HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-10-23, Page 3.y am USAN N RA.NC. , �ublt iota QL ew with a French T,ady in New York. *'4}i lamae at a r rislon Tumily and Faml- ' ly utters, Together with a CompaA- tleu Wirth Allierloan Usages—Man and Wife fu Busluess. :1►The woman in F Acle she parry the ;purse. Thin make her 'economical. The Ili" ' d he give hie whole time to manage thttbutsitfeas, and he not Lave to worry About the little things. The wife, she know that all the success depend ou saving the little things, so she. keep close watch on every thing in the; store, the workroom, 'the kitchen. She dg t}yt yvork vyith her own hands, she hire, b4t,slae seep that the work adone without waptA,' Shb• not get tired with work. so aha able to think all the time. see the competition of business, so she p" holy hard it Is to make looney, and she ?' eful how she spend it. I,",. American woman she know noth- $r • the trouble of business; the man he . all the load. She ask for money, she A . ike it if she not have it, and he give it her, and he go up. Then they all come clown together-fathsf•, mother, children. 'He,pjllask them to help, he go to work again, Yes, the Amelican woman not lino% ' g trouble of marking money, she shovel it out." Th? gesture here was in- Iimftable, says the: New York World re- porter' who conducted• the interview. Forming a scoop or shovel with her hands. She went through the motion of shoveling With a graceful swaying of the body from sfda side. 'Nth, the French way best way for all- -man; wife and children. "The French children expect to help the father. They sent to best school, what give solid learning, that the father can pay for. At fifteen they must graduate. The Fronch child not graduate at fifteen,, no good for school any more; must do Somethili else. The father, the mother sorry, but thoy can 'not help it. School coat money and cull nut Pse wasted. The child go work for ue father, boy or girl, no matter. Thore t1wy treated like stranger. Have wages just the same,'and must do the work as well. No favors. Keep same hours. If they not do -work Rowell as stranger, then they must do work lower down, they must learn of Stran- ger how to do that work. They feelashamod not able to do better for own father and mother as a stranger do. They soon learn, or another place found for them. No wasted time; they must earn money and be rudely to care for themselves. "When they learn business they given charge of some part, so the father and mother have more time to enlarge t.h--ir business, and the child have a place to bui d for himself or the girl just the same, 1t is all for the family, and they grow together. Whatis it in this land? The fathc.rv:ork outside, and grow old yotu:;.;; "I.-1ncc. ".:c•r work and worry for more nvltl..�, to srcnl,l for show and she grow old ir.sid'e; taw uhil- dren all this time sit and clean tti,:ir nails." The scorn, the contempt, expressed at t,hia point as the woman, with blazing choi:la sand flashing eyes, used in iunij;•inalion a nail -cleaner, would have made o, triumph !! the stage. "I is wrong, all wrong," she went on presently. "The French man and wo':hul, by bringing their children into their bnsf- ness are able to save money for th-m... No girl marry in France without a dot, ,;he have something which is her own. V.io riot depetallpilit on her husband, and he know it. Theoney all -go for his business, but she Plf.t S. ASTOR AT HOME, Tile Sntn1; but S%'kUiptticttla A,pi�qtmeat 10 R'luoh Wit..) ltounlv.•a Wit 1'r -onus. N14•s 'M, :wn u. Astor',, roc optlond'oom Is it IiDu:t Awdl, Sumptuous aj;al•tmen� that Ionics utit Wit Pifth avefluathrou,'kh a nfugie wipe„w, cased iu ebony world, and smotiwir d lit hangings of turquoise blue -ill: ar,d tudh o-tintud lace. Thewalls, says Ciera fiuile, in the Philadelphia Press, are hung .lit turquoise silk, with a decorative dtttio nod a el tivas-paiuted ceiling, and the elioiilyfit, ishof the wood;workis-as.,beauti- fully pniished us a piece irf onyx. In tite ut•nier of the parquetry floor is an odd de - Bigot r,f small Persian rugs, Inlaid as it were it, it field of garnet Lorry, Precious rugs diape the small divans, and superb spo,^,(mens of needle paintings ai•e shown iu the chair coverfugs. The most attractive ;n•ticl�,�', 'ire isa small upright piano I f Ifgy, bojaitifully embellished Leith carved silver, symbolic of villbi • iri•s of cupids and busts of children fill o aorucrs of the room with beauty, and as Oil vis'-tcr e,iaors she passes Ander the lossv ,^seen brunches of a small palm tree I .:.t r,;ial,ds on a pedestal of p ,lished green l!.I.!.1lte. 411 the ornainvia.s aro of 'Dresden c%irni. uuii the fantastic beanty turd grace nt i'ln f C!iros, the variety of design and 1 , :'tier; y of color produco all effect both :',r,•,•1 ;,!:,l ;,.;reeablo. On the walls hang lw.•L:iiur., bit,iwts anti pockets of flowery 1; w” ::14a, m1 about the tectal cabinet, :1c•• • ,?ages of small stands and fairly r .., : tL•• piano slit -4 are ahapherds and -., ,,,,ho:•d:•••,. ,, troubadours, pousant girls ;11,rt ,•r••• -t, Enures, no two itiilieI and cnwh outr; v::ling the other illgayvLy Will color. gestin r 1'es'.ure of this room is the splcudid Eli,!, ly '.,f ur[iticial ,lowers, it variety of dec- ora:i,In, b•y the way, that Airs. Astor is vury f„ud of. Vicws, lilies,. lilacs, feverfews, hya- cinths, buttercups and a little wilderness of field flowers are knotted together in clus, tering bouquets and freight the wheelbarj rewa, va.;icy and jardinieres of Dresden cbi;w, wt;ilo in the slander forms of cr;. sial r.nd i.,,i,n!r,d,,vitro are roses, natctrs, japoni- cas cud magnolias of such a remarkable cu ;, ._iti,m Its to chal!cugo detection in a flower show without tho assistance of Uouch or smell. The linen blossoms were brought trom France lust summer, and the suui pt -id for them wwild have procut-d a vary ni,-e sol? il} ^t' i •t fl xyei:, r n• ill! - utini so:ci"n. All ih:: hitt ii:gs abut:the room ;• re t lade o( 1•,:h. i.' le shit canvas, ha.•dso:nely workvil it: :'ver thread.. Tito fninily cross, ,lone ou It 'i•.id of sciu•tot and whfte in silk, ="•• • ,::n ! rn'd, and mounted in baonor ft.)rt;t, i. _,err of an cast corner. .,-'•.sl•-rr'S o:Mor.;' ore directed to 1. oiiaii rontii iini.atctl in i?lank wood w"! 't y bungwith criu::,nn, the silk 11.0 1 Cul,, t! A O'liy tilt w;l;!S Will Win- dt;;, bt•t I.r ,,I;ig iii,! doers lin^ dra.pi!Ig 1"u•! !. t,t'.i,r Mid niltutcl-:,pelf. Tho ovicr : ,,rttt bl„oil-rod tt "t i,la;:,'.; a plliin i., •• 'ty and a prctl•• race glorious. By m,-.. i ti large'aod bvaoiulliliy out- bruhic;•c,- - ...n trio ruwn crit bu prov:d.;d •wUl..1, . , ,,,•IY, and it is 11're t.inat tholov, i . u,r,; n!istro's secs :!a 1•:.:ulu.o i, ico,i •',,.'.1 ,, only a "l'-miellt to stop aull a The lire -place his I: rt„iight- m! p,•owsimp (If W,4iSUs, "Ild altluug i,he form[!: •• . ;!fila tel,! -a -tote table sprced witha diiir`y ^hina servioe, where the vo- Sr......;iof 'var.i'Aa ctw-u. or :,swot r•',•>�'_,.-,i -;M awed .,iih. joweled liu;ars awt ,.::-ii., ,• I ith frm„uent. of Four Hun - drub rcl,t:L,.l M. G.R;�,s FOR GROCERS. Holleatl .m, ovid gpecb;nlionv Dwlleated to ABOUT WATCH • DUaS. What a Dealer O Ines Knows from, Long Rx,parletacie. some Dolts l=ark 1n ockson, Some Out of Season.. and Some Don't Dark at Ali— Good Paints of the Bull Terr )or and the Bkyn Terai� "But I am not looking for a our,” snapped the lady. "IfI was I should not come tp you. *could Ret all I wanted for nothing." "You can have this onto for nothing, ma'am," said the liberal dealer. "And if he dues not suit you I shall not ask you to bring him back. Just leave the basement door open and set the house cat at him. I'll warrant you'll see him no more." The lady, .says a New York Sun reporter, wasoffended. She picked up her reticule, which she had deposited on a chair, and haughtily sweptoutof the store. The dealer politely ;held tike door open and allowed a vagrant yellow and white 'our tofollow her. He watched thein until they disappeared in the crowd. dThen he turned to the reporter, who had silently witnessed the iwargiew. ',She would have given me Live dollars for that dog," he said, "if I had told hot, he was well bled. She is one of the marry people who fancy that the watch dog is of a peculiar species. Of course, anybody who has the slightest practical knowledge of dogs fa aware that they are all watchers. They are the lightest of all sleepers, and are very vigilant and quick to detect a strauge footstep in or near the house. The only difference in their mode of watching lies in their action after they are aroused. Tine common our, such as the one wbo'has just Gone out with the lady, iw by far the most watchful, but he will bark furiously at any thing; t!nd it is not the pleasantest thing imaginable to have the house dis- turbed every time a belated man passes it in the night. But the barking dog is the one that most women want. They have a horror of an animal that bites, and '-only desire to be notified when a robber i3 about to enter or has already antot;ed the hoose. Then theyean puttheirbeads under the bedclothes and pray that the burglar maybe satisfied with stealing ever}, tiling he can find outside of their door. and •'e away without entering their apartmcii Of course, this end might be achiosed with much greater personal comfort to the ab- sence of the dog, when thoy could sleep through the danger, instead of lying par- alyzed with terror; but they can't realize that, and always value a dog in proportion to the noise he makes. "The bull terrier is a capital watcti dog. He never barks, because he feels that he can deal unaided with any burglar; and in nine cases out of ton lie is right. It is all tooth with him, and a robber .rarely know, that he is present until he feels trim. But in this line of business he is not a fuvori; with refined popple. You see, there ar,, no bounds to the ferocity of a bull terrier whe,% he is once aroused, and the lifeless body of a robber is an unpleasant thing for tee servants to find on a kitchen Boor whon they got up in the morning. I once sold a good bull terrier to the widow' of a clergy- man. She lived in a lonely house in Weit- chester County, and bofuro she had it t,::d the dug a week a burglar climbuu 1.1,n :u:,ll the basement window. He saw the ter_ !,,r in the dining room, and manitgod to olanrbe.r upon the high mantelpiece. It was a bit- terly cold night In mid -winter, and h:: Clung there, shivering for several hours, while the dog hungrily licked his jaws underneath. The lady kept no servant, :and when she Lug, !.•lows Cil,' ,s ,'%',1:ItZ rs. ' ° entereteroomtotenrn, ireewass No matter who thinks to the contrary, the first terribly frightened: but the t',;hiw s--rocer, writes Frank B. Welch In the Na- toldher such a pitiful 6oryol' his sufferings ` tional Grocer, always thinks he has the that she was moved to compassion. Sho go into the business and have her shave, she right of weigh. • ' Rave him two dollars and a good breukfust, Itnowivhere money come from, she 'know Advice to provision dealers: When and allowed him to go away.. Thea she where it go to, and she great help to her goods are going down, keep it dark. When 'sent the dog back to me; advising me to husband,'less she foolish woman; they are goods are going up, make your mark. shoot him, as such' a savage, remorseless in every country." Some men are so small that they run a brute was:clearly unfit to live. Bull ter - "But there are many kinds of business in weekly bill at their grocer's in order to riers and the widows of clergymen have no wbicah a wife or daughters can bear no part," obtain a roll of cabbage leaves (by courtesy common ground upon which theyea , amics- was said timidly in the presence of this 11 cigar) when they settle, up on Saturday bly meet. • earnestness, night. "I doubt, too, whether bull terriers, faith - "It is a strange kind when the wife or A.groeer in the city who does a business ful, brave, strong and watchful as they are, daughters could not keep books or be cash- of thirty dollars a week is a storekeeper. In have very much intelligence. Certainly lets, or look out for the clerks. She can the country on alike amount he becomes a they have not as much as the Scotch or tyle find her place if she want to do it. She leading merchant. old-fashioned Skye; I mean the big silky-' have foolish pride in this country, and When a man runs an account with his haired Skye, from which the delicate little when the husband or father die the mothers nrocer, he becomes an object of much ate thing, like a miniature portrait of his an- -tnd daughters• like babies, and strangers tention. If he fungles up the cash for castors, has been bred for a lady's lap dog. mine in and take the business out of every thing he buys, he is regarded as one A prominent lawyer of New Haven bought their hands; sometimes the business have who does not need watching. • a fine bull terrier from me about a year good foundation, and another man make ago. On the second night after the dog had this world. If they succeed in business fortune, while wife and children work for Grocery -men have a hard row to hoe in • been in his possession the gentleman was a wages' Yolks say they sand their sugar, water their guest at a supper party, and did not reach In France a woman know the business is9 rinegar, and otherwise rob their customers. home until the small hours of the morning. and she carry it on. You been in Paris. The terrier met him at the gate of his or. „ It' they fail they are stigmatized as fools. You know — —, mentioning a n- chard, and drove him up an apple tree, fectioner of world-wide reputation. "His In either case they are never called honest. where he hold him a prisoner until the fain - wife is his head clerk. She my most inti- To nobody Is there niore force in the ex - mate friend. I know her. We go together pression, "e;;gs is eggs," than to the grocer ily arose at breakfast time. TILO dug had when the succulent fruitof the hen is sell- only seen him half a dozen times, and he t0 big dinner in Pari She carry fn her did notrecoguizohim. This is adurager with hand a box of bon -bons to the carriage. ing first-hand at about two reents apiece, g I iutii nine out of ever dozen he sells and all bull terriers when used as watch dugs. say what for? We promised to have it at y They reason slowly, and when they ouve —, it mentioning a hotel connected with warrants to be fresh are returned to him reach a conclusion, whether it is wrong or an American name famous forPos- reat for post-mortem examination. g sessions. "At seven o'clock I find it for- People in the grocery business should be right, they cling to it as tenaciously asthough it was an opponent's throat or a gotten and too late unless I deliver it, and skilled in the arts of the clairvoyant. Then she in her carriage go to the hotel and her when a customer forgot,, about half of the prowling tramp's leg, and, liken gun with h man take it in. Would a clerk be so care- things he was going to purchase, all they timperfect breech, they are apt to injure ful? NO. will have to do will be to go into a trance their owners in on excess of zeal, Nothing '°rhe American man and his family be and, lol the whole list is before them as will beguile them to forget ills;' duty while life happier when they work together. And the plain as the print of the store -boy's teeth lasts, but their sense ,mull is eery women worth more ad she have something in a bunk of cheese. weak, and a bit of poisoned moat throt:• over the Pence is tolerably sure to clear t tie to do. Only one thing'I liklebetter here; A conscientious grocer will alway-, re- course for the burglars when they arrive, the woman she able, no matter how pretty, move any dirt or extraneous substance from ready for business, at night. to go about without anybody Ito care for his {roods when he sees them. But it does "B3far the best dog for keeping watch her. The American man respect the women not follow that he shall subject his Roods to and ward in a country house is one of the and care for them like his own." rigorous scrutiny in order to maintain his large light-colored, rough -coated terriers, pco tentiousness, If flies will persist in with as little of the reduced breeds about BIG 'PORK -PICKLE BASIN. dy7bg in the dried currants, it is no reflec him as Is possible. Heneed not be a euro The salted son and tho 7togtilar Tides a tion upon him. strain, but there must be no bad blood in Puzzler for Atissottrians• Snores Like a Sea -Lion, him. A cross of Scotch and Irish is very Morris . Frost, vv!!o was collector of A correspondent of the Lancet makes a good, but, I think, the old Skye and large cuswins ajt Port Townsend -in ls,,p,'sed to humiliating appeal to the medical profession piain Scotch is better. It should produce a tell this a ecdoto 'about himself: He •v;: t to tell him what lie is to do with a lady dog weighing about twelve pounds. Such raised in t'ile nul•lht-r!, port of N%w Yore: patient on whom he has been bestowing an animal, without either the strength or ,Sint • and cattle to 01-vgon serosa tho , d'ruitless care and. attention for the last ,he ferocity of tbebull terrier, has all his , t . courage, tempered h e ca t'lie knew what, tu.):c snit null» null I twenty years. This lady is an inveterate sou Ge, t per d wit a good deal of dis- m alt for pickling bouf and pork. 11 : and incorrigible snorer. ner husband has ' cretion. When he hears a'noise near any els "v'isnot, epsom salts Mid "':u•!,:•r I confided to i hi mi dical man Lhat the ,,nor- "f the doors or windows be does not at once art.:,'c Luh as oro given w stilet a rnt ion I ing is "tnuuh tvo•so lately," and that, begin to bark. He goes cautiously to the voyuves, but had novor seen the deep bosom I whereas his Itelpuneet was wont to let him place whence the sound came, and, of of the briny deep; be bad never su,m the I' off with only three or four hours of torture, course, generally finds that it was made by, the wind, or some harmless passer-by, n ni:e..n. After residing awhile in Oregon, hs I she now "snores all night, and can be heard � P y. a d :ams over to the sound and was rirlinq on all over the house." Moreover,, she fro• the sleepers are not aroused without,rea- h'urs•,back from the Cowlitz landing to Fort I quently waltes herself with the noise five , son. But when he barks you may feel as- 'teitocoon. The weather was warm, the 1 or six times in one night, and it Is rare that sired that it is time for you to get up, for road dusty and his horse very thirsty. At , her husband can get to sleep till three or he never gives a false alarm; and if there last through the dense forest he discovered four o'clock. Whether she lies high or low is any flg ting to be dons he will take his the glimmer of water, and, thinking it a � makes no difference -she can sleep and full share of it. But he is no fool. He can slip, he drove his horse in to drink. The 'snore at any tialo iu a Yew minutes, and to not deal with the burglars alone, and he is nimal, in his raging thirst, plunged his i aggravate the citse she has lately taken to not going to try to do so. His,bark almost head in up to his eyes, then drew it up t yawning a great deal. invariably feiightens them away, but if your uddenly, snorting and blowing. The house 1s isolated and they persist to trying olonel got o8 and, taking some of the wa- The Wastes of Cookln to enter it, you can safely count upon him ter in his hand,. tasted it, and exclaimed: America wastes enough yearly to feed as a valuable assistant. The bull terrier 'Pork 1ickle; by thunder l'' pA man commg the thousands who aro now saiA to be out i em n beallows them to come In he be� ns along the trail at the time explained that It of employment. The time may yet Couto operations, while the rough -coated dog on as the salt water of Puget Sound, and when it shall be considered pr Ietfcal some- dPavo;a to keep the door between you and bowed the Colonel a brook near by where where in the course of the education which them. e horse quenched his thirst. a State gives to the people to teach girls now to Intl Time. l The Colonel, when relating this to it re- howto ext•act0io greatest amount of nut ri- Here is a novel method. A number of rter of the Port Townsend Argus, said ment from the common nnntorial of fo,:ll, men take erfeetl similar cigars and see hat he was not as green as a friend of his and a careful Matist ician tlsi ly reanti•Iredl who can keep his lighted the longest. Each rom Pike County, Mo., who w,mt to that 41ilMoever eon touch the masses of the one puts a certain sum into a of and all Olympia for a few diiys. 110 noticed the people how to got five cents' worth a clay p P do+, but, he didn't know what to make of more comfort or force out of the fond whit•h the cigars are of course ad r the cams hem. fie told Colonel Frost that this was each one consumes, will add to their pro- time. The new R. has had great success he strangest country he #Vol' saw,.for tluctive power what won;d be equal to in cigar various clubs. One youngand man kept here were two freshets every twenty-four on thousand million dollars a year in his cigar lighted two hours and forty-eight ii minutes. Of course these cigars must not ours, and nary a drop of rain. The fact value.'' as," said the Colonel, "he find I had otic be allowed to go out; when they do the air full of hay-sc.•d, but I have, got the hay l smoker must drop out of the contest. sed out of my hair by wrapping same kelp eaves round my load, and now I am as stilt is any brie." i" ems9 PERSONATED a KING f' /7E f - s_ AND ,rte !�.af i D I E A gunny In ONA In the KIN or tea /"' �/ "v flEIM .ate l ongrea lsn)nii Uterne8. "The late Couvressntun Burnes," aald a----0— well-known 0----Journ lreporer,-wasto aWholest (hf,,.) REMOVED a REMOVED ! Journtt! reporter, "fuss a tvbolt••uulod ;:t:•u- gl1 V tleman, and no one enjoyed a joke bet Lor than he. One instance of this was ill'. One Dow—North off' Young's Bakeiq, Albert Street pleased upon my memory. '6ome year. —o --- ago, you will remember, Kuig Kaluk;:-.a u. the Sandwich Islands made it tutu• of thin Out- stock of Groceries and Provisions for spring and summer are very complete, and t ountry. He c the down from Uiuitha to will be found Fresh and Ruliable, ettbrpeing every line of .Goods to uo found iu a First - Kansas City, and tat St, Joseph tnu piwiy ! Class Grocury. W" Silt to give the liest Possible Coods at the Lowest Possible Price, was joined by Congressman Burues, lot anti, to tcorriniicul buyers we oils' many advantages. PRODUCE. TAKEN. whom the foreign monarch at once con - of his i strong viaadmiration. aboth t account CANTE.LON UPS, Wholesale & Retail Grocers, Chuton pi his size and jovial qualities. At I•:ausua s City King Kulakuua was booked for r speech, and a very brief but excellent oil.," --- - - had boon prepared. An unforeseen obsti.- l tt a 's g $'$ a fps,-'', -+r cls to compliance with this pl-ogranime arose, 19W—a s' aide oa; F 00 y a Z. - however. As every one knows, the dark- m 1. iY y b td CLC = v skinned potentate is addicted to the variety &0J q. O W �a",A y-Ei to i,-0 C -D c W G of cup that cheers and also inebriates, a nd c2summa��a 11��,, C the result on this occasion was that whon Fl® 9 0 i^ a � dm at�l "c 3 H o C. the time arrived to prepare for the Kansas amat �a El; -0 �c fit is F City speech his highness was oblivious to a a .. ae'S � &iA r ©� , e all mundane offal's, and lay in his Borth «s O0� m W H PA 9 Sw .. c m p�j w I i Of x drunk as the proverbial specimen of no- 'O N. a to c9"'' 0O- e .1 -C o o = e bility. ® 1-19 % H fsM 3 a s; °a ir� � c U' U a '`What was to be dope? It wouldn't do m pI , , °q d w ❑bm �, O I e G not to make the speech, and the royal part 11. vg -4 a pq Z 4,o ,� °,V. W = e a 0- o were at their wits' end. But at this junctureJ >.e e m H d o, 9 yi S� iu" a °x P U m •o Congressman Burnes came to the rescue. c fa a �' cw 0 o Coy �i y G � Leave it to me, said he, and I'll fix it; r•+w R > a a o� "' m only do just as 1 toll you' m'" H o a °� a^ `�,°, =' to d "There was no time to be lost, so by 42 a N P4 8 � a r, a oC S " 1 a Colonel Burnes' instructions Kalakaua war 'r a °. .a A o o • W ° I 2 'tC H i quickly divested of his royal costume, 3 b d j 9.x,00 3P9Et W which was promptly donned by the big Mis-. sourf representative. Colonel Burnes was , —_ of dark complexion --quite so—and he didn't BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT make a half -bad Sandwich islander when I . he nalia.stood usta s t in all the fugal pleted the CatarrhIi CORRESPONDENCE. nails. Just as the toilet was completed the I train rolled it to the Union depot at Kansas City. It was quite dark, but there was ad S a blood disease. Until the poison to' We will at all times be pleased to immense crowd of people who had assem- I expelled from the system, there can, receive items of news frons our Bub- bled to see the island monarch. When be no cure for this loathsome and scribers. We want a good corres- Colonel Burnes stopped will, stately tread dangerous malady. Therefore, the only' p)onderat in every locality, not already on the rear platform of the Pullman the effective treatment is a thorough course represented, to send us RELIABLE news. crowd, outside cheered lust fly. The Colonel of Ayer's Sarsaparilla -the beat of all castafierce look at the multitude and their blood purifiers. The sooner you begin commenced to utter the most reunarkab•u the better • delay is dangerous. SUBSCRIBE, its. string of jargon I evict heard. I.:,u 111 TCL, i. I was troubled with catarrh for over all laughed until we were almo.,1 J.,ad but two years. I tried various remediesor o, Patrons •tolto do not rec6ve their Colonel Burnes remained its syiomn as an and was treated by a number of ph sf- wafer regularly front the carrier or owl. The speech tools iw"icu oly, will v. -ben clans, but received no benefit until I thrJugh their local post ofjces` will with adignifiedwave ofthul:.,.id1..t.Cu:uu,A began to take Ayers Sarsaparilla. A ceased, his audience cheered its:• to the echo few bottles of this medicine cured me of confer a favor by reporting at this and gazed with admiration manly this troublesome complaint and'com- o.#ce at once. Subscriptions M.6V proportions of the supposed Kirit;, pplotely restored my health." -Jesse M. commence at any tints. In majestic silence Culout.i Bol sfan,l B eggs, Holman's Mills, N. O. until a moment or ttvo !uwr t• u - ; tr:dn "When Ayer's Sarsaparilla was rec- pulled out, and I supposo t..,'.i ; r - - • ommeuded to me for catarrh, I was in- I ADVERTISERS. hereto this day who be;iev,! u. ­­,, „ clined to doubt its efficacy. Having , tried so many remedies, with little ben - King Kalakaua tall' in I ik .. ..:AdfBrtiAnrs iCirl prlectse hear in mirtd u I'll never forget," coniflued the v,,w!,•:.: eflt, I had no faith that anything would llrcat ill "r'hc<ttge8" of advertisements, 'cure me. I became emaciated from loss to Pnsrtr•e insertion should be handed • Colonel Lhiriies appuarant.-O „ ^'. of appetite -and impaired digestion. I , , casino, soil I can see ilio, n, .. had nearly lost the sense of smell, and in not laler• than MONDAY NOON of re-ento•iuq the car and , ' •:a:• my system was badly deranged. I was each 'cosh:. Silence for LL moment, liv •' to hi: about discouraged, when a friend urged I laughing friends awl said: '!'• -;.'p ,ttn't me to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and re- I --- you think after that I'm ehtlta•y to a ferred me to persons whom It had cured I (JECULATION. drink?' of catarrh. After taking half a dozen CRAWFISH THOMPSON. A Coloradoan \Vho Practices a Peculiar Style of Locomotion. Atthe Inter Ocean lust eveuil!g i;'. C. Hart, the well-known geologist. uiA ext,:n- sive gardener, whose home L lwar,Fvcrt Collins, Col., was ougaged in p, ,neral con- versation with half a dozen guests of the hotel and a Cheyenne (ICy. T.1 LI aver owl, when he incidentally mentioned th. e of Crawfish Thompson. "Who in the world is Crawfi-h Thom},• eon'i" inquired one of the nstow rs. . . "Didn't you ever hear of Crav; (inn Thomp- soul" was the interrogative reply of both Mr. Hart and another• Coloradoan. The re- taaining member of the .party reDlied in the negative, and Mr. Hart, who is a talker of the order denominated "smooth," was pressed to tell the story. He said: `•it. S. Thompson, or Crawfish, as he Is called in the Poudre valley, Is a_prosperous granger who owns and manages a splendid farm and orchard located a fev miles from Fort Collins. A sight of the man estab- d,hed Ilia title to the sobriquet of Crawfish. 'Phis applies to his method of locomotion, for, strapge as it may appear, he always walks L,hckward after the manner of the Crustacea whose name has been thrust upon the old grntleman..The peculiar affliction is the re- sult of natural causes, and is not a whim or crazy notion. When Thompson was a boy lie gave great promise of becoming a noted athlete and employed experienced trainers to prepare him for physical contests. He was partial to pedestrianism, and for a long time seemed invincible in endurance events. It was after a walk of forty-eight hours that his ankles failed. The members were operated upon by eminent specialists, but the lost strength could not be restored.. Thompson accidentally discovered that he could walk backward without pain and in- dustriously practiced that style of travel- ing. He has become quite proficient and easily keeps pace with the ordinary walker. The misfortune is more troublesome on the farm than in town, but the farmer's healthy sons save him many steps. In walking Thompson's head is always inclined side- ways, and be rarely collides with an ob- struction. Museum managers have impor- tuned the man to exhibit himself, but he prefers to remain at home." ' • HER MUSE'S CAREER. It Produced $ix Linos of Poetry and Gave Up Its Ghost: The Washington (D. C.)` Critic thus tells of a young lady whose only "poem" made a Ut: A very bright girl, the daughter of a Con- gressman, and well known in Washington society during the past winter, is a great reader of poetry. "I love poetry," she said, the other day, •'and I would give any thing if I could write It." "Did you ever try?" asked her compan- ion. > "Never but once," she said, hesitatingly and with a poetic blush; "never but once, and that ended my muse's career forever. I was in school then, and the teacher in- sisted upon every girl Inthe rhetoric class writing a poem itin for next recitation day. I P y couldn't do it, and avowed I wouldn't, but she insisted, and finally I just had to." "What was the poem?" inquired her friend, cautiously. But the caution was of no avail, and she refused to divulge for some time. but at last gave up. 'Well, if I must, I must, I suppose, so bereft goes: ',Now fancy my delight, ' For I am asked to write A poem for the rhetoric class today. My only hesitation , To do this for recitation Is that I haven't thoughtoi one darned word to any., "Wasn't it awful?" Rho continued; "but the worst of it was the teacher made me recite it before the whole school. But it brought down the house," and a very s8tis- fled expression fell over her face. The Ways of Providetic A Chicago baby has just been born with a full setof teeth. Chicago steak, as well as every thing elso in Chicago, is exceedingly tough, and this Is another evidence that the Lord tempers the shorn Iamb to the wind. tr bottles of this medicine, I am convinced I HE \ EWS-RECORD has a larger that the only sure way of treating this obstinate disease is through the blood." I rir sedation• than arty 01her paper in -Charles H. Maloney, 113 River at., this section, and as can advertising Lowell, Mass, medium has fere equals in Ontario. Sarsaparilla, Ayer'S PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass, rice $1; Glx bottles, $5, Worth $5 it bottle. TO THE' F:ARMIFERS. • Study Your ow!i interest and go whePe you can get Reliable 04 Rarne"S.Kql I manufacture none hilt tic Basr of SMIX. Beware of shops that sell ehcap, as they hove got to live, ar Call rind got prices. Orders by mail promplyattendtsl to, HARNESSE-NIM1fUhf,ZBLYTII, OtNT. Dlamond Tea,. ,, �_ 'file 011ly d;eulnine, Safc cure. Just what the people want, for the following reasons: -1st, because it iA 4 heap; 2nd, Durable; 3rd, Effectual; 9th, it is Nilture'a Own Remedy; 6th, it is envy to take, and young and old, rich and poor. must and will have it, told calinot do without it. Superior lu every way to am• Blood or Liver Medicine on the market, with hundreds of bwia tido Te,timonhtis to back it up. The folio-ing trom one of Clinton's best citizens will suffice : ' Clinton, August 28th, 1889. After suffering for years with Dyspepsia and its dire effects after eating, I have at last found the "pearl of greiat price to me" in the shape of "DIAMOND 'PICA,". which nukes life worth living, and can heartily recommend It to auffering humanity as a remedy unequalled. A. COIiC11, Butcher. 21i"Ask for DIA NIONDTEA and take no other. At your Druggists, 25 and 601, Cents* Wholesale by W. D. EDWARDS, Chld Agent for Canaila, 697 -Sm London. HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT, Situated on the West side of Victoria street, comprising seven rooms and kitchen with appurtenances thereto belonging Coal for sale. JNO. MoGARVA.• PROPERTYFOR SALE OR TO RENT. A cottage on Albert St., lately occupied bed d rooms r. James Hoorn. i'ip'e h parlor, dining room, kik-hen, summer kiduu tchen and pantry. Hard and Raft water. Stable and fruit trees. There are throe lots on Maple Street stand >, besides the one on which the cottage q , making an acre of ground In all. The Cottage and one lot will bo sold separately if desired and on reasonable terms. Possesslon given at once. Apply to MRS. THOMAS CnOPER. Clinton, Sept. 2nd, 1889. b67-tt. A NICE HOME AT A BARGAIN.—Eight acres of land with a select orchard of choice apple trees; comfortable house and stables ; adjoining "e - rich township. Apply to B. i,. DOYLEIG tie rich_ - BILI, HEADS, NOT1 H e.da, Letter heads, 1'rags Statements, Circulars, Business Cards, Envelopos, Programmes, etc., etc.,printel, in Is workman like manner and fit low fratea. THE NEWS -RECORD OtRct- MILBURN'S AROHA'l'1C l4m- INE WINE fortifies the system a- gainst attacks of ague, chills, bilious Stever, dumb ague and like troubles Re'J.Ptr,`tife_1i 1 ' • ^ n Our boobs are opera to those who . mean business. — .1011 PRINTING. The Job Department of this jour- nal in one of the best eyUQ)ped in Western Ontario, and a superior class rf tvorle is guaranteed at very lona pr•lceir. 1. We call they speoial attention of Post wasters and �nbscriburs to the follo,,vin ,ytlopsis or the newspaper laws :- 1-A postmaster is required to give notice Iry herran (returning a paper does not answer thelaw) whop a subscriber does not take his paper out of the cities, and State the reason lin• its not being taken. Any neglect to do so makes the postmaster responsible to the publishers for paym, nt. 2 -If any person or0ers his paper dis- 3outinued, he must pay all arrcarpges, o the publisher may continue to send it until payment is made, and collect the I whole amount, whether it be taken from ilio office or .not. There can be no legal discontinuance until the payment is made 3 -Any person wbo takes a paper from the post-ullice, wbebher nfrected to his acme or another, or whether 'he has sub. ac0bed or not, is responsible for the pay. 4 -If a subscriber orders his paper to N stopper( at,a certain time, and the publish er continues to send, it the subscriber : bound to pay fill- it if he takes It out of this post -office. This l,roceeds itpon the ground that a man inpust pay for what he use: r� flW-In the Division Court in ("oderich at the govember sitting a newspaper put - fisher sued for pay of paper. The defend- ant objected paying on the ground that he had ordered a former proprietor of the parer to discontinue it. The Judge held that that was not a valid defence. The plaintlll', the present In•eipnetor, had no noti:e to discoutinne an, consequently could collect, although it was not denied that defendant had notified former pro- prietor to discontinue, In any event defenaut was bound to pay for the time lie had received the paper and until he had paid all arrears (Inc for subscription. a d «- • to k ■ .o M M 1= 0:) av 00Od J®�s^ak W 0ge�ii iv:maa nit fro Q OM °b 9010 0 e D Npp Iq W a r- C Do 9 vi .tit G 1 4 i•q �J1.J w 03 0 .r 6 G 9 u •.. 0'^ :[ � 0 ��RaQ W U Cd .� a) y t-' t d M 0 tL E4 P4.1r 0 o>;i ni U .4'. WE �,� a. " it.1 "' (n fA ;L, r� . ' L4 a vaf a ,7' .fir U O mrd e b 11 a 0.0 I ..e3�3i lEV". ..,.pw , ..,....x,.x�a..t .. :'�3..,c:��.e. e'1J'i..n..�,k@i A�- ,, % ss .' .;,