HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-09-11, Page 8Absolutely Purei3
This powder never varies. A mereetof purity,
utrength and wholesomeness Upttit.ed;onomieal
than the ordinary kinds, and unonpE be sold in
competition with the nudtitttddj• of low test,
ehort.weieet alum ur phospllht,n spy}vders. Sind
only in cans. Roved. It.tuqe Purynea Co., 100
VaISt,.,N. Y.•
The Huron Nuns -Record
41.50 a"iear'-8°1.25 In Advance.
8 the retia Zaps net de justice rove business
ho 4 iesq 1'0eeitisinp than he' does in
reset. -A. • . SrzywAhr, the inillio, sire Inerchant
of Neto Yuck.
Wednesday, Sept. l lth.`'1889
In and Around the "Hub."
�tAwit * 11111.
of No. 4 Company are requested to
meet at the Armory in Clinton this
(Wednesday) oveuing at 7.15 sltarp.
I'•;is intended that the company shall
ca part iu the TI'ade Procession
on the second day of the Huron
Central Exhibition. The red coats
must be• well represented.
morning in the Otltario Street
.letho•list chinch Rev. Mr. Edge
will l•reacll a special sermon for the
Foresters. • Brethren from Blyth,
Bayfia1it, Seafor'11 and Goderich are
oxp,•e,e;l, and doubtless they will,
hear good doctrine from the im-
pressively eleeetent pastor.
CAPT. Tens, Lieut, Coelho, and
Secy-Treas. lt,h.:on, of the Huron
Rifle ;dull, in -i ete l the :lthoIeott
Renee targets on Friday. At the
200 range a revolving target
will he put in and other improve-
ments lnatle,, kind the long range
targets put in good shape. Arrange-
meute will shortly 13e node for. the
annual Matches.
again domiciled) in Clinton after an
enjoyable trip to England.
MR. W. RANSFORD, of Pua1,14,pd,
11aiue, has been iu town the past
week. Judging by the many aud
hearty llaudshakings that the gentle-
man has been greeted with ouo
'would say that bis old Clinton
friends still retain hits in kind-
ly remenlbrauce.
MR. W. W. FAI;aAN lost a very
flue spring colt by its getting its leg
broker while in the pasture field.
the casualties ene
lunch AO* to hear of, not so
much on accollut of the present
til, netary loss iii kolve.d as for the
damper it puts an enterprising stock
breeders. The colt was ailed by
Thoruwogd and was droplf4 by an
imported Kentucky mane
SCHt)c —The1'8.;
were thirty•four schools that passed
twenty candidates, .gr over, first be.
ing Own sound' with 82 and.
Strathroy second with 58. Strat-
ford comes twenty-eighth iu the list
with 21 candidates passel. The:
list from the highest down;is in the
following order, after the two alt
ready named : Hamilton 48. Harris
ton 45, Chatham, 41, Toronto 40,
Simcoe 40, Cawpbellford 35, Wood•
stock 33, Col,ingwood 33, Lindsay
32, St. Marys 31, Ridgotown 30,
Napanee 30, Brantford 29, St.
Thomas 29, Orangeville 29, Walker-
ton 29, Goderich 27, Farnlersville
27, Galt 26, Clinton 25, Kingston
25, Gananoque 24, St. Cathorinee
23, London 22, Pieton 22, Strat
ford 21,. Port Hope 21, Listowel
21, Parkhill 21, Caledonia 20,
Vaukleek Hill 20, Sarnia 20:'
Tu .11`1; IS .11UNee dSUMEw11E11E.-
1Vhile,the in -bolus of hank notes to
THE N lava RHIcORir Office has been
angnrnl'.rd to some extent by. back
subscribers paying up, the. out -go
was t.estly nen.; hefty last week ,`
iu nue. day $2.000 in clean, crisp
five Boller bills being .taken' 'over
from this office to. the Molsous
l;tuk, and yet per iudebteduess is
not rill paid.
Mo. \V. IL ROBERTSON of Gode-
rich drove down to Clinton Wednes-
day last intending to go to the
funeral of his old friend Wm.
McMillan, of Tuckeesmith, but
found ou arriving here that de-
ceased had been buried the previous
day. Both :1f•r. McMillan and Mr.
iloberteon were, we believe, Nova
Scotia school mates with Rev. Prof.
Grant, now of Kingston.
ohool BookENTsri,&School Supplies R.. gloat Exnitlition
a.VER 100 I ,NDS OF • -
_ LEAD PENCILS � * * * * _>«_ * *
l.?\r STOC'K,
Big Bargains on Our half Price Tables This Week
o -o
Chris. Dickson, Clinton
fiddleeombe'a ,jerwelry •store, is tug of celebrating 910 5th Novem-
•rhrditliayTi( 'al "loronto, ber by an oyster supper.
Mr. MALOor.M McTAGGART 111141
Miss McTaggart have retuined from
a visit to Britain. We are- told
they had a pleasant trip.
TAMING or STEEDS.—Somewhat
of a seneation was caused, Saturday
by the' appearance on our streets of
a• drove of bronchos or cayoosh
horses brought'from Washington
Territory by Mr. Horton of Tucker -
smith. They were driven into the
corrall attached to J. Beatty's livery
stable. J. Swarts of Bayfiold had
purchased two of thele and the
idea was to get ]salters ou them.
This was uo easy matter. Mr.
Tipting armed with a hempen lariat
first essayed to lassoo ono of the
purchased animals. Though lie let
fly the slip noose Willi considerable
dexterity, ha failed after several
et4ot•Is to get it over the head of the
the animal. Mier. Itattonhury•thou
took the lariat and handled iu with
the deftness of a Mexican vaquero
and was successful after a few
attempts in bringing the' broncho
to a stand still. After some paw-
ing of the 'air by the untamed
steed and guarded flank Movements
by Mr. Hilton and others Mr. Tip -
ling succeeded in getting a halter on
the horse and he was led oil'. The
next. horse evaded capture for about
an hour and' -was chased round the
enclosure until the beaded drops of
sweat 51111061 rained off hint.' Fin d
ally he also was lassooed but even
then, while stertorously breathing
from. tie contraction of the noose
around his neck, he showed fight,get-
ting up on his hind legs and striking
out with his fore once at every
attempt to put hands ou him.
Several attempts to throw hint on his
side failed, but finally a halter was
got upon hila also and the pair were
delivered to Mr Swarts. There
were several hundred persons pre-
sent to wituess proceedings seldom
seen outside of California or Mex-
SUUD(;N DE:1TH.—MI'. • William
?lfellillan, of Tuckerstnith, town•
ship Treasurer, died'suddenly one
day in the early part of hist week,
at his home near Brucefield. He
was writing when his head was
suddenly lowed to the desk and his;
son who was. in the roots tit the.
ti111e,0n going forward immediately,:
fount that his father was donde'.
He was in his 62ud year. In his'
earlier years he taught school • and,
was afterward hook -keeper for th,s
McPherson foundry company of
Clinton. Tho burial took place on
bur Goderich readers will be
interested to learn of the death of
Mr. Junior; Sloan, for several years
prior to and after 1855 a resident
of that town. Mr. Sloan died
recently at L'ipeor, Mich. He was
a carpenter and builder, a native of
Ireland and uncle of town clerk
Campbell and also, wo believe, of
ox•cougoillor Sloane of the county
town, Ito was aged 80 , years.
Six children survive him. Two
bons and a daughter in Califoruia,
one daughter in New York state,
one in Michigan and Mrs. O. C.
Wilson of Seaforth.
As Srinr As A YOUNG MAN.—
Now, look hero, we feel disposed
to be forbearing to brothers of the
craft when they glide into a lallatts
ealarni. But the sacoir vivre of our
cototn in saying that.. License Com-
missioner Sloane of Goderich "was
cavorting around Clinton with a
lady, on Saturday evening, as spry
as a young Tuan" is rather question-
able. In the first place Mi'. Co►n-
Ray. Mil. ELOE has returned from
his outing and occupied tho pulpit
of his church last Sunday evening,
Rev Mr. Bowers in the morning.
DUCT: S'BooTINo.—Duck shooting
came in on Sept. 1st. Quite a num-
ber of sportsmen will now take to
the swamps and pouds—or to swing
ing on the old man's gate.
ON DUTY AGAIN.—The familiar
face of Postmaster Fair may, again
rbe seen at Clinton P. O. He has
been for a couple of tnonths or so
away from duty. The gentleman
had a pleasant voyage on the Allan -
tic both going and returning.
While at his old home in Scotland
he told the people there that just
previous to leaving that locality
about forty yea's ago he deposited a
newspaper in a portion of., a stone
wall that his father was building at
the time. To test the accuracy of
his memory as to the particular
Iocality in the wall Where the paper
had been built in friends repaired
to it and took down the wall at the
point indicated by Mr. Fair, and
sure enough, tinder the particular
I stone pointed out by him was a dis-
colored mass resembling somewhat
a ping of Myrtle Navy tobacco that
hack been exposed to the weather.
The moisture from the mortar and
stones had made the paper unread-
able es is quite evident by a portion
of it which Mr. Fair brought hack
with hint. There is a church near
by this stone wall and on coming
out of it on Sabbtith the people
repaired in largo numbers to see the
bleak iu it aud learn the cause.
Doubtless they cane to the•conclus-
that the native clearheadedness of
Nit'. Fair had not been obfuscated
by a residence of two score years In
the "wilds" of Canada, land that he
yet ;could see as far into a stone
walk as. the •ohlewdest of his old
timo countrymen. Exposure to out
side air and sun has quite bronzed
Mr Fair and gives him a rugged
appearance quite at variance with
the former pale cast of countence in-
duced by too Close attention to
ruissioner Sloane is too dignified to business. While nothing could ex:
epvort and in the next place what-
ever his bearing may have been it
could not have been other than that
of A young man. "As spry as a
yo'ing man i" Indeed. Go to. A
young man cannot be other than ho
MR.JOHNSTON, the Blyth member
of the law firm of Owens and John-
aton, Clinton and Blyth, has been
in town the past i