HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-10-16, Page 2• c�• est10 n 1 S It only a distressing complaint,Jof 1 itself, but, by cawing the blood to become depraved and the system en- feebled, is the parent of innumerable maladies. That .flyer's Sarsaparilla is the best cure for Indigestion, even when complicated with Liver Complaint, is proved by the Wowing testimony froin Mrs. Joseph' Lake,' of Brockway Centre, Mich.: - - "Liver complaint and indigestion made my life a burden and came near ending my existence. For more than four years I suffered untold agony, was reduced almost to a skeleton, and hardly had strength to drag myself about. All kinds of food distressed me, and only the most delicate could be digested at all. Within the time mentioned several physicians treated me without giving re- lief. Nothing that I took seemed to do any permanent good until I commenced the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which has produced wonderful results. Soon after commencing to take the Sarsapa- rilla I could see an improvement in my condition. My appetite began to return and with it came the ability to digest all the food taken, my strength im- proved each day, and after a few months of faithful attention to your directions, I found myself a well woman, able to attend to all household ditties. The medicine has given me a new lease of life." Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. I Price $1; els bottles, $5. Worth $5 a bottle.. the Huron News -Record si,Ja n Year -$1.45 in Advance. Ire 774' u1 --I r ,1'.nd :tot 210 j,1.d'ee ! hia huxlile:4$ tekd sp,'':1. Ars.: ,n r„l,z',•li..iri,a;l 7hrtr, lie (lot•x in rrn1. - \. 'i til:.., ,.. r, Ne; ,,,',l'o.,,trn .neerhanl e4lnte,m1; y. Oct Wilt ISS9 caNAjtIAN NE\\'ti 11',1:M, •.._\t',.1. 1.e,1,10r, 1'ott.ci< She;t,ly 'and 1`,'!11. 'l'nrubnll, jr , duet young men (;I:•tph f„t,'1,1 guilty of in• ossault upon Elizabeth Ifich- u!t..,t::, .. •: .,Illtene,.•11 ,1u! ' „111 ea,'lt to rrr,,'ive arty is=l.” ,1111:11'.; IL;t ,,v1111 UI illlp1.1,,ull• 1111'10. 1 ,: J of !Neral are mat i. f )ti Monday afternoon ; hotlt three u'el,Oih 211'• tion Lura ;tut :died owl uerl al:.1 occupied by ,J aloes ltuei.tuu, hire bullied, togoi;)1'1- with ail their contents, which iuolu,J:-'l dbaut 1,5111 busllt'ls of Guts, 5O.) btlilels of (wheat, a rltt"::;ti!1: of hay, some farming int- •• plenl"uta 011d three valuable. pigs. The e,au:-u Was 1 spark from a stunt tllieshing engine. -1)u Jlunday Morning the Rev. J. L' Roberti. went to the A. M. E. chulcil in Oakville to get some hymn hook, his daughters had left there the evening before, and while 1(3(011 ug lie was pounced upon by Cl..i(!n;;e, au,.1 John- Wesley \1',tllace, th't two throwing Lim down and 1'.'1'ling hint thete while tllt'ir i"vih I h,•ut flint over the bead and face wy;,l! ,t click which site cartit�tl. The reverend gentleman was pretty well bruised and cut frulu the blows 9 rt:ce.iw d, and on gaining his liberty., lest Lo time in swearing out w.,1-• r3Lts for thair unrest. The trio ap• peered hofole flavor Urquhart and W. 11. Young, P. DI., on Tuesday. ai'telno<n1. They pleaded guilty to the charge agaiunt°f held and were promptly fined $1 0 each and ends, amounting in all to $36.15, or ten days in jail. They paid their fines. -Harry Meddh'1101z, 31 Alio) of dudish appearance, has been working for about a year ill Wash• ington, and during that tin,ecuduoed no less than five young 'women. He mad the 111041 of his suave Inuuunrs and genteel appearance, and Ow foolish girls under promise of mar• riag.y were lured to barter away their huuur. It is et.atad that in Berlin and New Hamburg a string of his victims are left behind. Tar and feathers are too good for such a lecherous monster, and extreme pun)Ohnlent ought to be meted out to flim. if he was in the Southern "1 or \\(:stern States h'' would he lynched, and it. is to be regretted that he did not make one of these places the scene of his dastardly operations. Ile is supposed to be 'in hiding in I'rostou and the male relatives of the betrayed girls are hunting for him.--ih'autford Te1a- (p'(In1. -Esther Bowwan is a buxom lassie of perhaps 18 years and lives in West Brantford. Sho had a lover named William Carpenter. \\''illiani, when keeping company with her, borrowed in simple lover's fashion l'ather's ring and was wear- ing it when a quarrel occurred. When next the opportunity offered she asked him for rho bit of ,jewelry and was told that he had lost it. . Then thole was trouble. All the love alto had known 'for Viral had 'burned out n1,d she applied to the police, Who arrested Carpenter, and ho spent the night in the cells. The charge of larceny was dismissed but Esther fools that she is not like a girl who cannot find another "felball,'' and flounced out of the police (,11mi displeased because her quondam awe( theart was not severe - 1y punished, r FROM BAD TO WORSE. Scrofula leads to consumption. From three tq six bottl,sts of Burdock Blood Bitters will oure scrofula, salt rheum, erysipelas, boils, pimples, blotches, tetter, shingles, scald head, sore eyes, anti all skiu affections, by cleausing the system' and removing all impure matter that causes bad blood. -Jas. ]),ran, a Miunesotn farmer, has been missing poultry i'or „some tittle, anti. early one coming hist week he heard a commotion iu the hon house. He seized a gun, and, running to the door, saw iu the darkness something moving about II the hen house. e filed and killed his eight.year-uld sun. The boy was a somnambulist. SEVEIILY ATTACKED. I was severely attacked with tjiarrhura and vomiting, the pain was intense and I thought I could not live till mornln,g. . Six dOS?s of Dr, Fowler's 1Vihl Strawberry cured me and I have not had the least symptom of it since, Mits.Al.10E llc'Pstvs, Hamilton, out, —C. F. Carlson, a digger in mine No. 3 at Stoneboro, P1,, dropped d'y'ad last night. Ito was 1`..0 sun of a Swedish nobleman, ('311(1 1118 " owned hint on account of his Inarr----age to a peasant girl. Ile cattle lU th,s country and fur years has eked out a miserable axistcnce, work i ng at various jobs. 11 is father offered 10 restore hitt to fitvur if lie would abandon his wife, but Cau'l- euu stealiily refused all such offers. IIe Was heir to $45,000, which would have come to him on the death of his mother. It will now go to the eldest son. Ho was finely educated, but fast living and the 1!ck of n trade or profession com- pelled Lim to mine coal to support iiia wife. who, will) (w'0 children, survives -Rev. Il. Longley, who gained some 111101il•t)' at'I'el'0111U some time ago, and Dlrs.11,ou;;ley have gone 1,, ('l; ('1111,1, Ohio, whet!! Mr. ld,l',Tlev has ll„"I1 Called io the 101. ntu of a louping church. A. STRt1NG FULLtt\\'IN(t. Many tlisensestl'esult from neglect- ed constipation, such as Si' k head- ache, bad blood, foul humors, heart • harm, dizziness and general ill health. From one to three bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters is guaranteed to curs constipation and all diseases caused by irregularity of the bowels. -'l'he visible .apply of wheat in The United States and Canada shows all increase of nearly a million bushels for tale Week, but the supply is' 13,687,04)0 bushels Toss than at the 0011espondiug date. of ,last year. VICTORIA CARBOLIC SALVE is a Wonderful healing compound for cuts, wounds, bruises, burns, boils, piles, pimples, &c. -Two sudden deaths occurred at Winnipeg ofSunday. \ s. Mc- Caffrey, wife Of the steward of the Clarendon Hotel, was found dead iu her bell when he awoke in the morning, and the wife of Ald. TIargrave dropped dead while at 1101111.' In both cases death was attributed to heart disease. NEVER ALLOW the bowels to remain constipated lest serious evil ensue. National Pills are un- surpassed a9 a rernedy for co'nstipa'. tion. --A peculiar disease. has broken out among the cattle fu the Stone- wall district of Manitoba. TRIED! TESTED! PROVED I A year ago last summer 1 was trou• bled with dysentery. I procured Dr. howler's Extract of wild Straw- berry and took according to direc' tions, which completely cured me. ROBERT E. GREEN, Lyndhurst., Out. This medicine cures all looseness of the bowels. --The minister of Justice at Ottawa has decided that the Outario legislation incorporating certain as- sessment inSnrat)cn companies is in- valid. b MOTHERS who have delicate chil- dren can see thein daily improve and gain in flesh and strength by giving them that perfect food and medicine, .Sq:ott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, with Ilppnl,hosphiles. Dr. W. A. Hulbert, of Salisbury, Ills., says : "I haye used Scott's Emulsion in cases of Scrofula and Debility. Results most gratifying. My little patients 'take it with pleasure." Sold by all Drug- gists, 50c. and $1.110. --Sir .John Ross, Commander of the British forces in Canllda, has obtained a divorce from his wife. MILBURN'S AROMATIC QUIN- 1NE WINE fortifies the system a- gainst attacks of ague, chills, bilious fever, dumb ague and like trouble's -Mr. Hector McNaughton,, of the McNaughton Line, Harwich, died of heart disease the other morning. Tho deceased was out at- tending to his stock, and while throt+ing s01110 hay from a stack to feed his horses, he must have fallen forward and died without a strug . gib' HU PHRE.YS' VBTERINARY SPEOWiOt PDi' Bones, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Eogs, AND•PQULTRY. 1500 Pagers of kkhoa Treatment rani Free. mums Fevers, Congestions, Inflaiimation, A.A. i Spinal Meningitis, Milk Fever. D.B.--Strains, Lameness, Rheumatisut. O.C.--Distemper, Nasal Discharges. F.p..-Bots or Grubs, Worms. E...C.oughs, Heaves, Pneumonia. .F..- olio or Gripes. Bellyache. IG.G.- Mtscarriagc, Henratrrhages. H.S..-Urluary and Kidney Disease, i:I...Eruptive Diseases, Mange. J.K.--Disen,ses of Digestion. Stable Case, with Specifics, Manual, Witch Hazel 011 and Medicator. $9'.011 ..Price, Slagle Bottle (over 50 doses), o Sold by Druggists; or Seat Prepaid anywhere and in any quantity on Receipt of Price. Bumphreys' Med. Co., 109 Fultop st., N. Y. msollneor Amu 11Y7'1VLi'%TR7aTW SPECIFIC No. fi HOMEOPATHIC In use 30 years, nreottly successful remedy for Nervous Debility9 -Vital Weakness, and Prostration, from over -work or other causes. fit per vial or 5 vials and large vial powder, for es SOLDBZ DItUea36Ta, or sent postppaid on receiptoI price.-ltuw8b a 'ffiedlcluele., IUD Imam at., F. If. WELLS d.. RIC IIA iiDSON CO., Agents, MONTREAL. - AISIVEZOKININIA A 010 <'T!1Ikl1. A hi0 strike was mak ' whe” Powell At Davis issued their Extract ot• arsap- (trills and I1nr,l'o'k It has mot with great saccess, and 11 must, for it is the ,Nnat powerful blood purifier in the mar- ket,' tt is used with the grimiest suCC"ss in all diseases 11 isiu0 from a debilitated ond!ton of the system, and everyone needs, and sl)"old nae x bo,lle`uiw o at this se -situ of the year, of Powell's I',x- tract ofiars:'lou•illa and third •ak. Bear in mind 011e 50e. .but'!e '(ll:n1 15 llitn'e solid medicine than tn<ist dollar sit -called Saran-pa:ilia 0md bitters. Also remember that it i3 soli in Clinton by a;l 1irti gide, price 5013. a bottle. Sold by all drug- gists and medicine dealers everywhere. 443{Iv • --I;i�hl'rm p•at•e :t;;u this 1)1.11' 8111 1110 )41'1•21 111-11 11101311 1.111 1, ill Chitnlu _. .. A twill: To MI'.o'nimi... -A re )oil dl=- urbed 11C eight and broken of your 1(31 b 11. sick chilli .solf•etint_' and crying; with tomo ofCut tin" teeth? If so send rat once and eget It bottle of'')lrs \Viaelow's 80011/010 syrup' ter Children 'i'u.•Ihiug Its value is incalculable. it wit! relieve the poor ill Ile snlrer•,'l' immedio'e1, De- laet,d upon it, mothers ; there is Int 11,4,- tnl<e about it. it cures Dysentery enol Diarrhea, rernlatt's th,' titomach ru;d Bowels, cures wind (.'clic, . "Piens the (sums, reduces Inflammation, rand gives tone a11(1 energy 10 the et hole s(0tem. ',Mrs \1'iuslow''s ryrup" for .chil'ireu to^thin;; is I,lenannt to lite taste nod is the i,re eci!,tiou of one of 14,e I htost sn(1 best female physicians and ours: s in the IJnited 8(140s, and 18 for 'rile by alt druggists throughout the w0(1(1- Price 25c. a bottle. '1' sure awl risk for "Mrs, $'ii slow'sSoothing Syrup," cud°take no other kind. The first Train of the season f(•11 Monday in Northern and (','nt1:11 California. IN 31 ANY FORMS. Dyspepsia assumes many phnses,all disagreeable to tire sufferer, yet. it takes 116 form, which froui two to four bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters will not cure. B. B. B. cures dys- pepsia. tones the weal< stomach, aids digestion, sharpens the appetite and renovates the entire system. -I)r. Clark, of Chicago, has sued the Ilov. E. Duckworth, Methodist pastor of Union Grove, Wis , for $225, the plaintiff alleging that the preacher cheated hint in a horse deal. WORMS CAUSE MUCH SICK- NESS among children. Freeman"s Worm Powders prevent this, and make the child bright and healthy. • -The majority against Prohibi- tion in Connecticut•, with twelve tutvns to hear from, is 20,88.1. • CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED. TO THE EDITOR: - Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured, I shall be glad to send two bottles of my re- medy FREE to any of your readers' who have consumption if they will send me their Express and P. 0. ad- dress, Respectfully, DR. T. A. SLOCUM, 164 West Adelaide at., Toronto, Ont -Two titin loads of native raisins, consisting of 48 cars, left t; oliforuia last week for the East, making the shipment thus far for the season three hundred and thir- teen air loads. The first crop is nut all cared for yet. • CONSI'MPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by nn East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent care of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma nu(1 all throat and Lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, nfter having test- ed its wonderful curative powers in thous- ands of ra105, has telt 12 his duty to make it known to his suffering follows. Actua- ted by this motive told a desire to relieve human suffering. I will send free 111' charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Shut by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. Nm•1'ts, 149 Power's Mork, Ilneheseer N. Y. 507 ens CANNOT FAIL. Mns. JOHN E. THOMPSON, of She!. burne, I'. 0., writes. My two chil- dren. received great benefit from Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry for Diarrhoea and sutnmer complaint. I gave it according to direction and they 50011 recovered. Be sure and get the genuine. 4 ANTA. OB E I` O new Y (loos guarantood:. 8100,7 Nno EI iPe j.iC$ ' at td. reCU• liar advantages to beginners. Stock oompiete, with fas nlna:epeolaltl6.. OUTFIT' FREE. Ws pttarantee what ave 04910rt4se. Witte "7LOWN BI[OS., Nurserymen, 1Roebeater. N.Y.- (This bowie 1s re)lable.) 17-711 ---1,1• ' • - ricicd :Acton rnw.+ar41 :cx:-n.. c+reaassrms 4)TR:1Y STOCK ADVER (, '1100(11:\TS in.sertt,d in Tux N ,,ws Biscuits, at low lutes, The L•uv makes. it compulsory to advertise stray stock 1f yon want any kind of ndt'ertidirl„ ,'uu \1111 1102 do butter than call on 'rove-Ile :mord. 'YEAR'S 1E7e., a? -ice .ice_ i OUTfarcl PLUG SMOK ... M3MCO. FiNEi-4 THAN' EVER. l—r i -dS 111:0N$1 C l(N-- r t r EA. "H PLUG and PACKAGE. Market Square, G OD.�.t RIGH. \''EST OF ENGLAND SUI1- INGS & 'f1:0US1:1.1NGS, SCOTCH '1'\V1sE1) SUITINGS & TIaOUSEJIINGS, FRENCH AND ENGLISH WOR- STED CLOTHS, Made 1-11, i1( Bev` ,S/fJle and loork- 1111n1,•/1i1: u/ A10(1/1am Smith's, 11'u(r be ...dock enle of the cheap. awl best slue/'s of BITER CLOTiirrie AND CLOTHS. A Full Lineof GENTS' •FUR NISHINGS always in stook. 1/ tnillpay 'you to call out ABRAHAM SMITH Established • 1955. J. BIDDLECOMBE. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,Silverware See the latest style -i.CI1EW BEZEL WA'I'Clf CASE. nepnh'in,< In all branches. Opp. the Market, CLINTON. EXHAUSTED. VITA:LiTY! the great dledic'II (York of the age on Manhood, Ner• vous and Physical no) ility, Premature Decline, Errors of Youth, quad the untold 111ise'rtes c0nseq'lavIt there. on, 3011 paces 9 vn., 12:1 prescriptiuuo for all di10,''ra Cloth, fell'tllt, only i:1 110, by mall, sealed. lllo,,tr,rire sample free to; all w'onug and middle aged men. Send naw. rhe (,0111 and Jewelled Medal awarded to the anther by the National 'Medical Association. Address P. 0. Box 1895, Poston, (lacy, or Dr, W. H. PARRER,'oraduate of Harvard Medical College, 25 years practice in Boston, who may he consult- ed confidentially. Sperhdly,i'Diseases of Man. 0(110. No 4 Bnlanch street 493y ...- .-'1101E15 1 dAl- :1.;o5t KE REMEDIES (� Q��rtP��v�Vo05E5 .3.V5. Pf':". \tl'. v C Pay• �1d PtJO�E pyo a�� PNo _1tr � Y NA IiRE-S: REMEDY" PARE --,C 'RIESS:• OT5/YT S O i l,f3Y J -'i. Ditt3G G 1.5`7 5. era .a:! 74100,aoMONT House Painting, Glazing and Graining, Plain ; and ; Decorative Paper Hanging Alo KALSOIYJINING and F1U SGQINGr. Shop next Kennedy's Hotel, Albert Street, CLINTON, - ONTARIO. CHARLES T. SPOONER. NEW STOOK ! NEW STORE ! ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - OLA N ON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. Call at the New Store and see the steel: of Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc., and general Household Furniture. The whole Stock is from the very best manufacturers. Picture haloes and Mouldings of every description. JOS. CIIIDLEY, One door West of Dicksoli's Book Store. JOP Leathng IN : ING 0 Yo' Vorii-Akerati, rT.11 E A CKNO\V LEDGED :: Collsorvativo ::Paper OF THE COUNTY, HAS ONE OF THE -1-- X. X = X -1- - - -}• • Best Equipped Job Rooms - + - = r - r + . - + - + - - IN WESTERN ONTARIO. 0 Toe -FMest Job Printing EXECUTED ON T11E SHORTEST NOTICE. 0 Posters, :-: Streamers,. Circulars, Cards, &e. 0 COLORED PRINTING! EQUAL (IN MANY CASES SUPERIOR) TO CITY. WORK. BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, LETTER HEADS. 0 Tfle Double Circulation Talks to Thousands. 0 Advertise in The News -Record THE ONLY PAPER WITH A DOUBLE CIRCULATION TN THE COUNTY OF HURON!! •