HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-12-25, Page 1r. TERDISr—$1.50 per Annum, 81.25 1n, Advance. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS, NEUTRAL IN NOTHING WHITELY £. TOED, Pabltati r i VOL. XII.—NO. 5. CLINTON, HURON COUNTY, ONT., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1889 Hardware Removal. In announcing my Removal to J. C. Detlor & Oo's old and well- known stand on the corner of North Street, I would call atten- tion to my large stock of General. and Ship HARDWARE, a stock that for extensiveness in range and reasonableness in price can- not be excelled in Huron. I also take this opportunity of thanking my many friends for the patronage that has necessi- tated a removal to more commo- dious premises, and request a continuance of the same at the new stand, JAMES YATES. GouertIOn,.Oct. 21st, 1889. .. oral (l'arrespontleuce ~-- (}odcriclr. To day being Christmas day, we wish the readers of these columns Many Happy Returns, and hope that the anniversary of the death of the Oue who brought Good 'Tidings may be a day of Peace and Plenty to all. In many of the families of our patrons there will be vacant chairs, the former occupants of which have left loving remembran- ces that time can never efface. May such memories cause us to comment - the Da in a manner accept able to the . iver of AU Good Things, and o imbue us with that virtue, Charit •chat we shall feel we are nearer t t loved ones who have passed to t to Great 13eyon•1. We– For Fresh New Year's Can- dies, Fruits and Oysters, call at BALL'S store. s Early communion at St. George's at 9 and regular Christmas service at 11 a.m. to -day. Messrs. F. W. Johnston and Jos. Beek paid a visit to Myth last The rsd ay. • The pupils of Miss Crouk's class presented their teacher with a very pretty album. During the windstorm on Sunday the handsome lamp outside the C.P. R: telegraph office was blown down and badly broken. Rev. B. L. Hutton lectured in Victoria street Methodist church last Mouday evening, on " Ireland : Her Sins and' Sorrows." There will bo a good programme presented at the Sunday School Christmas Tree in the Victoria -se Methodist church this evening. Mrs. James Vivian, when passing around the square on Friday, lost her gold watch and chain, but luck- ily it was picked up by Mr. William Craig, of the. Huron Hotel, who handed it to Mr. Vivian when that gentleman was searching foe it. Tho past three days our butchers have had an exeellent display of Xmas beef, mutton, pork and poul- try, all of which was tastefully dressed and decorated. The exhi- bition of Xmas cheer was the beat we have seen for many a year. Mr. Dalton, market inspector fo Brantford, died last Tuesday after a e short illness, aged 78 years. The deceased fell recently and dislocated itis hip, an accident that was the primary cause of his death. Tho deceased was father of Mrs. David Curry, of this town. At the last regular meeting of Huron Chapter No. 30, R.A.M:, G. R.C., the following officers were elected for 1890:—Comps. C. A. Humber, Z.; Wm. Craig, sr., H.; I1. W. Ball, J.; W. A. lthynas,'S': E.; W. II. Murnoy, S. N.; James Craigie, P.S.; Judge Toms, Treas.; T. J. Vidoan, Janitor. Misses Florence Williams and Allie Shannon passed t•he recent second class professional teachers examination at the Toronto Normal School, with honors. These young ladies, who both hold first-class non- professional certificates, have been engaged by tho Goderich School Board for the year 1890. A general mooting of the Board of Trade was held ou Wednesday evening. The presideut, Mr. R. S. Williams, in the chair, and there were present Jos. Kidd, vico-pres., R. Radcliffe, treas., J. Mitchell, sec., Mayor Butlor,'P. M,. W. Campbell, councillors Nicholson, Humber, Dunlop and Cantolon, and Meters. Hutchison, Price, VanEvery and .McGillicuddy. A number of com- munications wore -read regarding the establishment of manufactories, when Messrs. R. S. Williams, J. Butler, M. Hutchison, C. A. IIum- hor and H. Horton were appointed a committee to receive any of the visitors who might visit the circular town iu this connection. Worn' (!farregpondenee. WHOLE NO. 583 Goderich Many of our stores now use two electric lights, one even using three. His Honor Judge Doyle held several Division Courts 'teat week. The adjourned session of the Peace will opou ou Jany 4th. Election of officers for Huron lodge No. 62, I. 0. 0. F. at the regular meeting to -morrow eveuiug. The semi-mouthly meeting of the Went H iron Farmers' Institute will be held in this town ou Jauy 17th. and 18th. The Christmas exauunatiou hav- ing been completed ou Friday, the schools were accordingly closed for the holiday term. PURELY PERSONAL. Mr. Keith McLean is spending the holidays in town. Mr. H. E. Johnston of Toronto was iu town this week. Mr. F. W, Johnston is spending the holidays at Sarnia. Mr. Morrieou, of Walton, was in the county town on Wednesday. Mr. F. Jordon returned from a visit to Montreal oil Friday. Mr. R. H. Collins, of Exeter, was last weok'in the circular town. Mrs. Jas. Yates is., visiting at Alyuter. Mre. Richardson is visiting her relatives at Alymer. Mr. R. Park returned from Exeter on Friday. Miss Hattie Smith is visiting at St. Thomas. Miss May Doyle returuod from college at Buffalo, last week. Mr. Stauloy Hays is holidaying in towu. Miss Allie Sharman has returned -froth the Toronto Normal School. Mr. Ilarry Clucas is spending Christmas week at hotno. Miss Mary Macara, of Brantford, is visiting in town. .Mr. Sidney Malconrson is home for the holiday season. .Mr. Hilton 'felines k hone on a Christmas visit. Mrs. Wygle is visiting at the old homestead on Britannia road. Mr. W. B. Dickson, barrister of Brussels, was in town this week. Mr. E. C. Coleman, of Seaforth, was in the county town last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rastall are spending Chrietlnas at Kincardine. Mr. Hastings, barrister of Sea - forth, paid the Co. town a visit last week. Mr. E. E. Wade, barrister of Brussels, was in town on Wednes- day. Mr. L. Rightmeyer, of ,Kincar- dine, was in the circular town last week. Mr. Chas. Lee returned from college last week for the holiday season., Mr. Jeo. Straiton of the G. T. R. has recovered from his recent indis- position. Mr. Ed. Beck arrived home from Sarnia un Thursday, the Empire having finished her eaason's work. Mr: 11 'pry Potts who has been attending •'..0 commercial college at London i i n rned home last week. Mr. P. It. \Vallate returned to town on 1• riday, and is spending holiday vie, a at home. The ret or of St. George's, Rev. W. A. Young, was in the Forest city last week. Mr. Park is in town on a visit to his brother the Principal of the Public Schools. Mr. Win. Kay had so far recover- ed from his recent illness as to be able to attend to busines on Mon- day. Miss Florence Williams returned from Toronto on Saturday, the Nor- mal school having closed the day previous. Mrs. Bastedo and children, of Toronto, are visiting at the resi- dence of the lady's father, Mr. Chas. Strbuhal. Mr. John Weston, of Dakota, a former resident of Goderich town- ship, is visiting in this neighbor- hood. Mr. Jas. Hamilton who has been indisposed since his return home some four weeks since, was able to be around on Thursday, Miss Florence Downie who had been visiting at the residence of her aunt Mrs. Geo. Black the past two months left for hor home, Sim- • coe, on Saturday. Mr. Gregory Tom having com- pleted his duties at the central school, left for Exeter last week. Tho gentleman .while in charge of the Principal's room proved him- self a most efficient teacher. 0 Moral (!arretpondence Go tier felt. Tho usual Christmas service at St. Peter's to -day. Regular meeting of the Maitland lodge No. 33, A. F. and A. M. next Friday evening.• There waa a meeting of the Board of Trade last Wednesday evening in the town hall. '"" The Holiday time of the high school commenced on Thursday, the school having closed on that day. Oue ut' the new dynamos was placed iu positiun lest week, when the 1000 caudle power lights wore placed in the stores. Numinatiou for Mayor, Reeve, Dopy Reeve, Councillors, and one school trustee for each ward in 'the council chamber at 7.30 p. nr. on Monday. Captain9tabb will attend a Life Boat officers banquet at Detroit on the 28th having received as special invitation through the superintou- deut of the Michigan Life Beat crews. The uow artesian well is now down about 250 feet. The flow from it seems to be cousiderably ahead of any of those previously Bunk, it apparently giving as much water as any three of them. The patent machine for making the improved barrel arrived in town last Friday, and was ready for manufacturing yesterday. The ma- chine has been placed in position at Kidd's mill and salt well. On Monday morning as a Goder- ich Tp. farmer was getting into his w..gou his team started to run away but the Oehler,' by a quick move- ment, got control of the lines and soon brought the animals to a stop. The lighthouse keeper has during the past few months planted many hundred poplar slips on the bank outside the lighthouse, for tho pur- pose of uniting the earth and pre- voutiug future slips. • The officers of Maitland lodge Noe 33, will be installed at the regular meeting on Friday. At the conclusion of the ceremony the members will celebrate the' festival of St. John by taking supper at Campaign's restaurant, West street. There was a meeting of the Public School Board on Tuesday of lust week to consider the report of the Principal regarding the system of promotion, and otherwise conduct- ing .the schools. After discussion the report was unanimously adopt-. ed: At the regular meeting of Huron Encampment No. 28, I. 0. 0. F. held on Monday evening the maid-, herselected to office for the ens.uing term were :—Patriarchs, P. Holt, C. P. ; G. H. Nairn, 1I. P.; Jno. Straiton, S. W. ; Goo. Porter, J. W. ; Ross Rastall, It. S. ; II. W. Ball, F. S. ; W. II. Murney, Treas. Tuckersiluth. Deputy Reeve EIgie publishes a card stating that he will not be a candidate the coming year. At last meeting of the Council all the members were present. A by-law was passed itp pointing In apoctor Malluch, A. Bishop,; M. P. P., a.ud Win. Kydd• Esq. of Usboree to value tho school property of the township, to adjust and settle the re- spective rights and claims couse- gnent on the repeal of the by-law es- tablishing the Township Board, and the division of the town into sections. It is understood that the examinstion of the school property will take place early in January. A resolution was passed fixing Dix- ott's hall, Brucefiold, as the place for holding a meeting for the nomina- tion of candidates to fill the offices of Reeve, Deputy -Reeve and Coun- cillors for the year 1890, and if a poll is necessary polis will be opened at the usual places, viz: For divi- sion No. 1, Henry Colbert, Deputy Returning Officer ; No. 2, Janine Broad foot, Deputy Returning Offic- er; No. 3, S. Smillio. Deputy Re- turning Officer; No. 4, James Cum- ming, Deputy Returning Officer. The rumination will be on the last Monday of the year. Tho follow- ing suras were voted ea relief : To N. Price. $15 ; J. Miller, $5 ; Ed. Cont. her, $10. The taxes charged a- gainst John Collagen and Edward Gomber were retnitted, also a (log tax of \Vm. Turney. It may not 'bo out of place to re; mind the ratepayers of each school section in the township that the school act fixes the last Wednesday of December as the day ou which to hold "school meetings," except when Wednesday is a holiday.This year Wednesday .being Christmas, the meetings should be held on Thurs- day, the 26th, at 10 a, nt. .0 Xacltl Tal'*t,pandenct Stunuterhitl. Air. John H. Lowery, who has just returned from the Normal school in the northern city, looks as if proximity to John A. did not disagree with hirn. Mr. 'Phos. Cousins, who has been engaged with Mr. W. H. Ball for the past year, has engaged with Mr. Melburrt Sprung for 1890. Mr. Albert Moles has al -o engaged' with the eamo gentleman. We are scary to lose two such genial geetleieu from our neighborhood. A very successful examination was held in the public school here on Thursday, 19th inst. It com- rneuced in the morning and was couductetl by the teacher, G. M. Kilty, assisted by Messrs. Arthur Scott, of No. 4, Colliorue ; Alex. Watson, of No. 9, Hullett ; and J. II. Lowery, who had just arrived' home trout the Ottawa Normal School,.. Thu ladies brought well filled baskets of choice "eatables," and at noon lunch was served. The examiuetion was then cogtiuued, after which"Air. Watson was elected chairman and a programme of reci- tations, dialogues and music, was rendered. At the conclusion of the programme the chairman, on behalf of the pupils,, presented the teacher with a very nice' writing desk, with inlaid cover, which took him com- pletely by surprise end impressed the visitors present with the good feeling which .rust exist between pupils and teacher. Speeches were then delivered ley the chairman, the trustees of the ar.hool, the 'visiting teachers and.r. number of the other visitors, in all of which great praise was given to the pupils for the manner iu.which they had acquitted thetnselvee. The great attraction was the Christmas Tree, laden with presents bought by the trustees for the pupils as. a reward 'fpr their work during the year. These pre- sents were distributed at the close and seethed' to give satisfaction to all. There were 96 visitors present by actual count, the hugest' umber on a:similar occasion in this 0011001 within our temen)brance. `\\'e ,sin- coreiy hope she trustees •will hold out the same inducements to the pupils •for the coming'year. It ie the opinion of all that it worked exceedingly voll dut.ing• the pact year, and we also hope the ratepayers will give the school the encourage- ment caused by their presence•when the annual examination of 1890 takes place. • Goderich Township. Treasurer Cantelon has furn- ished, and the Council in accordance with the statute has published, the financial statement of the township for 1889. The expenditure for the year is somewhat over $13,000, made up School taxes $4,583.37•; Reeve's notes $1,215.4; County rate for general purpusea $3,173'13 ; Do. municipal assessment' for schoola $360,1eaving estimated balance in favor of township of $1,518.06. Council met according to. statute at lfolmeavill'e Monday Deer. 16; members all present. Minutes •of l,,;t week read and passed. • Report of Mr. John Cox, chair luau of tho local board of health, was road and passed, ,the report showing that no complaints had come before the board during the year of ill kept pretnises or any deaths from contagious diseases, and that the townehip is at present free from any dangerous or infectious disease. The treasurer handed in the report of the receipts and ex- penditures of the township for the current year, which - was o'arofully read over. Moved by Samuel Sturdy, seconded by John Beacom, that the treasurer's report he accept- ed and the council have 150 copies printed for distribution at nomina- tion, and the requisite number of copies be posted up in the town- ship. Carried. The following accounts were paid, viz; Henry Weston, outlet for drain, $2 ; James Alexander, gravel, $9; medicine for Aire. Bray, per W. C. Goode, $1.75; News-RocoRD, printing, $17,50; Andrew Courtice, gravel, $3.30; 'Wm. Nicholson, gravel, $1.80; Robert Draper, gravel, $3; Thomas Trick, use of scraper 4 days, $1; Joseph Wilaon, gravel. $L80; James Elliott, 5th con'. gravel, $3.60; James II. Elliott, cut line, gravel, $12.36; John Weir, gravel., $5.85; clerk for services as secretary to board of health two years, $4; John Beacom inspecting spile:driving at Holmesvillo small bridge, ono day, $1.25; Thomas Chuachill, two days same, $2.50; Samuel Sturdy, three days same, $3.75; eollector,postago, $1; Mrs. Soworhy, dog wrongly assessed, $l; treasurer borrowing money and pre- paring his reports for nomination, $6; Edward Smartt', ties of hall for council purposes, $50; collector, goal (garreopoudenet Goderich 'Township. salary, $70; treasurer, salary, 870; councillors for their services as such, $22 each. Council adjourned to meet again per statute. JAMES PATTON,Clerlt. Stanley. Council met at :Varna Dec. 16th, 1889. Mentber°all present, mioutes of previous meeting rend and signed. Geo. Baird, Thos. Kennard, Wm. Rathwell and.Santuel Sterling were appointed Dep. retu'uing officers for the ensuing year. The following accounts wore ordered to be paid : Dr. Staubury $16.00 and Dr. Nichol' $3.00 for attendance on Mr. and Mrs. Bannerman they being in in• digentcircumstances ; Robt. Holmes $1.00 for notice of courtof revision ; Andrew Stinson $10.00 Salary and' $5.38 for wood and repairs for the. Hall and three days attendance at special Courts ; Board of health ,officers $9.00; \Vm. Slack $3.68; E. McEwen $17.75; D. McTavish $2.16; Ed Glen $11.20; Ed West- lake 19.52 for gravel accts;° Geo. Stewart $3.00 for making out deeds 'and reglatering spine and $11.00 for making out School Section Census for 1889; John Torrance, salary, road commissioner select• ing Jurors and postage $32.00; Isaac Erratt salary and road Com- missioner $29.20; \\int. Clark salary and road Commissionrs $29.20; Jas. Aikenhead salary and postage $86.00; Geo . Stewart, salary, voter's list, registration, postage, stationery and selecting Jurors $126.00; Jas. Campbell and Robt. Reid were each refunded $1.00 being error iu dog -tax; also that $2100 commuta- tion for statute labor against Wm. Lang be considered null, ho having paid it in another beat. The Cqun- cil then adjourned. GEO. STEWART, Clerk. Morris. The council niet ou the 16th Dec., .1889. Members, all present, the Reeve in the chair.. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. A number of accounts were ordered to be paid. The .following persons rvereappoineel to take the votes at the planes hereinafter mentro ed ,should a poll be rexelei the coming Municipal Er Tion: -Subdivision No. 1 at the school house in S. S. No. 1, Jas. Ne.woombe D. R. 0. Sub -Div. No. 2 at the, the school house in S. S. No. 9, Alex McCall 11 R. 0. 'Sub -f" No. 3 at the school house it ..,. No. 5, Geo. Hood D. R. 0. Sub -Div. No.4 at the town hall, 'Tori. Miller D. R. 0. Sub -div. No. 5 at the school house in S. S. No. 7, T. S. Brandon D. R. 0. Sub-biv. No. 6 at the, school house in S. S. No 10, Arthur Shaw D. R. 0. Bylaws No. 7 and 8, 1889 were duly read and passed. The Council then adjourned.—W. CLARK, Clerk. Blyth. Judge Doyle hold Division court here Thursday. Mr. A. Smith shipped another load of fine dressed hogs from this station to Montreal on Friday. Mr. W. Coloton and wifo of Winnipeg and Mies Ellen Coloton of Calgary are spending tho holi- days with their parents here. Mr. James Gosman who has been living in the neighborhood of Galt for two years past returned on Sat- urday to spend a couple of weeks with his parents. On Monday evening the members of the Bible class of the Methodist church waited upon their teacher, Mr. Miles Young, and presented him with a handsome easy chair as a token of their esteem for him. The meeting of the local Con- servatives on Thursday evening was fairly well attended. In the ab- sence of Mr. F. W. Fanner from town Mr. John Emigh took the chair. Excellent addresses' were given by Messrs A. M. Todd,Joseph Bock, F. W. Johnston and Reeve Belly. It was very clearly shown that no man could be a Conserva- tive without being a consistent equal rights man in the proper and fullest sense of that term. On Thursday , afternoon our bailiff with several assistants got into quite a melee while' endeavor- ing to remove a machine from T. Bawden's shop to tho station. At one tirne it was thought that the riot act would have to bo read out but as soon as the evening, train arrived a person alighted frot it that soon made it all oaceful d serene. I tell you w t them ' .ast enders aro terrors on solo when they get started. Xaelill (! orrcgpolldeizet. Blyth. Mr. Secord of Goderich a'as in town on Monday. Mr. John McDonald of lien. salt waa in town on Friday. ,rliessrs Tanner 'and Shane took part at the English Church concert at Bayfiold on Thursday evening. On Friday our Public School wee closed for the Christmas heti- days. The large new driving shed iu rear of the Methodist Church he... is almost completed. Regular' meeting of the member's of the C. 0. F., was held in their hall on Tuesday evening. • Divine service is to be hold iu the Trinity Church on Christmas Day at 11. a. m., with Holy Com- munion. It is rumored that our Christy Minstrels intend holding their annual open air concert ou New Years eve. Look out for theta. Our tax collector was on the war path on Monday paying the delinqu- ents another visit. Did you get much chink Johnny 1 Several of our young folks at- tended the English Church .Xmas 'free and Entertainment in Bel - grave on Monday. Mr. T. Bawdan and his workmen are busy making some large sashes fur the plate glass front of Reynolds store at Hansall. The excellent choir of the Method- ist Church have been invited to as- sist at the tea tneeting of the Afotho- diet Church in Belgrave on Xmas night. Ont Saturday afternoon Mr, Net. son McGee whilst -chopping in the bush cut his foot with -an dice. This will confine the young clan to the house for a few days. Mies Ruth Jones the organist of Trinity Church and the excellent choir have been making preparation for several weeps past to have a grand musical service on Christmas day. Two beautiful carved oak chairs have been placed in the chancel of the English Church, the gift of Mrs. Whitt of Clinton who was for many years organist. The congregation aro to be congratulated on receiving such a handsorne present. The English church. Xmas tree` entertainment last Friday evening/ was well attended though the weather was bad. Two trees were loaded with presents for teeth' old and young. The programme of singing, dialogues and recitations. was well rendered. Great credit is due those who effected such success ful training. The tableaux "Re-• bocce at the Well" and "The Indian,if Captive" were immense. Messrs Tanner and Bawden several times during the evening played beautiful, e instrumental pieces which received great applause. After a time Santa Claus rapped as the door, was ad- mitted and in full regalia passed up the aisle amid roars of laughter: Ho then stripped the presents orf the trees and handed them to the fortunate ones. After this the. affair was brought to a close with singing from the children and the.. benediction by the Rev. G. W. Racey. Proceeds $20760. Nile. Mr. Robert Kirkpatrick has re- turned home after a two years stay in Manitoba. Mr. David McWhinney is hotne again from a trip to Fort Gratiut on the American side. The Christmas tree in connection with the Nile Sabbath school conies off on Xmas eve: Tho Rev. Mr Edge, from Clinton, will deliver a.. lecture. There r1LL rein. be .lead- Ings and recitations, goy 1 by the school. Music by th.' choir. .rr Tho anniversary sermons in cone nection with the Nile Methodist Sunday school were preached here .. Sunday morning by Mies Williams, and in the evening by the Rev. A. Potter of Dungannon. Tho revival meetings will commence New Year's eve with a watch night service The entertainment in the halieue, Friday evening, get up by the Good Templet's, was quite a success not withstanding the wet day, Mis „:'. Ilamiln of Goderich presided at thio!'°, organ and gave some vary selections of music. 1ttr. Shane Of ..; L'fyth was also present, and hit comic songs were fully encored. Our teachers have both gond hore'after the duties of the you,!,+.` Miss Plummer was the recipient of a valuable present of a silver piekiar;:, cruet, a silver butter co ler dozon tea knives. ` M r. mick received the ' 3r'4l plush shaving oaso tt brush. Tho teachers for tiie,a year will be Mr. A. McKay 4 gennon and Miss Watson Wawanooh. • etsser .r'