HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-12-11, Page 6.1. i*/ \` { Itheumattism, BI:INC; duo to, the, preeencerof mitt:" 'L.) acid in the blood, is uiAst eltooi Gal ly cured by the use of Ayer's Saraape- villa. Be sure you got Ayer's and no other, and take It till the poisuuous aeid is thoroughly expelled froth the system. We challenge attention to this testimony :— "About — "About two years ago. after mitering Ler uearly two years from rheumatic gout, being able to walk only with great disevmtort, and having tried various remedies, including mineral waters, without relief, I saw by an.advertise- taent in a Chicago paper that a man had been relieved of this distressing conl- plaiut, after long suffering, by taking Ayer'd Sarsaparilla. I then decided to wake a trial of this medicine, and tuuk it regularly for eight months, and am pleased to state that it, has effected a complete cure. I have since bail no re- turn of the disease."—Mrs. R. Irving T odge 110 West 125th st., New York. "One year ago I was taken ill with inflammatory rheumatism, beingcon- fined to my house six months. came out of the sickness very much debili- tated, with no appetite, and my system disordered in every way. I commenced using dyer's Sa s parilla and began to Improve at onsgaining in 'strength and s.,o:. recovering my usual health. I cannot say too much in praise of this woll-known medicine." = Mrs. L. A. Stark, Nashua, N. II. Ayr's Sarsaparilla, PREPARED PT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Price $1; six bottles, $5. Worth $5 a bottle. 'h e Huron News -Record .Jan Vet.tr-31.25 In Advance. X7' Thr nolo rinse not de ftt,tice to his business John ,p•nd.. lees in (1ttro•rti,ing than he tine, in .n, t T niso.%ar, the millionaire eterchr"lt t' .\'ee rode, oJ'1'.ILR stlay. DeQ. Mb. 1889 '.t. N.\ 1)1 N N E\VS NOT El. ---\1+'. \Villinnl Benson, eulluctor .cif ell tam: at Windsor, Ont., died 1\'eifir'seln'; Iest.iu his 78th year. --1. is rt'I,uri"d that a traveller fur Sieel;'an's brewery, Guelph, has ably, ed out, taking with hilt setae 11 tT. ,us;ultl dullare. to which „0 t. is ::o: entitled. Hu collected someo ho a about $20,000 for 'which Ile :V.V. 710 credit, /Intl thou 11t- C:111100d. ._.n., •I'itsuul,ttg Liberal loan ltindia reminds us that the fire is .a1.1 sing iu ,hrut by uairg the '.1.;,,a) ..1:lugs e les tied their way there ,ts fuel. (.frit editors would 'ae ]:o mole good for fuel than they are for anything else, They are too green to burn. So.dee p is the impression made by the liresilian revolution that in the Span the debates on C.. . ,•'v' laid alllfrntt bill. Copser- va.ti+'- o •;tors implored the house to reit'.'t. a 'meow re which would soon involve Spain in a catastrophe 'ikt t' -,o Brazilian revolution. —On Wednesday Mrs. IEli It elt,.r, of altddt+n, presented in r 1 101)1, nil with three lief. cltillsetl --two boys • and it girl. The mother and children are all doing tv: H. 'rhe children average ver five pounds pitch, anal 1)r. Pell reports thttin all likely to live and flourish. --Judge. Robertson gave judg• tu'Ht the other day in the Common Pleas Division in the case of Ilarri- ,son vs. Toronto Street Railway Cotupally. The action was for negligence in startiug a car from which plaintiff was descending, and so causing her an injury. Judg mens .for plaintiff, with damages assessed' at :,500, and with ,full ousts of suit. .A Loudon journal tells a good etoly of Palmerston at the expense of 0lnilatuue. When Garibaldi was its England he was much lion- he'd and received n great deal of att., itiull from 0 wealthy and titled duu'ager. Somebody proposed that iio two should marry, when it was cLjecte�l that Garibaldi alrently hall a wife. "O. that's no bar," said Lord I'almel'ston, "%vel;lo get Glad• :hullo to explain her away.„ .1'atifeel-stot 'J' fo pett,lt; Charity 1 ouvnteth 0 multitude of sins, and Jamil,, covl•reth a Multitude of -la atlt.., A' christiau (1) Indy of Pati Ili c 'stun made some bread tin other Baty, which turned out so JJ hent',' '' that Ito cuultl not eat it, so she -• cit, it loaf of it to n poor family. The father could not cut it, ate; nate! soaking it in miler all night he gave it to a neighbor's ducks, but they could make uothf•ug of it. --St ''homes Times :—The vill- s,,' of tip'ingfinl,l has been consider ah;y existed the 1,14 few day's over the elopement of the wife of T '',11 Baton, a hotel -keeper of that vi',I:;'••, with i yu'tng nl.tn named (.lateas, against Loin it warrant has been issued for brutally beating Raton. The woman took a watch and a sum of money belonging to her h. -baud. They fire now bra li 't'e d t„ be in -Michigan, and war - lents le the Lot 1t iscueeet fur their at't'est, .fit's, Itaton ka 0 young woman of about 2.1 years of age, :tad appears to have become infatutod with ('limas, who to described as a \ttatl:l.•ss chnrnc!el, and a disgrace 1•, his iel.tlit`Pi Wiruale nespeetthin residents of Springfield and vicin- ity, --It is stated the Portuguese ®11 Gover'ntuept''tyill reply ilnrnediate,. 1) nit P ' R EY S ' ly to Lord Salisbury a- protest re- is k.YETERINARR 5PECIVICS girding ,the • Purtugut se claim 'to For Eerses,-Cattle, Sheep, hops, Hogs, countries north and 9)ltth of the - AND POULTRY. Zambesi River. Pui1tlnal justifies f500Page BoohmtTreanuentofAnimate e 1 and Chart Soni Free. log. posse:elan On the gnOund of I cuaESIy Fevers. ('ontn•Sllona. Inflammation, discovery and exploitation. A•A• 1 1planl Meningitis, Milk Fever. � a.a...Str omncr,tNasal Lameness, --lamps II. Carnes, an eulpt�ye p.D..-Botsor Grube, Woripa, • of the KiHee iy Iron 11 orke at Can,1 g.E..-Congba; Heaven, Pneumonia. F,I3'...Collo o,• ti.ripes, Bellyache. Colt, Alass, was accide'tltlllly 3hht in G.--Tlliscarriage, hemorrhages. LH. --Urinary end Kidney Diseases. .1. -.Eruptive Disensee, Manus. J.H..-Diseases of Digcation.. • Stable case; with Specifics, Idanua, 'Witch Hazel 0,l and Mudtcator, tti.0.0 Price, Siegle Bottle (over GO doses), - .130 Sold by Druggists; or Sent Prepaid anywhere and in any quantity on Receipt of Price. Humphreys' Med. Co., 109 Fulton St., N. Y. en 'oven' of the works Saturday al''u noon, , When, found Sunday inc1111l10 lie was completely baked, a til died shortly after being re - 1 seetl 1'e air wasted; cheeks may have all th;t plumpness and bloom of health through your use of Ayer's Sump. axilla. This time-honored remedy still leads the van. It improves digestion, purifies the blood, and in- vigorates the system. Give it a trial. —At the Sunday morning ser- vice in St. James Cathedral, Tor- onto, Canon Dumouliu announced that very shortly all the seats in the Cathedral would be free to all people, and oXpressed his warm approval of the some. ADVICS TO Mornsas.—Are you dis- urbed at night and broken of 'your rest b a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of"airs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor itltlesufferer immediately. De - peed upon it, mothers; there is no mis- take about it. It cures Diaentery and Diarrheas, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colin, softens the Gums, reduces Inflamma'ioo, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "tree Winslow's Soothing syrup" for chileren teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescriptio.a ofoue of the oldest and best tamale physiciansan)i nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25c. a bottle. Ire sure andask for "Mrs, Winslow'sSoothing Syrup," and.j ake no other kind. —On the night of the 11th inst. the barn and outb'lildings belong- ing to John ICeunedy, on the llt.h, Concession of Biddulph, were burn- ed down. Mr. Kennedy, at the time, said the fire was the work of an incuudiary, and publicly ad elD-e'1 an inti nihil by the, name of 1)etnis Carry as .beings the caRae of the fire, on account of which a very bitter fueling , was engendered between the parties, which recently cululivatotl in Ken- nelly threatening to, take the life of .Limes Carty, son of the old man Dennis. The 'rtthtI,t ut' this was tl warrant issued against Ken- nedy in London, upon which he was arrested and taken before Squire Peters and remanded to jail, failing to find sureties for his good behaviof,-•iy_ future. A PLAIN STATEMENT. All poisonous waste, and worn out matter ought to escape from the sys- tem through tho secretions of the bowels, kidneys and skin. B. B. B. cleanses, opens and regulates these natural outlets for the removal of disease. —Ou Docr. lst. a young man named E. Cowan, aged about 25, employed on the C. I'. 1i,. engin coring staff, was run over by the Grand Trunk local traits which leaves Chatham shortly after nine, After bidding farewell to some friends on the express going west, he stopped from the platform on the other track, and was unaware that the local was in tnotion. She streak him on the head, knocking him under the cars, nearly the whole train, composed' of nearly a dozen cars of freight, passing over both his legs. Ho was car- ried to a neighboring hotel, where the railway physicians amputated both legs above the knee. As he is a young Ulan of good constitu- tion it is hoped he will pull through. He was going to leave for England in a few days. The hursn, drastic purgatives, once deemed so indispensable, have giv• e'i place to midler and more skilfully prepared laxatives ; hence the great and growing demand for Ayer's Pill's, Physicians everywhere recommend them for costiveness, indigestion, and liver complaints- -In the divorce case of Jeffery v. Jeffery before Judge. (balani, at Halifax, Nova, Scotia, the evidence showed that the 'parties wore mar- ried in 1869; that anbsegnnntly the husband took his wife by the throat, threw her against a partition and used had Ltlu,nage, calling het had 111711,,R $171t1 'wearing. 110 sometimes 'ho'.t'nd gloat impatience and ilad a hail '"1117er end got intoxicated. While :seed planting some yea's niter niafri;age, they quarreled and he hit her un the head and arm lin thn'ti' food in her fetch and scat• toted the furniture shout the house. 11e has seized his wife by the titre it, while sleep and used abusive lm- };nage to her from 1877 to 1887. (10 het dt of respondent lois counsel admitted the had temper and and in boxictt 1011, but contended that there wits 1)01 ail lTieit'u1 grog itch for a ilivureta. Incision reserved. A Nff;fl'I' ALARM. 1 ttv.oke lust night to find my lits tle boy so bad with croup that he could hardly breathe, but on giving him some Jlagyard'a Yellow Oil on sugar, and rubbing his ;chest, throat and back with it also, be soon was sleeping quietly and awoke next morning completely cured. dolly F 1olorT, Eglinton, ()nt. 31VM1'I3EEY'S' HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC No. fin In ueo.30 years. The only encceteful remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Prostration, front over -work or'other canes. el per vial.or 5 vide and lame vial powder, for $5 So,a,nY )lttxilal'Ta, orbeat pont ,aid on receiptol price.- l,tuaght•r)n' dl,Jldun Cu., lee tun at., 11. Y. 1VELLS A: It I CLIA ItDSON CO., Agents, MONTREAL. -..-....r •ILL? ? :nacre — — S, c rrlr)• \\' 111d,,t11 tat i lltates th ft it will east ,3.11,4 28,97 7 to run the government uuwhinf. ul 1\'ash- ingtou fur lite cowing fiscal year. Lvril.AL + a +Irl 0•' C , 0 8 t -' .. ermanept oil• D t(lpasguaraatecd." 88lary st Expenses Paid. t'ecu- Itaradvantageat beginners Stock complete wktb fast•setltng specialties. oirrysT It'I;EE. Ws guarantee what we advertise. Write IIROWN S. N, s ry . N. :) a' .4_ .nL_J ID V V 74J7 Jai rr s 1 1 —1.VE— lietowitereta N:t't'IONAL PILLS aro a mild pur• gative, acting on thea Stomach, Liver _ ssarar:srcrsn.�arc,sar and Bowels, removing all obstruc• tions. - , —The I,let.foon of a theatre at \Vieheu, iu the province of Shan tong, China, collapsed during tt per. formanee. Two bemired ,,Itereous were k 111ed. VALUABLE TO KNt)W. Consumption may be more easily prevented than cured. The irritate ing and harrassing cough will be greatly relieved by the use of lfagy• aril s Pectoral Balsam that eared coughs, colds. bronchitis and pulmon- ary troubles. —A. heavy storm i,tcvai1s in the Jamestown, N. 1)., reeeiou. More snow It,t ahead)* fallen than fell altogether Last ''it.tet, which is pleasing to 11 ' fanners.. FOR RICKETS, MARASMUS, AND A'LL WASTING DISORDERS 1)1'' CHILDREN Scott's Emulsion 1aion of Pine Cod Li ger 011, 'with iIa11 ophos)dtites, is unequaled. The rapidity with which children gain flesh anti strength upon 'it is very wonderful. +'I have used Scott's Emulsion in cases of Rickets and \Itu'asrnus of long standing. In every case the improvement was marked."—J. )I. 1J AIN!, ;•I. D. New York. Sold by all Druggists, 50c. and $1.00. —Alex 11 ill, Conservative mum- mer 'of the house of commons fur King's fiu'infurd, has written a letter to the Times, in which he discusses the question of the (Bullring sea fisheries. 11e embodies the revIt of a visit to Behring sennnd llan;tl;t as he has seen and interpret Al the sittnttion. }1n warns the home govelunient that its apathy in this matter will eventually alienate the loyalty of the I)onliniou and will greatly assist th.t American press in fostering ('anedian discontent with the iniperiai government and Eng- lish connection. A BIG NUGGET. Of gold may make a man rich, but it cannot make 'hits healthy. If afflicted with any form of dyspepsia, biliousness, constipation, scrofula, bad blood, kidney complaint or skin disease, the remedy that will make you well is Burdock Blood Bitters. It is the best blood cleanser known. —The case agaivat Trustee J. B. McWilliams for assaulting Mr. Colbeck, the Peterboro Collegiate Institute teacher, came up in the Police Court. Mr. W. A. Stratton, on bohall o1' the defendant, filed objections against AIL Thimble, the police magistrate, sitiiugou tho case, the principal one being that he was chairman of the appointments cuul- mitteo of the institute. The inertia - trate, however, proceeded to hear the evidence. After the witnesses had been heard he said, he would not exercise his power to try the case, emit cotnntitted the defendant fur trial. Mr. \Ic\Viili.uiis gave his usvn recognizance to appear fur dial. TO INViGORA'1'E both the body and the brain, use the reliable tonic, ;Milburn's Aromatic Quinine Wine. —A and and f'a'tal accident oc- curred on the Patrol of Mrs. James Archibald, in alleGiIlivray township, on Monday last, the victim being George Watson, a young English• roan who has only been iu this country a little over a year. Wat- son WWI one of four mon who were engaged in felling trees and split- ting then' into cordwood, and he had been employed in the work for about two weeks. Ile wife just about .to quit %olk for the day, having felled his own tree, and was helping ono of his elates to get iris to the ground when the tree cavae down with a crash, and before 'Wat- son 0011111 get out of the road lie was pinned to the ground by 0 heavy limb. Itis eompauiqu lost no time in going to lis ttssistal.ce, but they found him unconscious and he died shortly after. EXPEL THE WORMS by using the safe and reliable anthelmintic Free- man's Worm Powders. 1,'L'RAY STOCK ADVER •• t' 1.-• 'vISE11EN'I'S inserted in Tun --i'^ NEWS 1igcoitn at kite rates...A, law makes it conimilsory to advertise stray 'tock If )tat want any kind of advertising you will not do better than eall on 'ews Reaeord..I WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE, ERYSIPELAS, ,< ;LT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, D/ ZZI NESS, DROPSY, FLUTTERING OF THE HCART, ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, DRYNESS OF THE SKIN, And every species of disease arising from isordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH( BOWELS OR BLOOD, 1. MILBURN& CO.. Proprietors, O. —Helena Hulling, of East Sagi- txtw, Mich., 51 years old, .ares mar tied at New Volk on Tee -slay to Carl Selltlii nb.ittg. aged (31,-a 1,illi• utd•tablu i ntlufauterbr of Dearoit. Before the ceremony was perfortned the. !tide conveyed to the. groom $100,000 worth of real estate. Nu'1 ONLY FOR MEN. I can say that your lfagyard's Vel - row Oil is the best thing' I ever sate for croup, coughs, Colds,, cuts or burns, end it is good for man 07' beast, Miss E. M. tloeioxs, (Tare, rnont, tint. Yellow Oil cures rheuma- tism, neuralgia and all pain. —One day last week John Chana, a hopeless paralytic; aged thirty-five, was 1•o,iud dead on the Bout of his hovel, supposed suicide. Until re- e'tall Ghana was a tine specilhler of physical manhood, Ono day he cursed lois Creator in a terrible nrtn- ner,when ho fell over, struck dumb and paralyzed ('rola head to foot. He retrained in this condition until death. CON,$UMPTION SURELY CURED. To THE EDITOR :— Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. Ey its timely use thousands of hopeless oases have been permanently cured, I shall be glad to send two bottles of my re• medy FREE to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send me their Express and P. O. ad- dress, Respectfully, De. T. A. SLOCUM, 104 West Adelaide st., Toronto, (-Int ---W. .1. Strong, formerly. City Attorney of Kansas city atnl well known in sporting cirblot there, was "cuufidattced" out of' $2,500 in the Kittientan-Skinner foot -race at Gentlemen's Driving Park, Stroug backed Skinner, and was led to be- lieve tient 1Cittlentatlt would throw up the rime by tripping himself. Rit11(1 0n slid not trip, but 'ton easily. Strong had placed the case in the hands atilt, polite, I'UE NEW \\'URD. Eupepsia is derived feont the Greek, and means a condition of per- fect digestion. This nondition is always attained by those who use Burdock Blood Bitters, the only guaranted medicine for all forms of dyspepsia, constipation, biliousness, tleumatism, scrofula and all blood theca Sea. - -�-• --Matthew (tanks, a young negro of North Carolina, was hanged yes- terday for an assault upon a woman, liplike was utterly unconcerned and appeared, to take no interest in the proceedings Ile said be wanted the matter ender) as quickly as pos- ai hie. \'I1 "f1 IRiA C.\ 1LB11LIC S A LVE is a -great aid to internal medicine in the treatment of scrofulous sores, ulcers and abscesses of all kinds. • t':.tat lilted. • 1st's. 14DOLL,c0fitBE, watohe Cocke, lewptry,Silvsrware See the latest nip to -t;UILEW BEZEL W ATOLL CASE. Repairing In all branches. Opp. the Market, CLINTON. FOR SALE. The 'i.cupperty at present occupied by the unJersigaed as a residence en the Moron Road, in the Town of tloderiob, consisting t.f OM halt' of an acre of land, go- '. frame house —story and a half—seven wet, inuludine kitchen, hard and soft w:.ter, good stone cellar, stable, wood and carriage In -uses, There are also some good fruit trees. This property is beautifully situated and very suitable for any person wi-hing to live retired Poi further partleulars apply to E. CAMPION, 592-tf Barrister, Ooderich. AWONO RFUL LAK I OSE TATER DOETH 0000 LIILE A meow P1 TT IR, 1NT1rf Tr -.t NEW STOOK ! NEW STORE ! ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - 2•''222 ! NTON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. Call at the New Store and see the sleek of Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc., and general Household Furniture. The whole Stock is from the very best manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of every di•scriptiou. • JOS. CIIIDLEY, one door West of Uieksoii's Rook `tore. t-adJ JO PRINTING riAYe hws-krot1, TI;E ACKNOWLEDGED Leading:: Conservative Paper OF THE COUNTY, IIAS ONE OF THE Best Equipped Job Rooms + - = - - . • - - IN WESTERN ONTARIO. 0 Te Fies1 Jab Printing EXECIJ'I'ED ON TIIE SHORTEST NOTi('E. n e Posters, :-: Streamers, Circulars, Cards, &c. COLORED PRINTING! EQUAL (IN MANY CASES SUPERIOR) TO CITU WORK. o - BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, LETTER HEADS. 0 Tfle Douflle Circulation *-) Tafks to Thousarifls. Advertiso in The News -Record. THE ONLY PAPER WITH A DOUBLE CIRCULATION IN '!HI : COUNTY OF HURON, t 4