HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-12-25, Page 7caused nrcaeions of late the couple have hreu found together antler auspicious FDR ALLIrckadah111OJ4EY-- 1 890 D U�NEU(] DIRECTORY uN� �uC� to gout. ��r( GNE to lend Ill large or well dt u o0 goodmortgaged or peritona set:Ll;V at - lowest current Tures H HALL, Hurt') et , is' ClutEgn,Feb.S6,7$I}t ,h. 1, p.t CirCOIllhtanCeB. When thews rumors dually reached the eare of the hue' WANTED -A good Roses, tic maH; Fruit Trees, Rosea, Shrubs, NAPER's IIIAGRZiKE. i i the `� elltl tea. Cltuten. fell(} Werk ago Friday Fadi, he or men, to sell our Ornamentds etc. Pernu.nent Emptey 1L1.USTRA'I'El). Psi j a went. Write at ones for terms, and eeeure IVI GVI - 1 ' and few are entirely free. Its cause B indigestion and i sluggish liver, the lure for which' is readily found in the accused Halliday of undue intimacy with his wife. The Negro H •Iij,• ueutly repudiated the charge, when choice of terrttorv. we sell oily firet•elass eteek, ,andeons outfit free. Address 11AY BROTH. (Its, Nurser) 'nen, Roenester, N.Y.` 679.. Bt G eV Vv- � ` _ •ti --t--- A new Shakee tense—tbes shakes )eare of ' I Edwin A. Abbey—will be, rree.,nted in liar- por'salagaziuo for 1890, with ooulmeutsby r • _ '!•= s. T. C. Bruce, L.D.S. 4Utraa• r11ar..• /t__ RIVATEFUN& t lend onTex a arc hnuu P property. Apel, yo )1J,iU.r, Ufflco, next NBws•IEitL tDOap•etaire)AIturt•St _ 3593m )" ~ ♦ ` tseofAyer'e Pills. " I have found that for sick headache. by a disordered condition of the Itomich, Ayers Pills are the most re- labia remedy." -Samuel 0. Bradburn, Worthington, Mass. hie empinyer ordered him off the farm. 'rhe wife also became iudiI mint, and said if the hired luau left she would n the next morning. '. f:E. m.. ym„o p r °? '•g °7,1a 1 a °'c ei 1„ S e5 .0.3 ado Y x'r N \ W•psiw,113ra�•3p'ga d' w .$ o I» °"$ 8�� ra e o ° q.� 0 8•m Sur Andrew Itang. Harper's Magazine has also Dental mud° el.eclat arrungemente with Alphonso Daudet, the greatest of living French move- Otryeo__geefer'eoldstand,Coats'Block, lista, for the exclusive publieution, in serial foray of a huurorous story, to bo entitledi°Phe Monday. colonists of Tnrneeon : the Last Adventures •eon Dentist. Graduate !loyal College of Surgeons 01 Ontario. Under Graduate University O of Toronto. Cttuton. N.B.—Will vielt BI th, rofoesiouull', ever' nt 5laaon's Flotul, P 67b -y y ° plaiting, `?yam CJ _ ` ~^ "Afters;, the use of Ayer's Pills for She came to Belleville and secured nany years, in my practice and family, Iudeings. with a flintily named I am Justified in saying that they are an j g Yllilll H. She Haid mho had just tustaient cathartic and liver' or them." P lustaigfn all theolaimsIDndeforthem." cr3ure from the States and gave a , p o ra"at2 15 tat AFF w e of the FamousTartarin." The etory will be :Z "at 2415 d translated by Fleury James, and illustrated Qri °, °"' °'�'" �e m, d s M byRossi and Mybrach. x seAdAa s o .a . Y H D n - °"o' gel It W. D. Howells will contribute a novelette Licentiate •� `a.__ o ° gy ill throe orfs, and Lnfcadio Hearn a nave- • ea ea"° �i� tz°ti 9. OC rezeroe, ^ ^OO�' G.H. C of Dental Sur ry, Honor Graduate o[thaTorontoSchoo Uortistr y'• incorporated ,�gg moisoNsimi, by Act of Parliament, tb6: -W.A. Wostfall, M. D., V. P. Austin iletit.inusi name. The Negro pu'r- k N. W. Railway Co,, Burnet, Texas. "Ayer's Pills are the best medicine chased a ticket at the G. T. R. dr.. known tome for regulating the bowels, not for her to Albany, N. Y., awl and for all diseases caused by a die -he followed at noon. The husband ardered stomach and liver. I suffered folly Q r''•+'` bN tette in tw arts, en tled e Yuuma," hand - 1-' a; e n g c ° e i a c o ?e P Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the puhilcsn t1 e•'SeF, ih4r,aa o^xirl comely illustrated. oxtruetion teeth. fi L t g.E ...•.- k11 k aG gN h� $ e� In illustrated papers, touching subjects Of fyltfee—Over Jackson's Clothlug Stare, next to „ g ❑� n C - 9¢I;Frills' D'-'I�.B'h<�a �"°$e and timely errent sti lee,st. lthe hiits ngazine will�muin' Pum Nightnllnton:' 0 pp w pA .,' ° a— y- - Rell answered. 492y loin its well-known standard. _— CAFI'1'AL, $2,01.0,000 REST. - - $1,000,000 tor over three years from headache, in- is distracted with grief at the •. a. W oa, -`em°se.$m ? '-e'1o.1 " 'dd -'° '�' tZti t - Office, MONTREAL. rnollAs WORKMAN, Preeidenar J. II, R. 510LSUN, Vice-Yrealdent.Q VV'uLF•ERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager g digestion, and and const, atton. I had no p of his wife. appetite and Was weak and nervous Giffen, the famous m" a s o e•"eUismw a Vieditill. �'"9°y?« I sd'"d HARPER'SHoad e e d�': ° "Ai �.w PERIODICALS. A most of the time. By using three boxes -Robert statistician, has scud a a err before of Ayer's Pills, and at the same time p I listing I was Completely cured."D Lockwood, the Royal etstjstical society on the Its m.,, o. v @ o YEAH, _ _ ___ - _ q.8.. p w+�. $ l , tee o i p o (SE�.' PER, t R REEVE. Office -"Palace' Brick Block°. Itattenbur ' Street, Residence oppositeF. 11AItPER'S,ViarA'LINE $t 00 Temperance Hall, Huron Street, Corerorthe Mutes discounted, Culluetiunsmad,, llralt issue}, Sterling and Americas ex - change bought and sold at low - est current rates. 'STRUM/IT ATS PRR CRNT. ALLUxNL,UN I,Y.I'Ue1T -Philip p "I was troubled for years with Judie accumulated wealth of the kingdoul. estion,constipation, and headache. A This amounted in round numbers, few boxes of Ayer's Pills, used in small doses, restored me to health. its 1885 to 10,000,000,000. Thais flAItPEK'S WEEKLY. 4 00 County of Huron. old hours from 8 a.m, to 6 CORNS ! CORNS ! HAItPER'S BAZAR 4 00 P• 01. Clinton, Jin. 14, 1881. a -y HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 t0 daily and effective." -W. H. would glue to each person in the7.0-Postage Free to all subscribers in the They are prompt Strout, Meadville, Pa. kingdom a personal share amount United states, Canada or Mexico. DR. GUNNi i ing to £270. If the several coup- Pr Pills tries Hpere to be HPparaterl England yv would be entitled to £308 a head, Pa3PJRiD Iii C.>2 .S3E'S —• Tha Vulumee of the Magazine begin with W. Gunn, 51. D,IL. R. C. P. Edinburgh L. R. C. /� /� ^ P rho Numbers fur June and December of each S. Edinburgh Lleeneiute of the Midwifery, Edin. OHlne, on corner got Ontario andtWilli,m Sta., R CURE C CORN V l V your. When no time is specified, eubearip- Clinton. 47g.y, bona will begin- with the N umber current at FARMERf3_ • Money advanced to turmerson their own nota wKhmts or mors endorsers. No it own un re gnlrod ns security, H. C. BREWER, Manager, , February. 1884 CLtnToa Scotland to £�43, and lrelaud to Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Man. £93. Comparing the decade ending Bold byall Druggist...ndDealers io*gain' with 1885 with the twoprevious Removes all kinds of hard andlaolt corns, warts time of receipt if order.• r etc., without pain or annoy_. Bound. Volumes of Harpers Magazine for 1'� � • r v 11 • three years back, in neat cloth binding, will- --ITIS A DARR— 3.00 • ` }11i9011I.C. decades P.11d1I1R', in 1875 and 1865, be sent bymail, post-paid, on receipt of P K P g - Dir. Gitlin Ij of . that in every iter) Giffin The Huron /News -Record ran inereaBe of .(spiral marked the el.60 a Year -81.25 n Advance, ' preceding decade, whereas the last _ decade hhOWH UutiVetOUd iuet,urceH Of per volume. Cloth leasee, for bindle 50 QWl+NS & Sure and Effectual' Remedy cents each -by mail, post -Void. JOHNSON, Index to Harper's Magazine, Alphabetical, Barristers, tg'C., And there Is no corn existing it will not cure, Analytical, and Claesified, for Volumes 1 to destroying every root and branch. 70, inclusive, from June, 1850. to June, 1885, - one vol., Svu„'Cloth, $4,00. ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. efLINTON Lodge, No. 84, A. F.-1, A. Al. V meets every Friday, on or atter the tut moon. Visiting brethren cordiallyafter invited. J. YOUNG, w. M. .1. CALLANDER, Ss Clint”, Clinton, Jan. 14, 1881. 1• _T. A. decrease owing 10 agricultural and dab The man does mol lo•justie.• to his business The spend,; less in adaertieivg than he does in industrial ueprer.Hion. Making a "Cllr.—A. e•'STRw•ART, the milluu+aire merchant comparison of the there rjclledt 1 Once Used Will Never be Remittances should bo mode by P,et-otfico ANn QUEEN STREET, - BLYTH O• Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Regretted, E. W. JIOW'ENS. • I. l'..IONSON Newspapers are not to copy this ad- I:TRa— t Cull C. 4 .f New Ymlt, ,• aerial's of the world, AI r, .(rttlill -RReL•SE AL1. 131'88TI• vertisement without the express order of Ilar )lir & Brothers. Price 25 Cents, ! MANNING &SCOTT, -`-'--_ - .; . L.0 L. �� ,,710, ,re ,t,4 C;1.YNTON� • /,-;:,!.. �,+ Meets SECOND Monday, of every block. Visiting brethren uevors �4-. month, Hall, 3id flat, Victoria y!;go made welcome. W. G. SMITH, W 51 P. CANTELON,Sec. JOAN FORD, D. M - finds that the. wealth per head of P , at rdncsalay. nee. 15th 1889 ipApulatinn stands am follow•e : Great France, Full Directions with each bottle. Address- HARPER Jt BROTHERS, Now York. Barristers, tgC.. —Pltal'ARNU ONLY ,11•— Ihitain, £270 ; ,£190 ; AS YOU LIKE IT. UnitedSi.ated £160, 7� ELLIOTT'S BLCCK, CLINTON, lti II, li.SPENCERGHSE�, Monet to Loan. _, --�--f -Tar, Bishop of Chester, Eng,, JUST FOR FUN. Chemist and Druggist, 89 King St., West, HARPERS WEEKLY. A. 11, MANNING. JAS. SCOTT. —• recently conf:•-dtd before a gatI- Hamilton, Ont., ILLUSTRATED. CtEAGER &MORTON,Barristers,&•c.,,E, God• p�1 'obilee BlaCL Meets in the Wednesday of y the evening. .oeeive a hearty FRITH - r. ;`•�' ' r • \ „ p(�p }f `It rocepior1 Ilol ' t Knights of 1 -eland). _ • Clinton Orange Hall, tba;egeocl everymonth, at 7.30 o'cloi.li ill Visiting Sir Knights will always welcome. A. M. TODD, Worshipful Preceptor GEORGE HANLEY, Deputy Preceptor eASTELON, Registrar -ring ,,f workii,g pN':I,lethat his two THEM NOT. ireSoldby,ill Druggists. _ erieh and VVinghwu. C. Seager, Jr., Guderich --- greAtr•xt amintinus ill life hays hrrn • TOUCH 'with J. A. Morton Wingham. „ 1.1y. llarper's Weekly bas a well•establiehed to write it good novel null t0 tial a "'there are three things lieu "cm the best. "at'hicll should The place us the leading illustrated neespaper in T- America. The fairness of its editorial corn- &'JOIINSTON, Law, Chancery,and publi'• •,. princes- 110 n11111 play ; les." fire because it eau burn hint ; the P r the piper, Ieecnuse it can sting litre ; a glonaggagggep DAVISON menta on current polities has earned for it the Conveyancing. Office—West Street, next The Best 1':Uuily \(W'spapor ill Canada res,ectandcuntidonouofallimpartialreaders. door to Post Office,Goderleh, Ont. 67. HALr CKNTURY. and the variety and excellence of ir8literary '- -A me. legged IIIt111 whom " hrG•itUeeshO-Can love him." ESTABLISHER NEARLY A contents which include serial and short sto- a Sr:atllr+ (Wash.) pollee erre after woman, the other day tank nftt N in a eel. MINCING DISGUST. lar, barred the door and defied the tire department uu nA laughing, dancing sprite I loved whole force. The•Far C. HAYS, Solicitor, &e. Otilce,coraerof KING OF TIl1.' WEEKLIES' itturries thdhe best eruenlufdeuast leofthelr writers widoetrnofio '`' Square and WeetStreet, over Butler'sBook P P Y g. Store, Ooderlch, Ont. 87. of tastes and pursuits. The Weekly supple- 1889:90 Rdy Money to lend at lowest rates of interest. moots are of remarkable variety, inter0et, mad is bringthe better than my life, W'ntH thrtl Balled nut HUd 11„ a Ilan�� Until at Christmas 1 saw her eat Her mince with her knife. pumped full of water. tVh,,a 1tpieLONDON, lie Herren- n value. No expense a axed to ✓�' t,'9 N:�L f...e O�tSlJ� highest order of artistic 6bilit to bear on g Y P TARIO. the illustration of the changeful phases of E.0 hanceN,IInrrlater,cer &c. Solicitor ON• home and foreign history. A Mexican ro- Chancery, Conveyancer, Sc. Office over g Y• dan'a Drug tore, the rooms formerly oceu got u , to the MAD'S chin 1 ' TOO HiGH COLORED, dared. Since diet, he has eHCR e(l P like mance, from .the pen of Thomas A. Janvier, pled by Judge Doyle. will appear in the WeeklY In 18'JU' tr3F An amount of mono t0 loan at lowest THE HANDSOMEST PRINTED n y' rates of interest. i-ly. three tinter from jail. Lady Customer -1 would to PAPER IN THE DOMINION. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Royal Black Preceptor ��1 • Y yl of Ireland, fleets to the Orange Hall, Blyth, the W'ednea day after full moon of every month. • -George Hutchings, :a wealthy look at some silks. Polite Clerk— farmer, left $10,000 to Henry Here is something very pretty in Geon a to aid hi'" in disseminating wine color, Madam, L. C.—Oh, !d THE NE PEIt YEAR : • • Auctioneaxing. IIARPER'S WEEKLY. •........et UU--------------^-,..--...__. _. _ALL his doctrines. The will was set aside that would never do in the world Upon the grounds; that three dOC• toy husband is a prohibitionist. trines involved COIIf7NCAt1Uly and Clerk -Nell, madam, here is some- o Were therefore as immoral as if they thine in watered silk, IN FULL.BlockIinigltts ey Telegragh, Telephone, Mail, and COrrespon• donee up to tl.e hour of publication. Practical and Useful,A Illustrations,O` each week, IlARPEIt S MAGAZINE 4 00 H. W. BALL HARPER'S BAZAR 4 00 1 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 UMW/NEER for Huron County. Sales at tended to in any part of the County. Ad• Postage Free to ali subscribers in the 4reesordersto GansRic(i P 0. V-17. United States, Canada, or Mexico. Royal Black. P�eeeptory 3151 Blaelc An'igltts of Ireland, Meets in.the Orange H n, Goderic t, the 'this Monday of every month. Visiting Knights alwa JADIE$TELLS, Preceptor, Saltford I' 0 W H hIURNEY, RegietrarkGodcrich P O had involved burglary. This decis- DIED FROM A FIT. are given ion has been reversed ny the NewSpecial JerseyCourt of Errors. Ti.Chief A wretched tailor he } 'tis said in truth, Justice, in rendering judgment, His shears, so dull, were like some said that he did not believe in + ' people's wit' r , George's doctrines, but did not re, And many cursed him deeply, yet, forsooth, Market Department. Agricultural Department, Capital Story always Running. Ingenious Puzzle Column, Humorous Reading' CHAS. HAMILTON. The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first Number for January of each year. When AUOTIONEER, land, loan and ineuranceagent no time is mentioned, subscriptions will begin Blyth. Sales attended in towj led country, with the Number current at time of receipt of joterea a'!'bloterms. to listand illage l tnf fat Order. low rotas of Interest. insurance elected on all Bound Volumes of Harper's Weekly for classes of property Notes end debtacollected. Goods Bank. gard them as iltltlloral, -The Cleveland Catholic Unci IIis death- quite strange -resulted from a fit. verse says :-"We see n0 way for a JUS7' THE TM SG P0i1 TILE PASMI LY! Every' member of the household eagerly 1poks tot it each week. three years back, in neat cloth binding, will appraised, and sold on commission. be sent by mail, postage paid, or by exeress, rept stocks bought and sold. free of expense (provided the freight does not B1vth,Dee.16,1980 exceed one dollar per volume)', for ;7.00 per ( tLINTUN OF LABOR v Rooms, third N, KNIGHTSictoria block. BO esod meeting every Thursday evening at 8 0' sharp, Visiting Knights made welcome. Well-informed Catholic conscience to SMELLED OF THE OTHER PLACE. keepa saloon. We wish to Got! ,by Ethel -Mamma, are matbhes The agricultural department is a noted feature of the 'Fine Press, ' being always up to the, Unice, and conducted persona racttcall', p' practically volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable f0 binding, will be sent by mail, poet -paid, 00�hatograptler s FOR FIRST CLASS, HAIRCUTTING AND SHAYIEIG ii Go to A. E. EVA)\q I;FndumvAnl ll ' BARBER, 2 doors east of NEWS -Recons of - fico. Special attention given to LADIES! l AND CIIILI>ILEN'd �AlrClltt111g. POMPADOUR HAIRCUTTING A SPECIALTY. that everyCatholic would alt the in heaven 4 9 skilled in barna work. P� receipt of S1.00 each. . \lam` made business. Look amorl. Take a Mamma -)'ea, dear. 1(}ueration or two. `V here does the in liquor It is bet- Ethel -Then what snakes theta` • LAlwIt $1.00 PAl'F:IL In Clubs of four and upwards, 75c. each.,O 13AL:+Ncls 1889 FItEF' Remit•'anees should be made by Poe tae 1 Money Order or Draft, to avoid chez of loss. .. ���` Newspapers are nut to copy thio nd- �R �-� money made go? sulrll so strong of. the other place? .oF vertisement without the express order of CLINTON. ten to leave your children Without a cent, for sherd is blood on that ea, A BAN DITTY. loon money -the heart's blood of "The Masons are under the ban of -'-- - - A HANDSOME ij n MRI31111A3 NUMBER Harper & Bruthars. rr Address- HARPER &BROTIiERS, New York. Life Size Portraits a Specialty. insulted, nu'leservedly, despised nes the Pope, sleeted, and heartbroken fathers, By some 'tis considered a pity ; mothers, wives, and sisters. The But the Masons still swear they have —AND—: FOUR CH 1=2,0 Ciycn away free of charge to every subscriber for 01890. f — +a CHARLES F. M. bfcGREG012, Vet 1 �'=-' nrimtr Pn aician and Sur eon, Hnn- 9 Y g /Ion asst, Member Ontario Veterinary -FOR SALE. HE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale tour cl{gihlo T Building Lots fronting on Albert Street; also two fronting on Rattenbury Street; either en bloc or in separate tote, to suit purchasers. For further particulars apply tothe undersigned.—E. DINSLEY,Clinton. 382 never a Care guardian angels of the poor, dejected While has holiness sings 1118 Fran or hens have curse(] that mono and ]� money, ditty."P 1890. Artists w•ho have seen the ad wince sheets of the Artietnns o b ireumber senprotunes it e "gem," and alone worth the rice of the subecrl tion, P HAHPE$ s B . Me teal Society. Treats all diseases Of domesti- eat.od animals. Veterinary Dentistry a specialty. Charges moderate. OlRce-one door east of Tux the broken down drunkard }lea 1 I,LUS'rRATI:D, News•Rxcono office, Clinton. 549-3in THE REASON WHY. breathed upon it the hcll•fire of hisg own despair. "My boy," said a father to his • -In 1ge Stevens, the man who little H"' , "treat every one with condemned Mrs. Dia brick t0 the pOlIt0llrn: even those who are rude yindispensable gallows, is said to he a mall well to you. For remember that you fitted to stand the brunt of public choly' cone :say CO others, not ire- indignation which is being burled cause tllry are gentlemen, but beti Agents Wanted Everywhere. Liber- al Cash Commission allowed. The most » ala paper to work tor. \torr i p t' 1 money van be male daring the hall and winter season working for the 'Free ['rase" than at any other employ moot. ldre• FREE PRESS, LONDON, ONTARIO. . liar per's Barer is ajournal for the borne. i J. E. Bf.ACKALL, Veterinary Giving the Iat.mt information with regard to Surgeon, honorary graduate of the Fashions, its numerous illustrations, Gash- m' Ontario Veterinary College, treats ion- Tates and astern-sheetsu r Iements aro ',dtacases of all domestic animals P P 1 p alike to the homy droeb-maker ^+yh ! on the most modern and scientific and the professional modisto. No expense He principles. 63r'Cnllc attended to ni'•llt or day'.li:0hliee Ii11niediitely west of the s�)arod in making its artistic attractiveness of old Royal Hotel, Ontario street. Residence- the highest order. Its ewer short stories, Aibert street, Clinton. 640-3in parlor plays, and thoughtful essays satisfy all pROPF.RTY FOR SALE iroi{4', 1 RENT.—Advertisers will find "The m, one of 0i '4in0tl e C i o y Of Hurom testmediums "The News -Record" -The Double Circulation Talks to Thousands.- Rates as lowwaas a, , �. ^ THE GRANO UNION, — Ontario Clinton, - against him tit the present teme. cause, Jou re One. tastes, and its hast page is famous as budget Not onlyis he said to be as ableof AT THE PEARLY GATES. and enlightened jurist, but h0 is fearless in the expression of his o• Soon on dell and hillside, Thick will fly the snow; pinions and indifferent to criticism, Soon on pond and lakelet, 1890 f Harpers Young People. wit and humor. In its weeklyisanosovery- ry . thing is included which is of interest t0 wo- Clinton Marble Works, men. During 1890 Olive Thorne Millar, Christine Torhuno Herrick, and Mary Low Dickinson will respectively furnish a series of HURON STREET,CLINTON. rapers on "The Daughter at Noma, Phree "The Woman the • A FIBST•GLASS HOTEL. --- FRANK HEIMAN, - Proprietor. when lie l,elievea hiulselt' to be in Thin the ice will grow 1 the An idea of the man Then, with Couian Jamesy,'; AN'ILLUSTRATF.D WEEKLY. Meals a Day." and of Period." The serial novels will bo written by J P, W. H.COOPER, right. may be had when It is stated that in D1Rry'll take her skates, The Eleventh Volume of Harper's Young Waltor Resent and F. W. Robinson. , _ _..-_._____ f..---- J. C. STEVENSO Dealer, & THE LEADING UNDERTAK AND DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, Clinton, On , hie public writings he has deliberate- While above St. Peter ly '{rfendrd the 'crucifixion Christ Watches at the gates. People, which begins with the Number for, November 5, 1889, presents an astral rive pro,- gramme. It will offer to its readers at least Manufacturer of an dealer in all kinds of HARPERS PERIODICALS, PER YEAR : Marble & Granite for Cemetery by Pontius Pilate, on the ground - - that, as a Roman official, it was a GOING TO COtRT. four sorialsofthe usual length, and others inFurniture two or three parts, namely, "Tho Red Mus tang," by William O. Stoddard; "Phil and the IfARPEifS BAZAR $4 OU Work atfigures that defy competition MAGAZIN E 4 00 proper :Fling for him to do, and that an English governor in India would Plain Talk to Slow -Paying Sub- under similar circumstances be judo- scribers. Baby," by Lucy C. Lillie; "Prince Tommy," by John Russoll Coryoll; and"Mother's Way," by Margaret E, Sangster; two short aerials by Meitner Hjorth Boyesen, Two series of Fairy IIARPEIt'S IIARPER.S WEEKLY . . 4 00•FUNERAL IIARPER'S YOUNG YEOPLE 2 00 Also manufacturer of the Celebrated in th0 ARTIFICIAL STONE for Building pur- fiedin acting in a similar man- who SAKI Heirs to cif have their have Tales will attract the attention of lovers of 1110 wonder -world, namely, the inlet the quaintadmirnbin nder-Howard /Al' Pestogo Free to all subscribers poses and Cemetery Work, which must United States, Canada, or Mexico. y be seen to be appreciated. -A11 work �,<�,-,, SALER RILLS•s }- -sc3; •: News -Record ilii has mr, I111^iji i surpassed fa il:c;,-. t• r ry - `G14i;;lr°:e ' i::: ;Y, work at low tg out ea. i A L k 4 free advcrtisout lit in .4 ' t' et' - ' ' V The News Record with every set of solo hII1R, received net'• are in arrears, and w•ho received who ._-(Ilio of the InniL sensational nornnnls, are rreprrt folly re'hu'sted to elm ren ntd whit h has curt startled settle at Duce. 1 ':n, i 1 community of the COUn t The address label on ,nut paper shows the a y Y Cain : o) light the other day. The plainly the month and year tip to which yon are phi. wOtn:lli in the af'sir Id Diss, James told by Pyle, and so Hilae- trat0d by him, and another scrips in a differ- ant vain by Frank M. Bicknell. Thera will bo short stenos by W. D. Howells,s,NeThoma Nelson Page, Mary E. Wilkins, Nora Porr Marriot Prescott Stafford, David Ker, 11000- kiah Butterworth, Sophie Swett, Richard Malcolm Johnston, etc. The Volumes of tho Bazar begin with the Warranted to five satisfaction. g first number for January of each year. When - no time ie montionod, subscriptions will begin r with the Number current cat time of recei t of McKillop Mutual I�sura�ee Co, order. Bound 1'olumoe of Ilarpor's L'nzar for throe bath, in cloth binding, will be To those who pay up and a year in ad- Grills, of the 3x(1 concession of Syd-vanes, At Once, only 41.'5 a year will net', 'eel the mother of a family of be charged. tillJr' bright-eyed, Flaxen -haired SU1,acl Hogs who do not take advantage littl:• ,`Itlldt'Nn. The most remark` of 0111, very liberal 011e)• will ha charged A.It!r 'purl 'if the eaandal is that the till 50 per 'Wear and their accounts man 'Hi„ Inas robbed the husband of placed in our solicitor's hands for colla- the tob.et ion,H of his wife is a coal- tion. hlac!c ti c R o earned ,Tames Halliday, Tilts NF:wS-Iteooan is not published jest ernpinyrd by Mr. Grills: It seems the fun of it. If any of oar patrons incrotlible,butrecent develop- cannot afford to take this paper, pay ttP it --- A subscription to Harper's Young People secures a juvenile library. There is usefu knowledge, also plenty of amusement.—Bos-' k ton Advertiser. ---binding, TERMS : . Postage Prepaid, X2.00 per Year, g 1 1 Vol. NI. bogies Nov. 5, 1889. , --- ,oars neat sent by mail, postage paid, or by express,froo of expense (provided the freight does not ex- T NEILANS' HARLOCK coed ono dollar per volume), for 4$"7.06 per volume. GENERAL AGENT,a feoL•ated town and Village property, as well RR Cloth Cnsoc for each volume, suitable for— will he sant by mail, post-paid, on farm buildings and atria,meured, Insnrances receipt of $1..00 each. effected against stock that may he killed by Itemittancos should be made byPost-office lightning. if you want insurances drop it card to the above address. Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of lose. 602.11. %ass Newspapers• are not to copy this ad- vertisement without the express order of PROPERTYFOR SALE OR TO RENT. I[arpo! Jc Brothora, Goderich Marble Works — - Having bought out ,JOsGl'1t VANSI'orl:, in Godorlch, we aro now prepare(, to fur Wish, on reasonable terms, - HEADSTONES AND MONUMENTS GRANITE A SPECIALTY. We are prepare(} to sell Shoal 0 4hian am other arm in the county. Pnrtios wanting Anything in this ti find it to their interest to rose orders for no. ROBERTSON 'k May 17th, 1886. 392.3 alm,l.t andwe will sal ike off your name or send rnen t e only lend color to the scandal, stnmeaimen copy sent on receipt of n two -cent p, whi.'h i now common street gossip.Single Numbers, Five Cents each. Those who are in arrears Must Settle g Jird r,' ilia and the Negro have go within rite nest fete Remiltanr0s sltnul4 ho made by Post-n0ico Court Or tr Pay . bee' 'n•; i'1t i mate resins for months weeks, Pay up and save Caste. Money Order or Draft, t0 avoid Chance of Ions. Address- IIARPER k BROTHERS, Now York. A cottage on Albert St., lately occupied - - --.------ - --- --. -. -. ---- Mr. .lames Moore. Elie bed rooms, don parlor, dining room, kitchen, Bummer kitchen A N I C E : HOME andpantry. Hard and anti enter. Stable an<I frlllt ETCCa. There aro t11TOC Feta On Maple 9treCE the ono on w•hteh the cottage atands, invt, nu l I:untr,lus remarks were . Newspnpors nro not to copy this ad- i P. 0. \(nney Order or registered letter ver moment without rho espraes order of pad"r,' by the neighbors of Mrs. mu• rink, Addmss : Har or & Brothore. Harper Grill,' 'i1p'+:trent nttaghment to the WHITELY f TODD, Address— AT,..--„ e., r.,, iB Land CHI aavnral Pnhlisllers. 11ARPER Ss BROTHERS, New York. —_ ��T A tc,\ItG.IIN.-Elgntacre, of land with n selcrt orchard of choice apple trees ; condonable ho+ac and stables ; adjoining Godo• 1 rich township. Apply to 13. L. DOYLE, Code. rioh. :628.11 hesidoe mnking in arra of ground In nil. The cottage and one Int will be sojd separately if desired and on r@Aeonable tort>?s", PORACNflIOn given at once. k' Apply to 81118. THOMAS erg/PER, Clinton, Sept, Ind, 1889. 587.11,