HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-01-17, Page 5Over 500 Pairs of No. .& 1 glasses to fit from Come and have your eyes properly tested by Kings Optometor at B. RU M BALL.., & GO JEWELLERS & ENGRAVERS,CLINTON. GIVING up Business. J.C.DETLOR& Co • .re retiring from business and now offer their entire stock and shop furniture at laughter -;-Prices. The goods must be sold as this is a genuine winding up sale. Come and secure the C1aINToN .M.A,BT8 o►rru ted,v.ry `,Cbllrw1 y! at4*rnooa. e Thrnid y...J&ire 1Ut �� . ���1f�d hUJI, 8xamiard.... Q ' ti 0 8A' V l}tq ..........:.. .... .04 a� 0 20 Peasey .. 0 80 a Q 400 054a0s' >:1IQur per ba1 4 50 a 0 00 $niter 0 10 a 0 18 Eggs 0 18 a 0 18 Pork 5 00i 5 25 Hay 8 ,00 a 700 Hides 8 25 a 3 25 050a075 Sheep Skins MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKET. There were about 270 head of but- chers cattle, 25 mutton critters and two calves offered at the East End Abattoir A large number of batohers were pre- sent and with an aotive !demand and rather small supplies, the high prices of Thursday were well maintained, and common stock brought even higher prioes than on that day. The best beeves sold at about 4}c Iper lb. and pretty good stook at 4o to 4-o do.; com• mon dry cows sold at about Bic, and the lean beasts isold down to less than 8c Iter lb. The market for butchers' cattle is very firm and unless there are more liberal supplies shortly prioes will go up still higher. The few mutton critters offered to -day were of rather indifferent quality andsold at about 4,10 per lb. for mixed lots. There are not many fat hogs being brought to market and prices continue at about 4 c per lb. Wonderful Bargains SALE REGISTER. Farm Stock, &c., of W Nicholson, lot 35, con. 6, Goderich Township, on the 22nd inst. D. Dickinson. aunt. WE HAVE ABOUT 250 ENDS OF MANTLE CLOTHS, DRESS GOODS, &e., Sze Also Odds and Ends of every description, which are being cleared out at half usual price. GREAT BARGA '�S in all classes of WINTER GOODS, and a Special Discount of 101' p lr cent to cash buyers till Feb. lst. TEN PER CENT OFF FOR CASH ESTATE JOHN H0aCENS THE POPULAR Napanee has had 500 oases of influ- enza and several deaths have occurred. Lady Stanley is seriously ill with in- fluenza. FORTY YEARS Or FARIIINO.—We are in receipt of a copy of Harris' Rural An- nual for 1890. It is forty years this spring since Mr Harris moved unto his present farm of 250 acres, near Roches- ter, N. Y. For ten years he was editor and proprietor of the Genesee Farmer. His "Walks and Talks on the farm," commenced in the Genesee Farmer,and continued for many years in the Ameri- can Agriculturist, having made his farm knownto tens of thousands of readers, who will be glad to get a copy of the Rural Annual. It will be sent FREE to any read- er of the NEw ERA who will send his or her name to the publishers. Address, JOSEPH HARRIS SEED Co., Moreton Farm, Monroe Co., N. Y. All Accounts must be paid at once. DETIOR & CO., CLINTON. RY GOODS HOUSE LON DESBORO' ROCK OIL. :X: Rock Oil.—Harland Bros. have been appointed sole agents in Clinton and vicinity for the sale of the Celebrated Rock Oil, and have just received a car load. It is much superior in quality to the ordinary oil,and at same price. Stoves at Cost to clear out for spring goods. Harland Bros. CHEAP EXCURSIONS TO CALIFORNIA, in Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars, for Passengers holding second-class to Pa- cific Coasts Points, which will be run through from Chicago, via Omaha, to San Francisco without change at any intermediate point, via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul and Union Paci- fic Short Line only on the following dates for leaving Chicago, viz.: Jan - nary 16 and 30, Febuary 13 and 27, March 13 and 27, April 10 and 24, May 8 and 22. The Sleeping Car fare from Chicago to San Francisco ie but 84.00 per berth, and the accomodations are excellent. For further particulars ap- ply to the nearest coupon ticket agent, or address A. V. H. Carpenter, Gen'l Pass. Agent, Milwaukee, Wis.—yr, 1,294,445 bushels of Indian corn were used in the manufacture of spirits in Canada last yoar. Nearly the whole of this corn was imported from the United States. The dig filler who im- ports corn to be used in the manufac- ture of whiskey has the duty which he pays upon such corn refunded to him by Mr Foster—the great apostle of pro- hibition—if he exports the whisky, but the farmer who imports corn to feed stock with gets no refund of duty when he experts his cattle or pigs. This is an exemplification of the Conserva- tive idea of "one law for all." Sir Richard Cartwright has sold his residence in Kingston, and will remove to either Toronto or Ottawa, with chances in favor of the former. 0 Our Low Prices continue drawing the crowd, New - Grocery -Store. MESSRS COOPER & LOGAN beg to announce that they have opened out in the store next to Couch's butcher shop, a new and first- class stock of Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Etc., And invite the public to inspect the same. Our Teas, Coffees, bruit, Canned- Goods, annedGoods, Etc. Are of this season's growth, and our CROCKERY and :GLASS- WARE are of the latest design. Everything is fresh and will be sold at the lowest prices. Legitimate profits and unseasonable weather have had a SAUSAGE, HAMS, BACON, &c., HADDIE, long struggle for supremacy—but profits have been SISCOES, ORANGES, LEMONS, &c, always on hand. knocked out. FINE TEAS a specialty. Farm produce taken in exchange. A trial order solicited. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. The goods will be sold, we cannot afford to cary them over. We must have new goods to present to our cus- tomers every season. Prices of all Winter Goods have been marked down, and besides this reduction we give a cash discount of 10 per cent. l3 Are you the man who couldn't offord a new Overcoat ? Luck is after you in the shape of bargains We will sell you a andy - OYERCDAT For $8, worth $12, or one for $5.75, worth $7 COOPER & LQGANClinton T. JAC ON, Sr, .44 The Finest Clothing Cutter in the Dominion has returned to the ranks of lb the Profession, And begs to announce to the people of Clinton and Prole vince of Ontario, that he has HOUSE TO RENT—Residence lately oc- cupied by Mr James Thompson, corner of William and Princess Streets. Apply 'to, MANNING & SCOTT Iron and Hardware, Stoves and Tin- ware, Clinton. HUB GROCERY Christmas is at hand and to make it a pleasant and happy one I have decided to give customers 13I0 BARGAINS for the next four weeks. New . Raisins, Currants, Figs and Dates, Crockery and Glassware very cheap, FANCY CUPS and SAUCERS away down. Finest lot of two Brooms for 25c. over offered iu town. DRY WOOD FOR SALE—(Delivered) 43-10o. A LL i W. CL IN -T01' COOD HOUSE TO RENT—ON RATTEN- lf BURY Street; only one minute's walk from Albert St., lately occupied bythe un- dersigned. R. HOLMES, NEw EA Office TO LET.—THAT DESIRABLE DWELL- 1 INC house on Rattenbury street lately occupied by Mrs S. H. Rance. The house contains 9 rooms with good cellar and hard and soft water, small stable and good gar- den: Immediate possession. Apply to R. RANSFORD, Clinton. FOR SALE 011 TO RENT.—HOUSE AND lot for sale or to rent, on Townsend St. The house, which is new, contains fourteen rooms, and is heated with hot air. There is also a good stone cellar, good lawn and hard and soft water in abundance. The lot con- tains } of an acre. Terme reasonable. A p - ply ou the premises or to MRS C. CARTER, Clinton. t f. FARM FOR SALE.—SUBSCRIBER OF- FERS for salethe farm of -112 acres, being part of lot 20, on the Bayfield line, Goderich township. About 90 acres cleared, the rest hard wood and cedar and in good state of cultivation. On the farm is a new brick house and wood shed, hard and soft water, also never -failing spring, close to school and church and is well watered. Also good bank barn with stone foundation and drive shed. Address, THOS. H. COLE. Clinton, Ont, SUIS OFCLOTHES Bought C. C. Rance's Stock For $7, or one not so good for $4.50, Every- one a bargain for the money We want your money aid we guarantee to give you bet- ter value in return that any other house in the county. Come in and see us. Wonderfully cheap, and will conduct ih FINE TAILORING TRADE AT THE OLD STAND, HURON Street. FARM FOR SALE.—SITUATED IN THE Township of Glenelg, County of Grey, one hundred and fifty acres, situated on -the banks of a beautiful little lake ; 100 acres cleared and in a good state of cultivation can run machinery on it all; well fenced and a first-class well, good bearing orchard, good bank barn 60x40, straw house 60x30 all with stone basement; also a good cottage 20x24, with kitchen 16x20 stone, summer kitchen 16x18. All well finished and the farm is in good shape throughout. Will be sold cheap. Terms to suit purchaser. For fiutberar- ticulars apply to THOMAS TOWNSEND, Glascott, Ont. 2m: 0 CHOICE NEW FR.UIT 1 Fresh New VALENCIA RAISINS c per ib Fresh New PATRAS CURRANTS c per lb FRESH NEW LEMON,ORANGE & CITRON PEEI F LOWEST CUT PRICES -13 lbs. Best Granulated White Sugar for$ cash. 17 lbs. Bright Coffeer Raw Sugar taken for $1 cash. Fowls, But ter• J. W IRWI,TheTmes Tea Warehouse o OldstoseBCo W. L. OU I M ETT E, LONDESBORO Immense bargains will be given in Fine Ordered Cloth- ing, and prices quoted for the next thirty days that will astonish the closest buyers. School - Book - Rush The School Book rush is at Cooper's, to get one of their DAISY SCRIBBLERS AND PRETTY EXERCISE BOOKS They are quite new and the best values in town. Authorized Text Books for Collegiate Institute, High and Public Schools. Latest Editions, Complete Stock Any book sent postpaid to teachers or pupils on receipt of price Property for sale or to rent. A cottage on Albert St., lately occupied by Mr James Moore. Five bed rooms, double parlor, dining room, kitchen summer kitch- en and pantry. Hard and sat water. Stab- le, carriage house and fruit trees. There are three lots on Maple Street besides the one on which the cottage stands, making an acre of ground in all. The cottage and one lot will be sold separately if desired and on reason- able terms. Possession given at once. Ap- ply to MRS THOMAS COOPER, Clinton. Blacksmith Shop and land for sale. Subscriber offers for sale the property owned by him at Gowrie, In the county of Perth. It consists of a blacksmith shop do- ing a good business, with dwelling house, eta ble and half -acre of land attached. Ie in a splendid farming section, with no opposition Will bo sold with or without tools. Satis- factory reason for selling. For particulars apply to THOS. LOBB, Holmesville, or t OS LOBS, Gowrie. COOPER'S BOOK STORE, -- CLINTON Good House & Lot & Planing Mill for Sale. The subscriber offers for sale hie house and lots on Albert Street. This property is very eligibly sitnated. The house Is a good storey and a half, frame, with all conveniences, and contains 11 rooms. The lot 1s one-half an acre, but will bo soli with or without the rear quarter. On the back part is a planing mill, with 15 horse -power engine, with 1 surface Poney Machine,Planet, 1ae 1r Moulding M chidoublene,P Jig and Ripg Saw, wttr shafting, belting, &o. This will be Bold outire or to suit purchaser. Terms oasonabio, D. BUCHANAN, Clinton NOTICE TO DEBTORS. All accounts due the late firm of Caning- hame & McMurray, must be paid before the 31st of Jan., or they theyywill be placed in ftcollection. mew t oheundrsned. 3NO. CUNINGHAME JOHN McMURRAY. CHESTER WHITE BOAR. The subscriber will keep for servicepporta pure bredte Boat ttom stook. Terms $1 hester saask JOHN STANISURY London Boad. *Ina `'tTRAIED OR STOLEN—FROM THE l7 eubscriber'e premises Cut Line, Gode- rich Township, on Monday night last, a light red cow, ;6 or 7 years old, with short horns and large face. Also a dark red year old heifer. Anyone giving information that will load to their Ireooveryy wilt b suitably rewarded. W. J. ELLIOTT, * e 50 lm L noww has hie saw milBER AND li thoroughly equip - Ped u and prepared to to do custom sawingnning ofall kinds, having engaged Mr W. Dodds, a practical sawyer, to take charge of the same. Will buy good sound hemlock loge. Orders ro- e ppttowns o, g solicited, THOS. TRICK, Godo - oh OAUTION.–The undersigned hereby no - <J tifics all persons that ho will not be re- eponslblo for any debts contracted in his name by any persons, without his written order. GEORGE ENO, Sn. Hallett, Doc. 27, 1889. T. Jackson,Sr, Clinton CCAS. CRUICgSHAN LOTS FOR SALE. Any one desirous of securing a choice lot for building purposes, or land within the corporatiou. well suited for posture, should applylto the undersigned. These lots will be Bold cheap, and terms made to suit the pur- chaser. Anyreasonable time given for pay- ment Box 1E, Clinton lm Annual Meeting of the Me- liillop Mutual Fire Insur- ance Company. The annual meeting of the McItillop .8u tual Fire Insurance Company will be held in the Town Hall, Seaforth, on Friday. Jan. 17th, 1890, at ono o'clock, p. m, for the pur- pose ffairs of the company for the past year, thee statement of the a elect ing of directors and any other business that may come before the meeting T. B. HAYS W. J. SHANNON, e President y Treas PROPERTIES for SALE The various properties re- maining undisposed of belong- ing to the estate of the late Charles Middleton, deceased, are now offered for Kale. In order to close up the estate these properties must be sold. Full particulars and terms will be made known on appli- cation to t Q undersigned. MANNING & scoCrroon. BOOTS AND SHOES My stock is now complete in every department for the FALL and WINTERI trade. I have also on hand a large supply of AMERICAN RUBBERS AND OVERSHOES, in alll.grades and sizes, the best ever imported into this market,. all of which I am selling at the lowest possible prices. CUSTOM WORK AS USUAL PROMPTLY' ATTENDED TO Five per cent disconnt for oash. Call on C. CRUICKSHANK, the Great Shoe - Man, and get value for your money. Sign of the Golden Boot,Albert St. Clintod oors � SHOEs Full Lines MENS FELT:BOOTS. Full Lines Mens SOCKS and RUBBERS Full Lines OVERSHOES and RUBBED, And a full assortment of all other lines. Our stcc; the best in the market, and our prices are as low as lowest. 5 per cent discount for cash. TAYLOR & Son CLINTON AND 64YTH A�..:J6nom.