HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-10-16, Page 3The Huron News -Record $1.5D A Ye*tom-$1.201n Advance. tar The malt dues not do justice Co his business who ponds taro ra atipertiretn than hp dues in rent.—A. T. STEweRT, the utiltiunairs merchant of New Yurk. Weduesday. Or', 16th. 1889 'But your real name 4' 'Lost—lost along o' the wah.' -Hankins turned and winked in the direction of the hotel. I saw hits, and I said to myself, `Perhaps his wits too are lost on account of and 'along of tho with.' - After a few more questions I saw that it Wag nu more use to iuterro- bate hit.. further. Cuucurning hi.t great calamity, Job ILeulcius wits silent as the grove, aud siloutor, for a grave will have its head -stone, and will give tis curious survivors a few dates. Those I asked seemed to know nothing of Jub Hankins aud his sad misfortunes. how had ever heard his ualno. Oue old darkey whom 1 inet—a iunner in a drug store—said, after stretching his head vainly, 'I reckon dura was a Job Henkins wno died efts' (lo with fru' takin' too much atscuic iuttid o' sody, by mistake; dar ain't no odder Job in town, mem.' Going to the post -office, 1 inquir• ed of a port gum -chewing Miss, '1)o you know of twy Job Ilenkins V 'No'p,' she answered, chewing. 'Dial you ever hear of him and his di uadf u1 calamity V ,Nop \Vho would know—du you know V 'No'r.' 1 besought fay huebaud to tied out, awl lie reported afterward that he had made uumorous inquiries. " There ain't nu sick a person,' ' he said, quoting ; ' and I stn quite sure your 'Job 1-lenkins' is as mythical a porsouage as Mrs. Martie.' ' And you claim to be a lawyer, and to know everything !' I excL•tim- ed, vexedly, i10 unty laughed. Wo were in Norfolk partly for pleasure, but chiefly ou bueiUes8. My husband's connection with the Attoruey-General's office at Wash- ington led hitt to bo sent to look into several clatters of goveruulont business at the old Virginia seaport. Tho night wo were about to take our departure a seedy gentleman of large portly habit, dressed its au ill- fitting, old fashioned 'swallow -tail' coat and white choker, and carryiug in his hand a shiuy, awed-woru beaver hat, came Ile tlpon the piazza of ,ester - hotel, bowiug profoundly, and froth, his expression of import ance, evidently upon a Mission of great purport. . Colonel Bloodgood not only re- tained the old-fashioned swallow- tail and the white choker and black stock of other days, but his niannora also savored of ante-bellum times. He was exceedingly polite to me; bowing, first on one foot and theu on the other, fit least four tithes, hoping that madam was well, hop- ing .that madam would pardon hie intrusion, hoping that madam did not mind a • ' cigyar' out-of-doors, hoping that madam would not dis- turbherself while he and her hus- band discussed a matter of busi- ness We had heat(' of the doughty colonel as 0 recent addition to the Norfolk lar. He had come down from a shall iuterior Virginia vil- lage, where pettifogging had ceased to be profitable, to the seaport, 'whore his burning eloquence, his flights of oratory, his impudence; ,lis ora rotundo manlier, had made 'him the delight and the butt of the town. ' We had been told of several practical jokes perpetrated upon him by his briefless associates—of a mock trial, in which he was gravely tried and found guilty of breach of promise; of a candidacy for justice of the peace—over which the town had hardly yet ceased laughing,sand we wero prepared to receil'e the colonel in a spirit of friendly inter- eet. My husbaud has come to expect that every Southern gentleman whom he sleets will have some sort of a claitn, good, bad, or indifferent, against the government, and arising in some way out of the late war. Ile betrayed uo surprise, therefore, when Colonel Bloodgood, after a number of preliminary excursions +Concerning the weather, poii1ice, and tho attractive ftttere; o1' Nur folk, plunged .in media rex, and stated that ho wished to have a few plain words coucorning certain im- portant matters of public notoriety with the representative of ' that government which is founded on justice, on right, its the Northern Seward had remarked, upon the higher law." Colonel Iiloodgoofl had sot hie broad -brimmed, well worn beaver hat upon the floor beside his chair, and in it, be placed his red bandanna. As ho grew heated in conversation he reached down and groped for his hankerchief, and when he had found it, swashed it over his mighty forehead in a frenzy of oratory. His face was flabby, and as he talked his cheeks shook liko jelly with the fooling and fervor he threw vt into his words. He wore a thin mustache and imperial ; }lis hair was lung, and he carried it with great ,nouutainous wave up over his high, dome -like forehead, and down behind his ears, until it almost reached his shoulders. At his waistcoat there hung a huge chain and seal, which occasionally he jangled between thumb and finger as he talked. I wish to express, sah, to you, representing the guv'Inent a8 you do—" Here my husband nervously denied all authority to speak for the government save in a very vague and general way. ' I want to say, sab, that coming 88 you do, sah, from that great centre of law aud ordah, the seat of the guv'tueut of the U-nited States, sah, and boiu' connected with the equitable and legal powers of that guv'uaeut, sah, that your statement, sah, will have weight contorting matters and things. Yes, sah, weight !' Again my hush mil uttered a feeble disclaimer. A vast wave of Colonel Blood - good's vast right, arra. ' Don't deny it salt. And modesty is_ a virtue which mightily becomes a maid, but rarely adds a fiatte• ing touch, sah, to roan. As I was sayin', sah, of tho claims which have beeu placed in my hands agaiust the U-nited States, I will, with your permission, sah, and pro• vidod madam will not regyard my intrusion upou you at this time as entirely unwellati'ted—I will, sah, first speak of those claims irisin' out of an' by an' on account of the Federal throot's, salt, at N uIrik, My husband iut.orrnpted nervous. ly. ' 1 don't want to hefts' about them,' he said. ' I ant sure 1 can't be of any service. Congress itttonds to them. Are there nu claims of a different character requiring ,some judicial preliminary examination V A polite stare on part of the colonel. It is your wiah, then, yo' houaht to take up a different class of cases?' rjt hesbiand smiled at the slip which applied to him tho judicial ermine and character, and nodded. `'Then, yo' honah, I will put one side the claims of several distin- guished citizens who have empower- ed me to act for them in regyard to the occupatiou of Nuti'lk by the Federal throops, an' 1 will cone at once to the case of the claim of 11r. Job lienkins, au eminent citizen, who lost, it may be said, his all, by, through, and on account of the neg1eci;fcarltlessuoss, and harmful inteutiou of the U nits& •Status guv'ment. , Yes, sah,!' I pricked up Lily ears and leaned forward as I heard the name of Job Hen-kius mentioned. Was I not to learn bow it happened that the loss occurrrd Seeing lee becoming interested, as well as several people at the hotel who drew near, Colonel Bloodgood sat hick in his chair and squared himself, as it were, for a great effort. The Southern petti- fogger is always ready prepared for a stunip•specch. Wake him up at any time of the night, and he will open his mouth aud address his ' feller -citizens" upon almost any known topic. Colonel Bloodgood wa8 no exception to the rule, See- ing several interested listeners gathered, he opened his month very wide, talked very loud, and looked fiercely at my husband and me, as if wo were the government, and_ it was we who were interfering in the course of justice and truth and what not. A !ranging his bandanna over his knot', he began : 'Yo'- i -•uah, Job i-ienkius, a worthy &:. vain of Nuff'lk, has come to Ino, also a humble citizen, and iudeed iia, . his connection I May say that, t: .:•ever gratifying to my- self may l • my standing at the bah of this city; I ask for no higher honah and no greater reward than to be called in life and after the willow shall weep o'er my grave it humble citizen ! [A. pause for effect] I say, yo' honah [my bus - baud had uow become a judge aud the rest of us a jury to Colonel Bloodgood], ho has come to mo to intercede for him with that guv'- ment which pretends to echo the cry of justice and right from the tall sycamores of Virginia to the forest vales of the Sierra Nevadas ! An' by all that is sacred, yo' honah, by the sacred fires of old Virginia, by the ashes of her dead sons, which lie scattered over her plains and valleys, and cry with continual outcry, ' Give us jus -tido !' by tho alter fires of our fore-fttthors— ' Well, what is tho nature of Job llenkins's chin 4' asked my hus- band, interrupting, end gazing at his watch. A look of mute expostulation from the colonel. ,Job lloukins's olaim, sah,' he said, in a lower voice, as if corning to himself, and awakening out of scute gorgoisus day -dream of altar fires, forefathers, and ashes of Vir- ginia's sons—'Job Ilonkins's against the guv'mcnt of the United Status, which has boon placed in my hands for attention. rusts upon all the principles of our glorious Co: stitn- tion, an' upon all the fundamental statoots of our written law, an' upon all the priucerpuls of that higher z4.tpwritteu law which your Northern Seward--. My husband gave a nervous ges- ture of impatience. 'Have a cigar, colonel V he said, handing hien an often case, which the latter abstract- edly closed aud, to my husband'a evident consternation aud chagrin, placed in an inuer pocket of his swallow -tail and continued : '—that higher law, higher than the Constitution, higher than the body of law its the books, yo' bonah —upon the principles written there, an' rout its the books, toy client seeks for redress and palliation. But let nue state the fox.' The colonel waved his bautlauua and blew his nose. 'Shortly after the wah—it may have been a period of two years— Job Heuhius, with hie father au' mother, who supported hint, moved into the g'azid old patriarchal State of Virginia frorn the State of North Carolina. They moved with ung mule valued at sevouty•five dollars, ono set o' harness valued at ten dollars, nue cook -stove valued at fifteen dollars, ono bedstead wuth four dollars, au' a waggiu wuth fifty dollars. They Moved, we will say for the lot, two hundred dollars' wuth from the State of North Caro- lina the grand old patriarch +1 State of Virginia, oat to mention their - solves, the most valuable part. of their load," A pause. "They was of good old North Carolina stock, au' it was a proud day, 1 reckon, for Virginia, an' a proud day fur Nufl'Ik, when, drawd along, yo' honah, by that mule wuth seventy- tive dollars, they came over tho hills an' &twit un these 'ere sands. 1 think I hear some ono say they was po'! [No ono idol opened his bend, but the colouol was an adept in uraturical effects ] l'u'2 Yes, they was poi! Po' in ;his world's goods, . may fren, p0' in all 'cupt character, an' honesty, an' persever- ance, an' hope, an' its all that which makes the citizen of old Virginia. known an, respected the world over. kV! Yf's;—that uinlo didn't fetch Over the Inountaill diatuuuc1s, brace - lots, gold coin, silver, jewels. No; ho fetched three spluud' specimens of old North Carolina stock, its a waggiu wuth, I say, about fifty dol- lars. That's what he fetched.' My husband arose and paced the piazza nervously. ` An' the sad feature of this case was it was all they had in the great, vast, awful world. For they had been sold out, yo' honah, by the sheriff. Thick of it. Sold out of their old North Carolina home—a home where Job, supported by his parents, bad lived as a b -o -o -y 1' (Handkerchief. The colonel aotu• ally sobbed.) ` So they came to Null"lk as a refuge—the old roan, his wife—an estimable chawrniug lady—a, lady, by Jove, who would have graced any s'iety—a father, sah, who would ha' been a noted purveyor of projuee in Null"lk had he lived, beiu' as ho was acquaint- ed witit agriculture in all its forms. I put their lives down j'intly an' separately as wutit to Job ten thou- sand dollars, yo' houah.' ' One moment, Colonel Blood- goods- Were tho parents also a part of the loss V "Tho main part, yo' -honah, as you will seo, being valued at over a hundred times the loss ou the other articles. \vhen No..hemiah Henkins, valued et $6000, an" Phillipina, valued at $1000, separ- ately an' j'iutly at $10,000, as afore- said—mind you they supported Job —when they arrove in N'hfr'Ik they found it quite impossible to obtain a house, sah,• so they were forced against their will to ramp out, as it were, upon tho old battle -ground over the hill by the forts—the spot, I reckon you .• will know, where the earthwuks were raised by tho Con- federate troops in '62, sah, about a toile from tho post -office, sah. 'I wish to p'int out in my argy- mint they was on the spot, 'sah, by no intention of their own, but by accident alone, sieithoutt their fault. 'While waitin' there—camping out, as one may reckon, an' hopin' for su'rnpen to turn up au' bring back the lost family honors and fortis—they made, sah, an hones' livin' by shovel's' the ole battle• groun' to visitors, au' p'intin' out the chief p'ints o' notoriety about the forts ; an' Mrs. Henkins—a lady, by Jove, of most chawtuiug man- ners, as 1 ant informed, sah—Mrs. Ilenkins added to the family stip- end by taking in a light washing. 'One day—let nue hasten to the dire catatropl]e—about ten o'clock in the morning ;pit may have been o Tuesday; no, it wasa Friday—' 'Oh, no matter!" i exclaimed, impatiently, feeling that the colonel was at last about to reveal all that I so longed to hear. With a graceful wave of his hand to lee, the colonel resumed : Ono day they discovered in the fields what may be termed au object of interest --an old bum -shell, sah ; which, sah, wo can prove, yo' honah, we air certain sure, sah, was fired by an' out of a tI edited States !Min -boat with malice pros, bse, sah—yoe, sah. An ol•d, rusty, unlusted bum -shell, had been 'rigivally fired by the iJ-nited States gov'mont at the Con- federate troops, sah, behind their oai•thwu'ks, an' ice air prepared with our proofs. They diskivered this gtR 'ere buns -shell at, shunt 10 o'clock its the morning, salt. Mr. Ileziklult Hankins slue; it ton the grouts', an placed it fitter hie n'taegiu at. 10.30. At 12 at. tht'y, the Mule, the cuok- stovt', the teat—evt'rethiu' ells in heaven 1 Everythin' but Job, alio was ell' to a parade its Nunf'Ik. An' this is flow it happened : "I[ezikiah, proud as he was u' Jub, lunged, 1aa tt rather will, to give his son more opportunity. He longed to give the lad money, but, Mars ! be had none to give. I caru't give yu dollars,' slid Heztkiela,'but ken givt. I ye advice, paler'] tl abet lion, au' a coiul"t'ble home. I ken give ye 'nuff t' eat, an' ya ken live like a gentleman. 1 reckon, toy son, as it'll be a proud day for your father when I see you• un' a sittin iu the hansom u' . the Nuff'Ik hotel, yes. feet up, tit' you a-nokin' acigyar lilts to gentleman. sl 1 es, I ken du this for ye ; nu Blore !' 'ilut to return. Mr. Honkies seein' an opportunity for to soil the buitl sholl, an' al-l•urd his sun more pocket -motley, ho took the relic outon the waggiu, tel' set it in the oven u' the couk•stove fetto dry. '•T,ras un f► Muudal'. Mrs. l[eu- kiu's wa.shiug was a b'iliu' hard its the b'iier, un' the fire in the cook• stove was a 8urgitl'nn' a 1.Oarin' an a roariil', sah ! Tho fiery cloutout was soutiu'' up the stove pipe, stilt, an' cumin' out at the top, sill. Au' when Mr. (leukins he sot the bum shall its the uvea au' closed the door, Lo turned to his wife—au elegant lady, by Juve, as dem uwing as any Ludy its the Lind—lie turned to Ler wall a :unlit-. Said he, 'Gin that bunt shell cleaned up au' pol- ished, + ied, uu the wet mud &sled alt, un' we kin sell it, an' Job kin have a luetlo mute Money for to wake him tuute like it real geut!t;urut, 1 re- ckon.' 'Now, thou, hero stood the mule uu' waggiu, wuth $125; here was the evuk•stuve, say $12 ; hero was Ilezikiwh ; mu' here, a-washin' at her tub, stood Mrs. lleulc• fuss' 'The Cele -feel drew on the fluor beret him an imaginary diagram, 'Like lightuiu' from a clave sky, like a tidal wave, like the fall o' the temple at Jerusalem when Samson bed hold o' the pillars, like a sudden earthquake, that durned burn -shell fired by the U-nitod States guv'ntent bust! Yes, salt, the durued thing bust, sah. Au' Alen the smoke Glared away, where was the mule, an' the waggin, au' Ilezikiah ; ,alt' where was that amiable mother, a monleut before beudin' to her wash? By Jove, sah, they was all in huvon ! Not au atom, an loth, a dot loft ! All gone, all perished—cook-stove an' all—all cleaned right off the face u' the earth, loavin' a bare spot behind. That's all.' A. solemu pause, aud • the colonel began, its a lower voice ; 'An' • we ken prove that that bun - shell was throws& into that spot by the IJ -sited States with the intent to kill. 'When Job 041110 home from the parade that day, what a sight met his gaze ! There Wag uuthiu' left ; fatter, mother, Mule, wagon, cook - stove, tent, lixiu's—all gone to glory. An' by all the law an' the Coustitution, to destroy a family in time of peace, without negligence on their part, is agiu' all rules of inter- national• law, sah. Intagiue my client's feelin's to find his sole sup- port taken out from under him in such a dere meats way by the guv'- merit ; to .conte home an' find ho had lost overythin' dear to hitu on earth by a hum -shell ! Not a bit o' property left. No. All destroyed 1 th" wicked, cruel, uncalled-for n:t of Ilia guv'meut its time of I+stone, "The 'mule—his carcass was blow'd forty rods on to a veighborin' hill. Iloziltiali—his hat was found down on the shore. Mie' Henkins—they couldn't find 'null o' her to make a decent funoril." The colonel paused, wiped his furejload with his bandanna, drew his chair near to that of my husband aud whispered :—"An' Dov wo want you to give us damages" --(in a loud shote) "DAMAGES ! Who can bo 1'uu d who has stuttered more on account of the wale titan po' Job Ilenkins 1 Ye carn't restore that mule ; ye corn't give him now parints, I reckon ; but ye can give hilt dollars. Ten thousaud five hundred dollars! That's our claim, an' we wait for our money." It was a relief to have that great voice cease, end those great arms stop their gesticnlatious, So this was Job ileukiu's engirt. Amid the ill concealed laughter of the spectators the colonel bade us gtogd night.• an+l slowly.. took his departure, satiefiod entirely with my husband's ptonlise to see that the "government at Washington would look into it." {Catarrh is in the blood. No cure fol; this loathsome and dangerous disease is possible until the poison is thoroughly eradicated from the sys- tem. I''or this purpose, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the ,best and most economical medicine. Price til. Six bottles, $5. Worth $5 a bottle. --The jury in the case of Morri- son, the Megantio outlaw, returned a verdict of manslaughter. 810E88 DIRECTORY • gett4i$tca. G. H. 000K, Licentiate of Dental Surgery, Honor Grm'mt,te of the Toronto School of Dentistry. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered fur the painless extraction teeth. Office—Over Jackson's Clothing Store, next to Post Office, Clinton. to Night Bell answered. sees DR REEVE. Office -"Palace" Brick Block Rattenbury Street, Residence opposite the Temperance Hall, Huron Street. Coroner for the County of Huron. 010 hours from 8 a.m, to 0 p, m. Clinton, Jan.14, 1881. fry DR. GUNNI W. Gunn, M. DV.. It. C. P. Ediuhuigh L. R. C. 8. Edinburgh Licenciete of the Midwifery, Ldiu, Office, on 1.'ornerllof Onbuio and William Sts., Clinton. 478.y. P. �egltl. OWENS & JOHNSON, Bar'r'isters, ill's., ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. AND QUEEN`STREET, - BOTH E. W. J. OWENS. T. F. •ION SO N MANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, 4•r,., ELLIOTT'S BLCOK, - CLINTON. Money to Loan. A. 11. MANNING. JAS. SCOTT. IIOW Alt It NORMAN LEW1S, Barrister, Sol Icit.ir in high Court, Conveyancer, &c., Gudurich cunt Bayfield. Money to loan at five and mne•hal1 per cent on two third margin. Ilay• fleld Office open every 'Thursday from 9.30 to 4.80 its Swartz' hotel block, opposite nitisiun Court Oaiee. 466tf EAGER tt MORTON, BarristerP,.f•c.,dr , God• oriel' and w'inghaui. C. Seager, Jr., Goderich J. A. Morton WINO:tin. 1-ly. DAVISON S JOHNSTON, Law, Chanecry,and Conveyancing. Office -West Street, next .loor to Post Office, Goderich, Out. 57. C) C. HAYS, Solicitor, J:c. Office, corner of 1 \r Square tut' west Street, over Butler's Book $lore, Goderich, Ont. 07. It2' Money to lend at lowest rates of interest, Et CAMPION, llarrister,Attorney, Solicitor in t1. Chancery, Conveyancer, S.c. Office over Jordan's Drug Store, the rooms formerly oeou pied by Judge Doyle. RAI' Any amount of money to loan at lowest rates of interest. 1•1y. lUsttsotteeriug. *I. W. ALL, A UCTIONEER for Huron County. Sales ut• (-\ tended to in any part of the County. Ad. dress orders to GODRRIcIt P 0. V•17. CHAS. 11AM i LTON, �UCTIONEER, land, loan and insurance agent Blyth. Sales attested in town and country, )n reasonable terms. phit of farms and village lots for sale. Money to loan on real estate, at low rates of interest. ' Insurance effected no all classes of property. Notes and 'debts collected. Goods appraised, and sold nn rommiselon. Bank- rupt stooks bought and sold. Blvth. i)ec. 16, l00 Photographer s GLINTGN.- Life Size Portraits a Specialty. +t.,, CHARLES F. 3L 31eGREGOR, Vet f • `'` erinary Physician and Surgeon, Hun• orary Member Ontario Veterinary Medical Society, Treats all diseases of domesti- cated animals. Voterivary Dentistry a specialty. Charges moderate. Oltiec-one door east of Tull NEws•ltacoao office, Clinton. 540-314, .1. E. 11LACKALL, Veterinary Surgeon, honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, treats diseasesof all domestic animals on the Most modern and scientific principles. Calls attended to night or day. Office iuuuedi Hely west of the old Royal Hotel, Ontario street. Residenec— Albert street, Clinton. 549-Jm Clinton Marble -Works, HURON STREET, CLINTON, W. H. COOPER, Jr., Manufacturer of an dottier in all kinds of Marble & Granite for Cemetery Work at figures that defy competition Also ,manufacturer of the Celebrated ARTIFICIAL STONE for Building pur- poses and Cemetery Work, which must be seen to be appreciated.—A11 work warranted to give satisfaction. Mckillop Mutual Insurance Co, T. KHANS, NARLOCK GENERAL AGENT.1 isolated town and village property, as well as farm buildings and stock, insured. DisrIranous effected against stock that may he killed by lightning. IP you want Insurances drop a card to the above address. 50214 Goderich Marble Works Having; betig11t crit Jose.Plr VANN'roNlt, in Goderich, we are now prepared to fur nish, on reasonable terms, IPEADSTONES AND MONUMENTS. (GRANITE A SPECIALTY. We are prepared to sell cheaper than any other firm in the county. Parties wanting anything in this line will find it to their interest to reserve their orders for us. ROBNRTSON; k BELL. May 17th, 1888. 392.3m kitorte,g to ger Il. RIONEY to load in large or ,mull aunts on .Ll good Iuurtbbaguu ur 1.urbo118.t rcc11 1it3 ,d the lowest enrrent,ateb. 11. IIAt.E, 11tr,1, et Clinton. Clutton, Fch. 25, 16E1 1 MONEY. I,RlVA'1'E F';Nlrs to lend ti,'1'tit+n e1,1 f, un property. Apply to C.KIWI_ '1', Office, next Ntws-likew;u (up stadia, Ati ert i t 859 8,14 OMMINIMO TIIE 1)IIII1ZIIIVS BATK. Incorporated by Act of Parhau,tut, CAPITAL, . - . ee,ou0,eve REST, . - 51.000,0o Head Office, - - MONTREAL. THOMAS WORKMAN, President. J. IL It, MOLSON, Vice -President.' F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager Notes discounted, Collections made, Draft issued, Sterling and Auleriean ex- change bought and sold at low- est current rates.; isTERe,r AT 3 PEA CENT. A1.towtn, 10A 1 1,11,r0T FAR1VtERB_ Money advtun•ed to h"merson their a -wit bole . ith one or more ondnracrs. No mortgage re quire(' as security. February, 1334 H. C. BREWER, CLINTON 0 il,`,0111f. i.1NI '5 Lodge, Nu. 84, A. F. meats every Friday, ou or after the f,:I moon. Viait11 T :WV liar( n.n411allt invited. J. TO! NO, w. t'. .1. (•ALLANI•KR, Pc C!liuton. Jan, 14, 1881. 1- . L. 0. L. No. 710 by f •LA.<N'�d314� ,,mac/=., �`' sleets see":^.+ 31i ri,t, nt every f.an; ") month. 1L:11 lad 11;4, Vietm•ia, Lluuk. Visiting bretluuu alwe)s e tuude welcome. (1 y1°' w. . 831 t'i'll, W. 31 P. CAN'r131.0N, Sec. D. 13. C:UJ3I( ti, L•. Its \V� Jubilee Preceptor/ (1t/ac/ I:alir/ltt3 Of Ireland) Meets its the Clinton Orange 11a11, the verond Wednesday of every month, at 7.30 o'clock in the etcniug. Visiting sir knights will always •^Quite a hearty welcome. A. M. Toon, Worshipful 1 receptor Causer HAta.ty, Deputy Preeel.tur PtTER C:.tilll0i , Registrar Royal Black Preceptor)! 307, Black Infill/kts of Ireland, llceta lit the Orange Dual, 13130i, the Wedues• day after 1u11 moon of et cry mouth. , Royal Black Prece tar 3ibt Black Iira/;ll,ht of Ireland, Meets in the Or,uige 11u11, t;oderieh, Ile 'ibis Monday of every month. Visit.hag linights alway made welccaue. • JAMES WELLS, Preceptor, Saltferd P 0 'W It 31L'I(NLY, Registrar, Goderich P 0 (.LIN'1'ON KN 10II'I'S OF LA PA/1? Poems, third flat, Victoria Hock. Begot'. meeting every- 'i'hureday evening at 8 (Alec sharp. Visiting Knights made welcome. • FCji FIRST CLASS, HAIRCUTTING AND S1'114/1I C. Go to A. 11. EVANS. FAsi .iNABLE BARBER, 2 doors east of N lis(: -Ili n:n eF , lice. Special attention given to Ar,iE4 AVO C111 LOREN'S Haiictitt tllg. P0311/Fir Ult 11AlItCU'1"PING A Si'elAITY. MailornelaiIIIIMPEINNEEMEIS IOW FOR SALE. r�\IIE SUBSCRIBER of- fers for sale four eligible Building Lots fronting nn Albert. Street; air two fronting on Itattm,hnry Street: eihe5•ro, bloc or in separate lots, to snit purchasers. For further particulars apply tothe itndcrsi;l0(11 -.-A:. DINSLMY, Clinton. 3 "{�'^'. "• 'l — ROPE.RTY' L�011SALE 011 teees .Itl'NT.--Attvertisers ti ill nod "Thee ee w• Os1�,N Nes•Recrord" rale of the neat ,edill ms 111"7414 iu,the County of Huron. Advertise lit "The Ne+vs•ltceer11"--Th5 Double Circulation Talks to't'11ot,saMIS. hates as low as an). s J. G. STEVENSON, 'Furniture Dealer, &e. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite 'town Hall, - Clinton, On SALE BILLS. --T1, News Record has tan- serpassed f:+eilit11,1,r turning nut first•Q+ -" work at low rates. A free adcertl+Qun pt in Tho News Record with every set of sale bids. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE DI LIOUSNES& DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE, ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, DIZZINESS, DROPSY, FLUTTERING OF THE IIFART, ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, DRYNESS OF THE SKIN, And every species of disease artslnaa from disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH, BOWELS OR BLOOD, T. MILBURN & CO.. Proprl OR6NTO.