HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-08-28, Page 8.P0 D Absolutely Puree te, ries peeder sever varies. A marvel of purity, strength and windesunteness. More economical th4n the ordinary Itivids, on.I e.innut be sold in eompetition with the eilititmle of low test, ShOrt'WOIght alum Or plio•pli au powders. Sqd onfa in caw. R0VAI 11allIao roW1,11111 Co., 100 Wail St., N. Y. The Huron News -Record 81.50 a Year—i1-95 In Advance. e'er The Jona d.,es ,f justice to his buratto ho spe,u14 less fit adsHtistatt than he does real,—A. 'V, ST4WAit r, the isilliottaire notecha of Nate York. ,,,,,tesuvezzlisrattatIos1.,•* Mti GEO. Hesizy were laid up Or a few day e last week but is all ;light agaiu. Mit. Moe KERNS has been laid up with rheumatism for the last. three weeks, but is now able to get about with the aid of a Wick, WE REGRET TO LEARN that M r. Robert Todd, of Woodstock, is not improving es his friends would like. His case is still a critical one. Ma. Bex Trisects, who has been working iu the Doherty Organ fac . tory for some fime past, will remove to Goderich this ‘veek, taking hie family with him. THE base ball match between Exeter and Clinton on Friday was won by the latter club, in 18 runs and an inning to spare, Exeter 17 rune. / Miss FANNY RANCE, returned home last Saturday, She has been visiting friends in London and Detroit., for the last two or three week& Mn. \TM Kei-es made ono of the largest shipments of eggs, last Fri• day, that has ever left Clinton. He is making arrangements to put wagons on the read to travel and Wednesday. Aug. 18th, 188 gather eggs through Stanley and • other parts uf the county. MR. W. JACKSON will "do" the city of Montreal this week, and will in and Around the "Hub." endeavor to secure single fare rates for companies of the militia who may attend a proposed military review on the Clinton Agl. Grounds • on the days of the holding of the Great IIuron Central Exhibition, JUDGE DOYLE spent a couple of which promises to be one of the hours in Clinton, on Monday, while best of its kind ever held in this waiting for the north bound train to part of Canada. The dates are fixed take him to Myth where he held for Sept. 24, 25, 26. Division Court same day. - — LOCAL NEWS Sown lit. MR. 1). D. 13UCHANAN spent a week holidaying in Clinton. THE SEarmrtt Expostron A. W. Car:Italie, of Clinton, has been here fur three weeks, cleaning and renuvelieg clothing. He is an excellent hand nt his business and the satisfaction he has gi yen iS abun• day tly .111anifested by the large amount Of work he has received. 'REEVE CASTLES, of lleyfiehl, was in town Monday. The gentleman had heen to Geelerich to hive legal ad' c i tl!,, fermelities required to he eemplisd with in order to guard of his conetitti• elite in the p7oposed bonus and loan hy la tv to he submitted to the propel ty holders of hayfield on the 20th day of Sent,-mber 1889, Some ner, ego Wingham voted 88,000- f6r a new town hall and called for tenders for the creatiou of the building... At the last meet- iug of the council the tenders were opened. • There were seven of them, rangit4; from $9.282 to $11.062... All being abov. •t ho amonnt voted tile matter will rest until • the nliinicipalelection's for 1890 when the people will 'he asked for the further sum. DU, BLANC\ LI, Was atAilsa Craig on t•ittuday, attending the funeral of 1410 uncle, Arr. Hugh Kennedy, L. D. flied on Saturday3norn- ing from 'softening of the brain, after au illuese of seven weeks, Deceased was born in the village of London iu 1833, and had been locat- ed iu Ailsa Craig for the last twelve or fifteen -years, and enjoyed a large practice around there and in Lucan. He leaves a widow and two children, who have the sincere sympathy of a very large number of friends throughout the county. A SAFE CORDIAL.—The Rhode Island State of Health Bulletin says : No one who, ,fatigued by over-ex- ertiuu of body and mind, has ever experienced the reviving influence of a tumbler of milk, heated as warm as it CUD be eipped, and with or without a teaspoonful of sugar, will willingly forego a resort to it. The promptness with which its cordial influence is felt is indeed surprising. Some portion of it seems to bo digested and appro. plated .almost immediately, and many who now fancythey mood alcoholic stimulants when exhausted by fatigue will find in this simple draught an equivalent that will be abundantly satisfying, and far more enduring in its effects. • EATING FRUIT.—Some people are afraid to eat fruit, .thinking that fruit and diarrhoea are always as- sociated, when, if they uuderstaud the true cause of diarrhoia they would know that it was caused by eating meet. In hot weather meat putre- fies very quickly; and during this process alkaloids are formed which are very pofs-Onous, acting as e1110 - tics and purgftives. It is true that fruit eaten -green or between tneals will interfere with. digestion and cause bowel troubles; but use fruit that is perfectly ripe at meal -time and only beneficial results will fol- low. Acids prevent calcareous de- generations, keeping the bones elastic, as well ns .preventing the accumulation of earthy matters. Fruit is perfect food when fully ripe, and if it wore in daily use from youth to age there would be less gout,. gall -stones and stone in the bladder.—Canada Health Journal. OP WE HAVE NOW OI HAND THE LARGEST AlD 'MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF School Books & School Supplies WEST OF TORONTO. OVER 100 liINDS Ol 0 LEAD PE,1\16i TN SIOCK Big Bargains an Our Half RICO Tables TMs Week A. few BABY CA ltRiAGES 0 0 Chris. Dickson, Clinton MO. INNOM,5111111MAXMISIIMMILICIIMGICOIVOMIARCialoiliCemalt.Malthilk. ti Miss HATTIE Pore, of London, is A GRAND DAY. pending 41 few days in town with Holds. THE lacrosse match between Sea - forth and Clinton on Friday re - Suited ht a tie game. /4ISS LIZZIE: LOGAN, of the "Rat- tInbury House," went to London, on Saturday, to rennin a few weeks visiting friende. THE MUNICIPAL veteian of NV. Wawanosh, Mr. Chas. Girvin, was in town one clay last week on his way to see hie' former colleague in the county parliament, Mr. Humphrey Snell, of Hullett, who we regret to leave is not improving from a some time illness as rapidly as desirable. According to partisan politicians we should take no stock in these veteran reformers, but if fruition were the outcome of good wishes both of the gentlemen would lag upon the stnge of life for many years yet, While we regret to learn that Itfr. Snell is yet ill, we are pleased to note Ii. Oirvin is hav- ing the best of health. LIKE OTHERS WE NEED MONEY.— Wo suppose many people think newspaper men are persistent dun - tiers. By way of comparison let us suppose that a farmer raises 2000 bushels of wheat a year, and he sells this out to 2000 persons in all parts of the country, at one dollar a bushel to each, a great portion of them sayiug. "I will hand you the dollar in a short time." The farmer don't want to be small, and says "all right." Soon his 2,000 bushels of grain are gone, but he has little to show for it, and then he realizes that ho has frittered away his whole wheat crop and that its value to him is due in a thousand little driblets consequently he is seriously ember - ratified in his business, because his debtors each owing him only $1, treat it only es a small twitter, and and think it would not help much. Continuo this kind of business year in and year out, as the publisher does, and how long would ho or could he stand it. A moment's thought will eonvince any one that a publisher has cause for peraistent dunning. There are $3,000 owing to THE NEWS•RECORD in this way. .0.1163.1.121 Combined Exhibit of Horse D-eeding and Speed at Clinton. Friday last will be a memorable day with those who either from a humane sporting stand point or from the more material one of in• West take stock in that noblest of all domestic animals—the horse. LIABILITY.—A. merchant sued a About one o'clock the Doherty party the other day for goods sup Band started from the Queen's hotel plied another party who had been and marched to the Rattenbury formerly a partner. The goods House, where, under the superin- were supplied after dissolution of tendence of the Grand Marshal of partnership but no notice had been the day, Mr. Eph. Doherty, a given of same. The court held that GRAND CAVALCADE . either member of a firm is liable for had been arranged to form and pro - goods supplied the other, although the firm is dissolved, wl aere n'o ceed to the splendid turf grounds of the Clinton Driving Park Asso- newspaper notice of such has been . . ciatton. The cavalcade was preced- given. ed by the Doherty. Band phi) ina HEAD MASTER Turnbull and Mr, enlivening music such as might be 'Perry, of the Clintoti: Collegiate expected of trained artists. Then Institute; are home again, evidently came carriages..containing the offi much invigorated by several weeks cers of the association, Presideut T. untrammelled contact with the out- C. Doherty, Secy-Treas. Robson, side world. The former fresh from and the Directors. Next came the the St. Lawrence *here, perchauce, nineteen clean limbed, various gait - he may have been guilty of joining ed equine gladiators, and drivers in : - and riders iu their motley parapher- " Faintly as tolls the ev, ning chime, nalia of carriages and colors, with Our voices keep tune, and our oars keep tho music excited and spirited steeds, time ; going to make up a parade of gor- Soon as the woods on shore look dim, Well sing at St. Anne's our parting 0 , aeons m° a,miticence that would have • delghtedeven the Shah of Persi ' hymn ; i Row, brothers, row, the stream runs fast ; or any lover of the decile and use The rapids' are near, and the ilayliglit's ful friend of man. The 10110831011 past." was semi -oriental in gorgeousness The latter gentleman,. being on and wholly Clintoniau iu its ex more intimate terms with the classic pressive outcome of tho intensel muse, may have revolved in his practical and Progressive spirit that mind, as tho circling wheel gripped rules our people. the iron, bands amid the grand up- „ Shortly after arriving at th !navels that diversify the face of 'grounds the concourse kept aggre nature in the Great Lone Land : gating until from 1,200 tie ,50 From these high mounts of Ood whence persons were present, a largo pro light and shade portion occupying the grand stand Spring forth ; the face of brightest heaven while about forty vehicles will had changed To grateful twilight. ' many fair occupants dotted the field. It was very gratifying t HORSE IIEREnrrv.—The Royal notice the : liberal sprinkling o Agricultural Society of England lutes present. Xlieir presence wa and the Royal Commission having an interesting commentary on th suggested to - the Council the de- social decorum which prevailed an sirability of a conference of mem- shows that the popular tide is agei burs of the veterinary profession be setting in favor of properly con ing convened by them for the pur• ducted meetings of this kind. Eve pose of considering, and if possible, horse racing would he a bald alibi defining what defects in a horse without ladies and music,. Th shall be regarded as constituting soul stirring strains of the Dehert hereditary disease, the Council, band, the parasols and ribbons an after due consideration, ordered a soft eyes and smiles of the ladie circular letter to be issued to each were aa pleesing as the warblinc,°o member of the profession in the feathered songsters in shaded sylva United Kingdom, asking them tu grove, though actuality leveled th tabulate their opinions. Among glaring sunlight from an uncloude the replies was one from the -Nest- sky falling upon the thousau dent of the Royal College of Voter- presentBut ones attention inary Surgeons to the effect that taken from a review of the pleasin the following diseases shall be deem- features of the assembled crowd ed a legitimate reason fur disquali- the rival horses speed round t Nation :—Roaring, whistling, side- ring. Hankerchiefs and hats wa bone, ringtione, navicular disease, as excited men and modest went° curb, bone spavin, hog spavin, wave theirs beacons of approve ,grease, shivering and cataract ; and amid loud plaudits, as their favori further, that under certain circutn- horses respectively take the iea stauces the undermentioned diseases and are either neck and neck' she% be deemed to justify the re• gaining as the goal is neared or jection of an animal for breeffling they pass under the wire. purposes :—Splint, stringhalt, con- Indeed the races in the Drivi tracted feet, . weak feet, bursal en- Peek at Clinton on Friday la largements, such as thoronghpin 23rd., were, in every respect a an and wind gall. cess. All the concomitants requi ite in make up of this kind we ANOTHER EDITOR DONE Paone.— on hand: Fine weather, with Last week we had the pleasure of times tnild reminders of cool zephyr announcing that the editor of THE inspiriting band music end lots NEWS-Recortu had received a vela- it, good attendance, splendid orde able gold watch and chain from ft good track, fair number of entri personal friend and old subscriber. in the various races, and ea 'It was quite a gratifying surprise to animal tested for all it was wort have ,our journalism endorsed in These supplemented by courteo this handsome manner, as the donor officers, and judges, whose coudu knows the recipient chiefly through was above even suspicion, meti the columns of THE NEWS -RECORD, out justice teinpered, "with mei. they having met but three dines in all tended to promote univer thirty years.. Present giving to satisfaction among the 1,200 editors seems to he contagious, for 1,500 present. The expression last Sunday morning a nicely pot- allliands being "Splendid Da ished pair of cowhide stage boots "Grand Sport." "Very Good Race was to be seen in the front of the etc. Nem Era office addressed to the editor of that paper. The donor of In the 3 niinute trot there w five entries. The first heat show them was equally 0,8 modest as liber pretty al; for we believe he is unknown oven thing between Ba ' win and Happy Lucy, but the lar not even attaching his initials to got oft her feet so often and the address card. The donor's such considerable distances th liberality was evidenced by the , though corning under the ctrl amplitude of the pedal coverings. first, she was sot back third. T Our informant is authority for the second heat was marred by au ac statement that there was somewhat dent to Jay Gould who choked a less than a hide of leather in each ' fell, striking his nose on the grou of the monster boots. 'Tis well and making it bleed, the dri thus. And while we wish our getting out of the sulky before contemporary long life to sport his over. The score was :— present, there is reason to hope toppled from the capaciousness of the leathern integuments that there will be scope and verge in them to encase the most generous enlarge- ment of his understandings. SOME ONE TO LOVE HIM. -0130 evening last week a begrimed son of toil, of erect head . and manly mien, might have been seen re- turning home after his day's work was done. When not far from his house he was met by his wife with a little toddler in her arms. She evidently thought that this going to meet him, if only for a few steps, would be accepted by her toil -worn husband as indicativel of a desire to meet happiness half way. And surely it was "nice" to see the anxious wife welcome her work blackened husband as pleasantly as though lie had come out of a band box nil pomattnn and perfume. But the preceding part of' the incident is not nnueuel. What called for referring to this at all was the remark of two girls, yot in their teens, who came along just as the pleased wife greeted the grati- fied husband. Oue of the girls in passing the happy couple sneering- ly remarked', "It's nice, isn't it." To which her companion replied "Toe 1)00 1100, must be very nice." These jeering words were used in the hearing of the wife, fur she looked around on their being utter- ed. The remarks 1,vere rude it' only thoughtlessly used. That blacken' ed workman has a whiter soul, we will venture to say, than thousands of those who dress in purple and fine linen, droning deadhead i upon society, some of whom the girls would probably have been pleased to call their "mash." The thought struck us as we heard the sneering "Ain't that nice," that the thought- less utterers might be in a worse position than that of the wife of an honest man, be his hands and face never so smutty. Some persons estimate happiness by purple and fine linen, fine houses, etc., but, says a thoughtful writer, "When I wish to ascertain the real felicity of any rational man, I always enquire whom he has to love him. ,8 Baldwin 1 Stephen A .2 Happy Lucy ..3 Reliable 5 Jay Gould 4 Time -2.38, 2.43, 2,39, • 1•00.1*.t....P4 * R reaI Line! -eetelo—esestio. 1 $3111 Pats! " * * * ..../WenftrTgAPP•TIMPPWW•41.11.011.•;•••••;V•••••0"1010 * * -4_77477e We are putting into stuck a great line of Pants at $3 a pair, which we claim are imilairloolueri.A.d. for Tile cli EVER OF'F'ERED 'PURCHASE .........,,,,, in this Line :1 section.. We OF GOODS Goos 1 _„„.,..... made a LARGE at § 4-§ § § § § FT -1441 § § § § § § § § § . . . • , , • - , i t ) l' ' 3 1 1 „ il, o r 1 s r 3 o d : g 48 e e" n 1, 'e d ir 18 'g at c- s- re at ,s, of r, es 111 h. US etrugged 1g 'Yt 'I or 311 „ ' , s' ,re od 11- :er at, ng he ni. nd nd ,e, it t 1 1 3 114 112 , Hence this BARGAIN. Way $4.50, and people should not call JAcKsoi\ THE FAMOUS. ,. ..,. They are worth who can't appreciate to see these in the regular a Bargain goods. 9 CLINTON. ............. __._ • BRITHEIts CLOTHIERS, .. In the 2.4Q class there were five entries, Whitely's bay stalli6n Carlisle, an even•gaited powerful trotter, taking first money gesily in three straight heats. A protest was entered against Donaldson trotting in this class. The score stood :— Carlisle. 1 1 '1 Donaldson .3 2 2 (4 u tllith( ... 04 3 Rosewood 4 3 4 Sandy If • Time -2.40, 2.34, 2.35' The free for all race brought out tho speediest time and was fairly well contested, though 'Whitely's Florence G. from the first was the favorite. In the secoild heat, though, Dr. Frank gave her a close push for first place. The score showed :— Florence 1 1 0 i Frank 2 2 2 RosaDr.B Mollie B. 1 1 3 Barney B - Time 2.29, 2.27, 2.29. In the running race there were four entries, but only three competed. Topsy, owned by Beattie Bios., mal, Brussels, was a gamey little 8111 11481, while trim little Skip did not fulfil anticipations owing probablyante to not being fitted up in time. The score stood :— Topsy .1 1 Donald Goff 2 2 Skip .3 3 Time 1.58, 2.00. The Judges were P. McGregor, Brucefield ; Thos. Bell, Winghatn: John Mooney, Clinton. Time. keeper Isaac Rattenbury. The in- partiality of these gentlemen is bo- youd all praise, and the proof of it is in the lack of " kicking " on the part of owners of horses or the spec- tators. The refreahment booth on the ground, run by Mr. Watson of the Commercial, was a model of pro' priety,nothing approximatina in- * toxicants being sold. And the fakirs which usually follow in the wake of all large gatherings were an exceptionally decent lot considering the class that follow their Isbmaelit- ish calling. ” Tom " Carling in stertorous tones sold " pools " on the various races to the satisfaction of takers. THE RIGHT or Wm—An ex- change says :—" Many who drive do not seem to understand that the law gives the right of .way to the pedestrian. A man or woman who is crossing, the street at a regular crossing is not obliged to look out for the person who is driving the teatn, but the person driving is to take care not to jostle or incommode a person walking. That is law and common courtesy as well. How frequently do we see teams draw up at a crossing and pedestrians . . . .. . 11E17. Mn. MORDY, of Mager: Falle.,,willpreach next Sunday in Willis church. . • CHALK. TALK. --One Milk dealer of Woodstock has taken action foi slander against a rival vendor fel circulating a report thet the aggriev ed 'party 'put the "Most chalk in hi: milk. ,_,, t UOMPLIMENTARY received by tbI office from Chief McCrimmon an( Secretary Yule, of the Lucknom Caledonian Society, to attend thei annual meeting on Septr. lith Good programine and low railwa; rates, HEALTH llonev.—A. leadim physician lays down 200 rules fo preserving health.' Tho chief one of them cr appear to b : Don't ea ; don't drink green tea ; don' tPakek animal food oftener than twie a day ; don't read immediately afte meals. JACK " GENTLES, of Kincardine was in town last week. One eoull faraway look of revenge I his usually jolly looking counteu as we xeforred to some remark that appeared in the Review col] cerning him, Whether it will en in a suit for libel or pistols an coffee for two deponent saith not. poLL. INST.—MISS MacArthur 0 Port Perry has been engaged to fl: the vacancy in the Collegiate Inst tute staff caused by tho resignatio of Mise Stork. She is recornmeni ed highly by Inspector Seath. Th salary is $500 per annune—M Giffin, a specialist in Science, an highly spoken of by the junk Inspector of Coll. 'nets., takes th place of Mr. Hill, ---Mr. Robb loo ° after roisterina a aroun during vacation and takes his pia( with the other two old members the staff.—The Institute re-opene oMonday with the best staff n I teachers ever employed in conne tion with it. KILLED.—Mr. Henry Beaeor son of Mr. Robt. Beacom, former of Hullett, presently of North Car lina, was killed not long. ago whi working at a bridge in Washingtc Territory, not far from Seattle, ti town recently destroyed by fit The young man had for some yea boon employed bridge building f a Railway Company at good wag On the day ho met his death he w at the lower portiop of the structu when a piece of timber fell from t top striking hitn on the head at killing him. The body was 01 balmed and forwarded to his fat in North Carolina.Deceased Ns an exemplary young man and qu skilful. He was a nephew of IV John Beacom, of Ontario St., Cl ‘-- macto to pass aroun em. r 8 t t r 3. 11 8 11 n 1- 0 d 0 15 113 td o- le e. rs or s. as re Or aS te r. n-