HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-08-28, Page 6• l he Huron News -Record $1.50 a Year -$1.25 In Advance. Ste The spall does not do lipase to his business Waw spends toy in adcertisi.nJ, than he duesin rent. -A, T. Sraw.va', the millionaire merchant of New York. Wednesday, Au;.. 28th. 1889 HOUSEHOLD HINTS. Old cotton hose are easily con- verted into good holders for use about the kitchen stove. Lampblack dissolved in alcohol added to whitewash makes a desir- able color for kitchen walls. " Vaseline is a superior oboe dress, as it readers the leather pli- able and duesu't soil the fabric in contact." Those ugly egg stains upon silver spoons will disappear if salt is vig- orously applied, slightly dampen- ed. Au ounce each of pulverized cloves, cinnamon, and cedar per- fumes agreeably and tends to keep moths from drawers. A pound of chloride of lime mixed with a quart of water and placed where roaches abound, is destructive to them., A woollen cloth is preferable to a brush for polishing the stove, as it occasions but little dirt and gives a softer gloss to the iron. Instead of soiling oilcloth with soap and scrubbing brush, the ad- vice is given to was with soft cloth in luke-warm water and apply sweet milk. A soiled black coat can be quick- ly cleaned by applying with a sponge strong coffee containing a few drops of ammonia. Finish by rubbing wits piece of colored woollen cloth. Slip a paper bag over the cleaned lamp -chimney to keep flies frorn soiling it again, or dust from settl- ing on it. These stains aro hard to remove when burned in.—Central Adrorate. At this season salt is quite apt to clog in the shakers. To , prevent this mix the salt with cornstarch, using s.ven parts of salt and one of cornstarch. This small quantity of cornstarch is no' objectionable. If " sheets, coverlets, pillow and 'bolster ou buth,sides, edges of bed- cuit::ins, and wall next the bed " be spi int:led with "a shall quantity of 2 per cent„ carbolic acid solution,' and the face and neck slightly wet- ted with the same, " it is said that not a gnat or mosquito will come near," To expel mosquitoes, take of gain camphor a piece of .about one third the size of a hen's egg and evaporate it by placing it in a tin yes' 'I and holding it max. a-lamit, car that it does not ignite, Tb,, smoke will soon fill the room and expel the mosquitoes, and they will not return, even though the windows should be left open all Anter•ican. A Tij''Mt-)POL'S SPEECH 1 .v. rtlexandor Gordon, of r,c;lking at the reotintsoiree of t',:o British Foreign Unitarian Assotti.1You, in London, addressed the audience as " Gentlemen and ladies," and said that when he had the honor of being their representa- tive in Hungary he learned that that was the only right mode of ad- dres'uiug a combined meeting of the sexes, ou the principle of keeping the best, to the last. It was related of a venerable minister in the North of Ireland that he rose on one occasiui with great solemnity in a meeting like the present, and said that he hitherto had been 'restrained from public speaking out of regard to the n ishes of liis wifo, but now that ele was gone he would make e few ..arks, and he had not°dono so for more than throe -quarters of an hour when every person in the meeting mourned the loss of that wife as though it had been the de - .cease of his most intimate friend. They had' got a Provincial Assemb- ly,, h( thought, here in London. 1,et ti:'•re be no mistake about the name. Phis was not a non-sub- ,erihing association, They had run it down as fine as they liked, but rime pay up. Once there was a revival meeting in a certain con- gregation, and after the evangelist had labored for a week, and with very good moral exhortations too, he said, ' Now every man in Chia meeting that has paid his debts stand up.' They rose in a mase. 'then he said, ' Sit down, and every Nan in this meeting that has not paid bis debts stand up. There was ()no in :ividual, lank and lean, rais- ed his form aloft. ' 11[y good man, said the evangelist, ` have you paid your debts 1' ' No,' ' said he, ' I have not maid my debts, and I can- not pay them. I am the editor ofet religious periodical, and every mem- her of this congregation owes mo fur n)y paper,' Mr, 1[erson had given him a quarter of au hour, tut be would not occupy it all. He would be like the teetotaler, who to him the other day, ` You h l i,w I am a teetotaler, but I al- ;:., i:ot a little whisky in the bot- tom of the tumbler just enough to warm the glass,' ' Ilut, good man,' said he, ' how do you square that with your faith1' The reply was, ' Oh, -I never drink down to the whisky.' A STRONG HINT. A special collection was announc- ed for the day in a Scotch church. But as the purstestrin;s of the old farmers were known to be pretty tightly tied, the collection was to lee taken- up- In.atie uld fashioned ladle after the delivery of a stirring discourse on the merits of giving, and the excellence of the scheme in question. About the twiddle of the sermon the minister, Irappeuing to look out of the window, spied a cow wading about in the adjoining corn -field. Turing towards one of the side seats, whore s it the owner of the corn and presumably of the cow also, he stopped his sermon, anti said : `Rab Stevieson, there's a coo wast yonder frae the kirk up to the horns amang yor corn. Ye'd better look aftel•'t at once.' Up sprang Rab, seized his long- haired lum hat and stick, and made for' the door, while the minister calmly took up the thread of his 'discoorse', As Rab reached the door, which the beadle was already holding open, the minister stopped again, and sang out: `By -the -by, Rab, ye'll better jiat leave your collection wi' the beadle in case ye dinna get back again: It is said confidently that the ladle profited more by Rab on that occasion than it would otherwise have done, and no wonder. Few, unless totally bankrupt, would have had the hardihood to pass without drawing the purse after such a hint. INTERESTING NEWS ITEMS. —The sales of English wheat during the week were 42,894 quar- ters at 308 9d, against 10,570 quer tors at 35s 9d during the correspond- ing period last year. —Texas fever has broken out in Missouri and Pennsylvania. The fanners are greatly alarmed by the presence of the disease. Cattle stricken with the disease in,vai•iably die. -At- Kingston, Out., Monday, Marshall C. Twitchell, arrested July 2G, for attempted murder and burglary, was admitted to bail in the suns of $3,000, and immediate- ly left for the United States. — The widow of the late J. H. Webster, saloon keeper, Montreal, killed by falling down the elevator of the Temple building, has taken action for $11,000 damages against rhe Methodist Church,of Canada. — The English, naval authorities have made up their minds that the protection of the empire demands that their fleet must at least equal the combined fleets of the two next highest naval powers—that is, the combined fleets of Franco and Italy ; and no money or pains are to be spared to bring about this result. —Franz; Sorenson was fatally in- jured at Nanticoke, by a trap which ho had orrauoed to kill thieves. Some one had bean stealing pigeons from the barn. Being unable to detect the thieves he loaded a r'e• velvet. on Saturday, suspended it from a beam with the muzzle toward the door and attached a line so that the opening of the door would cause the revolver to explode. Ile was himself the first to try the trap and the bullet entered• his body just below the heart. Soren- son, was thirty years old and mar- ried. Ho is still alive, but with no possible chance for recovery. —A party writing from Winches- ter, Dundas county, Ont;, says there is living there at the age- of 118, James Page, a native of Sussex, England, was an able bodied sea- man with Admiral Nelson at the battle of Trafalgar. Like many another he ran away to sea at an early age; however,' he was snbee- q'tently recovered by his parents, and bound as a ship's apprentice to a Captain Harvey ; and while still in his apprenticeship he was pressed into the British navy. He dis- tinctly remembers Napoleon and his first Empress, and recalls vivid- ly the "little Corporal." He also has rebolleations of the "cat" and flogging through the British fleet, and comments on the cruelty of that punishment. In answer to an enquiry es to the relative merits of Napoleon and Wellington, his rep y was "God fought the battles." H is of small stature, but well -knit -f lame. His voice is yet strong, but his memory is of the distant post. Froin incidents in his life and the estimate of the oldest residents, ho must be about 118 years of ae. Ho can still walk ; hie appetite is good, and his relish s for the sailor's consolation, tobacco—is strong. In Canada Mr. Page was present at the pattle of Windmill Point, and re- ceived seven shillings for his trouble ; on his Way home he mot a woman mourning the loss of her •husband who had been killed in battle the day before. Sailor -like, he gave her the contents of his pockets. MILBURN'S AROMAT[C QUIN- INE WINE is distinctly superior to any other as an appetizing tonle and fortifier —A case of supposed Siamese twins is reported from Tlunaveuture, Que. CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED. To TIIE EDITOR :— Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless oases have been permanently cured, I shall be glad to send two bottles of my re• medy GREE to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send me their Express and P. 0. ad- dress, Respectfully, Da. T. A. SLOCUM*, 164 West Adelaide st.,'I'oronto, Ont. — Ex-T.ieiit Gov, Aikens esti- mates this year's wheat yield in 'Manitoba at 9.000,000 hush, Few children can he induced to take physic without a struggle, and no wonder—most drugs are extreme. ly nauseating. Ayer's Pills, on the contrary, being sugar-cnated, are eagerly swallowed by the little ones, and are, therefore, the favorite medi- cine. — It is said the pack of salmon in British Columbia this your will be 100,000 cases more than last year. CHRONIC COUGHS AND COLDS. And all Diseases of the 'throat and Lungs can be cured by the use of Soott's Emulsion, as it contains the healing virtues of Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites in their fullest form. See what W. S. Muer, M. D., L. R. C. P., etc., Truro, N. S., says: "After three years' experience I consider Scott's Emulsion one of the very best in the market. Very excellent in Throat affections." Sold by all Druggists, 50c. and $1.0). — Dr. Robertson, of Stratford, allowed a stranger to Bold his watch while he contested in a bicycle race at Hamilton on Monday. The stranger is missing. So is a the watch..---_ -- - - - --� . FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS destroy and remove worms without injury to adult or infant. — The population of Levis, Que- bec, consists of 7,514 Roman Catho- lics and 214 Protestants, FOR DELICA'CE, SICKLY CIIIL- DREN. Scott's Emulsion is unequalled. See what Dr. C.A. Black, of Amherst, N. 8., says : "1 have been acquaint- ed with Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, with Hypophospbites, for years, and consider it one of the finest preparations now before the public. Its pleasant flavor makes it the great favorite for children, and I o highly recommend it for all wast- ing diseases of children and adults.. Sold by Drtrggists, 50e. and John G.Morley, a young •man living near Rockwood,. Out., was killed by lightning on Monday night, REGULATE THE L1VER and Bowe]s by the judicious use of Na. tional Pills, they are purely vege- table. —A. Quebec despatch usays that the Local Government has donated $500 towards the prizes offered in a series of trotting ]Hatchet; there. Anvmel TO MOTHERS —Are you ri c- urbed at night and broken of your rest b a sick child snffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth 7 If so send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is incalculable. it will relieve the poor itltlesufferer immediately. De- pend upon it, mothers ; there is no mis- take about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone ane energy to the whole system. "Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25c. a bottle. Ile sere and ask for "Mrs, winylow'sSoothing Syrup," andltake no oilier kind. —A young man named Prentice, a student at Albert College, Belle- ville, has gone hopelessly insane froto over study. — The salmon pack of British Columbia to date, totals 376,000 cases. A perfect complexion, free from pimple or blemish, is very rarely seen, because few people have per. Sealy pure blood. And yet, all dis- figuring eruptions are easily remov- ed by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Try it, and surprise your friends with the result. The banquet to Iron. Mr. Dewd- ney at Regina last week was the moat successful affair of the kind ever held In the territories, the banquetting hall being crowded. Brilliant addresses were made by Gov. Royal, in response to the Loyal toast, and by Hon. Mr. Dewdney, who was cheered to the echo, AS A HTEALiNG, SOOThing applte cation for cuts, wounds, bruises and sores, there is nothing better than Victoria Carbolic Salve. CONSUMPTION CUBED. An old physician, retired front liractice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy end permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having test- ed its wonderful curative powers in thous- ands of cases, bas felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actua- ted by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering. I Will send free of charge, to all wire desire it, this recipe, in German, Frond' or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Scut by mail by address&ng with stamp, miming this }aper, \'I. A. NO ES, 149 Power's Block, Roches'etN. Y. 507 eow. —George Laidlaw, the well known promoter of Ontario railways, died late Tuesday evening at'Bal- saul Lake, A 1110 STRIKE. A big strike was make when Powell & Davis issued their Extract of arsap- arilla and Burdock. It has met with great success, and it must, for it is the most powerful blood purifier in the mar- ket. It is used with the greatest success in all diseases arising from a debilitated oonditon of the system, and everyone needs, and should use a bottle or two at this season of the year, of Powell's Ex- tract of Sarsaparilla and Burdock. Bear in mind one 50c. bottle contains more solid medicine than most dollar so -palled Sarsaparilla and bitters. Also remember that it is sold in Clinton by all druggists, price 50c. a bottle. Sold by all drug- gists and medicine dealers everywhere. 44311y i4 YSTRAY STOCK ADVER T1SEMENTS inserted in Tun News Itscoau at low rates. The law makes it compulsory to advertise stray stock If you want any kind of advertising you will not do better than call en 'ews-Roocord..'S THIS YEAR'S CUT and' PLUG SMOKING TOBACCO. FINER THAN EVER. 'SEE -IN BRONZE ON - EACH PLUG and PACKAGE. 517-y CLOTHIN ABRAHAM SMI H, Market Square, GODERICH. WEST OF .ENGLAND iSU11• INGS & TROUSER1NGS, SCOTCH TWEED SUITTNGS & TROUSERLNGS, F.RENCII AND ENGLISH \VOR- S'I'ED CLOTHS, Made up in' Best Style and Wor/- rtturtsltip) al Abraham Smith's. Now in stork erre of the c•heapir- arul bt'.,f ,•soffits of WINTER CLOTHING AND CLOTHS. • A Full Line.of GENTS':FUR NISHINC+S always in stook. It will pay you to call onr; ABRAHAM SMITH, Established • 1885. J. BIDDLECOMBE. R1.tcl es, Cloeks, Jewelry, ilverware Repairing. In all branches. Opp. the Marltet, CLINTON.. EXHAUSTED VITALITY! r ' IE SCIENCE ()F LIFE, the great ;Medical 11'ork of the age on Manhood, Ner- vous and Physical Debility, Premature Decline, Errors of Youth, and the untold • miseries consequent there- on, 300 pages 8 vo„ 125 prescriptions for all discuses Cloth, full gilt, only 51,00, by nail, sealed, illustrative sample tree to all young and middle-aged men. Send now. $'ho Cold and Jewelled Medal awarded to the anthor by the National Medicnl Association. Addrebs 1'. 0. Box 1895, Boston, Mass, or Dr. W. 11. PARK EK,'gradaatoof Harvard Medical College, 25 years practice In Boston, who may be consult• ed confidentially, Specialty, Diseases of Man Office No 4 Bulfinch Street • 493y [1T A WONDE' FUL LAKE: OBE WATER DOETH GOOD VI E A MEDIC �e�thn : i rf,n-•.� Ili.t Kt,r• d -'rMEDICAL L44,KE. REMEDIES `yr`t t.,,z) `g�P,•0QANNCAr.1��, TOY N•,A,T`JR Eti S REMEDY' PUREPEERLE���., �, bPOTE.M •=SOLD'`BY l'LC"RhGGi's7S•.: TOTEMOf.// LT/ OtostOON,,ONT, House Painting, Glazing and Graining, Plain : and ; Decorative Paper Hanging CZ NALSOIIIINING and FRESCOING. l Shop next Kennedy's Hotel, Albert Street, r=1---" CLINTON, - ONTARIO. 1 ton CHARLES T. SPOONER �v± -1 TT IR, =o NEW STOOK ! NEW STORE ! ELLICni" I''S BLOCK, - CLINTON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. Call at the New Store and see the stock of Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc., and general Household Furniture. The whole Stock is frotn the very best manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of every description. JOS. CHIDLEY, one door West of Dickson's Book Store. TOB PRINTING the um %two- trod, THE ACKNOWLEDGED Leading :; Consorvative :: Papor OF THE .COUNTY, ETAS ONE OF THE — + Best Equipped -Job Rooms IN WES'T'ERN ONTARIO, 0 The First Job Printing 1 EYECU'PED ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. 0 • • Fill Slow Riffling OF EVERY 1)I -CFtIPTION. Posters, :-: Streamers, Circulars, Cards, &c. 0 0 COLORED PRINTING! EQUAL (IN MANY CASES SUPERIOR) TO CITY WORK. 0 BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, LETTER HEADS. 0 Tite B'uffie Circulation ;,* Talks to Thousands. 0 kdvortise in The Nows-Roeord THE ONLY PAPER WITH[ A DOUBLE CIRCULATION IN THE COUNTY OF HTIRON, 0