HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-08-07, Page 3;.r "AGE CANNOT WITHER HER," remarked au old gentleman. as he gazed fondly upon the comely little woman by his side; "but frankly,' he continued, "at one time I was afraid cosmetics would. The silly little woman, in order to appear youthful, plastered her face with different varieties of whitewash ycle t 'balms.' creams,' , lotions', ete...I' "Yes," inter- rupted the little woman, "I did, until my skin became like parchment" and so pimply and coarse." "well,said the listener, What do you use now?" "Use," was the 'reply, "nothing but common sense and Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Com- mon sense told me that if my blood was pure, liver active, appetite and digestion good, that the outward woman would take on the hue of health. The 'Discovery' did all those things and actually rejuve- nated me." If you would possess a clear, beautiful complexion,.free from blotches, pimples, eruptins, yelow spots and rough: mess, use the " Golden Medical Discovery." It ie' guaranteed to -do all that it ie claimed to, or money paid for It will he promptly refunded. Copyright, l8Ae, by WoBL»'s DIe. Mtn. Aes'x. $500 OFFERED for an incurable case of Catarrh in the Head by the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. By its mild, soothing and heal- ing properties, it cures the worst cases, no matter of how long standing. The Huron News -Record >a1.50 a Year—e71.25 In Advance. tar The ".an does not du justice to hie business ho Mende te+s in advertising than he duce in real.—A T. Sraw.rar, the millionaire merchant of .New York. Wedilesday, tu.. 7th, 1889 A DEPRAVED TEACHER. Milton Chaurpion. Ephraim Buck, teacher of the public school at Zimmerman, charg- ed with a criminal assault on one of his pupils, a thirl 0,11 year old girl, ttid not appear before Magistrate Lindsay fart Thursday, as was ex- pected. A w•arrant.ha1 been issued for his arrest, but he managed to keep out of the way of the• consta- ble. The charge against ltiw .vas withdrawn because the relatives of the girl wished to avoid publicity, and because it was found that there would be difficulty in convicting hits of anything, more thien a !flied°, me t:tor. Hid father agreed to pay all costs. Declarations were, made. bo vtrver, by the girl, and also by another girl pupil of about the same age, with whoui Buck took improper liberties, and were forwarded to School inspector Depcon. One of the girls testified that one evening some time ago, after school had been dismissed and she hail left the -build- ing, she returned for her satchel, which she had left in, the bat room. Luck caught her' by the band and held it while he made improper pro- posals to her, which she resented. The villainous teacher then got a Bible . from which he real ct'rtain passages which he said sanctioned the act which he proposed and, after some resistance, ett<:eted hie purpose. The declaration of the other' girl was similar iu some respects. Buck well be suspended by the School In, spector and his certificate will be cancelled. Ile is less than twenty- one years of age. He may thank his stars that his offence was com- mitted in a law-abiding community. In many places the school inspector would have been saved the trouble of sutlpending- him—he would have been suspended in another manner, from the nearest tree, and it would have served hits right. Canadians seldom resort to lynch law, but since the laws of our country do not provide an adequate punishment for a case like Buck's, few would have objected had be met with summary justice at the hands of his neighbors. A YOUNG WOMANS MISTAKE MARRRYiN1 A STRANGER WHO PROVES HIMSELF A SCOUNDREL. Not long since sn adventurer, giv, ing the name of Frank S. Gifford, landed in Toronto and by testimon- ials, purporting to be signed by Major Dean, of Moptreal, ingrati- ated himself!into the confidence of Lt. -Col. G. T. Denison and Lt.•Col. Uraasett. On the strength_ of thie he purchased furniture and other goods on credit in the city before )lie real character wan discovered. He boarded at a private house op Siutcoe street, opposite Dr Graaett'a, kept by a respectable young lady, to whom be made love. By glowing representations of himself he secured her consent to marriage after an acquaintanceship of about three days. This was three weeks ago. On Sunday morning last Gifford brutally assaulted his young wife, knocking her senseless. He was trying to take home money from her pocket and elle refused, whereupon he struck her in the face with his fists. The case was .kept (inlet until. Thursday, because she sought to avoid publicity. But Gifford was finally arrested, appeared in court and was remand- ed until Friday, He claimed that lee only wanted to extract a key from her pocket, when the assault occurred, and that his object was to prevent her having access to drugs which she wastaking. The woman fuiuted in the witness boa, overcome evidrmtly by realization of the ters ritlle mistake she had made in marrying the man. SLe was assisted out of court by Sergeant Hales,*and an, officer and taken care of. The police put no credence in any statement made by Gilford, and say that he is a scoun- drel of the most heartless type. He is about 45 years of age and bald, with a hardened, forbidding coun- tenance. AS YOU LIKE IT. —The Ontario Boundary Bill has finally passed in the Commons with- out discussion. —Inventor Edison is at work on a "farsight" machine which lee hopes to have perfected in time for the world's fair in 1892. By its aid the, inventor says it will be possible for a plan in New York 'to see the fea- tures of a friend in Boston. —The Winnipeg Sun says it is understood that a measure will be introduced at the next session of the Legixlalure to abolish the jury ays. tem in civil cases in Manitoba, also that the Government will submit a measure abolishing t he duel language system, that is, the use of the French language in Manitoba, Gov• eminent documents to be printed only in one language. —During the examination into the case of the contested will of the late Mise Comstock, by Surrogate' Ranson), .New 'York, Dr. Charles L. Dana, the insanity expert of •Belle, vue Hospital, made the statement that moat of the poets have been insane. He went into au elaborate analysitg to show the truth of hie assertion. With a peculiar species of absocintiort he affirmed that Shakespeare had a good and sound mind, but that Walt Whitman had not. Dr. Birdsall expressed simi- lar views. —An average of five feet of water is estimated Co fall annually over the whole earth, and, assuming that condensation takes place at a certain height, scientists conclude that the force of evaporation to supply such rainfall must equal the lifting of 322,000,000 pounds of water 3,000 feet in every minute, or about three hundred billion horse power con• stantly exerted, Qf this prodigons amount of energy thus created a very sinal! proportion is transferred to the waters that rust back through riversto the sea, and a still s)nalter fraction is utilized by man, tho re: inainder is dissipated in space. " —The food consumed on one of the large steamships from New York to Liyerpool was as follows : Nino thousand live hundred pounds of beef, four thousand pouuds of u,ntton, nine thousand pounds of lamb, 256 pounds of veal, 150 pounds of pork, 140 pounds of pickled legs of pork, G00 pounds of corned tongues, 700 pounds of corn, ed beef, 2,000 pounds of fresh fish, 20 pounds of calves' feet, 18 pounds of calves' heads, 450 fowls, 240 spring chickens, 120 ducks, 50 tur. keys, 50 geese, 600 squabs, 300 tins of sardines, 300 plovers, 175 pounds of sausages, 1,200 pounds of ham, 500 pounds of bacons 10,000 eggs, 2,000 quarts of milk, 700 pounds of butter, 410 pounds of coffee, 87 pounds of tea, 900 pounds of sugar, 100 pounds of rice, 200 pounds of barley, 100 jars of jam and jelly, 50 bottles of pickles, 20 barrels of apples, 14 boxes of lemons, 18 boxes of oranges, 6 tons of potatoes, 24 barrels of flour. —A Texas paper graphically des- cribes the practical working of an electric wire fence that is said to be built around a cattle ranch in that section, It is made of smooth wire, and very inviting to the unsophisti- cated steers of the regulation Texas type. Recently a trial was made of its effectiveness. The electric current was turned on, and on one side of the fence stood a dozen or fifteen ltteers ; on the other side stood one alone. The lone steer of the Lone Star species wanted to join his companions, and scorning the smooth wire impediment he under- took to break through. The truth• ful narrator tells the result : "He had no idea he was tackling•a buzz - saw when he struck that smooth wire fence. Well, sir, he jumped like he wan hit et once by forty million hornets, and with his tail coiled over his back he wheeled and struck the ground in high' places'. Then the fifteen made a dash to fol. low him. One by one they rubbed that electric fence, and- as fast se they did they jumped, bawled, kicks ed, wheeled, and sailed on as though they •had urgent business at the North Pole and only had a few hours in whip!) to make it. The electric l'ence•is'a stunner—it is the eighth and greatest wonder of the world. Not one of those cattle was hurt, but not one of them will go near the fence again." AS YOU LIKE IT. —It is not generally known that the custom of keeping birthdays is many thousand rears old. It is recorded in the fortieth chapter of Genesis, twentieth verse, "And it came to pass the third day, which was Pharaoh's birthday, that he made a feast unto all his servants." —A welhknowu physician 'of New York oity, finding himself rather "out of sorts,"determined to consult Rome of his medical brethren on the subject, for few physicians like to trust themselves with them- selves. He accordingly called upon five eminent weu►bors of the faculty in succession, and it is a positive fact that each one of them gave a different opinion as to the nature of his disorder, and recommended a different mode of treatment. It is hie own belief that they were all wrong. F —A royal road to learning has not yet been built, but nevertheless any person who happens to have $25 can provide himself with the degree of A. M., and for $35 he can buy a nice servicable LL. D.for $50. And no questions asked ; that is to ray; none touching the talents and accomplishments of the buyer. All degrees furnished within fifteen minutes after application for them is made. It is a Chicago "Univer. sity" which so handsomely meets thin want of those who yearn for the badge of scholarship rather than for egholarehip itself. —The French Court of Appeal has confirmed a judgment annuling the will of a Frenchman named Louis August Travers, who died in 1883 and left his money to the workhouses or poor. He instructed his executor to consign his body to the deep just off the English coast, declared that France had always oppressed hien, that the,french were 'a nation -of dastards and fools, and that he only wished that he might give them to the English, the born enemies of stupid France. The Court held that. the London poor and workhouses had no legal repre. sentatives and that such anti-patri- ottc sentiments indicated insanity. —A man was picked up insensi. bee near Ishpenning, Mich., and was brought to Champion Hospital. He rallied from his unconsciousness on Wednesday night long enough 'to say that he boarded the train at Nestoria and was struck in the face with a coupling pin by a hrakesman and then thrown froth the swiftly moving train. His injuries bear out the statement. He gives his name as Joseph Fearing, and his hotne,as Allenville, Ont. He was going to the poet office to remit his wages town aged mother when the maltreatment occurred. Hta em- ployers, Gibson & Heatli, Nestoria, vouched for Fearing's honesty and sobriety. Dr. Found says the man will probably, die, if so it will prove a case of wanton` and cold-blooded murder. ' —The controversy which has been general among the Masonic frateru, ity throughout the country respect- ing the Cerneau Scottish rite, has culminated in the issue. of,,an edict by Harrison • Dingman, most won shipful grand master of Masons of the district of Columbia, pronounc- ing the Cerneau organization clan- destine, and warning all members.of that rite that they aro liable to discipline from the grand lodge un. Tess they at once withdraw front the Cerneau body.SThe main reason for the edict, aside from other ques- tions in the Scottish rite contro- versy, is stated to he that the Cer- neau organization has established relations of amity and Masonic cor- respondence .with the grand orient of .Prance, the governing body of Masons in that country, which is under the ban of at ]east every English speaking grand lodge in the world, because the grand orient has stricken the name of God frosts its rituals. —The author of Antipodean 11'otes tells the story of John Barry, Mayor of Cromwell, an Australian mining town. He had been away on leave and, as ho outstayed it, a vote of censure was passed, upon hiin. At the next meeting of the council he, in his capacity as Mayor, directed the minutes of the previous meeting to -be read, which contained this entry --''A vote of censure was passed npon the Mayor for outstay- ing his leave, and it was resolved to ask for an explanation." "Who proposed this rote of censure?." inquired the mayor. "I did," Raid a councillor, standing up. "You did, did you ?" Mr, Barry continued atepping from his presidential chair to the unfortunate member. ''Then tike that 1 "—and with these words the Mayor smote. his enemy in the right eye and full him to the ground "Who seconad this resolution ?" Mr. tarry asked, quietly resuming his position. There was no answer; the councillors were not anxious for a physical conflict with so bard a ilittrit as their mayor. "Who .seconded this resolution?" he asked again. Still there was -no answer. "Then," said the Mayor, takini up hie pen, "as there was no seconder, it's informal, Scratch it off the minutes,' FRESH 1 AND 1 .,. rowe MBL E1 ' REMOVED ! , REMCIV�EQ�� One Door Nortf/ of You?t Baker g, Alert Street Our stock of Groceries and Provisions for spring and summer aro very complete, and will be found Fresh and Reliable, ewbraetug every line of Goods to be foetal in a First• Class Grocery. We aim to give the Best Possible Goods at; the Lowest T'ossikle ,Price, awl to eeououtical buyers we offer many advantages. PRODUCE TAI;1 . CANT. ELM BROS., Wholesale & Retail Grocers, Clinton. CIO w H' 'Ury+MpPtr lIP" A�+, I!ATER N 14T •RI For, nom, Cottle, AND I'OD'Lm, is" ra4 P ilia.. au Tress a.A �-. t,tm4st: idaetlt crrata .Yevssre Cotgetttohe, i►.A, sp*nat lliegingltlet B,B .-strOlne 1rp.aeucst�, r - C,C-Diptomper,Narai Dle D•..Netaon,Girgink, 4 o e ,E ,-Coughs, heaves, Peet ,P -.Colic or`prtuge,;OeHy. R G,-.ittiscnfrinlre, Homprrh s i1,r lUrl»ar} nidi ,i4u,Rf f�I r•utti7ra pirease , II 3,$.--Dlreatty of Hiyrertiou. Stable ,Care,. ,' vith gnecWAce, ' VItchllazelOfl.ana3Iedtentor,' Rzjae, sense Battle (Ryer t0 do,;ep),,, ,.., Sol4,by Prussiate, or Sot Prepaid' MO* any quantity gt}>;eoelOy! . blumpbreys' Med, Co ,199 hullo c • Ii9),?rEOP4M1 �BIQ SPECIFIC Nets nee 30 years. Theon anceesefnl;vrp, Nervous •• Qebility,ital .Wen end Prosira'tlon, from eye? woe er „„liar 1111 per viaLor 5 viola and large, vent powder. SOLDBrt angor oraent oat aidon price,—ue stn epa'*seca*to., ionrunaitlk� WELLS rlti ILICHA,Iip$ON MONTREAL. FOR AND ABOUT WOMEN . that she could ger, Smith out of the way and )carry another roan. The t- hospital physicians are of the opin- ion that Smith will lose' his mutton. His wife remains at his side, and is doing all she can to atone for her wrong. —Akre. Josie Walters, a rupee able married woman, of Chicago, being suable to pay a judgment of $6 obtained against her by a firm of whom she bought' a cloak on the instalment pian, has been lodged in gaol. Her creditors pay her board. —An Iowa justice of the peace refused to fine a man fur kissing an Omaha girl against her will until the young lady was produced in court. One look was sufftceient. He promptly fined the offender $50 and sent him up for six months. He said a man who would' break the statute for the privilege 'of. kissibg such a homely girl as that deserved the full extent of the law. —New York Herald : We don't remember a time when the English magazines had so many articles written by women as now. And, by the way; if you didn't see the signatures you wouldn't know they were the work of feminine brains. They are strong, logical, dramatic, witty, sarcastic, and as aggressive and bard fisted as anything which the sterner sex can pen. —Maria Vincenz -Sheari Car. racheni, who arrived in New York on the steamer Neuestria, wore a very large bustle, and on landing was invited into the searching room. The bustle was found to contain five gold chains, thirty-three pairs kid gloves, two gold mounted smelling bottles, two silver watch chains, nine bold rigs,fivegold pend • ants end five pairs of gold earrings. The goods were confiscated and Maria was held to answer a charge of smuggling. --.-You can tell pretty well how a girl feels toward yon by the way she Cakes your arm. If she doesn't care a cent you know it by the indiffer- ence of her muscles. If she has a great confidence in you the pressure - tells it ; and friendship is as distinct front love in that mode of expression as in words or looks. A woman can take the arm of a fellow she likes very much with perfect com- fort, even if she is six feet high and he is four. But even if the two are just matched, she can make him feel disdain, contempt, discomfort, dis- like, anything she likos,gby the way she holds on to him. I am told there is a great deal of difference, too, between the way.a girl fits iter waist to one man's arm compared with another, but I hardly believe it. woman, woman!' shrieked an orator in a speech the other night, 'thou art the light, the life, the salvation of the world ! ,I shud- der when I think what this world would be without thy gentle, re- fining, ennobling influence. I bow at thy shrine, acknowledging thy purity and truth. There is nothing, no nothing so beautiful, so true, se perfect as a woman 1 I reverence and bow down before them!' And when he went home he said to the woman who was so unfortunate as to be his wife :-,'What did you let the fire get so low fort you knew l'd come half froze. You're just like the rest of the women, you haven't a thought beyond your nose. Stir around and get me a cap of hot tea, can't you ? See if you can do that much for a fellow. I'd just like to know what you women think you're good for, anyhow ?' —A few days ago 'J. W. Smith was convicted in Chicago of oom- mitting rape upon an eight year old adopted child, and sentenced to nine years in the penitentiary. When sentence was pronounced Smith said :—"I swear before the God I am about to meet that I and inno. cent of the crime of which I have been convicted. Before God and in the presence of these witnesses I have done no wrong t0 Annie Kee or any other little girl." As lie said this he brought his up. raised hand to hits breast and stabbed himaelf. It has since trans spired, on the confession of his wife, that the whole evidence was con- cocted by herself and others in order JUST FOR FUN. —Very few persons can hold their own on their first sea voyage —"So live that when thy sum• 'none comes" -you won't be afraidof the Sheriff who serves you with it. —"And how did Blifkius become insane ? "By absorption. He slept. for three months beneath a crazy gnilt't•. _. —When a schoolmasti,r whips nun of the girls he hits a miss. hWhit.en the girl dodges she misses a —A pocketbook made of rattle- snake hide, which id so repulsive to ladies that they won't touch it, is having quite a sale among married men. ' —"You soy that eognnc is the hest remedy for colic? But I find it jest the other way. My husband used to he troubled seldom,hut since I. have kept cognac in the house be couiplaius of colic every day." —The stealing of an utnhrella on a clear day is held to be a theft by an Omaha Judge, but the stealing of the sante article on a rainy day is. hell to be .justifiable on the ground 'of 'eel f•defence. —"Gentleman of the, jury," said counsel in en agricultural case, "there were 'thirty-six hogs in that lot -36. I want you to remember that numbers -36 bogs—just` three times the number that there"are in the jury box." —Customer (returning) : "Didn't I give you a $5 gold piece just now for a 5 cent piece?" Merchant (positively) ; "No, sir," Customer (turning to go) ; It isn't of any particular consequence. I had a counterfeit $5 gold piece that I carried simply as a curiosity. 1 must have lost it sotne—" :Vier - chant (hastily) : "Wait a moment. I'll look again." —A stick of dynamite was fed into a threshing machine in the western part of Indiana. The-ma— chine ,vas blown to pieces, and three leen were blown to atoms and two men killed. The old "Peanut Gang" feud has recently been re- newed, and some of the parties con- cealed tho dynamite in a sheaf of wheat. The feeder, a hand cutter and the owner of the ihachine are dead. NEWSPAPER LAWS We call the special attention' of Post nesters and subscribers to the following synopsis of the newspaper laws l—A postmaster is required to give notice BY LErrstt (r'etur'ning a paper does not answer the law) when a subscriber does not take his paper out of the office, and State the reason for its not being taken. Any neglect to do so makes the postmaster responsible to the publishers for paym•.nt. 2—If any person orders his paper die• •outinued, ho must pay all an•oarrges, or the publisher may continuo to send it until payment is made, and collect the whole amount, whether it be taken iron• the office or 'not There ehn he no legal discontinuance until the payment is made, 3—Any person who takes a paper from aha post•oflice, whether directed to bit name or another, or whether he has sub. scribed or not, is responsible for the pay. 4—If a subscriber orders his paper to bt stopped at a certain titne, and the publish. er, continues to send, it the subscriber s bound to pay for it if lie takes it out of the post -office. This proceeds upon tho ground that a man must pay for what he usei Ifp'9"In the Division Court in Goderich at the November sitting a newspaper put - babel. sued for pay of paper. The defend • ant objected paying on the ground that be had ordered a former proprietor of the paper to disdontinue it. The Judge held that that was not a valid defence. The plaintiff, the present proprietor, had no nothe to discontinue and consequently could collect, although it was not denied that defendant had notified former pro. prietor to discontinue. In any event defenaut was bound to pay for the time leo had received ,.the paper and until he had paid all arrears due for subscription, • BILI. REAM, N, Howls, Letter Beads, ir' Statements, Circulars; 'Final ,. Cards, Envelopes, Progriontinif etc., etc.,printei l0 1a workpta like manner and at low ratea THE NEWS.RECORDOfllcr, TO THE FARMER Study your own Interest and gt wltel you can get Reliable 't garner I manufacture none but toe BzsT Or S oqi, Beware of shops that sell cheap, es they has got to live. tar Call and get prices. olden by mail promply attended to 3014N T. E.13t.1tW� HARNESS EMPORIUM, UL'11TIl.'OQt`1!I BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT: CORRIESPONDEi►,4E. „f We will- at all tunes be,kec'ta' receive, items of ne'aos Jfiom Oui scribers. We want a goodk:e i7' es pondent in every locality, not 'ul?�edidt' represented, to send us RELIABLE nei0 • ti SUBSCRIBERS. Patrons who do not receive their: Paper regularly front the carrier' '< tler.ugh 'their local, post 'o confer a favor by reporting 'a once at once. Subscriptions commence at any time. ADVER.TiSERS. Advertisers will please bear in mind • that all "che<.nges" of advertisements, to ensure insertion, should be handed in not later than MONDAY NOON of each week. : CIRCuLATION. THE NEWS -RECORD has 'a larger, circulation than any other paper in this section, and as an advertising' Medium has fete equals in Ontario, Our hooks are open to • those mho t rnetot busife.;•s. .i'OB PRINTING. The Jub Department of this jour. nal is one of the best equipped in Western Ontario, and ct superior class of work is g,taranteed at very lout pi'ices. co 0 o R. FOWLER'S TRAWBERRYI HOLERA IARRH YSENTER AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE. BOW LS IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE F CHILDREN OR ADULTS,. 0 b11 Pq '14 to 81 >a) .4)18 a 64 raj