HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-10-30, Page 2• • :peas pnING .dt;o to the presence of ,.arse s: -f. aid,Inlthe klootlyiemeet effectually cured by the use of Ayer'a wr14'sapc'i,., villa. bio We yen get Ayer'a and no other, and take it till the poisonous acid is thoroughly expelled froth the ayetem. We chllengo attention to this testimony :— "About flys? y+ a ago, after suffering for nearly two years from rheuinatio gout, being able to wantons with great iscomfort, and having, triad various remedies, including mineral waters, without relief, I saw by an advertise-• ment in a Chicago paper t1;ata man had, been relieved of this distressing com- plaint, after long suffering, by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. 1 then decided to make a trial of this medicine, and took it regularly for eight months, and am pleased to state that it has effected a complete cure. I have singe had no re- turn of the disease."—Mrs. B. Irving Dodge, 110 West 125th qt., New York. "Ono year ago I was taken ill with inflammatory rheumatism, being con - tined to my house six months. I came out of the sickness very much debili- trtotl, with no appetite, and my system disordered in every way. I commenced using Ayer's Sarsaparilla and began to improve at once, gaining in strength and soon recovering my usual health. I cannot say too much in .praise of this well-known . medicine." - Mrs. L. A. Stark, Nashua, N, H. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, 2.11111.1.111s3) Ax Dr. J. C. Ayer & COI., Lowell, Mass. Price $2 ; six bottles, $b. Worth $t. a bottle. Me Huron News -Record i,1..5O a Year---$1.te in Advance. Bz-' 't'iw mita does not do justice to his business oho .,p',uls less in arteartiaing than he does in rim,. •-#. 'r. f rawAter, the millionaire merchant f J'et:' ]•belt, 4) et. 39th. 18 89 • CilNe•IJMPTION SURELY CURED. 'f'i)TITS EDITOR: — l• inform your readers that I hay( a positive remedy for the above natee,l disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have horn permanently cured, I shall be eta,,', to send two bottles of my re- y� 1 see to any of your readers woo IIu': o consumption if they will ±r+r..i we their Express and P. 0. ad- ire>pr'etfully, Da. T. A. SIOCUM, • IP, I West. Adelaide st.,'Ibronto, Ont .m 1.y ono et'v f' 1 a negro Lel, a•i awl a• young white pian i ;tn, l It.:,b;•r'-, 'coonectud with kart,;• allow, resulted iu the o pouring gasoline over A ttother negro touched of :b. fluid With a lighted lamp, in snot hill' distant Roberts was in f•.:.,1'.;'.. 1 -le ran wildly up and main street of the town, 'our was no one awake, and he , lIy roaatrd. alive:, When 1is:'::•;ry”eel he was iu a critical con• .4•1li;,11, 7ur1 mr-dints attention was s:ief.n. One of tI'e negrues .has u rested : the other has es - c p k. d 'FAKE NO CHANCES <ut d, -,pend on solid facts. Noth- ,t; Ilagyard's YelloW Oil for l; inns colds, frost •bites, chilblains, neuralgia, croup, sore throat and aches and pains of every description. o :t i:tter where the pain or sorenes is, or from what it arises, Ilagyard's, Yr!l.y.v Oil Will give:quick relief. - :Early \Vednead.ty horning at iLone, ,bliss., Sol Purnell, a rt ' tt•ho lead assaulted a 15•year- t•'t'. tr1,ite, girl, was taken !Tont jail Roil hanged to. a railway trestle. ''1113 ALERT WATCEIMAN. Vr.'ns us of approaching danger, a hacking cough warns us of coming consumption. Take time by the foi..:loel. and use Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam, the surest, safest and beat beet Cure for coughs, colds, asthma, hoarseness, bronchitis, and all throat, tans lut•g troubles. A 1'+w sun, involving 50 cents 1#n entire day of the Van ltelee'.•ourt, Jlich., with the full paled of jurors, at a'eost of $70 to the ;,•ruty and $200 to the liti- gants The first successful blood•purifer Avet•y offered to the public was • rs 4,trsaparilla. Irritators have a...d Owl • day, but soon abandoned the field, while' the demand for this incomparable medicine increases year ly Sear, and was never so great at at present. A 4 -1t. (,`.atherines Assizes James 1fou,o testi eentenceril to 20 years' imps'.c,i met, t'•tr'1.•-'tu1tona little girl. ALMOST DRIVEN INgANE. "1 find such distress in my stomach and l ca1 that I thought I would lose t ' r„n•'..n, but on trying Burdock Blood -Bitters I derived great benefit. } havr used three bottles and am now ha well as I ever was in my litre i', inks to your medicine " Miss LIZZIE DOtTOLAS, Bednerville, Ont. Ar• :. r"roily medicine, Ayer's Pills xeel ,Ill others. '['hey are suited to t•, sue and, being sugar coated are F as.- to take. 'though searching .are t:,orough in effect, they are mild rr'lal pleasant in action, and their use 18 attendr•C'I with no injurious results. \ t, \ ;: t iL.LUW the bowels t.: i,. ,!n ronstipated lest serious estil et,,lie. National Pills are un. 1111•ne4nti as a remedy for 'constipa, tion. Met.nazukWho dive ysiel1.ca4u • talsil, t .rent oat?->iee tlbetnf +1albil4tiPVe i'and ,gain in #iesli attd alt ertgtl# bX g.' Ing :them that }rerfeot fa and wet.iip1ner Bog* emiashil ofq0CPWrOi4vi0 tiypecheaRllite » jor. vp,,, 4. fIfu1bar , of balssburyl,171,1 ,., gays., I i1aye used Scott's Emulsion bit eases of Scrofula and Debility. Results most; gratifying. My little paticnte taste it with pleasure" Said by all Drug ists, 5tia. and $1.00, —Rev. W. B. Johnson (colored), of the Second 13apOst Church, preached a sorted.► ,iu Washington, 1). C., in which 1)0 likened 0 new to Sampson, and told the lumbers of his race to secure hornets in the naafi and west and prepare to stay in theta, even if every inch of laird roust be defended with Winahest r rifles. Tho negro, 110 salrl, Was learning the lesson of organization front the Socialist and Irishman, and twenty yenta front bow Vie eta nut be the docile being of today. Pev. Gubrgo W. Lue (colored). of the Fit'th•Baptist Church preached on "Southern outrages," and ad• viaed the negroes to strike back when they were aasa►ulted or their wives and daughters tvere wronged. and insulted. The Civil Rights Bill he' said, had always proved a failures and the only thing the negro got f•roin either party was promises at election time. It was useless to ask redress from Congress, for two•thit'{is of them were sinners and the other third druukrtrils. CONSUMPTION CURED. • An oh1 physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy' and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma Mall all throat and Lnng affections, also a positive. andrradical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints,• after having test- ed its wonderful curative powers in thous- ands of Cases, has felt it his fluty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actua- ted by this motive' and a desire to relieve human snllering. I will send free of charge; to all who desire it, this recipe, in Garman, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by tuail by a idressingwith stamp, naming this parer. W. A. NOYi c, ] 49 Power's JBlorlc, Roches/etN. Y. 507 cow —Victor Skillman, the organist and choir leader atfChicago church, was held to the Criminal Court in bonds of $500 by Justice Brayton, He was charged with being an atlul teror:• Some two weeks ago, while lite wife was lying sick with a five .days' old babe, the prisoner sneaked into the hyuse, stole his 2 -year-old child, end carried it off to his para- mour, Mrs. Hunt, where he kept it iu sliding. Carl Skillman, a brother, swore out a warrant Saturday last and caused hie brother's arrest. The child was recovered, and. the heartless father sent to jail for lack of bond's. The organist has, since his arrest, been excommunicated from his church. A PLEASING DISCOVERY. I suffered with' neuralgia and ob tained no relief until advised' to try Ilagyard's Yellow Oil. Since then I have found it to be an adrnirable re- medy also for burps, sore throat and rheumatism: Mits. F. CAMERON, 137 Richmond St. W., Toronto, Ont. -Three young Point Edward omen named Samuel, O'Neil, Fred Kaupp . and Nelson Wager were out 'hunting on the London road about ten miles, from Sarnia, ,and about the noon hour O'Neil was shot dead by the accidental dis- charge of Wager's gun. The con- tents entered the back of O'Neil's neck andhe was instantly killed. The three Wren were looking up a tree after squirrels. Wager took aim, his foot caught in a root, he stumbled and his gun fell Over his shoulder, going oft' and shooting O'Neil, who stood behiud him. O'Neil was seventeen years of age and was a son of J. E. O'Neil, the postmal.ter at Point Edward. LIFE WAS A BURDEN. Until lately I suffered froin head- ache, always preceded by constipa, tion, making my life a burden. A friend advised Burdook Blood Bitters. I took three bottles, and now feel my- self a new man, and my headaches are things of the past. A. R. JuLIE, Ottawa, Ont. —Alexander Hogeland, president of an association for the care of young persons, makes. the some- what startling observation that there are -60,000 boy tramps in the United States. Ile• wants the lads taken in eharge by organized associations and put in charge of farmers who will employ them. Anvicri 'ro MOTR6as.--Are you die- urbed at night and broken of your rest b a sick child suffering and crying with nein of Cutting Teeth? If so., send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs Winslow's Soothing,Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor ititle sufferer immediately. De- pend upon it, mothers i there is no mis- take about it. it cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regulates the Sforhach and Rowels, cures Wind t:olie, softens the Grans, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone ano energy to the whole system. "Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and beat female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for pale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25c. a bottle. Be sure andask for "Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup," andltake no other kind. assaasorocsossuscsassiolowww m�1 p a. +...... t!T1I,t.V. , 'rp orterl, b,I,i irk, is go, r. r A pgpx.TRi: ,a iippr#1`eBooli,yn atmsiA. 4xlmils r , and Cisnrt lankt s s, foams S Fever's. Congestion.. Inttamntatiou8 It.As tSignatl Meal 'with,. Mill;rArer„ B,I3,,•- ctskiayaiLsaeuteu..Q•kteama4l„ taus. .C.--18l.tompor, Ndaal DIRFblarggit•. D.o-Rota et,' Grub'.liro>rttpw. .E,. -Coughs, Heavers I'neuanouts. .k',a"Oulleor ftirlpo.,'.BeflYObhe.'" tt.T atiecatettore, nem orrha ell. 43..--II;luarg 190 Yi-i4011 BlPslai isle I .Eraptlse D1.ea*e., Marie. d 11i:.DlgeasQis of DI¢ert! ., 13 table Cuse, with Bpeollce, Manual, Witch Burns 011 and MotUceior, , , 07,Ot� (,'rice, Smote lkttrofBvs; 0111 4,41, ,+ .lits Said by Ilruggiste; or Sent Pr paid anywhere and in any quantity on Rocete* of Price. llumphreys' Med. Co., 109 Fulton St., N. Y. SOII[EOPATHIO SPECIFIC. Not use 30 years. Tho only enoceee?ui remedy for Nervous: DubiliI, Vital Weakness, and Prostration, from over -work or other cause la1porvial or 6,vials autiargevIat powder, tor se. r$oLna3Y biwootsx. or sent postpaid on roceipto[s pr'A -"isaapbr•Ja'lfcAlserst:o., AUS.l14004. 135•, N. Y. WELJ,.a & ILICH.A RRDSON CO., Aaentr, 1rIOPi'MBA L. - ,- „,.. sr::ct=iwnaeomme . A 1;1(1 z.:'i'I?li'E, A big dual: 58, s• r11:,1,: 1+•: Y'.rwell At Davis issur:l their I:x; ,,ct :•f .treap- will., stud 16,1,11. nl. 11 i,n, :" ) with greiw .'uccesv. sad it must, f.,r 1t is the •mogt powerful blood purifier iu 1he mar- ket. ft is n., d with the greatest s)ICCeea in nil rlb:eases ,risiux ,}v,tn it d, infirm Cctndltufr of tit:• al's: en1, and every nue need:?, and Abr.•id use a hmlle or two at this ae,•sou of the rear, of Poweli's 1,4 - tract of anrr•nparilht and Point :'k Beer in mind on, 500. -bottle Ce:osias More solid mrdii•ine than most rlolhn• 3+••called Santa IM and bilIers. At,ri remember that it is sold in Clinton by all druggists, price 5oc a bottle. Sold b,v all drug- gists and medicine dealers everywhere. 44311v . --The wife ut (;lade. I1,,1,i., a well knee• it and respected. rl s) 1.,ut, of Ai:.a1 1 r:4)!..1 took lo•r life by niert1.8 "t' Yt r1%UI'. The Illlfertllrlate woman had he,•n Iruubi,•d with a Ilir +l tilos,+r in tl"• stomach for a couple 0) yea•s p•tal, and all the 20th of June last Iris atlulitterl to the Loudon l lesl,ital to have on operation ion )mrfortne,l 111,01, lie). .11ter she had selticiel)t1', )r,cuvere•1 her :strength silo returned hvuae ill 'July, but w'as •eitiet•il,g such l,aiu that she was bauble to get any sleep and took very lil.ile nuri.hnlent. She was wasting slowly away, despite all that her hu,.h.an,l :utd sister could r all, dofur her. H.'r hu utl h+lc} tie• Casio), 10 go al o'.ty ctrl business 011 111unday, intending to remain out of the village 1111)11 S•,turday, and left li is wife in charge of the Litter's sister. This morning the last 0810 ed got up to light the fire about seven o'clock, and lits. Harris slip- ped quitely out of bell cud into the pantry, and with 0 butcher knife to put 'au . end to her' self -rings by milting her throat. V 1CTORIA CARBOLIC SALVE is a wonderful healing compound for cuts,• wounds, bruises, burns, boils, piles, pimples, tire. =A Proteslaut ,lied in the vil- lage of .Juliet?", (aloe., on Monday last. He had been living four years in Joliette pieviuus to his death. His son WaS present from Montreal and sot about arranging for the funeral. There was but one under taker in the vlilagt', and when the young man went to slim he was told that he could not get the license, as it Would Ito useless id:erw':u't)s if he carried a i'tute.L.nt body in it. He said further that he was very sorry, and that it was money out of' his pocket to refuse the hearse. If he did not, however, ho would have his heave° cursed by the parish priest, and his business boycotted. He was then forced to go out and get a wagon where he could. The young man said he, thought this was a moat unpardonable exhibition of intolerance and bigotry, and said that many C,.tholics he had spoken to admitted that it was pretty hard. "But tllotr you are a Protestant," they said, " and the priest of this parish will not permit anything else for Protestants." ATTACKED THREE TIMES. "Having been attacked for the third time with Inflammatory Rheum atism,11 which kept me in bed six weeks under medical care, without relief, I resolved to try Burdock Blood Bitters, an8 before I had finish- ed the third bottle I was able to work again." GEORGE Roan, Garden Hill, Ont. —A Kingston young woman, fascinating, goodlooking, and full of promise in social circles, commit - ad the folly of flirting with a com- mercial traveller and then of elop- ing with him. Of course she did not • know that he was mat•ried or she would not have acted so silly. Buk she went off with him, after a brief acquaintance, she drank Wino with him until she becaine giddy, she put up at a hotel• with him, allowed hint to register her as his wife and to make her believe that such ail act legally wedded her to hint. A few days later•the drool met. was arrested and the young woman returned to her parents for- ever 'blasted in reputation, The punishment of the scamp who nils: led her may interest her, but it'will not restore to her her lost character. WORMS CAUSE MUCH SICK,- NESS ICKNESS among children. Freeman's Worm Powders prevent this, and make the child bright and healthy. a' —1:\r 7'11 lew$ cod TRAY STOCK ADYER u= .! ►J TISE31ENTS inserted in Tus' Ne,ve 11(10054. at ,low rates.' The leyv makes it compulsory to advertise stray stock If p on want any kind of advertising you will not do better than eall nn Tews•Iteocord. THIS YEAR'S TR, T:L H OUTDand PLUG SIVIOKINCTOBA CO.. FINER THAN EVER. • I —IN B110NZF. ON— EACH PLUG and PACKAGE. 517-y CLOTHIIG. ABRAHAM SMITH, �1 Market GOD-[:,IRICH. WEST OF ENGLAND SUIT. 'NOS. d; TRO iJSERINGS, SCOTCH TWEED SUITINGS & TROU SERINGS, FRENCH AND ENGLISH WOR- STED CLOTHS, Made up in Best Style and Work- manship at Abraham Sm)tith's. Non' in stock one of the rheu1,r- (ttld best stocks of WINTER CLOTHING AND CLOTHS. A Full Lineaof GENTS'•FUR NISHIN.GS always in stock. It will flail you to call ort: ABRAHAM SMITH Established • 1856. J. BIDDLECOMBE. watches, Clodks, Jewelry,Silvorware See the latest style —SCREW BEZEL IVATCH CASE. Repairing In all branches. Opp. 1110 Market, CLINTON. EXHAUSTED VITALITY! WILE SCIENCE OF LIi•'E, the groat Medical Work of the alto e, 11anhood, Net, POIIA ?ted Physical Debility, Premature Decline, Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries consequent there. 300 pages J vo„ 125 prescript low, fors II d leeases 0(01(1,'full gilt, only 01.00, by mall, a:,ale)lllustrfth•e sample tree to' all young ant, nrlddle.aged men. Send now, Um Oolrl and Jewelled Medal awarded to the author by the National Medical Association, Address P. 0, Box 1895, Roston, Maas or Dr. W, A. PAIlliEli ;graduate of Hat rard Maas, College, 25 years practice in Roston, who may be consult. ed confidentially. Sperialty,I'Dieeases of Man, Galen No 4 Bulaneh Street 4831' 0 T�t• MEDICAL.LL KE" REMEDIES' `caM'E�P4o, aP�1/41Qayp TTY NATPJRESjHE Y ". , gBYAA IA: DFAIG'G,1 S.', giLD d: •��,���r�z.�HCQ z��rio'Nr. 071 Coins gui an%Pad ttlltt7, lir ° van ' as to beginner'. Stoat *my 111 NurserymenRocheftier N Rause �Pain��ng, Glazing and Graining;' .Main ; and ; Decorative Paper Hanging with'fasyAelling D adttort4ss, Waite X. MThi. bouts it voila e.) r KALSOI INING and MOM PShop next 'Kennedy's Hotel, Albert Street, CLINTON, - ONTARIO. CHARLES T. SPOONER NEW STOOK ! NEW STORE ! ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, CLINTON. JOSEPH. CHILLEY, Dealer in Furniture. • Call at the New Store and see the stock of • Bedroom and 'Parlor: Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, . Chairs? Springs, Mattresses, etc., and general Household Furniture. The whole Stock is from the very beat manufacturers. Picture Framer;and Mouldings of every description. JOS. CHIDI1.LY, one door WeSt of Dickson's Book Store. JOB PRINTING the N non 0 etvo-fimord, THE ACKNOWLEDGED Leading:: Consorvativo :: Paper OF THE COUNTY, HAS ONE OF THE = )c + — Best. Equipped Job Rooms IN WESTERN ONTARIO. 0 The Firjest Job Painting ! EXECUTED ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. 0 Posters; :-: Streamers, Circulars, Cards, &c. 0 0 QLORE'P PRINTING! '. EQUAL (IN ?.ZANY CASES SUPERIOR) TO CITY WORK. BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, LETTER HEADS. 0 T11e Double Circulation Talks to Thousands. 0 Advertiso in The News-Reoord THE ONLY PAPER WWI A DOUBLE CIRCULATION a SIN THE COUNTY OF HURON.11 .�c