The Huron News-Record, 1889-08-07, Page 81 Tilos FattRow has ssautned the, duties of Postmaster et Brussels. Ma. Jour' BEUR is Lome from the Northweat. WHITE PlOf.4ou TuP8441 morn ing in thin vieinity. Ma. ItoratiWmEn hoes() far re oomed from hie long illness as to take a walk down town. a L. 0. L. 710 meets next Monday evening and R. It P. No. 161 next Wedneaday evenings HURON CENTRAL EXHIBITION promises this year to he one of tho best over held, A LARGE NUHBEH of Clintonians took in the civic holiday excursions on Friday. WfILL RIPER RNLI DEC.ORRTION-: . • -- Abeolutely Pure ThB never ,,,,r1.,3„ A marvel of purity, ittir .h1nre economical ;/447641I14filt Waith the itlitii'ltit‘illieggott It; Weight alum phesoliate posvdere. Zit/ may in cans. 'Itor),A usenet Pommes, Co., 106 Wan Ht, N„.,r; The Huron News -Record $1.P0 Ver --$1.25 In Advance. . . - Or The man doe8 not clojaetice to his business '.-ho 1101108 teas in advdttiang Than he does in T. &WART, he mstlianaire meridian At:Now York. WeduesdaY. • Ani.. 7th, 1 80 -Don't buy Baby Carriages or Waft Paper until you have seen the magnificentW STOCK at PICKSON'S 'Beek Store, Clinton. LOCAL NEWS In and Around the "nub" . . . Saint .Eallt. .. TNIStiStP.at. LOUGH of the• Clinton gado' Sahnol ia heine again safter„a tr4s,„stess,khn .• North westwhich he 'enjoyed' very 1i) i I Oil. He tarried some- time at Thin if Springs, the .pleasantest and moat efficacious . health resort on the continent. .A.- CHANCE POR THE FISCHERS.—' 'Whera is our speculative friend "Day V' In formation has been receivedthat the estate of a man named Fiseher, who died in Ger- many some Fears ago is to be divi- ded. among the American - heirs, severe! of whom live in ' Illinois. • The estate is vainest at $51,000,000. How To bo f T.—Yottare writing n advertisement! Make it terse.- -110'spase Cassie _money and readers are impatient. Make it attractive in style—yountiust "catch your hare" • before yeit&lau. :31r: i,u him. Make it - • original in ex oression—you cannot •. command attention. without separate, ... ing yourself froin the crowd. Make it pointed in Objec -t**L'yErtir wishells for patrons will never 'search or . Whist you fail to show them. Make it it nigee in appearance—your purpo.se is hall it,„rpated if your ail vertisemeut does not impress peoplc. in its entirety. , . THE BARBAROUS BARI3 WIRE.— A ecitlents to animals aro continually- arisiug froin their coining into cop- taet ,vith barb wire fences. The other day a fine young Fearnatight mare, owned by Lack Ken -edy, was considerably lacerated b . the cruel biirbs, and several aither I cases • a P Sported • by M r. Blaekail, V. S., of serious injury to va . able• anirnala, from the same cause. sort saf fencing may bo cheap, b:W, where used for enclosing pastures fields where horses are kept it ie apt to prove„expensive in the end. d:W Prices Much Lower than Last Year BABY CARRIAGES. elve different kinds in stock. stock of We also have a Oue A Quick March to our establishment and you will bein time to get some of our 3RUGS A.A.4 ot. Suitable fur Baby Carriages. GREAT :1, AlitGAINS REV. RURAL DEAN CRAIG is home again after filling appointments in Brantford and Woodstock anion former parishioners. MRS. W. GOODGER, Mr. George and Master Tommy, of' Woodstock, were the guests of Mr. James Smith several days last week. REV. MR. PARKE, presently of Kenton, Ohio, well known in this section, was in town last week. He is having a vacation and wil take a trip up the lakes. WE HAD a call from Rev. r Racey, of Blyth, Tuesday, wh was down this way visiting a f eller parishioner who is now confine the house. MESSRS ED. 111i0oRE, jr., of Chicago, George Goodger, of Wood- stock and Will Smith, of Goderich, nephews of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Whitely gave the latter a call las week. --0 Chris. Dickson, Clinton which we offer this season of the year. ODDFELLOIVS EXOURSTO.N by steam- er front Goderich to Port Huron to -morrow, leaving the former place at '7 a. in. Return fare $1.00 MRS WM. CANTELON WWI removed to her home on Tuosd y of last eek. Tho lady continues to im• ove and is now considered out of auger. MR. B. COLE, of Dakota, is visit- ing friends in town. His wife ac- companied him as far as Ypsilanti, Mich.; where She remained with friends. A NUMBER of our townsmen wills took advantage of the low rates offered on our civic holiday returned from Detroit on Monday evening, among them Messrs. W. H. Cooper and W. J. Paisley. 1' rum :Sans.—Tlinrsday after- noon, • the unoccupied brick store recently vacated by Cautelon Blase., was found to he Liu lir. These was not the stereotyped "lurid glare" to attract attention. But the smother- ed smoke found exit through the roof denoting that there was fire Within. The fire company with the steamer were soon out and willing •s. hands with buckets of water fought the "fire fiend" until two streams from the fire hose played upon the "devastating monster" when it was brought under control' and finally subdued. The fire started inside the building, in the rear corner set apart as an office. The back doors Wel e not locked and it is poseible that tramps or boys obtained aceess amt either by accident or otherwise cataed the fire. Probably 8209 will iepair thedarnage done. EXCUSES EOR No G0.1140 To Cnunon.—Overslept myself ;; could not dress in time ; toO'celd ;16o hot; too windy ; too dusty; too wet; too damp ; too 600037 ; too cloudy dn't feadisposed ; no other time to nipolfriautitny papera "43 Aighte ; 4314 rrfifilrttie„ to rn y fri ettil; ;Mean -lo take a walk ; going to tatte-a ride; tied to busineaSsix days in tlfaweek, 02'130 fresh eir but on Sunday(; can't .r, breathe in church, alwaym. full; . .4 feel a little feverish ; fe4.,ri. 441 es chilly; feel very lazy; ePect cin/ pony fordinner ; gut a headache; intend nursing myself to 'day; ne' bonnet not come home ; was4't shaved in time; don't like singfig the spirit willing, but the flesh without music, makes me nerve -- - weak ; dislike an extempore ser- mon, it is too frothy; 'can't b r a written sermon, too prosing no- body to -day but our mititer, can't alwayi listen to the 84M0 pre her ; ' don't lithe strangers ; cant keep awake when at church—fell sleep lag time 1 was there— sha''4 tisk it agipa. Xi" • REV.' MR, COUCH 18 visiting IS 8 brother of Mr. Arthur Couch, tow' and preached a well considere sermon in the Ontario St. Methodist church last Sunday. The gentli- luau:has been stationed at Rockwood the past year. , Miss MCMULLEN, au enterly maiden lady, died here on Saturilay. She had been affected for some /hue with an internal tumor, and it'was contemplated to have it reinoie,A, but the operation was not attempteats ()wing to the loss of $400 through the failure of 'William Craig, she had recently been in depressed cir- cumstances. Burial took place on Monday. THE TORONTO SENTINEL SAYS.— "In Clinton, on July llth, the wife of Bro. A. M, Todd, of THE HunoN NEWS•ItnioonD, of a son, Although not- born on the 12.th., tho. now arrival might bo termed a thorough Orangeman- Bre. Todd hi 'ono' of the officers of the Grand Black Chapter of British America'and the brethren and knights will be pleas - el to learn of the addition to our tanks." Mrt. THOS JACKSON, JR., of Jack- -sou Bros., is home again from a visit. to the tight little island whose authority and empire extends over the whole civilized world, and which 'have given tho paramount laws and language to the greater portion of this North American con- tinent. Ur. Jackson has increased eleven pounds in weight which he largely attributes to a liberal use of hold Henglancl's hale. At all.events '.the trip has given Mr: Jackson an improved hale and hearty appear MR. AND MRS: THOS. COUCH of Mitchell who, with Rev. Mr. Couoh, are visiting friends hero picknic'd at Bayfield yesterday in conrpany with Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Edge, Mrs\ rthur Couch and other friends. Mn. JOHN SHEPPARD went up t Goderich, Saturday, to See the vet- eran Sergeant Kelly, who was re- ported dangerously ill. We are glad to he able to report that on Monday, the old gentleman was somewhat better. Dropsy is his ailment. THE BOA-1111..QP HEAI.T11 has bed a ter Goo. CootieTor selling milk and butter from a cow that has an incurable disease in the head. The animal, it is said, presents a dis- gusting appearance. We believe that the owner will be prosecuted if he does not destroy the animal or desist from selling her product. DEPRECIATION OF EROPERT Y.—A Polish Jew in Chicago committed suicide the other day because of the depreciation in value of some of his property, though he was worth $100,000. Our town coten-i says that the property of the farmers in Canada has depreciated, but they are wiser' than either the Era or the Jew. They don't believe the for- mer and in any event have. more sense than the latter. SEEMS AS THOUGH HE WAS RILED, -Au American exchange dilates as follows :—A man in Clay, who owes us over two year's subscription, pit his paper back in the postoffice laflt week marked "refused." We have heard of many mean men. Th'ere is the man who used the wart oh his neck for a collar button, the ne who pastured a goat on his grandmother's grave, the one who stole coppers from a dead man's eyes, the one who got rich by giv- ing five children a nickel each to go to bed without supper and then stealing the nickle after the children were asleep ; but for pure, down- right meanness the man who will take a paper for years, mark it, "re- fused," and then stick it back into the postoffice, is entitled to the first premium. VERY SAD.—A melancholyoc- currence was the death of the N.vife of Mr. William Weir, of the Bay field Line, near Clinton, Saturday afternoon, Augaist 3rd. The de- ceased was a comparatively young woman. Her death was owing to premature child -birth, and was unexpected. Her case only assum- ing a serious phase on tho day of her death. 'Wo are, sure that the hearts of our people will go out in sympathy to Mr. Wier and family u their irreparable loss. Tne funeral took place Monday after- noon and was largely attended. CLERICAL WIT.—A commercial traveller, since the elevation of Bishop Walsh of London to the Archbishopric of Toronto, is remind- ed of an occurrence some years ago in a railway car in which his present Lordship took part. An irreverent traveller asked Bishop Walsh, possibly not knowing who he was, if ho had not heard that in Paris as often as a priest waa hanged a donkey was hanged at the same thno, The proposed victim of the joke replied in the blandest possible manner : "Well, then,let us' both e thankful that we are not in aris." Mn. JOHN 0. ELLIOTT'S patent rail fence is taking like hot cakes in Nissouri county. We have seen a letter froin an active, well.to•do farmer there stating that with several men assisting him, during the summer, he had all he could do putting up this fence. 'This gentle- man says it is a boon to farmers, so muck cheaper and better than wire fences, and he will rent his farm next season and devote hia whole time to putting it up for farmers. Some slight inprovements have been made in the mode of erecting it, and he claims that it is the best and chedpest fence now in 1180. Town Parliament. Regular session Monday night. Letter from county clerk Adamson stating county rate for the year to be $785.67. From Registrar of Ontario regarding, registration of births, marriages 110(1 deaths. Min.' ieter of Public Works, Reeve Mc- Muroliy, reported all work ordered by council as completed except gravelling and crossing at Dr. Williams and crossing at market. These were delayed owing to diffi- culty in getting stone. The amount expended on streets this year was $835, leaving $365 unexpended, The leader of the Left Centre, Mr. Searle, called the attention of the Minister of Public Works to repairs needed on Rattenburry St. He expected t� be refused as the head of the departthent had a will of his own ` and generelly ruled against his, Mr. S's, suggestions. But the repairs were much needed and would not cost inuch. Mr. Mc - Murchie admitted that ho had 32 applications for such repairs within a abort time. But if he allowed ()yeti ono to run his department the council would have to double the appropriation thoy had made. ThfIre was no doubt that in many ea* the work was needed and w41e not committing himself, ho wdirld at the first opportunity for doing such work economically ItriVe it :Wended to. ,Treasurer's statement for July showed balance . carried forward $586 ; Government grant for public schools $396 ; froin magis- trates fines, cemetery and streets $18. 81=$1.000.81. Paid out $385,29; balance of hand $615.52=$1000.81• Finance Minister Manning recom- mended payment ou street account: '1'. Cottle $131.71, Harland Bros. $10.95, J. Fair $21.23, H. Dodd 115.15, also the customary salaries. o cemetery account B. Webb $9. 8, W. Steep $1.50, T. W. Evans, 2, On property account Harland Bros. $4., S. Davis $10.37, R.Welsh $1.00. Street watering Jacob Miller $25. Charity 1'. Towers, board for Miss McMullen $10, J. C. Steven- eoh burial expenses for the same $10, B. 'Webb $2, J. Beattie $1.50, sundries $2.37. Harrison's manual for use of council $7.16, R. Holmes flitting $45.25. Receipts from eigh scales $27, rent etc. $.5.35— opted. Tho Finance Minister brought wn his budget and made tho gures eloquent in explanation of hat money was required to carry o the civic government next year. 1,200 is appropriated. The r. Mauniug is really a very iuister of Public Works suggested nit the leader of the Lett Centre ellington iu finance. For streets hould move for $2,000 so as to get improvements he considered neces- sary carried out. But the esti• mates as brought down were passed, amountiug to $13,015.47, $1,325,00 of which will be provi- ded for out of receipts, $750 from license and $575 from town hall, weight scales, magistrates fines, cemetery and other local sources of revenue, leaving $11,690.41 to be raised by taxation. This will re- geire a rate of 18i mills ou the $ ou a gloss assessment of .8627.860, and leaves a 'nominal surplus of $384. The estimates as above were passed and hy-la rizi94 the levying ol./.-4 mOtlItts0e • rst' 'rhe Electric light business came up. Rough draft of agreement to be entered into between the Town and the Okee Organ Co. was sub- mitted and .approved. The chief r conditions aro that the Okes Ogan Co. are to provide ten 2000 candle pewer lights for 300 nights in the year and receive 8660 therefor. Contract to be for five years. Ligh1. ts to _ kept, burning until 11 o'clock, aud on special occassions, on order, from the Mayor, to rt later hour. The Company to hall isli additional lights to t he town or citizens at a rate not to exceed 22 cents per light per night. Contract not t� bo assigned without Consent of council. Lamps to hang over centre of Areas, and to bo located at the following named points or otherwise as the council may direct. At intersection of streets at Dick - sons 601110r—At Gri,stg's corner— At Milne's hotel—At Gilchrist's and' Twitehell's corner—At intersection of Ontario and Xirk sts, near John Beacoms—At Market Square and Albert and Rattenbury Sts—At in- tersection of Rotten bury and Orange Sts, S. Davis and Searl's corners— Corner of Shipley and Huron Sts., near Detlor and Cunninghaine's residences—At corner of Orange end Mary Sts. near tannery and Mrs. O'Neill's—At corner of Princess and Albert Sts. near Fair's mill. Lights to be in running order by Sept.; 15, 1889. ' DON'T FORQET to _ask about our great $7 & $10 Suits They stand as the biggest bargains in the County and the immense quanity in an selling demonstrate this fact. § § § A Few Linen Suits for Children at - 50ots, • WE SOLD THEM AT $2.00. CHIMER" JERSEY .UITS SOLD at 0.00. WE NOW OFFER AT $2.50. —0 A LARGE QUANITY OF STRAW HATS LESS THAN COST. 0 JACKSON BROTHERS, -0••••-• Davison Downs the Doctor. To the Editor of the Wingham Times. DEAR Sin, -In your last issue a cor. respondent aconites the Orangemen of Winghatn of' political prejudice in not inviting Dr. Macdonald to ad- dress them on the 121h of July. As chairman of the cotntnittee appoint. ed to secure speakers for that occa- sion and also as Master ot the Lede, 1 presutne I am the party aimed at. Before I begin I would ask your °or. respondent to explain why nona of the leading Orangemen of East Huron were asked to speak at the anti - Jesuit meeting in the Presbyterian church? If partiality in this respect has been shown, we think Dr. Mac- donald and his friends have been the first to begin it. Besides, the Orangemen would be responsible for what might be said on their' behalf on the platform on the 12th ofJulyr and they could not yet trust Dr. Macdonald who for the last twenty yeara has been sneering at and ridi• culling the Order, and the murder of Thomas Scott ; advocating the use of a mutilated Bible in our publio schools, Home Rule for Ireland, coin. tnereial surrender of Canada to the United States, and, in fact, anything and everything that would tend to the disintegration of that great bul. THE FAMOUS CLOTHIERS,' CLINTON. NICRIN22131111111. work of `Protestantism, The British E,ntpire, the integrity of which Orangemen are bound to Maintain. , , We,are a • don* lVwhere he 15 10c '' 1.E; is clearly shown by thefact that when he ram as a reformer in the town of Winhatn, where he had resided for tnany years andwis well known, he etane out with a minority ot thirty-seven votes, while a fe* weeks after Mr. Ross, a comparative stranger and a resident of the city of Toronto, ran as a Re. former in the same town of Winghatri and came out with a majority of ten. In regard, to his vote in thu House, which it is thought should cover a multitude of sins, we do not think there isa single Jesuit in Dr, Mao slonalds • constituency. He distill. guishes between Jesuits and Catho. lies, and we understand there are only about eighty Catholic voters. Wa think, therefore, as he is the representative of an Orange constitu• ency, we were quite justified in waiting for further evidence of his sincerity before giving him too numb credit for sacrificing an ibaitginary Jesuit vote for the purpose of gaining those of hundreds of Orangemen and their sympathisers. If he had repres sented a Roman Catholic constity- ency and had taken his politfcal life in his hand and gone down to, politi- cal death like a true martyr, instead of trying to make political capital and gain votes, we might have had some faith in his sincerity, but as it now stand a he evidently expected to become a leader and a spokesman for the Orangemen and at the same time keep himself right with his Roman Catholic friends by the Jesu- itical excuse that the end justifies the means and that he is not oppos. ed to them, but only to the Jesuits. The fact is that the Orangemen aro now nearly tired of the whole breed of the Macdonalds from the highest down, down, through many grades, even to the member for East Huron, and we are partioularly tired of their attempts to succeed in the wonderful circus performance of rid- ing two horses at one time, ne Orange and The 'Green. If Peter has really become converted in his old days and Is now, as your corress pondent says, in accord with the Orangemen, let him acknowledge his former sins, come out as an inde- pendent poliician, cease to be a fols lower of the Roman Catholic Laurier, ask forgiveness of the members of the Order whom he and his friends have wronged and maligned, assist the Orangemen and the Equal Rights Association to rid the country of the rule of Messrs. Fraser, Mowat, Ross, the Ontario allies and bosom friends of Mr. Mercier, the Reform Premier of Quebec, ond the amthos of the Reform measure known as the Jesu- its' Estates Act; prove himself an noneet man and not a political tricks ster, join the Order, and he will find true friends among the Orangemen of Huron. But it may as well be understood now that we do not Wish as our spokesman a political chame- leon composed of a strange mixture of tricolor, Star Spangled Banner, Orange and Green. JOHN DAVISON, Master of L. 0. L. No. 794. —Mrs.' Alame, aged 75; of Jerseyville, 'Out., was burned to death 00 Wedite,•day: The old lady ignited her clothes while lighting a lav»p. —A wholoale fruit house in" Hamilton, Ju ly 29, ecei v ed 0 con- signment of early Crawford pee1ies grown three miles from tbe ciy. —Whilst a number of men were at work at a brick yard, near Ehnire, .excavating clay,a hank fell in. All escaped unhurt except One, Nicholas Reichen bitch, aged ,50, who was completely buried under Ow felling earth and killed. Bayfied. rs. Erwiu, who is been ill fur sumo time is rather worse latey. There Will be a garden party on the parsonage grounds here, in aid of church of England beilding fund, on Wednesday, August 7th°. Tea from: 5 to 8 o'clock p.m. Lots of amusements, string band, etc. Clin- ton friends and all others welcome. Admission, including tea, 15c. DEATHS. Goderich township, near Clin- ton, on Saturday August 3rd., Lovina Emma, wife of Mr. Williom Weir, aged 91 years and 3 mouths. EQUAL RIGHTS! A MEETING of those interested In the Equal Rights movetrent is requested in the COUNIAL CHAMBER, TOWN IIALL, MONDAY EVENING, 12th INST at s (Naos .IAMES SCOTT, on behalf of Committe. Clinton, 61h Auut, 1980. 663-I1 „LICENSED HOTEL FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for sale the licensed hotel hyBrucefield now known as Turner's, formerly known as Rattenburee. Doing a good business, Is in excellent repair and up to the statutory re. quirements, and has lately had chnsiderable im provements effected on it. Terms :-Reaonable cash patnent, easy terms for balance. Apply to R. J. TURNER, 663 -41 Brucetleld Births, Marriages and Deaths By chapter 40, Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887, all Birth, Marriages and Deaths are requir- ed to be registered with the Clerk of the munlei• panty in which such may takeplac. The person required to report a birth Is the father or mother of a child; registration must be made within 30 days after birth. The person required to register a Marriage is the clergynian who celebrates it and his report must be.furnihed within 00 day s after the date of suh marriage, The person re. (Mired to register o'ileath Is the oecupier of the i101184 In which the death takes puce, and the return mud he made befoie the Interment of the body. Any memeai man who was last fn attend• mice dulling the last illness of any deceased per. 8011, is reqeired to register the cause of death. -Neglect to make any of these reports within the specifie1 time, will subject the person RO neglecting to a penalty of 1.80 and costs. Ail persons interested will take notice and govern themselves aceordingly. •W1LLTAM IJOATS, 585 Division Registrar, Clinton.