HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-08-21, Page 8x.4,0 Yrs
t Ncio ,,
Abeolutely Pure.
Q•,'rhis powder never varies. A marvel of purity,
strength, :toll wholesomeness. More economical
than the ordinary kinds, and cunnat ho sold in
aompetitlon with the multitude of low test,
6hort•n,.ioht alum or ph >sphato powders. S:ld
only in cane. hove,, BAI Su P.,wroaa Co., 100
Wall,i.., N. Y.
l he Huron News -Record
6,1.50 a Year -31.25 in Advance.
MIs: FAKE, formerly teacher in
Clinton Model School, was nitiiried
Wednesday last, at the residence of
Mr. R. Tiplady, near Clinton, to Dr.
A. F. McKenzie, of Toronto, son of
friend Mr. George McKenzie, of
Wiugham.Rev Mr Stewart officiated.
Mr.aud Mrs.McKenzie of Windham
were present.
HOME AGAIN.—Mr. J. C. Detlor
returned Thursday front a trip
through the Northwest to the
Pacific Coast. He is quite delight-
ed with the natural resources of
British Columbia, its immense tint'.
her forests; its hills and valleys
containing deposits of precious
metals of which the half has not
been told, its streams teeming with
fish in such quantities that the
canneries cannot use them fast
enough, so that in some oases they
havo to bo thrown back into their
native element, and its charming
climate and beautiful scenery.
\Vith all this we infer from what
113r. Detlor says that this is not the
labot•iug loan's paradise. Chinese
and Indian cheap labor being used
to a great extent.
VT The n,an does notdo)(take to his business
who spends less in advertising than he does in
rent.—A, T. Srawe:er, the millionaire merchant
of New Perk, The other day oue of the good men
of the Salvation Army was pound -
Wednesday. Au;, 21st. 1889 ing sissy at the desk or bench in a
manner that would have told severe-
ly on Satan if he were in bodily
Don't buy Baby Carriages or for►n beneath the resounding
Nall raper anti{ you have seen the
thwacks. By some occult means,
magnificent NEW, STOCK at
DICKSON'S Book Store, Clinton. known only to mischievous boys, a
. —. _ ...._________ large tack with the business end of
NEWTS. it up found its way to the fdrm in
LOCAL 1V 1� VV front of the exhorter while he with
closed eyes, possibly in unseen
In and Around the "flub." frenzy rolling, was using his maul-
- — ers. Down came one of the ponder-
Towll talk. ous fists on the pointed tack as the
MR. Kos,ra,E of the Molaonsspeaker, in .high exaltation, thank DOING us PROUD.—About a week
Bank has returned from his outing fully. remarked " God be— ago the editor of this paper received
up the lakes. and Mr. Pets of the .which was completed with a die- as a present from a personal friend
ousted " Wheugh " and answered and old eubsdriber a $150 gold
same institution will note take a by the Captain's " God be praised". watch and chain. Neatly engraved
relief from the cribbed, eabiued
Whether the exhorting soldier on the inner case is"Wm. T. White -
and confined, and make the acquain echoed the Captain's entiment ly, 1889, from B. A." We felt
tanto of hip droughts of fresh air about that time our informant some delicacy about mentioning
for a time, instead of financial sait}t not, this matter in the paper, but frionde
drafts. whose judgment we prize highly
CtUNCtrt.I)R C.&N•rELON who i8 CANADA num—There is perhaps think it right we should do so.
putting in his vacation in the not a city on this continent that 'Tho donor has our best thanks for
wills of Luuhtou county, hugging has made more rapid progress dor- his liberality, though there may be
clos,) to the Ise side of forests of ing the past ten years than the City difference of opinion as to• the
apple trees and purchasing the for- of Toronto, and it is still going correctness of the direction it has
bi.Iden trait tr,;► the natives, was . ahead. Its p)pulation during that taken in this instance. We believe
hoe:- finer,, uve: Sunday, going off period has advanced from eighty it is a genuine mark of good will
a1.; •i:: Ni enday afternoon. A pples thousand in 1879 to one hundred and esteem and as such the reci-
ra:q) there ilum 75c to 1.3:1 a and eighty thousand in 1889. The pient accepts it, Among the rea-
barr 1 agricultural country within its reach sons for snaking this mention it
has caused it to bo a great industrial the desire to forestall such a ques-
' \\-rtrAT \Voltl:EI S,—'the Millers' centre. And. probably no other tion as a recently arrived brother of
Association of Oxford,. Waterloo, accessible point can so easily servo the late Bishop Strachan addressed
11a,.,,t, ilaldin:sod and Norfolk the interests of agricultural and `in- to his Lordship while viewing his
counties, last week met in Wood- dustrial people au1 so well. From palatial residence in Toronto. -Eh,
stock. The delegates • report that Gaspe to Sarnia, from •Vancouver to mon," said the new arrival, as the
the wheat yield in their sections Goderich, rail and .water lines cons magnificence of everything in and
will average fifteen bushels per verge there. The enterprise of its about the palace' cast a glamor of
ac .re. It Was decided that the citizens and natural circumstances Croesus-like wealth over. his sur-
assuci,:tiuu should adopt the Detroit have so combined that Toronto will prised eves, "Ell, mon, did.:ye cone
in t1.• t is a g,•n:•tul guide• eventually be the first city in this by it honest, Jock." Now, the
. \Vitt: : Tut: MONEY GOES:—Most continent. The Industrial fair to editor of a country newspaper or -
1 -•lie not an ire that viten in- be held thbro from the 9th to tho dinarily has not much bettor means,
_ 1'',•i•nt regarding a violation of 31st Sept will oflcr a splendid if any better, of suddenly putting
tl. 1 ('Posta Act is given to the !n opportunity for everyone to sed on the style of a millionaire, so we
and by his action a line is what kind of stuff' our country is anticipate a similar query by the
is f, the amount of the penalty made of. The former largo build above explanation, and assure our
swell the countycoffers. ings used for this purpose ,will be friends that wo did not rob a bank
1; extended at a cost of $20,000. If or break into a jewelry store or re -
1t..: if the same information were our readers contemplate a� holiday sort to any other practical mode of
;o the municipal authorities, tri) this season theywill be afford -
the henry George the -
t:11 ,dues as a result of the subso- !
q• ;,; -:otion would go to swell the od a goal opportunity of making it ory in order to sport the outward
tc•% t, !rods. an enjoyable one if they reserve it and visible sign of suddenly acquired
for the time of the Toronto Exhibi- wealth.
''1r. W. thrusts dor, a possible tion.
rel resentative of Tuekorsmith in
the county parliament, was in town TILE GOLDEN F RU1T OF' FORTUNE'S
the ether day and bought a heauti- TRta : Rosci Cliff, the residence of
fel buggy from lir, .Tohn Leslie, W. Doherty, osq., was the scene c,f
who gets'up that kind of vehicle at unusual activity on Thursday, morn -
the coiner of Huron and Orange ing, 15th. inst., the occasion being
streets, The buggy is a first prize the marriage of Clementine, ,young•
taker at the exhibition,, and will est daughter of Mr. Peter Depew,
likely he a stayer, but with all its of Wardsville, to Mr. Fred Jackson,
lasting qualities we hope both son of John Jackson, esq. A large
buyer and seller will live long , company of relatives and friends of
enough to have another deal. the contracting parties had assetn-
bled at 11 o'clock, and at twenty
NOT THE SAME.—The dailies of minutes past the hour fixed for the
last week contained despatches ceremony, the bride entered the
t'ruu, Manitoba mentioning the drawing room, ou the arm of Mr.
death, by being run over on the Doherty, and was followed by the
railway track at Broadview, Man., bridesmaids and groomsmen, Misses
of John Joslyn. Mr. John Joslin, Madge Doherty and Birdie Depew
a foruler and much, esteemed resi• and Messrs. Frank Jackson and
dont of Clinton lived near Virden, John Itumball, respectively. The
Man., about 80 mike east of the nuptial knot was tied by Rev. J
seen:, of the accident, and excite- Livingstone, and after tho customary
;tient rau high here among our 7•:l'• felicitations the company sat down
Joslin's many friends, uhdor the to a sumptuous repeat mads up of
intioossiun that he was the un- the choicest viands and fruits the
fortunate victim. \Ve aro in a season could supply. In a short
position to reassure our readers on time the train for the east was due
that point. Mr. Joslin is,' not the and the company repaired to the sta-
John Joslyn who was killed. Mr. tion where the platform was closely
/ Moot•o, his son•in law, still residing packed with a merry crowd that
hero, has had e letter containing the expressed their good will and con -
pleasing information that J. J. is gratulations by showers of rice that
all 0. K. fell on the happy couple before the
Gr.onE's Goon ADVICE.—Electors train moved off. The wedding
should not fail to bear in mind presents were many and of various
that the letters "M. F." must appear kinds, a largo number being silver•
opposite the name of every voter on warn and, what was unusual on
the Provincial voters' lists in -order such occasions, there were no
to qualify voters for elections for duplicates of any of he
ards is were
the Legislative Assembly, otherwise In the evening the
•disfranchisement will follow. This lighted by magic lanterns ; the
is too important a matter to be neg- Doherty Organ Band discoursing
tected, as the law is very clear on sweet music while a large number
tho point.' Where Municipal Clerks of young people from town, Soa•
have neglected their duty in this forth and Goderich enjoyed the
matter, the usual notice ofcomplaint promenade in the " Bonnet Fair",
to the Mpnicipal Clerk can be or, spent the hours till 1 o'clock in,
given within thirty days of the games, • music and singing. Mr.
posting of the lists, after which Doherty and family made all the
t1;o complaints will come before the friends enjoy themselves, and taken
County Judge, when"'the error or all in all the time apont was one of
negligence can be remedied, Elea- the happiest of the season. The
tore will have only themselves to newly wedded pair will take in
blame if they fail to take notice of Niagara Falls, 13uffalo, Rochester host
this all-important subject. etc.
School Books & Sohool Supplies
_ -- - — IN STOCK,
Big Bargains on Our Half Price Tables This Week
Chris. Dickson, Dickson, Clinton
THE TRiOGER.—The 11 ut•on Rifle
Association held their annual meet-
ing on Monday evening. 'l'he
follow•iug officers were elected fur
the current year :—Capt. A. M.
Todd, president ; Lieut. E. G.
Courtico, vice-president ; N. Rob-
son, sec, treas. ; Lieut. II. B.
Combe, Lielit, H. T. Rance, W.
Grigg, managing committee. The
Huron has affiliated with the On-
tario Association. The targets on
the Atholcot ranges, near Clinton,
will be put in order at once, and
final arrangements made in a short
time for the annual match. Practice
will be held on Wednesdays.
Those desiring to become members
should call on Mr. Robson ; the
meti►berehip fee is low, and the
pastime certainly a noble and com-
mendable one.
IiEY. MIs. SALTON, of Waterloo,
was iu town last Sunday,
Miss SUSIE Mun.Lov loft for
Toronto' yesterday.
MISS M.tGGIE GRANT is on a trip
to Toronto.
children have returned.
MISS BUCI'IANAN leaves for Toron-
to iu a few days.
week iu St. Thomas visiting friends.
"Jim" ANDERSON ]las added a
peanut roaster to his restaurant.
P. ,KELLY, Blyth's energetic
reeve, was in town Friday last.
CLINTON RACES on Friday. The
entries promise to be well tilled.
Mus. G. T. Hiscox and family
are visiting friende•in town.
L. 0. L. 710 will hold a special•
session in their hall on Monday
evening next.
REV. Mit. ORR, of Mono Mills,
son-in-law of Mrs. Dempsey, town,
was in town Monday.
MR. G. T. LBRiOKENDEN and wife
of Loudon are spending. a few Clays
visiting in this vicinity.
MRs. W. H. COLE, of Flint,
Mich., is hero on a visit for a few
is spending a few days with the
Misses Carson at the Grand Union.
MRs. T. C. Dormer's and children
are holidaying with the lady's
parent's in Goderich township,
Miss MCCALLUM, of Parkhill, is
Mros WE
rssTEll visited friends in the guest of Miss Alice Pickett
Clinton and returned to her twine at this week.
Lucknow on Monday.
MR. Taos, JACKSON, Sr., was s0
'TataCoLLEiisTn INSTITUTE will ill last week as to require medical
re -open on the 26th withth a full attendance, but is all right now.
working stat]'., ry
MITCHELL post office closes at 6:30 Itowu, a former resident of this
p. m. Clinton post office does not vicinity, and wife, havo for a week
generally close until an hour latdr. or so past been rusticating iu this
suction, taking in Bayfield, Kiubern,
M1SS.MArY GILROY took a run etc. They are the guests of Mr.
up to, Kincardine to see frionds Arthur Knox.
A Stcr. EnlTotl.—Editor Gibbons,
MESSRS ALEX. and Thos. Shop- of that excellent journal the Jtlichr-
pard of tho Nile were in Clinton ,alta Farmed:, nephew of Sheriff
Saturday. Gibbons, Goderich, has been on the
sick list for some weeks and had to
Mit. Josirit Gand cancel several engagements in con-
of Saltford causmee down
nrE to the sequence.
Hub on Saturday and spent Sunday
here. LIEUT.-COL. AYLairsR, Military
BASE BALL AND LACROSSE District No. 1, London, w s in
Clinton on Friday. Hes on
MATCHES on the Agricultural his return from making an , spec
Clinton, on Friday morn -
o tion of the arms, &c., at Dun•
ing next at 9.30. gannon, Goderich, Porter's hill,
ii1188 LANE, of Tara, is holidaying Clinton, and other places. We
in town previous to visiting the understand everything was found
leading millinery marts of the Dotu- in excellent order. He is pains-
iuiou taking and careful, and we believe
one of the most efficient officers in
A SUNDAY SCHOOL excursion the service.
party, by train from Lucknow, FORRF.STER VS. I{Non.—This teas
passed through Clinton to Goderich an action tried some time ago at
yesterday. Goderich in which D. A. Forrester,
REV. JosEru Cool-. of Hensall will as assignee of the estate of R. M.
occupy the pulpit of the Ontario St. Racey, sought to recover from
Methodist church next Sunday, Arthur Knox the value of a horse
morning and evening. and buggy alleged to have been
secured by Mr. Knox as a preforon-
REv. JOSEPH EDGE, wife and tial creditor of Mr. Racist', while
family left for Owen Sound yestor- the latter was insolvent. Saturday
day, (Tuesday) by boat, where they last Judge Toms gave judgment dis-
intend spending about two weeks missing the action with costs.
visiting friends. Campion for defendant.
CliutonCollegiate Instituto is taking day evening a social and literary
in the refreshing breezes of the entertainment was held in the
noble St. Lawrence, , and will lecture room of the Ontario St.
return in time to re•opon the Insti- Methodist Church, under the
tuts on Monday 26th inst. auspices of the Ladies Foreign
MR. SMITH KILTY has been up Missionary Society of the town.
here from St. Marys putting in his After ample justice had been done
to the good things provided by the
holidays the past week. He likes ladies of the congregation, in the
the stone town but thinks that shape of cake and coffee, the large
Clinton will co►npalo very favorably audience proceeded upstairs, after
with it. which the following programme was
MR. C. C. IR,.tNCE, whose businesa rendered in fine style, Mrs. H.
is in Rat Portage, Man., is detained Plumeteel in the chair. Glee by
hero owing to tho illness of his child. the choir, mouth -organ trio ; solo,
Mr Geo Southoombe has returned Mr. R. Foster ; reading, Mr. A. H.
to look after affairs there in the Manning ; Trio, Misses Wilson and
meantime. Walker and Mr. R. Foster; read -
meantime. Mrs. J. C. Detlor; solo, Mrs.
A.Goon SERMON.—A young man A. 0. Pattison ; instrumental,
went to the New Sarum Baptist Miss Boles; solo, Miss Wilson,;
church, Elgin county. And though reading, Miss Grant ; solo, Rev. J.
free will offering was nil, he Livingstone; duet, Misses Walker;
next day handed to a magistrate glee, by the choir; God save the
$35.50 to pay for the demonstrative Queen. Benediction by Rev. J.
manner in which ho appreciated Livingstone. Total proceeds about
the services. $18.
SOLOMON AS A 1-IoW1r:M.tN.—Clip•
ton races will be held Friday of this
week. \Vo are told that the various
classes are well filled and that com-
petition for the various prizes will
be keen. Good sport is anticipated.
Solomon appears to have been a
great admirer of horses, and he was
not considered a fool. Indeed the
best men of all times since havo
been admirers of the noble steed
and encouraged the breeding of.
thein for driving and speeding pur-
poses. The purpose of the Clinton
race meetings is to bo test these
qualities. Previous to the days of
Solomon horses were rare among
the Hebrews, but it appears that the
author of the fatuous remark about
all being vanity was a great admirer
of horses and after, his marriage
with the daughter of Pharaoh he
had horses brought out of Egypt',
and so rapidly did 'he multiply
there by purchase and breeding that
those kept for his own use required,
as it is written, "4,000 stables and
40,000 stalls." Hence, when honor-
ed by a visit from the beautiful
queen of Sheba, bringing with her
"camels bearing spices" and :'very
much gold and precious stones," it
was doubtless in the contemplation
of his magnificent stud of horses and
chariots, kept for the amusement of
his Mormon settlement of wives, as
well as of his other vast displays
of power and magnificence, that her
majesty exclaimed in the fullness of
her admiration : "Howbeit I believ-
ed not the words until 1 carne and
mine eyes had seen it, and behold
the half was not told nio." This
gallant monarch appears to have
enjoyed a monopoly of the horse
trade with Egypt. His merchants
supplied horses in groat abundance
to the Hittite kings. Tho fixed
price was.150 shekels for one,horee'
and 600 shekels for a sot of chariot
horses, and it is quits possible that
any one of'the horses that will trot
in Clinton on Friday the 23rd could
throw dust in the oyes of Solomon's
* t t *
* I * 't' * t
5 Per
01. Bisoount.
We will give 15 per cent, Discount on
for the balance of this month
§�§ § §
§ § §-§-§-§
§ § § § § §
will take no notice of this advertisement.
MRS. AGNEW,is visiting friends
in Lucknow.
'POSTMASTER FAIR is to leave
,Britain on Friday next for the land
of the maple leaf and the hub of
0 PsIIAw l is what sonic of the
young ladies exclaimed when they
learned that J. C. Detlor's popular
salesman had gone holidaying for a
few weeks.
MRS. Taos. FAIR, who has taken
a very active part in the Women's
Foreign Missionary Society, in con-
nection with Willis Presbyterian
church, has been presented by
friends with a certificate of life
last Monday night. Wo aro told
that thorn were fifteen persons pre-
sent, four of Whom were enrolled
members. The promoters of the
society are not daunted, however,
The mighty oak has grown from
the tiny acorn. The principles and
aims of the Equal' Righters being
identical with those of conservatives
we invite them to join au associa-
tion that is already equipped and
ready to carry out their views.
ARE You IN BERT ?—Just glance
at the address label on your paper
and the answer will be easy. The
date should be ahead—'89 or '90—
if your subscription is paid in ad-
vance. How do you stand on the
label 1 What is the date 1 We are
anxious to be lenient, obliging, and
all that sort of thing, but would
urgently ask a few of our patrons
to look at the address label on their
paper, and ask themselves how- we
can be expected to pay honest paper
bills, pay wages, pay rent, pay for
ink, type and other printing mater- -
ials't Are you indebted to THE
NEWS -RECORD 1 Imagine a laborer
working honestly for a day's wage
and waiting years for his cash !
He don't do it. Imagine a mechanic
patiently waiting for year's for an
honestly earned dollar and a half I
He don't do it. Imagine a farmer in
the thriving county of Huron wait-
ing for years for pay for an honest
bushel of wheat, a bag of apples or
potatoes, or a load of wood 1 He
don't do it. How faithful THE
NEWS -RECORD has been to visit you
weekly, until the weeks have run
into months, and months into years.
And still the printer is unpaid !
What are you going to do about its
THE NEWS•RECORD hopes that its
long time patrons who are in arrears
will pay up and not allow small
arrearages for a local paper to be
placed in court of collection. Law
costa money, and lots of it.