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The Huron News-Record, 1889-08-21, Page 6
l he Huron News -Record $L 50 a Year -41.25 In Advance. to The man theca cwt du fuetice to hid Waimea who spender 101311 in ado,rteeanq than he dues in rant.—A. T. S•raa•Aar, the e.tittionaire merchant of Now York. Wedu4ad;tty, Ani,. `Zllbt. 1889 DECLINE OF THE KISS. WHAT WRITERS', ANCIENT AND MOD - , ERN, SAID ABOUT IT. CANDOR C051PkLB THE STATEMENT THAT A MAJORITY OF THEM VOTED AYE. THEY BAY IT'S RAD FORM. tS, -- Sores day somebody wi11 write an essay or peradventure lecture on "The Rise and Fall of the Kiss." Of late, kissing has fallen into a state of doauetude. It was not always thus, as a glance at the poets, ancient and modern, will show. The fact of the matter is, it is not good form to• kiss any more. The bridal kiss was tabooed long ago, much against ministerial protest, and weddings are as uuoseulatory as funerals. At receptions, at homes, carpet parties, and kettle- drums, where the kiss of peace went round, ane has to be content- ed with a little hand -clasp, in which a pair of kid gloves inter- vene as a sort of non-conductor to the tremulous, vibratory touch that thrills and awes and is so. full of meaning to the student. The medical profession is credit- ed with the decline of the practice, and it is said there is ample evi- dence in its literature to prove that protniscuous kissing is an admir- able means of spreading disease. A kiss is a noun, but beyond saying this there is a remarkable ' lack of unanimity in defining the little word. Philosophers . have .called it the soul of affection, the stamp of love, the door that opens the citadel of the heart, love's artil- lery, contact ecstatic, or the wild leaping flame of love's enthusiasm. I)e L'euclos defined a kiss as "an alms which enriches hien who receives without impoverishing her who gives," Opitz called -kisses . the messenger of love." and to the w•el,-trained lips of Rousseau kisses . worn "electric. transcenda'lt, and enervating." Byron• found "each ki::4 a heart quake," "reckoned its strength by its length' and wished "that womankind had but one •Io,y month, to kiss them all from north to south." Othello considered it "au excellent courtesy" ,to be well kissed, but he• must have been an insatiable 'monster, for Desdemona said "he kissed hard," as if he pl (Lod up kisses by the roots that t:n her lips. Charles Kings• 1' { au a{utouali taste for hisses, lel : one lie wi:lltod another and anei':,et. • • •iand Juliet "sealed with a riot: Gulls kiss a datulesa bargain ;" •to .:ntu Gabriel Rosetti a kiss was sweetness ;" Pinder in one -:ler calls it ''a delicious in t'e iHOifLUt won ;" 1 r funnd "magic in iu a kiss," "<z:ue my;torions virtue.," ,W1 •.•u's "Linked sweetness long dra':: n out," descriptive of "Lydian airs harried to immortal verse," is by common consent the most com- prohousive definition of a kiss iu the :uglish language. To Godwin th :e w s "rapture in . the kiss of honest love," but all other kisses "were Judas' children." "The kiss u•' a virtuous woman was sweet- er than honey" to Dodsley, and "like the perfume of Arabia" to Addison. Walter Savage Landor's delight was L.) kits the eyelashes of love, and ( banes Lamb know only "the tasteless kiss of unreasoning lips." Dover., in his analysis of kisses, wrote :—"It• is the passion in a kies that gives it its sweetness and affection that sanctifies it." Swift despieod responsive kisses, and would not kiss again a girl who claimed copartnership in the lip exercise. Litus was another anti- quariu i who ,toted ou one-sided kissesand "submissive lips," Petrarch had a wonderful endur- ance, and gave Laura a standing invitation to "kits hits forever with eyes so blue and true hands like the leaf of a rose and lips of nectar breat11." •1 Elizabeth Burrett Browning "wore a troth'kiss on her Hp she could not give away." Joaquin Miller had little taste for the vulgar Hp atheletir, and allows his heroes to kiss a girl any place but ou the mouth. In his "Isles of the Amazon" the Sierra poet sings :— "I kiss your eyes; I kiss your hair iu my delight ; I kiss my hand, and say good -night." Howells' young men kissed their best girl on the temple ; James has thein fold the girl to their lapel, but says nothing about osculation, and in her "First Love" Gail Ham- ilton omits even the folding opera- tion. The author of "Queen Money" makes her characters anti -kissers, and Blanche Willis in "One Summer" has but a single "tt'eiub- iug little kiss" deposited on both eyelids of the big man. Tennyson and his cousin Amy used to sit on the beach "watching the stately ships," and their "spirits rushed together at the touching of the lip." Another time be voices a heroine's "bream delirium" in this red-hot fashion :-- "0 —"O love, 0 fire !once lie drew With one long kiss my whole soul thrnngh my lips, As suushiue drinketh dew." Henry V. could not kiss unless he was in the humor ; Aspasia in- dulged in "hot and constant k isses;" Princess Josephine "would be awak- ened with warm kisses ;" and Ella Wheeler Wilcox simply asks for "dewy -lies to kiss her eyes to sleep" after exhausting herself in "long ' boiling kisses" that seem "drawing her soul through her senses." In "Lesbia" John G. Saxe show- ed- anj ownidorous appetite for kisses whon he wrote:— "Give me kisses 1 No',tis true I am just as rich as you, And for every kiss I owe I can pay you back, you know, "Kiss me then. Every rnonlent and again." Anthea couldn't have had any lips loft if Herrick got all he want- ed. Iu his apostrophe to her he wrote : "Give n o a kiss, and to that kiss a score ; Then to that twenty add an hundred more ; A thousand to that hundred ; so kiss M I LBURN'S AROMATIC QUIN- INE WINE is distinctly superior to any other as an appetizing tonic and fortifier —Keith Bowen (colored), of Abe:deep, Miss., entered the bed- room of a young white wouuul Mon- day :limning and attempted to assault her. He was arrested. A crowd took Bowen fl om the officers and hangejtl hilti. CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED. To THE EDITOR:— Please inform your treaders that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands o: hopeless cases have been permanently cured, I shalt be glad to send two bottles of my re• medy FREE to any of your readers who have consumption if they wilt send me their Express and P. 0. ani• dress, Respectfully, DR. T. A. SLOC1'bf, 164 West Adelaide st.,'Ibrunto, Ont —At Unity, near Marshfield, W is., on the \Visconeiu Ceutrsl ')toad, a hear carried oft' a little girl of a woodut•tu named Kleinest. The farmer persued the animal and killed it, the child escaping serious injury. The bear weighed 430 pounds. -- - CHRONIC COUGHS AND COLDS. And all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs can be cured by the use of Scott's Emulsion, as it contains the healing virtues of Cod Liver Oil and Ilypophospbites in their fullest lornr. See what W.S. Muer, M. D., L. R. C. P., etc., Truro, N. S., says : "After three years' experience I consider Scott's Emulsion one of the very best in the market. Very excellent in Throat affections." Sold by all Druggists, 50c. and 51.01 on, To ]sake that thousand up a million ; Treble that million, and when that is done, Let's kiss afresh, as when we first begun." Bon Johnson begged rho lovely Celia to "Leave a kiss but in tltc cup And he'd not look for wine." Whenever tho "Maid of Athens," took a drink a hobbledehoy wanted to "sip it from her lip." Bayard Taylor was above, stolen kisses, and found '"more sweetness in granted favors."' -• Shelly, "who tasted myraids of 1no•uths," could write about kisses in et war that nra'dr one hunger. fel. then].. To him a kiss was The soft and sacet eclipse, When soul meets soul on !overs' lips." Among .,his samples were tho hallowed kiss, the loud, wild kiss, that sent his blood pumping through his pulses, and the shy, sweet half uncertain kisses pilfered most likely from the sylvan maid. In his wild- est enthusiasm he singe :-- "Kiss Ire so long but as a 1 Is may live, And in my hes tlesi b, east and burn. ing brain That kiss shall all thoughts else surv've, With food o:' saddest memory 1 ept alive." Stedman longed "to feel once more that fresh, wild thrill" of the first kiss full upon a "sweet, rosy, darling mouth." George Sand.never kissed, but submitted her cheek now and then to a Chopin or Mazzini when she could nut get at the intellectual feast any other way. Goethe did his kissing by day- light, for "the pictures in a pair of upturned eyes were more de- vouring than the flames of rosy lips." It was starvation that im- pelled poor little Jeannie Welch Carly is to kiss Leigh Hunt, and the image of death was not colder 'than' the kiss of Anne Boleyn. The most boisteroue kiss on record w .1 the "Shrews' " wedding, when "He took thobride about the neck, And kissed her lips with such a clamor- ow- ,rack, That, : the part!n,;, all the church did echo, In "Richard III." the poot calls "Their lips, fu's- red roses on a stalk. filet, in their summer beauty, kissed each other." Coriolanus carried into captivity "a kiss long as his exile and sweet en as revenge." T" t. i `us prefaced 111,4 It iaeufe with "I'll ?Ike ,that, winter from thy lips." P'itit'nia's kisses were "as full of sanctity as the touch of holy b (acorgo Eliot's kisses were "honey- ed by oblivion." Crashaw called kis "love's great artillery." —Jim Brooks (colored), of Orange, Texas, arrested for out- raging a white woman nearly 80 years old, was taken ft'oui the guards un Tuesday by a mob of five hun- dred men, hung to a tree and rid- dled with lead. FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS destroy and remove worms without injury to adult or infant. —Littleton Owens, a colored politician, of Norfolk, Virgiuia, who has represented Princess Anne County in the legislature, armed himself with an old army musket and went to the harbor shop kept by " Bob " Gornto. Littleton placed the musket at his breast and riddled the body with buckshot. The barber's death was inetantane- ous. Owens was arrested. He suspected Gornto of being intimate with his wife. FOR DELICATE, . SICKLY C[IIL- • MIEN. :Scott's E,nnitnon is unequalled. See what Dr. C.A. Black, of Amherst, N. S., 'says : "1 have been acquaint• ed with Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, with Hypophosphites, for years; and consider it one of the finest preparations now before the public. Its pleasant flavor makes it the great favorite Tor children,' and I do highly recommend it for all wast- ing ashing diseases of children and adults. Sold by Druggists, 50c. and 'lliC It is said of Thackoray that he kissed pale lips and pink cheeks and "to kiss dark hair folded about a classic head" was to him a "solace and a satisfaction. Lousia Alcott, with her fine, thin lips, "Iciesed youth on the chin and age on the cheek." And, by tho by, there is a poem entitled you Kissed Me," of which the first verse is here :given :— "You kissed me 1 M -y head ' Dropped low nn your breast With a feeling of shelter And infinite rest, While the holy emotions My tongue dared not speak Flashed up in a flume From my heart to my cheek. Your arms held me last Ohl your arms were so bold ; Heart boat against heart In their passionate fold, Your glances seemed drawing My soul through my eyes As the sun draws the mist From the sea to the skies, Your lips clung tontine Till I prayed in my bliss They mi ;ht never unclasp From the rapturous kiss. But alas and alack-a day, kissing has gone out of fashion, so it's no use saying any more about it, - CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from- practice, havink had placed in his bunds by en East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable ientedy for the speedy and pertuttueut. cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for Net vous Debility and all Nervous„9unlplaints, after having test- ed its wonderful curative powers in thous- ands of cases, has telt it his duty to mulct it known to his suffering fellows. Actua- ted by this ,votive and a desire to relieve human suffering. I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, iu German, ]french or English, with full ditectious fur preparing awl usiug. Sent by mail by addreusine with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. NOYES, 149 Power's Block, Roches, e; N. Y. 607 eow. —Two farmers named Hieks and Cash settled au old feud at Hum- boldt, 'Penn., on Tuesday evening, by a fight with clubs. ):;ash was knocked down s(•useles8 anti died. }licks has not been arrested yet. —Of Lite 300,000, qualified voters ill the city of New York 14,000 pay taxes on property and 360,000 pay rents to those who own the pro- perty. - - - - REGULATE THE LIVER and Bowels by the judicious use of Na. tional Pills, they are purely,vcge- table, A BIG STRIKE. A big strike was snake when Powell & Davis issued their Extract of areal). arilla and .Burdock. It has met with great success, and it must, for it is the most powerful blood purifier in the mar- ket. It is used with the greatest success in all diseases arising from a debilitated conditon of the system, and everyone needs, and should use a bottle or two at this season of the year, of Powell's 'Ex- tract ofSsrsaperilla and Burdock. Bear in mind one 50c. bottle contains more solid medicine than most dollar so-called Sarsaparilla and bitten. Also remember that it is sold in Clinton by all druggists, price 50c. a bottle. Sold by akl drug- gists and medicine dealers everywhere. 44311V —Last Tuesday afternoon Miss Annie Sanford, of Crawfordville, Georgia, who was visiting Mrs: Dr. Poullain, was in the parlor playing on a piano. She played for some time, and upon stopping to go into another portion ,of the house, she saw lying cjiled on the doormat an enormous snake. The snake was lying with its head on the coil watching the piano, and there can be no doubt but that it had been drawn into the room by the music. Miss Sanford has no idea how long sit had poen there, for she had boon playing for some time. Tho hired man was called in and the snake killed, - 1(';,,74,t STRAY STOCK ADVER ,'n. -v' STRAY inserted in Tea NEWT!:Rxcoau ut low rotes. The law stakes It compulsory to advertise stray . stock If you want any kind of advertising you will not do better than call nn 'ewe•Renord.", THIS YEAR'S CUT;and PLUG SMOKING TOBACCO. FINER THAN EVER. _ & _ —IN BiRONZI' ON— EACH PLUG and PACKAGE. 517-y CLOTHING. ABRAHAM SMITH • - Market Square, G -OD RIC . WEST OF . ENGLAND SUI17 INGS TROUSERINGS, Anvlce To MOTuans.--s-Are you dis- urbed at night and broken of your rest b a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs Winelow's Soothing Syrup" for Cbildren,•Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor itltleeulferer immediately. De- pend upon it., mothers; there is no mis- take about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs Winefow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses: in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25c. a bottle. lie sure andask for "Mrs, Winslow'sSoothing Syrup," and take no other kind. —Matthew Gibbs, supposed to be the oldest man •iv North Caro- lina, died near Centre on Monday, aged 108. - .Picton, Ont., has carried 'a by- law. appropriating $18,000 for an electric light plant for the town. AS A IIEALING, SO()Thing nppli. cation for cute, wounds, bruises and sores, there is nothing better than Victoria Carbolic Salve. ..,„......._ House ,..cp 4.. Painting,- „... Glazing and Graining, , o Plain : and.: Decorative ` ' a Paper I Hanging .5 S(0TCI1 TWEED SUITINGS & TI.OUSEP,INGS, FRENCH AND ENGLISH WOR- STED CLOTHS, Slade up in Best Style awl )York• tn(Onshil) at Alwaltanz Sahib's. P3 3 31' , i' e „1„•1. n p'' of Ile,' i'/, ii • P- (tif,t 'cr.,/ ,stnel•,s of •e.+. L OTHI I Qssp A Fall Line,of GENTS' P't1 L? NISIiINGS always in stock. It et ill pity you to call O1' ABRAHAM SMITH I(ALSOMINING and FRESCOING. Shop next Kennedy's Hotel, Albert Street, CLINTON, - ONTARIO. CHARLES T. SPOONER Established • 1855. 1. BIDDi.ECOMBE. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,bilrerware Repairing in all branches. Opp. the )lntlwt, CLINTON. EXHAUSTED VITALITY! iI�11E SCI EN(E (14: LIFE, 1 the great Medical Work of the agcon?f:wl , ,1, \err vons and Pbi•sienl Debility, Premature Decline, Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries coueern ent there. on, 300 pages 8 vo., 125 prescriptions for all diseases Cloth, full gilt, onl,V 81.00, In mail, sealed, Illustrative satanic tree to, all young and middle -age') n n. Send now. The Gold. and Jewelled Medal awarded to the anthor by the National ltedleal Association. Address P. 0. Box 1805, Boston, Mass, or Dr. W. 11. I'ARKEli , graduate of '.award Medical College, 25 years practice in Boston, who may be consult• ed confidentially. Speriaby,r' Diseases of Man. 011ie° No 4 Butanch street 493y NEW STOCK I NEW STORE I ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - CLINTON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. Call at the New Store and see the stock of Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc., and general Household Furniture. The whole Stock is from the very best manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of every description. JUS. CIIIDLEY, one door West of Dickson's Book Store. T9Aiii. A WONDERFUL LAK© O8E'WATEti DOETH GOOD ILl E A MEDIC •r a ¢S" arch '. MvtEDIC� L L'AKE:REMEDIES' TRY NAT URE-S•REMEDY PURE -PEERLESS -POTENT 8QLo., BY "ALL. DRUGGISTS,. toT/U,i,cooynNoN. .A• JOB PRINTING %ha •°— ulr' n two- trpxd, • THE ACKNOWLEDGED Leading:: Consorvative :: Paper OF THE COUNTY, HAS ONE OF THE -} % X X = X + - + Best Equipped Job Rooms IN WESTERN ONTARIO. Toe Fiest Jofl'Printin 1 EXECUTED ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. c all Stow t!rinlinq OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Posters, :-: Streamers, Circulars, Cards, &c. O 0 - COLORED PRINTING! EQUAL (IN MANY CASES SUPERIOR) TO CITY WORK o= BILL HEADS, �. NOTE HEADS, LETTER HEADS. 0 Tfte Double Circulation X5t) Talks to Thousands. 0 Advertise in The News -Record A DOUBLE CIRCULATION IN THE COUNTY. OF IIURON.