HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-01-10, Page 3YOU ' .'r',lfe,xswell I?'9.a1ew ' �Aatd tact W ben ,z. FAitll, 'H These t Iluaplante In the a..• "Will t -To Eorne`ou The "fx pit token To Be, - kle Faith is t P4 the 'pltat gree ' The irv- That No 'lbiigh rise, To hide fihoug& robmb �. laCs9Oh'Ct@, d a 710: 1fsldify o1 OoWbsr, +i* of Nave mbar. Glr 0 ArllitaM04's every #4 lar oa. Oh, is Cha omare wish of l7a► you helve left us, ssad eazfleringsf 11}e o'er s #,e meet a #Rth� mad Wit+ o.lastiAl share« secs, ,suffered, and how '#fad can tour KI fall . yors home dear bro doatl all thinq$'Kell, left behind. you three sisters ,roth srs and a. mother dear, a 0*4 09.114, :theft} to 101). •you ae you'd at the gate oppear.. well�my degregt loved one; ae so dear to me. ouru formic, Jessie darling, a :comfort your ,7esQ%e, mother and sisters, ell myy brothers too, e will'bo a happy meeting, with earth you. all are through. Your sister, X, B. CHRISTIAN GRACES. BY $. BAER. Ape and Charity, he Christian graces three, d in the human breast #flip' d; in the heart, in the soul possessed, fit.a man live. t iii• Christian character, nits of God's own planting are, s of our Jesus power, ve degraded n• e Grace that h. G e hangs tit .m. al word, ps with a determined grasp fug Son of God, loosens not, r fails. clouds of blackest darkness the sunlight from our eyes, all hell's powers, with earth ine unydo the grasp, ypt faith ,e�4,h eyes wait,y' �Seotsanoy;I e7ivee the hours away, eaven ;allows us here to stay ed of rest.' .: ,ond..i'' . lY apiiinNlons, Hope can sing, 00*0} rest from sin, for $Ver ascribed to Him, �LL4ptFe't'his Hope there is Charity, ntest. oT the three, iiia Grace, the greatest is, l ,>bocause it still shall live i Yaith and Hope tiff eeaoe. X-0oiiie'dav Faith shall lose in ei;;ltt, hid what men hope for, realliaed 34u Cjharfty maust. e'er abide, 3 NVhile'God Himself a s".Shall last. HOME TEST OF RELIGION•. "Go home to thy friends' (Mark . ) ,home and friends—+these ^;• freta true test of real conversion ;'nn'to God... If the people at home don ;t see our conversion and 'hear y of it, -too, in vain do we -sound i abroad what the Lord bath -done . foi=sotiile. - F The man who was cured was eviliently not in a hurry std go knt1 -°l ome- but the Lord said to him, '`Clo home to thy friends, and tell r y,them what greatthings the Lord Bath done for thee.' Testimony for God begina'there. "The question was once asked, ]?s `b=and -so a Christain ?' 'I don't know,' was the answer, " , rT have never lived with him.' thlit's the test—the friends and the -family circle. We may make ,a great noise in the world, and great workers; but what do f Elie folks at home think about usl LIFE'S SUNSETS. Lifd's sunsets should lati,ve in them The elements of rest and ' ttiet. The day may have been dark '.and troublous, but -not at 'eveni�ide' there should be light.' The ripening of the grain, the f4ilin.g of the leaf, are sequences '.cifylflw'xvirich follow and anupple- „., t the growth of the same. mist• a life well spent, our bning should come in natural cession. 'We have watched loaves, bud and blossom; have Ii the fruitage grow and devel- i and tome to maturity. Our I 6 have been full, of plans, buds d promises of hope.' Some of 0se have eome to art a fruition. any more were blasted and nnei:'to naught. But, with -the 11 of"tire 10af, we cast them aside nd ether the ripened harvest , o' it Much or little. Perhaps a a 0�v seeds Bowen by our lives may have:dropped where they ' shall Ti deve op in` fruitage in other r lives, than ours. We cannot measure the exact amount which 1 weAbave dope, or yet, left undone. 1 ti fihetittle ofliarvest that we'have gAdered•we hold in our hands, e + vrbak and tremblingly and full of E rtoar4, But be it much or little, 1 it is otic all As much. We lay it I at th6-U4ster's feet and, await the r :>sulnritons Which Will Call ns home. t ward',W dtlr reward. As earth's I boalA frtdbg before our eyes in t et of b 4 q'e a h tfnb m he the s ` Y 1 u orntrr d the lrf g�or io t3 til g` i e stet - t u ..0 - �nril awxj, pt►n o r 'vleiofat usher- P9 isks- � ;sew iia o 1 'n ' n a fel ttd es �y i o s VW'1"� VbA At WOTk. tba t�re'asp�id�ztt � o>tz e0clnt,zz'x ooT.zi xzlala.'�, of tboTlmo* in Italy, tics, *.core- If oomo of the members at our tions and appolFdages will bavo n►eetutgg wee.' ;i tittle More s -pry: been altogether removed, ',�',he with, their, Ztrlwi and legs:, when entire pile iii about to btwid forth they are, At labor, Anda little , in. its original lovelinesys :curd quieter w4b, their tongues?, they with mol -0 than its original solid, would say more for our, religion . ity All the indl8pensible work khan they do pow,, has been quietly, SO The most'of us ore but feather• �peorformad , with no'blalce of trulnpets►to pro- bed soldiers. Our ways Are ' claim tho zeal of the xeiurxioipalrty strewn with ruses comparO with of 'V'enice and the mutiifioenee of those wha endured bard4elis to ,' the Italian ,Monarchy, Yet no the olden time., � enterprise off` Architectural; rebs- .Qiflieulties imagined are apt to bilitati4n could, it is said, have. rise, Ibeen more arduous or more' sins. Let us watch that we never cessful, and now that it bad been undo with our hands what we say completed, its promoters and: with. ourtongue.s, undertakers may, we are told, The best of doctors are Dr. fitly indulge. in something of A Diet, Dr. Quiet and Dr. Merry- triumphant demonstration. For man, the first time for centuries the We make fearful failures with building has been relieved from God's promises through not up- the degrading aid of props and propria Ing thein. stays, which had anything prop- Those who are evermore mak- erly to do with it. The stone- ing light of hell are probably work of the arches has `been`"re= doing it in the hope of making it newed. Incurably broken capitals easy for themselves. have been replaced by exact fac- Men throw away their souls in similes, in which, with a, scrupu- order to keep their coppers. losity which might have been Death can bide in a drop and spared, the stain marks of ride in a breath of air. Our great -weather and time have bee& re. est dangers lie hidden in. little produced. All is become actually things. as substantial as formerly itr•e- We care little for those who are tended to be. If a critic of the orthodox Christians in creed if it work dope be sceptical and con - is clear that they are heterodox sorious, and be inclined to ques. in life. lie w1fo believes the tion the affinity of the present truth should himself be true. Palpee with the past,°he will soon Verily, the race of fools have be enabled to ,fudge for himself not yet died out. Thousands still of the amount of diversity. All think it profitable to gain the fragments of sculpture are to be world and lose their own souls, deposited ' a museum -within the We must teach more by our Palace, and may there be inspec- examples than by our advice, or ted and compared. else we shall be poor pleaders of the right. Grumbling is a bad trade, and yields no profit, MOTHERS? Sin is a gall of bitterness; a Castoria is recommended by physic- ians for children teething. . It is a pure. g dropof it would turn an ocean of pleasure into wormwood. - ly vegetable reparation, its ingredients are pnblishedaround each bottle. It is I have found by long exper•- pleasant to the taste and absolutely ience -that nothing touches the harmless. It relieves constipation, re - heart the cross of Christ. gulates the bowels, quiets pain, cures diarrhoea and wind colic, allays fever - Silence seldom makes mistakes. ishness, destroys worms, and prevents All beads are not sense boxes. convulsions, soothes the child and gives Idle men tempt the devil to it refreshing and natural sleep. Cas - tempt them. toria is the children's panacea—the mother's friend. �5 doses, 35 cents. h T e difficulties of unbelief are Jan. 10, to Mar. 28. ten times greater than the difficul- ties of faith. That religion which needs no Wilson's Wild Cherry cures Coughs care and 'takes no trouble is in and Colds. great demand in the world. Live in such a way that any day wofiild make a suitable top stone fore life. NIMBLE CHINESE RE No flies should go down your ' throat if 'you kept your mouth shut and no evil speaking will The Chinese language 4the come ll You have gone perhaps, to the natives use it has great fbece, fluency arad direction, It is prac. extreme of sin ; be had gone to tical as the nation is practical, the extreme of atonement, and those who use it are too inde- Many "see more with one eye pendent to abandon the speech than others with two, and many and writing handed down to them have fine eyes and cannot see a through so long a line of ances- jot. tots. It will be made the medium QVhon the devit's work seems of instruction in science, and is good it is at its 'worst. very suitable for becoming so. Many persons are born crying, They have contractions for all live complaining, and dib disap- their charaetera which for•iegn pointed. students do not trouble them - A scare is not a conversion. A Selves to learn, but the use of sinner may be frightened into which, in fact, qualifles the Chin - hypocrisy, but he must be wooed ese to become shorthandreporters to repentance and faith. of the speeches in their own lan- It is a wretebed business for a guage. man to call himself a 'Chistian, They do not practice speech - and have a soul which never cops out from between his making, but if they did, and if formed own ribs. the native newspapers a It is horrible to be living to staff of shorthand reporters, they be saved, living to get to beavers, would not need to learn any for - living ,to enjoy religion, and yet eign system, They .can report never to live to bless others and quite fast enough themselves with ease themiseryofamoaning world. a litt.e practice, and they write An ounce of health is worth a the contractions with wonderful sack of diamonds. quidiness. Their band muscles The blessed book is move letter are pliable, their fingers small, from God, the great Father. and the writing brush they em - Grin and bear it is the old-fash- ploy is on instrument superior in ioned advice, but sing .and bear it speed to the stool pen or the quill. is a ,great deal better. The scribes at au Imperial audi- A DISH 0 F NEW P's stands for Pudding, der Peach and for Fear, And likewise for Poetnyal,nd Prose le Parrot, the Pigeon that flies in the air, The Pig with s ring in leis nose; ,r Paper and Feb, for Printer and Press, For Physic, and People who sell it; it when you are sick, to relieve your distress Take at once Pierce'le Purgative Pellet. Oh, yes indeed I Those are e P's for you, poor, sick man op )man. Nothing like them for e'ping the bowels and stomach gulated and in order—they, gar -coated granules, scarcely rgel than 'a mustard seeds. toy work gently but thoroughly A VENETIAN PALACE One of the most interesting dertakings of modern times is e restoration of the Palace of D Doges at Venice. Its bold - as, itt; grace, and its massive - ss have been extolled to the ies'in magnificent prose by Mr -skin, but hitherto most of us ve had to be content with Mr iskin's description instead of ,ing the full beauties of this ique architectural pile for our•- ves. Much of the facade bas •twenty years been bidden by wooden boarding, which has ir•red the tense of unity. Por - ns of the walls, for a series of aerations were shored up by Aber balks, dvh' hEve im-sssed the mind withcelin3 tt t eappa ont so1'y of the ftetum W.%s nothing but an iris.• Chef C sta' t 0141 e ,r ence probably write all or nearly all That is said. Scribes who are paid by the piece get through a large amount of coppying in a very short time. "Yet flet no one expect a teacher who is paid by the month to write fast. He Inas every reason to be Slow. But copyists, paid go much for a thousand characters try naturally to transcribe • as many thousand in a week as they can. The rapid work of such cagists, especially if they are alriraved to use contractions,favors conclusion that by using Chinese characters specialists could easily write all that a good speaker says. As to wheteer they could compete with the quickest Euro- pean stenographers may perhaps soon be brought to trial in Japan, where many thousands are now learning to write in the Roman character. The new school will soon proceed to add shorthand to Romanisation and then it will soon be decided which is the best adapted for swift and necnrate repartind. a The best anodyne and expector- ant for the cure of colds and coughs and all throat, lung, and bronchial troubles, is, undoubtedly, Ayer•'s Cherry Pectoral. Askyourdr•ug- gist for it, and, at the same time for Ayer's Almanac, which is free to all. C. C. RICHARDS & Co. GENTS.—I certify that MINARDIS ' LINIM ENT cure d m daughter f Y g r e o a severe and what appeared ed to be a fatal • ittack of diphtheriaear after all other ro. medies had failed, and recommend it to ill *hb array be afflict ''with that., ter.;f a lb ' lG Erb oc .• e at$ d' nrrl � Rbu�frx�an, - rextoif' �illa�ge,. yJt�n�., >«8. a. J- ��� :�r�/ .rig +►. frlttraR#>Df its' ui+vrtd cult fffilQrd411,111p1rif, BsNte crit/ Ytl�fi'1tb 7 hymemito.Crowds of stydonta tflrang the w, 41`40. studying einiculs. off the world teach and proatlas here, and the 111atyt4i tenoo, With .a view 9f making M10 BXperlanoe available to loured the•presadptfose of'theae haepftals, prepared:i/10 ep r.seezimthe attention of.their dfstlogufshgd'orgf in[ttare �yeE 10 ,pride, of th.o. quaclr, atent medkfnes that flood the ►nctr%ret ul The want, always felt for a rolfablo alai;s o,., domeetio romodlei tl9e ined'"makTOr80NLan Uh'r8TOr FkM4L WEAKNESS—a GENERAL TON!(3 and 8L00R-A ?"#naompftrab/e remedy for NERVQU$ DEBILITY• "few aclent/oiaaourceanow before the pubao. Th(a fa not a anu>> or olntmant—both are d!a- oarg d as Irtfurlous. 61.00. NO- g—COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCNIT/S, ASTHMA, QON- 411 PTION—An Incomparable'remedy ; does not morels atop a oouZ;, but srgdlcates the disease apd atrengthena the lunge and '! rostorap hlReta.4 #lepges rr1.00 11 ,3--0eelr AT18A1 AND GOUT—A, dfat/ngufshed and well- k116-9.1 ell- kpdwn apaelallet Ill t A(itdletaps In Pare who treats nothing else, b!tl(thla,rsp+-tdtioaolethforymsbu di.00. � N0.*—L1VEQAND KiDNff'�4' [ NPEPSIA AND INDIGESTION, COHS7/PAT, (OA( a,1d HR/Q11T'$B�E q favorite slaughter -field for the if wha hap ralnpd more �torri, h@ than al.ohoh Ilse a remedy eanat(94, to high piytoya. NO.Ti—FEVfRAND'AdUEADUMBAOyE, A4 NEURALGIA NEURALGIA `� —Few know what Kraus damage #hie daO the systO.01 It is treat - ed to break it for a time ripe a remedy that erad(ca&A, it. ,$1. � - ' NO, 6—FEMALE WEAKNE43, IRREGULARITIES, Willri,t°� Many • \ ` re broken down becapss the women a y neq rot thsse d/at.Raees until chronic and seated. Use No. B and regain health air,4l strength. ¢1.00. , NO. 7—HEALTH, FORM AND FULNESS depend on good blood and Lo , f $1.G0 weak, if blood Is poor, if scrawny, use talc perfect NO. 8—NERVOUS DEBILITY LOSS OF POWER—A'quack cure - G \ \ 1?dden publ(o will hall a genuine remedy for an unfortunate con- ditlon. No. B is golden, whioh one trial will prove. Beware of Ignorant quacks who charge high rices for cheap and worthless - drugs and pills, the properties o, which they are utter lg Ignor- ant, and who Expose you by aelling your confidential letters; to oihera in the same nefarious business. Uae No. 8 and - Iles again. $1.00. ......9.v TO BE HAD OF ALL DRUGGISTS. If your DNQg1st dues not keep these remedies remit price to us and 9.o will ship toyou direct. Now sten I Take no other remedy. disconrhme quarte Cure-all medtcaM nod use instead these ttlgltrlass Hospital Remedies which cmau.ato from scioutigc sources, and thus prolong your lite f/ ( Send Stamp for,idw Circular to , Hospital Remedy Co.TORONTO e C A/ A. MUTTON DIXON, Prop, Canada and United States. YEAR XMAS COODS"!iFXRUI�s The attention df the public is respeetfully invited to the' superb stock of Xmas Goods at Adams Emporium, consisting of a good assortment of WATCHES from $5 up to $22, all warranted. ALBUMS from 75ets. to $2.'-5- AUTOGRAPHS from sets. up. Ladies and Gents Companion Scrap Books, Earrings, Brooches, Cuff and Collar Buttons, Xmas and New Year Cards, Vases, Groceries for the Xmas Trade. A few pieces of those beautiful MANTLE CLOTHS left, and some of the fine OVERCOATS-, rhe finest lot of CHINA and STONEWARE we ever bad. We have also quite a supply of PICTURE BOOKS and TOYS for Santa Claus to put in the stockings. . All made welcome. WISHING ALL A MERRY XMAS. R. A DA M S. LONDESBORO CHRISTMAS GOODS New and carefully selected and bought, come and see, Albums, )Mirrors, Booklets, Cards, Childrens Picture BAoks, Toys and Novelties, all kinds. Xmas PLATES, CUPS and LAUCERS; good and cheap. TICKETES and CARDS for Sunday School classes—a good assortment, prices greatly reduced. WORULINGTOWS BOOS and -DRUG STORE AT'T E NT 10 NJ "We want to have our say." oda Owing to the dull times and scarcity of money, we find that we have too touch stock for toe, requirements *of the trade, and rather than carry if over we hf V6' do&dbd' to -give the public the stock at prices unheard of in the trade, for Cash. We do not at present intend to leave the town or make any change in our business, but our bargain daps will be every lawful business day in the month of December. "Goods well bought are half sold." DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT, In Dry (foods we feel confident that we have bargains that cannot be approached by anyone in the tide, as we have a lot of seasonable goods bought at 64c. on the dollar, which we can sell at less than wholesale prices. READY MADE CLOTHING DEFT [n this department we have full lines in everytbing required for the trade, and great bargains offered. In HATS, CAPS, FURS, tizc., full lines and 'many of thenvb'ought at 64 cents on the dollar. Groceries We have most of the leading lines and will soli as low as anyone in the business. :SOOTS -A.N=7 18ja OMS In tnis department we have i9. very'e--- stock in,all the leading lines 1f BOOTS, SHOES, SLIPPERS, RUBBERS, OVERSHOES and FELT GOODS and we are particularly anxious to clear out as many ines as possible to make room for the large stock that we have re- sently contracted for with a leading manufacturer. We will not luote prices but simply ask you to come and see the cheapest and dost stock for the money ever offered in this town. CAILORINGr Depar tment•- S pecia l attention is paid to T ailoring.SUITS aj,d O ERCOATS mode at the lowest possible price. l7!:ANTLtt -i1 it CtLSDepartment,—Mantle and Dress Makin fonb in first-ola a style, and tt cheap as it can be done Pond give good work aria [mein. we most respeotfully ask yon to dome and goo us anti our gd*i and dofnlnaro (goods and prices ,s 2. etoir In Ct POT ['l� a I X �. ''Stltrlef a3' look,, Fresh New VALENCIA RAISINS c per;lb Fresh New PATRAS CURRANTS c per 11 FRESH NEW LEMON,ORANGE & CITRON PEELS. LOWEST CUT PRICES -13 lbs. Best Granulated White Sugar1f0r$1 ` cash. 17 lbs. Bright Coffee or Raw Sugar for $1 cash. Fowls,JlBut' ter and Eggs taken as cash. r+' J. W. IRWIN The Times Tea Warehouse Cooper's Old Stand, Cor. Searle's Block, CLINTON '* B'A vignon's Cream of Witch- Hazel, 'THE NEW TOILET LOT10N. Softens the skin, removes roughness, eruptions and irritation fromthe face an hands, aull gives freshness and tone to the complexion. It is an invaluable application after shaving. Don't mistake thissuperior pre pazation for any paints, enamels or injurious cosmetics or inferior complexio otions. It prevents eruptions, abrasions, roughness, redness, chapping, col sores, and pain resulting to sensitive skin from exposure to wind and cold. I ; Short D'AvlaxoN's CREAM OF WITCH-HAZELis at once a remedy and a preventatln , for every form of surface inflammation or irritation. Price 25 cents per bottlA t Manufactured by eYAMFS H. �UM�3E, ; CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, CLINTON, ONT. ALL THE GOODS OF 0.G'LASG0­"=0ft Removed at the late fire, have been replaced qg , neatly arranged in the OLD STAND, ALBERT STREET 4' And will now be disposed of at Greatly Reduced Prices. THIS IS A GENUINE SALE AND NO HUMBUG. Call early and sr^nre a bargain. New: Flutrnj A ek"" Opened out in ZZ4 NEXT DOOR TO THE C[TY ;;i, CLINTON. s ., BEDROOM SETS, PARLOR SETS,LOUNGEWSI SIDEBOARDS, CHAIRS, Src., T ANA A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF THE VERY BESTMADE FUItt`j1i= TURE AT REASONABLE PRICES. JQ Ate. CHIDL-)�-:Y.. Tie leo !o s I�aro�ss � Grocer De of food : .� s Toro......:. We -have just received a full stock of CHRISTMAS and NEW YEARS :P.RgS• ENTS for young and old consisting of Childrons CUPS, SAUCERS, MVO MOUSTACHE CUPS,- TEA SETS, EGG CUPS, &o. SILVERWARE— CASTORS, CRUETS, PICKLE DISHES, KNIVES, FORKS, SPOONS BUTTER KNIVES, WATCHES, GOLD WATCHES, BROOCIIE 0. BUTTONS, CHAINS, CHARMS, PINS, COLJuAR BUTTONS. A large" sortment of Vases; all tcinds. Santaclaus bead quarters for Toys ofAvery scription, such as Borns, Dugles, Animals, Music Boxes, Work Boxog Dark " 'd Magic Lanterns, Guns, Whistles, Books, False Facoa, Dominoes, Topp, Swiss Magio Houses, Purses, Whips, obildrens Tea Sets, Fanny Can y; r, rtsr &c. All the above articles will be sold cheap for cash. Drop in rind gee them before they are all gone, My stook of Xmas Grocerios is complete And at 16W"ti current prices. Other lines of goods also complete, etc Harn eKs, y'Vhi al 110 .. Blankets, Belts and all goods found in a harness -shop. Tinware,) Ard'" Crockery,. Glassware, Flower, Feed Jewollery, &c. Tho highest" Add, cash f l or a l kinds of Fur r 0 Furs per cont adv n >i k a co f taken in .t Prednoe Ar All taken the ;same airs oasi After thaiikiug you fur est ouatb>.0 liditing l cohtlntailtngo. 'I wish YOU a Morry 1mag an gNhappy No NI�I� w Lin Ibiza.