HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-11-06, Page 51 A Grand Display ? A Great Stock G enerous.'. Bargains All Along the Line ! Dress Goods Cheap. Flannels Gfleap. Blankets, :-: Underclothing, ALL AWAY DOWN ! O Geo. Co. THE LOW-PRICED STORE. which there should be thousands of dollars. The clock will be in great demand, as such an article has for years been sought. The host will not affect it, neither can it vary as to thee. It is simple in construction, yet substantial, and will last a life time, only rt'quir at Hisses a new battery. —A charge of indecent assault has been preferred against Deputy postmaster Duncan, of Belleville, by a young girl from Baruardo's Home employed as a servant in his house. Mr. Duncan is one of the Most respected members of society, and occupies a high position in the Church. He is al'eo a member of the Sunday School and the Church choir. It is hoped, and very many believe, the charge's are groundless as lie says they are. —A Kemptville dispatch says that when Henry Johnston was driving home from town on Tuerday eveniug,Out. .22, his horse took fright while entering his own gate and upset the buggy, pitching him out on his head, which caused rup. tyre of the spinal cord or column. Mrs. Johnston, hearing the• noise, ran out and found her husband ly. ing unconscious. He never recover- ed. He leaves a wife and seven children. —Joseph Bunyan appeared at the police court, Guelph, charged with trespassing on the G. T. R. platform The magistrate held that as the G. T. R. property was not ,wholly en, dosed, be could not convict. The case was therefore dismissed MARKET REPORTS. (Cgrrccted every Tuesday afternoon.) CLINTON Flour 94 50 to 4 50 Fall Wheat, new & old 0 80 to 0 90 Spring Wheat.... 0 80 to 0 00 Barley .. C 85 to 0 45 Oats .. 0 28 to 0 26 Peas .0,50 to 0 50 Apples,(winter) per bbl 1 50 to 1 80 Potatoes . 0 40 to 0 50 ..015 to 018 0 17 to 0 18 500to7OO Butter Eggs Hay Cordwood Beef Wool Pork • SEE OUR NSW 75 CENT KID CLOVES --BEST VET. 300 to 4,00 0 (10 to 0 00 000 to 000 550 to 600 To hand this week, a ship- ment of the, Newest and Nrost Fashionable Shapes in the market. We also offer Extra Value in Ribbons, Velvets, Fancy Birds Wings, &C. 1" Inspection Inv Red. ago 5 per cent. off for Cash. TORONTO STREET MARKET. Wheat, white, reit and spring, 80c to 85e ; wheat, goose, 65c to 70e. Oats; 32e to 33ic. Peas, 58c to 04itc. Batley, 42c to 541jc. Butter, low grades, 10c to 11e.; dairy, 17e to 20c.; creamery, 22c to 24c. WHEAT IN MANITU$A. Winnipeg, Oct. 81.—About 1,500,. 030 bushels of wheat has been ship- ped out by the C. P. R. this season. Wheat is quoted at from 65 to 68c. in Winnipeg; at Moosejaw, 51c.; Carberry, Wolseley, 58c.i Emerson, .Creherne, Cypress River, Glenboro', Gretna, Clearwater, Bossevain, Port- age, Chater, Indian Head, 60c.; Hol- land, Carman, Morden, Killarney, 62c.; Manitou, CrystalCity, High Bluff, Brandon, Virden, 62c.1 Oak Lake, •Whitewood, Lariviere, Cart- wright, Burnside, . Douglas, 6204 Stonewall, Deloraine, Wapel la. 64c.; Pilot Mound, Alexander, Regina,65c.; Fleming, 66c.; • Thornhill, Zc.'. put costs. The seeottd charge, that of disorderly conduct was then gone on with when the defendant was found guilty and fined $1 and costs. Bunyan had been to see his girl off on the train and resisted the police- man when he attempted to put him off the platform. —In the Divisoin Court, Toronto, the other day a jury tried the hay, fork case of Walker v. Shufeldt. One of the defendants was Charles Butler, jr., president of the Ontario Hayfork and Cannery Company, to which Shufeldt, a Kincardine town- ship farmer, had drawn a note for $200. This note had passed into the bands of Walkey, and Farmer Shufeldt refused payment on the. ground that .he had *en it not in payment of hayforks; brit as secur- ity for the performance of his un- dertaking to act as agent for the company-, The jury brought in a verdict for the plaintiff'. ESTRikY CALVES 5* -: Estate Late John Hodgens. RESTH BR.os_ BANKRUPT STOCK HOUSEHOLD :-: F1//?N/TIJRE in, the Bounty. Parlor Suites, Lounges, Easy Chairs and Mattresses; all of our own manufacture, Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Extension Tables, Dining Chairs, Reed and Rattan Furniture—the very best quality at the lowest prices. tome into, the enclosure of the sub. scriber, Lots 13 and 14, con. 8, Godev'ich township, on or about Octr 20, 1889, five CALVES, one bull and four heifers, chiefly red in color. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take the animals away. 576 3t WILLIAM CLARK Goderich Township, Novr 5, 1889. 39e. UNDERTAKING a Specialty, KEITH BROS., FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND UPHOLSTERERS, CLINTON. g!tsY9,1N1-E-w 0 JOHNSON et. ARMOUR, --PRACTICAL— Harness and Collar Makers. sieving bought the Business and Stock of Geo. A. Sharman, we are prepared to till all orders in our line at the LOWEST LIVING PRICES. We are both .practical workmen and can guarantee a superior class of work at moderate rates, The material, will always he found of the best, and by strict attention to business and honest dealing we hope to be favored with as liberal patronage as our predecessor. We have a splendid line of SINGLE HARNESS, which for material, workmanship and price, cannot be surpassed. Full Stock in all lines. REPAIRING promptly attended to. JOHNSON tic ARMOUR, OPPOSITE MARKET, CLINTON. We have bought a very cheap line of BOOKS, nicely bound in cloth, size 12mo,, and we will sell them at 39 CENTS. Dickens', Scott's, Thackeray, Lytton, Cooper and other notable authors comprise the set. —The cable announces the death of John Crerar, nt Edinburgh, Scot- land, Oct. 7, aged 69. He was born in Ditnkold. Perthshire, and was the father of John Crerar, of the Caledonian, the headquarters of the Scotch people in Chicago. It is a uotewerthy fact that three aged men of the same namo, and of the same parent stuck, have died during the month ofOctober. John Crerar, of the well-known firm of Crerar, Adams & Co., died in Chicago a -few days since, at 65 years of age, and the press gave extended notice of him as a Ivan and citizen. His father was born in Crieff, Perth- shire. The three were born within twenty miles of each other, in Perthshire. l'he namo John Crerar is a sort of mark left like a tomb- stone in memory as to Scotland. John i;rerir was one of the 750 who joined William of Normandy and crossed over from the continent to England and made the conquest. They died and loft their impress on the famous history of what is now Great Britain. The system of elan - ship in Scotland has caused many changes in family names, hut the name of Crerar has preserved its identity and oneness for several centuries, as has thee h riatian name John. This is thought to be a historical incident worthy of note. COOPER'S Book Store. CLINTON . MEAT MARKET. W. II. llf..t^K, successor to H. Tewsuxr, Albert street inton• Fresh Meat and Game of all kinds in -neon. Goods delivered to any part of the to.• n. The patronage of the citizens of Clinton res/ ,+etfully solicited. (175-5t TEACHER WANTED.—FOR THE LOWER department of Clinton Pnblle School, duties to commence in January, 1890 : Apply, stating Salary the 16tthinstnd qualifications iW Iii �NiNE, Secretary. upp to 1111.: T, C. Bruce, L.D.S. • rocorios, 1assware, Crookery From 15 to 23 Per Cent Less Than Regular Prices. Surgeon Dentist. Graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Under Graduate University of Toronto. Oflire-8ceter'sold stand, Coats' Bloek, Clinton. N.B.—Will visit Illytli, professionally,' every Monday. (LC—Mason's llotel. 676—y arxa'em We are offering some decided Bargains this fall in Chopping Axes, Cross Out Saws, Cattle Chains, Halters,• Ropes, Rain ScoOps, .Leather Belting, Barb Wire,. Steel Wire, Kay Knives, Paints and oils, goo--- Subscriber having purchased the entire stock of PALLISER & CO. at a GREAT BARGAIN, and added it to his own large ,and magnificent stock, also bought on favorable terms, offers the entiro stock for the NEXT 60 DAYS at from.15 TO 25 PER CENT. LESS THAN REGULAR PRICES. ( Call and inspect and thus prove that this statement is correct. 'TERMS CASA. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE.`! TEACHER WANTED. For School Section No, 2, Township of Hullett. Applications received up to November let, 1889, Duties to commence January, 1890. B. CHURCHILL, 571 Secy. School Board. FOR SALE. The property at present occupied by the undersigned at a residence on tho Huron Road, in the Town of Godorich, consisting of one half of an acre of land, good frame house —story and a half—seven rooms, including kitchen, hard and soft water, good stone cellar, stable, wood and carriage houses. There are also some goad fruit trees. This property is beautifully situated' and very suitable for any person wishing to levo retired. For further particularsapp MPIQNy to E.1142-tf Barrister, 0oderich. Jr W. MINI The Mammoth Tea Warehouse Wall Papr! Wall Paper! STORE FOR RENT. The brick store, with living rooms overhead, Albert St , next to the Town Hall, presently occupied by I'alliseer & Co. For particulars apply to CHAS. SPOONER. Clinton July 23, 1889. 561.tf PAY UP. 0 SELLING OFF AT COST ! WINDOW GLASS, &c. This is a part of the stock of R. M. Racey, and was bought at a Great Bargain and will be sold a great deal less than ordinary prices. You can rely upon getting Bargains in every lisle. A splendid lot of HANGING LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, LANTERNS, SHADES, CHIMNEYS, WICKS, BURNERS, •&o:, which will he sold• at a big discount. Also a big assortment of STOVES, both second-hand and new, which we are selling at Reduced Prices. Full .tock o5 Blacksmith's and Wagonniakere supplies. We keep only THE BEST American and Canadian Coal Oil. 0 The undersigned will sell off AT COST his well assorted stock of WALL PAPER ANI) DECORATIONS FOR CASH ON DELIVERY. This sale 'will probably continue without change until the whole stock is- sold. Having disposed of my Butchering Busi- ocss to Mr. W. H. BLACK, I respectfully ask those owing me to pay up at once. 575—tf 11. TEWSLEY. A. WORTHI1GTON. Clintcin, 28th April, 1889. HARLAND BROS., Stoves and Tinware, Iron and hardware, CLINTON Wall Paper and Decorations Robson, The Grocer. • • •w • 13 ilr1Clt5 THAT LEASE THE OCKETS OF THE EOPtE. • • • • SELLING FOR HARP CASA TIIIIULATES MALL PROFITS. • s e Since we have been handling WALL PAPER our business has greatly increased. We lire this year better prepared than ever to fill the wants of the Publio. It will cost you nothing to look over our stook and get prices of our , NOTICE. No. 4 Company, 33rd Battalion. All persons holding or having In tt,cirppossess• Ion any of the Arms, Accoutrement/I . Clothing to No. 4 Company, are required to deliver the same at the Armory in Clinton at once. All persona failing to comply with this notice at the expiry of the publishing of the •nee, will he proceeded against according to law, A, M. TODD, Captain, Comdg• No. 4 Company, 33rd liattallon Clinton, Oetoter 7th, 14 9. 672.4t FOR SALE Special Designs in Gilts, Glimmers, Flats, Tapestries, &u ,'Our Gilts will not rub off, tarnish, or stain with paste. Our prices range from 5c.'1M. 03 -upwards. Get our Prices complete for Decorating and Paper Banging,'°$ Or -also fur Painting, Graining, Sign Writing, Gilding, ete.'!lb'[ COPP LOGAN, City Paint Shop, Isaac Street, Clinton That property shout a quarter of a mile from the railway station at Clinton, about 32i acres, with two-story frame bongo and orchard, garden, ornamental trees, barna, etc., hounded on one side by the River Bayfield, know6ts that former- ly occupied hy Major Murray, being part of Lot 49, on the Bayfleld Road, good clay loam, high and dry. Also, the house In Clinton lately occupied hy Mr, Macey, two•etory, with attic, large outhouse, excellent orchard., it stands on two acres, and Is bounded entirely y four streets. Will be sold at Auction on THL•RSDAY,NOV. 21, nt 2 p.m., at the WAVERLY HOTEL, OLIN• TON where a plan can now bo seen. The owner is willing to sell by private Sontract. Time given for part payment. information of any sale that may have been made thereunder, and other par- ticulars, may be bad of A. LEITH the Queen's ifotel, Toronto; or D. DICKINSON, Clinton. October, 1889, 574—tit FALL FAIR FACTS 1 --0 While at the GREAT HURON CENTRAL in Clinton, Sept. 24, 25, 26, do not fail to call and see F. 8iEPJiE}tB'S Clothing Goods GENT'S FURNISHINGS,. &c. Stunning Law Prices far Exhibition Week. LOW PRICES RULE. F. SHEPHERD, THE LEADINC TAILOR. THE NEWS -RECORD FOR FINE PRINTING. alM111111110. ..tea THE HUB GROCERY GOOD TEA AND COFFEE. GOOD PICKLING VINEGAR. GOOD CLOVES & CINNAMON. GOOD GINGER, CAYENE. GOOD CHEAP CROCK ERY 000D DITY'I) SPICES. 000I) ALLSPICE, MACE. GOOD ESSENCES. In fact for anything yun may need in GROCERIES. DRY WOOD FOR SALE, delivered to any part of the Town free, Orders left at Shop promptly filled. Geo.e Clln�an