The Huron News-Record, 1889-09-11, Page 6.t the Huron Nows-Record $1.50 a Year -•41..25 in Advance. L" The map doses not do,j«stiuc to hie lawineee who vends less iia aacerttetn,/ than he duce in rent.—A. T. STtswaa:r, the u,r/ltueaire merchant of New York. Weduesd:ly.', Sept. llth. 1859 LAWYERS AND THEIR S PEEC IT . A story ie told of a troll -known lawyer addressing a jury respecting a chitnuey being ou fire, and in the course of his address exclanm`tug " "Gentlemen, the. chimney touk`fl,tp, it poured forth voluulcse of $tank°. Volumes did I say 1—whsle, cncy- clopedies1" Witty arid; htlulorous remarks frequently I8 atuon g the legal fraternity outs'id'e' the law courts.... Lord El(onbpruugh was dining one day at. au assize dinner, when some one•;ofered to, help 'him' to some fowl i; No, thank you,"' said his loldshfp,,"i mean to `try that beef. " 4 "`If yon do, my lord," said Jekay+,l,"it tiyil1 be hung beef." Sergi, Davy NAB adcused, on one occasion , •:of ,'laving` disgraced the bar by'taking''ailver from a client. "I took .;'tits t iiver," he eXelailn ,d "because I"could not ge ,gold ; I took every farthing the fellow had in the world, and I hope..you don't call that disgracing the pro- feesiou." One night as Erskine was coming out of the house of commons he was stopped by a mem- ber going in and asked : "Who's up, Eyck m01" "Windham," was the reply. "What's he 001" was the next question. "His legs," said the witty advocate ; a reply which would scarcely satiafy the • desire fur political information. SITE WAS TIRED OF GETTING INTO PIUNT, "isir. Smithers," said his wife, "if I remember rightly, you Lave often said that y'ou disliked to see a woman constantly getting herself into print." "I du," said Smithers, positive, ly. "You considered it unwomanly and indelicate, I believe." • "Anil you don't see how any man could allow his wife to do any• thing of rho kind." "Yes, I think so now." "Well, Mr. Smithers, in view of all the facts in the case, I feel justi- • fied in asking you for a new silk 'dress." "A new silk dress?" "Yes; for the last eight years I. have had nothing better than eight, cent calico, and I want something • else. I'm Aired of getting inti prinf.r, HISTORICAL PUNS. Such puns have more than once played formidable part in history: France expiated by the devastation of an c niire province a coarse and clumsy play upon "corpse" and "cotp ii• •flee" clad by the French i' is g iu derision of his terrible neighbor William the Conqueror. Charles V. 's jesting assertion that ho could put Paris in his glove (pant), though meant, only to indi- cate the superior size of Ghent to tho Paris of that day, stung Francis I. into the renewal of a languishing war. Ono of Lonis XV.'s upstart favorites was driven from the court by the biting pun that >;urned his new title of Marquis de Vandiere into "Marquis d'Avant-hien" (the day before yesterday). Tho epigrammatic brevity of Sir Francis Drake's celebrated but probably mythical dispatch an- nouncing the rout of the Armada— which consisted of the single word "Cautharides," e., the Spanish fly. —has been twice paralleled in our own ago. Sir Charles Napier and Lord Dalhousie respectively an• nouncod the annexation of Scinde and that of Oudo in one word apiece "'Poccavi"' I have sinned (Scinde), and "Vuvi," I have vowed (Oude). Equally historical is the bitter pun that changed tho name of the slug- ;;ish Admiral Torrington to "Ad• milt.' Tarry in -town." Napoleo,n who was no man for light jesting; is credited with only a single pun, and that a rather poor During the great Italian cam- paign of 1766-7 he replied to a lady, who wondered to find such a famous man so young. "I am young to -day, but tomorrow Ishall have Milan" (1. e. mille ane," a •thousand years.) A tnuch better juke was that •made on the great conqueror himself by an 'Italian countess, who, hearing him say, "All Italians°are traitors„' replied pointedly, "Not all of them, hut a good part (Buo-na•parte). Equally neat, and even more grim- ly,significant, Was Bismarck'sanswor to n person who was speculating how much the impending war of 1879 would cost France. Not much, said the iron Count; "only two Napoleons. •Cul. Campbell, of Nelson, sold this week 1,200 bushels of now wheat at 85 cents a bush. on board of oars at Milton. CONSUME TION SURE,L .r CURED.. To THE Epixo s :-- 4'1eaa.e info w your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured, I shall be glad to send two bottles of my re- medy FREE to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send me their Express and P. O. ad- dress, Respectfully, DE. T. A. SLOCUM, 164 West Adelaide at., Toronto, Ont =The statement is hardly to be ere cited, but it is a fact none the lee t1 e Winnipeg Free Preen, .thatTlYiii,,naluiticipality of Elton, im- .mediately n•ttl'th.1 of Brandon, has paftl for 4O,00(4opher tails this summer and still the burrowing beggars ale;not hard'wto -find in the muntpipalit . TILOROUGfILY 1ttIED Tidying given Dr. Fowler's Extract o?WiId,Strawberry a tho'rough:; trial, Ido nothtate:;to pay that I believe I, hesitate it is the best rer"uedy in existence for 'all summer complaints; diarnceua, dysentery, colic, etc. Mits. R. S. \\'AITE, Springfield. Ont. —Shortly after eight o'clock one evening Allred Jones, a brakeman on an auxiliary train, while passing between the auxiliary car and van, fell between the cars and was com- pletely cut in two. Death was in- stantaneous. Jones was an un- married man about thirty ,years of age. His mother lives near Belle- ville. —Mr. Willutm Ashbury, who was probably Loudon's oldest resi- dent, dropped dead Tuesday on the Market Square; where he 'had goue gone for a stroll with his two pet dogs.., Mr. Ashbury was bora in Tipperary, Ireland. and, with his mother, 'brothers and sisters, came to Canada when quite young. He settled in London in 1832. He followed the trade of blacksulithing, and in early years had been seen setting tires in the middle of the street that is now LOndou's busiest thoroughfare. Ito acquired a for- tune supposed to . be^ iu the neigh- borhood of $150,000. In the Vic- toria disaster, May 27, 1881, Mr. Ashbury saved the life of a boy who clung to hintin the water, but at the same time he lost his wife. IIe leaves no children, and the most of his wealth will go to his nephews and nieces. • IT CAN DO NO IIARM to try Freelnar.'s Worm Powders if your child is ailing, feverish or fretful. —David Weir, James Eden and John Eden were brought to the Elgin jail Saturday night, having been committed by Squire Glover, of Aylmer, on a charge of arson. At the examination John Sprague and his wife testified that the' three parties accused, along with several others wham they failed to recog- nize, called at the shanty occupied by the couple in South Dorchester at one o'clock in the morning and pelted it wall stones. Failing to force the door open they cleaned out the chinks in the shanty and threw stones through the:apertures. They then climbed to the roof, tore oft a portion and threw live coals down on the bed on which the couple had been sleeping. Tho house caught fire and the family, consisting of Sp ague, his wife and three or' for c tildren, barely escaped with their lives, fleeing in their night clothes from the build- ing, which was totally destroyed with its dontonts. Tho only reason alleged by the gang for their devil- try was that Sprague married a squaw. PURITY OF INGREDIENTS and accuracy of compounding, make Mil - burn's Aromatic Quinine Wine the criterion of excellence. Robt. Marvel, after fasting 67 days, died at Indianapolis lust week, aged 85 years. On Juue.-.13th Mr. Maryol ate his Iaet square meal. For thirty six days he took absolute• ly no fool into hie atonu►eh. On the 38th he'bit off a piece of pie, but slid not eat it. On the 39th (lay he drank a little milk, and at irregu• lar periods continued to do so. All told he drank not exceeding one gallon of milk in the 67 days of the fast. Ile was reduced to a living shadow. After fixating a full month he one slay arose from bed, and seizing a pail of water drank some. After that milk and water were left near hits, and occasionally he would ribs and ,bink a little. During the last week. Marvel was bed -fast except, at tiniest, when he would spring up and wander about, the house. Sores cause upon hint by reason of ills long confinement. His fast is the longest on record, so far as known. His trouble began with apo(letty and paralysis. If you could see your own scalp through an ordinary magnifying glass you would be amazed at the amount of dust, dandruff, and dead skits there on accumulated. The best and most popular preparation for cleansing the scalp is Ayer's Hair Vigor. A SINGLE SCRATCH may cause a festering sore. Victoria Carbolic Salvo rapidly heals cuts, wounds, bruises, burns and all sores. S A CORRUPTaS.T4M. Bad blood May corrupt the etitire bysteni and cause scrofulous gores, swellings, ulcers, salt rheum; erysipe• las, sore eyes and akin diseases, as shingles, tetter, etc. Buadock Blood Bitters purifies the blued and clean,. sea, tones and strengthens the entire system. e° —M. Higgins, Windsor, Qat., fired at two Q001(111'11 wlhu were in 0QNSUIlti'T10N CURED. An old physician, retired front pruetiee, having had placed itt his hands by an •Bast ln<lia ahlssiouary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nei volts Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having test- ed its wonderful curative powers in thous- ands of eases, has telt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actua- his peach on.hal'd. 0 holty•tice shuts ted by this motive and a desire to relieve were extracted from eau ehild aid' human. sefferiug. I will semi free of uiuuleun fluor rho other. I'huy 'charge, to all who desire it, this recipo, in Germatl, French or English, with full will recover. He was rent up for •I directions for preparing ami using. Sent Yrial. RELY ON THIS. . DEAR SIR: l have used Dr. Fow- ler's Extract of Wild Strawberry for the last three years, and can always rely upon it as a speedy cure for diarrhoea and all aunt mer complaints. I can recommend it highly and I wish you every succe:•s. NIRS. W. Fnwl.Elt. 12 Oxford St., Toronto —A few days ago Miss \iaush, of S1.,alta, was passing along Talbot street, Sf; Thomas, when a man named Robinson, employers on the nlichigau Central railroad fence gang, is alleged to have remarked : "Pretty girl, 1 wish you were not married,” or words to that effect. The Michigan central railroad authorities were communicated with and suspended Robinson until such time as he could clear himself. Ile claims that there was no insult int• plied in the terns and asks to bo re- stored to work. Messrs. Macdou• gall & Robertson have been retain- ed by Robinson, and the facto are being invetigated. A GOOD REGULATION. Disordered kidneys give rise to rheumatism dropsy, pain in the back and loins, etc., besides many danger - ems complaints affecting the kidneys themselves, as Bright's disease, uraemia. etc. Regulate the kidneys with Burdock Blood Bitters, the best diuretic and kidney remedy ever devised. —Mr. Samuel Kerslake, of the tenth line, Hibbert, suet with a serious In istort ue lately iu the los- ing of otto of his eyes. While busy with the hay Mr. Kerslake rutted some, of the sweat off his ha s into his eyes, and it is sup- posed that the poison of the smart wend or fire Weed had been rubbed iu at the sante time. At -all events one of bis eyes became badly. in- flamed, and after being treated a few days by a local physician, he was recommended to go to Toronto. On arriving there his eye was ex- amined by a special oculist and found to be damaged beyond re- pair. • ALL AGES AND CONDITIONS of people may use National Pills with- out injury and with great Lenefit. —Mrs. D. L. Banslag, wife of a prominent Indiana farmer, was in- stantly killed in an unusual way. With her two small children she had gond to the barn -lot to tnilk the cows. She had just begun the milking, when the animal kicked her ,just beneath tho chin, forcing the head baste suddenly and with great force, breaking her neck. She fell back and expired in the presence of her two little ones with- out speaking. One of the reasons why Scott's Emulsion has such a lafge sale is, be- cause it is the best. Dr. W. H. Cameron, Halifax, N. S. says. "I have prescribed Scott's Emulsion of Coil Liver Oil, with Hypophosrhites, for the past two years, and found it more agreeable to the stomach and have better resulta from its use than any other preparation of the kind I have ever used." Sold by all Drug- gists, 50c. and $1.00. ADVICE TO Mornaas.—Are you dis- urbed at night and broken of your rest b a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor aide sufferer immediately. De- pend upon it, mothers; there is no mis- take about it. it cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and beat female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25c. a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup," anditake no other kind. —Tho potato rot has broken out with great violence in the best potato sections of western New York. From some town's where a few weeks ago large yields were ex- pected, not a quarter of a crop will be haryested. Wet weather is the cauee, and as this has prevailed in all parts of the country, it is fair .to presume thattit has everywhere produced the same effect. Potatoes will be dear before next spring. IT DON'T MATTER. IIowever old, obstinate or chronic your ease may be Burdock Blood Bitters has enred so many seemingly incurable cases that it is well worth n trial in yours. Cases of dyspepsia, scrofula, liver complaint, etc:, of twenty-five years' standing have been cured by B. B. B. by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. NovEs, 149 Power's Block, Rocheslet N. Y. 507 pow, • —Raiva have extinguished the prairie fires near Regina, but not before much damage was done. A BIG STRIKE. A big strike was make when Powell St Davie issued their Extract of arsap- arilla and Burdock. It has met with great success, and it must, for it is the most powerful blood purifier in the mar- ket. It is used with the greatest SII0CP88 in all diseases arising from a debilitated conditon of the system, and everyone needs, and should use a bottle or two at this season of the year, of Powell's Ex- tract of Sarsaparilla and Burdock. Bear in mind one 50e. bottle contains more solid medicine than most dollar so-called Sarsaparilla and bitters. Aleo remember that it is sold in Clinton by all druggists, price 50e. a bottle. Sold by all drug- gists and medicine dealers' everywhere. 4431ly `TRAY STOCK ADVER _:::.y 1J TISEMENTS inserted iu Tse Move Ramiro at low rates. The law makes it compulsory to advertise stray stock It yon want any kind of advertising you will not do better titan call an 'ewsateocord.21, THIS YEAR'S Y TR, H CUT and PLUG 1 SMOKINC TOBACCO. FINER THAN EVER. tSEEI —IN BRONZE ON -- EACH PLUG and PACKAGE. 517-y CZOTHIN ABRAHAM SMITH, Market Square, GODERIOH. WEST OF ENGLANL SUIT. DIGS & TROUSERINGS, SCOTCH TWEED SUITiNGS & TROUSEItINGS, FRENCH AND ENGLISH WOR- STED CLOTHS, Made up in Beat Style and Work- manship at Abraham Smith's. Num t:7! stor'1• one (f the cheape... . and beet stocb 4 of • WINTER MTFH C AND CLOTHS. A Fall Lille:of GENTS' FUR NISHINGS always in stock, It will pay you to call on: ABRAHAM SMITH Established • 1855. 1. BIDDLECOMBE. watches, Clocks, Jewelry,Sifverware Repairing in all branches. Opp, the Market, CLINTON. EXHAUSTED VITALITY! r�PHE SCIENCE OF Li FE, the great Medical Work of the agoon Manhood. Ner- vous and Physical nobility, Premature Decline, Errors of Youth, aqd the untold miseries consequent there - .on, 300 pages 8 vo., 125 prescrfptioneforall diseases Cloth, full gilt, only 01.00, by mall, sealed, 1llastrati, a .ample tree to all young and middle -Aged Inc,,. Send now. 'rho Gold and .Jewelled Medal awarded to the author by the National Medical Association. Address 1'. O. Ilex 1895, Boston, Mass, or Dr, 0'. H. PA iRI(ER,!gradunte of ITarvnrd Medical College, • 25 yaws practice in Boston, who may be consult- ed confidentially. Spertalty,i'tllsenses of Man. Office No 4 Bulfinch Street 495y To9Taill{ A WONDERFUL LAKE} • On ATER DOETH 000D Li C A MEDT r. MEDICAL LAKE REMEDIES (� ��•t++r`-t tt`t� 0��6 ' \,`1St �'\SM 4\A�. TRY NATURES.REMEDY' P..UR • PEE BLESS POTE7yt SOL Blt;.Al.1.'• DRUGGI S'TS. POTF QFgf./4,4 j. ,41.0VODN, ONT 1 House Painting, Glazing and Graining, Plain : and : Decorative Paper Hanging ttortmtt 'MS ota GJ 0 1 1 - rin GO 1(ALSOII�ING and FRESCOING. Shop next Kennedy's Hotel, Albert Street, CLINTON, , - ONTARIO. CHARLES T. SPOONER NEW STOCK ! NEW STORE ! ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - CLINTON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. Call at the New Store and see the stock of Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, ere., And general Household Furniture. The whole Stock is from the very best manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of every description. JUS. CHIDLEY, one door West of Dickson's Book Store. SOB PRINTING zhe 1 nxalz no- trod, THE ACKNOWLEDGED Leading:: Conservative :: Paper 0/ OF THE COUNTY, HAS ONE QF THE x 4 Best Equipped Job Rooms • - IN WESTERN ONTARIO. 0 Toe Most Job -Printing EXECUTED ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. 0 Fall Slow Printing OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Posters, :-: Streamers, Circulars, Cards, &c. 0 COLORED PRINTING! EQUAL (IN MANY CASES SUPERIOR) TO CITY WORK. 0 BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, LETTER HEADS. 0 The Double Circulation gg Talks to Thousands. 0 h Advertiso:in The News-R000rd THE ONLY A DOUBLE CIRCULATION iIN THE COUNTY OF HURON.