HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-12-25, Page 6oughin • IS Nature's effort to expel foreign sub. stance, from the bronchial passages. Frequently, this causes inflammation and the need of an odyne. No other expeetorant or an ne is equal to Ayer's Cherry P' toral. It assists Nature in ejectin the mucus, allays irritation, ;Inducesrepose, and is the most popular Of AS cough cafes. " Of the many preparations before the public for the. cure of colds, coughs, bronchitis, and kindred diseases, there allp,'vvithin the range of my expert. once, so reliable as Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral: For years I was subject to colds, followed by terrible coughs. About four years ago, when so afflicted, I was ad- vised to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and to lay all other remedies aside. I did so, and within a week was wellofmy cold and cough. Since then I have always kept this preparation its the house, and feel comparatively secure." - Mrs. L. L. Brown, Denmark, Miss. "A few years ago I took a severe cold which affected my lungs. I had a ter- rible cough, and passed night after night without sleep. The doctors gave tie up. I tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which relieved my lungs, induced sleep, and afforded the rest necessary for the recovery of my strength. By the con- tinual use of the Pectoral, a permanent cure was effected." -Horace Fairbrother, Buckingham, Vt. Ayer's Cherry Poctoral, rarr/•BZD DT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold by all Druggists. Price $1; six bottles, SS. Ane Huron News -Record 61.50 a Year --61.25 in Advance. ,sir /'hr man d"sx not do,nixtic' to hie business Leh , op•'oI leo; in adoertex:ny than he does in ,.1. \. 1raw Aar, the utihimuiire merchant .\' .r i'I 111. %;re aILd:;ttay. Deo. t45t1l. 1889 -.--ft is rumored that a wealthy Ft: l 'ton, Perth. Co., bachelor fall ex; ,:n the \V. 11. road, while 1!,l.:itl. 'ei,g IL itis et±llal' lee:011 ly eatil•• :IC'".A.i.i .1 illnl of money Liddell wider a board. The sum was about Is supposed to have heed 111,1'Ieu hy a former owner of the properly ivho ,lied a few yeais. n; .'.:lid who was of a very eccou- tHe diseesition, and undoubtedly the .gl.' •te' cellar n safe) place than tl.l. ,eu:, :or his ileoeutt•. -- :1 ruin :111 is ni %t'!•I..ge occurred rk.uiea•. The canals. ,tin" tart• v i• les Zing end NIi.ee l' e'en 1' hitch, a winsome 1.:.'r. mei: I i,• of s.'!ne seventeen sum - l.:• %;ll'e ,vas a Catholic priest reel : iii elierge of a little Chnrah at 1)i>;s', in.1'erry county, but he suet ill•• !'"ir Hole i. fell in love, wooed u; l; '. u her, anti announced his i):: ettiuu of marryinghis, th'. h. '.vas depusetl fi9n t"t priest• t;•; .' 1, ,.nil 1 let. Artok he and the oh.; •,'t. f..hie'alffections joined hearts euta-h=inds, —On Saturday night Inst 1[r. John Malcolm, of Galt, received word that his brother, Mr. Andrew Malcolm, of Minnedoere M. . had been badly frozen on the prairie and Arils lvieg in \Vinnipeg Hos- pital. It seems that in company with his son and three other mei), Mr. nl;cicolin was driving a number of catty, from his honlo to Daupliu, a distance of about sixty miles. The road which they took wasa new one through the woads, and they lost their way. They had two tearing' and two ponies with diem besides the cattle, and after wauder- ing about for two days and two u;ghts, during which it snowed ut)ct of the time, they had to re- trace their steps to one Carlson's, about 20 smiles from home, where they 'put up for tl e third night, reaehirg home the following day, The cattle were all found safe and sound a couple of days afterwards, Mr. Malcolm was the only one of the party who had his feet frozen, At the time he. wrote the letter to his brother he was in the Winnipeg Hospital. The doctors had very little )lopes of saving one foot, but ' thought that probably the other foot might be brought around without resorting to amputation. —One of the exhibito's to the Seuthorn (Counties Fair recently hold in St. Thomas was a Mrs. Smith, of Ayr, who exhibited a Mucireo her surprise it only send a blue ticket, and in writ - illy to ono of the o(lieers of the buil Association concerning the fact, she winds up with the follow- ing postscript : This is tho first time my quilt has been beaten, and 1 havolshown it at all • the principal e.;hibitions throughout the Dominion. The one that bent it mutt bo a good one, for my quilt is no cradle one. All the pieces are collected from all parts of the inhabited globe and from the most popular people that have existed on the earth for thirty years, and no less a personage than our worthy Q,ueen has contributed to it, and the groat Robbie Burns, and the famous jockey, Archer, and one piece which is throe hundred years old (and (aimed to be 500) was procured f om China. Another one has bee around the world to the supposed tomb of the Savior, and '11 anothrer ',yes taken from the stile in France and cost some Ants. My quilt ' contains 18,0011 005 111 all." The writer offers to etch her quilt against that which cured first prize, competent,judges be selected for the purpose. ADVICE; TO liioTusee.—Are you df8- urbed at night and broken of your rest b a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Outting Teeth? If so Bead at onee and get a bottle of "Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" "or Clbildren Teethiug Its value is incalculable. it will relieve the poor itItlesU(hirer immediately. De- pehd upon it, mothers; there is no mis- take about it. It cures Dtsentery and Diarrbeaa, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces inflamma'ion, and gives tone ape • energy to the n hole system. teens Winslow's Soothing syrup" for chit ren teething is pleasant to the taste and is the piescrilotion ufone of the oldest and best,female physicians and nurses in the (Jutted States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25e. a bottle. Iie sure andask for 'Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup;" ttnc'3iake ho other kind. —Mrs. Griunison of Kingston anuuunced Thursday that if the law allowed hei' she u•uuld- be an alder - manic candidate iu the next elec- tion. She is au energetic politi cian, and many Limes worked vigor- ously iu Sir John's campaign these. HUMPHREYS VETERINARY SPECIFICS For Sones, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, AND POULTRY. 000 Page Book on Treatment ofAWale Is and Chart Sent Free. CURES 1 Fevers. Congestions. Infanimation. !L.A. I Spinnl Meningitis, Milk Fever. is.D.••St.ruius, Lamcucas, Rheumatism. C.C...JJJ,�+t�emper, Nasal Discharges. p�! D.-• ar9ur Grubs, Worms, .E...Conghs, Heaves, Pneumonia. F.L-, Colic or Gripes, Bellyache. G.G.--111iscarriage Hemorrhages. (1 H. --Urinary and Kidney Diseases. {.I...Eruptive Diseases, Mange. 1.K.-.Dlseasos of Digestion. Stable Case, with specifies, Manual, Witch Hazel Oil and Medicator, $7.O Price, Single Bottle (over 50 doses), .till iayaity'cptefrceywharo and n nqunton ReeioPrepaid Humphreys' Med. Co., 109 Fulton St., N. Y. LIFE IN A LUMBERCAMP. While working in a lumber camp a year ago I caught s severe cold wh:otr- settled on my lungs, I got no relief until I tried Hagyard's Pectoral Bal- sam which cured me entirely. 1 highly recommend it. JNo. L. WILSON, Magnettawan, Ont. —There are now 1,500 lawyers iet Ontario. Over 160 joined the prolessiuu last year, while tally 46 died or gave up practice. The increase is out of all proportion to the addition to the population, and .litigation has not increased. Thole may he always such at the tup. EXPEL THE WORMS by using elle safe and reliable anthelmintic Free- man's Worm Powders. —A short time ago an old man named Frazer, who lived alone in a shanty near Yarkor, Ont., was found in a swamp sunk up to his armpits. illthough he had been iu that position for thrt:e days he was living when discovered. \Vhen he was taken from ti is uncomfortable position ile was grnatry exhausted, and died very soon after. .Many an otherwise handsome face is disfigured with pimples and blot- ches, caused by a humor in the blood, which may be thoroughly eradicated by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It. is the safest blood medicine • iu the market, being entirely free from arsenic or any deleterious drug. —Tile shrewd A,n Jeaifbservor, "Bill Nye," whin -hi -6 been lecturing in Canada''pays:—l+or.a time we hae`r een doing Canada and a'pret- t.v y sung Dominion she is, far enough away front the Mother Country to feel iedependent, and if she be real- ly ground under the heel of a re- morseless monarchy she doestl'tshoty it. Business scouts good•in Canada for this season of the year. Most of those with whorl I havo talked speak very unfavorably of annexa• Lion The longer I stay the more they seen) to be opposed to it. Can my visit havo anything to do with it I wonder' Ill /SE ISLAND REPOIt1'S. I can state that we have used liagyard's Yellow Oil with great bene- fit for colds, sore throat, •'outs, burns, chapped hands, etc. We can recoms mend it to be very usefnl and good in many different ways. MRS. ABEL HELPS, Role Island, Ont. —A farmer named Hilton, living near Gananoque, hired a very in- experienced boy to help about the place. One morning ho told the lad lo go 'and salt the calf over in the pasture. The boy took about a gsart of salt, rubbed it all over the calf, working it iuto.the hair. •A gang of colts acehted the salt and got after the calf. They licked the hair all off the calf's back and tried to lick the hide oil', too. The farm- er -tried to catch the call' to wash it, hut the creature, thinking he want- ed a lick, too, kept out of the way. Tho boy, calf and farmer aro un- happy- The colts are the only ones that got any fun out of it. • NATIONAL PILLS are a mild pur- gative, acting on the Stomach, Liver and Bowels, removing all obstruc- tions. —About fifteen years ago a man named ]Daley died in Kingston, Ont., and a gentleman whose ver• ,city will not be doubted, said that he often saw the spirit of llaloy afterwards iu the house he died in. lis never spoke about the platter to anyone 1 -Ie had not been near the premises for some time, but last week had occasion to go there in the evening. For a short cut he went through the yard. When he got about the centre he met Hailey. \\hen asked if he were not afraid the narrator said :—"Well, I am not a bit superstitious, but I got out of that yard in a harry. 11-e took nae unawares and for a few moments I was afraid." Haley and r always been this gentleman had 1 ,ys b n intimate friends, and why Haley should come back to visit hint he does not know., The spelial quality of Ayer's Iiair Vigor is that it restores the natural 1117MP$RETS' SPECIFIC No. HOMEOPATHIO 2$ ase 80 years. Theo eeceeeefulremedyfor Nervous Debili#y,�Vital Weakness, end Prostration. from over -work or other causes. el per viol or 5 vials and large vial powder, for SOLD mt banoot ere, or sent postpaid on receipt price.—Humphreys' lre,ackle Co., lee Fatten Bt., !i. T. WELLSAz R1C1IARDSON CO.,Agents, MONTREAL. A TATTLE SPARK May kindle a great fire, just so dys• p pais LOA bad blood give rise to countless complaints which cannot be cured until the dyspepsia is re- moved, and the blood purified. To do this is the work of Burdock Blood Bitters, a medicine which always cures dyspepsia, had blood and all oompldints of a similar origin —The Agricultural bureau of On- tario reduces its estimates of the wheat crap to 18,01)0,f)l)0 bu. A NEW ELEMENT Must be infused into the blood of the weak and debilitated, who suffer from disease of the stomach, liver, bowels, kidneys or blood. This re- vitalizing constituent is• supplied by Burdock Blood Bitters which repairs waste, drives out all impurities and restores health to the entire system. —The Kiugstuu City (.Munk, who has het 11. been in union fur 46 tears, has been absent from Mils• three council meetings during that tint+: VICTUIRIACARBOLIC SALVE isa great aid to internal medicine in the treatment of scrofulous sores, ulcers and abscesses of all kinds. —llini+tot' Colby tats_-l-0.0lected iu St ii..ti•.i l Tul• ;ry by ;1 major- ity ul 1 U;I err r Nlr. tollaron, the 1.r1'ti1- Cts and piultibitiun ettt- -dYCi .. te. DE.A'1•II DEALINIi DRUGS Such as Calomel, Morphine, etc., are remedies better left alone, They often weaken ev,n strong constitu• tions. This :a,rdock Blood) Bitters never does, it contains no. minbral or other poison, and cures all diseases of the stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, and blood by unlocking the secre- tions and removing all impurities. • —1)r. 11 un Liztmbert, Quarantine officer at (Grosso Isle, warns he Government that Russia is threaten- ed Avitlr a cholera 'visltatiuli next year, an0 that Canada must take propel pieneutiuus. '1'(1 INVIGORATE both the body and the brain, use the reliable tonic, Milburn's Arotuatic Quinine Wine. —The llaoituba wheat crop has boon largely over-estimated. Con- servative estimates now place it at 7,000,000 to 8,000,000 bu., instead of the Cauadian Pacific Railroad estimate of 12,000,000 to 14,000,- 000 but CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED. TO TiiE EDITOR :— Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely us'e thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured, I shall be glad to send two bottles of my re• medy FREE to any of your readers who have consumption if they will semi me their Express and P.O. ad- dress, Respectfully, Da. T. A. SLOCUM, 164 West Adelaide sI.,'I'oronto, Ont —On Monday morning the mill- ers front the !lucky Mountains to the At Ian tic seaboard 'advanced the prices of bakers' grades of flour 20 cents. This advance is caused hy the rise in the price of hard Wheat. MAKE NO DELAY ! Is a perfect cure for croup and, colds,' an I can recommend ilagy. ard's Yel w Oil -one bottle of which cured me f a very bad cold. I would say to all ufTerers, make no delay in using it as it gives a quick relief. W. J. KENNY, Stittsville, Ont. —Amos Somerfield, son of a Mersea farmer, was hal pint); a ueigh- hor to kill hogs, and while carrying a pot of boiling water fell, spilling the water over him. His body and lege aro frightfully scalded, and small hopes err, entertainer) of his recovery. FUR RICKETS, MARASMi'S, AND ALL AVAS'l'IN( DISORDERS OF CTIILDREN tircvtl's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil, with 1It,).ophosplettes, is unequaled,.? The rapidity with which children gain flesh and strength upon it is very wonderful. "I have used Scott's Emulsion in cases of Rickets growth, color, and texture of the hair. and Dfaras'muy of long standing. In It vitalizes the roots and follicles, reel every •case the improvement was moves dandruff, and heals itching marked."- •.I. M. Mete, 1%. D. New humors in the scalp. in this respect York. Fold by all i)ruggists, f0c. I it surpasses all similar preparations, I and $1,00. E O .,' ermanentpost Nopa'gcaranteed. palprp and ,"J4spens . ]Paid. Fail, liar advantages to beginners. Stook complete, nuttiest -moiling epeotalties. O11JTJ' T PRICE. Ws guarantee what we advertise. Write lisEOWK BROS., )Nurserymen, 'Rochester. N. Ir. (Title house is reliable.) —1:V 7'// E— iT etvo -exuxti dirsimummoomomi oto , L'I.'RAY STOCK ADVER �J TISEMEN'1'S inserted bt Tint News RECORD Si low rotas. The law makes it sonipulxorl to advertise stray stock on want any kind of advertising you will not do better than sill nn 'ewe Iteacord. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS,. DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPS INDIGESTION, F4UTTEERINO JAUNDICE. - OF THE HCART, ERYSIPELiS- ACIDITY OF SALT -RHEUM, THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, And every species of disease arising from disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH, BOWELS OR BLOOD, T. MILBURN & G0.. ProprITORONTO. Established • 1855. J. BIDDLECOMBE. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,Silverware See the lutes+ 8015 - i•CltleM 111+7l:L WATCH CASE Repairing in all brunches. Opp. the Market, CLINTON. FOR SALE. Tbe•'pro ,orty at present occupied by the undersl'gued as a residence on the Huron Road, in the Town of (iodcrich, onnsistiug of ono half of an sore 01 land, good flame hoaso —story and a half—seven rooms, including kitchen, bard and soft water, good stone cellar, stable, wood and carriage houses, Tbere are also some good fruit !roes. This property is beautifully situated and very suitable for any person wi.hiug to live retired For further particulars apply to E. CAMPION, 542-tf Barrister, (Joderioh. T2V&iH c MEDICAL-tL 1 REfel DIES • ‘IV \OttP.O ��p o ,F. f - `1M0 GA �:11 TRY-' iV'A?tiRESsREMEDY 'PURE) EERIESS`P0 ENT `{ 't 7 S. TOTEA/0110101/C0,10469/4/-041t I TV IR ,�.�. Y I' ` - .1L h -O IR. :al NEW STOCK ! NEW £•TO°RE ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - C w INTON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. Call at the New Store and sol' the stock of Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc., and general Household Furniture. The whole Stock is from the very best manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of every description. JOS. CIIIDLEY, (Inc door West of Dickson's Book joI The ¶eekly Iliter Oceau Easily commands position as the Most Popular Family Paper in the Country Without giving up any of its POPULAR FEATURES it continues to add NEW.AT TRACTIONS to it: columns, To WOMAN'S KINGDOM. THE FARM AND IIO.1t11, THE ut;Klol,I t'1' SHOP, DLLIG1 TVt'I.CORRESPONDENCE IN EIIES1'ISC.•i,TC►ltll;,y. TilE NEAPS O5'Tim WORLD IT liAS ADDED THIS SEASON OUR YOUTH'S DEPARTMENT, E ?!tel by IviRS. FRANCES HODGSON BURNETT. It is intended to make this department both ENTERTAININCr and INSTRUCTIVE not only to the children but to everymem- ber of the family. The best and most popu- lar writers and educators have been en- gaged as contributors. This department will equal in the character of its contents any publication for young people in the Country. • A'Sci'ic,S of Biblical Roalaacos, Written by famous novelists, will be an- other new feature of THE INTER OCEAN. The Rev. Georg Ebers has written the first of the series, entitled "JOSHUA,' which began to run in the paper in Octo- ber. This will be succeeded in January by one from the pen of Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, author of "Gates Ajar," etc. Her story will be a novel of the times of Christ, and will be entitled "COME FORTH." The famous H. Rider Haggard will write a story of the early times of Babylon and Jerusalem, to be entitled "1ESTHER." 5.'here is no doubt but these stories will attract great atten- tion. In addition to all this every yearly sub- scriber to THE WEEKLY OF SEMI-WEEKLY Will RECEIVE A BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVING Which of It=elf ought to be worth the price of the paper. To further accommodate Its readers THE iN'I'l It 15 l AN has made a combination with THE HOME MAGAZINE, Edited by Mits. OF:SliR1L JOHN A. IM:.1N. by whichthat paper is sent for one year with T111) WEEKLY INTER OCEAN for One Donor (Mei Ten Cents. Only think—BOTH PAPERS for Tbus every one can have reading matter of THE HEST QUALITY at the very lowest price. The prise of Tl1E WEEKLY INTER OCEAN is 81 per year The price of TIIE S11)tl.WEEKLY is,,.,,..,..$2 per rear, Send for sample conies. Liberal terms to postmasters and club agents. Address TIiE.INTER OCEAN,,Chicae. JOBPRINTING 0 Itt two -4 emit tit TILE ACKNOWLEDGED Leading:: Conserv Ye ::Ptiler OF THE COUNTY, HAS ONE OF THE = X + - — + Best Equipped Job Rooms ▪ - - + — = - — - IN 'WESTERN ONTARIO. 0 r Toe Fiest Job Printing EXECIJ'1'EI) C)N T1 -1E SHORTEST NOTJCFit 0 Posters, :—: Streamers, Circulars, Cards, &c. COLORED PRINTING! EQUAL (IN MANY CASES SUPERIOR) TO CI'TY WORK. 0 BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, LETTER HEADS. 0 The Double Circulation Xsp ��). TaIRs to TfiousarI1s. 0 Advertise in The News-Ra�ord A DOUBLE CIRCULATION IN TiIE COUNTY OF HURON. u.... -. - ,r