HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-12-25, Page 5naraw oirmmoriss A CIIANE IN THE BQSINESS G. E. PAY&CO will take place about the 1st of March next. And in order to make it Tile Whole of the Present Dry -Goods Stock Must he Disposed of. It will all be offered at the ACTUAL COST PRICE until all is sold. t If you have no faith in this advertisement, come and see if the prices quoted does not convince you beyond a doubt. A : Bargain : Day : Every : Day !• TERMS CASI.I OR TRADE, . Geo. E. Pay & Co. THE NE "-6 EIC FOR FINE PRINTING igantie Bale! T. 0 J.O. DETLOR & CO. Will hold FO1ti O\ E MONTH a Gigantic CLEARThG - SALE. The. Goods MUST BE SOLD, and they are put down at prices ices that will make tlleln go. ---Aelanyithes at .HALF PRICE, ' e1 f t1 7j• r,n, it come and 5t.e i�lt'�1Vri91'1i'�,,.:1.. �l ac�itl'3:-- ---- 0 j' S. _ f etior . ;. Y Here We Are Again. 1111 1 1111 Don't expect are to do it 1 all this year. l'm the same old Santa Claus, but there are more people wainting 1 than 1 can attend to. Every body with a warm heart is busy with their Christmas shopping. Everybody with a long head is going to see those Beautiful Bargains in , J A MERRY CHRISTMAS. TO Y S, Books, Bibles, -Fancy Goods, NOVELTIES, ETC. Now ilisl)layetl in t(•rl)pting anti bewildering profusion W. COOPER &, CO., CLINTON. * (iikNI)* Sftootin JTIato. * IN CLINTON * * * * NEW * YEAR'S *DAY. A °rand Shooting )latch will * held over the A i Range, Clinton, cIn sabot, on Match day, January 1, 1800 when a large mtml,or of CHOICE GEESE AND TURKEYS, (dressed and alive) will ho shot for at actual ca4h tame Range for Rifles, 200 yards, any position, iron target, *** For Shot nuns, the usual distance. *** Shooting to eminence at 10 a. m, * * * * s. PiRE, Clinton HOUSE FOR RENT. That commodious brick bomb ;nn Joseph atrtxet, presently occupied by Mr. T:,04 Jln•m• with four lots, gond nrcb1rd, atshl.. and other c.nt tenienees. Pae-nsai m gipr n lst .Inns lsim, Apply to, ,M11\ �1tf•;1'P„RD, At Spooner's Temperance Hotel EDWARD HARRIS, Real Estate Broker, Financial Agent, &c., 23 Toronto Street, Toronto. Particulars of farms, Residences, Business Properties, &c., for intended sale, can he sent to the above ad- dress, or given to • IV/RATIO HALE, Banker, tato,, CLINTON' December, 1040 rs2 13' Hogs and Poultry Wanted. An umbo ted number of Dressed frogs and Poultry of all kinds for the Foreign Marled, for which 1 will pay the highest market price. W. If EYES, next New Er t nft•e, 11;0 It Clinton HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT, $ to .ti 1 on the West side of Victoria %treat, comprising %sten rooms and I<Rehm) with appurt< goo es therein belon • ing Coal for sale. .1N0. y!. (;AltV.1. THE DRYGOOD8 PAL 150 Ladies' and Children's Fet Hats, Which have been bought Cheap and are now offered at ordiw- ary Wholesale Prices. Also our entire stock of RIBBON VELVETS, WINGS, &c., at Prices to Clear. For Good Goods at Low Prices go to the "Dry -Goods Palace.” FIVE PER CENT.- -CFF- F -0—R SH.. u-0 o—o- -: Estate date John Hodgens. :- R, 23ROS Have the finest assortment of #/OtJSEHOLB :-: FURNITURE .in the county. Parlor Suites, Lounges, Easy Chairs and 11att1•asses, all of our O t•II manufacture, bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Extension 'fables, Dining Chairs, Reed and Rattan Furniture—the very hest quality at the lowest prices. f •UNBERTAKING a Specialty. BROS., FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND 11' i.. ti:iti..l' i, CLIN'1'oN. THE NEWS-2EGORD FE1I E PRINTINC. STUDY EOONOMY 1 Shrewd purchasers are invited to inspa. t our '1•E.\S, t-'O1'1'E,ES AND SUGARS. See our ('H IS1'\iA8 111t't'i:S. i:•;artllotit value in high cr`sia }tA.ISINS and ('1TIt1tANTS. 'I'll•• p r tv 1...,.r anality of .HAMS and liACON... t CIItoUK .ILY. (lI,ASS t1: (;111 N_\1\'A iI E iu ensllt•ss variety. • Call elt.1 .•ee.tts I,t ••,.t' tau slat t u 0 .i.ni ttr. C4L..1" AVE (.iVE (It)t11) \':\LITE AAI. 'f'1?3: TIME. CANTELON BROS., Wholesale & Retail Grocers, Clinton. v FROM .11,1. The Best Makers in Canada ! — 0 — Lamps, Saws, Axes, & a Full Line of Hardware & Tinware 1" ill•: II.11, I'ItoNi bAVS & ROWLAND MAMMOTI1 111,I1I)\1'AI1E All S'i'(.)Z'1'; 1101'51, CLINTON r.rlmsitsmeagelas.aram%mcrn,,a1 O, cza ais. 4.,,ornrcz. .:-,t.-rr0.X -t a0r . NEW FIRM ! 94iGOODS! COOPER & LCCI-AN, Grocers, have opened nut and are offering Bargains in New Black, Green and Japan Teas, Coffees, FRUITS, SUGARS, ETC. All of this season's (production and eonsequon1ly fresh. \\'o have A Large Stock of Crockery and Glassware. Newest shapes and patterns, consisting in part of ('Irina and Stone Tea, Dinner and Chamber Sets, which we are selling very cheap. Call and examine our stock. SW—Special attention given to FA11iLY TRADFI:nea (foods promptly delivered. Deal with ns and get the NEWEST, CIiEAPES'1' AN1; 111ESifES'I' 01nIDs, COOPER & LOGAN, NI;X'l' DI,O11 I'tl A. (;Ot'('ll'S RI"1'('Itl;11 Si1OI', ('f.1NTON. BANKRUPT STOCK hardware. We are offering some decided bargains this fall in Chopping Axes, Cross Cut Saws, Cattle Chains, Halters,. Ropes, Grain Scoops, Leather Belting, Barb Wire, Steel Wire, Hay Knives, Paints and Oils, WINDOW (GLASS; &c. This is a part of the stock of R. M. Macey, and was ,bought at a Great Bargain and will be sold a great deal less than ordinary prices.. You can rely upon getting; Bargains in every litre. A splendid lot of HANGING LA Id PS, 011ANDELI ICES, LANTEiiNS, SHADES, CHIMNEYS, WICKS, BURNERS, .tu., which will he sold ata Lig discount. Also a big assort utent of STOVES, Loth second hand and now, which we aro selling nt Reduced Prices; �✓ ' Full stuck of Blacksmith's and \Vo ot1111akers supplies. \Ve keep only THE BEST American' and C,t,tadiau Coal Oil. HAARLA D BROS • Stoves and Tinware, Iron and Hardware, CLINTON Christmas and 1 ow Year Fruits Fresh New Valencia Raisins per lb, (70 vj Fresh New Patrass Currants per Ib, I Fresh New Lemon, Oran ' cI Citron Peels, Lowest I Cut PCICC$13lbs. Bost Granulated White Super for $1 cash L{� Coffee Sugars at Refinery Prices, J. 1ff. IR IN, " The Tires" Tea Warehouse, CO0PElt', OLD STA NI), CLINTON'. o 00aS HOLIDAY NOVELTIES All New Goods, carefu'.ly selected and bought. ALBUMS, MIRRORS BOOKLETS, CARDS, CHILDREN'S PICTURE BOOKS, TOYS and NOV% ELTIES of all kinds. Xmas Plates, Cups and Saucers, haadsom0 in,design and low in price. Tickets for Sunday School Classes—a good assortmen& and prices greatly reduced. Examine our stock before you buy. Worthington's Book Store. Look Here ! ! - - Look Here ! ! 0 Great Bargains in Christmas Goods at China Hall. New Valencia Raisins, Now London Layers and Black Basket', New Suit(' Raisins, New Currants, Figs, Prunes, Dates, &c., fresh Candied lop, Citron and Orange Peels. New Season's 'Peas—best qualities of BIaok, Green and Japan, at prices that knock lout the tea peddlers New Designg in China Tea Setts, 104 piece combination Dinner and Tea Setts for $9.50, worth $12.00. Toilet Setts from $1.75 to $10. A call solicited. N. ROBSON. - - CLINTOf4 THE HUB GROCERY CHRISTMAS FRUITS. FRESlt RAISINS ANJ) CURRANTS. FRESH: FIGS, DATES, LEMONS AND ORANGES. FRESH LEMON, ORANGE AND CITRON PEELS. FRESii EXTRACTS OF ALL• KiNJ)S. FRESH 'WALNUTS, ALMONDS & FILBERTS. (FANCY CUPS & SAUCERS, GLASSWARE. All of the above Goods we offer AT CUT PRICES. 0 Geo. Swallow, Clint� It .4fid t~