HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-08-28, Page 1r -HURON NEWSTECOL)). TEH,:11sf—e1.5o perJAnunni, $1.25 in Adtaut e. iNDJs'PENDENr IN 4LL THINGS. NEUTR4L IN NOTJIIA'G WHITELY .L TODD, I'uLllal . t . VOL. XL -NO. 37. -CLINTON, HURON COUNTY, ONT., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST '28 1889 BY-LAW NO. 3, usual orre ilou enee. —OF TILE_ VILLAGE OF BAYFIFLD f S'OR 1889, Being a By Law to Poise b11 way <f Loan the Savor of Fire Thousand Dollar: for the pin oec hereinaftc•r• 'mentioned. Whereas the Municipal Corporation of the Villago of fiat field has resolved to raise by way •of loan the sum of Five Thousand Dollars for the gaurpose of granting aid by way 01 a bound to the amount of Two Thousand Dollars, and by way of .loan for ton years without interest to the amount ;of Three Thousand Dollars to John C. Kalbfletsch .of the comfy of Huron and Province of Oetario, 'to enable the said •form 0. Kalbfleiecb to eatab• .fish and carry an a Steam Roller Grist Mill and u i'lamntr t1ill In the said Village, and to raise the Bald aunt of money It will be neeestary for the Corporation of the Village of Barfield to Issue debentures for the. um of Five Thousand Dollars, payable with interest as hereinafter provide... And whereas It will require the sum of one hundred and eighty dullard to be raised annually iby special rate for the payment of the said debt as hereinafter mentioned. Arad whereas it will require the stun of two hundred and fifty dollars to bo raised annually by special rate for the payment of the interest as oleo hereinafter mentioned. And whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of the said corporation, irrespective of any income in the nature of tolls, interests, dividends, rents or fees from the said property, and also irreepeetive of any income to be derived Irani the temporary invewtnent of the Sinking Fund or any part thereof according to the last revised Assessment Boll of the said Corporation, being for the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine is the sum of $93,457 (eighty three thousand, four hundred and fifty seven dollars'. And whereas there is now no existing debt of the said corporation of Bayfield. And whereas it is trade necessaryto appoint the tine and •place for taking the votes of the duly qualified electors and for appointing. Deputy Returning Officers ;to take the votes of the said electors at the meeting. • Be it therefore enacted by the Corporation of the Village of Bayfield, in the County of Huron, Province of Ontario : I. That it shall be lawful for the Corporation .01 the Village of Bayfield to raise by way of loan from any person or persons, body or bodies coy. poste, who may he willing to advance the same upon the credit of the debentures hereinafter mentioned, a sum of money not exceeding in the aggregate the eum of Five Thousand Dollars and cause the same to be paid into the Treasurer of the said Village for the purpose and with the object above recited. IL That it shall be lawful for the said Corpor. ation to cause any number of Debentures to be made for such snow as may he required, not less than one hundred donors each, and not exceed- ing in the aggregate the sum of Five Thousand Dollars, and that the said- Debentures shall be sealed with the seal of the Corporation and sign. ed by the ]reeve and Treasurer thereof. III. That the said Debentures shall bear in. terest at arid after the rate of five per centum per annum from tho day mentioned for this By•Law to take effect, which interest shall be payable on the first days of January and July in each and every year, at the office of the Treasurer of the said Corporation at the Village of Bayfield. IY. That the said Debentures hall be.made payable at the expiration of ten years front the late mentioned for this By -Law to take effect, at the office of the said Treasurer at Bayfield, and shall have attached to them coupons for the payment'of interest. V. That for the purpose of forming a sinking fund, for the .payment of the said Debentures, an equal annual auto of one hundred and eighty dollars shall, in addition to all other rates, be raised, levied and collected by special rate upon all rateable property in the said corporation daring the currency of the said Debentures, or any of then, and for the purpose of paying the interest of the said Debentures, the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars shall in addition to ell other rates be raised, levied .and collected from all the rateable property of the said' Cor-. poration during the currency of the said Deben- tures or any of them. Vi. That it shall he lawful for the said coy. poration of the Village of Bayfield to grant aid by way of bonus to the amount of the said sum of two thousand dollars. and by way of loan for ten yenrs without interest to the amount M three thousand dollars to the said John C. i(ttlblleiecll, to enable him to establish and for the purpose of establishing a Steam Roller Grist hill and Planing Mill in the Village of Barfield, County of Horne, Prcvinee of Ontario. Provided nevertheless tharthe said debentures shall not be disposed of or parted with by the said Corporation until the said John C. lialbfleisch shall have first made a permanent investment in :owner:Wm with such Steam Rollet Grist Mill and Planing Mill of not less than ten thousand dollars exclusive of the five thousand dollars hereby authorized to be granted to him, nor until the said John C. Kalbfleisch shall have executed and delivered to the Corporation of the said Village of Bayfield a good and suffielent bond to be approved of by the said Corporation in the sum of five thousand dollars as, fixed and liquidated damages conditioned that the said Steam Roller Grist Mill shall be of the capacity of fifty barrels per day, and shall be kept running and in operation and in good working order to that extant for a term of ton years and shall not be used for any other purpose than that of a Steam Roller Grist ]dill and that the said'Planing Mill shall he of sufficient capacity for the local trade and shall be kept in working order and running for ten pare; nor until the buildings and machinery of said mills are mewed to the amount of live thousand dollars in a company to be approved of by said Corporation, and the insurance policy made pay- able to the V,Ilage of Baytield and handed over to said Corporation ; nor until the said Jahn C. Kalbflotsch shall h-ve executed to the said Corporation a mortgage on the lands on which said Grist, Mill and PIanh,g1Factory are to be erected, free from encumbrances and power to ' secure the repayment of the said sum of three thousand dollars, without intereat In ten years from the first day of January eighteen hundred and ninety. VII. That this By•Law shall come int , opera- tion on the 7th dal of October A. D. 1880. fVIII. That the votea of the electors shall be taken on the 20TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, A. D., 1889, commoheing at the hour of nine o'clock in the morning, and from thence continued till five o'clock in the afternoon at the following places:—THE TOWN HALL, BAYFIELD, IX. That the Reeve of the said Municipal Corporation shall attend at the Council Room in Bayfield on Thursday the 10th day of Septem- ber, 1889, at the hour of one o'clock P. M1. for the purpose of appointing persons to attend at the various polling places aforesaid and final summing up of the votes respectively on be- half of persons interested In and promoting or opposing the By.Law respectively. • X. That the clerk of the said Corporation shall, at the hour of twelve o'clock, noon. on Saturday the 2lst day of September. A. D., 1889, at the Town ilall, in the said Village of Bayfleld, sun tap the votes given for and against the By - Laµ', and grant the requisite certificates there- under, NOTICE. The above Is a true copy of a Bylaw which has been taken into consideration by the Muni. cipa1 Council of the Village of Bayfield and which will be finally passed by the said Council In the event of the assent of the electors being obtained thereto, after one month from the first publica- tion of said By -Law to the newspaper called Toe Renew News-Racoao,of Clinton, the date of which first publication was Wednesday, the 28th day of August, 1880, and that nt'the hour, day, ;and places mentioned, therein fixed for taking the votes of the electors, the polls will be held. JOHN POLLOCK, 685.3E Cleric. —New York city has a debt of $98,000,000. —Rev. G. H. Cobbledick and Miss Lila Easton were married at Guelph last week. B:lylield. Our genial school teacher is back :tt work again; he is well liked by everybody. Mrs. George Erwin is very noorly yet. Mrs. Beacom, her daughter, is over from Ann Arbor, Michigan, seeing her. Reeve Castle is not much •of a apouter but he is a worker and and bound to push things for all they are worth when he sees a chance. Hurrah for the mill ! Every- body seems to be delighted with the prospects of having It good Grist lntll, besides a planing factory and saw mill running in full blast, in the near future. It is all the talk in the stores, hotels and on the streets. All citizens .seem to have joined in the common cause for the present. The people of Bayfield are beginning to get tired of build- ing up outside towns and pulling their own down. This is right, gentletuen, keep your shoulders to the wheel till the last vote is polled and Bayfield will be once more what it has been in the past, the liveliest village in the County of Huron. Goderieh. The stones are all an the ground for the basement of Mr. Kiely's new house on North Street, Messrs Belcher• and Story are buying and shipping plums in considerable quantities. Mr, E. Campion is building a large addition to his brick dwelling in St. George's Ward, on Nelson Street. The town council at its last meet- ing struck the rate of taxation for the coming year at 2 cents on the $l. The remains of the late Willie Olds were interred in Maitland Cemetery on Thursday morning, in presence of a large number of relations and friends. Shortly four handsome fountains will be erected on the square, the castings for the some having arrived last week. The pipes for supplying the water are all laid, and the fountains for the ornamental portions are all that are required to make our square prettier than ever. We have been requested by the directorate of the North Western Exhibition to call attention to the fact that the Clinton Nein Era per- sists in giving a wrong date for the show to be held in this town on the 17th, 18th and 19th of September, the proper dates. The Rev'ds John Yonug AI. A,of Niagara Falls, South, and John ]Iordy M. A. of Niagara Falls will address a Meeting in Victoria Hall '(Crabb's Block) on the evening of Thursday August 29th 1889, be- ginning at 8 o'clock, ou the Equal Rights movement. Admission free. A liberal collection will bo asked to defray the expenses. Mr. John Story, of Story Bros., is a -great genius. He has applied for a patent for an improvement on sewing machines. It consists of a simple attachment whereby the machine can be put in operation without touching the belt wheel. Thi6improvement will be an impor• tont addition to sewing machines. He has also applied for a patent for hair clippers. With one motion of the fingers the knives snake two strokes instead of one as formerly. This improvetnent on clippers should ffud a ready market. Mr. Story has also several other patents. under way,and we would be pleased to hear of him milking a"bigsttike" ere long. HARBOR NOTES.—The Str. Cam- p)ana reached Lee's dock on Wednes- day morning, and took on consider- able freight—The Schr. Todinan with a cargo of lumber for Mr. H. Secord arrived in port on Thursday —The American steam yacht Uar• da arrived in port on Saturday, and remained till Monday—The Str, Ontario was at Lee's dock on Sun- day morning, and took on several passengers, and freight—The Schr. Kolja(le with a cargo of lumber for Mr. II. Secord from Johnston Har- bor arrived on Saturday—The Schr. Todman, light, sailed on Saturday —The Str. United Empire stopped off the piers and landed a number of passengers, by; boat, on Sunday morning—The water works build- ing is still the center of attraction at the harbor—The lumber now piled round the harbor is greater in quantity than for some time past— The contractor who built the water works engines, has had an engineer at work the past week on the'smaller one, the examination having proved it to tho somewhat stiff in working —Tho Schr. Kolfage, light, sailed for Johneton's Harbor on Monday. Weeps (Carr.eopoladttrce Goderieh. Mr. Geo. Acheson has put a plate glass front in his dry goods store. Regular meeting of the Public School Board on Monday evoning. There was a fairly attended ex- cursion from Seaforth on Wednes- day. Mr. D. Fisher will have it gather- ing of the progeny of Sir Walter Scott III, on the old Sam Fidler farm at 3 p. m. on Tuesday Soptr. 3rd. Prizes will be awarded the owners of the best animals present. Tho excureiou from Lucknow, Wingham and Blyth last week was the largest of the season, it takiug eighteen cars and two engines to transport the visitors. •The day be- ing exceedingly fine the excursion- ists were very much on thellake. all our row and sailing boats being engaged the whole day. The town Schools re -opened on Monday, with the following teach- ing staff : Central, Mr. Robert Park principal, Mr. Gregory Tom Asst. do. Miss Blair form II: Miss Shat -Iran form III. Miss Cronk form IV. Mies A. Campbell form V. Miss K. Ball form VI. St,. Patricks, Miss Burritt, Senior, Miss Thonlp- soa, Junior. St. Davids, Mise Mary Sharman, Sonior, Miss Wiggins Junior. St. Andrews, Miss Watson, Senior, Miss Kate Aikenhead, Jun- ior. PERSONALS.—Mr. Kiely of, Tor- onto, was in town this week.—Mr. Shipley, barrister of Toronto, was in the circular town last week.—Mr. Conquest, of Niagara, who is spend- ing a few days in town is visiting at the residence of Mr. P. Holt.— Miss Lillie Veal, of Brussels, is the guest of Miss Marion Grant.—Miss Bolt, has been the guest of Mrs. Holt, the past few weeks.—Mrs. F,, H. and Miss Lalla Coles, of the Forest City, are the guests of Mrs. H. W. Ball.—Mr, Geo. Olds, is now able to take driving exercise.—Miss Minnie Cooke, having been appoint- ed to a division of the Luean public school, left for that burgh on Satur- day.—Mrs. 1'. Bell and children, have returned. a 'few weeks visit to Bluevale.—Miss Cronk re- turned from Pickering on Satur day. --Mr. A. P. McLean, was pree- ent at the Hamilton Carnival list week.—Mr.. and Mrs. D. McDonald, and• friends visited the atnbitious city during the carnival festivities. —Mr. C. F. Straubel , and Mrs. Bastedo and children arrived in town from Torouto, last \\reclnos- day.—Mrs. J. B. Moore, of Both- well, left town for Seaforth on Wednesday after a weeks visit among old friends in this vicinity. While in town Mrs. A[oore, was the guest of Mrs. Jas. Bailey. --Miss Kelly, of Blyth, was in the circular town last week.—I:x•Reevo Davis, of Wingham, was in the Co. town last week.—Mr. A. M. Todd, of TUE NEws-REcOR11, was• in town on Wednesday.—bliss Cooke, returned from Torouto, on. Saturday on the completion of her course of musical studies, the lady having been under the instructions of the leading musicians of the Dominion.—Mr. J'no. Roberts, of Dungannon, was in town on Friday.— GRAND TURF MEET. The inaugural meeting of the Goderich 'Turf -Association on the now Exhibition ground track was a success in every particular, the attendance being good, the trotting excellent and the grounds suitable and convenient. The first race was trotting between green horses. There were five entries, three wore distanced, leaving the score :— Captain Laird 3 1 1 1 Selva ....., 2 2 2 2 Time 2:43, 2:5I, 2:45, 2:53. There were four entries in the free for all. One was distanced and the score stood :— Florence C+ 2 1 1 1 Dr. Frank... :1 2 2 2 RosaB .4333 Barney A 3 0 0 0 Time 2:2%, 2:25, 2:29, 2:30, In the 2:40 trot there were four entries but only three took part. Tho result was as follows :— Donaldson 8 2 1 1 1 Baldwin 1 1 2 2 2 Tom Burk 23333 Time 2:391, 2:37, 2:351. 2:3711f 2:38 In the 3 minute trot there were six entries and five to start. The judges' verdict is told in the follow- ing figures :— Happy Lucy 4 3 1 1 1 W. D 11552 Stephen A. ......... .. 5 3 2 3 Day Break ...........:.3 2` 2 4 4 Jay Gould jr ... 5 4 4 3 Time 2:391, 2:35, 2:39, 2:40, 2:391 The judges were Mayor Wilson, Seaforth ; P. McGregor, Brucefield, and A. Roo, Wingham. Time- keeper, W. A. Colborne, Goderich. 'goers] Torreogloodenee. Goderlcli. Mr. John Nairn has resigned the position of Market Clerk. Dar. F. Smooth is putting up a fine brick residence on Newgate Street. With the exception of the en- trance steps, the stone work of the new post office is completed. The plate glass having arrived, the fronts in MoLean's bloat( are being put iu. Mr..McLeau expects to have his flue new stores ready for occupation at the opening of the Great North Western Show. Prof. Foote terminated his en- gagement as organist of St. George's on Sunday, and will shortly leave for Toronto to take up the duties of his appoi'ltment at the Toronto Conservatory of Music. We hope the geutlenuau may be successful in the department of music he is about to ivaugerate in the Queen City. Colborne. Last Friday Aug., 23rd, there was a family gathering at Morrisdala Farm,9 con., Colborne, the residence of John Morris Esq. J. P. the occas- ion being that gentleman's 79 birth- day. All of his sou's were present, and some of their . families, four daughters, three of them with their partners in life, and their •families. "The, old Patriarch,' was surrounded by his children, grand children, and great grand children. Ile was very touch pleased to see them all around him, he was hale and hearty and as spry as a young man. He had some of his old time friends there also. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Young, Ex - Reeve of Colborne; Charles Girvin, Esq., Ex -Reeve west Wawanosh, and many others in his own neigh- bourhood, and a few from Goderich, a. .relative of his from Toronto. Mrs, R. Williams, and her daugh- tor, Mrs. Green, formerly of Col borne. The Reeve of the township, Joseph Bock,' was also present. After hearty ' congratulations the psrty enjoyed themselves in ball, croquet, quoits and other games until Mr. and Mrs .Harry Morris, the host and hostoss,announced that tea was waiting, They all repaired to the old dining room where we have often sat before. The table was supplied with all the delicacies of the season. And then, " "The venerable patriarch waved his wand And sileges followed as he stretched his hand. At length the cloths were whisked away Like fluttering sails on I[uron on a summer day;; The heyday of enjoyment found re- pose ; The worthy patriarch majestic rose. They viewed him, while his ale was passing round, The Monarch of his own paternal ground. IIis cup was full, and where the blos- soms bowed Over his head., Patriarch John spoke aloud, Nor stopped:a dainty form or phrase to call. His heart elated, like his cup was full : "Full be your hopes, and rich the crops that fall ; Health to.my neighbors,happiness to all." Dull must that clown be, .!lull as winter's sleet, \Vho would not instantly be on his feet An echoing health to mingling shouts give place, "Patriarch John Morris and his noble race 1" The inner man being satisfied, we all retired to have a chat about old times until the time for starting to go home. When we all bade the old gentleman goodnight, hoping to see him hale and hearty in his eightieth birthday, when we all ex- pect to sow a largo turn out. West Wawallosll. Mr. H. G. Taylor, of West Wawa - nosh, has a pair of twin colts got by J. P. Fisher's Lord of the Manor, that weigh 1250 lbs.' and they will not be four months old until 5th September. WHOLE NO. '5CG Itclai (!Arlopriladciace acipatutetic Myth. The roof of Stater & Situs (reli- able) block is about finished. Miss Jennie Hackett, of Toronto is the guest of Miss A. Elder. Mr. John A. Browulee returned to the Hub on Monday. Mrs. Metcalf returned from Dakota on Saturday. Miss Minnie Service left for her home in Loudon on Saturday. F. Metcalf is seriously indisposed at present. • Mrs. and Mise Cowan of Totonto are the guests of Mrs. (Rev.) Mc- Lean at present. . Mrs. Charles Sherritt and family are visiting friends in Wingham for a few days. Mr. John Gasman, of Woodstock, was spending a couple of days here with his family this week. We are glad to hear that Mr. W. Cockerline has almost recovered from his severe illness. Rev. A. W. Tonge preached in the Methodist church in Kincardine on Sunday. Varna. Revs. Messrs Hart, of this place, and Hill, of Bayfleld, will com- mence revival work on Sunday, holding three services on Sept. 1st. The Methodist Church of Varna intend holding a lawn social at Willowdale farm, the residetfee of Win Keys, on Friday, the 30th August. Tea to be served from 5 o'clock till 7: Amusements, vocal, and instrumental music, ice cream, lemonade, &c.. will be the order of the evening. This is expected to be one of the grandest entertain- ments of the season and • all are cordially invited to be present. Dr. W. Sloan and wife returned from their trip to Bauff N. W. T. on Friday. Miss Annie Shane is visiting friends in the circular town these days. Mrs. Forsyth left here on Wed- nesday to visit•her parents in Wrox- eter for a few days. Will Sloan has given up clerking and is going to study husbandry for a while. Success Will. Mr. R. McGee, of Kincardine, an old Blythite, was in town on Mon- day. P. Kelly and son shipped a car load of superior flour to Montreal ou Tuesday. Our streets on Saturday evening had a very lively appearance, our merchants seeming to. be doing a rushing business. More power to them. Mr. John Tanner returned from his trip to the North West on Saturday sad left again same day for Listowel to commence his duties at the High School there on Mon- day. • An interesting lawn tennis match was played- in the park on Satur- day between F. M. Tanner and Miss Edna Curtes, and R. E. Colotoil and Miss Annie Kelly. Tile' game being in favor of the latter 6-3.5-6- 4.6. Rev, Mr. Forrest of Walton occu- pied the pulpit in St. Andrew's church ou Sunday morning and Rev. J. Mordy, of Niagara, in the evening. Good congregations being present on both occasions. Rev. J. Alordy, of Niagara preach- ed in the Methodist church ou Sunday morning on "Sabbath Desecration." which was listened to attentively by the congregation. Rev. John Kennedy, of Montreal, occupied the pulpit in the evening. Tho public meeting held in In- dustry Hall on Wednesday eveuing last, for the purpose of discussing the purchasing of the old Methodist ,chureh for more school accommoda- tion, was well attended, many of the heaviest ratepayers being pre- sent. The school trustees were present. Reeve Kelly, Esq., acted as chairman. F. Metcalf, chairman, and N. H. Young, secretary School Board, spoke of the necessity for more school accommodation, especi- ally for the junior department, and pointed out the dilapidated state of the old school house. They said the Board had been offered the old Methodist church building for $275 which, with an outlay of about $75, would last for several years; or the trustees of the church would rent the building to them for a term of years at $30 per year, the School Board to do the fixing. Another scheme was to build a two story wing to the present brick school• house, which would cost considerable. Reeve Kelly made some remarks, taking up the different schemes and the cost of each, and was in favor of building a new wing to the brick school, but not at present. Mr. C. Hamilton went fully into the dis- cussion in a business way, coming to the conclusion that as the popu- lation was decreasing the taxation at the present time was high enough without increasing it. The chair- man briefly asked the meeting whether they wished for more school accommodation or not. F. Metcalf moved, seounded by James McGee, jr., that we provide more school accommodation` Moved in amendment by C. Hamilton, second- ed by John Sherritt, that we have enough accommodation with the old school being repaired. The amendment was put to the meeting and carried. The meeting was then brought to a close. 6 iislrr'ttl. Zr.iS, Gidtey is having the roof of has priVatd residence le•shingletl. There was el frill tnraout of our sports to the hab races on Friday. They report having a good time. Regular monthly meeting of our firemen was held in their hall on Monday evening. The Foresters here have been invited to hear a sermon to be preached to•their brethren in Clin- ton on Sept. 115, Mrs. Lukes at' fronto, who has been the guest of Mre. R. Milne for sometime past,. returned home this week. A lawn social under the auspices of the Hopeful Gleaners of the Presbyterian church is to. be held at the residence of Alex. Elder, Esq. on Sept. 4th. The 12th Division Court was held in Industry hall, Monday, only two cases came before his Honor, Judge Doyle, one being a jury case. The Equal Rights Association intend holding their next meeting in Industry hall on Tuesday even- ing Sept. 3rd. Rev. John Slott, M. A. is announced to address the meeting. . A public meeting was held in the Presbyterian church. ear Monday,' which was well attendied, to hear a very interesting lecture, by Rev. J. Young of Niagara on "Sabbath Desecration" along one, railways and canals, &c. Port Albert - Mr. and Mrs. Irwin attended the funeral of their nephow,Dltl'illie at Goderich ou Friday lust. James Hawkins, well known as "Dandy," has returned! front his visit to old friends and relatives in Exeter and Huron tract. J. Wilkison and Tlios. Finn have returned to Goderich after thor- oughly repairing the Schooner Enterprise for Jas. Itfahaffy Esq. Mrs John Dunlop. of Kincardine was visiting at Mrs. Johustone's last week. Mrs. Johnston, who was .ill, is now much better. Tenders are asked for by the Post office Department for the carry- ing•of her Majesty's mails between Goder.ichl and •Kincardine (daily) snaking •Yeintail the half way station. This'is a step in the right. direction. The through nail route botweeu Goderich and Kincardine should not have been broken up, hurrah for Haggerty School has been opened out again after six weeks vacation, and our teacher, hiss Burrows, says if the Trustees don't get an assistant teacher, she will be obliged to do so at her own expense, 60 scholars are not easily managed by one teacher. Wake up, gentlemen of the. Board of education, and appoint au assis- tant to learn the young ideas how to start 1 am glad to hear that our south- ern sister village, Bayfielrl•on•the- lake, is waking up to a sense of its own importance and the necessities of the times, by going in for a roller flour mill, saw mill and planing factory. I stretch my hand across gourmand Goderich and give you a shalre, Bayfield. When you get your industries agoing this lake port will help you to got your harbor dredged, though heaven knows there has been too little attention paid to our own. But we are not hogs up this way, though we have looked on and seen the way the Government has fed that voracions sow at Goderich. There is a trite proverb of Scottish pater- nity about pampering a fat sow while the lean kine are left to starve. Would it not be well for Port Albert and Bayfield to petition Goderich and Kincardine to allow the Government to send the drudge Challenge to do a little work on our respective harbors next season 1 Just for a change to show that our natioual policyists have an eye to fostering home industries. What say you, Bayfield 1 , - - SIIIIIII'ICr�lill. On Tuesday evening the 20th inst., Mr's. Benj. Granger presented her liege lord with a bouncing boy.' G. M. Kilty has recovered from his recent illness and school was opened on Monday, the 261 h inst. Harvesting operations are almost over in this vicinity and luost of the fall wheat threshed. Some had a very fair crop while the majority had a very poor one. —Chicago jewellers say the freshwater pearls sent from Wis- consin for valuation are worthless. t