HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-08-07, Page 6urQfNomas-ff oord - 41y,lie ax.,mmir. 4 In Kdvtance, 1tel1na)t jtue atattRlr,iittttioe to fats business llaa Reap. t)t Stdgcrtani):pp thea he duos K 'i',Sr'ur.e.ear, tate Iaittionaire merchant .York W+ 1111 S4.31L3's ` tAf: 'Itgt 1$$0. gQW ti$HuS CLIMB HILLS. 'Trent are often found in 'nouu- e�, tai..lw>eamst far mod toward their • Routxee, in deep pools ameddies. Iry cue pool, opt. of which led a 4trOCt fi .0 of three' foot,' there were # ttMbera of 411,0 ,richly HALO tittle oreetures, riven to have ;omitted their oe14011 must Dither have swum up falls or crone around by laud. Ater catching a number I began to righte,t -the others to see what they osld"do. ore dashed at the little fall and difiap,P.ttated, while others darte 1 otfet% and swain down stream. Sill farther up I found the at tackled dame,; until fivally the passage be - Pune 80 difficult that I was obliged ;'tip° turn back. In the village I chanced to mention the subject to a friend who owned a will on the a e Stream, and he told me that the.lfilshes' ascent was a puzzle to Min, until one day hie boy called '•birp out to the dant, where the rid- dle Was solved. The dam was near- ly four feat high, and to.relieve the stream several anger holes had been bored in it, allowing a small stream of water to jet forcibly out and to go splashing down into tho clear • pool below. As my friend ap- proached the spot .and looked :through the bushes several large- .. sized trout were seam moving under the mimic fall, evidently in great ".excitement, and darting into it as If 'enjoying the spinas and roar of the water. Suddenly one of the fish made a quick rush that sent it up the fall- ".ing stream, so that it almost gained op ; •ut by an unlucky turn vas caught and thrown back into e pool, where it dartedaway, i.-idenlly much startled. soessoesteeseosseesasseesse?v eMP WANTED. Out. Well, 1 gin it ter him, hues ; data de las' I ebber seen oh dot voudgo nigger, an' dat fo' dollars. Welt, soh, dis las' ramsakshum brut me Isiah tor clef's doe au' my life wer' diapered of for a long • time: Dey Weed prayers fer, ate in de church and den do swellin' sorter went down ebbory whar cept my heel, an' as I is had so mach trubhle with a soreness iudat heel 1 thought dat I would cut de boot heel open dar. When I dun it, Lewd brews my soul, boss, dar was drat self same five dollar bill pasted right in Ile bottom eh de boot.” A BABY IN DANGER. 'Soon another made the attempt, ting at it like the first, and then idly swimming upthe fall, but nieet' the fate of its prede- This was tried a number of fii>sdly a trout larger rs mild° a dash, moun- ..atn, and entered the le: observers were almost ready p their hands, but it was not Beful yet. As the water stp.p- owing for a moment they saw that'though the atheletic trout bud surmounted the fall, the hole was • too small for it to pees through, and there the .pour fish lodged. The lookers-on hastened to relieve it, and found tl.at its side or pectoral .fins wore caught in the wood, but, by ing the till ahead, which —seer -limy be sue they did, they liberated it and it darted away into the upper pond. Here, then, - was the explanation. The trout climbed the mountain by rtvin.m.ing up the falls, darting up the foaming masses, and, adopting every expedient to accomplish their journey. For the .e fish desposit their eggs -high up stream, so that the. young fry, when hatched, may not be disturbed by predatory fish and other fops living in the iz■oer Aly baby was taken very bad with diarrhoea, nothing did any good until I,tr'ied Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. I am certain! nothing equals it, and could not do without it in time of summer complaint and diarrhoea. Mets. A. L. Bete, Shell River, Man. MILBURN'S AROMATIC QUIN- INE WINE is distinctly superior to any other as an appetizing tonic and fortifier. —In the English House of Ctnu mous Tuesday night it was agreed, by a vote of 230 to 70, to grant a lump sum of £600,000, or„aft au alternate, £20,000 annually, to build railroads in Irel:,nd. CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED. Toms EDITOR :— Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured, I shall be glad to send two bottles of my re- medy FREE to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send me their Express and P. 0. ad- dress, Respectfully, DR. T. A. SLOCUM, 16.1 West Adelaide st., Toronto, Ont By all wbo suffer Erom dyspepsia,. biliousness, sick headache, jaundice, liver complaint, rheumatism, dropsy, etc. Lose no time in procuring Burdock Blood Bitters, nature's re- gulator toad tonic. It is a. prompt ane permanent cure for all diseases of the blood, liver, kidneys, bowels and stomach. —At Frauklin, Ky.,.Geo. Harris and Sam Bryant, both colored, were going home from church together in company with other uegroe3. Harris asked Bryant if it was true that he accused him of stealing tobacco plants. Bryant replied in the aflil- metive, adding that he still accused him, and drew back in the attitude of drawing a pistol, whereupon Harris, who was standing at his side, struck hirn across the stomach with a hickory stick and literally disemboweled him, his entrails fall- ing to the ground. Bryant died; ' EXCELS ALL OTHERS. I used one bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters for constipation and loss of appetite and it cured me. I would not be without it at six 'times the price, for it excels all others. WILLIAM. WA Galt Ont. • —The greatest. excitement pre- vailed in Ailsa Craig and the ad- joining township of McGillivray on Friday night over a rumor that Geo. Johnstou, the deputy -reeve of 1Ic- Gillivray, had been arrested on the charge of improper relations with his own daughter. • Mrs. Johnston repaired to the residence of J. H. Priestly, tin pi) lico magistrate, where she had a warrant issued for her husband's alrustt on the above charge. After hewing the evidence of both parties Ode Priestly found there was nothing brought forward to substantiate the charge, and he honorably acquitted the prisoner. Tli1 Ai)VENTURE OF A V. "Say, Boss," kin der gin me a .goat note for dis yere one 1" said a colored countryman to the money- changer in the .treasury the other day.. . "Where in the world has this bill been 1" inquired the government tial, looking at the greenback, rich had the appearance of a paper gun -wad that'had passed through tate holy of a bird. —Michael J. Feetou, couvictetl at the recent St. Tboutiet assizes Ot oriminai assault ou 'a uine,•ear•uld girl, and sentenced to one year's imprisonment, with forty lashes, half within one month of his entry into ;nisch and Calf within- oue month of the expiry of his terra, was flogged the other morning at the Central Prison. Fenton is vJ yeais old, a carpenter, and ,t w owor, who has served a seven yrars' tern) tit Kiugstuu prisult• Ho took his punishment quietly, sere fur, exclaiming at each stroke, "Oh, Lord, have mercy l” l;luuri was drawn at the sixth straits, but at the fi nal stroke tiw satin remained broken only in oue spat, though the flesh remained purple FREEMAN'S WOIUI POWDERS destroy and remove worms without injury to adult or infant. —Tho Mounted Police Depart- ment have received official intima- tion of the suicide of Constable Hirsch, of the N.W,M.P. at Regina. The rash not was committed with a revolver while the man was in a fit of despondency. Constable Hirsch was of German birth and was a young and promising member of the corps. taws,' said the men, "dat bill n been in one ob de curiuses places whar a bill ebber got inter in die wurl. My big, . black fut bin very close naber ob dat bill for guide on two tnonths and I ain't never seen it befo dis ntawin." "That is queer, said the clerk. "It looks as though it had been served up as boarding house hash." "Nell, I.gwine tell yer jes how 'twos. Long about last frost I los' a $5 bill what I had hben stabile up, an' I spent two clays an' nitcs 'searabiu' fer it. Den sumphiu' whispered ter me dat it were gone ferebber an' I tuck ter bed real down sick, but doe ':I Wet powftil weak I nebbef gin up heart tirely, so I sent fer a cunjer dokter an he lowed dat for twu dollars an fifty cents he could find out sumphiu' 'bout .(le money: I gin him, what to charge mo, an' artor he burnt sum 'chicken libber, a toad frog, au' a piece of dried sturgin tied'up:in a bag wid a ell skin' and prayed some ungodly prayers, ho refreshed my soul wid de Blessed infermaehon dat it war stol. Den he cern ag'in in' he sa' dat for anuclder dollar an' a -half he would find de money an' de Ulan who got it. Now, dar wuz fo' dollars wuf ab infermashen for a five dollar bill—wolf, I resun wid ulysadf dis wa', dat if I recubbered de money I aver jest a dollar • in, tvharas if I don't try fer ter do snmphir,' 'bout it I war five dollars arcs F�(i'7�?,F.dr...�a�"':,_';.—', �„�.i.:wo�'�*'t''•*,—:., `.,"'7��.1�'S test after the close of the ro• cant exrttllinetiQll, Ernest, third sou of ex-Aldettllan John Vanstone, Stratford, a lad of nearly 15 years of age, complained of beadecha and a numbness iu one of his. artne. Shortly after convulsions indicated that a blood vessel iu the train had burst, trout which time it was it), - possible to do anything ;for him, and.death •reRulttil un ,Tt,'ltdayi eve- ning. It is unnecessary to say that the family feel their loss keenly. A BIG STRIKE. A big strike was make when Powell & Davis issued their Extract of arsap• arida and Burdock. 1t has met with great success, and it must, for it is the most powerful blood purifier in the mar- ket. It is used with the greatest success in all diseases arising from a olebtlitated coodtton of the system, and everyone needs, and should use a bottle or two at this season of the year, of Powell's Ex- tract of Sarsaparilla and Burdock. Bear in mind one 50c. bottle contains more solid medicine than most dollar so-called Sarsaparilla and bitters. Also remember that it Is sold in Clinton by all druggists, price 60c. a bottle. Sold by all drug- gists and medicine dealers everywhere. 4h31 CONsia..m 'TION CUItEI.). :tu old physician, retired from prsetiee, having had planed itt his hauls' by an East India. utissienary the formula of a simple vegetpbie remedy tar the 1.pe4tly and 1 r i t rot. nt cure of Consumption, 131011chit , Cat in h,• Astltlna and all throat sa,l lour, affections, also a positive anal tadiral rule for Nei Voile D,hility and all Nervous Complaints, after having test- ed its wou,1 riot rurntiv e powers in thous- ands or easeshas telt it his duty to make it known to Ilk sutl'eritig relluw.. Acme - led by this unitive and a desire to relieve human sufi'ering. • I will serol free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for preiaaring awl using. Sent by ,nail by ailtressIng with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. Nnvtis, 149 Power's Btoek, Roches' et N. Y. 607 eow. ,,a_4QTltAY STOCK ADVER lei 1.3 TISEMEN'i'S inserted in Tux Mows ltaooau at low rates. The law makes It compulsory to advertise stray stock if yon want any kind or advertising you will not do better than call nn 'ews•Reteord,r. —It has beau decided by the Cauadian Government to withdraw the privilege long, enjo)ed by the French fishermen • of St. Pierre, Miquelon, of landing their fish at Halifax and repacking in bond for future shiptnent. This subject was discussed at considerable length by the Maritime Province members last "session, and General Laurie laid particular stress upon the injustice said to result to Canadian fishermen by reasou of the fact that the French Government allowed a boun- ty of $2 per' quintal on all fish so exported by French fishermen,, who wore talus given an advantage over the Canadians. CiHRONIC COL' lIS AND COLDS. And all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs can be cured by the use of Scott's Emulsion, as it contains the healing virtues of Cod Liver 011 and Hypophosphites in their fullest torsi. See what W. S. Muer, M. D., L. R. C. P., etc., Truro, N. S., says : "After three years' expel•ience I consider Scott's Emulsion one of the very best in the market. Very, excellent in Throat affections." Sold by all Druggists, 50c. and $1.00. —The St. Catharines Jou,•nal, tells of a monster toad found in the cellar of Taylor 13tr,tes' brewery. Mr. J. Malcolmson, in superintend- ing the sweeping out of oue of the vaults, got a genuine surprise. Ile secured the batrachinn,which weigh- ed close on to seven pounds eight ounces, and will send it alive to the School of Technology, 'Toronto. How the enormous thing secured a living and grew sn big, except it was on beer, is a mystery to all. ' AN OLI) FAVORITE. That has been popular with the people for thirty years is Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry for all varieties of summer complaint of children or adults. It seldom or ever fails to cure cholera morbus, diarr'h•vaand dysentery. FOR DELICATE, SICKLY CHI1-- DREN. Scott's Emulsion is unequalled. See what Dr. C.A. Black, of Amherst, N. S., sort : , "I havibeen acquaint- ed with Scott's. Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, with Hypophosphites, for years, and consider it one of the finest preparations now before the public. Its pleasant flavor makes it the great favorite for children, and I do highly recommend it for all wast ing diseases of children and adults. Sold by Druggists, 50c. and $1.00 —Goo. Clemens, aged 13 years, of West Brantford, was drowned while bathing in the river. THIS YEAR'S Z CUT :and PLUG SMOKINC TOBACCO, ._-111r. S. Montgomery, of the St. Catharines .Tour, al, ,X as last week committed for trial on it charge of criminal libel, preferred by Ala. Chaplin. FINER THAN EVER. SES' —IN' BRONZE,: ON— EACH TLUG and PACKAGE. 517-y REGULATE THE LIVER and Bowels by the judicious use of Na. tional Pills, they are purely vege- table. _.James Sangster, a aawlni ll Own- er of Florence, Ont., had his left wrist cut off and part of his forearm mangled by an edging saw one day last week. Amputation was neces- sary. MYSTIC WORDS. . 1 can recommend Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry for ehro. 'sic diarrhoea, as 1 have used -it for two years and can get nothing else that helps me dike it. JANE TAYLOR, P. Q. 'Ibis medicine cures all sum- mer complaints. House Pai,ntin CLOTHING. ABRAHAM SMITH �/��y� MarketarT•� Square, -�" \Jr O.6..�ERIOH. AS A HEALING, S00Thing appli• cation for outs, wounds, bruises and sores, there is nothing better thaw Victoria Carbolic Salve. —John A. Kidd, a widowor.with two children, was married itt the police station, Toronto, to Sarah Hyde, a youug woman with a babe iu hor,arms. It was t.ho old story of broken promises repaired juder the pressure of justice. Glazing Ana Gxllsaing, Plain : and ; 'lecewative Paper Hanging CD ren .11113 447 • ceo ion KALSO11,tJNfl t and FRESCOING. Shop next Kennedy's Hotel, Albert Street, CLINTON, - ONTARIO. CHARLES T. SPOONER IFt -TT NEW STCOCK ! NEW STORE ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - CLINTON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. Call at the New Store and see the stock of Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc., andeneral Household Furniture. The whole Stock is from the very best manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of every description. JUS. CUIDLEY, one door West of Dickson's Book WEST OF ENGLAND SUIT. INGS & T1l0USEIIINGS, SCOTCH TWEED SIJITINGS & •TROUS.GRINGS, FRENCH AND ENGLISH \VOIt• STEL) CLOTHS, IS, Mettle •nji int. 13'?•,t' Style a)u1, l Tor6- m=10.hip at Almthant 8;??ith's. . JOB PRINTING Now in stock one of the eltope_ (alta hest stocks of WITER _,-_.CLO T HIPC AND CLOTHS. A Full Linciof GENTS' FUR NISHL GS always in stock. It will pay you to nail err • ABRAHAM SMITH ADVICE To MOTnaae.--Are you dis- urbed at night and broken of your rest b a sick child°sufferina and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of "Sits Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething, Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor itttlesufferer immediately. De- pend upon it, mothers; there is no mis- take about it. it cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs Winetow'a Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and beet female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25e. a bottle. Ire sure andask for "Mrs, winelow'sSoothing Syrup," andltake no other kind. ON THE INCREASE. So increasingly prevalent have scrofulous diseases become that we 'call the attention of our readers to to the best blood purifier and al- terative known, viz., Burdock Blood Bitters, which :unlocks all clogged secretions and removes all blood diseases from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore. Established • 1655. the furon " two- trade, ThE ACKNOWLEDGED Leathug:: Consorvative :: Yapar J. BIDDLECOMBE. W,,,Whes. Clocks, Jewelry,Sllverware tepairing in all t pp. the y!ntkct, CLINTON. OF THE COUNTY, IIAS:ONE OF THE °/ •1- X X .AN7]""'S is: SNI IH F.nucarron r5 A COURSE Ie THS BUSINESS fho:thaed, English, ronmanahlp, Gams b. Elocntton cr E:chanical Drawing Departments of the Detroit Business University, .d'-ILLUSTRATRD CATALOGUE FREs."&lK EXHAUSTED 1ViTALITY ! TIE. SCIENCE, OP i.1FE, 1 the great Medtenl work of the ntrenn Manhood, Ner• Vous and Ph), shad Dehili,), Premature Decline, Errors of Yontl» and the untold miseries consequent .tI Cre- on, 800. pages 8 vo., 125 prescriptions for an (Iideases Cloth, full gilt, only $1,00, by ,man, sealed. Illustrative sample tree to lei Voting and ndddle•age l men. Send now. The Gold and Jewelled Medal awarded to the anthor by the National Medical Association. Address Y. 0. Box 1895, Royton, glass, or Dr. W. H. PARKEIt, graduate of Ifarvnrd Medical College, 25 years practice in Boston, who may lie consult• ed confidentially. Spc,•lalty,t Diseases 01 Man Offles No 4 nuiftnch Street stay Best Equipped Job Rooms — — 1N WESTERN ONTARIO. 0 Tlite Firiesi Job elands I: RX!CUTED ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. T9'j4(gTIl A WONDERFUL LAM BLWVATER 00ETH GOOD L E A MEDiC f�tMEplefeat. 1..VSE, RlrMfwpiES T RY NAT aRES,, REMEDY PUREPEERIESs p0rENT'' SOLO BY. ALL: lt(JGGle7'S.- TO To M OF,101711 G t4 LOAMY O NT 0 would do well to call tau Tin News•1ltcottn before placing their orders for Route dills, Pedigrees, Folders, Cards, &c. COLORED PRINTING! EQUAL (IN MANY CASES SUPERIOR) TO CITY WORK, BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, LETTER HEADS. O Toe Double Circulation go Talks to Tflousark16. 0 Advertise in The News-Reoord THE ONLY PAPER WITH A DOUBLE CIRCULATION .011 IN THE;COUNTY OF HURON,tI a