HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-09-25, Page 5•': ' ii ,- ,.. _• '' .. S omo ,., w, 111 a 0 ,, e. 1. 01ai1; ; A Iting Up AhostEver4Davi.. __,,,2,4;_;___F2,10/ 4 Iiih'• I • We,: tf startle yuu with • -a :1 i El? ■ � i��� •I�..re o *.. ie We intend to make every line So Cheap That You Will Buy Don't fail to see what we have got and what we are asking for it. 0 Geo. E. Pay & Co. 1HE LOW-PRICED STORE. Huron Central EXHIBITIQN. Prize List Correction. • HORSES—Ci.:1ss I. • To be as follows : HEAVY' 1) :AN:11T, Iyll'011TED (1t CANA- n , DIAN BRED. • i)IVISf0`N I. 1st 2d 3d ilt•avy Draught Team $5 $3 $0 Brood Mare, with foal by side 4 3 0 Foal, Colt or Filly 3 2 0 One year old Filly 3 2 0 One year old Gelding. . 3 2 0 Two year old Filly • 3 2 0 Two year old Gelding... ...,` 3 2 0 D t'IS1oN 11. ... I'TEAV'Y DRAf7ol11, CANADIAN BRED. Heavy Draught Teats $6 $4 $2 Brood Mare, with foal by side6 4 2 Foal, Colt or Filly • :3 2 i One year old Filly 3 2 1 One year old Gelding 3 2 1 Two year old Filly 3 2 1 Two year -old Gelding 3 2 1 Three year old Filly 3 2 1 Three year old. Gelding 3 2 1 'IN CLASS 2 ADL— One year old Gelding $3 ?,2 $0 IN MISCELLANEOUS ADD•• Saddle Ponies, ridden by, boy under 15 $2 $1 $0 IN CLASS 16, ADD— Geese, Toulouse.. ..•. ...... .50e 25o 0 Geese, common. 50c 25c 0 Stales, votible ki0e. Sin:le2.rac. Allotted ;according to Entries. (13y order of 13ot.rd) • • W. JACKSON, Secretary. COURT OF REVISION Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held pursuant to "The Voters' Liete Act, 1889," by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of 11uron,atSWARI'S' HA LL, Holmes. vine, TP. OF GODERICH, on SATURDAY, the 21st of SEPTEMBER, 1889, at 9 o'clock A.M. to hear and determine the several complaints of errors and omissions• in ,the .Voters' List of the munielpality of Goderlch Township for 1889. All persons having busineseat the Court are required to attend at the said time and place. Dated this 6th day of September, 1889. JAMES PATTON, 668 -td Clerk of the said Municipality. To Collegiate Institute Pupils In accordance with the School Law and resolu- tion of the Board of Trustees, Collegiate Institute Fees must be .paid in advance. Pupils who have failed to observe this will please take notice and act accordingly, as all fees must be paid before the end of the present month. W. H. HINE, Treasurer Board of 'trustees. Clinton, Sept. 10th, 1889. 569..35 • TEACHERS WARTED. - The Board of School Trustees for the Township of Tuckersmith give notice that applications will be received by the undersigned for Teachers for ail the Schoole in this Township. Applicants will please state class of certificate, recommend. atio,s, number of yews experience, and salary. - The Board will meet on SA'T'URDAY, SEPT. 21st, 'in the School House, Egmondvllle, at 2 o'clock i'.1( Applicants are expected to be present. The Schools are numbered as follows :- N0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8. 9, 10, 11. G. E. JACKSON, Secretary. Eg.noudvllle, Sept. 4th, 1850. 163 tt HOUSE FOR RENT. That very"desirable story and a half residence eituatc on Mary Street, between King and Ieaae. (lard and soft water, an all the necessary con• veniencea of outhouses, etc. Large ploto( ground and good garde'h of fruit trees. For particulars apply to D. 11. KENNEDY. Clinton, August 6, 1889. 563—tf FOR SALE. The property at present occupied by the undersigned as a residence on the Iluron Road, in the:Town of Godorioh, consisting of one half of an aere of land, good frame house —story and a half—seven rooms, including kitchen, hard and soft water, good stone cellar, stable, wood and carriage houses. There are also some goad fruit trees. This property is beautifully situated and tell suitable for any person wishing to rive retired. Fol further particulars ripply to E. CAItIP[0N, 542-tf Barrister, Goderieh. Upon thin the coroner mode out a commitment and the prinmler was removed to the county jail. —A waterspout, last week, burst over Cerro Gordo, near Arnndea Jalisco, Mexico, causing several deaths. Mich live stock Was swept away and (houses were deter rn> ed. T 0 WN LOTS FOR SALE Iu the 'Irown of ail Aon, Belonging • to the Estate of the Late NELSON ULE\\'. ' There willsold h,, Public A.0 tioi,, on the MARKET SQUARE, CLINTON, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER FIFTH, 1880, at one o'clock 1'.M the following property :—hots -62 and (t3, Matilda street, no bplldlogs; Lot 61, Matilda street, no buildings; Lot.,39, James street, With, small Frame Dwelling thereon Al11,,in the 'l'own of Clinton. Title Perfecte TERMS CASII.. CHAS. SPCI,QNE$, ilrxechtore ROBT. PEACOCII, f D. DICKINSON. Auctioneer. 563 --td. -•---n------o Our Stock of DRESS GOODS is 'very complete, embracing all the Leading Shades in Hr uriettas,Serges, Atnap n Cloths, &c, See our NEW CASHMERE SERGE, 45 inches wide Also a' full Tange of Plants, Brocades and Stripes, with Trimmings to match. We carry the Largest and Best Stock of MANTLE CLOTHS in Clinton, in Sealettes, Astrac'hans, Beavers and Fancy Ulsterings. 1Di5esses and Mantles made up in the Latest Styles, and Perfect Fit;; Guaranteed. 5 per' -cent, oft' for Cash. 0 0 -: Estate Late John Hodgens. :- M$LUNEFV, MANTLES, CARPETS AND GENERAL. DRY -GOODS. Have tho finest assortment of HOUSEHOLD :-: FIJRN/TIJRE -in the county. Parlor Suites, Lounges, Easy Chairs and Mattresses, . all of our own manufacture, Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Extension 'cables, Dining Chairs, Reed and Rattan Fui'nttuIw tirn`vol'y best quality at the lowest prices. =''-�►•�� UNDERTAKING a Specialty. REITh' BROS., FUN ERAL DIRECTORS AN D UPHOLSTERERS, CLINTON. , T� SEMI -M, i- MEI:MVO 9— • O F THE-------,-- uroqac�iers' Rss�iIItion BE HELD IN THE----^—• 3LIC 09L, 3USSELS, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10 cc 11, 1889,. COMMENCING AT 10 O'CLOCK A.M. 1 --President's Address \TIl. W. Ii. S'rEwAliT 3111. JOHN II. Cot(NYN Wilting 3—Extracts from "'Teaching and Teachers" Al its. B. 111ttNNIAN 4—Compositiou Writing Mit. G. 1-I: Iir..VCKIVEi.L 5—Drawipg... Mit. AI.roN AN0Ensox 6—English Gramtnor—il the experience of a Suli•Exauliuet' . [;41R. JAS. Tel- IitI.I., 1).,A. 7—Literature 1 .. Mit. D. JOHNSTON' 8—The Wants and Woos of the. PublicSchoul Teachor..Mss. C. CLARnm:)N, FL A. 9—Delegate's Repoli Mn. W. Dom PUBLIC MEETING. On Thursday evening a public: meeting will be held in the'Cown Hall, at which addresses will he delivered try Rev. A. Ross, B A., and S. Bellvey, B. A., B. D., both of Brussels. Aims L. O'Connor, also of Brussels, will assist in the 06,51 [,art of the p(ogramine which is being prepared for the occasiuu. Railway Cet;ificates for rellueed fares lave Ise granted by the G. T. R. Any teacher who has not already ,e•'••ive,i o, o should apply .1 he S• •rrlary at nuee. Cel dfica'es must be signed by ;he n2;ent al I',e starting place. Both lia•05 front south connect, with the tiain lar Brl(Ssels at Windham ur \\'ittghanl .1unctiuu. The next Eo'rance, Exam:nation will be hell at Cliutun, Seafortlt, \Ciaghaut and Brussels, on the 18111, 195 ti and 20th of 17c••min•r, 1859, earroneuriug uu the 1Si h, at 9 a. nt. Notice must be sent to Inspector 111lln"h not la ter than Nov. 1,t ; eandidatrs tuu,t state at which !'lace they 1119314 to wilt,. Papers will be set is Agrbcuti.(re and Temperance ,p• ,.i:tl l,: , nl•jects. A oand.idute may ri,o(se whi'h of theta he will felts, but it is tint e'l'l' .,,ry to tale either and he cYuuot lake i,olh. 11:1!ks nut .'Neoelh;'' 75 may he added for the s..i•j,•et clw,au. Teachers ,.ill ;lease • u l coli,., ;:f fila pi.0.:uu1nu 1.i their T)u,,,:.-). W, H. STEWART, A. H. Pi_UMMER, Pr sideral, Ei}ih. Scc,el.ury, Blyth Diamond Tea. The Only Genuine, Safe Cure. Just what the people want, for the following reasons :—let, because it is Cheap; 2nd, Durable; 3rd, Effectual; 4th, It is Nature's Own Remedy; 558, it Is easy to,take, and young and old, rich end poor, must and will have it, and cannot do without 15. Superior in every way to any Blood or ,Liver Medicine on the market, with hundreds of bona fide Testimonials to back it up. The following from one of Clinton's best citizens will suffice : Clinton, August 28th, 1889. After suffering for years with Dyspepsia and its dire effects after eating, i have at last found the "pearl of great price to me" in the shape of '"DIAaoND Tea," which makes life worth living, arid can heartily recommend it to suffering humanity as arcn,edy unequalled A. COUCH, Butcher. 6TAek for DIAMOND TEA. and take no other. At your Druggists, 05 and 50 Cents. Wholesale by W. D. EDWARDS, Chief Agent for Cgnada, 107-3m London. EXAMINEOUR STOCK OF ?'WOOLS ? We carry the best quality and the largest • stock in the county. SANITARY -:-YARN I something newt for Underwear. • COOPER'S. BOOK STORE, Huron Contral'Exhibitioo September 24--25 26. DO NOT MISS IT 1 See 011?. New Stock of STOVES -- 0 -- Some Stoves are nice, . ,Others are nicer, But we 'think we have' secured the NICEST AND BEST IN THE MARKET, hnd.the Prices will be REDUCED to leas than ordinary Stoves. Call and Sec Them. Hot Air Furnaces a specialty • 0. _. Harland Bros., Iron and Hardware Merchants, Stoves and Tinware, ALBERT STREET, - CLINTON. While Attending The Fair J. C. DETLOR & CO. INVITE YOU to Visit and Examine '!'heir Stock. See Thoir New Bross Goads ID ROBES AND CO3IBINATION SUITS, also BLACK AND COLORED CASHMERES, I•IENRIET'rAS, SEItGEk, AMAZON CLOTHS, &C., t&C. —WE ARE SIIOWING SOME— Special Job Lines 'in Flannels & Grey Cottons, Bought before the recent advance. tiff" New and Choice Mantle and Jacket Cloths. d MANTLES CUT FREE OF CIIARGE. 0 J. C. DETLOR & COMPANY C EiINA I JL IJ_ N. ROBSON STILL TO THE FRONT. TEAS, COFFEES, SPICES, CANNED Cr(111z;, AT BOTTOM PRICES. I -laving bought a large stock of SUGARS before the re- cent advance in price, I offer SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS to .pur- chasers. CROCKERY, CHINA and GLASSWARE, Cheap. SEEDS. EEDS.. SEEDS. Garden, Field and Flower Seeds, Timothy Clover, Alsike, Lucerne, Orchard, Kentucky and Blue Lawn Grass, &c., &c. Butter and Eggs taken as Cash. N. ROBSON Wall Paper and Decorations • • • • RICES THAT P LEASE THE OCI(E'rS OP THE EOPLE. 0 • • • • SELLING POR HARP CASH TI11tULATES MALL PROFITS. • • • • 0 Since we have been handling WALL PAPER our business has greatly increased. We are this year better prepared than ever to fill the wants of the Public. 1t will cost you nothing to look over our stock and get prices of our Special Designs in Gilts, Glimmers, Flats, Tapestries, &o .garOur Gilts will not rub off, tarnish, or stain with paste. Our prices range from 5o.' t- 7AS-upwards. Get our Prices complete for Decorating and Paper Hanging,' 'also fur Painting, Graining, Sign Writing, Gilding, etc.'>?a75 COI'P LOGAN, City Paint Skop, Isaac Street, Clinton --- 'FALL FAIR FACTS 1 0 While at the GREAT HURON CENTRAL in Clinton, Sept. ,24, 25, 26, do not fail to call and see F. SJIEPJIEBD'3 CIotfling Lloogs! GENT'S FURNISHINGS. &c Stunning Low Prices for • Exhibition Week. LOW PRICES RULE. SHEPHERD, gg THE LEADING TAILOR. THE NEWS -RECORD FOR FINE PRINTING. ra,aas>n THE HUB GROCERY M.....-.0 d o -o -d -o 'Have you tried nay Blend of I3LACIC TEA 1—very line. Also my JAPANS at prices to suit you. COFFEE—A 1, everyone who has tried it says so. A very fine RAW SUGAR, low. Glassware, Printed and Plain Tea Setts,v.Broonts, Brushes,.nnd Wooden WW1'. See my New Steel Wire Hoop Pails. --no dropping off of hoops' or falling to pieces. A fresh lot of 2 BROOMS for 36c. feChoico FLAX SEE!) for safe. I311 r and Eggs taken as Cash. 0 Geo. Sw&w, Clinton xis•_ ,�... .r�;.,,.