HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-10-23, Page 6Ooughing 18 Nature's effort to expel foreign cub* stances from the bronchial passages. Frcq,,..nt1y, this canna inflammation and the need of an anodyne. No other expeetorant or anodyne la equal to Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It assist, Nature in ejecting the mucus, allays irritation, induces repose, and is the most popular of all cough cures. " Of the many preparations before the public for the cure of colds, coughs, bronchitis, and kindred diseases, there is Lone, within the range of my expert. cum so reliable as Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral. For years I was subject to colds, followed by terrible coughs. About four years ago, when so afflicted, 1 was ad- vised to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and to lay all other remedies aside. I did no, sand within a week was well of my cold and cough. Since then I have 'always kept this preparation in the house, and feel comparatively secure." M, s.. L. L. Brown, Denmark, Miss. "A few years ago I took a severe cold which affected my lungs. I had a ter- rible cc'ugh, and passed night after .c,./•t •rithout sleep. The doctors gave me up. I tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which relieved my lungs, induced sleep, and aft rrded the rest necessary for the r. cover; of my. strength. By the con- tiuual use of the Pectoral, a permanent ,re was effected."—Horace Fairbrother, Roclaifigham, Vt. to Ayr's Cherry.. Pectoral, PREPARED EIT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Massa Bold by an Druggists. Price $1; six bottles, $5. i he Huron News -Record •:•l..,e u Year -0.26 in Advance. f.j; :'h. ura,n does not do ,justice to his business e.b., r,,, w1s less in advertising than he does in - A. T. SrewART, the utillionairelnterchant *Wednesday, Oct. 23rd. 1S89 • 1..(.I,1I FOR A WOUNDED 11 EA RT. t).;'. of those unfortunate breach u!' l,I,.enise Cases that was to have uvw ' t:p at the Toronto Assizes, was se!.tl,•.! out of court. 'I'he plaintif Lae in quest ion wets luras Lt: hock, a young woman who items ;seised her twentieth year, the ,Inn'.!•le .r of n farmer living in North se's, deur Thornhill, the defoud- a1t 'ming NV. J. Niel -1i 1e, a farmer iia i ., in is near Milieu, i.l the :e',•• of Pied. llcllrid,l is .1 to he fairly well possessed of LOIS n'. 1d'H goods. • -Dlrss Lubeck is ,. relative of °Mc13ride's brother's tv ii". He met her at his brother's 'louse, became deeply smitteu with lost. el`tlrllis, which ended ill a 10'0- tio:s marriage. She accepted , 1 ;t,:d'tI'. The prospective icicle• i roosil'failed to fulfil iris part of the ostraM, and the plaintiff. al leg•, deet :.ft e• pro,posi a to marry her he deeply wronged her. Finding that he !eel discarded her, she instruct - firm of city lawyers to i,,:ui.it nce action against her fickle lover. The writ was • issued, \lc:Bride entering no defense. \Vhee the last civil assizes opened, co;tusel made preparation to ask . Jury to assess damages, but pro- • a:din,;s were summarily stayed, 'h:• cfendant having signified his of lesistiug the action. Since then, however, a settlement tri been reached, McBride, it is .nderatood, having agreed to pay l .. L :.bock the sura of $1,500 and defray the costs of the litigation. .'.LMOST DRIVEN INSANE. "1 had such distress iri my stomach and head that I thought I would lose my reason, but on trying Burdock Pined Fitters I derived great benefit. t h tyre vsed three .bottles and am is, ea well as I ever was in my life. Thanks to your medicine." Miss ' LIZZIE DOUGLAS, Bednerville, Ont. •—Thotnas Scott, of Oneida tew•n- . .'rip, - cir Caledonia, owns the i4lare Lig Neil, front whom he hasrliised t.ee fu ;owing stock. Site has had 1•i110 ',Jit.s in ten yeara, seven of hie!: lived and were sold as follows :—Mark Twain, at five years old, $1,500 ; Josh Billings, at tont yea's old, $],200; Carribo, al three rears old, $800 ; Moonlight, at three years old, $700 ; a mare cult, ,$300 ; is offered for a two- year-old colt, $300 ; a foal at the 'n. ie'1 side sold for $200 ; total X5,000. Most of these colts were of do,itlight and Clear Grit stock. :•'.,oto finds it pays to raise �U. 1 1. ;roes. _Charles Williams, Tom Alixs,, Cite. los Seat it, and Big Bill, Indians trop -nohontiah reservation, were brought .to Seattle and lodged in ,jail, charged with -the murder of Big Bob Sattoo, an Indian. Big Bob was a prominent member of the '1d claimed to be a "tenani- eniutt1 teen," which means an Indian doctor. By Indian supersti- tion a "tenaninlious" man is held r^smer ibis if any general calamity hefells the tribe. Things had not been going well with the Indians. There was sickness, and Big Bob was regarded as the cause of it; so, at a ineeting of the tribe, four In- dians were appointed to execute hint, rho Winn agent was noti- fied th'rt Big Bob was to ho sacri- ficed, !sit did not believe it, and did nothing. Leat Monday Big Bob ,ens wivlaid by the assassins, who Hnii,ir1 him and cut his throat from cal Lu ear, The red tion were arrested and bound over for murder , by a justice at Laconnor. • MortiI.las who have delicate olid. "•t ).'V d .ir i are h '1 t e an Liven can . them y nl r9 gain In flesh 0:41 strength by giving them that perfect food and medicine, Scutt's Eutulsi n of Ced Liver Oit, with Hypophesl/hites. Dr W. A. Hulbert, of Salisbury, Ilia., says : "J< hat 0 used Scott's Emulsion in cases of Scrofula and'Debility. Results most gratifying. My little pati, uta take it with pleasure " Sold by all Drug - lets, 50e. and wvl.CO. —Saturday at the residence of George NV.1rwiu,uoar Leamington, Mr. Ir•win's son, aged about 21, was pr'epar'ing 10 go our shouting. While loading one of the barrette ut a doable -barrelled gun the 01114.1 barrel, which had been previously loaded, was discharged, the contents passing through the young !inn's head, killing hint instantly. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from practice, having had plat,+d in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung affections, also a positive and radinal cure for Nevous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having test- ed its wonderful curative powers in thous- ands of cases, has felt it his duty to um1(1 it known to his suffering fellows.' Actua- ted by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering. I will send flee of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in C;ernlan, French or Engliih, with fall directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail byaddressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. NoYES, 149 Power's Block, Roehes'ee N. Y. 507 vow —At Bloomfield, Prince Edward county, a bright little boy of some two years, youngest son ti Aaron McDonald, farmer, while playing about got hold of a phial containing toothache remedy and swallowed a portion of the mixture, causing i01 mediate congestion of the throat. All thatnfriends and prompt medi- cal aid could do were of no avail. In less than an hour lie was dead. TILE ALERT WATCHMAN. Warns us of approaching danger, a hacking cough warns us of cooling consumption. Take time by the forelock and use FIagyard's Pectoral Balsam, the surest, safest and best hest cure for coughs, colds, asthma, hoarseness, bronchitis, and all• throat and lung troubles. —Eliza Illaokbnrn, an attractive young saleswoman, who was arrest- ed S:ttur,iay last by Detective Car- pt.nter for pilfering from the store of her employor, W, H. Scroggie, on St. Catharines street, was brought before the police magistrate and pleaded guilty to the charge. She stated that she originally belonged to St. Mary's Ont., and was married there, hut not being able to live with her husband, she left Mtn 'and came to Montreal. Determined to Make a living and to increRso her salary she indulged in the 'practice for which she received eighteen mouths' imprisonmen. CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED. TO THE EDITOR :— Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been per'wanently cured, I shall be glad to send two bottles of my re• ritedy FREE to any of .your readers who have consumption if they will send me their Express and P. O. ad- dress, Respectfully, DR. T. A. SLOCUM, 164 West Adelaide st.,Toronto, Ont —A ,meeting of the Millers' association for the counties of Middlesex, Elgin, Essex, Kent and La.:Atoll was held iu Sb: Thomas last week. A good number of millers and fern -tete were present, also Dr. Wilson, M. P. for East Elgin, and D. Plewes, secretary of the Dominion •rnillors' association. Favorable reports were received in regard to buying wheat by a tester. At only one point was any difficul- ty reported. The present tariff, so detrimental to tho milling interest of Canada, Yves discussed at some length, and the following notion was passed :—"Moved by S. C. May, seconded by R. Pincotnbo, that this meeting will endeavor to get meetings of farmers together during the winter to be addressed by the secretary of the Dominion millers' association and any others, the farmers to he invited to discuss the differential duties on wheat and Hour and their influence on the femora lied millers of Ontario." The meeting adjourned to meet in Sarnia the second Monday in No- vember. ADvloe To Mornans.—Are you dis- urbed at night and broken of your rest b a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor it! tlesufferer immediately. De- pend upon it, mothers; there is no mis- take about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, end gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething ie pleasant to the taste and is the prescription ofone of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25c. a bottle. Be sure andask for "Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup," andltake no other kind. HUMPH FI Y8' w..ow�A.�.pnoi�r ,EowE De(. Ilvatrttasra'srEcn',cs ore scloettacnlly and carefully prepared prescriptions; used for loony )oars la private practice with sUaess,al.d for over thirtpyears Uaea by the people. Every 8i10u Spee clan is a special cure for the disease named. These Specifics cure without drugging, purg- ing or reducing the system, one are lu fact and deed the puverclisu rvsuediggotihuWorld. Liar Or PRINCIPAL CIPAL, NO8 CURES. PRICES. iPavers,Uouieutien,Intlanrmatlon.., ljj Werner, worm Fever. Worm Colic.. i rylnfttt Cuiic,olTeeth.LgoflnfanW iurrhea, afChlldrenoeAdulta.... t 5 llyseater3•, lIriping n111ousColie.... R Cho;ora Murbi's,\'umtung 7 (loughs, Cold )lronchltta. L3 Neuralgia, Toothache Facoacho 1 dleadaehca, alckilea(lache, Vertigo yspepsia, Bilious stomach or Periods 1 sVlia.reu 1 4)Yis per 11 �:.it[e:a, bn> Profuse peMods.. 1' Cron'', Cough, Difficult Breathin8 14 (rims Itheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions 15 1LIauinatistit, Rheumatic Poles,— 16 Pe ver and A sue, Chills, Malaria 7 Piles, Ellnd or Bleeding 19 Catarrh, inttueuse, Cold lntlw Head \'tYttoohina Cuyah VlolentCoughs General Llchtn3V,Pfiysledlweakuesa Iirduey Disease t8 Nervous Debility 00 301 IJrivary Woa tower Wetting bud50 ,J Diseases of thclleart,Palpltutlon 1 00 Sold by Drugt(ista,or sent postpaid on receipt of price. De. laUJlrI REPS' MANUAL, (11.1 pages) richly bound In cloth and gold, mailed tree. Humphreys' blodicinsCo.ie9Fulten st. n Y. SPEC! Fl C WELLS & RICELAND:3ON CO. Agents, ltloN!PEEAt.. A 111'; ::T :il:11:. A big s.rik.• w..:a n,ak• whe,i Powell & Davie 'armed their h:xtrant "t' arsap- 'trill•, and 13..ril,,e4 11 ha, 1L t with great success gad it roust, for it is the mos! powerful blood purifier its the noir ket. 11 is n..ed w'11i ills el -sweet success' in all lib -eases ,risiujf from a debilitated nondttou of the 8)Stele, and everynne needs, and eh ' ,1d use 1 hurtle er two et this sessoa of the veer, of Powell's I{x- 11101 tit Sarsaparilla and Ilurd. ;;k. Bear in mind one 50c. bottle co„tai:,3 wore solid meditate than moss dollar 30 -nulled Sarsaparillt and hitters. Also remember that it 1a sold in Clinton by all (it'll/gists, price 50e. a bottle. Stied by ail drug- gists and medicine deniers everywhere. 44311y —A proposal to unite the. Dis- ciples to the ILtptist deuomiutltiuu is to he I .id h:•lure the Baptist Con- vention nt Ottawa this week, an$ hell ro Thu Disciples' Convention in June next. V ] CT( MIA CARBOLIC SA LITE is a Yvondorfnl heutingcourponnd for euts, wounds, bruises, burns, boils, piles, pimples, ':e. --The propose(] argument before the Privy t,'uuneil in reference to the uuC,a!1.1tltn:iin',rlity ui lhe, Jus nits Estates ,tut has been iedefiuite- iy postponed at tete request of Ur. Dtvidson, of \Ionh'1 al, on behalf of tht' 1'; tea! Rights pushers. A'I"l'ACKEll THREE 7'I M ES. "Ilaving been attacked for the third time with Inflammatory Rheuln- atisn,tl which kept ne in bed six weeks under medical care, without relief, I resolved to try Burdock Blood Bitters, and before 1 had finish- ed the third bottle 1 was able to work again." GEORGE ROnn, Garden Hill, Ont. —It has often heeu rrp0rted that the British aruty is largely compos- ed of undersized boys instead of stalwart leen, but the returns do not bear out these statements. Of 202,761 men only 11,590 are under 19 years of age, while 34 per cunt. are over 5 feet''S inches in. height. TAKE NO CHANCES But depend on solid facts. Noth- ing equals Iragyard's Yellow Oil for burns, scalds, frost bites, chilblains, neuralgia, croup, sore throat and aches an pains of every description. No matter where tate pain or sorenes is, or filen what it arises, IlagyRrd'e Yellow Oil will give quick relief. —Lucy Eddy, twenty years old, wife of Juhu Eddy, of New York, committed suicide• last evening by swallowing a dose of carbolic acid. A strange feature of the case is that during twenty minutes bofor the taking of the poison and her death Mrs. Eddy's hair, wh.ch was dark, turned almost white. NEVER ALLOW the bowels to remain constipated lest serious evil ensue. National Pills are une surpassed as a remedy for conetipa. tion. —A few months ago Ella Maria Eves, a plump and rather good- looking English girl, living in Hamilton, Out , had the luck to fall heiress to a fortune of about $20,000, Shortly after that time she was surprised to receive a pro- posal from a young law student, who had acted for her in a case at the police court. Miss Eves treated the comntunicatiou with contempt, suspecting quickly that the young Lothario cured more for her for- tune then ho did for her. ” When I get ntarried," said she at the time, " I will marry a roan who wants ale becnuae ho loves me, and not for my looney." Then the young hell- oes was not a great admirer of tho male sex. Sho thought that she could get along very well without being married. But a sudden change came over her, She plot James A. Bently, a young shoemaker who has a shop on James street north, and her dislike for niers was changed into affection for a man. Jimmy was not long in convincing the young woman that 110 loved her dearly and the marriage took place Tuesday night. • WORMS CAUSE MUCFI SICK- NESS among children. Freeman's Worm Powders prevent this, and make the child bright and healthy. size itr 1 '1 1 TT T.,I A 4 J O . ,r •v • , 'erna,nerit I• -i tions veinnteed:' Aaitary`e,ad ' 1004 5011 1•0d. YiCth llttr Idndttuas to beginners. Stock Complate, With fastrsell)ne weeialties. OUTFIT Y7tEs4." We guarantee witxtt vas adrerttla Write /MOWN 131101111 . Nurserymen. Rochester. N. Y. (Tits house Is reliable.) ID ID V rr s 1 I —1-'V ''IIGettt trod - - c- TRAY STOCK ADVER iJ TISEMENTS inserted in Tna RECORD at low rates. Tho law makes it compulsory to advertise stray stock If you want any kind of advertising you will not do bettor than call on 'ews•Reocord.: THIS YEAR'S Y �y � CUTBand PLUG (A SMOKING FINER THAN EVER. it ISE &3 13 —IN BRONZE ON— EACH PLUG and PACKAGE. 517-y CLOTHING. ABRAHAM SMItH, Market Square, GODERICH. WEST— OF ENGLAND SUI1- INGS & TU.OUSERINGS, SCOTCH TWEED SUITINGS & TROUSERINGS, FRENCH AND ENGT.ISH \VOR- STED CLOTHS, .Wade up in Best Style and 'Work• -nanshil3 at Abraham Smith's. Now in stock elle of flee cLeapr- and Lest stocks of WINTER CLOTHINC AND CLOTHS. A Full Lineiof GENTS'.FUR NISHINGS always in stock. It will pay you to call on: ABRAHAM SMITH Established • 1955. 1. BIDDLECOMBE. Watches, Clocks, Jewel ry,Silverware See the latest style —SCREW BEZEL WATCH CASE. Repairing In all branches. Opp. the Market, CLINTON. EXHAUSTED VITALITY! rim SCIENCE OF LIFE, the great Medical work of the age on Manhood, Nur• volts and physical Debilit,, Premature Decline, Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries consequent there. on, 800 pages 8 vo., 125 pr,•.vriptl,maro•aft dl.,•a5.•s Cloth, full gilt, only e:.On, by mail, sealed.. Illa,oratIvo sample tree to- all young; end middle -lap men. Send now. trho 17n1,1 and Jewelled \tela' awarded to the author by the National Medical Association. Address I'. 0. Box 1805, Roston, Mee, or Dr. W. H. PARKER,fgrarbtate of Hansard Medical College, 25 years practice in Boston, who may be qonsult• cd eonfldentialiy. SpeIIaity,l'D!seascs or Man Otlea No 4 Butfinch Street 499y TSIVEVII A WONDERFUL LAKE OS WATER METH 0000 LI E A MEDIC te,r F '. �„ran..; •; -' _.,;.�'-'_T'_ ;MEDICAL' ' LAKE REMEDIES 4 fi'.,1°r;0e't'~6 cc.PovN,S��`pA�aiMP Oa PQM. Pyr .w\4 04. S .TRY,: NAT UR ES REMEDY 4 ,U/R4-PE,ERi-ESS�PD•TENT. ';$,O.I:t.CIBY''A'CL TS°PUGGfS7S- 701WO,f-%I F I1'HCO,LONDON, ONT House Painting; r Glazing and Graining, Plain : and : Decorative Paper Hanging KALSOMINING -rsti and FRESCOING. b ao -- o Shop next Kennedy's Hotel, Albert Street, CLINTON, - ONTARIO. CHARLES T. SPOONER ..d. ' TT TR./ i 4J NEW STOCK ! NEW STORE ! ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - CLINTON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. Call at the New Store and see the stock of Bedroom .and. Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc., and general Household Furniture. The whole Stock is front the very best manufacturers. Picture Frames dad Mouldings of every description. JOS. CHIDLEY, one door West of Dickson's Book Store, JOB PRINTIN G the ttxotz two -4 cord, THE ACKNOWLEDGED beading:: Consorvativo :: Fapor OF THE COUNTY, HAS ONE OF THE Best Equipped Job Rooms IN WESTERN ONTARIO. a 0 Te Fiest Job Printing EXECUTED ON THE SIIORTEST NOTICE. 0 Posters,- :-: Streamers, Circulars, Cards, &c: COLORED PRINTING! EQUAL (IN MANY CASES SUPERIOR) TO CITY WORK. 0 BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, LETTER HEADS. 0 Te Double O!rdulat!on g* Talks to TflousarjUs. 0 Advertise in The NRaws-Racord A DOUBLE CIRCULATION (IN THE COUNTY OF HURON.I