HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-09-25, Page 6hf d urofl News -Record 41.04 a Year -••4.25 in Advenee.. L The man doss ttotdo Justke to his business who *Pouts Jess in adeartwtng,than he dues in rent. --A. T. STHWsar, the ,ru.•twnaire vnarehant see New York. Wedne$diuY. Sept. 1t5tb. ISS) e BICYCLE VS. BUCKBOARD. Old Farmer- Jacob Rust lives about four miles north of Albany, Kentucky, has a good mountain farm, and is voty well to do in a rough and thinly peopled region where a man with $10,000 is con- sidered rich. Mr. Rust has several daughters, and Ellen the oldest, was the handsomest of thein all, A • young man natned Henry 'Cou.sts from Ohio, whose parents had gone there from this county, ha.$' been spending the summer among his . relations at Albany. Courts brought with him a bicycle. It was the first in Clinton County, and, as in the case. of Katisha's elbow, people came mites to see it. Courts was an expert rider and frequently dis- played his bicycleship before the eyes of the admiring mountaineers. He was kind enough to allow a number of young men to try his "velocipede," as it was called iu Albany, bat their bruised faces and sore joints soon made them very shy of the machine. Courts fell in love with young Ellen Rust. He pressed his court- ship and was accepted. Farmer Rust was opposed. He objected to Courts because as far as the farmer's knowledge went, he did not have what is technically known as _any visible mean`s of Subsistence, 'or, as Mr. Rust termed it, "he, was a lazy good-for-notliin' who had nothin' to dobut•go gallopiu' around the hills on two wheels." Courts assured hies that he had a good business and fine prospects in Ohio, and it has since transpired that his statement was true, . TUB STO1itY.O A CRUM. Athe>IIJt,,Ont.,, Sept. 1889.—In the preliminary examination yester- day of Geo. Carr, for the murder of Lewis Day, before Justice Wrighi, Laveriu and Cawley, the principal witpese wait .Willie Day, eon of the supposed murdered wan, is lad about 10 years of age, who swore as follows :--"About eighteen months ago the prieonor, Geo. Carr, in compauy with Louie and Becky Day (my father and another) and myself left for the States to find work. We crossed the river over to Morristown, N. Y., from which place we started ou foot, toy father taking oue road, the prisoner, my mother and myself going in a different direction. We slept out the first night. Tho next day Carr found work digging a ditch. After that was completed we journeyed ou. After a while my father joined us, and we turned back for a Place presumed to be Morristowu. On the second day of our travels we cane to an old building in the woods. My father and Carr enter- ed the building, and iu a short time the latter came out. On being ask ed where my father was he said he was gone across the fields. I went to•the building and found my father in the cellar with his throat cut. He was dead. I returned and in- formed my mother. She replied : —"I don't care." Atter this we came back to Canada. The prisoner has often threatened to kill me if I told of the murder. The return of the party from the States without Day excited suspic- ion which led to the arrest. The prisoner was sent to Brock- ville for furthernxatnination. Albert Day, brother of the murdered rnan, and the boy Willie are going to search for the body. Several other witnesses swore to thedeparture and return of the party without Day: BUT THE FARMER 1>in NOT »CLiEVE Henry and Ellen waited. Ellen -_yeas of legal age, and they could have easily eloped, but they did not 'wish to do that. They wanted the old man's consent to the wedding. The bicycle appeared to be Mr. Rust's .chief objection. He did not believe in• it. "My gal," said he, "shan't marry any fellow who fools away his time on such a derned thing as that. Why he mi; ht.hreak his neck any day, and than I'd have his widder to take care of. I don't want for a son in law any man who rides on a velocipede. If he had a horse or a buckboard it would be all right." Henry would not put away his ,beloved machine. He loved that next to Ellen. and ho meant to have them both. On Monday Ellen was visiting in town at the home of a relation, and Henry went to see her., They were getting angry at the old man's obduracy. "I will ride right ont now, .see him, and ask hie:' again for your hand," said 1 Henrys "and if he doesn't consent I'll come back and we will get married anyhow. Yon are of legal age and we can have the ceremony perforated here in town. Ellen agreed. Henry mounted his bicycle and started for. Mr. Rust's place. The. old man had just come in from' a'short journey, • and his horse and buckboard were at the yard gate., The young man made known his errand. "°I told you once before .that yon could not marry her," said Mr. Rust. "Well I am .doing to marry her anyhow," replied Courts. "She is in town now. I am going back there, and in less than an hour she will he my wife." "Then you will have to beat me to town," said Mr. Rust, "and I don't think any velocipede can get ahead of my old mare and the buck- board. If you get there ahead of the I guess you can have the girl." ,ALL 4 E$ .d.1,IP CO]rDl'1'IONS _.. �l: umagSmaisposnaumententlellrnisoleiteReiSinSews peopleInn! moo Nittfonat Ma with. out injury I and rwitirit. groat benefit. �.. ..--Diptberia is very prevalent iu Loudon, AT DEATH'S DOOR. My little boy bad diarncaa and came very near dying. After the failure of everything else we used Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw, berry which caused a quick cure, and I know of two others who were cured by the same remedy. FREE:sax C. AMole, Hillier, Ont. B113 STRIKE. A big at 'ice was wake when Powell t Davis lash their Extract of araap- arilla sad Burdock. It bas, met with great success, and it must, for it is the most powerful blood purifier in the mar- ket. It is used with the greatest success in all diseases arising from a debilitated uonduon of the system, and everyone needs, and should use a bottle or two at ibis sensed of the year, of Powell's Ex- tract of Sarsaparilla and Burdock. Dear in mind one 50e. bottle coataiis more solid medicine than most dollar so -culled Sarsaparilla and bitters. Also remember. that it is sold in Clinton by all druggists, price 300. a bottle. Sold by all drug- gists and medicine dealers everywhere. 4431iT _While attempting to board a moving train at.Megantic on Thurs• day a elan named Baron lost his life. —l'eterburo' is talking of holding winter carnival. Aurins TO Mut'Rnas —Are yen dia- urbed at night and broken of your rest b a sick child sntioring and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup' for Children Teething. Its value is Incalculable. It will relieve the poor itl[le suiferer Wetted lately. De- pend upon it, mothers ; there is no mis- take about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone anc energy to the whole system. "Mrs Wiuelow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians anti nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25c. a bottle. lie sure andask for "Mrs, Winslow's$oothiug Syrup," andlrake no other kind. Rheumatism is caused by apoison- ous acid in the blood and yields to Ayer's Pills. Many cases which seemed chronic and hopeless, have been conplet•elycured by this medi- cine. It will cost but little to try what effect the Pills may have in your case. We predict success. —W. 0. Ethorington's boat and dory facto.y at Shelbourne, N. S., was destroyed by fire last Thursday night. —J. M. Payson, the well known, chirographer of Boston,' is ,dead. GOOD ADVICE. To be healthy and have lots of life and vim, be careful in diet., take plenty' of sleep, and regulate the bowels, bile and blood with Burdock ploocd Bitters, a sure cure for con• stipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, all blood humors, scrofula and all broken down conditions of the system. IT CAN DO NO HARM to try Freeman's Worm Powders if your child is ailing, feverish or fretful. .----Ialward Williams, a wood dea- ler, was soricusly, if not fatally, in- jured by a train at Kingston last Wednesdoy. —The trial of Lester B. Eaulkner for bank wrecking is in progress at Buffalo. • One of the reasons why Scott's Emulsion has such a large sale is, be'. cause it is the best. Dr. W. H. Cameron, Halifax, N. S. says. • "I have prescribed .Scott's Emulsion of Co,l I.ircr Oil, with Hypopltospleites, for the past two years, and found it more agreeable to the stomach and have better results from its use than any other preparation of the kind I have ever used." Sold by alt Drug - este, 50c. and $1.00. A LINE FROM GLADSTONE. My little son aged two, was seized with diarrhoea, followed by piles, two doses of Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry gave relief and half the bottle completed a cure. Mns. J. A. MCINTYRE, Gladstone, Man. This Medicine is a specific for all sum- mer complaints of children or a- dults. —A deputation of Peterboro millets yesterday interviewed the Minister of Marine and Fisheries anent the sawdust nuisance. —A number of new Custom houses will likely be established in the Northwest: trallemallealeeimasemi :ID 3D 7/ V T s 8 —/N 7'N two - erad c++.avaNIw... STRAY STOCK ADVER TISEMENTS inserted in Tax Naos Racoao at low rates. The law makes it compulsory to advertise stray stock 11 yon want any kind of advertisingg.you will not do butter than call on 'ews•Reocord." THIS YEAR'S =NIYTR, TZE CUTIand PLUG SMOKINC TOBAOCfr FINER THAN .EVER. CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED. TO THE EDITOR :— Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured, I shall b'e glad to send two bottles of my re- medy FREE to any of' your readers who have consumption if tli',; will send me their Express and P. O. ad- dress, Respectfully, DR. T. A. SLOCUM, 164 West Adelaide st.,'I'oronto, Ont —The Sixth Army Corps ban- queted the Minister of. War at St. Michel last weep. Boils, pimples, ar.d skin diseases of all kinds speedily disappear when the blood is purified by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It has no equal as a tonic alterative,the results being immediately and satisfactory. Ask your druggist for it, and take no other. Henry mounted the machine, the old man jumped into his buck- board, and the start was made. On a tnrnpikc or level road Courts could have easily distanced the old mare, who Was not as swift as she once was, but it was an altogether <'ifferent matter over the hills. But hie recent experience with such difficultiesstood him in good service, and in spite' of his rough path, he soon had thesatisfaction of passing ahead of the bumping buckboard. He waved his hand gleefully to his prospective father-in-law, 'who was swearing at his old marc and endeavoring to whip her into a faster gait. He got two falls, but ho soon- righted himself and his. wheel without harm to either, and passed into town a (Natter of a mile shea) of Mr. Rust. He then stop- ped for the latter to come up. The farmer looked at the tnachine a ntonuant, -ejaculated, "Well, I'll bo t derned t" and said nothing more. T1,ey ;vent to the Baptist preacher's house, took the Minister across to the place where Ellett was stopping, and thorn she and Courts were married, • Israel Foucant, a duck shooter, was killed Friday at Thurso, Que., by the accidental discharge of his fowling piece. PURI'T'Y OF INGREDIENTS and scauracy of compounding, make :till - burn's Aromatic Quinine Wine the criterion of excellence. —Private Burns, of the Victoria Rifles, winner of the Governor -Gen- eral's prize at the 1). R. A. meeting, will not be able to go to Wimble- don next year. ..6- - & TB_ [ouse Painting, Glazingand Graining, Plain : and : Decorative —IN BRONZE ON EACH PLUG and -PACKAGE, 517-y A SINGLE SCRATCH may cause a festering sore. Victoria Carbolic Salve rapidly heals cuts, wounds, bruises, burns and all sores. --Meunier, the extradited Quebec imsnrance forger, was last Friday committed for trial. WHEREAS. Whereas much disease is caused by wrong action of the stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels and blood, and whereas Burdock Blood Bitters is guaranteed to cure or relieve dys- pepsia, liver complaint, kidney corns plaint, dropsy, rheumatism, sick headache. etc. Therefore, Be it re- solved that all sufferers should use B. B. B. and be restored to health. OT RBI Paper_ Hanging L'Je rim r=o. gl=1 IIALSOMINING and FRESCOING, Shop next Kennedy's Hotel, Albert Street, - c LtNTON, ., ONTARIO. CRARLES T. SPOONER F`TT IT J'T"I NEW STOCK ! NEW STORE ! MO ELLIOTT'S -BLOCK, - CLINTON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. . Call at the New Store and see the stock of Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc., andeneral Household Furniture. The whole Stock is from the very best manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of every description. • JUS. CIIIDLEY, one door West of Dickson's Book Store. JOB PRINTING • —o yinvolterord, tittu'A x THE ACKNOWLEDGED Leading:; Conservative ::Pper OF THE COUNTY, HAS ONE OF THE x X -}- _ _- • G Best Equipped Job Rooms _ _ _ _ _ ABRAHAM $M1TH, Market ,S.quare, GODERICH. WEST OF ENGLAND SUIT. INGS & TROUSERINGS, SCOTCH TWEED SUITINGS & TROtTSERINGS, -FRENCH AND ENGLISH WOR- STED CLOTHS, ,1tc 1c up 1 Best Style ccud'lVor/r- nnanship at Abraham Smith's. Now in stock one of the cheape• and best stocks of WINTER CLOTHING CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lang affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having test- ed its wonderful curative powers in thous- ands of wises, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actua- ted by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering. I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, -in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming, this paper. W. A. Noyes, 149 Power's Block, Rocheete,N, Y. 507 cow. —The Ottawa branch of the Equal Rights Association endorse by resolution the proposed action of the Manitoba Government regard• ing Separate schools and the French language. —Lieut. Col. Felton, Governor -General's Foot has resigned his command. of the Guards AND CLOTHS. A Full Line.of GENTS' FUR NISHINGS always in stook. It will -pay you to call on: ABR :NAM SMITH A FACT W OIt'1'Ii REMEMBERING. Ma. Jas. RINNIa, of Toronto, states that bis little baby when three, months old was so had with summer complaint that under doctors' treat- ment her life was despaired of. Four doses of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry cured her. _.-Bert Howden, the lad who was accidentally shot at Peterboro on Sunday, died laat week. ON THE SURFACE. Skin diseases appear on the surface and are often humiliating to the sufferer from them. From two to three bottles of Burdock Blood Bits ters will cure salt rheum; erysipelas, shingles, nettle rash, eczema, bode, pimples, or blotches, at the same time restoring the general health. IN WESTERN ONTARIO. 0 Toe FIRBSt TilJob Printing Fall SlIoW Printing Established - 1855. J. BIDDLECOMBE. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,Stl verware Repairing in all branches. Opp. the Market, CLINTON. EXHAUSTED VITALITY! THE SCIENCE OF LIFE, Magreat Medical Work of the age on Manhood. Ner- vous and.Physical Debittty, Premature pccnne, Errors of Youth, a`ad the untold miseries Consequent them en, 300 pages 8 vo., 126 prescriptions form! diseases Cloth, fill gilt, only $1.00, by mail, sealed. Illustrative sample mu to all Gounand middle•aed men. Send now. The old and Jewelled Medal awarded to time anther by the National Medical Association. Address P. 0. Box 1805, Boston, Miss, or Dr. W. B. PARKER. graduate If Harvard Medical College, 26 years practice in Boston, who may be consult• ed confidentially. Specialty,jDiseases of eOaica No 4 Bulfinch Street OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Posters, :: Streamers, Circulars, Cards, &e. TO9 VIA W. 1 I 4 A WONDERFUL LAKE SL WATER DOEiN GOOD 1Li IC,A MEIMC MEDICAL LAKE. REMi:.DIES . ��'-0 Oa�O 1gF y0 Nt) ,.r` r.� s� o � ,p-‘'.• a �� % TRY NATURES REMEDY :RI/R.EPE 4IESS POTENT £A .QFO H,�A rII1.COI NOD aNT COLORED PRINTING! EQUAL (IN MANY CASES SUPERIOR) TO CITY WORK. 0 BILL HEADS,' NOTE HEADS, LETTER HEADS. 0 Tile Doubly CircuIatiofl TaIks to Tflousanils. 0 Advertise in The News -Record A DOUBLE CIRCULATION i1N THE COUNTY OF HURON..