HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-07-24, Page 3s r "'s1 merit in this cnoruialla, bulk cirt;l11114taa2c4�t, t►urgtloc# y lhti ; •*, ,., . ta. "es 1i .. the. gg l t S Oiin. aptly colo axe to:Cra,tlalips reps ,.. t AV„..til• .a>E Pty,, q.�Ty 0', ea one "two : rotes .of wheat ilid 1n doped To Bose Gred.10 then tliht f'•l, ' l e'9 wlil=ra flip Shx ii fails Z a two buelielti Q oli�t '' the yery lie socce o Ia ktibhslied Every Pay of tb�,Y4*# aid i;; the . 1 oxiste"nce of'tltrs iilif'_irmoury of Clearly to the tiill'erent,no4oagedient r therapeutic` vaeal4(sal$�ttpitioustrates of 'Iiia affairs. 'Phe inbitant ip T _ I; ADING It . U13I ICAN �'� R OF TII4 01 aW� ,STs; �' � the doctor a eakri8da.;tl�.lilsrttiuggle contolik yq work ltarll,, t4 iiys 1TN� b „,g,3,0OpQrY 1214 '"r eseltzei�e of panda ysnall, l5 at old . with tlisedsQ',; L'ti.`co_5,ner=tira of sally, to i.nligbit an. , prpteutq.ua }dice,S>kndaYlnoivae,4,.b�i aait,}�{ot a;�t:.....,..,,..........lo.m4s>krryear this world ai;p tliQ Tooff ,:frt�• weaI, dwelling and he succeeds, ,while tiro °+ "" 'trying . Fye, S13NIS-\2ti'kTP,,k 1'V iINT 'r1 09P; oN, l Or, b« r, pans ; the i en lloea; � latl�gr tl, n of Oiztario' Saxon, Lrying toy pursue Ie pgpliyhe o� HiQ �I14,TS znil t;�IRSA.1Ttit anQ 40gidaatizp I135Ys condpnsgd, f 9;u the arms isth.e�aiii",'l;eiior o>'t¢li' >eeble, a different tonne, fails,, There is, nRily,itcpAtainsrnauyspecial isatttfipseEgreatYa}vie to these Soeltuateclthat tl,ppcan not therefore no doubt but that quite a deonrethp7Daitseveryllay.llen�andpYiyauoop9tnlnatt)oearmous'prtutei}Ain.l)�.apailx.. —Arictlr st. . ,i )gnu, ✓ � •;i• .� ' , xuterOCean of the eagne date. —Thera riee11 0`"rl'otfujthen ex. "gamey of.chose thirty-nine,.%prt. �H� wi~�JCX# r 'IN-rnn- oer--A r: ; g g d farulera may be placed in the to the tillost ropaiar Family Yewsimpoir Published we?tt of alio Alle:,hany, hfiolmt- i -uuaP for allowing our l blella to 'lt.WBAT 11IERiQ; dItE 1tiQ8T � ra Y � � list Of n116m,ana era arid may Cpnae• salvia. It owes its popularity tothofaotthatit ie the RFST 1.DITEI)andhasthe li#1t:Il- „ drip down the neck of bitr dearest g ' y X871 LITERAL;Y CR I;AQT>M;It of .ear western P,ubiication. �t ie,cl4l�n� ava f1AlLLEA IF¢l)ti? yah quently thank themselves for their 30RIGHT. andiethe able exponentol' IDEAS and PITINCWLESdoarto the"erici=n asked the reporter of an°•bld druggist. friend in a rain storul, or running "'Dr. Pierces preparations," he replied. a wayfarer tr0ublta. And the remainder of people. 1t1111e it is broad ittits Philanthtuiiy, it is FORA117EI;ICAAGAINaiTillll: SlrllUt: iR Of rile hUrryia.,WORLD, Arid broadly claime that tbp best serviro hat can be dgne VOR AI.{IN$I$D Ll "They are sold under a Positive ease•diose thirty,nine farmers—tllt)$6, t r antes that the will, In Query case, give, ,;omirlg from the opposite dirertioA, " TO INCREASEAND MAKE 1 E1iAIANEN'r Tt1E PltO.sPEItITY Off' 0117R Gl;l,a•r satisfaction, or the movie y is promptly'•ro;. not included in either of• • the two REPUBLIC. Consalenti.oua service In tli.lis patriotic line of duty has Oven itan unusual funded. Rio 'Favorite 2'rescrtption,' for say's the Clotlaie'I• and AonFalter. all those chronic weaknesses, nervous and The iaiuy day collision .ia orte oft ,e above described classes,—are, with% hoidupon the Qgaericanpeopl.. Besides, no pa Per excels itaea dlsseminatorof news. other derangements peculiartowomen, is ;•1 out doubt, uitp as, r•eopontsible for T11E• `11IAA`Ii;ET RMeOATS ARE RELI:AI LE, AND ,CUIIIPLF,TE• TIl1J used with pnt,tiling success. It cures weak greatest. profanity proyolkgrd of • wet cl NEiVS OF THE WORLD is found condensed in its columns. and the very b •n: back, bearing -down sensations, frregnlarl- weather, and the Englishman who their present unonvia�ble Condition stories and 1ltarary:productions THAT 111ONr,Y CAN PURCHASE are regularly foeuid ties and weaknesses common to the sex, ' as is the great farming occupation in its columns. ' Among the sPecial . tamily features are; the departments-.T,III% and befog the, most perfect of tonic meds- invei,led the, glass window, by which I+ g p FARM AND HOME, iVOMAN'3 AINGDO'tl, sad OUR'OUItIOSITY SHOP. On the cines bui de u►i.°pnd streDgthens theentlre or the Governmenb,of to,d& And system. The eriiand'forialseonstant,and Olie'a 'tonrse tri u atOrui may be Y whole. AND is A MObEL AMERICAN NEfVSPAPER, and iiohly deserves what it has, I am conversant with scores of cases cured sighted deserves the thanks of I think, Mr. E iitor, you ahoUld tell THE LARGEST C IRCULATION of any V11blicatiou of the kind in America, It is t1w byp it. The number of saraaparl!!ae and ' those farmers plaiirly what ,bei,, bestpaperfor the boineand for tb„#Workshop. other.eo-called„blood lnedtoines'feleaion; Christian'rien throughout4lid-world,. The Price of TheWeek1V Is..' ..........................................$$1,Oq per year but Dr. Ylerce'e Qolden Medical Discover rent able is and not et them outsells them all and it is the only blood This window consists of a,entalJ oval. gQ ' P the Deice of The Sem!-Weekly is ......................... $2.00 per Your purfflerout ofthe many whioil IamObLaea of lags withabrdas'Orsil'ver'and agree with, them ill all their For tho•secommodattonofits patrons the management OfTHE INTER OCEAN has to keep upon my shelves, thatto Baarau. piece g ' complaints and make them think made arrangements to club both these editions with THAT DJ1.f .LIANT.AXD, SUC- teedtObenefitorcuretnallcases or which Fraena, which is eawily nionnted in a p ' CESSFUL PUBLICATION, it is recommended, or money paid for it toas refunded.” ail rib of the ut�brella, wl►ile it is your editorial in the, aboVeticited Tr} number Of the Aibiese does, that O SCi,2IE3NF_R'S D4A.QAZ1.NP, OAA of the begtLiterary Monthlies in America, and which comppma favorably with any of ""In the line of Pills," remarked thea old gentleman, "the little Sugar-coated "Pel- fixed to the silk by sewing it though moat, of their troubles come from the older Ma Woes in illustrations and literarr'mattar. THE PRiCE OF T1I1.7 MAGA- OCEAN SQr;IIIN>;lt'S ! ets' put up b Dr. Pierce, lead all others, in amount of sales and : the satisfaction the little perforated" holes in the frame. These, cat -be the high. duty policy of the Govern. zINE IS tis. ut ea will Bond THE WEEKLY INTEIC ,nod MAGAZINE, both one. year, for THREE DOLLARS. Both publications for thn pries +they sive my gustomem" windowd , P lace in now or`old arnbrelias iii the •meat. I agree with you in 1110 of one. THE f3EMI-WERiCLY INTER OCEANi and SOliIRNER"S MAGAZINE, Moth oA6 year. for FOUR DOLLARS. Copyrlgh4 18A by WORLD's Die. MIDD, Ass'x. manner which will'not injure the' great fundamental principles advo• In the Political campaign that ended intbeeloctlonOf HARBISON and MORTON 0 ��ED $500 fabrioin the least. Aa to whether the umbrella will roll u tightly line p K Y caned by you on this subject, but there are plenty of reasons to be advanced in its favor Without enawa*T$YuMMOPPROTECTION PRINCIPXXS.nPAaperbad mere intlnonce uring recognizedaetheLEADINGREPRBLtCANPovera OF TIIE uses=Man laIIPcEROCElec Ithedsothebeen rat,tneR GREEand BLICAys ublAJvEend TRY, alttaDameto to and not however, been made apparent. ' WEST. Itwill maintain this voeition, apdwill sire spacial attention governmental W STO atol MMMMUM ' 'for ad lnourabl1 Cees of + ' —A. large crowd of people assem- obtruding this orortgaged farm affair. SOLON MORRISON. polltted tiAalr..11 >�mlttaaas. may bemade atour risk. alth.rbydrsft.eycpreea,poatofficeord.r,eznlara Catarrh in the Head by t]ie proprtetpre of Dr. sages Catarrh Remedy.• liylte mita, twothla.r ane heal- bled at Mount Hope church, Ala- Rote entmtt County Rouville Que. 9 ' ' ' "UM orred.tered letter. Address - -.. THE INTER OCEAN ChiCa$O ' ' ' ins ropertie9, it ouree the worst oases, no mater of how long rtandiDa. By area- barna on Sunda morning to, Y q the marriage of Julius Shearer and June 11, 1889. ..—� — si°te' Minnio Moran, two prominent in the neighborhood. THE HIPPER S KNIFE'; WAS FRESH —: — AND REMBLEs, — young people DULL. -.•— The Huron News -Record Just as :the preacher began the - $1.50 a Year—$1.26 to Advance. ceremony Shearer sank to the floor and died in a few momenta. He LoHDON, July 17.—Tho &ban- ^-- p— REMOVED I REMOVED U e exClt@• had h@Ret dtRease and tile Boned women of the Whitechapel diet.rict are quaking with fear at , •� Oise Door Nol•th of 'Dung s Btzlcerq Albert Street. airs own d.)m hot do justice to his business la spcRda tele is adseriiabig than he does in Ment of the occasion brought Oil a fatal attack." Amonq those present the terrible thought that "Jack tile •—Q_-----„-- rent.—A T. STsw•tar, the viationairemorchant oJ Ne)e 1-o)•k. in the iellurch was �Vm. Langley, a Ripper" has •resumed iiia fearful work. Tile murder the woman Our stock of Groceries and Provisions for spring and summer are very complete, and, rejected suitor of Miss Moran. At .of Kelly was the most audaoioue of all will be found Fresh and Reliable, embracing every line of Goods to be found in a First - I�ed.uesdny. July 24'11• 1889 _ the first opportunity Langley ap, proachethed young lady and told her the long list that has been imputed. to the nt d sir ar The olice Class Grocery. We aim to give the Best Possible Goods at�the Lowest Possible Price, and to economical•bu buyers we offer man advantages. PRODUCE TAKEN. y y g that Providence had interposed to e e oy . p AS YOU LIKE IT. prevent -her marriage to Shearer. He were in front, behind and all CANTELON BRO :Wholesale &Retail Grocers Clinton. _ insisted that she ought to marry him around the assassin when he killed ____r.. ' � 1 _ --miss Frances 'Villard, the in the Lord was clearly on his aide. his eighth victim, Constable 272 4' left the spot ten minutes before and r- t great -prohibition apostles, is ser. Miss Moran final, consented to P iously charged with taking little pills mare Langley a8 soon se Shearer on hie return found the mutilated 1, r4.; i ,� r` ?'��.��h Y g Y bod He immediate, ran down t, [;='.�. J l which war so ked with alcohol; was buried. Shearer's funeral. took y' Y o tr- .:i: • e but she as, ts” i at the ” ills were Castle Alley, but saw no one _ ? "`� ; h� v::` i W o P place yesterday ln�lrning, and last i - Put up by just us good a teluptirance night Langley and Miss Moran were except Isaac Jacobs, who had been ; : -� { �° H w ,doctor as anybody nee l b@." So sent for cheese and pickles by Lia ; iJ\i ; : - z „ c Y J married without providential inter- v ? _ o there. brother. He las arrested, but is -�. _•_ _ ., ference, 1 1-t j N rJ o "If 1 gave you a pound of innocent. ` ^. _ a _ 4 2 I a d metal and ordered you to .crake the AT TRE )1011TUARY. h _ o v most out of it, what kind of metal INSUFFICIENT CAPITAL AND The port mortem examination would you select 1" allied a well EXTRAVAGANCE. revealed the fact that Jack,eontrary l ; ,? ?ct; ;' ' t = _ -' rt a U, 2 U ``�. "_ '; - • to his usual practice, had done the �•'.,,J%J •r*tom �•`L'i••�.o known jeweler. "Gold, of course, was tile. prompt reply.- "1'd prefer (To' the Editor of the "JPitiiesx.) deed with a dull knife. A cut four i•' "' + "s= _ _i + = %•� '� d �' e' 1� •• ^ d G F•. a pound"of steel," said the jdweler, SIR —Aa it is being re resented inches. loon, along the groin had not i' :, .- + — F = ^ =; x; = ^ a o Crum �' p i.... w=_ = a and 1 d have it made into hair in youroolumns one would be led severed rho abdominal wall, Un �M�,. , - �� Vic= F o v W spring, for watches. A pound of to think that tho Ontario faru�ers both sides -.&t this cut were about 'rt .: ��.� 2�c s;4E such sp'rin;;s would, sell fbr an evenwere as baAly abused by somebody twenty scratches, each scratch being i $140,000," as are en a shoemaker the tenant farmers of Ireland. an attempt to rip the woman up. •—Un Monday evening last a 1 hit me seized me with the look of a Be - seized a wa,ggon,reach and. —A Philadelphia has In the letter u this subject, As she could not have uttered. a cry P P = without attracting the police, Jack •Jlu!ilbel of men were drinking and came a a card on his' window which reads. printed in last Saturdays Witness' must have adopted his old fan of gossiping in LarroOro in Harrisburg, bion on his face. He aimed sever as follows : the writer declares that he knows p p Brant, county. Amony the number al cracks at my head, yelling all the Boldin Here lives -a man of thirty,nine farms under mor�gage g one hand over her month. That don't: 'refuse while there are but.. five sit aced At ten o'clock the body was iden. were Peter Currie, an ,old man a time thAt he would kill me. Just To make and mend ' tified. John McCormack stated coulpariltive stranger there, arid a at this ti•rllp my little boy appeared Your boots and shoes, amongst these, free fromthis incum- retired, wealthy °tariuer Hauled avid I told him to call his.mother. brance anal that more than 'twentyshe had left the house where she Iils leather is. good, Alfred Durham. There was- a dis• I also begged Beecham not to kill of the first above named class are was living saying that oho was going His work is quit}., t0 'lI1CP,t a man at the Cambridge puts bettyeen Durham and Currie, rue,, but my f=•ar only seemed to rile His profits are small involved for inore than they are and the former shoved the latter him all the more. My wife hurried slut he gives no tick worth, Now, before 8 in at the Hall.', Thecunning of the murderer g , ' y g + is indicated is his selection of the violently to the floor, and whoa be out ,when she learned what was And when he dies conclusion that farming Bout pay, arotie this was repeated a second. and going on, and to her timely appear, Ile fears no coals, or that the Government is at fault locaiita isle alley ,is 100 yards > third time, The last time the old ono@ I really owe my life. Beecham � As he has saved long and filled with a mash of would it not be proper to look into :, man fell outside the door, on the drew ori as he saw her coming. So many soles. wagons acid barrows. the affairs of these thirty-nine sidewalk. He wag carried into a 'Why would you strike a helpless —Freemasons' halls•are consecrat• ,farmers I Diel the ever own an rhe police are absolutely without , Y Y room aur} died in a few minutes, cripple,, you cowardly cur? she ilr- ed to illansouic, purpose—tbei Per. considerable portion of their farms? a clue. All the arrests have been P Durham, according to the avid. mended. He noon afterwards formance of sacred and devotional When a Notre Dame street (try released, as they were evidently in. noce0t, encs at the inquest, said :—'"I aro gathered np big traps and left the rites ; we invoke the presence of goods trader comes to grief, acid it sorry I used the old man so roughly, premiaes." Constable Cook will act the Horst High during the rendering is found, on settling his affairs, that _..—_...— but I couldn't stand his abuse any in the matter„ and endeavor to se, of a very solemn portion of our he never had an thin r but a few INTERESTING. NEWS NOTES. Y gr^F► longer.', The verdict of the jury ,cure the fugitive and bring him to ritual', and therefore it cnntlot be hundred dollars, no one is sur- was to tho effect that deceased came justice. contended with any degree of con. prised at his downfall, nor is the —The Japan Gazette of the 29t1► to Bis s}eA1B by a combination of —W. D. Cantillon, of -the Brant, sistency, that dancing;or any similar dry ,goods busineaa, generally, de- ult., contains the following intelli+, circumstances, namely, drink, ex, ford Hotel, was fined $75 and costs amusement is at all in keeping with nounced for -his calamity, or the gence which has been received at the beant•►ful services conducted in a Government blamed because he has Hong Kong from I�.iaying Choy, a citemenCuri;ie is s and the shock of clic fall. or 2li days imprisonment for urs. an American who has not ins liquor during prohibited hours. Craft'lodgel•room. Too little thought not succeeded. Everybody knows, prefecture in the northeast of been long in the vicini.y, lie hay. This is the second Conviction record. is often given to the sueredness of or should know, • i:hat Farming is a Kwagtung, that early on,the morn- ins recently lived at Cornell, N.Y. ed against Mr. Cantillon. the character of Masonic ceremon- slow bnsinem ; that pigs and cows ing of the 2nd the Chau Ping and ies; and we are prone to go through and horses do riot grow up like Ping Yuen d'rstri-oto were flooded a n he citiespersover@ found money the workings of the lodge in some mushrooms ; that a field of wheat, by the bursting of a water spout or and securities to the amount of sea• places in a perfunctory sort of style or corn, or potatoes, is not brought tornado, described by the Chinese as Ural thousand .dollars. Durham, NEWSPAPER LAWS who•ia held for trial, is spoken of as without paying dvie regard to the to perfection in a da and that a a water dragon, and the level eoun. We call the special attention of Post beautiful lesson resented for our P Y r g ' a very quiet, inoffensive roan, when nesters and subscribers to thefollowing p half,dozen cows cannot, on an try was flooded with nearly 36 feet not excited by drink. ,,.: g conaideration.—,Freemason. averag6, gather up one hundred of water. The -villages of Chaekon ""'�' synopsis of the newspaper laws:- -John L. Sullivan anti .Jake, pounds of butter in . less than and Ha -Ku Ham in the Ping —Chas Brooks, a farmer „of I—A postmaster is required .to give Kilrain met ov'vr illNlissis6ppi twenty days. The farmer, then, Yueng district, and Uueong Tan, Beantford tells the following I notice 9Y LETTER (returning a paper (loco Monday morning snd pounded each who succeeds must move slowly'; he Hop,-Lui, Ssm-Chan•Kiu find Sam- have had working for roe for the not answer,the law) when a subscriber does other for championship of the world must not draw too largely on the PO -Hui in the Chan Ping district, past three montba a farm hand not take his paper out of the office, and and John won iii the 75th round, resent nor must }ie discount but were overflowed man houses being named Charles Beecham. He is an Any the reason for its not befog taken. p , y g Anyneglect to do so magas the postmaster THa fight does not seriougly affect sparingly the future. Are there wholly swept away, while others English immigrant, out a few years responsible to the publishers for payment. the world's history—it was an not, now, amongst these thirty,nine were inundated. U swards of 6 000 and ling put in most of his time in l anti has County, whore I believe 2—If any parson ordars his paper dis• animal contest between two humans niortgagpd farmers, those who have lives were lost. + , nntinued, he must pay all arrearages, or and proves nothing, further than -attempted there things? Did not —John Lewis, keeper of asaloon Ire was hired Ly Capt. Mullin. I the publisher may continue to send it that John L. possesses more of the agood many of them live every day and gambling house at Fossil, have never had any serious trouble until pmtnont is made, and collect the orr rib smashing attributes of a mule beyond their means ? Did the W oinin has on several occasions with him until today, although I t Whole officethe or not. There can be no legal than Jake does. A :itizen remark• not have dwellings and furniture, Frightfully maltreatel his delicate have heard it said by different discontinuance until the payment is made. ed the other da that a man who and horses and carriages, to which wife. She received an unusual, parties that he leas an ugly temper. y g Y3—Any Verson vita takes o pa ar from lives by honest industry should not they were not entitled ? If yes to severe castigation on Tuesday for I' proposed coming to town this the post -office, whether directed to hit waste a cent or a thought oo Sulli• all these questions who is to blame teaching her little boy a prayer. morning to see the doctor about my name or another, or whether he has sub; van or Kil.rain, A strangger smiled but themselves? A 'fine dwelling, On Tuesday Light about twenty wo- leg, arid I asked Beecham, as he scribed or not; is responsible for the pay. superior saving "Yon dakn't stand beautiful furniture and a splendid mon of Fossil visit@d Lewis's place, came to the house for breakfast, 4 --If a subsetiber ordtirs his paper to lot up and let either oi)e of thein take "turn -out" are very desirable things, armed with black -snake buggy whether he had fed the team. His stopped at e certain se time, and the ri publish. i a knock tot you." "No," wag the but those who have not the means w1dpa and willow whi s. Tha answer did not satisfy me and I b continuos or send, it the subscriber s p, Y Y ' bound to pay for it if he takes It out of the answer "and I darn't stand yup and to possess them trust, in the end, go overpowered the fellow, and gate hobbled out towards the barn to see. post -office. This proceeds upon the ground Jet a mule take a kick at n,P, but without them, --the Ontario farmers hits a good,*thraehi i$, leaving stripes Discovering that the animals had that a man must pay for what he user I'm a better man than any mtile in as well as others. The writer, all over his body, and outting his not been fed, I taxed the man with p this country. 'Plougliman," of the letter under face and tread badly. Lewis resiat, neglecting them and reproved him —A Baltimore phybician, 'in a consideration, angrily declares that ed the wo?lpn allatnefully. The rather sharpiy. Ills answer was an !the No the Division Court in Goderic - paper published reeeptly in a local while the Ontario farmers are thus sten rPsl'nt tried to quiet him with impertinence, accompanied b an li the sued or p yof a news aper ut p q P , p Y usher sited for pay of papor. The dotend- medical journal, denounces with mot'tgaged the babitapt, the French• threats of the use of a rope, A few oath. I was proceeding to caution ant objected paying on the ground that he lively earnestness the tendency to Canadian farrier, "'naves money of his friends then came, to his him Bow lie spoke when he picked had ordered a former proprietor of the a or to discontinua it. The Judge lipid• the multiplication of use,eas drugs, @trough to buy Parma to such an rescue. Revolvers were drawn and up a club from the ground slid that tbnt was not a valid defence. The The writer asseit4 Out in the index extent that }le is -actually crowding several shots wee fired, two men hurled it full at me. I warded the plaintiff, the present proprietor, had no to the fifteenth edition of the the listed Saxon out of the Edtatern being badly wo nded. A. bullet blow off with my hand, which, as no'�i;e to discontinue and consequently "United States Diapensatory" is a TownshipR, and has began to Colon- also passed throkigh the coiffure of you see, is bruised and cut by the could collect, although it was not denied mer pro- ton of about 1"1,000 naniPa of medi. ize Eastern and Northern Ontario," an Amazonian regulator. bright missile. Next lie picked up large that defendant had notified for p sinal substances, which, allowing Whose fault is this? Does not the and shock caused the woman's ros, stones and began heaving them at prletor to discontinue. In any event p g g defe»ant was bound to pay for the time for duplication and repetition, he habitant continue to cultivate his tration and her condition is precari, me, but I managed to dodge them, lie had received the paper and until lie estimates represents about 11,000 newly -acquired farm under the samb ous. Finally the enraged niau, 'failing to had paid all arrearsdne for9ubsenption. ` 31 '�Y . Fgr �or�ea,: �l>,�tlQ; 'S�toePr �GBp, $oi?ie. th Spocuim Manual, I and llledlC4tot: 07'.0a e saver iso do'bo - - a q or Sent Prepaid anywhgrt r on. Roceipt at'Frice, CO., 109 1"ultou rSX„ N. Y. SPECiFIC No. WELLS& RICHARDSON CO.,Agents, MONTREAL. BILI• HEADS, NOTE Heide, h*to, Heads,'Tags, afatemante, Circulars, Buainsea Cards, Envelppea, ProgrammeB, at. printer in la workman Ilk. manner and at low rates. TUE NEwS•RECORD oine.. TO TME FARMERS. Study lour own interest and go where you can get Reliable. . Harness. I: manufacture none but toe Bssr er STOCK. Beware of shops that sell checip, as'the)•r have got to live. ltd' Call and get prices Orders by mail promply attended to t:Y03E3l X 'r. Cj6 3ft.rL''.L'93R HARNESS EMPORIUM, BLYTii• ONT. NOSInn 1 UNCEMENT. (IU R.it-ES PONDER C;E. lVe ioill at all thrtes.be pleased to receive itemsof weirs frons` our sub- seribers. We taunt a. good corree- pondent in every locality, not already re?)resented, to send its R n L I Ali LE 71eta9. Sl1l3SCItIlitil.ti. Patrons who do not receive Rieir pco)er regularly from the carrier or thr,)uyh tlleil. local2)ost ofces will confer a favus by reporting at this: office at once. , Subscril,tions may commence at any bate. ADVERTiSERS. A'il 6-hsers uill2)lease Lear in mind that all '.1chancyes of advertisementd, to ensure insertion, skould .be handed in not later that, MONDAY NOON of each week. CIRCULATION - Tl -IE 7NEWS-I1ECORD hds a larger eirculatio)f than any other paper in thug section, and as an adVZtiinry' medium has Jewequals in Ontario. Our• 'boots are opmt to those who meati business. JOB PRINTING. The' Job De1)arhnent of this jour- nal is one cf the best equil)ped in Western 6itario, and a superior class of work i•q guaranteed at very lom 1))•ice3. , a >M •' d y Qa;roo n (y CUm x'02-43 is • ^1M r:� el Ea��q"A� 69 a -��Q'foa O q C O N y Y, „Doak WRtio staill 4ggliAmQ. teammacM®emQor+d..i►' cd OE4 60 O �� 9r,gatd,'fwQ9'• o '� as llv�q ISR. FOWLENS / I *EXT: OF l•r '•WILO 4 RAM PS IARRHCPA L� I ►JLtY 1 L17.1 ? AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND rl.UXES OF -ME DOWELS tr IS SAFE Ar4D AELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULTS. n a f A 1 ` 31 '�Y . Fgr �or�ea,: �l>,�tlQ; 'S�toePr �GBp, $oi?ie. th Spocuim Manual, I and llledlC4tot: 07'.0a e saver iso do'bo - - a q or Sent Prepaid anywhgrt r on. Roceipt at'Frice, CO., 109 1"ultou rSX„ N. Y. SPECiFIC No. WELLS& RICHARDSON CO.,Agents, MONTREAL. BILI• HEADS, NOTE Heide, h*to, Heads,'Tags, afatemante, Circulars, Buainsea Cards, Envelppea, ProgrammeB, at. printer in la workman Ilk. manner and at low rates. TUE NEwS•RECORD oine.. TO TME FARMERS. Study lour own interest and go where you can get Reliable. . Harness. I: manufacture none but toe Bssr er STOCK. Beware of shops that sell checip, as'the)•r have got to live. ltd' Call and get prices Orders by mail promply attended to t:Y03E3l X 'r. Cj6 3ft.rL''.L'93R HARNESS EMPORIUM, BLYTii• ONT. NOSInn 1 UNCEMENT. (IU R.it-ES PONDER C;E. lVe ioill at all thrtes.be pleased to receive itemsof weirs frons` our sub- seribers. We taunt a. good corree- pondent in every locality, not already re?)resented, to send its R n L I Ali LE 71eta9. Sl1l3SCItIlitil.ti. Patrons who do not receive Rieir pco)er regularly from the carrier or thr,)uyh tlleil. local2)ost ofces will confer a favus by reporting at this: office at once. , Subscril,tions may commence at any bate. ADVERTiSERS. A'il 6-hsers uill2)lease Lear in mind that all '.1chancyes of advertisementd, to ensure insertion, skould .be handed in not later that, MONDAY NOON of each week. CIRCULATION - Tl -IE 7NEWS-I1ECORD hds a larger eirculatio)f than any other paper in thug section, and as an adVZtiinry' medium has Jewequals in Ontario. Our• 'boots are opmt to those who meati business. JOB PRINTING. The' Job De1)arhnent of this jour- nal is one cf the best equil)ped in Western 6itario, and a superior class of work i•q guaranteed at very lom 1))•ice3. , a >M •' d y Qa;roo n (y CUm x'02-43 is • ^1M r:� el Ea��q"A� 69 a -��Q'foa O q C O N y Y, „Doak WRtio staill 4ggliAmQ. teammacM®emQor+d..i►' cd OE4 60 O �� 9r,gatd,'fwQ9'• o '� as llv�q ISR. FOWLENS / I *EXT: OF l•r '•WILO 4 RAM PS IARRHCPA L� I ►JLtY 1 L17.1 ? AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND rl.UXES OF -ME DOWELS tr IS SAFE Ar4D AELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULTS. n a