HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-09-04, Page 6The Huron News -Record $1.50 a Year -1.25 In Advance. t l TA3 man does trot d, Jw:tree Gr h's business ,rho spends less in oute.9111,.n;/ than he does in ,rent. -A. T. Srawsar, lha mill:odnire merchant of New York, Vitednesdaty. Ke1)i. 4th. 158:9 STEAMSHIP STATISTICS. 'There is au enormous profit in the steamship bnsiuess doting the spying and summer months, the gl'Ues I(tceipts, according to Lhe Boston Herald, liom a single voy• ago fiegmeutly raising above $i00,- 000. \Wheu the Etruria, the Unl- ink, lite city of New York or any other of the great lin ers leave their docks with from 500 tri 600 passen- gers, as they du regularly every week betweeu the middle of April and the middle of July, ren ipts from rho cabins average more than $100 each fur each person, and represent in the aggregate $60,000. The other sources of income from the ship, such as freight, the Mails, the steerage and the bar, amount to almost as much again. There is not a vessel on the ocean that can Lent more than 250 people in 'the maiNdining-room. For this reason there are two dinners served when the passenger list runs above that number, and you are asked at the office whether you prefer the first or second diuner—one at 5:30 the other at 7—and this, with the cumber of your room, is pat on the purser's list with the cumber of your place at table, and when it is once fixed no change will be made. An officer presides at each of the main tables and the highest honor is to sit at the captain's table—if possible ou his right or left—.and great teL is required to arrange the seats satisfactorily and give nu cause for jealousy among the passengers. The perishable food only is bought in this country and such things as melons, oysters, peaches, cigars, tomaloes and other articles that are cheaper and better here than abroad, together with the neoestary supply of c01l to etrrylthe ship across take Atlantic, All of the groceries and wines are purchased on the ether side, the supply being laid iu for the round trite. When a vess'1 of the first class is lying Rt her duck in New York in the opritg _months, with nearly a thousand people to feed for seven or. tight days, she lays iu au enor- mous amount of provisions, which are put in the ice -room, 01 flesh beet' the usual amount is • 12,500 pounds, with 700 pounds of corned, beef, 5,230 pounds of mutton, 850 pounds of lamb, 350 pounds of veal :tad the same amount of pork, and •about 2,500 pounds of fresh fish. These figures may well make the thrifty louse -wife stare in open eyed w:,n(ler. What could she do with the fifteen Cons cf p0t,ttues put aboard every ten days, These .;coa.n greyhounds aro well supplied faith game, as the list of the head cook, which was recently seen by the writer, showed 200 brace of ;;rouse as beu,g put aboard for a single voyage, with 600 fowls, 300 chieJ;elis, 100 ducks, 50 geese and 80 to k"ys, besides thirty hauliers• of vegetables, 220 quarts of ice- cream, 1,000 quarts of milk and 11,500 eggs. It is said that if the ocean dried up you could trace the route of the transatlantic steamers . by rows of empty champagne hottles between here and Europe, which is not surprising, seeing that tho Cunard lino alone use about 26,000 bottles of champagne per year. The bar is a most important de- partment on a large passenger ship, and tho profit from this source is said to often exceed $5,000 from ono trip. All of its goods are put on at Liverpool for the round trip, or at Marro or 100inen. marmalade, 22 tons of raisins and currants, 13 tous of split peas and 15 tons of barley, 50,000 loaves ul broad of 8 pounde each, Si tuns of ham, 33 tune of salt, 31 tons ut oat - meat and 10 tuns of yilluw soap. Over 2,000,000 pounds of meat are consumed every year by this une line, and nearly 1,000,000 eggs. A SNOW-WHITE BACHELOR SPARROW. At Twelfth and Oxford streets', Philadelphia, four groups of interested sightseers stood upuu the trout' separate corners intently watching the auric' of a snow-white English sparrow, which seemed lU be a sort of king among Its sobei- coated fellows, demanding and receiving from thein an amuuut of homage and respectful attention that would have done the heart of his highness the shah of Persia good. A resident of the neighbor- hood said that he had noticed the albino for two or three years: "He has a nest to yonder church steeple," he explained, "and 1 have 'spent considerable time in watch. lug him and studying his peculiari- ties. He is a Male bird and a bachelor. That may sound strange, but there aro Iot.s of bachelor and spinster birds among the English sparrows. Season after season they refuse to mate, set up' establish• ments of their uwu, and live iu them, despised and quarrelled with constantly by the' married birds. have hers. even t'e with euess and rd refuses to attacks the and dru This white sparrow seems to some authority over the u They bring him food an build his nest for hint. hila is an exiBtence of luxury When any pay him tribute h derelict, Dives him bi.ng, and eventually briu6 terms. ' a T14 c011sUtnpti011 for ono voyege includes 1,100 bottles of champagne, 850 bottlbs of claret, 6,000 bottles of ale, 2,400 of porter, ,4,500 of mineral water and 650 bottles of various spirits. Lemons are used on ad average of 12 per head per day, apples 2;t per head per day and °lenges at the rate of 3 per head Ter day. The groceries for the round trip include 650 pounds of tea, 1,200 of coffee, 1,600 of white sugar, 2,500 of moist sugar and 7.50 of pulverized auger. The round trip takes 22 days, (luring only one-half of which are the paseeugers aboard ; yet it consumes on ono ship 1,500 pounds of cheese, 2,000 pounds of butter, 3,500 pounds of halo and 1,000 pounds of bacon. Rough weather is expen- sive to the steamship company iu the largo breakage of crockery which it entails among cabin pas- sengers and stewards, and the record of a recent voyage showed among ' the broken articles 900 plates, 280 cups, 438 saucers. 1,213 tumblers, 200 wino glance, 27 de- canters and 63 water bottles. Tho steamers of ono lino running be - tweet" New Yolk and Liverpool 3011 64,000 cigars per year, 57,000 cigarettes and 35,000 pounds of. tobacco. Among the other items of the yearly supply which 1ppear in the annual report cov- eting the entire fleet of 16 ships, are 1 tons of mustard and 2 tone of pepper, 7,300 bottles of Dickies, 8,000 tins of sardines, 15 tons of • 11 to —A personal retlectiut..-1 ifkius —I don't see why you should grille hie at the hard titles and so on, when you have such a bright pros• peel before 300. (.lifkius— Bright pruspeet ! [;d like to know what it is? l;ifkins--Why, your nose, for iiist.auce, "Five years ago I had a constant cough, night sweats, was greatly re, duced in flesh, and had been given up by my physicians. 1 began to take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and after using two bottles of this methk cine, was completely cured."—Auga A. Lewie, Richard, N. Y. —Lydia Wildman keeps a colored boarding horse at Chattanooga, 'Penn , and has ten young'inen boars. dors. Tainted moat was served at dinner yesterday, and alt the boar- ders, Mrs. Wildman anher daugh- ter, were taken violently ill, and have all been unconscious since. ''lie girl and twoaioarders will die, 'RELY ON '1'IIIS. DEAR SIR.; -.1 have used Dr. Fow- ler's Extract of Wild Strawberry for the last three years, and can always rely upon it as a speedy cure for diarncceii and all summer complaints. f can recommend it. highly and I wish you every success. \las. \1'. Pow 1.1.12. 12 Oxford St.,'l'oronto —A terrible and shocking suicide was committed at Dowagiae, Mich., Aug 29. Benjamin Fritz shot and killed himself in the presence •of Liss Bailey, driest (laughter of David Bailey, because she would not marry hitn. 1[e called upon her, and after pleading his cause in the must earnest language, threaten- ed to kill himself if she would not consent. The lady still said nay, and the young man thereupon pulled a pistol from his pocket and Sent bullet through his head before the frightened girl's screams could being Help. rum fY OF INC ItLD[EN'l:S and accuracy of compou ding, make \lil- burn's Aromatic Quinine Wine the criterion of excellence. —Joseph E. Seagram, of Water- loo, Ontario, nutted $15,00( as a re- sult of his horse, "Object.ion,"winn- ing the first race at Saratoga, "It goes right to the spot," said an old gentletnan, who found great bene- fit in Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Ile was right. Derangements of the stomach, liver,nnd kidneys are more speedily remedied by this medicine than by any other. It reaches the trouble directly. —A highwayman attacked the overland stage between Gogebic and Bessemer, Mich., Monday morning, and robbed the passengers. 'Two men were fatally shot by the bandit, Two well known citizens of Chicago were not molested. IT DON'T MA'L"!'.Glle l-iotvever old, obstinate or chronic. your case may be Burdock Blood Bitters has cored so many seemingly incurable cases that it is well worth a trial in )'curs. Cases of dyspepsia, scrofula, liver complaint, etc., of twenty-five yeses' standing have bee% cured by B. B. B. —Judge G. AI. 'Roswell died at Cubouig lust week iu hi.i 891,,5 year. IT CAN DO NO iiARM to try Freeman's Worm Powders if your child is ailing, feverish or fretful. --Richard Miller, Q.U., died at Si. Coil's) ince last week, aged 72. Tti0Rt)U(411L1 'PRIED. Baying given Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry a thi•ongli trial, I do not hesitate to say that 1 believe it is the best remedy in existence for all summer complaints, diarrh(ra, dysentery, colic, etc. MRs. IL S. \\'Arse, Springfield. Ont. —f hel'e 1s a scramble among the Conservatives 011 the Bay of (, uinte for the .Judgeship of Prince Edward County. tine of the reasons why Scott's Emulsins has such a large sale is, be. cause it is the best. Dr. W. H. Cameron, Halifax, N. S. says. "1 have prescribed .Scott's '1 ,,urfsion if Coll Liver Oil, with Hypophosphiies, for the past two years, and found it more agreeable to the stomach and have hetter rasults from its use than any other' preparation of the kind I have ever used." Sold by all Drug- g'sts, 50c. and $1.00. —Ch •e.e buyer McLaren shipped six carloads of cheese tloiii Listowel on Wednesday. The cheese Was the ,3uly matte of nine factories., The total amount of money paid out, by Mr. McLaren ou Wednesday was $19,000 ; the shipments aggregated 200,000 lbs. of cheese. A CORRUPT SYSTEM. Bad blood may corrupt the entire system and cause scrofulous sores, swellings, ulcers, salt rheum, erysipe• las, sore eyes and skin diseases, as shingles, tetter, etc. Bnrdock Blood Bitters purifies the blood and clean- ses, tones and strengthens the entire system_ - - _ ---Granny Boston., who has just died at Marphy, N. C., was 121 years old and remembered the battle of Ring's Mountains. Her corpse weighed only 50 pounds. ALL AGES AND CONDI'T'IONS of people may use National Pills with• out injury and with great benefit. —Woolwich township, Cit., yesterday carried their bylaw grant- ing a bonus of $28,000 to the Water- loo Junction Railroad Company by 155 majority. A .000D REGULATION. Disordered kidneys give rise to rheumatism,dropsy, pain in the back and loins, etc., besides many danger- ous complaints affecting the kidneys themselves, as Bright's disease, ura;mia. etc. Regulate the kidneys with Burdock Blood Bitters, the best diuretic and kidney remedy ever devised. —A Kingston lady lost $$1.0 bill. She gave up hopes of ever recover- ing it, but three dayn.att.er a little dog vomited it. TJte hill was intact 01171 .was 8000 pot into Circulation. CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED, 'l'o'rd: Ferrol::— Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. B.y its titnely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured, I shall be glad to send two bottles of my re- medy I'tn n to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send ale their Expr(ss and P. O. ad- dress, Respectfully, Do. T. A. SLOCUM, 164 West Adelaide st.,Toronto, Ont —'Che Father Whelan-hIurlbert Jesuit oath discussion fizzled out at the start on the question' of the choice of a fifth arbitrator. CONSTANT CARE. Constant care is necessary against unexpected attacks of summer com- plaints. No remedy is so well known or so successful in this class of dis• ease as Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. Keep it in the house as a safeguard. —Four tramps arrested in Mober- ly, Missouri, vagrants were put up at public auction yesterday. There was a lagre crowd pi osent. Two tramps went to farmers for $2 a head and at'other was bill in for seventy-five cents. The fourth could have nu purchaser. The three sold const serve the purchaser for four months. A SINGLE SCRA''CFI may' cause a festering sore. Victoria Carbolic Salve rapidly heals cuts, wounds, bruises, burns and all sores. —Highway robbers held up a \West/sorra farmer and got $40. Aovic•e TO MoTngse.—Are you dis- urbed at night and broken of your rest b a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor hide sufferer immediately. De- pend upon it, mothers; there is no mis- take about it. it cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives Looe anti energy to the whole system. "Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest andbest female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25c. a bottle. Ire sure andnek for "Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and9take no other kind. CONSUMPTION CUItliID. An old physician, retired from practice, sarin" had placed in lits hands by an East fifths missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy fur the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, lirolichitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for Net V0118 Debility and all Nervous Complaints, afterhaviug test- ed its wonderful euiativo powers ill thous - 1)11118 et' cases, has felt it his fluty to make it known to his suffering fellona. Actua- ted by tris Motive and a desire to relieve human suffering. I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, nand lig this paper. W A. Novi+.s, 149 Power's Block, Ruch es,c, N. Y. 507 cow. —In Niagara county, Neo' York, farms sold at $100 per sere fifteen yeas ago. Now they can pe bought at from $40 to $60 and almost everyone in the county is for sale. _ A BIG STRIKE. A big strike was make when Powell & Davis issued their Extract of arsap- arilia and Burdock, lilies met with great success, And it must, for it is the most powerful blood purifier in the mar- ket. It is used with the greatest success in all diseases arising from a debilitated conditon of the system, and everyone needs, and should use a bottle or two at this season of the year, 9f Powell's Ex- tract of Sarsaparilla and Burdock. Bear in mind -one 60c. bottle contains more solid medicine than most dollar so-called Sarsaparilla and bitters. Also remember that it is sold in Clinton by all druggists, price 50e. a bottle. Sold by all drug- gists and medicine dealers everywhere. 44311y TRAY STOCK ADVER TISEMENTS inserted in Tile NEWS Rscottu at low rates. The law makes it compulsory to advertise stray stock 11 you want any kind of advertising ,you will not do better than call an . Tews-Reocord." THIS YEAR'S CUT and. PLUG SMOKING TOBACCO. FINER THAN EVER. :.SEE? 8.z —IN 151RIN%F: ON— EACH PLUG and PACKAGE. 517-y CLOTHING. ABRAHAM SMITH, Market Square, GODERICH, WEST OF ENGLAND SU1).- 1NGS (1t TEOUSER1NGS, SCOTCH TWEEDS SUITINGS & TROUSERINGS, FRENCH AND ENGLISI[ WOR- STED CLOTHS, Made u1, be Best Style and Work. 90'10/1hip ut Ahraham•,Smith's. NOW its. 81nr,•It one of Urs !'hrul,i- (17lrl hest .toch•8 of "INTER CLOTHiNC AND CLOTHS. A Full Line.of GENTS' FUR NISHINGS always.in stock. It will »ay you to call on: ABRAHAM SMITH Jltablishcd - 1805. 1. BIDDLECOMBE. wnt.hes, Clocks, lewelr)•,Stiverware Repairing in all branches. Lipp. the Market, CLINTON. .HAUSTLD VITALITY! r['1 iE SCIENCE.: for 1,11,E, 1 the great \Iedicat Work of the age on Manhood. Nor- rmns arid Physical Dcbiiit, , Premature Recline, Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries consequent there- on, 300 pages 8 vo., 125 prescriptlot sfor all diseases Cloth, full gilt, only 01,00, by mail, sealed. Illustrative sample tree to, all young and middle-aged men. Send now. The Doli and .Jewelled Medal awarded to the anchor b)' the National Medical Association. Address P. 0. Box 1805, Boston, Mass, or Dr. W. 11. PARI1Ek,'gradunte of Ifarvard Medical College, 25 years pra* tico in Roston, who may he consult. ed confidentially. Specialty, Diseases of Man Oalce No 4 Bulfinch Street 993y TO9 HEAD A ONDERFUL LAKE 09E WATER DOETH GOOD LINE A MEDi IN MEDICAL LAKE REMEDIES r.t'. wto p..14% ' '- av'; . t..'. _. 4 . TOY NATI�RES;REMEDY. P, URE-PEERL SS.--PQTENT SOLD B'• (,L gnu GISTS.. TO TIMOFIIMLI!/COEONOON, 0Nr. House Painting, Glazing and Graining, Plain : and : Decorative Paper Hanging Signs Rich, Bold and Artistic KALSOMINING and FRESCOING. Shop next Kennedy's Hotel, Albert Street, CLINTON, - ONTARIO. CHARLES T. SPOONER NEW STOCK ! NEW STORE ! ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - CLINTON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. Ca11 at the Now Store and see the stock of Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc., and general Household Furniture. The whole Stock is from the very best manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of every descriptiou. JUS. CIIIDLET, one door West of Dickson's Book Store. idedi JOB PRINTING u1,o' t two- trod, THE ACKNOWLEDGED Leading:: Collsorvativo ::Paper Ot rTIIE COUNTY, if AS ONE OF THE = X -i- Best Equipped Job Rooms ,,._.�,._:..: >-.�.-....�,.;.;,..,'.._,- �,�..�-'�'�•%G.,�,:......:........._.._....:......._ . _ _....: _s--�-:<:�-Vivo--.��•�- I.N WESIIIIIN ONTARIO. 0 Toa Firjest Printing EXECUTED ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE, Fall Snow Printing OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Posters, :-: Streamers, Circulars, Cards, &e. COLORED PRINTING! EQUAL (IN MANY CASES SUPERIOII) TO CITY WORK. 0 BILL HEADS. NOTE HADS, LETTER HEADS. 0 Tfle Double Circulation Talks to Thousands. 0 Advertise in The ews-Reoord THE ONLY PAPkit WITH A DOUBLE CIRCULATION