HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-11-13, Page 7L II ick eadach ...., .--_—_,, li comP>laiitt from which many anffate and few are entirely free. Its call* 1s indigestion and a gunk*liver, the ui Cure for which le Tgaali7 found wee! Ayer'* P1111. "I have found thet:fot u1ek o adach caused by. adisordergtl condo Of the stomach, era P111N ere. -he *oat re, liable renA Y " 8* n C. Bradburn, WorttdoittRf► -' • uAiter the pap of A,1fir'*, Tills 3qr ieiany ytearP,•in 1Wy practica Ori$ fainfya I ata ju.tiffe$ heatiedettinteStexAreite exceltOnt catbartio a 'live iln —. austaintpg all the.cl amide for'them• - W. A. Westfali,.p. , V. n Austin & N. W. Railway.Co.;ttrreit, Texas,.,. "Ayer' Rina are 00bee4 meflleililtt known to we for regulatieg the bows ,.. and for all diseaaca ,caused 1y a t 40.ei, ordered atomlmh, mud. liver,• I luut[ere for;pver three *sass frit <headlecb• e ,11tl- digestion, and .Cotuat pattont I '4144*. iG appetite and wag., :weak Mntk neXVOUi4 WOO the lige, B3• uetng,tbree: Page!. of Ayer'fi Sala, en at, tl tettareet iniek.. diettDlin self,1 wae.con pletelycg>Ged._ _Yh1 •p Lockwpnd,T0P,��•A4.4400.4*,;. "I: iwas troubled far tyeara„ . tb• is . Sacorea, go atipatton..agd, he> aobg. ew bezel of ,Ayer p Pilb. ufiod in stnl U daily doses, restored me to health. They aro _prompt and effective."—W. B. Strout, Meadville, Pa. Ayer's Pills, PRSPARID let Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mow. geld by all Dragnets and Desists in Modish*. The Huron News -Record 141,:+0 a Year -31.26 In Advance. The e.aa does not do y.lttie• to itis rrif8'tne44 who.spends fess in rtdeertisi.nd than he dues in rent. —A..1. S111WART, the 4,illu,uaire 'u.erchant of New York. Wednesday. Nov. 13th 1889 C/t I UL'N7' 7'0PI CJ- SEMPER 'DAN!. A \Ietho.li,t preacher went iUtu tL,• town of xlyet, the •ether .lay allot prl4el1 1 stet II ly agn1181 111411 1:1111104181+411-1', athIliyisra; .4144 kt'nn,IIl Cothoiica, W110 ctln,p•,s. LIP, hulk of ch.+ populiitu,o 1u-c71u•1• rnr8,ed 81141 threw the preacher unt of the house. • Several Catholics were arrest ed,and the ill tical ions of a to •rieu4+ riot are 80 f41r4uiol:lhir, that a conIpnuv Of militia ham kt,•e i nrd4•re'1 tier, from TOpeka. peso of affording facilities for rejig• totia instruction or for any other pur- pose, prescribe a aborter period, If the truetee82 think the caecb' isnt ought to be taught one dour each day, they inay palm a reao!a tion closing the beltool each day at three o'clock; after which the teach- ing of the catechism will go merrily oa, and Proteataut ratepayers will be compelled to bear their share of the expense.. Mr. Rosa'new regula- tictis do not fort id the imparting of Neetarian instruction in public schools ; they legalize it. VACANT:FAARMS JN VER- MONT. A. rather ead story is told by M r. Valentina, a Vermont official, about the desertion of that beautiful State by: its former initeibitataMa. Stand - leg with _other otilciels ort a hill in •Beletpugtoq Coutttyt and looking 9Ytli t3le,,valltty of the West River, a trilleteey of the Connecticut, they counted fifteen contiguous farms, of perhaps a hundred acres each, all fenced, and with dwelling houttte and barns in at least tolerable con- dition, without a single inhabitant. Beyond, toward the Connectioilt, but hidden by the maple groves in the volley, were, as they knew, fifteen more, also deserted. yet all well situated and still showing signs of their former fertility. Statistics show that a similar condition pres veils all over the State. In Wit.tl• ham County alone are snore than th9t!Qand area of land, OW eulf:ivated, bili now deserted, and in the whole State the number of abandoned farms, complete with houses, fences, barna, and eutbuild ingm, must be several thousand. Yet Vermont is one of the pleasant- est, healthiest, most fertile, and most civilized States in the Union. 1u its river valleys is no miliaria, while the Mills are covered to the summit with vegetation. The reck- less agriculture which- has made portions of the South nearly barren ilea never bean favored in Vermout, where a century or more of stock farthing has rather' enriched than exhausted the soil ; yet the people who once found happy homes there have crowded into the towns, or have left the State altogether. In thirty yearn, from 1850 to 1880, the increase of population in Vermont. Was five per cent,, while the popula- tion of the whole country more than .doubled, and that of the adjoining State of Massachusetts increased by nearly eighty per cent. Not pre- tending to any ideas iiu political economy, we will not try to account for this strange condition of things, but it is certainly curious that a region so favored in climate and position should he retrograding so, 440 rapidly.—Anter. Architect. WHAT'S THE MATTER WITli SIR JOHN IN THI4. Sir John \I•,e4uual,f the other day said that the ,Iiaall ,,t•nuce Of the Jesuit E+tale Act was n quer• tion opens to a-ditf.trence of opiu• ion, and had he been in the Quebec Legislature he would have had voted against the lneasui•e, but Colonel O'Brien'* motion tt•am-oue of want of o nlfidmnce, which he (tout.' not have accepted --Mail. NO IRISH NEED APPLY 1 Lord Dtifferiu, himself a disting- uished Irishman, has been reminding people how many son., of E' in are ornaments to the 'civil and military services of the Empire, particularly in India. First, we may begin with a name Lord Dafferin'was too modest to mention—biniself. Thee, the Marquis of Lansdowne, a 'Kerry nobleman, is Viceroy of India ; Lord Connemara—a I3ourke of. —Mayo—is Governor of Madras ; Sir '4'rederick Roberts, a Waterford pian, commands the Queen's armies in India ; Sir George White, the SubdD•°�-.,g>+sy'.h, is a native of n tad able Indian lite ancie•r is Sir David Barbour, wbo is claimed by Belfast. This lista of. name Cartes out at. a banquet in Bed. fast to the Marquis of Dufferin and Ava, who assured his hospitable entertainers that British rule bad done much for India, had establish• ed peace, enforced justice, built railways, promoted education and utilized the commercial interests of the country so that a prosperity existed there which was real and lasting. " ALLED A CANDIDATE AN OteANoa- MAN. Judge Cimon, of Montreal, gave judgment last week in the libel case of J. P. Noyes v. Le Monde news- paper. During the late election in Sheffert] that newspaper had in- ainuated that the plaintiff was 140 Qrangeman rand Freemason, and Mr, Noyes, being spoken" of as a candidate, he pretended that he had been injured by the charge, Ac- tion was therefore taken for $10,- 000. Tile Yarned ,juldge'sabl it hail be'n proved that \I r. Noyes was a Freemason, but not an Orangeman, and the paper would, therefore, be called upon to pay $500 damages and that co stm. It would appear that the libel consisted i11 alleg. ing that Mr. Noyes was an Orange- ., man when be was not. Our i4fortnant adds that that tteotion of Manitoba has not egffered from frost to any extent during the lair :en years. —Mrs. Mollie Corwin, the touch wan ried woman, of Shelbyville, Ind., was the cause of what, may turn out to be a murder. Late one night cute of her ex-humbands, John H. Little, her sixth, and Joseph Cur - win, her eighth, met near her house and got into a quarrel over a dues Little had bought her. Finally Corwin struck Little with a stone, cutting a terrible gash in his head and fa suturing his skull. While this watt going on Little's second wife, unknown to him, was speed- ing on her way to Covington, Ky., with Jetties Neal and all of Little's savings—anus $400. —The report of the special audls for appointed by the Eosex county council to audit Treasurer Wright's books, shows that the township owes Mr. Wright $11,212. Year after year Mr. Wright foul,d a deficit in Ida books which he couldn't account for, and he was compelled to sell nearly $10,000 worth of proper- ty at different times to make this good. He at length asked for a special audit, end this showed that he had by hie bad book keeping cheated himself out of more than 11,000. The county council are in a quandary how to raise funds to repay the treasurer. STATE RELIGIOUS 1NSTRt;CTiON. Mr. Ross has again issued in- structions that religious instruction shall not be given in public schools during school hours. But notice bow neatly the honorable gentleman proyides that the instruction may be given just as it is now given, The new regulation is as follows : The school hours *ball be from nine o'clock in the forenoon till four o'clock in the afternoon, but the trus- tees by resolution may, for the put• 4 • --Prof. E. L. Curtiss, of the Mc Cormick Theological' Seminary, Rockport, 111., startled the congre- gation of the WANttni nater FrPa1, - terian church On Sunday by declar ing in hie sermon hie belief that the Book of Joh is Duly a poem written by Nome Jew doling the 'period of the exiin, that the honk watt only a parable, and that Job and the other perton4 mentioned were but the et tures of poetical fancy. He - gave AK 010 of the reasotta for this belief that it was not reasonable to suppose any wan who had become so reduced by failure and bodily suffering could utter such lofty poetical 9entinetnte as ate ascribed a Our Weekly Round Up --J. A. Harris, of the Milford, Delaware; canning brut• decamped with $8000 not iris., own, and also took along with hini, May Ellis the 20 -year old book-keeper of the firm. —Friday at Glasgow,Scotland,the gable wall of a building which was being erected along side of the Tem- pleton's carpet factory was blown down and fully fifty persons killed. Ed ward S. Ebert, agedlt 90, a paralytic, fell into a fire at Sitinns stone; W. Va„ last week and was fatally burned. The injured man claiwa in 1818 he helped to build the first house ever erected by white men eu the site of the city of Chic- ago. —When Joseph Brayton, of Minne.ot *,•went out to milk his cow the other evening a big black dog wanted t 1 play with him, but Joseph kicked. Then the dog turned into a big bear add_ hugged Joseph until he had to have three ribs and an arm trended. —The n!ftcials of the Order of Modern Woodmen, one of the many benevolent societies that flood the United States, have been shown guilty of forging certificates of nient• bership, death and burial of bogus menthols and drawing their insur- ance benefits of $3,000 and pocket, ing the money, —The American Acting,Secre. tary Batcheller has decided that Chinese laundrymen are laborers within the meaning of the Chinese Restriction Act, and are theriafore prohibited from landing in the United States, no matter whether they have been here before or not. —Sir John Lawes, the foremost authority in England on crops, says that England will require to import the current year 18,400,000 quay• ters of wheat. This is 10,700,000 quarters more than The Times' esti- mate made 1•. August, and The Tines accepts Lawes' figures as ac - en rate. —George Davey, who used to live in Wentworth county, near Hamilton, bolght one hundred and mixty acres last year, one mile from Westbourne, Man., paying $15 per acre. He put or.e hundred and thirty acres in wheat, reaping his first crop this season, from which he has already shipped over four thousand bnshels at 65 cts per bushel, paying for his farm with the proceeds of his first crop and having a few hundred dollars over. to Job. —Mr. Krooker, Ir, Mennonite farmer living at Morris, Manitoba, heard cows in its garden one night Iasi week, and went out and drove theta away. ria the morning he missed hie pocketbook cotteinining $130 in bills and silver, and going over .hie tracks o1 the previous night, discovered it covered with saliva and partly chewed up with the., bills missing and the silver scattered about the ground. The calves had evidently secured it, anti, expecting to find the missing bills;. he killed two out of the five, with, out, however, finding the treasure. A little child. tired of play. bad 'Allowed his head on a railroad track and fallen asleep. The train was almost upon him when a paeptng straoger rushed forward and saved him from a horrible death. Per- haps you are Asleep on the track. too,. You are, 11. you are neglecting the hacking cough. the hpeilo flush, the lose of appe- tite.growing weakness and lassitude, which have unconsciously crept upon you. Wake up. or the train will be upon you! Con- sumption, which thus Insidiously fastens its hold upon its victims while they are un- conscious of it$ approach. must be taken in time, if It is to be overcome. Dr. Pierce'$ ssaanddsofMcasesof thisroostyf�lof malaaddla. 1f taken In time. and given a fair trial. 11 Is guaranteed to benefit or cure in every case of Consumption. o�rm onne�y paid for It will be Shortness of Beath. Bronchitis. Astof hma, Severe Coughs, and kindred affections, It is an efficient remedy. Copyrlgbt,1888, by WOSLD'a DI& ¥ZD ASIPII: S500!!!") an incurable cans of Catarrh In the Head. by the proprietors Of Doctor Sage'a Catarrh Remedy. Only 50 mita. bold by druggists everywhere. rnbl• 141 'l rte, :Smith to sive teeth .11,+11,11,4' to en14. lin being, rates ,i tt.••t' went (1211 11112 1(011440 a1111 lerc.•,l t1r.. emit 11 1,11(1 Icor 11)4418 81/IN '8O" (DIRECTORY. unto to gad. ONEY to lend In lgrge Or entail 6011.6 on tiI good utortgitgee 'o,R ppptMgn4t 4eeurtty pt the lowest 4:nov1 4 xttt8d. IT. U41 Fre fiuron fit., pitntiotr,U. i Clinton. Clinton. Fah. 25. laid Iv G. H. COOK, MONEY* Licentiate of Dental surgery, Honor Graduate KIVATE FUNDS to WA on Tott n and fern, of the Toronto School, of Deattstrl • I P property. Apply' to Nitrous Oxide Gas admiatetered tor the patnlees C. ftIDAUT extraction teeth- Orrice, nextNEwe-RacoRb(up•etalrl)Altert-fit mace—over Jackson'* Clothing Store, next to 869'8'° ' Post Office, Clinton. CST- Night Bell answered. 492y R REEVE. Office—"Palace" Brick Block Rattonbury Street. Residence opposite the temperance Hall, Huron Street. Coroner for the County of Huron. Offs hours from 8 a.m. to Clinton, Jan.14, 1881. 1-y MD' the pito!. lft,,r r•Ie•a.ki,tg the house and appr•Ip!•i4Iin:: all tl,t• money, ole., the., veuld tied they met fire to it; Th.•y tossed \l l 5 , 1411'. bale lit the ail x':`4'4% ',.;u "111'1 let it fall back 1111110:41 nn 1 i;e 1•uiu1 of sharp kni%ea which diet• 1,• 11l under it. 1",c t,nttca til:alh heedo(1 th, frantic vronn:l,', entrr:(I:ivb and went away. leut,ing her with her half dead babe hemido Lim ruins of her home. People for 11ni1t•4 around have beeu searching the country fur the villains, ,till Ar. lfa aecumasa hree of thew hodhers.! captured. —Auguste Archambault. rebid- ing at Contaco44ke, Quebec, narrow- ly rscsp.•d h,•in,; buried alive'* few, days ago, He h.4d • been s4•riotwly ill for s• ver,tl weeks, and began to sink rapi ily• until all sign of life beamed and the dout(rs pronounced him dead. ' Tile 11,1181 W14k.• 'wa8 held, and et, 0i to dit4s the body was taken to the riling.. churchyard for burial. The friends of the de. ceased than had gathered around the grave, kite which the coffin was being lowered, When all .Pre, svartl- ed by hearing a groat i proceeding' from the coffin, The lid of the coffin WAS Iluit:41' r■•114lV4-41, when it Way fon,hil that AreIts nl•ault wits alive. lie was earri, •1 hon,.', aro, although very a eel:, the. two phy- sicians wile were cellist iu have strong hopes of compll'11, restoring him to health. --Farmers living in the vicinity of a corncob pipe factory are excep- tionally fortuuate. Although many millions of cobs are burned or al- lowed to rot every year, the price for pipe making purposes keeps up, A farmer living near Washington, Mo., recently sold 100 bushels of corn for $30 and got $27 for the cobs. This is at the rate of fifty- seven cents a bushel, and if only sufficient Missouri meerschaums were smoked to make the demand larger, farmers would soon be rich. Corn cob pipes are manufactured by a very simple process, and are in fair demand all over the country. Some were recently shipped to Europe and more were ordered soon after their arrival.. —Robert Campbell, of Tara, county of Bruce, a. cattle buyer, had been in ,the neigltborhnod.. of Lindsay for several days pursuing his business, and was going to visit his brother, a few miles distant. On the way he had to pass through a swamp, where his horse was stopped suddenly, and a map, stand- ing at the side of the buggy, pre- sented a pistol at his head and ate tempted to fire. The cap snapped and Mr. Campbell struck the pistol from the hand of his assailant. He .was then attacked by another man, who struck hist twice, once on the side of his body and on his head. This rendered him insensible. On his recovery, after a few hours, he found that he bad been robbed of $1,740. The pistol was left behind, and on it are stamped some letters which may lead to the detec- tion of the robbers. 6 —Kicknosway, the "1'>ig Injun" of Walpole, is dead.- Ile passed the century notch some years ago, if Indian stories can be relied on, He died from sheer old age. For years Kicknosway has been the 11dg Injun" among the tribes at Walpole. He. was a man of more than ordinary activity and phvsi• cal endurance. In mental endow.. meat he was far above mediocrity. He is said to have been honorable in his business dealings and jealous of his good name. On 27th August his will was drawn by Mr. Mc- Kelvey, of Wallaceburg, for whom Kicknosway always manifested special regard. In his will be en- tails all his property, amounting to about $7,000, to his two wives and three sons. Kicknosway was a pagan and had as many as four w,ives at a time. —Near Lafayette, Alabama, Albert Smith and hie three oldest children went some miles to church, Sunday. During their absence five negroes approached the house and Diamond Tea. DR. GUNNY W. Gunn, M. 044. R. C. P. Edinbur•h L. R. C. S. Edinburgh Licendateof the3lidwl1ery, Edin. Office, on eornerltot Ontario arldew'ininm bts., Clinton. 478-y. 'tent. OWENS & JOHNSON, Barristers, ALBERT STREET, - - CLINTON. AND QUEEN:STREET, - - BLYTH E. W. J.IOWENS. '1. F. JON.C•N MANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, tgc., ELLIOTT'S Bi,CCK, - CLINTON. Money ,to Loan. A. H. MANNING. JAS. SCOTT. SEAGER & MORTON, Barrletere,i0e.,d; , God - erieb and Whitehall'. C. Seager, Jr., Goderich J. A. Morton Wingham. 1-ly. DAVISON & JOHNSTON, Law, Chancery,and LJ Conveyancing. Office—West Street, next Moe to Post Office. Goderich, Ont. 67. C. HAYS, Solicitor, .8c. Office, comer dt tie Square and West Street, over Butler's Book Store, Goderich, Ont. 67. egl Money to lend at lowest rates of lntereet. 1,1 CAMPION, Rarrister,AUorney, Solicitor in L'. L Chancery, Conveyancer, &c. office over Jordan's brug Store, the rooms formerly occu pied by Judge Doyle. Mr Any amount of money to loan at lowest rates of interest. 1.1y. gllli'ttolturinl{. H. W. BALL, AUCTIONEER for Huron County. Salmi at- tended to in nny pert of the County. Ad- lrees orders to Ouoiaica P 0. V.17. .nnhtn!. Til MLO&, On CHAS. HAMILTON, A UCTIONEER, land, loan and insurance agent F1 Blyth, Sales attended in town and country, in reasonable terms.. A 11st of farms and village lot8 for sale. Money to loan on real estate, at low rates of interest. Insurance effected en. all classes of property. Notes and debts collected, Goods appraised, and mold on commission. Rank- rupt stocks bought and sold. Bluth. Dec. 16,185n Photographers v �_.,o-R`11E' V$351 Incorporated by Act of Perllau.ent, 1866 CAPITAL, - $2,000,000 REST, - - $1,000,000 CLINTON. Life Size Portraits a Specialty. Head Office, - MONTREAL. THOMAS WORKMAN, President. J. H. R. MOLSON, Vice -President' F. WOLFEKSTAN THOMAS, General Manager erinary PhysicianF. ) and Surgeon,'Vet Hon. orary Member' Ontario Veterinary Media Society. Treats all disease of domesti- cated animals. Veterinary Dentistry a specialty. Charges moderate. Office—one door east of Tits Naws•1tecoao office, Clinton. 649-3Dt The Only Genuine, Safe Ctirc. Just what the people want, for the following reasons 1 -1st, because it is t heap; 2nd, Durable; 3rd, Effectual; 4th, it is Nature's Own Remedy; 51h, it is easy to take, and young and old, rich and poor. must and will have it, and cannot do without It. Snpericr in every way to any Blood or Liver Medicine on the market, with hundreds of bona fide Testimonials to back it up, The following from one of Clinton's best citizens will suffice : Clinton, August 28th, 1889. After suffering for years with Dyspepsia and its dire effects after eating, i have at last found the "pearl or great price to 100" in the shape of "DIAMOND Ton," whn:h mattes life worth living, nod Don heartily recommend it to suffering humanity as a remedy unequalled. • A. COUCH, Butcher. 4l 'Ask for NAM, INDTEA and take no other At your Druggists, 25 and 50 Coats. Wholesale by W. 0. EDWARDS,: ChM Agent for Canada, L07.3111 Landon. Arc '.;;.• o ; ..— ! ;.......... _ ^—n far c^..l r. ua decree,^ r c 1 i s Notes discounted, Collectio11a made, Draft issued, Sterling and American ex. change bought and sold at low- est current rates. INTERIM? AT 8 Pas CANT. ALLO%ED 'a DKIOe1T F..A-RM17RB_ Money advanced to farmers on their own note with one or more endorsers. No nwrtgJce re qulred as security, H. C. BREWER, Mandger, CLINTON .1. E. BLACKALL, Veterinary Surgeon, ho norary graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, treats diseases of all domestic animals on the most modem and scientific principles. Arcane attended to night or day. Office humedittely west of the old Royal Hotel, Ontario street. Residence— AI bert street, Clinton. 649-3m Clinton Marble Works, February, 1884 HURON STREET, CLINTON, +AD W. H: COOPER, Jr., Manufacturer of an dealer in all kinds of Marble & Granite for Cemetery Work at figures that defy competition riLINTON Lodge, ,No. 54, A. F. S A. M. LI meets every Friday, on or after the hit moon. Visiting brethren cordially invited. J. YOUNG, w. a. J. CALLANDER, Ss Clinton, .ran. 14, 1881 1- Also manufacturer of the Celebrated ARTIFICIAL STONE for Building pur- poses and Cemetery Work, which roust be seen to be appreciated.—All work warranted to rive satisfaction. McKillop Mutual Insurance Co, T. NEILANS, HARLOCK (iDftnet. GENERAL AGENT. Isolated town and village property, as well ne farm buildings and stock, Insured. insnranees effected against stock that may ho killed by lightning. If you. want insurances drop a card to the above address. 602.11. Goderich Marble Works ,,i..,, L. 0. L. No. 710 i4•';:, CI-INTON r Meet. D Monday of ever 1 eaaoe'month. Hall, aid Hat, Victoria 1 / block. Visiting brethren always '�...0 made welcome. W. G. SD11TIr, W. Al P. CANTELON. Sec. D. B. CALBICK, D. M fi Having bought out JOSEPH VANSTONE, in Goderich, we are now prepared to fur nish, on reasonable terms, HEADSTONES AND MONUM ENTS. GRANITE A SPECIALTY. We aro prepared to so11 cheaper than any other firm in the county. Parties wanting anything in this lino will find it to their interest to"reserve their orders for ns. • ROBERTSON & BELL. May 17th, 1886. 892.3nr Q Jubilee Preceptory No. 161, (Black Knights of Ireland). Meets in the Clinton Orange Halt, the second Wedneilday of every month, at 7.30 o'clock in the evening. Visiting Sir Knights wilr always r••ceive a hearty welcome. A. M. TODD, Worshipful Preceptor GEORGE HANLE8, Deputy Preceptor Pares CANTELON, Registrar Royal Black Preceptory :39! Black Knights of • Ireland, Meets in the Orange Hall, Blyth, the Wednes- day after l ll moon of every month. Royal Black Preceptory 315, Black Knights of Ireland, Meets -in the Orange Hall, Goderich, the This Monday of every month. Visiting Knights alway made welcome. JAMES WELLS, Preceptor, Saltford P 0 W iI MURNEY, Registrar, Godcrich P 0 • QLINTON KNIGHTS OF LABOR Rooms, third flat, Vidtexie block. Regulr meeting every Thursday everting at 8 o'cloc sharp. Visiting Knights made welcome. FOR FIRST CLASS, HAIRCUTTING AND SHAVING. Go to A. E. EVANS, FAm111.ONABLE BARBER, 2 doors east of NEws•RECoito of- fice. Special attention given to LADIES AND CHILDREN'S Haircutting. POMPADOUR HAIRCUTTING A Sr13'1AM, oe FOR SALE. THE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale four eligible Building Lots fronting on Albert Street; 44480 two' fronting on Ratienbury ,Street; either en bine or in separate lots, to eta purchasers. For further particulars apply to the undersigned,—E. DINSLEY, Clinton. 382 • cloy PROPERTY FOR SALE OR off; I�l� RENT.—Advertisers will find "The 0i 1 t, News•Record" one of the best mediums in the County of Huron. Advertise In "The News -Record"- The Double Circulation Talks to Thousands. Rates as low us any. J. C. STEVENSON' Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, On SALE RILLS.—'rhe News•Itecord 1408 un• surpassed facilities fur turning out first-elass work at low rates A free advertiseuw nt in The News poem's with every set of sale hills, WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, FLUTTERING OF THE HIfART, ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, DRYNESS INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, And every species of disease arising from disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH, BOWELS OR BLOOD, fits, T. MILBURN & GO.. PropriTORONTO.