HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1890-01-03, Page 7�I Having purchased the 'W'4 TOH, J'E ELERY,, Silverware Store of Rola. W. Coats. we kre prepaized to offer )"INSIn everylille yes lever before seen in Clinton. Stock must be awed. Give us a call. It will pay you. RU M BALL & GO LLERS ENGRAVERSCLINTON. 18TTTTTTTTT o yuu make it out. 18nineT-1890. Here are the nine. COIL GIATE INSTITUTE BOOKS, MODEL• SCHOOL BOOKS, PUBLIC SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY DICTIONARIES, SCHOOL S'tTPPLIES, FFICE SUPPLIES, BLANK BOOKS, DAIRIES. OODS AT LOWEST CASH PRICES IS OUR MOTTO. BOOK STORE, -- CLINTON 0 very Vha#'at ther4Rot1. Tkaradlwy.. X40. 0. 1880. (Whets, f ., .standard..... 0 82 k, j0 (32 4'^41Mf R, .lC•... l..fl.lf 04 .p1 (0 000• Barley..,-•lbf...l•SP... 0 30 4 .0 40 0 63 44,0 65 Flour par ba1........ , 4 :50 #!r 600 Beate; „ 0 16 s' 0 10 • O 18 01s Perk Poark 6 00 a 6 25 700.700 Hideo 3 0.0 a 30.0 Bhp BIS, 0 50 a 0 75 MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MAIR$FT. There were about 150 head of but- Ohers' oattle, three calves ,and 60 mut- ual oittere offered at the East End Abattoir. A; good many' butchers visit- ed the market but were rn no hurry to buy at the high prices demanded by drovers and jobbers, which were much higher than were paid last week and even higher, quality considered, than were paid two weeks ago. Mr St. Michael bought four prime steere,weigh- ing 6,150 lbs., at no per lb., and several were sold at about the same rate. Pretty good stook sold at from 4o to 4fo per lb., or over one quarter of a oent higher than was paid for similar cattle ten days ago. Common dry cows sold at from (40 to 330 each, or from 2,}o to 310 per lb., with some of the larger and better oonditioned ones at about $35 each, or l3,lc per lib. Mutton critters were held at firm rates or from 4o to 4io per lb. for sheep and about 5c per lb. for lambs. There were no fat hogs offered and the latest sales reported were at about 4ao per lb. KSON, • BALE REGISTER. Mortgage sale of lot No. 7 6th Con., E. D. Ashfield, 100 acres, at Martin's Hotel, Dungannon, on Jan. 8th, at 11 a, m, JosaMallongh, amt. Manning & Scott, Vendrs' Solicitors, Clinton. Mortgage sale of house and lot, at the Grand Union, Clinton, on Saturday, Jan 11. Jas Howson, !mot. ing Cutter in the Dominion ned to the ranks of Profession, e the people of Clinton and Pro- tario, that he has In order to clear out as much as possible of our winter stock bef r stock taking, we have cut the prices away down and will give a discount of 10 per cent for spot oash only, till February;1st.. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. IL -10R SALE OR TO RENT.—HOUSE AND 1 lot for sale or to rent, on Townsend St. The house, which is new, contains fourteen rooms, and is heated with hot air. There is Also a good stone cellar, good lawn and hard and soft water in abundance. The lot con- tains } of an acre. Terms reasonable. Ap- ply on the premises or to MRS C. CARTER, Clinton. t 1. HOUSE TO RENT—Residence lately oc- cupied by Mr James Thompson, corner of Williarp and Princess Streets. -Apply to MANNING & SCOTT iught C. Rance's Stock Wonderfully cheap. nd will conduct the FINE TAILO TNG TRADE T THE 011) STAND, IIIJRON Street, TO LET. THAT DESIRABLE DWELL- ING house on Rattenbury street lately occupied by Mrs S. H. Rance. The house contains 9 rooms with good cellar and bard and soft water, small stable and good gar- den: Immediate possession. Apply to R. RANSFORD, Clinton. . Blankets and Comforters at prices to clear, FLANNELS, = MORTGAGE SALE --DEFAULT HAVING been made in payment of a certain reg- istered mortgage, made by Henry Stewart to the Vendor, (which will be produced at time of sale) there will, under the power of sale contained in said mortgage, be sold by pub- lic auction, by Jas. Howson, Auctioneer, on Saturday, Jan, 11, 1890, at tho hour of one o'clock, at the Grand Union Hotel, Clinton, the following property; viz: Town Lot No. Two Hundred and Sixty One, according to James ►.r:. Registered survey in the said ••wn of C nton, There is a comfor- tab1b• se on the lot, one storey and a half high. Easy terms of payment of purchase monecan be arranged and may be had upon ap-lioation to toe Auctioneer, Edward Carter, Clinton, or the undersigned. OWENS & JOHNSTON, Vendor's Solicitors, Clinton. mnlense bargains wi11 be given in Fine Ordered Cloth- ing, and prices quoted for the next thirty days that will astonish the closest buyers. jackson,Sr, Clinton Very Low. UNDERCLOTHING, They Must be Sold. TWEEDS, •At Mill Prices. MANTLE CLOTHS, : At a Big Reduction. House to Rent. The house lately occupied by Mrs Struth- ers, on Rattenbury Street, and containing 7 rooms, with usual conveniencies, stone cel lar, hard and soft water, is offered to rent on reasonable terms. Possession at once. Al- so the house formerly occupied by the late Mrs Smith, at the northern limit of Albert St., with stable, orchard and 1} acres of land, far- mer.Apply od for ltofamily, ggJ11WOIt8ELL,at ardner or retired Bros:, Clinton, C.DETLOR& Co WILL HOLD FOR ONE MONTH A -Lic Sale! • he goods are marke down at prices to effect a special sale. *x * *_ We are prepared to offer Genuine Bargains in all classes of winter goods, We have the goods but want the money. Property for sale or to rent. A cottage on Albert St., lately occupied by MIr James Moore. Five bed rooms, double parlor, dining room, kitchen, summer kitch- en and pantry. Hard and soft water. Stab- le, carriage house and fruit trees. There are three lots on Maple Street besides the one on which the cottage stands, making an acre of ground in all. The cottage and one lot will be sold separately if desired and on reason- able terms. Possession given at once. Ap- ply to MRS THOMAS COOP ER, Clinton. Blacksmith Shop and land for sale. TEN PER CENT OFF FOR CASH ESTATE JOHN I301:CENS Bankrupt Stock T HARDWARE ering some decided bargains this fall in Chopping Axes, Cross Cut Saws,Halters, Cattle Chains, Ropes, Grain Scoops, Barb Wire. Steel Wire, Leather Belting, Hay Knives, Paints and Oils, Window CSS, &c Subscriber offers for sale the property owned bv him at Gowrie, in the county of Perth. It consists of a blacksmith shop do- ing a good business, with dwelling house, sta We and half -acre of laud attached. Is in a splendid farming section, with no opposition \Vill be sold with or without tools. Satis- factory reason for selling. For particulars apply to THOS. LOBE, Holmesville, or JOS T,OBD, Gowrie. t 1 Properties for Sale SEVEN ACRES EXCELLENT OF LAND, situated almost adjoining Clinton, on the Gravel road. There is a small barn. This property is very suitable for a retired farm- er or market gardener, there being two dis- tinct kinds of soil thereon.' Terms lI each, and balance at 7 per cent interest. There is no:incnmbranco on this property. Also, SPLENDID HOUSE AND LOT, SITITATE on the east side of Albert St., North, Clinton. The house contains Hall, Parlor, four Bed= rooms, Pantry, ClothesCloset, Kitchen Som- mer Kitchen, Bath and Bath Moom, Kitchen, Soft and Hard Water inside and outside. Lawn, Shade Trees. Barn, etc., all in excel- lent state of repair. Terms, cash and time for balance at 7 per cent interest. There is n•encumbrance on this property. Address 179 McDonnell Ave. Toronto, WM. FOSTER. OORYS: - - - CORNS! ondertol Bargains is your time to secure goods at .Panic Prices. ! OR 8s CO., CLINTON. SALE. AAT AND SAWING.—SUBSORIBER now has his saw 01111 thoronkhly egnip- eeduridg ee lot ped and in .fret -class running ordder, and 11 the prepared to do custom sawing of all kind tild abing engaged Mr W. Dodds, a practical iiajtfger, to take Charge of the same. Will sound lo k logs. Orders retol - , lted orfAr len llbi t6t 1 .113 sigtea `llbltl This is part of the stock of R. M. Racey, and was bought at a great bargain, and will be sold a great deal loss than ordinary prices. You can rely uponlgetting bargains in every line. CASE'S CORN CURE A splendid lot of flanging Lamps, Chandeliers, Lanterns, Shades, Chimneys, Wicks, Burners, &c. which will be sold at a big discount Also, a big assortment of STOVES, both second-hand and new, which we aro selling gat Reduced Prices. Full stock of BLACKSMITII'S AND WAGONMAKER'S SUPPLIES. We only keep the best AMERICAN and CANADIAN COAL OIL. Removes all kinds of Hard and Soft Cor -is, Warts, etc., without pain or annoyance. Itis a$afe,Sure& EffeotualRemedy And there is no corn eaisting•it will not cure, destroying every root and branch. Once used never Regretted. Full Directions with E'hch Bottle. EDWARD HARRIS, Real Estate Broker,Finaneial Agent, &c., 23 Toronto Street, Toronto Particulars of Farms, Residences, Business Properties, &o., for intend- ed sale, can be sent to the above address, or given to HORATIO HALE, BANKER, &C., • - • - - CLINTON Deo. 1889. HARL.AND BR®S., Stoves & Tinware, Iron & Hardware, Clinton PROPERTIES for SALE The various properties re- maining undisposed of belong- ing to the estate of the late Charles Middleton; deceased, are now offered for sale. In these prr operties e up ust be sold. F 1 articularand terms wi on arpli- eaa s shed. ►Offs Clio' n. THE POPULAR v3 New- Grocery -Store. - MESSRS COOPER '& LOGAN beg to announce that they have opened out in the store next to Couch's butcher shop, a new and first- class stock of Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Etc., And invite the public to inspect the same. Our, Teas, Coffees, Fruits, Canned.. G-oods, Etc. Are of this season's growth, and our CROCKERY and 'GLASS- WARE are of the latest design. Everything is fresh and will be sold at the lowest prices. SAUSAGE, HAMS, BACON, &c., HADDIE, SISCOES, ORANGES, LEMONS, &c, always on hand. FINE TEAS a specialty. Farm produce taken in exchange. A trial order solicited. RY GOODS HOUSE 1.ON DESBORO 0 COOPER & LOGAN, — Clinton Wishes - all his pa- trons a Happy a d Prosperous New Year CRAS. CRUICgSHANK BOOTS AND SHOES My stock is now complete in every department for the FALL and WINTER trade. I have also on hand a large supply of AMERICAN RUBBERS AND OVERSHOES, in all grades and sizes, the best ever imported into this market, all of which I am selling at the lowest possible prices. CUSTOM WORK AS USUAL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Five per cent discount for cash. Call on C. CRUICKSHA,NK, the Great Shoe Man, and get value for your money. Sign ot the Golden Boot,Albert St. Clint° 1HUB GROCER Christmas at hand and to make it a pleasant and happy one I decided to give customers BIG BARGAINS for the'next four w 1 New Raisins, Currants, Figs and Da 1 Crockery and Glassware very cheap. FANCY CUPS and SAUCERS away down. Finest lot of Brooms for 25c. over offered iu town. DRY WOOD FOR SALE—(Delivered) 431-EO..3•W AI.L4W, CLIN'T Boors= Full Lines MENS FELT , OT,S, Full Lines kens SOCKS an t�; az Full Lines OVERSHOES r� ' 4/,g Our es logit; c4sh. And a, full assortment of all other the best in the market, and o • lowest. 6 per cen