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The Huron News-Record, 1889-11-06, Page 7
p repose of use Lipa as t OF u f P: t : - FY a q ,. m � ca a-; -W O g 1-4 . drolleat.storlse, could not dq tbt}tf oche weal d.have droppsd .Roapp, with great, wide eyes thaE did not self at the threahoid of rho hoes••. But his i..w.-.. m� C Fn s a a FO ,� c z Unnoticed by the others, ayoung officer hie gap. Tecrided ebegan to .blow°UPO ,wink, liar now he heti recpttered himself -` W • �" a C� v E . , unrost increased every momeuti till finally : , i1;� �.,, c d O ci 11 Lias etatIoned himself in the doorway and is .them, but him t• th:wee like sae, ' At last ;apd• oama to her and wished to help. her rise. Floarea, pato and with otenctred teeth, ea . A1110=01 q j ca El o c w� Calif LL g also listening. The New Year:e night is • trb heard the relief i►ptiroachiag, and he *i3iit.she eprnng from the ground and recoiled tered with a tiny babe to her acme, born `!� m a d� c F4 0 � d 4 q D-.64 O v, ', oleful for slim, left along in the Convent of called" out; but wIt6,tleaf o ,. ;;the, sQsgeatlt ftwom hurl, ropulotng biro with both hands, prematurely, whose weak little voice was a o. W N w Vit=+ ^ m N US. I " ar inenl whose columns is the ids as- pn9aed b as thou h'Steria ?i+!!B-not 'there, Her teeth, meantime, chattered as in a chill. ss' f "�� ..� d o ko o a g �, p y; scarcely audible, Without sword as she111111111111110111111 , K a . W b e„ a 3 4 I� I= Thu litliper was 'igpd ; g .ilii;order=to htobi! "I)an't come near me 1 Don't come near came she Isid the baba in ire brother's crib �� I l k� o i o e c m sages look , upon the white faces of many It 1 hundred prisoners, and reecho the'planking and •she sergeant, MCAs' lfeteldn"''•Star's ,me? Leave me l Leave me alcue--" Then she went to her work and stood till far • � �� ��{ `"moo h�Pb� W � d a 0• � o � If phsins as they march down into the court- shouted louder. The footfalls, grating on Wit), outstretched hands, with eyes star" Into the ni ht behind her bar from, time to � Y m W r-! hO a c0 W. ^ a SC o a a '� Yard to the beautiful church, built for other the Snow, were lost around the corner of the ing as though parted from him "by the time nursing the child inside, as her dut' "NH ,yOwj�� CZ ' x a ..441 u t sea than the worship of. thieve a, c y la;v's decree, She stepped backward toward not her desire was awakened towbei the . `'� °' . o � � e� w building. Then the finiahod the round and E � O , C H .o S t The fire snaps and crackles 'in the large came Lack again. the ehatnb*r, opened chs door behind, van• 1 nor iSttle woi•in, whose lau,p of life would �J A Iki o. H-1 Aq' Is �$ "M hands are freezin T•lt mo •loo I" ishod.9n the =darkness, and looked hocaolf soon burn out. The customers crowded ' 0, aH • -'°t o 0 Q 'earthen stove, for outside ft to If ozing cold. Y Sl, g H A sudden change In the weather has put an shouted �Sterh6 � !!You ; have forgotten, Ill , to -day especially, aim the news of Steria's • ' i�o. = g 2y;r, r• ° v W %,9terw toad as if` etrified. Thou he. bo• W m "�U,.pwOlP9H cud to the mild December days, bringing mq, l ' e=' p rotor" home au{ of hiamidortnde hkd flown _ __ i�csirt"e-days' snow etorrr, and theft "I dare pot;' tome book,. the adswet :, ern to l"uh'llgad and wild, And grasping through the villager .jnd' erslty. Ong wtintsd the itis Qn=tile ground with both arms,, he . — " twenty do reea of cold. through the night ;-+` "I have order. Trp lel' �° . , to sae how the two, wh'o had been so envied,—:1ladamo Joly; of Tel r"bonne BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. Y g took a ion and doe 'drink. Thea he cast The officer did not c,rmo to it, with you remain," and as they wont. $ P Lore their hard fate. But no one had the while Yeislin,, ,ota:u++N iu 1�• r k ilcholl -- Steria stood asif turned to marble. Did himself upon •bench, his acme upon the 1 o i ; the gay company, but hoped to hear some- table his head upon his acme' end remained opportunity of seeing him, and the beautiful un Sunday niornin; sn,bioul v frl l ' C/DR1It1:Sl'O'1VDEl\CLr. Ghia that would cheer ovsu bins- they want to kill hint He thought again of Po innkeeper was abstracted and uncommon, ll I „g „ the conversation that 7vas overheard, of the motionleds,. until a heavy sleep overcame r tlond;pu the floor. She tuns In oviously II a will at all times be pleased to I believe ou, shouted one of the sot- native. F'' 7 him. He was still weak from the hospital in Ii}�pprnrently per'fnct health, and receive'itents of news front our aub- dlen ; "SterIa's a droit one 1 You know hate. laden glinee, of his beautiful Floarea ; Her enorg'y and ability to work seemed to , and the spirit the bL•L wtithin him kept and the operas}ons. The single lightbu;n• had visited Iter parents at Ste. hose scribers. We want a good corres- ' "ha bas married the tavern 1' P P iucrease twofold from now on. But she hi warm for a few momenta; But than, ad down to the candlestick, and there it on t•he,llraviuus da}. 'oitdeiti in every locality, not already `' "That's nothing. The tavern 1 You ought !n w showed nu softening toward bar husband. the cold became fiercer: n sharpwind had .flickered and sputtered •while, 'and throw —The other ravening' x Kingston reJ)resented,,tOsendNORELIABLEnews. S+to see the taveru•keo or 1" She kept her bedroom closed, He slept on S P come u that cut like a knife. He had caricatures of objects in Shadow upon the Ind entertained t,rn•uds. It was "What'' The beautiful Floares surely P the bench in the l,arruunt, after he had Y . taken his gun in his arms, as it had fallen wall; then it went out passed the day in luoking after tfier chickens s+t''d"eslr l tllu4• d:urui:ra should be • SUBSCRI11cus. a isn't your wife?" front his hauds. IIs"thou bb: "If an nae The dim light of dawn woo creeping over Ou uved, 4llrlt out, ,+ 1:-uu present '', The officer L the door draw -himself to- 8 y and pigs. ) l 1 Patrons who do not receive their t Y now ahoulri seen a Icould Hover shoot." the clay floor and over Steriw'e handsome Once, indeed, he smiled at the oun ruuld plat the prulwr music:, and he gather suddenly and let his cigarette fall. li + Y K ioaper regularly' from the carrier or When at last the relief came again, 'theya ^,young head, when he awoke. Disconso• puppies, that tumbled Dues oris 'another. a }'Oona oleo,-CouvurtGll at. Uros91,Y. i thr)uglt their local post Ogiceb' will � " Yes, she is indeed itty wits.. , She bas nate iYe; shrunk from himself an,l felt ae already resented me with a nun eter, and had to take his gun ; they rubbed his life ' Than he Logan to stand in Ilia doorway coil .roil iLttttter n meetings. 1'hu'yOuna coni era avur b1 returtinry at this p youngster, miserable and 'unhappy as one would reel •! f J 1 0 theaecondie canis soon." less hands withanow, and gave him liquor;, also to go to the field to oversee, the work. urrn prontlstly deeljned the 1u<luost � o ice at once. Subseriptidits nta,l g at the gray light of morning if his life wore The'da s were tedious ani the nights a tor- to Ila and Ilia ladjee '�ittheted "flow did you win her?" but he fell into a heavy sYetlp, cad when he 'Bhatfoted., .But now he hoard cones and a y g play n ftc.utt+tetece at ctittl tivr.e. -, "Ob quite simply: I just asked her if awoke andsxw that his hands 'would always g merit. The deep sleep of health after a hard about hien alhl used ' lwir best • eft- . q p y j soft sobbing in the bedroom. 130 listened '' she would have me." be lifeless, tears started to his eyes. day's work waagone;instead,Rlowbugsparka deavots to iu law+ hia, lu preside at and bethought him what he Should do ; not ADVERTISERS t'. The took hint to the hospital, where the of Late often seemed .to course through his the piano while ilia' _, i+rnGui,' Hit ! e "But many had already naked her the Y P for long, however, for the bedroom door t 1 Adve'rtiseffwill lease bear in vtind ramething." wretched hands became black, formless .prang Open, and Floarea rushed poet him. braiu'or shine before lite eyes. fought hard against lou ar.lnirars4uul "changes" f "Yes," cried another, "I know of one, - lumps, through which the fleshless bones b• called to her, but she did not turn her .. He sought In good earnest to re-oetablish won, In spuakiug of tbu (water to that call YTtctnges of adveiHisentents, surely, who is not so tory far' away, who •eon started forth, unfit flesh and bones and himself in the bane and to the heart of his a friend Ile eaid(ihi+ round it's difljCnit to ritsure insertion, should be handed • head. The door that led to the open air she would rather have bad her than an one all fell off, and only stumps were left. wife. But'she repulsed him with auch an matter to re+int the pleadings of the in not later than MONDAY NOON of Y hastily shook and burnt open in a wild p S t The look of doubt in Steris'e dark eyes, attitude of re u vanes treated him no like lsdies. each week. dse, and would have given lits epaulets to tory ; she plunged out and soon vanished in P g _ et the beautiful tavern -keeper. the close-presewi lips, told more than a flood •castaway, like one unfit for human society, e P the dusky fields. Ito stood in the cold —Ata sale oil ibe prentiaea of CIRCULATION• 7. Steria laughed. "If any one wants to of complaint. drought of the morning wind his counten- a beggar and starveling, that he came to George Murray, 10th , lines, En: t win a maiden, he miles' be original. They The young officer was very uneasy, for Y ' believe that it would be easier to soften, rock - ii they should toll the story, he would re- mince anmheagray, till a voice was raised Zorra, on Friday, a team of', ,horses THE NEWS -RECORD ha8 a larger !,all rage. They are all In love. That one Y y' imide, calling after its mother. ' orystal,thau this woman.' ' Hie child who was sold to Jameas Kennedy or circulation than any other paper in ?; there" (ha pointed behind him) "made eeive a severe punishment. But Steria con- He entered and the child's dark eyes, was often present at such times, coon began �, e es " (hike a bare and she always leu ' ed at tinned silent and did not complain. His y ' to side with the mother, and to cry and 'Woodstock for ,,$140. INIr. Murray this section, and as an adverfiaing' ` y ' e g- comrades wanted to of u a letter for him., round with astonishment, and with arched scream if the father same near hint. evidently thought file price too low tnediuna has few equals in Ontario. ' him. But I was cold as icer I scarcely K P �aehes,rwereraisodto him, and its mouth for he refused to give u Y Kennedy Our boobs are open to those lobo t"e"ed my head for her, and so she always, but tre declined. quivered a little to one aids When Steria caw that even vehement Ont•. e I • Y ?) 6'That won't, Give me back 'my � hands, is breaks made no impression on Floarea, that Went to Woodstock and secured the mean business. 'ran after me." , ,11 aimyodr father, child ; don't know services of Constables Tisdale and — „ "� again; .he -fold.; ' yYi , ' Storbs said at lest: she regarded him merely as one unable to '} H• i h• 1 be l and then you grabbed bar = � ,� K Y Healbd"of,-his-wounds discharged from 112other 1 Mother I scrasreed the little ;: behind you and held her feet 1" r 8 ., work , and no longer her huab.tnd cod mss• and they proceaddi to obtain tile JOIt PRINTING. "That's it exactly. O' the army as disabled, he turned his steps ter, he buried himself in silence. team. 'I'ho tonin had disappeared r one. "You are not able to entertain the people frorn Murray's but the constable The Job Department of this joiir- The officer by the door had become eo sol- toward home, heavy at heart. !'You're mother is coming directly i Go to - tial is one of the best equipped in low that he looked almost black. How Mould his beautiful Ploares, receive sleep again 1 I'll sing you something." any more," the said to him. "Formerly yon traced them Ito Embro where they Western Ontario, and a superior I' But no one noticed him, for he stood is the him, when she saw him in this condition ? And he began softly one of those mono- were full of songs and Stories." had,peen taken by Malcolm Me- class of work is guaranteed at very shadow, and they all had put their lanterns Among the common people there Is an un- tonus songs, full.ot unconscious sadness, "Perhaps I could still sing and toll my Neil, McNuil finally "greed to tell Zona "prices.` together, and they ween -busy,. filling their epeakabl., . .,r4ioa-;toward the,unbeautiful, with which, in the first days of his youthful Stories if I were happy -ii Floarea were to where the horses were, and the con glasses with liquor. 'T6 cold of the night .the maimed, and in. wer.urany.,a one ileal, 6oppiness, he had often sung. the child to love me again. etahip found them t.iijd up'in a hack NEWSPAPER LAWS outside and the warmth within set their rather die thaw lWhis srai orrleg be take's slesp, reeking it in his arms, while the beam- then she went to her little boy and darn• yard and• touit then), to Woodstock. young faces aglow. Theq one. raised his -off' "' W ' oyes of the young mother were turned wed the door. - We call the special attention of Poet �'; .voice and Bang :" . He hid himself in ilia, woods and .fields `from her spindle to. her loved one. But it The gossips strengthened her warmly in "asters and subscribers to the follows" "The tavern sign is hanging high until the evening was coma, the luminous came up so thick -and loot in his throat that , ber 'stubbornness. Stumpa l Good Ood l TO T Fi £`_ BAR M E R S. ,ynopsis,of the newspaper laws :- evening of the Roumanian spring, with its Who could love a man with a pair of study sour own Interest and go where For sunny people passing by. he broke oft you can -get 1-A poytfnaster is' required .to g a Stancutza with the eye -brows dark-" wild warbling; f birds and fluttering of "Water 1 I want some water 1" said the stumps I' notice IiY LETTER (returning a, parser does, . 14 wings against the glowing heaven, when all , • In the village every one had averted glances a of answer the law) when a subscriber does "-Floarea with the eyebrows clerk, ilia child. Reliablek.*the sir. seems laden with strongest odors for Steria, who with his arms crossed not take his paper out of the offico;'and ?. others put in. 6, ' The father was oil ilia point of reaching ' ;tate the reason for its not bei" taken. when flowers crowd one another, and for the pitcher In the window, `but he hid stood there looking at the people that crowd- g f" Makes hours go by without remark. the meadows look like heaven,. wide -spread P ed about him on Sundays. The corners ,of I manufacture none but too HEST OF STOCK. Any.neglect to do so makes the postmaster I' Her wine is cod, her meaeurebl )tie armeY and said': Beware oy shops that sell cLcap, as they nave responsible to the publishers for payment. B g' with forget•me•uots.: Finally rile -last bird - "There, is no water there • mother is - his mouth began to grow down with a bitter pot to live. QT Call and get prices. Order. So ever let the hero swig, ' :a = was orient 'tile flit bi with 66 fo et=•uie•notli ' expression. His lis were tightl cons- by mail prontply attended to, 2 -If any person ordzrs -Ilia paper ilia-, No one ' r., g )jaingingit, P. P y 3ontinued, bo must pay all anearrgea,oi 1.`In the ilty'evasfnitenover all,with Its meas °Then he sat• upon the bedeida and began praised. His only dlaeipation was brandy, j0AX , y+• C�l3c "X' A 2 • the publisher may continuo to send it Until the night there avettakes him. •itralose'gulfi,;'•sild4 Steria 'stole aroni 11 :his ^s cin to sini, till the big eyes cloned and in which he Bought consolation more and until payment ,is made and ecilect the No one can sea her ;take heed 1 K g' Y y HARNESS EMpORIUN tRLTTiti ONT. P Y . P Y house likea, thief. His heart beat as though the long lashes lay_ tight" upon the cheeks, more and that did not make the scenes be- ' . I whole amount, wbetber it lie taken frail; Who sees her once is lost indeed; it would burst.' He had never in his life tween himself and Floarea easier. She began ----------- the office or not. There can, be no legs, Thea he became, grill and eat bent over. g He drinks his money up, the sot I known what it was to fear, but now he felt ' to fear him and to hate him. To her it was discontinuance nnfil'rho payment is made staring down at his arm stumps, ,while tb Upon my word, and ruse it not. a=fear. ti • fight oatsido, and the early blackbirds as though he had committed a prime int osingDiam'ond Tea. :;-Any person wLo takes a paper fie t: Slowlyendsoftly:he'eieptup,te4he,thres ' "' J ___1 dIf one,with o:en four there come, his hands. tie post•oftice, whether oirecte to hit ti. Bung siraroL above the swaying wheal• I' He takes but two of thedi back home. gold of. the ".o en deo;,', and, dtoeNi lean. , � Four ears had aeso3 since that Sylvia. name or another, or, whether he has sub• p v a g rfieldei, and the rising suit dipped all the w•Ilis y P Y, scribed or not, is responsible for •the pay, And who comes riding, up, .lick l agaanst the,el�oor poatt atohing his beeiut'. al. aria fody,'glowiflg light. " ter's Five in Margineni. There stood 'Steria 'takes his saddle on his backs young wife, as with small hands and nimble with. his arms crosasd as be alwa s stood 4 -If a subscribe sicca his'paper to bt An& wanders forth ; who comes on foot But •n awakening spring for •man who t Y ' stopped at a certain time, -and the publish feet aha busily. cleared' ;and arranged .the is crushed likes roatia of death. This overseeing the loading Of'the hay Its the Drinks u his coat and vest to boot g g or continues • to send, it the subacriher ', P , public room. ' Then she eat down •t one of pain in Ster st was so ^ unendurable sweet-smelling meadow. There were not , bound to pay for it if lie takes it out of the . . If Stancutza s— the tables, and in the dim light of -single. hands enough, for the horizon was rowin thatgreat iSts named slowly from his g 8 post•office. This proceedaupou't]iegt,ouHd "-Floarea's l" rand a e ala to count Cr re pe . • �-I - , • darker odor moment and the lightning id. that n man moat pay fm what ho user Y t, v ��ll, m Z oy�6,ta d $e , reaved great sighs. The rosy- Y , "wine brit hYleah m_tttete, 3 ]!I Oong"eyelashles th 4iW b o ' shadow the distance threatened iiko an'evil lance. a t t r Yid clig} pPidred over Lim so that his tears g He goes away all stripe gndbare t, , E t drA h�t 4heeit.y_Ip.� )whl9h'6',a ,.4a 1.6gd 01- , 4e1w> line `fldwin drops of fire. From all sides the, clouds arose black below, ; , , g P +, rho• !lie Only_Gennlne, Safe Lure. "Hey, Steria I You bet, Steria I" pression played, while her fine brows con•' strongest, handsomest fallow in the village, above like gray veils, and in front of 'them t� In the 17iviaiun Court ifl "Godericln "Now, it ie really not so bad as that. tractod in bar trouble at couflting. IL was with over irl cunni" after him"when be' were''thoso small white puffs that= look So at the November sitting a vowspaper pill- .. y g gust what the people want, for the following haher stied for o of. a er. :•The defelidr. . One isn't compelled to eflter,,you know." all done with her fingers, as though they went out to walk on Sundays; he, who.'*oJ , Imipeent and so often .are full of hall. Be-*" 'reasons :-1St, because it iS t:houh; 2nd, Durable; P; Y P- P r ... " No ; naturally not. One merely hangs were playing the piano with great rapidity. tween thorn the sun still forced' thro h 3rd, EReetunl; 4th, A is Nature s Own Remedy;• Brit-0lijected paying . the, ground that tej_ . • called to ever job beaauge, he, could lift' P through t y J 6th, It Is easy to take, and young and. olds rich. rhpd .'ordered a former pro prietor'"Alr'ths cut .the sign, I wine•rooin,' and.then they all Her lips moved like the -lips of young , chil, three times ae much as any one elaeY • iat on !above the busy haymakers. and.poor. roust and will baye it, and canngt, do :paper to discontinue it: The Judge=held 'come, and if the see the beautiful bar -maid droll who are learning a lesson, and at tinea " Lend a hand, Steria, we "lust hurry 1" without it. 'Superior in every way to any Y his child's bed, and was unable to'bi nei-it a • Blood or Liver Medicine on the market;,with ,that that was not a valid defence. - The aren't you the least bit jealous, Steria, she thoughtfully apd dreamily rested„ her dti k,of water. . shouted a, laughing maiden„ whose ,face hundreds of Bona fide Testimonials �6 back it up. 6.,Sintiff, the present proprietor; cad to `- 11 Y y ••p P P. The }oliowingtrmn Dna of Clinton's best citlzeue' noti':0 to diecontinno umx copse, vent pow that on are a solcdier T Man eo le head u omher�hand. hen t e,SM� ii ' - _ The ihbty at 11 showed the Impression glowed like a rode ,under the 'kerchief that will sullice : 7 here au know. bo aorto Clink again. t `a t. could collect, although it was, not tlenrod 4' ' q 1 ahfelded it.; and clic reached him i+ pitch, Conlon, August YBth, 188ft. I have warned bor," Steria an "FloaraN I" mount dens o the .4fe�lt' frog It fere head, before Sli°'9ad pwt that defendant had notified fgrmet •pro- 5i>t, It orever3 fork. Ile held out to ber i,1 Silenco hiiarm• After 'pulferbng for years with Da•spepsla and ,rietor to discontinue. An. ,any event n.o, quite fn earnest. dark, T a if i, a �bitto 00 _of•Lhis then ht ,. uenphed stumps, and then erobeod hie arms egos". its Biro effects atter eating, t have at Inst. found I I j' he g q the "pearl or great price to in in rho shape of dofenaht wan lwtmd to pay • r r'tito-time •' - �bea ing would follow,hndjuatly,would With'a•bhriek'ehe f ow'to heot`t, eo brit - the flow of tears. With his sleeve he ,wiped Horrified, the maiden ran away, and the' "'DIAMOND TEA,' which makes life worth living,, lie had received the pnpet and :uTttil ho ' ' It not, Steria?" a art of the mon rolled to the round others reproached her for heil•for otfulnoas. and can heartily reemnmend it to eutiering ]tad paid all arrears due'for vnb iBil itfon: ' P K , his eyes, and stood up and wont into , the P g humanity'as a romedy unequalled. ---- • "No; not a beating, but death." and holdiflg both hands afore the 1 ght, so kit hen, an Waked the wench that .was At that moment the sodud of'a galloplia A. COUCH, Butcher. , • . A cold shiver ran through Lhe small circle,, , that it cast a roe cell yh ow p slob �noe, a r horse wall hearts and three ofiicere adyahcod sq Aak for bIAMOND TEA and take no other. ma �" �' �4 yf , "1et,ip thh a gn the nettle. She pushed the' c d rfii " ar though the door had flown open inti the 'she loaifed for but. f •! & i ' 5 41e Inc noose the bold. At your Druggists, 28 noel b0 .Gears. w . r. k! 'd 6'0.7a cr,fiea , g f ti of Glsek hair from hor eyes, a 5 a b u n• Wholesale by W D.. �DWARD9,; a q-„ 4 n January wind had Llown-in. , ,They looked Floarea l it'cnlled t in. lib 'flew end ?as site rceived°her master, shi6m ned • Look At that pretty girl 1 shouted one �,� �"lb. �' p ChId Agent for,Cahada, ko m inti g'' nervously about, caw the offieersitairding; through the dat:koned<rotim,t<a d0vKhtthe 916%X%4thit the dogs outside began to and rained in bill horse. Suddenly there 687.3m London.' CC as o,r°+4ag SA 0o , AA `; and nudged each other. ' Steria, also, slowly cry "Miron !" she threw herself upon lits "howl. She swayed- book and forth, struck 'strode out from behi.ld ilio hay -Carta $gore, - ==. '� 5` a ~ �g .41' m 3,215 turned his bend, and there passed from one neck in a teennest of joy. He threw his her knees with hdr hands; and shfiekbd to Lefoeo which the young officer grew pale: HOUSE FOR SALE `OR TO RENT,, j eq ya o QU w man to the other a glance like a dagger arms about her and would not lot her go. the utmost of hor'powor : Steria stood' thorn calm, croatrdd his arms :. �, Q0 thrust. Then the officer vanishpdr• r- Whonever• he w,auoeditofree herself tq,luok I •�t a�j�al'as f what hue beooithe of' the composedly, and ldokod at, him. it .wen Situated off the toast•Aiife o}' Vfetorld'etreot,' (�'' -- ;a aHa haQY0. Soon after, the compusyxbrpke.up..rSteria+ 'upon bloc etpja6gbd `bei fo ,him s hpyfgh. , �jniie' the strop hands that were ower. hard on the first day at his new post Lave comprising seven rooms . and. kitchai with ' © j?a poi g q sy y Y K , P appurtehnnecstheretobelobAing p' p 9 �y�,,e•w was on duty. he must enjoy his good fortune a second ful for work t Alas 1 what is left - of .your to look his worst enemy in the eye. The Cont for sate. ,,,,tl%* NO. MCGARVA.'1W. ; We .V• '!�' �af•5 C� e $ ' 61 d he, longer. She felt his, heart boat an she lay etre" th t He wilt call u on his etre" t officer put spurs to hia bocce, so that he Ya . •. mealy,«; W P and it will he a mocker to life uaelese arms I P g K - __ H P B r One could freeze to -night," said _ q It buckling oil his knapsack. on his breast and whop now she looked u ° s ran high in the air , and raced after his' qams a o °b $ > . trpp; ' Y PROP SALE-Oii;IU. RENT ' �` 4 A ° "! �2"' �� " That were worth while for a couple of she cried : Alas !whet has btaomo of you.' bhndal fiha ooptradee. ; , oq' vM 10 ` .nil et followa there imide, whom one would rather ,!But how, ,polo you ;are 1 You sent mo ornnmont of the vilbdgo is maimed and inn• '.` Who was it, Steria t" sold. a workman•, - / tit. ,R�dhgwsend to rho doge than watch end guard like word that you were , quite well again, but tilatod. ' The sun will make the cornfields •laying bib hand on Storia.'B,;ahouldor, while ,kc,tt'r•;o on Albert St., jaEeiy occupied o� Q"al' ou nrtl still Siak." And her Leautiful alit"• Mr. J4imosMbore. Five bed rooms; duo. p.oso many jewels, ' y yellow, and will' ask : Whore id he who he, like a statue, still, gaged after the other. parlor, dining• room, kitchen,' Bummer kitchen q 4 " Just lot them stand on wateb once till ing eyes were wet with tears. loads. tbo ehonvas.f He' must stand aside. "It he's the one, what Shall I do to him ?" and pp���ry. Hard and sott.wnter. Stable and' I �� fruitrtrees. There ato three tote ch Maple Street yy ^ n , - they aro frozen Stiff as sugar -babies. It I was so Sick that it wdb • wonder that I 'Alas 1 what han becomo of your hander "The Nothing now," said Steria, Softly,, and , hesides the one on whiph the. cottage stands, -A o %4.4 1 � 4 "' would Le a pleasant death." still live, But I wonl'd co'mo to you. M turned and went awn mnkfng an Here of ground in all. The Cotit, C /y ��((yyj Y Y well will ask :. ?Why do you lower no Y andohe lot will bo. sold separately it desired and V / 0 ' , , • � Oe d' a " It hasn't been tried yet," naid Storia, longiug nursed me and hed6d me eo far as bucktt t" and the hater will show our io• Some days later be lay under all immense an reasonabio.torma. Possession given at onto. n/ W • o . • ,% , U t and at once shut Ilia mouth in the, freezing it was possible. How is the little one ?" ture without handa, Alas I whathasbe, nut -tree ,and contemplated hii •reyengo. 'tpply'to bftts. T1,10MAS CnOPF.fi, i1:4 � � th � w Clinton, Sept. 2nd, 1889 o87•tt.' V • +�• � !� ^� M 01 air Into which he passed out. Ho quickly "$o big 1+' bbo pointed; though she felthAr. 'Somo of` j our hands t" Suddenly he rb ognieod quite Hoa him, the . _ W ' L'ci t y W ;" mild into the far cloak of the guard whom he Self still held tight in his arms. "Come, It wits like a deatlt•utoan and the im ro. voice Of his enemy, who Said: (�, "� rr � P -i p ; au P a; A NICE 'HOME «.� : a t relioved, which had not, however, availed to you shall sop him asleep. visationI would have kept on Still longer if Still as ever the prettiest in:"the land l Tyr l•s+l U 4), a o 0. keep him warm. She tbiahodto take his hand to lead him Ster'.a,'angored because unable to shako her, Yes, you have become far more beautiful ; T A BARGAIN.—Eight agree of land with a Q) �Q �' r' ~"o x "There's good drink inside," Steria whia- into the chamber, but he probsed her to him had not, approached her. Then she became Borrow has perfected you as the storm per. A Select orchard of choice apple trees; ':W' r•+ p .F" 1. perod to him ; "but even with that one can't again: quiet, and stared nt him with her coai•blaek feete the rosea." Cou)rdttnblO house and -stables ;adjoining Godo- - s. 0 " � 'd Ill . richt; township. Apply to B. L, DOYLE, Godo. s- 4'9" , • " �- +,stand atilt too long," he said, while hie "Floares, my sweotboart, you can not ll oyes• 1! With you, however, I have nothing, rich. t2d tf w' Q.1s " M w breath, like thick smokee,froxg'tOsltia bcatti ' take',mv hand, IL iii frozen �toi%! My halda "Now ;then, my hands were frozen off, whatever to do," sounded Floarea's Moo to rn • le a The convent clock of Maiginodl rangpitt are gdnoki" a. 4; t Tr, r• ` and that'it, the truth," aaid Ito with perfect reply. "r Bill altogether at a loss to tinder• i� ILL• HEADS, NOTLi "„a�', i in P-4 the midnight hour on 11 rthai roien woila. Ag�Oali-an thDa eke fetb h self pushed r equaniintty, its though it were too trivial a stand how you'taro speak �to mo." Statements: tel laircuinre�Bueina e q ^" 4) t]) Jt4 p « `'rho New )leer avec run ts a and New Lack F ioatto>, oo ed p,few'+,14 a frot4r. hln>=;: thing'to ho u4ticed. "It is nothing to make a' Ant I Jack Frost t bid I bite hie hands Cards, Envotopcs Progr--in , � U b "Year for the prisoners insfdo, to whom the and fell sonselloss to the ground. With de- a funs about. ' The child wants a drink. - off?" etc., etc.,print like triftimer d Envelopes, la l"v at lotv ares. rte} p i;' ' TILE NEWS -RECORD Office. 9 0 1 a `+ &-P F . ,. , ,. ., . f . , � .. . .. t ` 11 I Ie I. . . , - , I . � - r • pp 7�{ �1 x 1 STER -, I - , e 4 ^ ...,• it n.... _1, S i . �', 'I 'r' '..- i' ry '' r A i t # ' �,r F R'^-� s J.� t'• I. - .' I I , : far brow h5 Ao >telase '. ► hePpy New Rear ; $ r i.. .. a �' t - s hir in bib fecg he shoved one wrist under :... 4 L rJonil. shriek spas to v►ake the wbole cilia • 4 ' 14 iXC.i 0 ! M '' :x for those of, ilia guard puraidq, who would her sec ad itl. of ar rubbed her k & .. w the h a o d vith your de. tb-m. ans over my, hap s, b!Pir11 — "' y� 'rte BY CARalEN BYI.VA. . . be free of service and could o home• r q, Whettreri><wasthe conversation, or the breast. fie looked abouQ •foi? A •drink,• +iud with ezpeedinq' diffionit� he glared ,the pringaoawmilk. s, Thofharp,topfiof phispraoe ggacyqeng -.'o-}--7 v.- ,..'a ' ,> . f.• T" f1 R ' V D �� p ", � C A 0 A $ii$ <t2tiYRt 0) ItOlf]itANx4, d%11 I Trm!4410ed, by John plot Iloytga.', ,"' ' look of the officer, or the raging gold, Stena . suddenl felt his heart row hear , w mouth of a brandy ottlr 1Mc sr lige mi all ahs o coed hero es an the horror that '' mfsrt; dnmf Dp4'4ed ha; ,?;' �thonS °4,w+ord of• rely she did as sbi` ' ' bid anti d' br not ':. y s. t rd "":I I ' ° One' ,% low- .Nowh o, ~ I''mi 's , oakei , Albei-t'�tra ' ,r,' 9 ,' 109 Wo4khouse, at Merging ols'13yl thvuj�h eine misfortnno h d come upon hi. w s revea ed In them was to him like a so mu'ah as ask after bar mistre4b .at Imbe .. o � �_p` ` h tar's okr Ere, the soldiers mire sittinll, am . , 'Io1Yre+►a _ 0ougb he should never see her knife•thrust. He hid hi arms and bade her saw her empty chamber, Likewise she re, , r . '°.°' ° `'' Our stock;of Groceries and Provisions for Billing and summer aro vary cppiislete, rpd et m tag. her nd listening to tbs han114q.n tI riiir, who, wit of s'efu A nl naves again her In $ " r�Q, d g �A u"" r,,.1 anxiety sowaighed upon hie drink herself, that. her li s mi t ba ted 1': , YI4 again. mal ed du when S:eriti with cofFlin f, � 4 , . gib t milk I brosre,. bads her Isold the milk to bis lips„ will ba,fuund Fresh and fishable e"ibracwg Query hue of Goode to be feund'.n'O, t- 41,e with the characterUtic >tihI itoumaniane Is telliu storI"ep, Lo, t illch g . ir'eaetthatl►%_'` , uld no longer tramp back And You will always bs sot said che8o `and nt'a" ,bre of broad iatD hlsniontb.' P Pi Class Grater . WA alai to give Bast 1'ossibie Goods at the Lowest PossiLks,"i'gi e. Y and to pcafenuc>tl buyers tt'e u11i r many advantages. PRODUCF, TAK1;`N, r iiiii a same time he Rives a dramstio force .and forth, bqt stogd still as though benumb- white lips. Tears came to Steria'6 eyes. The chilli did pot,scream u it beheld its ;wherever possible. Ivliron teii °'Is tea11, apd Vie!^ He had'astvaR tiQ atiFh;a pgiq before. he said, and turned toward the father's armrt but merely looked at them (1 A �TI�1jj1 (j�T n (�(1 j�}�ol al & Retail Gropers Clip}�nr �S sale alsuder, with`deep-set eyes, straight brows," *fine olaaeia nose, alrnond•shaltaJ nostrils, . tt•Wala a4 if � li, d lk$ler, � ., a Slowly he• oast!.'', to hip►s}If ±►gale_►' and dark aeye," a She looked at the arms with which he with great wonder, and asked:. K "Did a gun da that f Will they grow out UAl\ l.l't�Vl� 4f 4[A)Rf .1T it U f -... 4W " 11Rhich continually dilate as he, speaks, and give, thereby an unusually comto gxpresaion to th h rte the' noticed ilial his listed. and:;4et .Revs with. '. out feeling, He meals* ",j,spt�ad ndowaR a}s ", tried, to clan his lauids ot"ther. ,put bo, covered his eyes, and one shudder after an- "9thor ran through her. She raised herself :.¢nd .treated on her elbowa, and stared Into again soon t Many. hours passed, in arhiph Steria, to avoid r in ucations did not show him. i `r>V - B ,�� �bo o t+�-1ti , i t b ;,4 0, ca" F,� o :+ 011 'r"0 11 � a '" oil ° '4 '° p repose of use Lipa as t OF u f P: t : - FY a q ,. m � ca a-; -W O g 1-4 . drolleat.storlse, could not dq tbt}tf oche weal d.have droppsd .Roapp, with great, wide eyes thaE did not self at the threahoid of rho hoes••. But his i..w.-.. m� C Fn s a a FO ,� c z Unnoticed by the others, ayoung officer hie gap. Tecrided ebegan to .blow°UPO ,wink, liar now he heti recpttered himself -` W • �" a C� v E . , unrost increased every momeuti till finally : , i1;� �.,, c d O ci 11 Lias etatIoned himself in the doorway and is .them, but him t• th:wee like sae, ' At last ;apd• oama to her and wished to help. her rise. Floarea, pato and with otenctred teeth, ea . A1110=01 q j ca El o c w� Calif LL g also listening. The New Year:e night is • trb heard the relief i►ptiroachiag, and he *i3iit.she eprnng from the ground and recoiled tered with a tiny babe to her acme, born `!� m a d� c F4 0 � d 4 q D-.64 O v, ', oleful for slim, left along in the Convent of called" out; but wIt6,tleaf o ,. ;;the, sQsgeatlt ftwom hurl, ropulotng biro with both hands, prematurely, whose weak little voice was a o. W N w Vit=+ ^ m N US. I " ar inenl whose columns is the ids as- pn9aed b as thou h'Steria ?i+!!B-not 'there, Her teeth, meantime, chattered as in a chill. ss' f "�� ..� d o ko o a g �, p y; scarcely audible, Without sword as she111111111111110111111 , K a . W b e„ a 3 4 I� I= Thu litliper was 'igpd ; g .ilii;order=to htobi! "I)an't come near me 1 Don't come near came she Isid the baba in ire brother's crib �� I l k� o i o e c m sages look , upon the white faces of many It 1 hundred prisoners, and reecho the'planking and •she sergeant, MCAs' lfeteldn"''•Star's ,me? Leave me l Leave me alcue--" Then she went to her work and stood till far • � �� ��{ `"moo h�Pb� W � d a 0• � o � If phsins as they march down into the court- shouted louder. The footfalls, grating on Wit), outstretched hands, with eyes star" Into the ni ht behind her bar from, time to � Y m W r-! hO a c0 W. ^ a SC o a a '� Yard to the beautiful church, built for other the Snow, were lost around the corner of the ing as though parted from him "by the time nursing the child inside, as her dut' "NH ,yOwj�� CZ ' x a ..441 u t sea than the worship of. thieve a, c y la;v's decree, She stepped backward toward not her desire was awakened towbei the . `'� °' . o � � e� w building. Then the finiahod the round and E � O , C H .o S t The fire snaps and crackles 'in the large came Lack again. the ehatnb*r, opened chs door behind, van• 1 nor iSttle woi•in, whose lau,p of life would �J A Iki o. H-1 Aq' Is �$ "M hands are freezin T•lt mo •loo I" ishod.9n the =darkness, and looked hocaolf soon burn out. The customers crowded ' 0, aH • -'°t o 0 Q 'earthen stove, for outside ft to If ozing cold. Y Sl, g H A sudden change In the weather has put an shouted �Sterh6 � !!You ; have forgotten, Ill , to -day especially, aim the news of Steria's • ' i�o. = g 2y;r, r• ° v W %,9terw toad as if` etrified. Thou he. bo• W m "�U,.pwOlP9H cud to the mild December days, bringing mq, l ' e=' p rotor" home au{ of hiamidortnde hkd flown _ __ i�csirt"e-days' snow etorrr, and theft "I dare pot;' tome book,. the adswet :, ern to l"uh'llgad and wild, And grasping through the villager .jnd' erslty. Ong wtintsd the itis Qn=tile ground with both arms,, he . — " twenty do reea of cold. through the night ;-+` "I have order. Trp lel' �° . , to sae how the two, wh'o had been so envied,—:1ladamo Joly; of Tel r"bonne BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. Y g took a ion and doe 'drink. Thea he cast The officer did not c,rmo to it, with you remain," and as they wont. $ P Lore their hard fate. But no one had the while Yeislin,, ,ota:u++N iu 1�• r k ilcholl -- Steria stood asif turned to marble. Did himself upon •bench, his acme upon the 1 o i ; the gay company, but hoped to hear some- table his head upon his acme' end remained opportunity of seeing him, and the beautiful un Sunday niornin; sn,bioul v frl l ' C/DR1It1:Sl'O'1VDEl\CLr. Ghia that would cheer ovsu bins- they want to kill hint He thought again of Po innkeeper was abstracted and uncommon, ll I „g „ the conversation that 7vas overheard, of the motionleds,. until a heavy sleep overcame r tlond;pu the floor. She tuns In oviously II a will at all times be pleased to I believe ou, shouted one of the sot- native. F'' 7 him. He was still weak from the hospital in Ii}�pprnrently per'fnct health, and receive'itents of news front our aub- dlen ; "SterIa's a droit one 1 You know hate. laden glinee, of his beautiful Floarea ; Her enorg'y and ability to work seemed to , and the spirit the bL•L wtithin him kept and the operas}ons. The single lightbu;n• had visited Iter parents at Ste. hose scribers. We want a good corres- ' "ha bas married the tavern 1' P P iucrease twofold from now on. But she hi warm for a few momenta; But than, ad down to the candlestick, and there it on t•he,llraviuus da}. 'oitdeiti in every locality, not already `' "That's nothing. The tavern 1 You ought !n w showed nu softening toward bar husband. the cold became fiercer: n sharpwind had .flickered and sputtered •while, 'and throw —The other ravening' x Kingston reJ)resented,,tOsendNORELIABLEnews. S+to see the taveru•keo or 1" She kept her bedroom closed, He slept on S P come u that cut like a knife. He had caricatures of objects in Shadow upon the Ind entertained t,rn•uds. It was "What'' The beautiful Floares surely P the bench in the l,arruunt, after he had Y . taken his gun in his arms, as it had fallen wall; then it went out passed the day in luoking after tfier chickens s+t''d"eslr l tllu4• d:urui:ra should be • SUBSCRI11cus. a isn't your wife?" front his hauds. IIs"thou bb: "If an nae The dim light of dawn woo creeping over Ou uved, 4llrlt out, ,+ 1:-uu present '', The officer L the door draw -himself to- 8 y and pigs. ) l 1 Patrons who do not receive their t Y now ahoulri seen a Icould Hover shoot." the clay floor and over Steriw'e handsome Once, indeed, he smiled at the oun ruuld plat the prulwr music:, and he gather suddenly and let his cigarette fall. li + Y K ioaper regularly' from the carrier or When at last the relief came again, 'theya ^,young head, when he awoke. Disconso• puppies, that tumbled Dues oris 'another. a }'Oona oleo,-CouvurtGll at. Uros91,Y. i thr)uglt their local post Ogiceb' will � " Yes, she is indeed itty wits.. , She bas nate iYe; shrunk from himself an,l felt ae already resented me with a nun eter, and had to take his gun ; they rubbed his life ' Than he Logan to stand in Ilia doorway coil .roil iLttttter n meetings. 1'hu'yOuna coni era avur b1 returtinry at this p youngster, miserable and 'unhappy as one would reel •! f J 1 0 theaecondie canis soon." less hands withanow, and gave him liquor;, also to go to the field to oversee, the work. urrn prontlstly deeljned the 1u<luost � o ice at once. Subseriptidits nta,l g at the gray light of morning if his life wore The'da s were tedious ani the nights a tor- to Ila and Ilia ladjee '�ittheted "flow did you win her?" but he fell into a heavy sYetlp, cad when he 'Bhatfoted., .But now he hoard cones and a y g play n ftc.utt+tetece at ctittl tivr.e. -, "Ob quite simply: I just asked her if awoke andsxw that his hands 'would always g merit. The deep sleep of health after a hard about hien alhl used ' lwir best • eft- . q p y j soft sobbing in the bedroom. 130 listened '' she would have me." be lifeless, tears started to his eyes. day's work waagone;instead,Rlowbugsparka deavots to iu law+ hia, lu preside at and bethought him what he Should do ; not ADVERTISERS t'. The took hint to the hospital, where the of Late often seemed .to course through his the piano while ilia' _, i+rnGui,' Hit ! e "But many had already naked her the Y P for long, however, for the bedroom door t 1 Adve'rtiseffwill lease bear in vtind ramething." wretched hands became black, formless .prang Open, and Floarea rushed poet him. braiu'or shine before lite eyes. fought hard against lou ar.lnirars4uul "changes" f "Yes," cried another, "I know of one, - lumps, through which the fleshless bones b• called to her, but she did not turn her .. He sought In good earnest to re-oetablish won, In spuakiug of tbu (water to that call YTtctnges of adveiHisentents, surely, who is not so tory far' away, who •eon started forth, unfit flesh and bones and himself in the bane and to the heart of his a friend Ile eaid(ihi+ round it's difljCnit to ritsure insertion, should be handed • head. The door that led to the open air she would rather have bad her than an one all fell off, and only stumps were left. wife. But'she repulsed him with auch an matter to re+int the pleadings of the in not later than MONDAY NOON of Y hastily shook and burnt open in a wild p S t The look of doubt in Steris'e dark eyes, attitude of re u vanes treated him no like lsdies. each week. dse, and would have given lits epaulets to tory ; she plunged out and soon vanished in P g _ et the beautiful tavern -keeper. the close-presewi lips, told more than a flood •castaway, like one unfit for human society, e P the dusky fields. Ito stood in the cold —Ata sale oil ibe prentiaea of CIRCULATION• 7. Steria laughed. "If any one wants to of complaint. drought of the morning wind his counten- a beggar and starveling, that he came to George Murray, 10th , lines, En: t win a maiden, he miles' be original. They The young officer was very uneasy, for Y ' believe that it would be easier to soften, rock - ii they should toll the story, he would re- mince anmheagray, till a voice was raised Zorra, on Friday, a team of', ,horses THE NEWS -RECORD ha8 a larger !,all rage. They are all In love. That one Y y' imide, calling after its mother. ' orystal,thau this woman.' ' Hie child who was sold to Jameas Kennedy or circulation than any other paper in ?; there" (ha pointed behind him) "made eeive a severe punishment. But Steria con- He entered and the child's dark eyes, was often present at such times, coon began �, e es " (hike a bare and she always leu ' ed at tinned silent and did not complain. His y ' to side with the mother, and to cry and 'Woodstock for ,,$140. INIr. Murray this section, and as an adverfiaing' ` y ' e g- comrades wanted to of u a letter for him., round with astonishment, and with arched scream if the father same near hint. evidently thought file price too low tnediuna has few equals in Ontario. ' him. But I was cold as icer I scarcely K P �aehes,rwereraisodto him, and its mouth for he refused to give u Y Kennedy Our boobs are open to those lobo t"e"ed my head for her, and so she always, but tre declined. quivered a little to one aids When Steria caw that even vehement Ont•. e I • Y ?) 6'That won't, Give me back 'my � hands, is breaks made no impression on Floarea, that Went to Woodstock and secured the mean business. 'ran after me." , ,11 aimyodr father, child ; don't know services of Constables Tisdale and — „ "� again; .he -fold.; ' yYi , ' Storbs said at lest: she regarded him merely as one unable to '} H• i h• 1 be l and then you grabbed bar = � ,� K Y Healbd"of,-his-wounds discharged from 112other 1 Mother I scrasreed the little ;: behind you and held her feet 1" r 8 ., work , and no longer her huab.tnd cod mss• and they proceaddi to obtain tile JOIt PRINTING. "That's it exactly. O' the army as disabled, he turned his steps ter, he buried himself in silence. team. 'I'ho tonin had disappeared r one. "You are not able to entertain the people frorn Murray's but the constable The Job Department of this joiir- The officer by the door had become eo sol- toward home, heavy at heart. !'You're mother is coming directly i Go to - tial is one of the best equipped in low that he looked almost black. How Mould his beautiful Ploares, receive sleep again 1 I'll sing you something." any more," the said to him. "Formerly yon traced them Ito Embro where they Western Ontario, and a superior I' But no one noticed him, for he stood is the him, when she saw him in this condition ? And he began softly one of those mono- were full of songs and Stories." had,peen taken by Malcolm Me- class of work is guaranteed at very shadow, and they all had put their lanterns Among the common people there Is an un- tonus songs, full.ot unconscious sadness, "Perhaps I could still sing and toll my Neil, McNuil finally "greed to tell Zona "prices.` together, and they ween -busy,. filling their epeakabl., . .,r4ioa-;toward the,unbeautiful, with which, in the first days of his youthful Stories if I were happy -ii Floarea were to where the horses were, and the con glasses with liquor. 'T6 cold of the night .the maimed, and in. wer.urany.,a one ileal, 6oppiness, he had often sung. the child to love me again. etahip found them t.iijd up'in a hack NEWSPAPER LAWS outside and the warmth within set their rather die thaw lWhis srai orrleg be take's slesp, reeking it in his arms, while the beam- then she went to her little boy and darn• yard and• touit then), to Woodstock. young faces aglow. Theq one. raised his -off' "' W ' oyes of the young mother were turned wed the door. - We call the special attention of Poet �'; .voice and Bang :" . He hid himself in ilia, woods and .fields `from her spindle to. her loved one. But it The gossips strengthened her warmly in "asters and subscribers to the follows" "The tavern sign is hanging high until the evening was coma, the luminous came up so thick -and loot in his throat that , ber 'stubbornness. Stumpa l Good Ood l TO T Fi £`_ BAR M E R S. ,ynopsis,of the newspaper laws :- evening of the Roumanian spring, with its Who could love a man with a pair of study sour own Interest and go where For sunny people passing by. he broke oft you can -get 1-A poytfnaster is' required .to g a Stancutza with the eye -brows dark-" wild warbling; f birds and fluttering of "Water 1 I want some water 1" said the stumps I' notice IiY LETTER (returning a, parser does, . 14 wings against the glowing heaven, when all , • In the village every one had averted glances a of answer the law) when a subscriber does "-Floarea with the eyebrows clerk, ilia child. Reliablek.*the sir. seems laden with strongest odors for Steria, who with his arms crossed not take his paper out of the offico;'and ?. others put in. 6, ' The father was oil ilia point of reaching ' ;tate the reason for its not bei" taken. when flowers crowd one another, and for the pitcher In the window, `but he hid stood there looking at the people that crowd- g f" Makes hours go by without remark. the meadows look like heaven,. wide -spread P ed about him on Sundays. The corners ,of I manufacture none but too HEST OF STOCK. Any.neglect to do so makes the postmaster I' Her wine is cod, her meaeurebl )tie armeY and said': Beware oy shops that sell cLcap, as they nave responsible to the publishers for payment. B g' with forget•me•uots.: Finally rile -last bird - "There, is no water there • mother is - his mouth began to grow down with a bitter pot to live. QT Call and get prices. Order. So ever let the hero swig, ' :a = was orient 'tile flit bi with 66 fo et=•uie•notli ' expression. His lis were tightl cons- by mail prontply attended to, 2 -If any person ordzrs -Ilia paper ilia-, No one ' r., g )jaingingit, P. P y 3ontinued, bo must pay all anearrgea,oi 1.`In the ilty'evasfnitenover all,with Its meas °Then he sat• upon the bedeida and began praised. His only dlaeipation was brandy, j0AX , y+• C�l3c "X' A 2 • the publisher may continuo to send it Until the night there avettakes him. •itralose'gulfi,;'•sild4 Steria 'stole aroni 11 :his ^s cin to sini, till the big eyes cloned and in which he Bought consolation more and until payment ,is made and ecilect the No one can sea her ;take heed 1 K g' Y y HARNESS EMpORIUN tRLTTiti ONT. P Y . P Y house likea, thief. His heart beat as though the long lashes lay_ tight" upon the cheeks, more and that did not make the scenes be- ' . I whole amount, wbetber it lie taken frail; Who sees her once is lost indeed; it would burst.' He had never in his life tween himself and Floarea easier. She began ----------- the office or not. There can, be no legs, Thea he became, grill and eat bent over. g He drinks his money up, the sot I known what it was to fear, but now he felt ' to fear him and to hate him. To her it was discontinuance nnfil'rho payment is made staring down at his arm stumps, ,while tb Upon my word, and ruse it not. a=fear. ti • fight oatsido, and the early blackbirds as though he had committed a prime int osingDiam'ond Tea. :;-Any person wLo takes a paper fie t: Slowlyendsoftly:he'eieptup,te4he,thres ' "' J ___1 dIf one,with o:en four there come, his hands. tie post•oftice, whether oirecte to hit ti. Bung siraroL above the swaying wheal• I' He takes but two of thedi back home. gold of. the ".o en deo;,', and, dtoeNi lean. , � Four ears had aeso3 since that Sylvia. name or another, or, whether he has sub• p v a g rfieldei, and the rising suit dipped all the w•Ilis y P Y, scribed or not, is responsible for •the pay, And who comes riding, up, .lick l agaanst the,el�oor poatt atohing his beeiut'. al. aria fody,'glowiflg light. " ter's Five in Margineni. There stood 'Steria 'takes his saddle on his backs young wife, as with small hands and nimble with. his arms crosasd as be alwa s stood 4 -If a subscribe sicca his'paper to bt An& wanders forth ; who comes on foot But •n awakening spring for •man who t Y ' stopped at a certain time, -and the publish feet aha busily. cleared' ;and arranged .the is crushed likes roatia of death. This overseeing the loading Of'the hay Its the Drinks u his coat and vest to boot g g or continues • to send, it the subacriher ', P , public room. ' Then she eat down •t one of pain in Ster st was so ^ unendurable sweet-smelling meadow. There were not , bound to pay for it if lie takes it out of the . . If Stancutza s— the tables, and in the dim light of -single. hands enough, for the horizon was rowin thatgreat iSts named slowly from his g 8 post•office. This proceedaupou't]iegt,ouHd "-Floarea's l" rand a e ala to count Cr re pe . • �-I - , • darker odor moment and the lightning id. that n man moat pay fm what ho user Y t, v ��ll, m Z oy�6,ta d $e , reaved great sighs. The rosy- Y , "wine brit hYleah m_tttete, 3 ]!I Oong"eyelashles th 4iW b o ' shadow the distance threatened iiko an'evil lance. a t t r Yid clig} pPidred over Lim so that his tears g He goes away all stripe gndbare t, , E t drA h�t 4heeit.y_Ip.� )whl9h'6',a ,.4a 1.6gd 01- , 4e1w> line `fldwin drops of fire. From all sides the, clouds arose black below, ; , , g P +, rho• !lie Only_Gennlne, Safe Lure. "Hey, Steria I You bet, Steria I" pression played, while her fine brows con•' strongest, handsomest fallow in the village, above like gray veils, and in front of 'them t� In the 17iviaiun Court ifl "Godericln "Now, it ie really not so bad as that. tractod in bar trouble at couflting. IL was with over irl cunni" after him"when be' were''thoso small white puffs that= look So at the November sitting a vowspaper pill- .. y g gust what the people want, for the following haher stied for o of. a er. :•The defelidr. . One isn't compelled to eflter,,you know." all done with her fingers, as though they went out to walk on Sundays; he, who.'*oJ , Imipeent and so often .are full of hall. Be-*" 'reasons :-1St, because it iS t:houh; 2nd, Durable; P; Y P- P r ... " No ; naturally not. One merely hangs were playing the piano with great rapidity. tween thorn the sun still forced' thro h 3rd, EReetunl; 4th, A is Nature s Own Remedy;• Brit-0lijected paying . the, ground that tej_ . • called to ever job beaauge, he, could lift' P through t y J 6th, It Is easy to take, and young and. olds rich. rhpd .'ordered a former pro prietor'"Alr'ths cut .the sign, I wine•rooin,' and.then they all Her lips moved like the -lips of young , chil, three times ae much as any one elaeY • iat on !above the busy haymakers. and.poor. roust and will baye it, and canngt, do :paper to discontinue it: The Judge=held 'come, and if the see the beautiful bar -maid droll who are learning a lesson, and at tinea " Lend a hand, Steria, we "lust hurry 1" without it. 'Superior in every way to any Y his child's bed, and was unable to'bi nei-it a • Blood or Liver Medicine on the market;,with ,that that was not a valid defence. - The aren't you the least bit jealous, Steria, she thoughtfully apd dreamily rested„ her dti k,of water. . shouted a, laughing maiden„ whose ,face hundreds of Bona fide Testimonials �6 back it up. 6.,Sintiff, the present proprietor; cad to `- 11 Y y ••p P P. The }oliowingtrmn Dna of Clinton's best citlzeue' noti':0 to diecontinno umx copse, vent pow that on are a solcdier T Man eo le head u omher�hand. hen t e,SM� ii ' - _ The ihbty at 11 showed the Impression glowed like a rode ,under the 'kerchief that will sullice : 7 here au know. bo aorto Clink again. t `a t. could collect, although it was, not tlenrod 4' ' q 1 ahfelded it.; and clic reached him i+ pitch, Conlon, August YBth, 188ft. I have warned bor," Steria an "FloaraN I" mount dens o the .4fe�lt' frog It fere head, before Sli°'9ad pwt that defendant had notified fgrmet •pro- 5i>t, It orever3 fork. Ile held out to ber i,1 Silenco hiiarm• After 'pulferbng for years with Da•spepsla and ,rietor to discontinue. An. ,any event n.o, quite fn earnest. dark, T a if i, a �bitto 00 _of•Lhis then ht ,. uenphed stumps, and then erobeod hie arms egos". its Biro effects atter eating, t have at Inst. found I I j' he g q the "pearl or great price to in in rho shape of dofenaht wan lwtmd to pay • r r'tito-time •' - �bea ing would follow,hndjuatly,would With'a•bhriek'ehe f ow'to heot`t, eo brit - the flow of tears. With his sleeve he ,wiped Horrified, the maiden ran away, and the' "'DIAMOND TEA,' which makes life worth living,, lie had received the pnpet and :uTttil ho ' ' It not, Steria?" a art of the mon rolled to the round others reproached her for heil•for otfulnoas. and can heartily reemnmend it to eutiering ]tad paid all arrears due'for vnb iBil itfon: ' P K , his eyes, and stood up and wont into , the P g humanity'as a romedy unequalled. ---- • "No; not a beating, but death." and holdiflg both hands afore the 1 ght, so kit hen, an Waked the wench that .was At that moment the sodud of'a galloplia A. COUCH, Butcher. , • . A cold shiver ran through Lhe small circle,, , that it cast a roe cell yh ow p slob �noe, a r horse wall hearts and three ofiicere adyahcod sq Aak for bIAMOND TEA and take no other. ma �" �' �4 yf , "1et,ip thh a gn the nettle. She pushed the' c d rfii " ar though the door had flown open inti the 'she loaifed for but. f •! & i ' 5 41e Inc noose the bold. At your Druggists, 28 noel b0 .Gears. w . r. k! 'd 6'0.7a cr,fiea , g f ti of Glsek hair from hor eyes, a 5 a b u n• Wholesale by W D.. �DWARD9,; a q-„ 4 n January wind had Llown-in. , ,They looked Floarea l it'cnlled t in. lib 'flew end ?as site rceived°her master, shi6m ned • Look At that pretty girl 1 shouted one �,� �"lb. �' p ChId Agent for,Cahada, ko m inti g'' nervously about, caw the offieersitairding; through the dat:koned<rotim,t<a d0vKhtthe 916%X%4thit the dogs outside began to and rained in bill horse. Suddenly there 687.3m London.' CC as o,r°+4ag SA 0o , AA `; and nudged each other. ' Steria, also, slowly cry "Miron !" she threw herself upon lits "howl. She swayed- book and forth, struck 'strode out from behi.ld ilio hay -Carta $gore, - ==. '� 5` a ~ �g .41' m 3,215 turned his bend, and there passed from one neck in a teennest of joy. He threw his her knees with hdr hands; and shfiekbd to Lefoeo which the young officer grew pale: HOUSE FOR SALE `OR TO RENT,, j eq ya o QU w man to the other a glance like a dagger arms about her and would not lot her go. the utmost of hor'powor : Steria stood' thorn calm, croatrdd his arms :. �, Q0 thrust. Then the officer vanishpdr• r- Whonever• he w,auoeditofree herself tq,luok I •�t a�j�al'as f what hue beooithe of' the composedly, and ldokod at, him. it .wen Situated off the toast•Aiife o}' Vfetorld'etreot,' (�'' -- ;a aHa haQY0. Soon after, the compusyxbrpke.up..rSteria+ 'upon bloc etpja6gbd `bei fo ,him s hpyfgh. , �jniie' the strop hands that were ower. hard on the first day at his new post Lave comprising seven rooms . and. kitchai with ' © j?a poi g q sy y Y K , P appurtehnnecstheretobelobAing p' p 9 �y�,,e•w was on duty. he must enjoy his good fortune a second ful for work t Alas 1 what is left - of .your to look his worst enemy in the eye. The Cont for sate. ,,,,tl%* NO. MCGARVA.'1W. ; We .V• '!�' �af•5 C� e $ ' 61 d he, longer. She felt his, heart boat an she lay etre" th t He wilt call u on his etre" t officer put spurs to hia bocce, so that he Ya . •. mealy,«; W P and it will he a mocker to life uaelese arms I P g K - __ H P B r One could freeze to -night," said _ q It buckling oil his knapsack. on his breast and whop now she looked u ° s ran high in the air , and raced after his' qams a o °b $ > . trpp; ' Y PROP SALE-Oii;IU. RENT ' �` 4 A ° "! �2"' �� " That were worth while for a couple of she cried : Alas !whet has btaomo of you.' bhndal fiha ooptradee. ; , oq' vM 10 ` .nil et followa there imide, whom one would rather ,!But how, ,polo you ;are 1 You sent mo ornnmont of the vilbdgo is maimed and inn• '.` Who was it, Steria t" sold. a workman•, - / tit. ,R�dhgwsend to rho doge than watch end guard like word that you were , quite well again, but tilatod. ' The sun will make the cornfields •laying bib hand on Storia.'B,;ahouldor, while ,kc,tt'r•;o on Albert St., jaEeiy occupied o� Q"al' ou nrtl still Siak." And her Leautiful alit"• Mr. J4imosMbore. Five bed rooms; duo. p.oso many jewels, ' y yellow, and will' ask : Whore id he who he, like a statue, still, gaged after the other. parlor, dining• room, kitchen,' Bummer kitchen q 4 " Just lot them stand on wateb once till ing eyes were wet with tears. loads. tbo ehonvas.f He' must stand aside. "It he's the one, what Shall I do to him ?" and pp���ry. Hard and sott.wnter. Stable and' I �� fruitrtrees. There ato three tote ch Maple Street yy ^ n , - they aro frozen Stiff as sugar -babies. It I was so Sick that it wdb • wonder that I 'Alas 1 what han becomo of your hander "The Nothing now," said Steria, Softly,, and , hesides the one on whiph the. cottage stands, -A o %4.4 1 � 4 "' would Le a pleasant death." still live, But I wonl'd co'mo to you. M turned and went awn mnkfng an Here of ground in all. The Cotit, C /y ��((yyj Y Y well will ask :. ?Why do you lower no Y andohe lot will bo. sold separately it desired and V / 0 ' , , • � Oe d' a " It hasn't been tried yet," naid Storia, longiug nursed me and hed6d me eo far as bucktt t" and the hater will show our io• Some days later be lay under all immense an reasonabio.torma. Possession given at onto. n/ W • o . • ,% , U t and at once shut Ilia mouth in the, freezing it was possible. How is the little one ?" ture without handa, Alas I whathasbe, nut -tree ,and contemplated hii •reyengo. 'tpply'to bftts. T1,10MAS CnOPF.fi, i1:4 � � th � w Clinton, Sept. 2nd, 1889 o87•tt.' V • +�• � !� ^� M 01 air Into which he passed out. Ho quickly "$o big 1+' bbo pointed; though she felthAr. 'Somo of` j our hands t" Suddenly he rb ognieod quite Hoa him, the . _ W ' L'ci t y W ;" mild into the far cloak of the guard whom he Self still held tight in his arms. "Come, It wits like a deatlt•utoan and the im ro. voice Of his enemy, who Said: (�, "� rr � P -i p ; au P a; A NICE 'HOME «.� : a t relioved, which had not, however, availed to you shall sop him asleep. visationI would have kept on Still longer if Still as ever the prettiest in:"the land l Tyr l•s+l U 4), a o 0. keep him warm. She tbiahodto take his hand to lead him Ster'.a,'angored because unable to shako her, Yes, you have become far more beautiful ; T A BARGAIN.—Eight agree of land with a Q) �Q �' r' ~"o x "There's good drink inside," Steria whia- into the chamber, but he probsed her to him had not, approached her. Then she became Borrow has perfected you as the storm per. A Select orchard of choice apple trees; ':W' r•+ p .F" 1. perod to him ; "but even with that one can't again: quiet, and stared nt him with her coai•blaek feete the rosea." Cou)rdttnblO house and -stables ;adjoining Godo- - s. 0 " � 'd Ill . richt; township. Apply to B. L, DOYLE, Godo. s- 4'9" , • " �- +,stand atilt too long," he said, while hie "Floares, my sweotboart, you can not ll oyes• 1! With you, however, I have nothing, rich. t2d tf w' Q.1s " M w breath, like thick smokee,froxg'tOsltia bcatti ' take',mv hand, IL iii frozen �toi%! My halda "Now ;then, my hands were frozen off, whatever to do," sounded Floarea's Moo to rn • le a The convent clock of Maiginodl rangpitt are gdnoki" a. 4; t Tr, r• ` and that'it, the truth," aaid Ito with perfect reply. "r Bill altogether at a loss to tinder• i� ILL• HEADS, NOTLi "„a�', i in P-4 the midnight hour on 11 rthai roien woila. Ag�Oali-an thDa eke fetb h self pushed r equaniintty, its though it were too trivial a stand how you'taro speak �to mo." Statements: tel laircuinre�Bueina e q ^" 4) t]) Jt4 p « `'rho New )leer avec run ts a and New Lack F ioatto>, oo ed p,few'+,14 a frot4r. hln>=;: thing'to ho u4ticed. "It is nothing to make a' Ant I Jack Frost t bid I bite hie hands Cards, Envotopcs Progr--in , � U b "Year for the prisoners insfdo, to whom the and fell sonselloss to the ground. With de- a funs about. ' The child wants a drink. - off?" etc., etc.,print like triftimer d Envelopes, la l"v at lotv ares. rte} p i;' ' TILE NEWS -RECORD Office. 9 0 1 a `+ &-P F