HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-11-06, Page 2t d ge t1on ii 0 not only a distressing domplaln,'of 1' itself, but, by calu Bing the blood to become depraved and the system en- feebled, is the parent of innumerable maladies. 'hat Ayer's SareaparIllt► is the best cure; for Indigestion,even when complicated with Liver Complaint. is proved by the following testimony from Mrs. Joseph Lake, of Brockway Centre, Mich.: -- " Liver -"Liver complaint and indigestion made my life a burden and came near ending my existence. For more than four years I suffered untold agony, was reduced almost to a skeleton, and hardly bad strength to drag myself about. All kinds of food distressed me and only the most delicate could be digested at all. Within the time mentioned several physicians treated me without giving re- lief. Nothing that I took seemed to do any permanent good until I commenced the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which Las produced wonderful results. Soon after commencing to take the Sarsapa- rilla I could see an improvement in my condition. Jiffy appetite began to return and with it came the abilty to digest all the food taken, my strength im- proved each day, and after a few months of faithful attention to your directions, I found myself a well woman, able to attend to all household duties. The medicine has given ene a new lease of life." Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PREPARED ST Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. t Price $1; six bottles, $5. Worth $ti a bottle. T he Huron News -Record Year. -$1.25 in Advance. Ate The incur dors not lu justiei t,. /raw ),n..hr".<,• trio npt.,u11 l••.,.. i,e admuli.siup Nadu b.: 11,x,.. r,. prat. -A,. '1'. Nrh,r. 0F, Ike• 4,111U011 a',' )d•velu)ul ui .1',•m 1'„e/. We; n.';ila/'. Nov. 4 ih. 11049 "111:ti NATURE WAS S1TN N Y.'• "11 is uatult• 5w no aut:uy.'' 1Vu 1.1 came opo❑ these words, at low trays ago, ill oe obit((try notice JI a well- knot a ri ltZ IL• 11 1' fu'.l they arta of suggestions 0f . i, toss and alive:hot, and of 3l1 :i1(n•) li,ltlilins IL•hic.t3 111a1:.e at luau belt) v,' I everywhere 1 A sunny .nature ol'eus the (lour to men's "Blessed is the bride; that the sun shines on." So runs the 1,leae•etut old p ov ib But still more bl, ssed is s!;;.• u tt hos.- life comp mien) it ^ may fedi y' be s:ti11- 1°li.ls L41e1'e 51'n8 311UUy., i ADVICE TO, Morneas.-Are you di`- urbed at nighttand kkokontof your rest b a sick child stifferigq Rede crying with pain cf Cutting 'Teeth? If• so seed at once and get a bottle of "Mrs Winalow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Ice value to incalculable. It will relieve the poor tittle sufferer immediately. De- pet.d upon it, mothers; there Is no mis- take about it. 1t cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gems, reduces Iufamma'iou, and gives tone anti energy to the wbole system. "Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething ie pleasant to the taste and is the prescription done of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and le for sale by all druggiete throughout the world. Price 25e. a bottle. lie sure andaek for "firs, tvinalow'sSoothing Syrup,' andltake no other kind. -The Oxford Teachers' Associa- tion last week adopted resolutions objecting that the amount of litera- ture lessons that it is necessary to memorize for the entrance examina- tion is exoessi'.e, regniring undue time to 1.1, 1.1t-vutcd to the subj,•ct ur u euperlicia) preparation. The re- solutions will be ee'ut to the Minis• ter of Education. It, was once euppoeed that s, rolultl could not be eradicated f:otn the system I hut, the marvelous ri Ults produced by the 'dee of yen's Sarsn= parilla disprove this theory. The reason is, this medicine is the most powerful bloodspurifier ever discov- ered. -One evening recently M re. \V. Aln1(,t)t o,'Corrie 10rlld one of the children which vias in'be(1 making, a peculiar noise, and oil ggi'r,g to ;hu hod Cho eli•;t fuuit'1 to her liar. IDs >I (aloe cat, Willi le•- fU te+rt w'8 al the nook ul the obi til, while it was sucltiug it, breath, Had tile brute nut been (liseover(:II when it was the child would r..)uu have been l corps. STOP THAT CUU(ill. Many people neglect what they call a simple cold, which, if not checked in time, may lead to Lung trouble. Scott's Emulsion of ('tire Cod Liver Oil, with Hypol,hosphitrs, will not only stop the cough but heal the lungs. Endorsed by thousands of Physioians. Palatable as Milk. Try it. Sold by all Druggists at. 50c. and 81.00. -Five Chinese lepers were shit - pod home on the Hong Kong steamer tion( San Francisco. Among theta was Chin Tun, who was sent here tlom New York, where he has been employed as cook for the lab- orers ou the Croton aqueduct. At a sectet meeting of the board of health a few days two it was decided that the interests of the city would be solved by shipping all Chinese lepers to China. -On Oct. 3 Patrick Sheehy, \\'Illituu Lcaelel and William Tett, 1)011 tvete convicted by Judge Drew of an intim:keit assault on 'Elizabeth 7iic'la',(1=0 1 at Guelph 01 Sept, 14. 'rhe be•.1: t-,. C1• 011 each was ilnpl•isuryn- nteut It., a year and 360 days at hart( hal ur and to he thrice whipped with th,ee crit in the presence of the jai' s'1'goon. The first of these Whi3tlit.lg- 1va.1 iullicted a few days ago 'al the Central Prison shortly before noun in the presence of the warden deputy warden and surgeon. Tended!, a small ratan aged 25, took 111m instalment U1 ten. 8tr_ke8 vel•,y hath,. , sereatuing .1t every cut. Leader, a much larger luau, :toed 31, winced and gioaued, bot otherwise took his punishment WO)1.. Speedy, ..he only married ratan of the three, epltarrtltly sntl'ered More than either of the others, and the skin wit§ broken in his case, and his case only. All tht'no of' the Hien ate Skilled mechanics, and fairly well educat- ed. -The town of \\'oodetock is ex• cited fi'on' centre to eiteuulfureuce over the unannounced departutefrom the place of Thomas Cater, a music and j43 volt'y dealer, organ( and piano agent end Methodist fecal preacher. Carter hail subscribed $1•,000 to the Methodist church now in course of Cr0CtiUll, '3.8 interested in the new opera L•)uae of which the fou 1(le• tio,1 iii completed and, Was 11en11',tlly t>uhi(osea, i.o be doing an Immense paying business. • A CORRCPT SYSTEM. Bad Word may'corrupt the entire system and cause scrofulous sores, swellings, ulcers, salt 111 um,.erysipe- las, sore eves end akin diseases. as ahirede , tetter, etc. Burdock Blood Bi, tors purifies the blood and clean ses, tones and strengthens the entire Hysteo , I1' IS SAFE TO USE Freeman's Worm Powders, as they act only on the worms anti do not injure the child. ' -The Kaunas City Journal one afternoon referred in uucompli• mentary term to a (decision by ,Judge McDonald, of the county court Next clay a len Jat11ee Belly, a AN. nal reporter, addressed pun, Mo' 1)on:11d flew into a passion auc struck the reporter twice in th face with his fist, knocking hin down. A policeman arrested th judge, but the latter was release( on his own recognizance. . _Ter Alex. Morris, ex•1,ieat 60301.101. of :lfilnitoba, and ex m r!'+ r -•f the 1 ogislntnre .for East 'Tule,•"'o; died at his residence on Jarvis s',(+ut last week, from a Irala'',.', never which lie ('ontrattad in d 1 An. ile was 63 years and, . c(elat in church chatters and ' l , • • 8tltutiull- with (%Niel, his it:de't.iilil;3 fur then}' los not bel'll 11111el1 11nfu1'n tie a,,l l;e. :'r,;;41 111s retileml/emt from Pal l n.,lenlary life. i1:a brut her, John .fortis, Q. C., of illontieal, was al his bedside when he died, In politics 5lr. Morris was a Con set vatiye. SiCK HEADACHE caus:'d by ex cess of bile or a disordered stotilac i3 promptly relieved by using Ne tioniil Pills. -Good crops • were raised thi yestr 0u Sir .John Lister Kaye farms in the Canadian North•wes Water is hntng secured plentiful) by damming the !streams, siukin wells and erecting windmills. T1 stuck on the various f'I'ins no aggregate about 18 000 sheep, 14 000 cattle tend 500 brood mare besides thuroughbi'd stallions at 1,000 huge. About 120,000busl.e of gratin of till kinds were grov this year. 'I'lliIIT'' vJ .1 RS AO O. Over 11) years ago there was placed uport the market a remedy designed to relieve pain and capable of either external or internal use. From the +ir,t it has had wonderful success, rad hnnrlreds testify that liegynrcls' Vellow t )il cur, s rheumatism, sm•u throat, sprains, croup, cuts, bruises and all paina and aches. HINTS FOR WINTER. When attacked by a cough or col hoarseness, asthma,,bronebitis, tiro( or influenza, the successful exp ience of thousands of families w have used it regularly for all su troubles' during mony years, sues„e the use of llagyard'electoral Bale -the old, reliable hous.hold fav ite. -Mr, .James Hal Iatityne,of Lai side, in the township of 1)uwul 300, 1118, (lead very 811(1(101 While seeing (hart his stock were ;ended to fur the night he full fr the window of the ' strl Infuse to the grulitld, 28 fel leceiVille„ each injuries ea' to cat instant, Il eat h. .Deceased was years ole( and leaves a wile and t small ehilefren. lie was a imp]) of Thos. 11allantyne, M. P. P. Seidl. Perth, and recently filled • potitiutl of President of:the No Ppl'ih Agricultural Society IRRITABLE PEOPLE. People are often irritable by r son of some'exasperating skin dlse which destroys comfort and g humor. Salt Rheum, nettle rt erysipelas, pimples, scafil head, e are of this nature, they arise from direct MIS 1'or preparing anti using: Aeu had blood, and can be cured by using by mail 11y addressing with sGlutp, naming Burdock Blood Bitters ;according to this paper. W. A. Noyes, 1.41) Poluct'a directions. Mork, Rochester N. Y. 607 row 0 rr , • ,g to vn er-- un.--The or- HUM"� N DR. carefully yp{,careyylo cific elOncIs ing deedttMeovevgiuN ZJST . # b5 iCognise, 10 11 1 1' 1 1 I 17 19 20 2h g30•Nilrinary 52 If (nne1l lwia' SPzcurICe uresotentlncally ttid prepared prescriptions; used for many privuto practice w[th eUceess.pudforover a peel l owe for we diseasen n cd. Spe- Specifies cure yrithqut drugglug, purg- or reducing 1h0 by etom, and aro in Last and reatedlee u# tbu W grid. ..-CURES. or p'Rm:MIrAl, Hua mom Ireverla, CAngtetton, intia,nmatloa,., . Crying (fol ,erorni lever, ' ethingof1nflllttta D1arrher_, of Children or Adults.... D •seUtevy. Orlping,Billous Colic.... ((1;0Olerri Bie9rbtis Vomliting ' Cola 13rOnehltls Neuralgia, 'i oothache Faceache Ieadachos, sickHealdaehe, vertigo .. )yseepain. 111110us Stomach..... 141:1p11 seed or PainfuPeriods.., Whi:oN, too Profuse Periods whelpp Cougtl,Dlaicultui,Eruang•.•• .2 1',811. lthcelliu, Er slpclas, Era Hous• Rhetlneatlsm, R8eaniattCPatms Vevey andAgue, Chills,Malaria, 5 Place, ttilnd or Bleeding .5 Cntarrb, Influenza, Cold in the Head .3 F_Vhooping Cough Violeut Coughs. .5 (c'neral nebility.PbysIca1Weakness .5 Kidney Disease l.1 ervous Debility ;j Weakness,Wetting Red. Diseases of thelleart)Palpltatlou 1.e0 Sold by Druggists, or sent postpaid on receipt of orae. DR. HvmranrYs' bisxvAl., (144 pages) richly bound in cloth and gold, maned free. Humphreys' M odic) n 000.1I B Fulton St. N Y. SPECIFICS. WELL LS & RICHARDSON CO. Agente, MONTREAL. .♦ filo 1I'It1KE. A big strike was mak, when Powell At Davis issued their Extract u1' areae. arilla and 13,•!'Itdck. it has In' t with great atic0098, and it meat, for it is the moat powerful blood purifier in the mar- ket. It is used 1vi11e the x( ,,t'81 anece85 in all ,li'ea-e•s :rising from H e le.11lti!kt('ll eondlton of 131' 3\ al'm, and overshoe needs, and should use a bridle or two at this senses of the year, 11f Powell's Ex- tract OfSardaparilin and Burd ck. Bear in mind one 500, bottle comities more solid medicine thein most dollar so-called Sarsaparilla slid I,‘ 'era. Also remember that it is sold in t;lill100 by all druggists, price Sur. a inutile. Sold by ail drug- gists and medicine dealers everywhere. 443)11y ---1:'.t•. fir. 1, ii,, 1).1)., of )lou• sloe Hied) vesle'eel:tt. The le011st'lllel•8hles8 1)f hiis%itlg al remedy at Mind for cr,•up, l,neu• uloia, tow,' till 11. and sudden colds is very cousulinF to a parent. Wit) a bottle of Ayer'd' Cherry Pectoral it the house, nn • feels, in such cases, 1 sense of security nothing else car give. , -There have been 7,000 tl+'ath: in the pail three ntooths I'''uu cholera in the Tigris and Uphrnte districts in Asia. PAINFUL B1111NS, bruises, sefrki and cuts and quickly soothed tut healed by Victoria C;arb ,lic Salve. -Forest hies have (.1, ,IiNtatell portion of A11ants cuuuty, Ind ion, The destruction goes ell l0 on sial',( ing extent in Wisruusin. WEALTH CANNOT BUY 1T. Health is not purchasable. '1'h saddened, >.orred dyspeptic, or th bilious millionaire st'ffer, deapit their wealth. Burdock Blood L'iltei 1s a rational remedy fou' dyspet)Sii bilioosness, constipation, scrofula debility, els., and evt ry complair arising Irom indigestion 'or ba blood. • -Mr. A, 11.:tll'sgiove,ofWhit, chuicll, orae 001ui111510(1 011 Sittu day fur the Lueall Legislature 1 • the Copse, vat ive Cott volition .1 1 Elzt 11 iron. FOUNT) AT LAS•I'. 8 For many years I suffered fro 1 croup but at, last fount( a remedy f it in Hagyard's Yellow 011, so that am now free from croup entirely. at recommend Yellow Oil to all oche - who suffer from the some disease. afAGO. E D1cLe;1D. Severn Bridge, Ont. --Tie, ie, vial age Of Paisley 51 visited by [ireuu Saturday 11101 nit t y a number of 1)11Mille1S places bel destroyed The total loss is es ramped at over $40,000. g 0 w CONSUMPTION SURELY CURE ) - TOTUF. EDITOR: • 8, d Please inform four readers. the have a positive remedy for the ab( Is named disease. By its titnely 1 thousands of ,hopeless cases h: been permanently cured, I shall glad to send two, bottles of'my medy FREE to any of your read who have consumption if they t d, tp sen(1 me their Expr, ss and P. O. dress, Respectfully, Dn, T. A. SLOCUi ho 16)4 West Adelaide st.,Toronto, On C11 Badger mine shipped other canna(( of silver ort' the ut e tV I t' I< lily front 1 a1t:11•lhur 4ui a smelting, value(! at $37,500. '1 fig, le, ly, at,- 1111ne Is 11u531 shipping a 01)1' 0v 111011 lit he81,108 c1)181)ing quant( at the (hill at the 1111110. 'flee SI) Mountain east '11 1 mine is 'a 1 )In anza. The oro is the best ever 1 ,1v diced at the (nine sod there at, Ise great quantities of it. 4i .CONSUMPTION CURED. wo . An old physician, retired frmtn Inge ew having had p1 l»1' l in his hands by rot Past 111(lia missionary the' formula for the tit» simple vegetable remedy sp and permanent clue of Consu op I'th Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and throat and Lina nlfcr'tions, also a ,s and ladies(( erne fol' Nely0118 Dehiiity a 111 Nervous Complaints, after having ed its wonderful rnrntive powers hi 11 ea- ands of Cases, has telt it his duty to I ase it known to his suffering fellows. A ood tali, tc , toll try this Motive 31111 a desire to it human suffering. T win send 1r, ! Horn snug French desire Wali 11. with rmatatatees l 1 A l Clone snatiAteer l'4e11ar7 pad . treawp* }•w4t1r two, liar ads�,pputes.to beglnners. S �•, 111:� ao_taelote,'9r A�i laafetacilingspe0laltles. OUTFIT.P EE. W4 gu(6r.n aohat see advertfee, Write M#SOWitl BROS.. Nurserymen, 7Rocbe.t.er,-111, 'Y. (This house is rellable.) E -1.Y 7'11 A'- t1U, tot] mI.aw,..e.lca.mntelarc- - L1TR'•\Y STOCK ADCER v ` ( TISEMENTS inserted in Tun •o......i'.. Maws limonite at low rates. The haw makes It compulsory to advertise stray .tock 11 you want u1y kind o1 adv:crtiming you silt not do better than call nu 'ewa.Rcxor(l.r' THIS Y E B R'S MT T l_1 CUTfalld PLUG SMOKINC TOBACCO. FINER THAN EVER. ismml r171_ az 3E3_ -1N •13RONZ1: ON - EACH PLUG and PACKAGE. 517-y 0 e e 8 1, It d y If m r I rs R8 01 1" ti- D. i D. t ive tae ive be re• ers Dill (5(1- e 00 - her fur 1118 CZOTNING. ABRAHAM SMITH, ties ver on- 110 - RIO Market Square, GODERICH. House Painting, Glazing and Graining, Plain : and : Decorative Paper Hanging WEST OF ENGLAND SUII- INGS & .TROUSERINGS, SCOTCH TWEED SUITINGS & T1t0USERINGS, FRENCH AND ENGLISH WOR- STED CLOTHS, Made up in Best Style and Work- maushil) ut Abraham Smith's, EALSOIINING and FRESCOING. Shop next Kennedy's Hotel, Albert Street, CLINTON, - ONTARIO, CHARLES T. SPOONER euro iia stuck 0140 tf the cheu1)r. and hest stocks of F TT INT 31 NEW STOCK ! NEW STORE ! ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - CLINTON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, DealerinFtlrllitlr'e. Call at the New Store and see tile stork of Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc., and general Household Fur114111'. The whale Stuck is from the very best manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of every description. JOS. CIiIIOLET, one door IrOst of Dickson's Book Store. WINTER CLOTHING AND CLCOTHS. A Ftl'' Line a 'GENTS'3FUR NISUINGS always in stook, It will pay you to call on; ' ABRAHAM SMITH circ, 1111 ol'11 cad y lima, all itiwe and test- 10118 - lake Hero e ,e, in felt 8 • JOB PRINTING 0 ihe mut ptato- cord, THE ACKNOWLEDGED Leading :: Coilsoryativo :: Paper Established - 1856. J. BIDDLECOMBE. Watches, Clock., Newel ry',Silverwnre See the latest style -;CREW BEZEL WATCH CASE. Repairing In ail branches. Opp. the Market, CLINTON. EXHAUSTED VITALITY! rumE SCIENCE OF LiFE„ 1 Mc groat Medical Work of the 0..,e on Manhood. Ner- voux and Physical 1)0811 t), Premature Decline, Errors. of Youth, and the untold nik,rie4 ronscrlucut there- on, 30/ pn3es 8 ,o„ 1'26 pre:.criptionslnrall di-easho. )'tolh, i, ilgilt, only 151,00, by ,nail, sealed. hies, ati,e 380100 tree to -'all ronaet ami middle aged peen. Fiend now. The wnl'Jcuelle'l ))'O lel awarded to the.a0Dhor b1 the National )Medich( Association. ArldresS P• 0, ilex 18931, Boston; Bass, or Dr. W. H. PAR itElt?grndunteof l'arvard Medieul College, 20 years practice in Roston, who may be edtnhilt- e,t confidentially. Spccialty,l'niaeaeesbt Man. 1)Illes No 4 n10941011 street 4993 • OF THE COUNTY, HAS ONE OF THE Best Equipped Job Rooms IN WES'rERN ONTARIO. _O Toe Firtest Job Printin'!g 119 A WONDERFUL LAKE OSE WATER DOEiH G000 Ll 6 ' Menlo 'MEDICAL CARE - REMEDIES "i, 5 3at1: p .':1 a l N<;oN'o c°; I Rl�- ate.J: P' .0 l 5 P PN esu 8 ;T NATURES f�f MEI3Y :Q/P PEERLESS POTENT -)pLQ.e'1f3Y.Alt. DRUGGISTS. '7O'TEMQf. fiIEAITi/G'DLONDON, ONT. EXECiUTED ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. 0 Posters,.:-: Streamers, Circulars, Cards, &e. OLO'REB PRINTING! EQUAL (IN MANY CASES .SUPERIOR) TO CITY WORE.. 0 BILL HEADS, NOTE MEADS, LETTER HEADS. O The Double Circulation g� Talks to Tousans. Adveetise in The News -Record A DOUBLE CIRCULATION SIN THE COUNTY OF HURON,OI • T