HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-08-07, Page 1d 1rt;R►IS:—a1.5U peewee, e , 1.2G lit ABvnuc,•. VOL. X.—NO. 34. CLINTON, HURON COUNTY, ONT., WEDNESDAY, INDlvpgN pyNr IN -LL THINGS, NNPTIt,¢L IN NOTHING Coc1ti (goCt'e5ptindeitce oalil (g•ocxaottoudance. Godei ich. PenteoNALs•---5?r, Charles Cro of London was visiting friends the circular town this week.—AI Jas. Vivian was visiting in Toron for a few days last week, --Dr. Shannon is on u pleasure ti through the wild. of Muskoka. Mr. and Airs. At—aimed Mot gomery of Toronto .pont the pa week in the circular town,.—Mr Geo. $lack was visiting iu th Queen city for a few days la week.—Mr, Bert Smith returne to Toronto on Thursday.__Mr. Black was in Toronto last Friday, Dr. Jackson of London was rusti eating in the circular town thi week.—Miss Ella Platt had re turned from a visit of severs months duration .to Detroit an, other American cities.—Miss Minnie Acheson has returned from a fete weeks visit to Pickering,—His Honor Judge Totes was indisposed the pet week.—Mrs. J. L. and Miss Maines Sturdy of llerrison who are visiting in town are the h street,—Banker Burus,uests of Mrs. Alex. i'tuf Watson, was last week visiting at the resi- dence of his relative Mr. Geo. Drummond, _.., Mrs. and Miss Whitely of Lucknoty are visiting. their many relatives and friends in the 'circular towu.__Mr, Jno Wal- lace of Lucknoty was in town this week.__Dr. Case of Dungannon was iu the county town on Friday._.. Mrs. Burns and granddaughter left for home, Windsor, on Friday. —AIr, Geo, 13. Johnston of Texas is again visiting the old town. Tho gentleman seems but little changed by his long residence in that dia- tent state.—Air. H. J. Houle made a business visit to. the. Queen city on Friday.—Rev, Mr. Hick re- turned. to London on Thursday.— Mr. (Mousey) Downing was in Godarich on Saturday —Miss Emma Cooper of Toronto is visit- ing at the residence of her aunt Mrs, Willner~Smith----lir, Ansley Durrows of the P.veuing Journal, / Detroit, is ,visiting at the residence of les relatives Mr. and ;Aire. R. .RadolftTh .Dr, Humber was in town on Saturday;—Miss 'Annie Downing has' returned from a visit to Oswego.—Air. William Cox returned home last week,—, Mceere Jno. and Ed. Cox arrived at the paternal residence last Satur- d'iy.. -`pi's. •Peter Murray left yesterday on a pleasure • trill to \fackinew,—Tho ,Misses Kidd of Dublin are visiting at the residence of their brother Mr-. Joseph Kidd, Jany,.—Mise lda. Savage returned to Sarnia on Saturday,.—Alra, Geo, Mynas and children left on Satur- day on a visit to Sarnia.—Ale, and Mrs. Minthorue the past week Wenn visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles PrettyAlr, P. Kelly, reeve at' Blyth, was in the county town last week,—Mr, R.H. Collins, barrister of Exeter, was in town on Friday,__ Mr. 1;. Andrews of St. Thomas is visiting at the maternal residence, Brittania road. --lir, II. 13, Marcy, of Clinton, was in the circular town haat week.—Mrs. Wilson Salkeld and children returned last week from a 'trip, via the lake, to Thes- aalon.-.•-Mr, W. J. Robinson re- turned on Saturday from a lengthy visit to Miehigau,--.--lits. Armstrong and Misa I3urritt have returned from their visit to Dungannon.—Mr of the ue Dept. Niagara, spent alfew dayand s past woek, at the residence of Mrs. Hy. Marlton. On Monday Mr. and Mrs, Spence, left for their home.__,Mr. F. F. Lawrence is tak- ing a week's holida d Mrs. 'Tai ,of Montreal are �isitir. ng at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. M. Hutchinson. C odcric?t. Parties were given -the past week by A few of our leading residents lioty Commuuiou at St. George's .on Sunday utoruing, Regular meeting of Knox church 1\fiesion Bind next Saturday. Regular meeting of Huron En• ,campinsett No. 28, I. 0. 0 F. next Monday evening. The Town Betel played ala exeull- ent programme on Saturday eveu, ing. Mr. F. F., Mrs., Miss and Master Lawrence spent Thursday at solid comfort camp. Ou Clinton's Civic Holiday gnjt.e a number of its residents spent the day in Godarich. Barber Knight has fixed a very handsome pole iu front of his store on West street, Mr. Ii. I. Strang, 13. A. was in Toronto the past week attending a convention of the High School Masters of Outariu,' The Mayor of Beentford who was .spent a few hours in town on S on the United taus; MeadameaLee, Geo. RhynasetW. 'T. 'Welsh, and the Misses Dark, visited •solid comfort camp on Th12 rsday. Geduld awl d yesterday, and the tnGode ichton base b Turf association held a meeting on the new course last evening, Aldermen Jones, Garrett and 'Wyatt, of the Forest City enjoyed Lake Hurou•breezes in the circular town from Saturday to Monday. Miss Emma Cox, daughter of Mr. Geo. Co; and Rev. Mr. igle were united in wedlock's bonds in the North street Methodist church yesterday. The now Post Office building is new being pushed ahead, a large numberof carpenters being engaged on the roof; and putting for the upper e o to the joists or sit Mrs. Y The recr gave an At Homo yesterday oafternoon in the rectory grounds, to the mem• hers of St. George's church. There, was a largo attendance,' The old, climb -over, at the foot of the as been. removed, and Perk aonveuienttturnstile substitut- ed. It is not always that the taking away of a•step, is a atepiu the right direction. One day hist week the big hoist- ing derrick at the Post Office huild- ing gave way, just as a heavy it was raising was noir its place Fortunately no one was hurt, though it was the second mishap of the kind so far. We trust those ititereated, includ- ing our M. P. P., will try and keep the High School entrance exatnina- tions as at preseut. If the depart- ment should allow but one examin- ation annually it would force the Trustees to establish au additional class in. the Central, and thus entail the expense of an additional teacher. BVoting on the Organ Company onus By -Law took place yesterday. The the voto }was foeundtto boas follows: Polling places, For the nyLaw. Against, 4...',,,.,•,....755 _ s :.,,,,.,. .,as •......... i 7,.• ..............87 .............. Tot 12 It' will thus beseenthe P•,y_law was carried by a majority -of 53 more than the required number. Tit iron built Str. Campana leaves Lee's dock at 7 a. m, tomor- row for Port Huron, which city she will reach at noon. The trip 'is an excursion under the auspices of the Oddfellows of Goderieh, and the committee of the Order who have charge of the party will see that the excursionists are properly accomod- ated. The fare for the round trip will be one dollar, a sure that should be within the reach of all. while Thursday evening two boys playing in Ransford's grove, discovered the -remains of a man who had evidently been some time dead. Chief Yule was soon on hand, stud •recognized the body to be that of Patrick Kinsella, a man advanced in bean longufferingafrom nd uan e lined o - able complaint. The:coroner having decided that an inquest Evaa un• neeeasary, the remains were interred on Saturday in the R. C. Cemetery, Colborne, by the friends'ofdeceased. It Th supposed that death occurred on Sunday previous, the body being very much decomposed. It is said fry. many that had there been a.es 'e of Refuge in the county, the unfortunate man would have had proper medical :attendance, but there being none,he preferred to die in the open fielda rather than within the walls of the jail. • goal Co�'r"eoltotttjctrca Godarich. fts, now almost closed, sane} banks hay. in ing formed from Attt•ill's and the rs, breakwater pier.—The schr. Rein. to deer, from Toledo, with a cargo of R. e3a1 for the N. A. Chemical Co., 1p arrived iu port un Friday—The — schr. Ontario, from Blind River, Mon with a cargo of lumber for Mr. Jos. at Williams, reached her dock ou Fri- o. Toledo, with a cargo of coal for the at Big Mill, made this harbor on Fri - d day—The Behr. Greyhound, from W Johnston's harbor, with a °ergo of lumber for Air. H. Secord, arrived • ou Friday even ing.—The sohr. Ariel, a with a cargo of lumber for Mr. H. • Secord, reached her dock on Sitter- I day, --The etr. United Empire, with 1 a caro of wheat for the G. T. ele- vator, arrived in port on Saturday. Of a cargo of 17,000 she discharged 6,000 here, all that the' elevator would take.—The schr. Pinafore, with a cargo of hoops and staves, arrived in port from Wallaceburg daring Friday night.—The iron steam pleasure yacht Uarda, of De trait, was in porton Saturday for a few hours.—The new Behr. Sephie, and the remodeled and rebuilt On- tario were examined -4 the Inspec- tor of Hulls on Saturday.—The water works coal shed i■� nearly completed,* The schr, Greyhound has been stripped of her canvas prShe will be ° cut in tto wo ands made a much larger boat.—The achr, Ontario, §with heading, for Port Frank and the Dauntless, light, for the river sailed during Suuday night,—The schr. Ariel, light, for Serpent River, and the Reindeer, light, for Alpena sailed on Monday, --The schr, Pinafore with a cargo of salt for the Ducks sailed yoater. day. he HARBOR pan amade herTusualTall sot'tr' Wed- nesday and took on several passen- gers and a large quantity of freight. —The schr. Carter, from Thessalon, with a cargo of lumber, for Mr. N. Dywent, arrived at her dock on Wednesday evening and sailed, light, on Thursday night for .the same port.—'Ib0 Bohr. Greyhound, with a cargo of lumber from John- aririved 's larbor for Mr. in port son . Wednesdayaccord, sailed again the same day.—The schr. John Miner sailed, light, for Alpenn on Wednesday.—The atr. Ontario, with wheat for 'the G. T. elevator, arrived in port on Thurs- day and left 'the same day for Sarli ia.—Tho schr. Jcolfage, from Johnatou'e harbor with lumber for Mr. 71. Secord, arrived in pod on Thursday and sailed, Iight, for the same port on Friday,—The atr. On. tario, from Sarnia, reached Lee's dock on Saturday morning, and after taking on passengers and freight sailed for Pod Arthur. --.-On Friday evening there were several excursion parties on the lake every, sail boat in the harbor being util- ized,• -_.The rmouth of the river is Myth. Regular meeting of our town daddies on Monday evening in Industry hall. Regular meeting of the nembera of L. 0. L. 963 was held in the hall on Monday oveuing. Our,fire- company are practicing nightly in the park .to take part in coming tournament at Listowel on the 16th. Success, boys. Rev. • Mr. Irvin of the Nile preached in the Methodist church on Sunday eveniug a very able die. c'eeree to u large con,g, gation. se R. Howard and' `&eil lin brick work of Slater & Sims block almost completed and ready for the root'. ' The heading 1vi11 do credit to the town. when finished. Our firemen, after the fire, were working hard up to 10 p. ,u.. ou Sunday filling up the three tanks which they had emptie,l. The boys had a hard night of it. Mr. W. Muutray, briok,naker, shipped several cars of his excellent brick to the circuler.tolvn last week, with more to follow,. William is a pusher. Rev, J. F. Parke assisted at the service in Trinity church on Sun- day and, preached, taking for his subject ,1st Cor. 3 chap 10 to 15 verses from which he delivered a very practicable and forcible dis- course to an attentive congregation Don't forget the lawn social to- night (Wednesday) under the 'auspices of the Y. I'. S. C. E. of the Methodist Church, at the beauti- ful grounds of N. H. Young Esq. Lunch and admission 15c. Proceeds in aid of Organ fund. A good time is expected, On Friday eveniug when lawyer Johnaon of town and a friend were driving to church their horse' shied an -.1 bolted at something between here and Londesboro, throwing both occupants out into the ditch. Air. John 'en the head which vhaded seto be veral t<itched up, his comrade coming off more fortu h ate. gnarl Coarreopostle cc. Myth. PERsttN�tt,s,--Rev. J.F. Parke ami wife of Iieuton; Ohio, are visitiug friende here at present -_;}It's. Ham- mond left here ou Fr•idey on a visit to her parents in 1Vi►r'tou=Miss. Oliver of Iiiu+tardine was visiting friends here this week-.Azre. J. B. Kelly returned from her visit to Stratford, ou Friday—Mr. R. Colo. ton left here on Thursday for St. Thomas where he has obtained a situation—Air, 0. Cullis of Sault St. Marie is spending a few days in towu amongst friends—Arr. Carlton returned ou Saturday front Iiia Manitoba trip, he speaks highly of that country—We regret to hear 4hat Mr, W. Cockertine le'seriously indisposed at preseut—Miss Berth) Hays of G edericlr is the guest of Alra. A. Belfry at present—Miss 8. Poulton left here ou Friday on a visit to De'roit for a couple of wanks -_.,Al r. R. Jones; now of Sea - forth, spent Sunday here with hie family—Rev. J. F. Parke and lady left here on Tuesday for a trip up the lakes, fI Decided "No" to Disallowanoe ■ The Gov. -General's Reply ! HE AGREES WITH HIS MINISTERS, NO GROUND FOR DISALLOWANCE. The News -record's Position is The petitions for the disallowance of the Jesuit Estates Act from On- tario and Quebec were presented to the Governor•General' at Quebec last Friday. P, incipal Caves pre- sented those from Ontario and Dr. Davidson, Q.C., those from Quebec. These gentlemen, with • Secretary Armour of the Equal Rights Assoe. ciation and about fifty representa- tives from various parts .uf Ontario and Quebec formed the delegation, His Excellency's Iteply. The Governor..General, in reply, not metal to receive c such a deputattv;i tie this, but, in 'view of the importar.ce ot" the flub. ject, I am willing to create a piece, dent. At the sante tine I do not thit,k it should lie too often followed. The difficulty in receiving depute. tions is that one may lay oneself open to the charge of arguing for or against the, measures in which the deputations are interested, but with the sanction of my advisers I ion dis- posed to let the deputation know what has been the aspect of the case as it presented itself to me. There is no disrespect to those who have so ably stated their views, if I ex• press neither concurrence nor dis- sent, lest I should drift into what might be construed as argument, however unintentionally, Previous- ly to my arrival in this country, or about `that date, the Legislature of Quebec had passed the Act in ques- tion. The history of the Jesuit, Estates is so well known that 1 need net refer to it in detail, barge amounts of property/ had lain, virtu. ally idle, because when the Provincial Government had endeavored) to sell, protests had been „cache by the claim., ants, and in fact none would accept so doubtful, a title. I cannot, agree with the view expressed in your second paragraph. There were two seta of claimants at least to the Jesuit Estates, It was necessary to arrange to whom compensation should be paid, and to insure a division which would be accepted by all. It is true that the Pope, as an authority recognised by both sets of claimants, was to be caller} upon to approve or disapprove the pro, posed division, at far as Roman Catholic claimants were concerned, but this appears to nae to relate not to the action of they Legislature of the Province but to the division of the fonds after they had been paid over, It 18 arguable that, As A .HATTER OF FACT, THERE IS NO RE, FERENCE TO THE•Popg'8 AUTHORITY AT ALL IN THE EXECUTIVE PORTION OF THE ACT, It is undoubtedly the case that the preamble to the Act (an unusually long one, by the way) contains a recital of events which ed ab'the introduction of the bill, and that on the correspondence ao set out authority had been claimed on behalf of the Holy See, to which, however, the Firat Minister did not assent. The introduction of the name of the Pope may be unusual and very likely unpalatable to some Sound Once More, Pearly on Sunday morning Seott Bros, furniture factory' here and a large quantity of furniture was destroyed by tire. Mr. R. Smith being the first to notice it, pro- ceeded with all haste and sounded the fire alarm. The firemen nobly responded to the call and had two streams playing on the burning building in a very short time from Belfry's tank, but the flames had trhatot such it wasanutter impossibilie ty meantime seve the there was no windrt?� the time oro it would have proved more serious as there is a large number of buildings close to the factory. One or two buildinht wafted coals but there being lotsre front the men they were soon put out. We understand that there is a small in- surance on the property, Much sympathy is felt by our citizens at the young mens loss .as they are both enterpriaing business men, as protestants, but the course of a reci had previously out; of' course Jei islat obliterate or annul, moreover, as I'hav no such reference i Act, 1 did not eo Majesty's authority gree weakened or was compelled in tit duty as her repres allow the Act on tit to the queatioe of p one on which I feel pronounce an opini and am confirmed it the beret authorities consult, that the Act There my power of limited, for the Act to do more than to ti a certain Society, not money, a portion of tl which that Society gone by deprived pensation, and it pr a compensation titer money of the Provinc become possessed of and watt profiting by i recognition (spoken of 4) of the rights of the to make further dem to be that this Act le hts" exactly why by no mearris, unto wn to recognise s t, and I can speak t !experience When Treasury (ten or t and when it consta at in case of iiitest ther forfeitures to loral claien ofother ted and remissions a matter of legal ght of the Crown —but as a matte are also many Pa enta to the 8611,0 e it seems to me, niU ce be decided ou As to paragraph u will pardon my s of concerned eithe eny your etatenien of fact Ido not e that in this Dora nineteenth cen of Jesus have been or less loyal citiz As to six, it appe legal statue of th led by the Act of ittle or no objec I cannot see any Iona! in that respe of the money in iety duly incorpo, e Governor•Gene ritten law and by t netitutiou,. is to be advice of his res If he disagree uestions of high, p itrary to the interests of sty's Empire, or if he be. t they do out represent the Parliament, it is constitu- is duty to summon outer f he is satisfied that those mid can carry on the overnmeat arid the affairs inion. As to the first, I that I disagree with the ich, under the circum, ministers have Lecow, el ieving it from. • ✓Te best which I have access to be 1. The Parliament of ion by 188 to 13 seed the same view. to go behind recorded 'hers of Parliament are as the delegates, but as. natives of the people, it duty to guide theme ing to that which they A the beat interests of coons which they have Again, I would ask ntients represent the find that the 188 6,717 voters, whereas members represent noreover, the body of Iona! Opposition ap- voted for the approval ce of the bill. I have hough not by you; to ot, though otherwise Ministers, end cone pens@ of parliament. constitutional for a I should do so, Hit it' n of commerce or of form, or of Constitu• ould be some risk of up tie a Court of tip• no of constitutional against the Partie- d ft is my duty to Then it has been acililate matters by a Privy Council'? 1 advisers have a peg fect- that, having no doubt of their views they n for not doing so. ked to dissolve the ons in one of the Ir I am i«epfying, Peeliament, its the as it appears in first instance ex e els: tal of facts which ' Ptt gravest eireantatances, geed•.. erred, au,l WIlieli great reservation evert eitetr ttl � ion could not not be pronounucd except uppn.:�:t, T. and there being, advice of responsible e before stated, causes Lite dituthen,;, of Ott. li t.tte ; . at Elie body of the bueineaaas of the countryre d net eon tlog Her aiderablo ex ease to the cougar apt e was in any the- to all woes ued. ft is a ` f'y. �tteiw assailed, or that I which should be exercise,} pnlytn 0 exercise of my last resort ' ne. 1, eutative to dike. and I moat say, Ijteu;�IR $ I do so with great defereiice eats at account. As thosepresent, that excepting r ' s olicy, that is not 1 g ueb e at tht iProvinces of °uteri° and Qun(teg liberty to there does not appear to lipeet,It etc on. I believe, any general feeling in this yup t�'r, r ray belief by *mob as would warrant the ta} ver s-. whom I can General to e ]re- tvas intra vires. use this r@messy, �t'd' cognize the influence of the 'ttwo' interference is Provinces, but I cauuot leave ,s ' does not appear rest of the Dominion out of sigh t, eek to restore to and 1 in kind but in sone! homey express the $alt+ P that thiq rnilii$T ►e property of went may exercise for teente was in years time to come 8 wise constitu onal without cow, influence over the affairs of tbie efessea to give country. I think m afore in the Y answeoMalie been made substantially to the °the+ e, whicb had petitions which have been presentet# the property to me. For the reasons which I It tae. t. As to the given, lam unable to hold oat to 4y in paragraph W,. P f; P any hope that 1 shall Yak. Jesuit Society Act, . .all diaallgta..tite ands, it seems You cannot suppose thaia�:tr)I oo0,80 taken by my advise. ayes so-called approved byeft re they -wtir@. me was taken whit due 0Qhalderation. Nothi ntmon for the taken place to alter the uch a moral entertained, nor_.e tetra *hep row my per- wont repo , e the Gibket•an Secretary of m,pb,,d the reversal 0£ +1n Selre Y allowance already intimated. Gen.,. years tlemen, I cannot, conceal from you ntly happen- the personal regret which I feel acy, escheats myself in addressing the Craws e a deputation and returning ouch an answer as it portions was has been my duty to do to the petit were made, tions which have been presented to right -_for me, but I have endeavored to make was' undies my statement colorless. I have en - r of grace, deavored to avoid argument, and. I. - rliamentary can only hope that I have done fleet, Such something et in each a towards dissipating alarm. T will close by making an ear.neet their own appeal—an appeal which by is five and patina has already, antici- eying that found weight with yOU nd that r to admit is that in this question we should, as t; but as a, far as possible, act up finch any we find to be for the wetfaretoft.the inion and Dominion, During late years we " tury the have hoped that abintositiea which' lees !ewe unfortunately prevailed in former ens than years had disappeared, and that the ars to me. Dominion as a united county w e Society on Um path of prosperity. and peaces. 1887 (to I earnestly call upon all the bast tion was friends of the Dominion, as far.as thing un- possible, while holding et in the P their- coin opinions, to be tolerant of those . of question others, and like our great neighbor,. fated by to live and let live, that we in time 'al, both. to conte may feel that we have the he spirit o,+e object of promoting the prosper - guided, ity an'1 welfare of the Dominion, ponsible '� and the waintellre of rlVet*.. '. s With I devotion to the Soy olicy as The' deputation t Itis Cro claim sone the aed t 6 and o •the r admit not an tiie ri puted There precrd mise.., instal merits six, yo Iamt or to d matter evidenc in this Society abiding others. that the Was sett which 1 taken). COnati to t payment to a Soc 18W. Th by -the w of the Co by the Minister.•r them on q being cm Her M je Heves tha feeling of tionally It advisers, i 30 summa Queen's G of the Dom cannot say course wb stances, the mended, b authorities to constitutions the Domin has expre I decline votes. Meu elected not the repress+' and it is the selves accord believe to b the high fun to disoltarge• do the disc majority i I represent 91 the thirteen 77,897, and, t the eonetitut pears to have of the all'owan been asked, t disallow the A advised by the trary to the Would It he moment that were a questio finance, or of re tion T There w my being held peal on questio government and went, with whi work in concert. said, Why not f reference to the believe that nay ly good answer, of the Carreetness have a good ream I 'have been as 'louse of Comm petitions to whie A. dissolution of HOMO 1Viuthrop is ge thriving village. M1'. Win. (lull, put up a.dandy no Our.cheese facto' now, Mr. Barr bet maker, assisted by Ja son of lir, J. C. Mort throp. Air. John C. Morrison, prising machine agent, i8 binders in great style We understand that, he ha8 aad old some 8 or 10, Dip in, John, there is good chow for you. farmersThe in this h axe busy with the 1harvest, eingalmost through. The wheat, barley other crops all being excellent.—The in- fant daughter of Mr. Joseph Carter has been very sick for a week 'but is now on the mend. Our many readers will regret to learn of thetillnees of Air. H. Horney of:Last Wawanesh who has been ailing for some time past. He spent Iast week Isere visiting his father, Mr, Jam©s Homey, and other friends, and for the good of his health, but returned home we are sorry to say feeling no better. However, we hope he will soon be around again, Mr. William Homey and -Mr, John Bullard of Winthrop'. Mack - smith and woodwork department are doing a very fair business they are gathering in a number of cut - Jere for repairs and painting, and' are also building new ones. Fara mers wishing to invest in woodwork or do iron to give themachancetetork (tkind ale they are good workmen and always ready to attend to orders promptly, Doderlclti T ynshjPt Miss Maggie Holmes who injured herself by falling from a cherry tree over a week ago will likely be an invalid for some time. It will require some time to unite the frac. tore of the .upper portion of ono::'of het lower iinrba at~;d togot•hordial& sated atm itite its normal condition H The young lady rias out`:bo