES co AND welawre 're ORDER 211}013r0SOlesSt. :-POrtnent, 01-44STS NZ rLUIDIJEEE ems GREAT STRENGTH GIVER PERFECh F000 ...it tin Tlit Bleu- ARMINO 111.1TRITIOUS &ERASE • A POWERFUL INVIGORATOR f'94 FARUER.8. A AVM Or lit Eusiis, Nob., has Shipped four 0E8 Of broom-oi>e14 to Amsterdam, N. Y., realizing from it TO per ton. The paper horseshoe is among the /atest inventions. It is said to be not elastic, like the hoof,but more durable, as well as lighter, than iron and steel. • If the cow is fat, give bey noth- ing but bay for ten days before calving, and fora week Afterwards if her udder is swollen. Take the chill from the water and do not expose her to the cold. If the cow is sick, do not be afraid to give her a pound of Epsom salts. If she indicates a feverish condition, give her the salts before calving. This simple remedy will often pievent milk fever. Two of the bigggst beef and cattle guns in the United States, the Munroe. of Boston, and the Hammond Company,of Hammond Ind., have united,and in the amal- gamation the live cattle industry has lost one of the heaviest dealers, while the dressed beef industry has been increased by one. The Munroe firm was one of the heavi- est buyers at the Chicago yards, having shipped stock on the hoof to Albany and Boston,which they slaughtered at the latter points. The Hatch Station, Mass., rec- commends as treatment for black - knot that they (the knots) be painted with a mixture of red oxide of iron in linseed/oil. This seems to stop the development of t,he fungus, so that the knots crumble away with the least pos- sible injury to the branch. Were this and other preventive measur- es adopted by an entire commun- ity, much of the disastrous effects of this fungus could bo prevented. If cows are fed plenty of wheat bran there is not so much danger of abortion. There is really no remedy for abortion when the dis- ease has begun its work. The epidemic of• abortion is supposed to be caused by bacteria, which are taken into the blood either through the lungs or by the food. NO EXAGGERATION Mr Jas G. Tennent, residing at 84 Daly Street, Ottawa, thus expresses himself :-I am pleased to state that Na.4a1 Balm has al- ready relieved my catarrh to a very great extent. 1 have not used one bottle, but. the nauseous droppings from the head and throat have almost ceased. I breathe easy now; get better sleep and altogether feel and appreciate the wonderful virtues of the "Balm." Its merits cannot possibly be exaggerated for ca- tarrhal troubles and as a cure I believe it to be genuine. Minard's Liniment Luraderman's Friend. The Febuary report of the De- partment of Agriculture at Wash- ington, which (relates to number and values of farm animals, shows an increase on horses during the year beyond the increase of popu- lation. Tho aggregate numbers exceed fourteen millions. The improvement in the Central State,s from the blood of Percherons, Cleveland bays and English stal- lions continues active. Horse ranches in tat Rocky Mountains are improving the stock of that region. Values are nearly every- where lower than a year ago. Males have also increased and are estimated at 213 millions. held at slightly lower prices than last years. The number of other cattle continue to increase, while prices have fallen in still larger ratio during the year. MOTHERS? Castoria is recommended by physic lane for children teething. It is a pure- ly vegetable preparation, its ingredients are published around each bottle. It is pleasant to the taste and absolutely harmless. It relieves constipation, re- gulates the b3wels. quiets pain, cures diarrhcea and wind colic, allays fever- ishness, destroys worms, Rad prevents convuleions, soothes the child and gives it refreshing and natural sleep. Cas- toria is the children's panacea -the mother's friend. 35 doses, 35 cents. Jan. 10, to Mar. 28. 3i.finard's Liniment is used by physi. pian. The Shanghai Mercury gives an account of the great cloud burst near Nanking. In the Yangteos River near Nanking at about 10 a. m., Dec. 7, when the weather was bright there was suddenly heard a rushing noise as of water. Two large black clouds appeared and soon enveloped everything like a fog. The waters were much disturbed, and the river was full of large waves. The two clouds eventually reached a place called Tsin Li Chow when they both burst asunder, making a loud re- port. During the disturbance many boats were ,lost and 1,000 people drowned. The world-wide reputation of Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the natural result of its surpassing value of a blood medicine. Nothing, in the whole pharmacopotia, effects more astonishing results, in scrofula, rheumatism, general debility, and all forms of blood disease, than this remedy. Children Cry for 'Pitcher's Castoria. WIY(TatuleVr"" trai 0001) $47411.1TON'8 111.401MOIS. Bu, t tell me, who j nr neigybor? Jeans .aaya I am to "go" and "40" to my neighbor as the wed Samaritan did to his. But who is my neighbor? Do you mean to tell me that the 'renoh, Canadian, with his foreign blood, and, hie untinowa tongue, and hia 00=0 religion -do you mean to aay that be rev neighbor, and that] the master's "Ga and do thou likewise" is meant to lay upon my heart and conscience the French Canadian's need? It is so much more convenient just to "pass by on the other side." Or, if I do get a vivid glimpse of his condition. as hellies tied and robbed and wounded by my way, you do not think I need to do more them "come and look' on hint" (you know there can be much pity in a look) and "pass by" still "on the other side?" For you kaow I really have not time to make hie troubles my own, and go to work effectively to meet them. I cannot think that Jesus Christ means me actually to count the French Cana- dian my neighbor, or that I am really to "go' and "do'to him as the Good Samaritan did to the wounded Jew. Juet look at how he acted, and see if you think that the Master could mean me to "do likewise." He stopped in the middle of a dangerous journey to take up the care of a wounded man. - Now, I would find it very troublesome to stop in the middle of my day's occu- pation, and really take any of my pre• oious time for the French. Then he took some oil and wine he was carry- ing for his own dinner, and poured it out for the benefit of the sufferer, and really it wonld be rather much to ex- pect me to "do likewise" for any Frenoh Canadian that ever breathed. Don't touoh any table, please. He got down off his ase andIxtually walked, where he had meant+ ride, and burdened himself besidesovith the care of a sick man who could not hold up his own head. It must have been an awful bother, not to say anything of the hurry I should have been in to get it of that road, where my own neck was no more safe than any one else's. I'm not aura but his duty to his own family should have macte it clear to him that his first care was for his own safety. You don't mean to tell me that I have a neighbor whose caret demands such sacrifices from me? Then he got him to the inn. But he was not done yet. He seems to have spent the night, when a traveller ought to be resting, "taking care" of the poor man. I really cannot do without my ordinary rest, unless the demands of society actually require it. And then look at him when he went away, after hi 5 sleepless night. He opened his purse and 'took out two pence." - 1 suppose a penny then stood for a day's work, as a dollar does now, so two pence would mean two dollars. I would think that was as much as could have been expected of him. But he seemed determined that the poor man should have everything his case might need, and he just assumed the whole liability, whatever it might amount to. Really that Samaritan treated the poor Jew just as if he were his own son: -You do not think that Jesus can mean that I should lay the needs of the French Ca- nadian to heart just like this ?" -- How many, how very many, if they talked out their thoughts frankly,would run on just in this line! But the French Canadian is oar neighbor, and Christ's "oo and do thou likelri,se" must apply with emphasis to his case. He is our neighbor. He is bound and rob: bed and wounded. He cannot stretch out his own hand to help himself, but, blindly, he lifts his eyes to us. We have adequate help in our midst, if We would only bestir ourselves to apply it efficiently. Dear Christian women, can't we wake up? If we wake up, the men will wake up too. Let us look at the Good Satnaritan as Jesus draws his picture and points it out to us, and let us learn from him icho our neighbor is, and how the Lord wants ussto help him. If any woman reading this feels a stirring desire to put her own hand to this precious work for our French Ca- nadian neighbors, we would be glad to give her the opportunity to join with us in our present effort to put up the enlargement to the girl's school at Pointe -aux -Tremble. Our scheme will be wound up the first week of March, but there is still time for any one will- ing to join us, to dp so yet. Please send me your addresd, arra I shall glad ly send you a, dozen oa more leaflets and small en.0elopes, which you can scatter among your friends, and see what the result will be. We are hop- ing that very many will yet join us through this month. In writing, please address Mn. ANNA Rosa, Brucetield, Ont. Brucefield, Feb. 1st, 1890. CASTOR IA malitatz.......4.......w.Chi (iron. .0.0..hominnadaptodioondrouthas CANN% was Odlet. OnstiPoltion. 1 I recomile44144. suposiorto any premetpuce Soto Stomach, Diarrhata, Eruotation. tomato =Iv' a A. Amain, a a. _ gesti411"°'14n. Igive..1"14 swi P19414444141. Mg% OitiNd Bib* BriNklillat Ir. IIIIMotiilifmkrill Moilniann. l'un Dorratnt COnFatir, 773Iurray Street, II. V. , Alestar -LA. GRIPPE" OR LIGHTNING CATARRH. MR EutTon.-"La grippe," or Russian influenza, as it is termed, is in reality an epidemic catarrh, and is called by some physicians "lightning catarrh," from the rapidity with which it sweeps over the country. Allow us to draw the attention of your readers to the fact that Nasal Balm, as well as being a thorough cure for all cases of the ordin- ary cold in head and catarrh, will give prompt relief in eyen the most Severe cases of "la grippe" or Russian influen- za," as it will effectually clear the nas- al passages, allay irritation and relieve the dull, oppressive headache accom- paning the disease. No family should be without a bottle of Nasal Balm in the house, as oold in the head and ca- tarrh are peculiarly liable to attack people at this season of the year, and Nasal Balm is the only prompt and speedy cure for these troubles ever offer- ed the pubUc. Easy to use and agree- able. If you cannot get it at your deal- ers it will be sent post free on receipt of price (50 cents and 01 per bottle) by ad- dressing Framer? & Co., Jan. 10-4i. Brockville, Ont. •-•-•••• THE QUEEN'S BUSY DAY. At Windsor the morning is spent in signing state documents and generally studying state affairs and if the weather be propitions the work is carried on out of doors under a tent. Like every good Englishwoman, the Queen dearly loves her tea aad parthkes of the cosy meal in company with Prince Henry of Rattenberg aria the lit- tle ones. The afternoou is entire- ly occupied with drivi rig, or some- times riding, an exercise her Ma- jesty is very loth to relinquish, notwithstanding her years: The royal dinner hour is nine o'clock -sometimes even later -just about the time when the sove- reign's eldest grandchild Abe time emperor of Germany, thin-ks of going off to roost, after having dis- cussed a very simple supper with his'Ibmily and friends. Fortunately no meal at the IT 0--THE- 01„ Furniture Dealers Cabinet Makers, Undertakers, And Upholsterers PICTURE FRAMING A SPFCIALTY. CALL AT THE RedRockerFurnitureEmporium Albert Street, Brick Block, Clinton. i.EI. RODS -IRON FIDIUNOATI BUILDERS' IRON WORI' Office Railings, lawn juimix,.: , AND FOUNTAINS. ETC. Banilm Wiro & Iroll 'g WALKERVILLE, ONTARIO. URE FIT THOUSANDS OF BOTTLES I GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. ma When I say Cure 1 do not mean "" merely to stop them for a time, and then have theta return again. I MEAN A RADICAL CI.1 R E. I have made the disease of Fits, Epiiepey or Failing Sickness a life-long study. I warrant my remedy to Cure the worst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cute. Bend at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my Infallible Remedy. Give Express and Post Office. It costs you nothing for a trial, and It will cure you. Address t -H. 0. ROOT, M.C., Branch Office, 186 WEST ADELAIDE STREET, TORONTO, royal castles is of long duration, and dinner is despatched in. a .merditully expeditious manner. If guests have been invited the Queen enters 'her drawingatoom five minutes before the hour strikes, and on the sound of the going leads the way to the dining - hall. Soon after ten the party retire to 'the "corridor de conver- sation," and the august lady ad- dresses all her friends in siicces- sion, but does not remain with them much longer than half an honr, when she retires to her own apartments to write, letters or play duets on tho piano with any of her daughters who happen to be staying with her. A. DREAM OF FAIR WOMEN. Tennyson is his exquisite poem, dreams of a long procession of' lovely- women of ages past. This is all very well, bat the laureate wonld have done the -world a greater service if he had only told the women of the present how they could improve their health and enhance their charms. This he might easly have done by recommending the use of Dr Pierce's Favorite ;Prescription. Health is:the best friend of beauty and the innumerable ills to which women are peculiarly subject, its worst enemies. Long experience has proven that the health of wo- mankind and the "Fayorite Pre- scription" walk hand in hand, and are inseparable. It is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, under a positive guar- antee from the manufacturers, that it will give satisfaction in every case, or money will be re- funded. This guarentee has been printed on (the bottle wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many. SHOT THE FAIR CHORISTER. Mips Hattie Hind, of the choir at Rev. D. L. Ylood.y's church, China - g), was shot on Thursday night in the face and hand, by Robert Hen- derson, a member of the Moody con- gregation. Henderson then shot himself fatally in his right ear. - Miss Hind may rbcover. The affair took place in Henderson's apart- ments. Henderson has a wife and children residing near Niagara Falls, N.Y. Three years ago, atter do- mestic trouble, he lelt them. He drank hard and sank low and was reformed by the Moody mission. - He would lapsa occasionally and Miss Hind seemed to have the strongest influence for good over him Miss Hind had been playing on the melodeon for him and bad reproach- ed him for his fall from grace. Henderson did tbe shooting in a fit of despair. It is understood Hen- derson intended to procure a divorce and marry Miss Hind. The news of the affair reached the church while prayer meeting viVirift.,pro• gress, and caused intense exci.te ment. Minarcl's Liniment cures Garget in COWS. "NOW OR NEVER." SAID SHE. A sensation has been c reated at Fortress Monroe, by the recent marriage of Mrs Alice Snell Mc- Crea, daughter of the murdered Chicago millionaire, tp Douglass Greene, a member of a Now York banking firm. Mrs McCrea came here two weeks ago, and at once captured the heart of every un- married officer at the fortress. Things went along swimmingly until last Sunday a week age when Mr Greer. -e appeared on tho scene. The following iday Mrs McCrea and Mr Greene drove to Hampton 'Village where they tried to get a minister to marry them but could not find one. Mrs McCrea insisted that it was "now or never." After considerable trouble a colored Baptist minister was found, who perforg.ed the ceremony. DON'T SWEAR When you break some fancy article prized by your wife, don't swear, but go to your druggist, get a bottle of Stix, mend it, and make it almost equal to new . Peo le Wonder WHEi they find how rapidly health is restored by taking Ayer's Bar. saparIlla. The reason is that this preparatioft contains only the purest and most powerful alteratives and tonics. To thousands yearly it proves a veritable elixir of life. Mrs. Joa. Lake, Brockway Centre, Mich., writes: "Liver complaint and Indigestion made my life a burden and came near ending my existence. For more than four years I suffered un- told agony. I was reduced almost to a skeleton, and hardly had strength to drag myself about. All kinds ol food distressed me, and only theamost deli- cate could he digested at Mi. Within the time mentioned several physicians treated me without giving relief. Noth- ing that I took seemed to do any per- manent good until I began the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Which bas pro- duced wonderful results. Soon after commencing to take the Sarsaparilla / could see an , Improvement in tuy condition, my appetite began te return and with it came the ability to digest all the food taken, my strength improved each day, and after a few months of faithful attention to your directions, I found myself a well woman, able to attend toall household dutiaa The medicine has given me a new lease of life, and I cannot thank you too much." - "We, the undersigned, citizens ok Brockway Centre, Mich., hereby certify that the above statement, made by Mrs. Lake, is true in every particular and entitled to full credence."- O. P. Chamberlain, G. W. Waring, C. A. Wells, Druggist. " My brother, in England, was, for a long time, unable to attend to his occu- pation, by reason of gores on his foot. I sent him Ayer's Almanac and the tes- timonials it contained induced him to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. After using it a little while, he was cured, and is now a well man, working In a sugar mill at Brisbane, Queensland, Anstiralia." - A. Attewell, Sharbot Lake, Ontario. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, -4' PREPARED SY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Price $1; six bottles, $p. Worth $5 a bats°. 'PricelfGrapeirmes 0 Concord 20c each, $ 1 50 per cloz Rogers, 40c each. - 3 20 per doz Niagara, 30c each. - 2 50 per doz Worde.a, E. 30c each - 2 50 per doz Deleware, 30c each - 3 00 tter doz STRAWBERRIES BEDWELL, 50 cents per doz., JAS. VICK, 50 cents per doz., SHARpLESS, 50 cents per doz., $1.50 per 100 $1.50 per 100 $1.50 per 100 .APPLES -Alexander, Baldwin, Early Harvest, Fall Pippin, Northern Spy, and any other variety, at 30 cents each, or $3.00 per dozen. These trees are all from 5 to 7 feet and first-class. , All other vines and trees at remarkably low prices. Prices of any other fruits given upon application, E. T. HOLMES, New Era Office, Clinton XMAS COODS 4q4 The attention of the public is respeetfplly invited to the superb stock o Xmas Goods at Adams Emporium, consisting of a good assortment o - WATCHES from $5 up to $22, all warranted. ALBUMS from 75cts to $2.75. AUTOGRAPHS from 5cts. up. Ladies and Gents Companion Scrap Books, Earrings, Brooches, Cuff and Collar Buttons, Xmas and New Year Cards, Vases, Groceries for the Xmas Trade. A few pieces of those beautiful MANTLE CLOTHS left, and some of the fine OVERCOATS. The finest lot of CHINA and STONEWARE we ever bad. We have aim.. quite a supply of PICTURE BOOKS and TOYS for Santa Claus to put in the stockings. All made welcome. WISHING ALL A MERRY XMAS. • R.ADAMS. LONDESBORO CHINA HALL To make room for New Importations, we will, until Dee. 1st. GIVE TEN PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASII on our large stock of CROCKERY, Gat41..I..cA. AND GLASSWARE. DECORATED DINNER AND TEA SETS 10 PIECE TOILET SETS. Parties in need of anything in this line should not miss the opiartunity of se- curing cheap bargains, as we are bound to reduce our stock. We Offer NEW SEASON JAPAN TEA at 40 cents, worth 0 We Offer NEW SEASON BLACK TEA at 25 cents, worth 40. We Offer NEW SEASON GREEN TEA at 25 cents, worth 35. NEW CURRANTS and RAISINS, cheap, 2 BROOMS for 25o. FRESH:PINAN HADDIE, SISCOS, HERRING,! BLOATERS, to. Goods promptly delivered to any part of the town. Give us a call. BUTTER AND EGGS TAR EN AS CASH. N. ROBSON. CHINA HALL. T H E - 1LINTON NEW ERA R. HOLMES, - Publisher, CLINTON, - - ON T. THE NEW ERA is published every Friday; it gives about Thirty-two Columns of Fresh Reading Matter Every Week; Correct Market Reports &dm Toronto and in this neighborhood; has a Large Circulation and is Unsurpassed as an Ad- vertising Medium. Will be sent to any address for $1.50 a year, in advance. JOB DEPARTMENT We have all the latest styles of type for Circulars, 3ale Bills, and any kind of printing that can be desired. Prices the Lowes, Work the Finest and satis- l'aCtion guaranteed. One trial' is /certain to bring another. R. HOLMES, BOX 74. CLII4TON.