HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-01-10, Page 7Usines F.laving purchased the WATCH, JEWELEIY,. Silverware Store of Rob. W. Coats. we are iiNrwt t *veer imi4Orsy attarsossr, 'L'liursda . AA. 8, 1800. Wheat, 1‘11# Brander..,.. .882 0, 82 0g8n'i00 a INA]G! fle9fO,R,0. 0 QQV , 54J- �a 0 65.. ( FIonr lar hal, .# , A 'AAA 4 50 t1 0 00 R 0 16 a 0 18 E[ .,....... r 0 18 • 018 Pork attelr 5 00 * 5 25 Hay 700 *1 00 Hideo , 3 25 a 3 25 Sheep Skins .. , 0 50 a 0 70 MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKET. There were about 150 head of but- chers' cattle, 50 mutton critters and a small calf offered at the East End Abattoir. Trade was slow as the drovers were asking pretty high pricea,while the butchers were not needing many cattle. Several small lots of good beeves were prepared to offer sold at 4o per lb., and a few were held at higher figures. Pretty good stook sold at about 4c per Ib., and common dry cows at from 3o to 3o do., with ever linepert . the leawer sever at less then 30 rdper e There were several fine HerefordFGAINSiII bulls sold At 4o per lb- Quality consid- ered, prices were higher than for a long tTnees never before seen in Clinton. Stock must be time past. Sheep are in good demand at from 4c to 4ic per lb., and lambs at edueed. Give us a call. It will pay you. about 5c do. Fat hogs sell at from he to 4io per Ib. RU M BALL & CO EWELLERS & ENGRAVERS.CLINTON. DETLOR& Co 'WILL HOLD FOR ONE MONTH A kLantic Sale ! goods are marked down at special sale. prices to effect a nderful Bargai ow is your time to secure goods at Panic Prices. TLOR & CO., CLINTON. School - Book - 'Rush The:School Book rush is at Cooper's, to get one of their ISY SCRIBBLERS AND PRETTY EXERCISE BOOKS They are quite new and the best values in town. thorized Text Books for Collegiate Institute, ;High awl Public Schools Latest Editions, Complete Stock ny book sent postpaid to teachers or pupils on receipt of price. SALE REGISTER. Mortgage sale of house and lot, at the Grand Union, Clinton, on Saturday, Jan 11. Jas Howson, auct. Win A. Morse, watchmaker, Corinth, has entered an action against ,Thomas Pearson, of Bayham, claiming $2,000 damages for Slander. The plaintiff re- paired a watch for the defendant, who is charged with circulating a report that the plaintiff removed the good works from the timepiece and substituted old ones in their plane. COOPER'S BOOK STORE, -- CLINTON FOR SALE OR TO RENT. HOUSE TO RENT—Residence lately oc- cupied by Mr James Thompson, corner of William and Prineese Streets. Apply to MANNING & SCOTT t' OOD HOUSE TO RENT—ON RATTEN- N-7 DERE Street; only one minute's walk from Albert St., lately occupied by ale un- dersigned. R. HOLMES, NEw ERA Office T0 LET.—THAT DESIRABLE DWELL- ING house on Rattenbury street lately occupied by Mre S. H. Rance. The house contains 9 rooms with good cellar and bard and soft water, small stable and good gar- den: Immediate possession. Apply to R. RANSFORD, Clinton. G10R SALE OR TO RENT.—HOUSE AND I lot for sale or to rent, on Townsend St, The,. house, which is new, contains fourteen rooms, and is heated with hot air. There is also a good stone cellar, good lawn and hard and soft water in abundance. The lot con- tains i of an acre. Terme reasonable. Ap- ply on the premises or to MRS C. CARTER, Clinton. t f" FARM FOR SALE.—SUBSCRIBER OF - FERE for salethe farm of 112 acres, being part of lot 20, on the Bayfield line, Ooderich township. About 90 acres cleared, the rest bard wood and cedar and in good state of cultivation. On the farm is a new brick house and wood shed, hard and soft water, also never -failing spring, close to school and church and is well watered. Alao good bank barn with stone foundation and drive shed. Address, THOS. H. COLE. Clinton, Ont, 4 ,tniCil (...< THOUSANDS OF BOTTLES "'�' '`` GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. �l ;yt When 1 say Cure I do not mean ' ,1v,; y . �' merely to stop them for a time, and then ave them return again. 1 MEAN A R A D I C A L C U R E. I have made the disease of Fite, pilepay or Falling Sickness a life-long study. [ warrant my remedy to Cure the Worst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send at .race fora treatise and a Free Bottle of my Infallible Remedy. Give Express and ost Office. It costs you nothing for a trial, and it will cure you. Address :—H. O. ROOT, Col Branch Office, 186 WEST ADELAIDE STREET, TORONTO. .HUB' GROCERY Christmas is at hand and to make it a pleasant and happy one I have decided to give customers BIG BARGAINS for the next four weeks. ew Raisins, Currants, Figs and Dates, Crockery and Glassware very cheap. WE HAVE ABOUT 250 ENDS OF MANTLE CLOTHS, DRESS GOODS, &e., &. Also Odds and Ends of every description, ;which are being cleared out at half usual price. GREAT BARGAINS in all classes of WINTER GOODS, and a Special Discount of 10 per cent to cash buyers till Feb. 1st. TEN PER CENT OFF FOR CASH House to Rent. The house lately occupied by Mrs Struth- ers, on Rattenbury Street, and containing 7 rooms, with usual conveniencies, stone cel lar, hard and soft water, is offered to rent on reasonable terms. Possession at once. Al- so the house formerly occupied by the late Mrs Smith, at the northern limit of Albert St., with stable, orchard an,d 11 acres of land, good for small family, gardner or retired far- mer. Apply to J H WORSELL, at Harland Bros:, Clinton, FANCY CUPS and SAUCERS away down. Finest lot of two Broums for 25c. ever offered in town. ' DRY WOOD FOR SALE—(Delivered) CLII 'rc 111 TION.—The undersigned hereby no- es all persons that he will not be ro- ible for any debts contracted in hie by any persons, without hie written GEORGE ENO, SE. ett, Deo. 27,1889. RTGAGE SALE --DEFAULT HAVING been made in payment of a certain rag- ed mortgage, made by Henry Stewart to Vendor, (which will be produced at time ale) there will, under the power of sale Contained in said mortgage, be sold by pub - auction, by Jas. Howson, Auctioneer, on Saturday, 'Jan, 11, 1890, at the hour of one O'clock, at the Grand Union Hotel, Clinton, ho, following property, viz: Town Lot No. wo Hundred and Sixty Ono, according to amen Gordon's Registered survey in the aid Town of Clinton. There is a comfor- table dwelling house on the lot, one storey and a half high. Easy terms of payment of urchaso money can be arranged and may e had upon application ter trio Auctioneer, dward Carter Clinton, or the undersigned. WENS ,Sc JOHNSTON, Vendor's Solicitors, inton. nnual Meeting of the Me- Iiillop Mutual Fire Insur- _ once Company. tial meeting of the McKillop Mu- rtturanco Company will he held Hall, Soaforth, on Friday. .Jan. et one o'clock, p m, for the pur- lving trio statement of the affairs ny for the past year, the olect- dtors and any other business that afore the meeting W. J. SHANNON, Secy. -Trees Nfdent ER WHITE BOAR. oriber p111 keep for service a pure r White Boar from imported r$I' Cash] JO Y N STANBUR Property for sale or to rent. LOTS FOR SALE. Any one desirous of securing a choice lot for building purposes, or land within the corporation, well suited for pasture, should applyito the undersigned. These lots will be sold cheap, and terms made to suit the pur- chaser. Any reasonable time given for pay- ment Box K, Clinton lm EDWARD HARRIS, Real Estate Broker,Financial Agent, &c., 23 Toronto Street, Toronto A cottage on Albert St- lately occupied by Mr James Moore. Five {led rooms, double parlor, dining room, kitchen summer kitch- en and pantry. Hard and soft water. Stab- le, carriage house and fruit trees. There are three lots on Maple Street besides the one on which the cottage stands, making an acre of ground in all. The cottage and one lot will be sold separately if desired and on reason- able terms. Possession given at once. Ap- ply to MRS THOMAS COOPER, Clinton. ESTATE JOHN 1IO33CENS Blacksmith Shop and land for sale. Particulars of Farms, Residences, Business Properties, &c., for intend- ed sale, can bo sent to the above address, or given to s HORATIO HALE, BANKER, &C., • - - - - CLINTON Dec. 1889. PROPERTIES for SALE Ta JACKSON, *Sr New -Grocery - S°tore. • MESSRS COOPER & LOGAN beg to announce that they have opened out in the store next to Couch's butcher shop, a new and first- class stock of Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Etc., And invite the public to Inspect the same, Our Teas, Coffees, Fruits, Canned. Goods, Etc_ Are of this season's growth, and our CROCKERY and !GLASS- WARE are of the latest design. Everything is fresh and will be sold at the lowest prices. SAUSAGE, HAMS, BACON, &c., HADDIE, SISCOES, ORANGES, LEMONS, &e, always on hand. FINE TEAS a specialty. Farm produce taken in exchange. A trial order solicited. The Finest Clothing Cutter in the Dominion has returned to the ranks of the Profession, And begs to announce to the people of Clinton and Pro- . vince of Ontario, that he has Subscriber offers for sale the property owned by him at Gowrie, in the county of Porth. It consists of a blacksmith shop do- ing a good business, with dwelling house, eta ble and half -acre of land attached. Is in a splendid farming section, with no opposition Will be sold with or without tools. Satis- factory reason for selling. For particulars applyt THOS.H1S.LOBS, Holmesville, or JOSLOBYI Good House & Lot & Planing IIi11 for Sale. The various properties re- maining undisposed of belong- ing to the estate of the late Charles Middleton, deceased, are now offered for ealee. In order to close up the estate these properties must be sold. Full particulars and terms will bo made known on a pli- catiMANNING &eggSCOTT,. Clinton. Bought C. C. Rance's Stock Tho subscriber offers for sale his house and lots on Albert Street. This property is very eligibly situated. The house isagood storey ane a half, frame, with all conveniences. and contains 11 rooms. The lot is one-half au acre, but will be sold with or without the rear quarter. On the back part is a planing mill, with 15 horse -power engine, with 1 surface Poney Planer, 1 first-class double Cape Tenenting Machine, 1 Moulding Machine, 1 Jig and Rip Saw, with shafting, belting, &c. This will he sold entire or to suit purchaser. Terms reasonable, D. BUCHANAN, Clinton `'TRAYED OR STOLEN—FROM THE 1J subscriber's premises, Cut Line, Godo - rich Township, on Monday night last,,,a light rod cow, ,6 or 7 years old, with short Borns and largo face. Also a dark red year old heifer. Anyone giving infotrnation that will lead to their [recovery will be suitably rewarded. W. J. ELLIOTT, Holmeeville . 50 lin Wonderfully cheap, and will conduct the FINE TAILORING TRADE COOPER & LOGAN, — Clinton CHAS. CRUICKSHANK AT THE OLD STAND, HURON Strut. BOOTS AND SHOES Immense bargains will be-giN en in Fine Ordered Cloth- ing, and prices quoted for the next thirty days that will astonish the closest buyers. My stock is now complete in every department for the FALL and WINTER trade, I have also on hand a Large supply of AMERICAN RUBBERS AND OVERSHOES, in all grades and sizes, the best ever imported into this market, all of which I am selling at the lowest possible prices. CUSTOM WORK AS USUAL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Five per cent discount for cash. - Call on C. CRUICKSHANK, the Great Shoe Man, and get value for your money. , T. J a c k s o n, S r, Clinton Sign of the Golden Boot,Albert St. Clinton THE POPULAR RY GODS HOUSE LON D 1-4JSt3oRo 'TA..:..r..LOR & Sons CLINTON AND BLXTH BOOTS SHOES Full Lines MENS FELT BOOTS. Full Lines Mens SOCKS and RUBBERS Full Lines OVERSHOES and RUBBERS And a full assortment of all other lines. Our stock is the best in the market, and our prices are as low as the lowest. 5 per cent discount for cash. Notwithstanding the mild and unseasonable weather, we are selling goods—we are driving the trade—prices will tell. During hard times people go in searoh of bar- gains and always find them here. We do not set apart any certain days as bargain days. The bill of fare that we present every day is replete with bargains. We have still a full line of MensXlvershoes at LUMBER AND SAWING --SUBSCRIBER now has his saw mill thoroughly equip- ped and in first-class running order, and is prepared to do eustom cawing of all kinds, having engaged Mr W. Dodds, a practical sawyer, to take charge of the same. Will bpy good sound hemlock logs. Orders re- spectfully solicited. THOS. TRICK, Godo - rich township, Dec. 89. 11 ONTARIO CREAMERY ASSOCIATION'S CONVENTION. Tire Fourth Annual Convention of the 0 tario Creamery Association w111 be hold Cardno's Hall, SEAFORTH, ON TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14 and 15, 1890. The Sessions of the Convention will con- tinue as follows.—TUESDAY, forenoon from 10 o'clock LN noon. Tuesday afternoon from 1.30 o'clock till 5. Tuesday evening from 7.30 o'clock till 10. WEDNESDAY torenooiwfrom 9 o'clock till noon. Wednesday afternoon from 1.30 o'clock iri11 the business is finished. Subjects of special interest to Farmers, Dairymen, and Buttermakers, will be dis- cussed by the ablest living authorities en questions connected with Dairying- Ad- dressee will he delivered by Hon. W. D. Hoard, Governor of Wisconsin; Hon. Hiram Smith, of the Board of Regents of the Uni- versity of Wisconsin, Sheboygan Falls, Wis., Hon. Charles Drury, Minister of Agriculture, Ontario; Dr, McFarlane, Dominion Analyst, Ottaivt; Mr James W. Robertson, Professor of Dairy Husbandry, Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph; and a number of other gentlemen of Provincial reputation in some branch of Agriculture. Cream will be churned before the audience on the after- noon of the first day and Dr McFarlane will make a practical analysis to show the amount of fat left in the skim milk Farmers are cordially invited to bring 1a dies to every session. The convention p111 offer opportunities for instruction and en- tertainment of which every farmer in the district and his family should avail them- selves. Admission free. Reduced railway rates may be obtained by applying to the Secretary for a certificate D. DERBYSHIRE, Brockville Ont, Pres Rt J. GRAHAM, Belleville, Ont, Sec $1 10 and $1 15 Ladies Carnival Overshoes 1 50 Fine W all wool orsted Cloaking 58 inches wide - - 100 Colored Velvets 24 inches°wide - 25c. Colored Cantons - - 9c. worth 15c. All WA. Grey. Flannels - - - 17o. Heavy Union Druggett - 20c. Ladies Fur Capes - $1 worth $2 to $4 Tweeds at - - 60c and 70c worth $1 And many oiler lines bought at panic prices, and sold below regularwholesale rates. Perhaps it is useless mentioning Overcoats iit this mild weather, but the probabilities are that we will have weeks of cold weather before- spring. However, that may be, wo show you a full range at such pvices that it will pay you to buy for next winter's use. Do not in- vest a dollar in dry goods or clothing until you have seen what you can do with us, CUT PRICES IN GROCERIES W. L. OUIMETTE, LONDESJBORO ROCK OIL. :N: Rock Oil.—Harland Bros. have been appointed sole agents in Clinton and vicinity for the sale of the Celebrated Rock Oil, and have just received a car load. It is much superior in quality to the ordinary oil,and at same price. Stoves at Cost to clear out for spring goods. Harland Bros. Iron and Hardware, Stoves and Tin- ware, Clinton. tOtSVflO%t StlE�� TO THE EDITOR: rm y p . ' disease ' By its timesely uses thousands of hopeless cases have been permanenttly cured. Il be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any ofyour readers who have sumption if they will send me their Express and Post Office Address. Respect T. Ai SLOCUM* M.O., 188 West AdolaIdo 8t., TORONTO., QN,TA .Ma. -„ s,. •