The Huron News-Record, 1889-07-24, Page 6(l,µ43 day IRA Week the towuship '� ,.. b 1 eonn>^nN by the many cracks in the stove. 7L Huron News - Record officials were Wafted that that lee was unwell -and it was 'feared in $3.50 a Yo.tr—aL25 In Advance. recut. A comttiittee ot4two visited The arae ales n.,td, fttatice to his tfttai.Nla I tonew or+eada loos is atoiensi ki that he does in 1 man, curl foUtad a SIAN Of affairs that rcat.--A. T. Sre,ra,tr, 1115 ntililoua to +nerahtuG ' almost beggar's desoriptiou. The of New York. Man was dressed in three articlrs of attire—a pair of pants so short as to Wednesday. July It 4th, 1889• just (outs below the knees ; the re- - luaies of a ebbe, of which. half of Ain ANIW;;f0'. onjsrlU , :rhe avowed ,purpose of the British Government tie the ;--realtlITeet of its mail contracts is not to secure mail freights at -low rates„ ,b_ut•,to. enable fast and stauuch vessels to carry passengers and mercantile freight at low rates, . It is it.+a•t'of the protectionist policy to •.whish the government still attlterest Aud her colonies fellow' her example. Canada had jeer granted a subsidy of $1,500,000 to a lice of steamers carrying mails from Vaticanver'e Island to China and Japan, Add this liberal subsidy to Englapd,s $2,174,000, a total o£ $3,67,4;000 • paid, by Eugland and Canada, in subsidies to vessels trading to Asia- tic and Austrtrlien ports,and remem- ber that the paltry sum of $42,593 is all that the United States appro- priates for a like purpose, and cense to wonder that there is a great trade between England and her colonies with the Orient, and a scanty trade -between the Orient And the United States, We are glad to know that the sense of tite country is informed as to the needs of American subsidies to American vessels. At a recent meeting of 'Southern manufacturers the President said : "Our flag should float over every bale of goods which leaves our ports', We should control the marketf of South Amer- ica and Mexico. And American geode should reach China without passing through England. or ,with- out being carrie 1 by English .ships, And to accomplish this we invoke' the aid of government." It is a patri.utic invocation,—Chicago Inter Ocean. O1)1) CREATURES AND ODD DOINGS. each) sleeve aud•tttu greater pert of the frolit trete aud tt bit of black silk, like part of an old necktie, round hie. neck. Ilie feet and lefts • wore so black that' but for his face Ile alight have been taken fur an 'African. The floor of Nus but was strewn so tilieitly with the remains of food and the' ashes rrom the stove that it was impossible to tell if there were boards beneath there feet er evhother the visitors stood on on an eartheu floor. The most strange part of the story is, that the uccupier and owner of the hut is a clergymen of the Church of Eng - bud, iu good standing and holds the degree of Bachelor 'of Arts from the 'University of Cambridge, Eng- land. 1)r. Standish has informed the township council that the man is nut fit to be left aloue. ---lt. C. Cretins, of Westminster is p toed of a four•leg;;ed chicken. It. is well, happy and nimble. The vette pair of legs are set on the chicken directly behind the pair it uses. for every -day work, and they are very convenient. Whenever the forward pair of legs become weary item much running and scratching„thte chickejust tilts up on the Legs abaft, and goes on with its industry as good as ever. Its . adaptability for work is limited only ;lly the resources of Mr. Greelle'a garden; aud, it is the, envy of all two -legged fowls. —L, J. Grant of Wapping, calls puplie attention to his pigs. There are halfa dozen of them, and they know more than all the' rest Uf tie' pigs. iu 'Connecticut. Mr. Grant was not aware Trow smart hia pies were until, having noticed that one of his sows gave less milk than she was wont to de, he iuvestigate'd the mystery. Ile found that the pigs were milking the cosy regularly. A hey were only eight weeks old, but they are long enough, by stand- ing on.their hied legs, to milk the cow, which is short, quite handily. The cow dons not mind it. MA LARIAT, FEVER AND Cr -TILLS are best broken up and prevented by using Milburn's Aromatic Quin- ine Wine. -Some time during Tuesday night a miscreant or mi-creants Partly removed the Gipping from Coate well' No. 1, near ltuthven, Out., and set fire to tho oscapiug gas. The flames melted a portion of the iron stoppers and piping, burnt dowa the frame building .that rose: aboee and enclosed the well, and are now spreading far out on all sides, rendering near appeoaeh impossible. As the gas well has a yield of •10,000,000 feet per day, the terrible violence, heat and deaf- ening roar of the flames may be int agined. It is thought that a cannon will have to be brought ou the scene in order to shoot a ball • that will break the piping and cut off the fleetest The rutty of the burning gab 1),w Lu heultil so v: rel miles dia- lant from the well. —At Nowington the other day a black spider had a curious edven- turn. The matron of a family lay dowu'lln her• lounge and slept. The spider crawled over her. .Hong her side he crept, up her check, around to the side of bel head, thou he climbed' On the rico of her ,ear and; gazed dowd, into the aural crater. It wail a etpaciou .elle nd he went in. Theu`the lady got.up with a shriek and a bound. The family ran to her aid. She told them that something, - a fly possibly, was walking about inner head, They prepared a pint oe warm soap suds, and poured auost of it down her back, and some of it in her ear. Thereupon the black spider rushed out, wet, astonished, but as lively as ever. Ho leaped to tho floor and got into his hole in the padding of the lounge. CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED. TO THE EDITOR:— Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named . disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless "cases have been permanently cured, I shall be glad to send two bottles of my •ra- medy FREE. .to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send me their Express and P. U. ad- dress, Respectfully, Da. T. A. SLOCUM,- DESTROY' THE WORMS or ehey CONS))' 11?TIOX CURED. may destroy the children. Freeinau'e Worm )Powders •destroy •enc}expel all kinds tit Worms. —Dining the hts•t sessioe of the Dominion parliament a return 11'11& asked fur &hewing the names of the veterans of the war of 1812 11U living, their respective places of residence, and the amount of the pension received by esele. The re- turn has just been lntblieettd. It shows that the veterans received$30 each from the Dominion govern- ment lilt year; Fifty-two oft the old geutlomen live in Quebec, forty- two in Outarioe foer in New Bruus• wick, four in the United._States, oue in Nova Scotia, and nue in Manitoba, A BIG SUCCESS. For summer complaiuts and discs nccea I can truly recommend Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, as I have used it in my family with great success and would not be with- out it. JOHN li. IlavEN.., ONT. Never travel without it. —Further paiticulars have been teamed regarding the two clerks in the Kiugston post oilice who were recently suspended en a charge of opening letters. It is stated that about t vo months ago One ,of the clerks read the contents of an un- sealed letter seat to a merchant by a girl asking bite fur motley. Other clerks, however, who hat••,; not yet been suspended were parties to this affair. The other clerk suspended is charged with opening a sealed letter sent to a gentleman by Sir John Macdonald. The contents -of the document bore upon the busi- ness of the post office, and treated with the apppintrnent of a deputy postmaster. A CONFIRMED GRUMBLER. Is generally so because of confirtned dyspepsia or indigestion, caused by eating too rapidly,bolting food with- out chewing it sufciently, overload- ing the stomach, etc: Burdock Blood Bitters cures dyspepsia and all kindred diseases. A11 :ohl phytticiau, retired from jlreetice, bavin'g had placed 10 bin 1)51)115 by an East India wriseiouary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy 5811 pert ulnout cute el Consuinption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat 811(1 Lung affections, also a positive and ladieal cure for Netvons Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after 'having teat - e(1 its wonderful curative powers in thous- ands of eases, has felt it Lis duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actua- ted by this motive and a deltrcl: to relieve leuyan sulfeliitg. I will aem1 free pf Charge, to- allawlro desire it - this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions fin pseparieg, apteusiug•. „PAC by mail by undressing with stamp, na tTttk` this paper. W. A. NeyI s, 149 Power's Block,, Rye/feeej NI, r ¢+t- 147'eoi u. i --Texas fever is said. to bo very prevalent among the cattle in Okla - llama it nil Wellin ;ton districts, 1\aeees. • ' THE Itll)iIEST PRAISE. 1 used a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters for my dyspepsia and it proved a perfect cure, and I was blessed tile day” I trot it, I would. not he without it now for a good lot. It is worth its weight in gold. MRs. W. J. Seim, Tlaley Station, Ont. —Judging from present signs the divorce case list for the next session, of the senate twill be heavy. In three cases notice has been given' already, and a fourth notice is ex- pected. Three cases conlo from western Ontario and the fourth from 'British Columbia. Divorce in Can- ada is an expensive luxury, each being estimated to cult at least $1,030. NATIONAL PILLS • are • sugar coated, mild but thorough, and are the best Stomach and Liver Pills in use. 164 eVest•Adelaide st Toronto Ont ' ' —Mrs.• n'[aiy Brady, • of Jersey • • —\V. 'T. " McCormick, a well- City, has been con'vi'cted; of being a known vitiziu of \Vatted, who common scold. :She is liable to -fine has of•late shown symptoms of in- and imprisonment. sanity, took au axe and pail of coal oil with • him and visited Trinity. Episcopal `chtiicli • On reaching the building lie smashed down the front door with his axe, and, breaking it up into kindling.' weed, carried it inside, piled it op in the pews, and after soaking. it with oil started it ife then smashed the windows to give the lire girl and, being in- terrul+tedi ;u his work started off with 'ire u:•juct 1)t' tiring the outer churches. Ale was overtaken, by Officer Wise and p'1ad d"'id .the lock-up. —Two years apo last November a heifer belonging to James Brown, near Comstock, swallowed a pair of woolen mittens. The calf grow to be a milch cow, and was apparoutly doing well until a short time ago, whets Mr, `Brown noticed that ;lie was not doing tis tvoll as usual. - She stented in much distress when she moved around, and had a great desire to lin clown all the time. Finally sho died and Mr. Brown cut her •open to are what was the matter with her. Upon examination one oft the rnit- tens and It• Oast;of thds totei ere found in 'a potritied state!Nino knocked against each other they rattled like stones. They are really wonderful and many are anxious to see them W. H. Wilson, of Drain, has them, and anyone can see them by calling on him. Mr. Brown values them very highly. —There is, and has been for some years, a singular character residing in the township of Wallace. Ile lives in a shanty about 10 by' 12, and the stove he uses is in as many pices as there are days in the month, and attached to it is a piece of stove pipe, but, the smoke does not go out of it, as it Inde readier egress A BIG STRIKE. A big strike was maks' when Powell Az Davis issued their Extract of ai'sap- arilla and Burdock. It has met with great success, and it must, for it is the most powerful blood purifier in the mar— ket. It is used with the*reatest snccens in all diseases arising from a debilitated conditon of tate 'system, and everyone needs, and should use a bottle or two at this season of the year, of Powell's Ex- tract of Sarsaparilla and Burdock. Bear in mind one 50C. bottle Contains more solid medicine: than reran dollar so-called Sarsaparilla and bitters. Also remember that it is sold in Clinton by all druggists, price 50c. a bottle. Sold by all drug- gists and medicine dealers everywhere. 44311y A FAMILY AFFAIR. We have used Fowler's Extract of 'Wild • Strawberry in our family of six persons during twelve years, and in all cases of diarrhea, summer compla+pt,etc., it never fails to cure. This valuable" medicine should be on hand in every family. MRs. ANNA At.r.aN, Harley, Ont. -A sad accident occurred yester- day by which Robert, eldest son of Mr. McAlpine, of Chatsworth, trot his death, He and others were in a waggon and' while in the' act of shoving his rifle, which he had with hint, from him along tho board on which ho was sitting, it accidently wont off, the ball mitering his body at about the sixth et. eevruih -rib and t taking a dcfWvntgariil' ifesee passed through the liver. All ef- forts were tinavailtng to save his life and he passed away this moeu- ing about two o'clock. He was nearly twenty-three years of ago. Aovwtt ro Ithereens.—Ares ytfa "alis-, urbed at night and broken of yeur_rest b a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? • If so send at once and get a bottle of" Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value le incalculable. It will relieve the poor ititlesufferer immediately. De- pend upon It, mothers; there is no mis— take about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs Winslow'e Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of ono of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25c. &bottle. lie sure and ask for "Mrs, Winslow'sSoothing Syrup," andhtake no other kind, 1TRAY s.rOCK ADVER TISEMEN-T3 inserted in Tux T errs RECORD at low r tea. The law makes it compulsory to advertise stray stock If you want any kind of advertising you will not do Netter than calf nn 'ews•11a,x;ord. THIS YEAR'S YR, Ti E CUT land PLUG SMOKING. TOBACCO, FINER THAN EVER,. ,'SEM' T.. az 13 —IN BRONZE: OS - EACH , PLUG 'and PACKAGE. 017-y CLOTHING. ABRAHAM SMITH, Market Square, GODERICH. WEST OF ENGLAND SU11- INGS & 'TROUSERINGS, .SCOTCH TWEED SUITINGS & •-TROUSERINGS, —The, Mayor of (;iucinnati, in his proclittnation tor Sunday obser- vance, refers to it as ''the seventh day of the week." A BURN OR CTJ'1' will heat quick= ly and leave lesteetear if Victoria Care. belie Selve.is applied at once. GE•l' THE BEST. Dr. Fowler'sExtract of Wild Straw- berry id the beat, most pronipt and safest cure for cholera morbus, dys. entery, sick stomach, cramps, colic, diarrhoea and cholera infantum i that has ever been°discovered. Its popularity increases each year. ' All medicine dealers sell it. —The Hnnlilton police authori- ties received a telegram from Port Hope staling that , an old man had been killed on the Grand 'Trunk near that place, and a letter had been found on him front-. Smith, Farmer & Lyall, barristers, Hamil- ton, addressed to Mrs. 1 ialvouy Harris. Detective Reid started out to snake inquiries and unearthed quite a story about the ord man; The deceased was about seventy-five yearn of age, and was a wealthy East Flarnboro farmer residing near \•Vatordown, where he owned a farm. He hard been married several times, lend hts i lust • matrimonial venttere netted lenta cofnparatitrel j' youth-' fel ,pppuae.of ,.thirty-five summersy who also had a son ten years of age. Harris deeded his farm over to his wife and started a sort of temper- ance hotel ou the town lino in East Flam•boro. About three weeks ago the wife left hint and came to Han1- ilton. She sold the farm for $400 and a few days ago went to Buffalo. The old man was in the old men's hotne for a few days, but left there and probably was walkiue on the track when the train struck him. The detective could find no person who cared to send after the body or have anything to do with tho old man's remains. se P&iTtin Glazing and G}rainip;, Plain : and : IleeopatiVe raper. Hanging - y '01117T Mr.t . KALSOiINING cad SRI+ GING., 1 454 S,Iwp next -Kennedy's Hotel, Albert `Street;i- CLINTON, - ONTARIO. CIIARLES T. SPOONER E T3 :R., -- I "I' TT IR,• ■ _ NEW STOCK ! NEW STORE ! ELLIOTT'S' BLOCK,: CLINTQN. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. Call at the New Store and see the stock of Bedroom and Parlor Sots, Lounges,Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc., and general Ilouaehold Furniture. The whole Stock is from the very best manufacturers. Picture Frames and. Mouldings of every description. JOS. CIIIDLEY, one door West of Dickson's Book Store. FRENCH AND ENGLISH \VOit-, STEL) CLOTHS„ Made1t in Best Style and Work - mandrill cit—Abraham Sn,,ttr'a', A PLAIN STATEMENT. All poisonous waste, and worn out matter t0 escape from the system through the secretions of the bowels, kidneys and skin. B. B. B. cleanses opens and regulates these natural outlets for the removal of disease. Nun: in duck one of the Cheap"... 1/201 t,e.,•t .810(•6•: of WINTER CLOTHING ¢'r ND CLO i"hs. . 'A Full Line ,of GENTS' FUR NISHINGS always in stook, It Will pat, you to call O/1 JOBPRINTING A BRAHAM .SM4ITIf E•tamished - is55. 1. BIDDLECOMBE, ttf`ntcl,hs, Clocks, .le wet ry,Sll verware Repairing in all branches. Opp. the Market, CLINTON. lsT3D 82311.0211 111,EDUCAT,DN IS 'A CODS. u, TIM Besmdss Shorthand, Zaglfsh, Penmanship, Oman Motion or Moohanleal Drawing Departments of the • Detroit Business University, air I LLUST.ATRD CATALOGUE FR.u.- e EXHAUSTED VITALI'T'Y! rpm; 001EN(l 01' I,IFE, 1 the eruct Medical t cork of the mteon Manhood. Nor. 0013 and 1'I,, s1ca1 Uchint}, Premature Decline, Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries con- qucnt (I/O),• en. 1)011 pages 8 en., 1.25 prescriptions forall di+eases Cloth, hull tilt, only •1)v Mail, dc:+lcd. Illnstratitte sample, tree t• all young •1)+d middle- Lard men. Send now -he ©old and1ewdtled Medal *Warded to %he anchor' by the National Me+ncat Aasoridtlon. Adddt�ess P 0.• Eck' 1805, Boston,' oia+s, or Dr. WII"-.H. PARKER, graduate of frareard Mndicnl College, 25 years practice in Boston, who uuy he consult. ed 1:585, rntinll}•. Sportalty„ Diseases of Man Ot110a No 4 ltutanch btrect - 493y the 0 t. u tx fl two- trod, THE AOOKNOWLEDGED Leading:: C011SeFYatiYe :: Paper OF THE COUNTY, HAS:ONE OF THE + % ----------x-----_-- X Best Equipped Job Rooms TO9 AMMAS A WONDERFUL LAKE OSE WATER ORETH 000D L1. C A Mae 1•4,1,- MEDICAL L*KE REME.Oltee �. at,+p'G� �,v�OO-�E � • ?t`i5 A•(t �� 4 Y�+ c :ee ose,EP so ep ee:te, til l 'TRY NATISRES REMEIDY PURE PEERLESS -POTENT SOLO BY. AL.l.• DRUGGISTS. 1' I MAO F,/EALTXCOLONDON, ONT. — + — _ - — :- IN WESTERN ,ONTARIO 0 Job Prinlinije. Finest I. EXECU'TEI) ON THE SHOIt.TEST NOTICE ST 0 EN would do well to call on THE NEWS 11Econn before placing their orders for • qute Bi1is, Pedigre e s, Folders, Cards, &e. COLORED PRINTING! EQUAL (IN MANY CASES SUPERIOR) TO CITY 'WORK. 0 BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, LETTEIHEAD.S.. The Dou1e C!rouiat!on Talks to TflousaiIs. 0 Advertise in The News -Record THE ONLY PAPIfJt WITHI. A DOUBLE CIRCULATION KIN THEjCOUNTYIOF HURON,!$ 11=3