HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-11-06, Page 841(10
Absolutely Pure.
T ei. A Illar 1 of pttrit.%
r • wiwk,hiii.ne.. More ticononlion.1
kinds, nii,t cannot bo Bold in
t... , with tl of low tepitp,
rt t alum or plyksplinte. powdern.
.1 . 8. HOY AL II A1(1 NU Pow Innt CO, 106
-,1•111•••..1.1r -isarlenelael••••••••[IMMINIMI
1 helluron News -Record
Year --$1.9.5 in Advance.
raaj Th ,414 d.es 11.0e CIO :1146600 to his baldness
h let Lo. ade.,..rtising than he does in
rent. A T. SrawAnr, the millionaire merchant
:tr .V.
— .
Wednesday, Nov. 4th 1889
Cfloritit AND LoGAN Will open out in
the grocery line, with a fresh stock, in
earline's present 'swot, Combs's block,
on Satiuday 16thhist.
Wi Ey mirr in a few days- about
$1000,00 worth of Miscellaneous Books.
These are a direct Shipment from ' Geo.
Routledge & Sensor Lontion,England, and
left Liverpool on the 17th just by the
"Parisian" of thc.Ailan Line.
B no A IN DAYst.L T. C. Detlor. & Co.
vold 1 call tblie attention to their Four
Suvial Bargain Days,on each Friday in
commencing on Friday Sth.
'We have • le goods and thedisposition t�
do as we advertise. There is money in it
for those who will attend our tour special
bar!!Ain. ,Ltys. Make a note of the dates.
Boy Wanted.
T(, learn the Art of Printing. Must be
truthful and honest and, have a fair edu-
cation, One whose parents reside in town
piefio.r.sl. A. good opening for the right
boy. APply at
latek designs, just received
at Iticksen's Book Store: Look out
f 7)argains.
. e
FTATI Jome HoncENs, agents
'.for 711.n.riames Dubois & File, .Gold
Dyers, Toronto. We are
tared to receive orders for dyeing
aril cur!;ng feathers, and will till
same promptly at reasonable
Price lists will be furnished
lir and Around the "Hub.'
gown guilt.
L. O. L. 710, CLINTON, met in
their ludge room last evening, Nov.
--The Chicago Canadian -American
points oat that Dr. Cronin who was
foully inurdeted in Chicago last
Maytrod whose alleged murderers
are :Leeou trial in that city, spent
hte ,.4r!y days at St. Catharines.
And that of the six men charged
with beiftg implicated in the mur-
der two of them hail from Canada,
Alexander Sullivan, from Amherst-
hnrg and Woodruff, from Wood -
Also that John Graham who
att:-..mptld to ",fix " tho jury hails
from Perth county and A. S. Trude,
attorney, with whom Graham is em-
ployed, hails from Eastern Ontario.
Erastus Wiman, who hails from
Torvnto, is not in this bad lot,
though he is engaged in a far more
infa'uoue plot than that of the emir -
der of Dr. Cronin.
Tr Too Preevions,—The Lon -
due Free Press says Mr. A. McD.
Allan of Goderich is its authority
for saying that "Clinton appears to
be nyder a heavy cloud. Quite a
number of the Doherty orgen on-
ployeee are abon' to move to Goder-
ich, and possibly the Clintonites
may havn taken the dumps from
that event," Rata! Leaving out of
question the grammatical absurdity
of "employees being about to re•
move to Goderich" being an "event"
that has given tho Clintonites the
"dumps," it may be said that when
the "event" shall have taken place
it will in no wise affect Clinton.
For their places will be taken here
by others. Indeed we, are told that
the Doherty Organ CO. are employ-
ing more hands than ever, and, in
addition, the lately established Oaka
Company, in the same line, are ern-
ploying a large deft of hands. A.
McD'a chaff can be easily blown
away by turning on it the stream
of facts. There are more men now
employed in the Organ industry in
Clinton, than at any other period in
its history, and their number will
have to be increased to meet the de-
mand for theee goods. Clinton is like-
ly 1 tn tintain the lead se the "hub"
ni the Organ industry in Western
Ont,trio, as it also will that of being
the i-Junnercial hub of the county.
continuing the inspection of schools
411nurthern part of his dist!)
HALLOWE eeWei-4teeTetrated" by
the youtha of this town by a few
harmless pranks, though we are told
that in one instance a valuable fruit
tree was destroyed:
A Merrickville, Ont., schoelt rustee
has bleu sentenced to four mouths
in the Central Prison- for aggravat-
ed assault on a teacher.
GOOD WEATHER.—The mild rains
andsunnyweather of the past week
have much improved farming opera.
tions and prospects generally,
though interfering somewhat with
the taking up of the- root crops.
NOT IRONICAL.—It is estimated
by Mr. Webb, of Crewe, that the
quantity of steel removed front the
rails throughout the London and
Northwestern system by wear and
oxidation is about 4,500 lb. an hour,
or 18 tons a day.
Guelph on Saturday the jury re-
turned a verdict of guilty in the
case of Wm. H. Harvey, and he
was sentenced to be hanged on pel
29th inst. It will be remembered
that he killed his wife and two
ing the week we were pleased to
see Mr. J. H. Colborne'merchant,
Goderich ; Mr. D. 13. Calbick, furni-
ture dealer, Wingham, who was re-
turning from a visit to Woodatock ;
Rev. Father West, who was making
his usual pastoral visit to his parish,:
iotiersju this vicinity.
A LADY BOXER.—.A prominent
Sunday school teacher in Walkerton
who put his arms around a lady to
keep her from falling into the riVer,
in the rush of the crowd to see the
balloon man come down, was re-
warded for his gallantry by a box
on the ear and an angry warning
not to take liberties with married
Go WEST, GIRLS, Go Wear.—
A Victoria, B. 0, paper of Sept.
30th, says : " In Christ Church
Cathedral last evening Rev. Arthur
Beanlands officiated at a Oiot and
very pretty wedding, Mr. Thomas
Milne taking to himself a wife in
the charming person of Mims Marion
Elizabeth Gibson, better kuown as
Bessie Gibson, tho daughter of Mr.
William Gibson, late of Goderich,
MAGISTRATES LAW.--POilee angle -
trate Dr. Field, of Woodstonk, the
other day remanded half a 'dozen
little boys to jail over night for
trespass, and now actions are being
entered against him for false impri-
sonmeut. There is a strong feeling
in town that whether the magistrate
kept within the limits of the law or
not, he did not act with diacratie,p;
Mr. Jos. Quick, whose -tutre'liOya
were sent to jail over night, has in-
structed Mr. Warren Totten to issue
two writs against the P. M. for
damages, and Mr. McDougall, an-
other parent, has also issued a write
Palmerston Telegraph says
J. D. Hayhurst, formerly of Palmer.
sten, has charge of a department -in
one of the largest dry goods houses
in London, as manager and buyer.
Tho firm may be congratulated on
securing the see vices of so experienc-
ed a gentleman as our former towns-
man." The gentleman is well
known in Goderich having been an
employe of the Messrs Detlor of
that town and ia aon-in-law of the
late Samuel Platt Esqr of the same
of a series of lectures arranged for the
delectation of the public during the
fall and winter evenings was given
in the town hall last Thursday even-
ing, by Dr. Horsey of Owen Sound.
The subject was "John Bright, the
Quaker Patriot," which the lecturer
handled in a fairly able and alto-
gether satisfactory tuanner. His
weakness, if any, lay in the way of
omission rather than commission.
The subject, however, is such an
embarrassment of literary riches,
that to compress thoughts arising
out of it into a discourse of a couple
of hours, without omitting what
some would consider vitally salient
point% would' be impossible. The
chair was occupied by Mr. James
Scott. The musical soloctiona were
very nicely rendered and consisted
of a trio in which Messrs G. H.
Cooke, Shearer and Emerton took
part, song by Mr. Harland accom-
panied by Miss Walker on the
organ and song by Mr. Oaks accom-
/pauied by Mr. Shearer on the organ.
The attendance was not as largo as
the merits of the occasion demand-
ed. If Dr. Horsey had been
announced to lecture on "Bright's
disease," and there had been circu-
lar's distributed in the usual quack
vein which so often causes folks to
say "that's just how I feel," with
the continued story appendix that
cure-all bottles of medicine, speci-
ally suitable to the disease, would
be distriduted from the platform at
81 each with prizes of "diamond
pins" and "gold rings" thrown in
there would doubtless have been a
larger attendance, for people do so
dearly love to ho humbugged.
_0 o
Not having room enough in My present premises, 1 have rented the
Store in Smith's Blook, Next Boor to King's Bakery,
And will have A complete stock of New 0004 there,
air Will have an AUCTION SALE every Wednesday
and Saturday evening, commencing at 7 o'clock.
Private Sale every evening from 7 to 9.
W. II COOPER, Manager.
D. DICKINSON, Auctioneer.
Chris. Dickson, - Proprietor.
THE farming community are well
pleased over the recent warm rain.
It was what the fall wheat wanted.
A Goon MOVE.—To have a cross-
ing from. Combela drug store to
Blackall's ofnce. An expensive ono
would,nothu.lienessary. „.
CANTELON & STEEP and their
band of applepackera are expected
home this week. The firm will be
tendered a farewell supper bfeoro
their departure for home.
EARLY STORM. --A great snow
storm in the western states has
driven thousands of •horses aud
cattle off their ranges, hun-
dreds of the weakeraniettels perish -
MR. CHARLES MASON, it retired
farmer, for some years living in
town, died yesterday Novr. 5th.,
Reed 77 years. The . funeral will
take place Thursday afternoon.
Deceased was an unobtrusive and
respected citizen.
ST:I/Aim's Cnurton.---:There will
be a -full choral service on Wednes-
day at 8 p. m. Thursday, Thanks-
giving Day, service at 11 a. m.
Collection at both services in aid of
the church improvement fund.
this paper will please remember
that the Moonlight Excursion on
Thanksgiving will return in time
to take part in the Concert under
the auspices of the Cricket Club.
For full,particulara see programme.
Plan of Hall at Cooper's Book
- COLD COMPORT.—I read an article
the other day which was headed
thus : "Never have a parlo..." The
meaning of the writer was good
It was : "Never have a room too
good to use. Do not 'shut all the
comfortable chairs and sofas and
pretty pictures up for strangers to
look at. Do not keep it in dark -
nese and chill until a wedding or a
funeral opens." All that was very
HOUSE BURNED.—Early Tuesday
enornine,e, the brick veneered house
•occupied by Mr. John Weir, on
the 16 con., just outside the corpora,
tion, was burned down and nearly
all the contents consumed. There
was an insurance of $800 on the
property, but it is more than likely'
that this will not cover one half the
day night. A petition was received
from a number of ratepayers to
have a crossing put down from Dr.
Blackall's office to Combs's drug
store. Referred to Street com-
mittee. Accounts ordered to be
paid :—Salaries: Geo. Tedford
100.00, W. Coats 50.00, J. Ridor
9.00, 8. Pratt 18.75, Property Ac
John Jackson 9.00, do 4.00, do 6.27.
S. Davis 5.27, Street Ac : 31.46, do
4.00, Electric light 74.80. Receipts
from Hall 34.00. Statute Labor
10:00, Weigh Scales 19.50. Trea-
surer's monthly statement showed
balance on hand 289.70.
at Sarnia on Friday last, aged 49
years, and was buried there on Sun-
day. Deceased was the third son
of tho late Archdeacon Ellwood, and
from childhood to mature yeare m-
elded in Goderich. He was collec-
tor of inland revenue at Sarnia. He
was of an extremely amiable dis-
position. Well do we' remem itt
Mtn away back in the fresh green
diva of life's fair spring, and boy*
hood's blossomy hour, when we
atumbled over Clio in our attempt to
scale Parnaseian heights under the
tuition of that Nestor of Grimmer
School teachers Mr. John Haldon.
THiteo.—A party had a farm to let
not long ago and ordered a notice in
Tax NEWS -RECORD to that effect for
a certain time. The property lemur -
ed a tenant before the notice- was
taken out. In the meantime a man
and his son came twenty miles to
lease the property /and were wrathy,
probably excusably so, when they
found that another person had been
ahead of them. And only last week
a farmer notified the public that
two steers had strayed on to Ms
premises. Before the end of the
week the owner had been found,
though he is not a aubscriber.
While we aro pleased to have The
News-Reconn read so extensively it
would pay more of our madam to be
enbscribers and be better for us.
JACK FROST is getting a firm
REV. DR. CARMAN, One of the
General Superintendents of the
Methodist Church, preached in the
Ontario St. church in the morning
and evening of last Sunday. His
discourses were very able ones, and
the attendance on both occasions
was very large. On Monday the
Rev. Doctor. gave one of the .best
lectures ever delivered in Clinton:
S. PAUL'S W. A. M. A.—On
Monday last the Bishop of Huron
visited the parish of St.
church for the purpose of giving an
address on missions under the aus-
pices of the Woman's Auxiliary.
There was a large attendance of mem-
bers and others at half past two in
din afternoon in the comfortable
and cheerful school room, and tho
Bishop, after the meeting find been
opened, kept the audience interest-
ed for an hour as he spoke ofthe
apostolic labors of the missionaries
of the Church of England in the
regions stretching from the South-
ern boundary away North to the
Arctic Circle; of missions to God's
ancient people Israel ; of Zenana
work among the women of India.:
The Bishop also gave some valuable
hints as to the carrying on of the
work of the Auxiliary, as regards
missionary literature, and Dorcas
work, that is the making up and
sending of boxes or clothing and
other necessaries to missionaries. A
new door of usefulness was also open-
ing before the Woman'e Auxiliary
in the way of educating or assist-
ing in educating members of mis-
sionaries' families. He closed his
address by reminding the meeting
of the order of petition in the Lord's
Prayer. It was the glory of Ged;
the coming of the Kingdon, the
doing of God's will, these first and
always ,.belere„we..could-thiok of .oi
"rOcOursel yea.
East Wawanosh.
A child of Mr. Joseph Johnston,
of E. Wawanosh, about four years
old, was burned to death on 'Wed-
nesday of last week. Mrs. John-
ston had gone to a neighbors a short
distance away and the little girl
took a lid off the -stove, in so doing
her clothes caught fire. She ran to
the pail which usually holds water
in order to quench the fire in her
dress, but thore being none and
fleeing her mother cotning she ran
outside to meet her which caused
the burning clothes to become one
mass of fire and flame almost en-
veloping the little girl and burning
her so badly that she died in a
couple of hours after. A doctor
was immediately summoned but he
could do nothing but alleviate the
pain for the time. Tha father of
the little girl is a nephew of coun-
cillor John Johnston of Clinton -4..
Dame Rumor says there will be a
wedding in the regions north of us
in the near future.
Mr. Edward Good, recently of
Colborne, has moved to Goderich
township, in this vicinity.
G. M. Kilty has fixed up the
fence in the front of one of his iota
and built a new ono in front of the
other which greatly adds to the
appearance of our village.
Mr. Jhoa Mcllveen awakened old
time memories in the old timers by
having a logging bee on the 3lat
inst. In the evening he celebrated
Halloweve by giving a dancing
party in which both young and old
joined in with a will. Too much
cannot be said eulogistic of the hos-
pitality of mine host and hostess on
this occasion.
L. 0. L. 794, of this town, hail
made immonee strides fa the way
of progress—numerically, financial
ly and otherwise—durieg the past
year or do. Wingham, it is thought,
will ore long be able to boast of
,.the banner Orange lodge of the
county of Huron. Among the
members of 794 are to be found
many of our leading and most en-
terprising citizens. Our member-
ship is now over 110 in good stand-
ing—brethren good and true. Dur-
ing the next few months ;',a number
will be advanced, and the firet R.
A. P. degree meeting will be held
on the everting of the 15th inst.
Improvements will shortly be made
on our hall to keep up with the
urs! Fu
J•1•1114.11.41•11Whilmi 61•11*.diata.1.0e4vd*stkos•
• —
* t * *• t * t * -11` t * t * t
* t
out Fur.0 ats
* * *
* 4 4. *
A leading manufacturer of Furs in Montreal during the
past summer made up TEN THOUSAND COATS,
but we did not buy them all. We secured our share of _
them and we now show .the
csi Selection, oi Good. Gook!
§ § § § §
to be found in the County. Any man who is looking for
a Good Coat should see our Stock. because we carry the
best goods that money can buy, and an investment in a
poor Fur Coat is throwing money away. We are famons
for currying Good Goods and purchasers should remem-
ber. We believe in Value instead of Price.
Dem Man of November
The following is the list of Goods advertised futleach respectiee Friday :
Friday, Nov.
8Dress Goods, Plushes, Mantle
Cloths. Tweeds, Jerseys, Flan-
nels, Gloves, Hosiery, Shirts
1 and Drawers, MILLINERY.
dE laifets,his &eDrauers
sideFURS, Hats, Caps, Millinery.
Terms Cash, or Butter and Eggs
They have inaugurated thia now system so as to give the public a
chance to buy goods on those special days at prices that will be within
the reach of all.
REMEMBER, it will bo only on the Fridays advertised that those
Bargains will be given. Further notice will be given in the local papers
for November 22nd and 29th.
Come and see for yourself the Wonderful Bargains 'on
those days.
Stair Sale to begin at 8 ololock in the morning.
J. C. Dollar & Go.