HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-09-11, Page 51' Something New hi Fall Goods Opening Up Almost Euery Day. We intend to startle you with CilEAP-:-GOODS We imend to make every line So Cheap That You Will Buy •Don't fail to see what we have got and Nvhat, we are asking for it. 0 Geo. E. Pay & Co. HIE LOW-PRICED STORE. 11,10012.119.00r10.0.110.0V .01= Huron Central EXHIBITION Prize List Correction. LIOR14',ST-cl.As4 L To he ti Fellow.s. lixAvy imPonTEn on CA DIAN BRED. DIVISION 1. 1st 2d 3(1 Heavy &alight Tenni • 65 0 60 itroul Matt, with Mal able 4 3 0 Foal, Cult or Filly 3 2 0 One year 0111 Filly 3 2 0 Otto year old Gelding, 3 2 0 Two year old Filly 3 2 0 Two year (hl Gelding. 3 2 0 DI VISION 11. HEAVY DitAroirr, CANADIAN BRED. Heavy Draught Team $6 81 82 Mood Mare, with foal by side. , 6 4 2 Foal, Celt or Filly 3 2 i 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 1.1 1 3 2 1 321 3 2 1 One year old I! illy One year old (lidding Two year old Filly Two year . old Gelding Three year old Filly Three year old Gelding IN CLASS 2 ADD - One year old iJeltling IN MISCELLANEOUS ADD - Saddle Ponies, riddenby boy under 15 82 81 $O IN CLASS 16 ADD-. Geese, Toulouse 50e 25o 0 Geese, coninion ...... • , Oc 25o 0 a. Stalls, Double 50e. Single 25c. Allotted :according to Ent.les. 1.13, order of &tad) iV. JACKSON, Secretary. 80 /COURT OF REVISION --- Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held pursuant to ""rhe Voter? Lists Act, 1889," by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, atSWA NTS' HALL, Ho! • ville, TP. OODERTCH, on SATURDAY, the list of SEPTEMBER, 1880, at 9 o'clock A.M. to hear and determioe the several complaints of errors and omissions in the Voterli' List of the municipality of Goderleh Township for 1889. All persons having business at the Courtare required to attend at the said time and place. Dated this 501 day of September, 1880. JAMES PATTON, 568 -td Clerk M the said Mimielpality. COURT OF REVISION 18.50. -Notice is hereby given that a Coi4rt will be held, pursuant to The Voters' List Act, 1» ills Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, at the COUNCIL CH A MBER, CLINTON, on MONDAY, the SI xTEENTH day of SEPIEMBER, 1889, at nine o'clock in the forenoon., to hear and deter- mine the several complaints of errors and Mid*. 810713 in the Voters' 1.1st of the Town of Clinton for 1889. persons having business at the Court R10 requested to attend at the said time and phiee. Dated this 111 lay of September, 1889. WM. COATS, td , Clerk of the said Municipality. TEACHERS WANTED. The ;loan' of School Trustees for the Township' of Tuckereinith give notice that applications will be received by the undersigned for Tvitelfers for all the Schools in this Township, Applicants will please state class of certificate, recommend. atious, number of years experience, and salary. The Board will meet on SATURDAY, SEPT. 21st, in the Se.hool those, Egniondville, et 2 o'eloek P.M A pp Ivu Itt 1 are expected to be pa esent, The Sehoois are numbered as follows : No, 1, 2, 11, 4, 0, 7, 8. 9, 10, 11. O. E. JACKSON, Secretary. Eginondville, Sept. 4th, 1889, 568 51 CANADA'S GREAT Industrial Fair -A N Agricultural Exposition 1889 TORONTO SEPT. Jt to 21st. Increased Prizes, Greater Attractions and a Grander Display than ever before. Newest aIftl Best Special Fea- tures that riloney can procure. The Greatest Annual Enter- tainment :on the American " Continent. Over 250,000 visitors attended this Exiit bit ion last year. Entries close August 17th. For Prize Lists and Forms, Programmes, ete., drop a post card to H. J. HILL, Manager, Toronto.. J. .1. W IT I 1ROW, Pres. TOWN LOTS FOR SALE In the Town of Clinton, Belonging to the Estate ol the Late NELSON GLEW, There will be sold by Auetion, OIi the MARKET SQUARE, CLINTON, on S T Ull DA Y, 01;ToBER FIFTH, 1889, at one o'cleck P.M , the following. property :-Lota 62 awl 33, Matilda street, no buildings ; Lot 51, Matilda street, no bnildings; Lot 39, James street,, with small Frame Dwelling thereon A II in tin' Town of Clinton, Title l'erfect. TERMS C4i811. CHAS. SPOONER, ROUT. PEAC0CK, j ''xce"t°" n, DICKINSON, Auetioneer, 508 -td PROPER ry FOR $ALE OR TO RENT, A cottage on Albert 14., lately occupied tt Mr. Jtnes Sloore. Fpo bed rooms, double parlor, dieing reonl, kitelten, summer 11 ('1107 and pantry. tlard and sun water. Stable and fruit trees. There are three lots on Maple Street besides the one on which the cottage stands, making an acre of ground_lit all. The Cottage and one lot will be sisiti sepsrately if desired and on reasonable terms. Possession given at Once. App13' to MRS. THOM 48 COOPER. Clinton, Sept. 211d, 1889. • 116711. LICENSED HOTEL FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for sale the licensed hotel itt Brucefield now known as 'Turner's, formerly known as Itattettiniry's. Dohig a good business, is in excelleet repair and up to the statutory re. quirements, and has lately had considerable kn.. movements effected on it. Terms :-Reasonable eash pv:inent, easy terms for balanee. Apply to R. J. TURNER, 563 -41 Hirffeetield. FARM TO LET. That superior farm of 00 acres, one mile from Clinton, on the Blyth gravel road, second and third eoncessions of Ilullett, belonging to the estate orrlionme F.Rance, and Jteretofore held by the late Adam Button, Will be leased to a good tenant on reasonable terms. Land first class, nearly all cleared, with good buildings and fences, and choice orchard. Apply to the Trustees, 10.0,0 RATTXNHOir, and R. HALE. .Clinton, Aug. 17; 1880. ' 595-4V • 4 RICE HOME: AT A 13A110.4 IN. -Eight acres of land with a tele -t, orchard of choice apple trees comfortable house and stableadjoining Gode. rich township. Apply to B. L. DOYLE, (lode. rich. 52641 STORE FOR RENT. The Mick store, with living rooms overhead, Albert St , next to the Town Hall, presently occupied by Palliseer & Co. For particulars apply to 0(1 (8. SPOONER. 'Clinton .1 uly 23, 1889. 561.11 HOUSE FOR RENT. That 1813' desirable story and a half residence situate on Mary Street, between King and Isaac. Hard and bolt, water, am: all the necessary core venienees of onthouses, etc. Large plot of ground, and good garden of fruit trees. Far particulars apply to D. B. KENNEDY. , Clinton, A e.mst 5, 1880. • 503-tf FOR SALE. The proi 'v at present occupied by the undersigaed • • a residence 00 -the Huron Road, in th '1' a a of Goderich, consisting of one half of al ne e of land, good frame house -story and if h.df-seven rooms, including kitchen, hard and soft water, good stone cellar, stable, wood and carriage houses. There are also ,me goad fruit trees. This property is Le utifully situated and very suitable for any person wishing to live retired. For further particulars apply to E. CAMP EON, 542-tf Barrister, Goder;ch. - - - - - Diamond Tea. The Only Genuine, Safe Cure. Just what the people want, for the following reasons :-ist, because it is Cheap; 211,1, Durable; 3rd, Effectual; 4111. It le Nature's Own Remedy; 5th, it is catty to take, and young and old, rich and poor. must and will have it, and cannot do without it. Superior in every way to nny Mood or Liver Medicine on the market, with hundreds of bona fide Testimonials to back it up. Tito following from one of Clinton's best citizens will Huffier+ : Clinton, August 280, 1880. After suffering for years with Dyspepsia and its dire effects after eatieg. 1 I la, e at last found the "pearl of great price to me" In the ,,hape of "InAMOND Ta4," which makes life worth living, and can heartily recommend it to suffering humanity x0 a remedy ugequalled A. couch, !hitcher. grAsk for DIA moND TEA and take no other. At your Dritggists, 25 and 50 Cents,. Wholesale by W, D. EDWARDS, Chief Agent for Canada, (67.3in London. EXAMINE OUR STOCK OF ?WOOLS? We miry the best quality And the largest stock in the county. SANITARY -:-YARN! something now for Underwear. COOPER'S BOOK STORE. \AMER4:11: SALE 0144000•1141•1011110•0441000.••••• THE - ESTATE LATE JOHN HODGENS Offer the balance of their Large Stock of Summer Goods at a Big Reduction. BARGAINS in Prints, Chambrays, Muslins, Lawns, Embroideries, &e: Immense Stock*:Gloves, Hosiery, &c., to choose from, at close prices*, :VArasols at Cost. JOHN WISEMAN MANAGER. 0 odgens !lava the finest asst unmet of EQS HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE in tho county. • Parlor Suites, Lounges, Easy Chairs 811(1 Mattrasses, all of our own manufactine, Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Extension Tables, Dining Chairs, Used and Rattan Fulniturc-the very best quality at the lowest in ices. UNDERTAKING a Specialty. ; IRE/ ft/ BROS., 4 FUNKRAL DIRECTORS AND Ut'HOLSTERERS, CLINTON. • :(.5VX-6)•1\T H {W." JOHNSON & ARMOUR, --PRACTICAL-- Harness and Collar Makers. 0 Having bon,f.cht he Busint,ss and Stook of ceo. A. Sharman, • we are prepared to till all orders 111 0311 line at the LOWEST LIVING PRICES. We are both practical workmen ainl can guartntee a superior class of work at Moderate rates, The material will always be found 01 1110 best, and by strict attention to business- and honest dealing we hope to be favored with as liberal patronage as our predecessor. \\'e have a splesnlid /Me of's/INGLE 11AILNESS, which for material, workmanship and price, cannot be surpassed. Full 'Stock in all lines. REPAIRING promptly attended to. JOHNSON /id ARMOUR, OPPOSITE MARKET, CLINTON. AMP1100a•MINIXIM•alq...... Ivories, Glassware, Crockery TEAS &c Frain 1.5 to 25 Pep Cent Less Than Regular Prices. 4 000 Subscriber having purchased the entire stock of PALLISER & CO. at a GREAT BARGAIN, and added it to his own large and magnificent stock, ,also bought on favorable terms, offers the entiro stook for the NEXT 60 DAYS at from 15 TO 25 PER CENT. LESS TITAN REGULAR PRICES. (:1- Call and inspect and thus prove that this statement is correct. SErTERMS CASIf. .I3UTTER AND EGGS TAK.EN IN EXCITANGE.-"Eta J. IC IRWIN; The Mammoth Tea Warehouse Wall Paper! Wall Paper! SELLING OFF AT COST ! The undersigned will sell off ,:tT COST his well assorted stock of WALL PAPER ANIO DECORATION FOR CASTE ON DELIVERY. This sale willprobably continue without , change until the whole stock is sold. A. WORTHINGTON. Clinton, 28th April, 1889. . . . Big Bankrupt Stock OF HARDWARE. The large and extensive stock of Hardware of the Estate of R. AI. Racey is being rapidly pushed off. Call early and secure a BARGAIN. We can giye you Bargains in any line of Hardware from a needle to an anchor. Harland Bros., iron and Hardware Merchants, Stoics and Tinware, ALBERT STREET, - CLINTON. n.; • „, . " ••• ••••••••e1M0exereasilaial Bia Singliler Sale 10 Da -OF --- Ladies', Gent's and Girls TRAW HATS A LSO PARASOLS AND GLOVES. WONDERFUL BARCAINS N HOSIERY. 0 Summer Dresooas at Prices that will listonisk 0 J. C. DETLOR & COMPANY r+0,0000,0.1.”0101.00.1=G•IRS0001ealitr VUMMONZION31••••=011•00, 015000M0.1 • C 11-A- 1111.J N. ROBSON STILL TO THE FRONT. TEAS, COFFEES, SPICES, CANNED. GOODS, AT BOTTOM PRICES. Having bought a logs stock of SUGARS before the re- cen t advance in price, 1 offer SPEt1AL INDUCEMENTS to pur-• chasers. CROCK EllY, CHINA and GLASSWARE, Cheap. SEEDS. EDS. SEEDS Garden, Field awl Flower Seeds, Orchard, Kentucky and Butter and Eggs taken as Cush.: Timothy- Clover, A lsike, Lucerne, Blue .Lawn Grass, &IL, &c. N. ROBSON Wall Paper and Decorations • • • • PRICES THAT LEASE THE OCKO'VS OF THE EOPLE. • • • • S•ELLING FOR HARP CASH TIMULATES MALL PROFITS. • e • • Since wo have been handling WALL PAPER our business hos greatly inci eased. We are this year better prepared than ever to fill the wants of the Public. It will cost you nothing to look over our stock and get prices of our Special Designs in Gilts, Glimmers, Flats, Tapestries, h. farOur Gilts will not rub off, tarnish, or stain with paste. Our prices range from 5o.E AD -upwards. Get our Prices complete, for Decorating and Paper Hanging, jar -also fur Painting, Graining, Sign Writing, Gilding, etc. -1B2, COPP‘`...'s LOGAN, City Paint Shop, haw Stred, Clinton j021.116/1111111••=111111Malitilationlainlilliffilk silkin•11.01111111CSMIMialamstilEeei • OUT HATS STIFF HATS. --A11 the Leading Styles, bought from the best manufacturers. SOFT FELTS. -The best and cheapest goods in tiler:market; 1ST -Et ..A -W 11-A-111 S Our tock Ol Straw Hats is well worth seeing, excellent quality and AWAY DOWN in price. Close buyers should not fail to call and see them. The low Juices and g ,'l duality are selling them very fast. tar GENT'S FURNISHINGS AND FINE TAILORING. F. SHEPHERD, THE LEADINC TAILOR. THE NEWS -RECORD FOR FINE PRINTINC. THE HUB GROCER 0 - 0 0 0 •••••••••••• Have you tried my Blend of BLACK TEA 1 -very fine, Also my JAPANS at prices to suit you. COFFEE -A 1, everyort!,,who has tried it Ellyn 80, A very fine RAW SUGAR, low. Glassware, Printed and Plain Tea Setts, Brooms, Bruslu-s, and Wooden Ware. See thy New Steel Wire Hoop Pails -00 dropping oiy of hoops or falling, to pieces. A fresh lot of 2 BROOMS for •25e.tt0Cht,ice• FLAX 9EED for sale. Butter and Eggs taken Q8 Cash. 0 Geo. Swallow, Clinton