HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-12-11, Page 7A CllANE IN THE ROSINESS —OF— G. EPAY&CO will take place about the 1st of March next And in order to make it The Whole of the Result Dry -Goods Stock Must De Disposed of. It will all be offered at the AUTUAL COST PRICE until all is sold. $T• If you have no faith in this advertisement, come and see if the prices quoted does not convince yogi beyond a doubt. A : Bargain : Day : Every : Day ! TERMS CASH OR TRADE. Geo. E. Pay & Co. THE NEWS -RECORD FOR FINE PRINTING Wonderful Value This Week IN--. OVERCOATS 0 A Lai oI Dress Goods a(4921., Regular Prices 25c. and 30c. Remember EVERY FRIDAY, our Special Bargain Day. 0 ' J.O. etlor & Co NEW STYLES OF Cpilategs Sleighs, Gutters & Sietis, TOBOGGANS, SNOWSHOES, ETC. SEE OUR ASSORTMENT BEFORE YOU BUY. W. COOPER & CO., CLINTON. Executors' Notice to Creditors i'i TIM MATT''.II Or TIIE ESTATE or CHARLES MASON, LATE or TUE 'rows Or CLINTON, IS TIIP. COI'TT1' OF HURON, nICK.AMOII, Fursuant to Chanter 110, Section 30, of the Stu' iced Statutes of Ontario. notice is hereby given that all creditors and other persons hating claims or demands against the estate or tbeabove named Charles Mason, are hereby required to send or deliver to the undersigned' Exoeutors of t he hist will and testament of the said the late Charles Mason, Clinton P. 0., on or before the 20th day of December, 1889, their rhristian names, enrnames, addresses and descriptions, with full particulars of their el aimv, statements of accounts, and nature of so,nrftioe (if in ) hell by than, after winch the 1?tecntnrs under the will shall distribute the a 'els of the estate of the said Charles Mason among the parties en• titled thereto, having re rd only to those claims of which they shall then lime puttee, and the said Eee,ntore will not be liable for the said • seta, or any nart thereof, to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received by then at the anusof each distribution. ]AMTS uCiR'E, i Executors ROIT. MASON, i C. A. 1IART•S, Solicitor. 678 Dated at Clinton, this 13th day of Noy., 11b9. HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT, Sltnated on the West side of Victoria street, roniprising warn rootns and kitchen with appurtenances thereto belonging Coal for sale. JNO, Met.:AIWVA. WARNING. Notice le hereby given that the undersigned will not be responsible for nny debts contracted in iris name by Mas. St'se i arrxri se. WILLIAM SPINDLER. Clinton, Nov. 11, 1889. 677..45 ESTRAY CALVES 'Come into the enclosure of the sub- scriber, Lots 13 and 14, eon. 6, (ioderich township, on or about Octr 20, 188A. five C:\LvEs, one '.•all and font' belle's, chiefly red' in color. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take the animals away. X76 St \\'Illi \M CLARE (loderirh Township, Noor ', 1309, r lIORTGA.GE :: SALE -OF'— Valuable FARM PROPERTY ender and by virtue of the power of sale contain. ed in a certain mortgage, whirl will he produced at the time of sale, there will he sold by public auction, at the RATTENBURY HOUSE, CLINTON, at the hour of 11 o'clock in the forenoon, on Thursday, December 19th, 1889 by Da' id 1)ickiuson, auctioneer, ,all and singular Lot No 44, in the seemed concession, London (toad Survey, In the. Township of Tuckeremlth, in the Cnuuty Of 11uron, containing by admeas• ure neat ore hundred aeree of land, he the e..nte more or less. This is a tirst•clase farm, in a gond locality, situate less than four miles from the Town of Clinton and is in evey w'ay a desirable property. Thera to a good frame house and barn on the premises. Thirty acres of fall plowing is done and six acres are in fall wheat. „hero is upon the place it never haling spring. TERMS. —Ten per rent. down on day of stile, balance in thirty day thereafter. Arrangements can he made to allow a portion of purchase money to rennin on mortgage at 0 per 0e15, Further terms and conditions made known on day of sale, DAVID DiCEINSON MANNING & SCOTT, Auctioneer. Vendors' Solicitors Tuekeremith, Nov. 20, 1889. 579 -td POUNDKEEPER'S NOTICE. One spotted red and white Steer three years old; one red Steer two years old; one spotted red and white Heifer two years old; one red Defter twb years old— were impounded on December 2nd, 1889. They will he sold on December 10th, 1889, if not previously redeemed by owner. E, R, SWA RTS, Poundkeeper. Holmesville, December 3rd, 1889. • Hogs and Poultry Wanted. An unlimited number of Dressed fiogs nod Pnnitry of all kinds for the Foreign Market, for which I will pay the highest tnarket price. W. REYES, next New Fra office, 679 4C t Clinton THE DRV-000DS ALAOE.� 150 Ladies' and hi dren's Fe t Hats, Which have been bought Cheap and are now offered at ordin- ary Wholesale Prices. Also our entire stock of RIBBONS, VELVETS, WINGS, &c., at Prices to Clear. For Good Goods at Low Prices go to the "Dry -Goods 'alacat". FIVE PER CENT. OFF FOR CASH. u—u—o—o—o—o- -: Estate Late John Hodgens. • • i ]3..,oS_ Have the finest a+wltmelit of HOUSEHOLD :-: FURNITURE in the county. Parlor Suites, Lunges, Easy Chairs and Mattt•asees, all of our own manufacture, Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Extension '/lades, Dining Chairs, Reed sial Rattan Furniture—the very best quality at the lowest pliers. UNDERTAKING a Specialty. REITH BROS., FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND UPHOLSTERERS, CLINTON. THE NEWS -RECORD FOR FiNE PRINTING. STUDY ECONOMY 1 u Shrewd purchasers are invited to it SUGARS. See our CH ftI>i'iiE \S class I{AISINS and CURRAN'T'S. BACON. CROCK ER Y. C 1, A tiff ,h Cull nn'1 see 00 heftrt't spt•t mar '1'l::\F, COFFEES AND N'tl (i t'I:S. Excellent value i.i1 high y.•ry hest quality of H A MS and ('111 N .\1V:\ It iu endless variety. • pill ,,,n•n(l n tt>llar. ' \VE GiVI. GOOD VALUE .1LI. THE TIME. CANTELON BROS., Wholesale & Retail Grocers, Clinton. S T O V E —I•'1t0M ALL— The Best Makers in Canada ! — 0 — Lamps, Saws, Axes, & a Full Line of Hardware & Tinware MAY 1)E 11.51) FROM DAVIS & ROWLAND, MAMMOTH HARDWARE AND STOVE HOI'SE, CLINTON :_4 NEW FIRM ! NEW GOODS! COOPER & LOGAN, Grocers, Have opened out and are offering Bargains in New Black, Green and Japan Teas, Coffees, FRUITS, SUGARS, ETC. A11 of this season's production and consequently fresh. We have A Large Stock of Crockery and Glassware. Newest shapes and patterns, consisting in part of China and Stone Tea, Dinner and Chamber Sets, which we are sell'ng very cheap. Call and examine our stock. IttarSpecial attention given to PAM 11,)TRADE. Goods promptly delivered. Deal with ns and get the NEWEST, CHEAPEST ANE FRESHEST GOODS. COOPER Si. LOGAN BANKRUPT STOCK ardwar�. We are offering some decided Bargains this fall in Chopping Axes, Cross Cut Saws, Cattle Chains, Halters, Ropes, Grain Scoops, Leather Belting, Barb Wire, Steel Wire, Hay Knives, Paints and Oils, WINDOW GLASS, &c. This is a part of the stock of R. M. Ra.cey, and was bought at• a Great Bargain and will be sold a great deal less than ordinary prices. You can rely upon getting Bargains in eve/ v line. • A splendid lot of HANGING LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, LANTERNS, SHADES, C1HIMNEYS, \VICKS, BURNERS, e c., which will he Fold at a big discount. Also a'hig assortment of STOVES, both second-hand and new, w hieh we are selling at Reduced Prices. .V.71 Full stock of Blacksmith's and Wagonmakers supplies. We keep only THE BEST American and Canadian Coal Oil. HARLAND BROS., Stoves and Tinware, Iron and Hardware, CLINTON Christmas and New Year Fruits —0 0— Fresh New Valencia Raisins per lb. Fresh New PatrassLCuprants per lb. (7 C Fresh New Lemon, Orange and Citron Peels. Lowest Cut Prices 13 lbs, Best Granulated White Sugar for $1 cash. Coffee Sugars at Refinery Prices. Jt W. IRWIN, " The Times" Tea Warehouse wS COOPER'S OLD STAND, CLINTON. 1 fir!.sIrnas Goods HOLIDAY NOVELTIES 0 All New Goode, carefu:ly selected and bought. ALBUMS, MIRRORS, BOOKLETS, CARDS, CHILDREN'S PICTURE BOOKS, TOYS and NOV. EL'1'IES of all kinds. Xmas Plates, Cups and Saucers, handsome in design and low in price. Tickets for Sunday School Classes—a good assortment and prices greatly reduced. E' *mine our stock before you buy. Worthington's Book Store. Look Here ! ! - - Look Here ! ! o Great Bargains in Christmas Goods at China Hall. New Valencia Raisins, Now London Layers and Black Basket, New Sultana Raisins, New Currants, Figa,' Prunes, Dates, t&c., Fresh Candied Lemon, Citron and Orange Peels. n New Season's 'Peas—best qualities of Black, Green and Japan, at prices that knock out the tea peddlers New Designs in China Tea Setts, 104 piece combination Dinner and Tea Setts for $9.50. worth $13.00. Toilet Setts from $1.75 to $10. A call solicited. N. ROBSON. ▪ CLINTON. THE HUB GROCERY GOOD TEA AND COFFEE. GOOD PICKLING VINEGAR. 0001) CLOVES & CINNAMON. 0001) GINGER, CAYENE. GOUT) CHEAP CROCKERY GOOD MIX'D SPICES. GOOD ALLSPICE, MACE. GOOD ESSENCES. In fart for anything you may nerd in 5;ROCERiES. DRY WOOD FOR SALE, delivered to any part of the Town free. ter Orders left at Shop promptly filled. 0 SIi NEXTGeo. SwalloW, Clinton DOORTo A. COUCH'S 111.1'('111':1{ OT', CiLIN'1'0�.(� In Von • ''1